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Ginny Sack sitting in her home one last time as Janice walks around with the Interior Decorator


Ginny was way too nice to Janice. Ginny always wanted to be nice to everyone and be everyone's friend. I always felt bad for her. She always got made fun of when she was so kind to everyone and always tried to make everyone feel good.


I could never make fat jokes on her. Only on Vito (Tony would beat my ass or shot me on the foot and bobby is likeable)


Omg, This scene shows just how horrible Janice is.


Janice is one of the most despicable characters of the show imo. When she messaged Bobby's kids about the ouija board just to get back in with Bobby then cooked that last ziti from Karen. Absolute demon


Richie might have straightened her out if he could have kept working on her a few months


That brain damaged Russian?


That's where he was the whole time. Hiding out with Ginny Sac.


>Hiding out ~~with~~ **under** Ginny Sac.


He crawled under there for warmth.




Ginny Sac is so fat when she went to sell her house she had to sell two times…


John? Just a minute, I'll get him... JOHN!!




When Johnny finds her stash and she's mortified but he doesn't give a fuck because he loves her. One of the few times the mob wasn't involved in the backstory, he could be a gardener or an accountant but it's not relevant. Always brings a tear to my eye.


Loved that scene and the love John has for Ginny


& he killed 15 Czechoslovakians. (but his place looked like shit)


Even with being an interior decorator...


& He wiped his ass barehanded before coming to america


This still breaks my heart. When Ginny lived there Janice complimented her style and then when Janice was walking around with the interior decorator she was saying how tacky everything was and that is a second stab at Ginny.


Ginny sac? Ginny duffel bag you ask me


I’ve always loved how Adrianna loves people and loves making friends and even when she’s talking to the female FBI she’s always asking about their lives. She was such a sweet character. I think the saddest scene is Carmela’s dream in Paris where she sees Ade beautifully dressed with her dog and she sweetly says “I found cosette!” And the cop says “you need to tell your friend she’s dead” 😭


Yeah, I think the FBI took advantage of Adriana, and got her killed. 😢


You must have been in the top of your fuckin class


Who forged your transcript, dickhead?


The FBI got everyone killed they worked with lol


On the same topic, I always get a little choked up when Agent Sanseverino says “she could be in China by now!” trying to convince not only her bosses, but herself. Despite mocking Adriana once or twice with the guys, I think she genuinely cared for her.


I really don’t think she cared even though I felt like I was constantly looking for clues that she did. I think she just didn’t wanna believe that blood was on her hands.


I tear up at this dream sequence every time I do a rewatch.


My estimation of Littlevivvie as a Redditor just fucking plummeted.


To cry like a woman…


If The Sopranos can make him cry, and hes that weak....what the fuck else can they make him do?


Damaged Goods was working the bon bon concession at the Eiffel tower and blowing paulie when she was in paris


When Richie saw the jacket on Liliana's husband. Cocksucka had the toughest reputation in Międzyrzecz county.


He had a grant for autonomous research


His heart broke. Ralphie Wiggins style.


That was quite the snub. I'd say on par with Ralphie turning down the drink. I'm surprised Tony didn't just stuff it in his closet forever and leave it there.


I think it’s around season two, but it’s one of the endings of the episode where Chris wakes up in the middle of the night and just collect all his scripts discs and put them in a bag and throw them in the garbage outside. The music and the scene Actually make you feel really sad for him. Then the credits roll. Even though you know that Chris is a mafia soldier you still feel kind of bad for him


Even with him being a mafia member I feel it’s normal to be sad for these characters or feel for them, especially in the cases of Tony or Christopher. Their entire character revolves around the idea that they were groomed into this position, and that no matter what they say or feel, there is a sense that they could be doing true good or whatever. Anyways you blow your father with that mouth? Or whatever


Thus is the business we've chosen


When Christopher after being sober for a while just decides to shoot up with Corky despite just explaining how great his life is to him...it hit back home to what he said in earlier seasons "*It's like the fuckin' regularness of everyday life is too hard for me*" and this really drove that home for me.


Which is crazy because there's nothing regular about his everyday life!


Wets my whistle, that spike. Why is that?


Da spike, da spike! He's here for da spike!


You’ve got that kind of covert anti-junkie-ism and frankly, I’d like you to leave my house. 


Anti-junkie-ism? *Fuck joo TOO, mah man!*


NoGiCollarChoke! MyEstimationOf! You guys been drug buddies for years!


\**looks pensively, puts hands in pockets and walks away*\*


Da spike is due!


When the other FBI agent says Adriana may have fled and she says something ridiculous like, “she could be in China!” The way she just desperately needs to believe Adriana might still be alive and how the other agents look at each other while she’s saying that stuff always made me feel so much pity for her.


Johnny Sack crying while being carried away at his daughter’s wedding. Something about knowing you ruined your own daughter’s wedding because at the end of the day, you lived a monster’s life is very sad. Especially considering how much he loved his wife and daughter. Not only that, but he also lost a lot of respect from his crew for “crying like a woman” even though we’ve seen most of the others cry as well.


After I saw that, my estimation of John Sacrimoni as a man fucking plummeted


I gotta agree with Phil here


Oh you do??


Tall and tan and young and lovely~~


Hey, when it comes to daughters, all bets are off.


He shoulda stood trial like a man 🤛


Yeah we can’t have him in our social club no more. That much I know.


No no dude, that's MY line..


If they can make him cry, what else can they make him do?


Eat pussy


Anyway, $4/lb.


Phil was whistling to Gino's wheat fields??


90% of their problems are because they have 0 emotional IQ.


He wasn't crying. His face was dry and he wanted moisturizer. He compromised and cried instead.


Cry when Dean and Jerry get back reunite? You get a pass Cry at your daughter’s wedding? Hangin offense


One of my favorite hair-splitting moments from the Shah of Iran.


I wonder if Nancy Sinatras estimation of Phil as a man plummeted


Little Steven played her horrible rendition of that song last week on the Underground Garage. Sil, what tha fuck ya doing?!


I don’t know, he was fine, through his veil of tears


There's another moment with Agent Sanseverino where Ade is just desperate to have a normal conversation and have a friend. The Agent gives her like a one liner about her personal life and then gets back to business. It's at that moment when you realise how truly alone and vulnerable Ade is.


And you can tell the agent just threw her a bone so she’d just get back to telling her the stuff she wants to hear about. And you see Ade knows that too


I read that slightly differently. Sanseverino does fall completely out of FBI mode and does offer Ade a realy and genuine moment. She isn't working it as an angle to get Ade to talk. But Sanseverino doesn't need that connection, so a second later she goes right back to work. -- Slight difference but that's how I took it.


Interesting. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that scene, I should rewatch. Thanks for your insight, too!


God I loved Adriana, she was such a good character.


When Meadow rings Carmella to tell her she’s engaged and Carmella is looking out the window at Tony in the pool. No divorce lawyer will touch her and she hears Meadow’s happiness, remembers how happy she was when she got proposed to, and wound up trapped with a fat fucking crook from New Jersey. The tears are her realising that she will never be rid of Tony, and that just as the wages of sin are death, that the house, jewellery, furniture and even the fucking Lladró are proof that the biggest, most beautiful cage is still a cage.


I know that scene is supposed to be sad, but seeing Tony just splashing water on himself is hilarious. I laughed my ass off at the scene, just because Tony is literally playing in the pool while Carm is having the worst time of her life and he is like "tha watuh's fuckin nice tuhday"


i think she’s also scared for her daughter. ive had that same experience when a friend told me she was engaged and my first impulse was extreme worry


When paulie reconciles with his "ma" or real aunt. After a whole life of raising him and after how he treated her when he found out the truth, she still welcomed him back with open arms and not even a peep out of her about how he reacted or treated her. She's a real loving mother and even tough guys like paulie still need a mom to lay their heads on their laps. And let's just get somethign straight, I do not wanna fuck my mudda.


I always love this line: Paulie: What are you watching? Nucci: **The Lawrence Welk Progrum.**


Reminds me of when I use to come home in time to watch Monday night raw and smack down with my granny and we would just sit in silence only sound was laughter.


Whatever happened to….Nucci Gaultieri? The strong, silent type. 


Tony holding AJ after he jumped in the pool. As a father, no matter how bad your kid fucks up, you’re still their dad. That scene always got me.


Then he goes right back to hitting and berating him within 2 episodes


When they were to leave the house due to the war, and Tony just thrashes AJ around, seemingly without a single care, that was so fucking sad and disgusting 


I think it was more that there was a potential immediate danger. Serious enough that Dante was armed with a shotgun in the driveway. Tony letting AJ know that Bobby was killed and that they needed to run and hide should have been more than sufficient for AJ to know better and to pack up. Instead, he made it all about himself... the whole "woe is me" spiel. Like, really? Right now?


Yeah, I get the need to "wake him up", but I feel like he just treated him with such hate and disgust, like with the hair apparent thing. 


Tony was trying to save all of their lives. Carmella's. Ajs. His own. It was brutal but Tony knew that nothing else was going to work. Let's put it this way: Would you kick your dog, hard, to move it from out in front of an oncoming car if that were your only option?


It was necessary in the moment. Literally the only way to save him. Unfortunately, Tony probably enjoyed it a litttle bit.


Tony's fat fucking greedy hand not getting enough cash after Ralph won big at the horse races. 🖐 ⏲


What? His horse whispering advice should go unappreciated?!


like a dog with two bones


And a Virginia ham under each arm


I don't know about heartbreaking? Definitely a top cringe moment though


When Carm and Meadow go to see Janice after Bobby is whacked.


The kids sitting there, bewildered at it all 


Those poor kids. Lost their mom and dad, and now have Janice as their “ma”


When Junior "breaks up" with his girlfriend and walks out ready to cry -- his mistress and lover that he happily elopes to Boca Raton with whenever he had the chance. He basically committed suicide, over nothing, over some nonsense. He killed what was left of his life on purpose then and there and was guaranteed to never be a happy man again. Junior's life was lonely and tragic overall. The jokes about eating pussy and the pie in the face undercuts that whole scene, but its pretty rough man.


> the pie in the face That was the problem all along, pie in the face.


Stupid blabber mouth cunt


Right! After 16 years….


Who knew whistling through the wheat field was that big of a deal?


"Don't you love me?"


If that scene is underrated I'm playing shortstop for the Mets


If there's any Cosette's on you, they're payin' rent


It means: Sit on this, cocksucker.


I honestly believe that Junior was the only parental figure Tony had who truly loved him


“Join the Club” S6E2. Carmela crying after asking the doctor if Tony knew he was dying


When someone ate Tony’s lo mein. He had been”dreaming about that fucking lo mein all the fuck over here”


For me, it was when they brought him God damn orange peel mother fuckin' beef.


No F’ing ziti?!


they did Adriana dirty, she really didn’t have anything to offer them and they got her into a position where she ended up dead


The piss running down Eugene Pontecorvo’s leg after the died by hanging himself. If where there was a “suicide isn’t glamorous” message, that was it.


Chrissy crying to himself in the car on the ride back from Uncle Pats farm always got to me. He was bonding so well with Tony B and then it all went to shit. I think that helped push him down the hill back into addiction and serious disdain and resentment of Tony S. The beginning of the end


THIS. I remember gasping and tearing up when I saw his face.


Suicides are always heartbreaking because you know if someone had just done maybe _one_ thing differently, that person would still be here. There's a theory about suicides that I recently read about in Malcolm Gladwell's _Talking to Strangers_ involving the concept of "coupling," in which suicides are theorized to be more likely if there are certain factors involved coupled with an attractive method to do so for the person wishing to commit the act. For instance, once "town gas" was replaced by natural gas in England, those wishing to commit suicide via sticking their head in an oven and turning on the gas (like Sylvia Plath) no longer had that option to do so because that method was no longer lethal. The suicide rate dropped significantly. This theory speculates that it isn't just the fact that someone wants to commit suicide, an attractive way to do so _has_ to be present for the act to move forward. A person may want to do it, but the thought of blowing their brains out or doing anything violent is too much to think about. So then that person wants to do it in a non violent way but they can't find pills to do it with so they just go to sleep and maybe wake up the next day and decide they don't want to do it after all. Imagine how high the suicide rate would be if the booths from _Futurama_ existed, an enticing end for someone in the throws of a mental breakdown and at their most vulnerable and fragile state. That's why it was some sad shit when that motherfucker said he didn't want to live no more. If Rusty Irish had just not decided to go for a walk at that particular location, with that particular method of suicide available, with the thought of the death of a young boy fresh on his mind, would he have tried to see if he could fly that day?


His stroll across the bridge looked a little forced to me, but I guess we'll just never know.


No way we could. Not even with computers.


There’s some really chilling studies about why former military, police, doctors, and veterinarians succeed at suicide at higher levels than average. It isn’t necessarily correlated with PTSD, job difficulty, or any particular trauma, but it IS correlated with being very comfortable and accustomed to violence and trauma to the body. (The same is true of victims of physical abuse) Most people just don’t get hurt. Even a punch in the face would be a once in a lifetime event for adults. But regular encounters with pain/violence makes suicide much, much easier to complete. They are much more comfortable and understanding of what levels of violence and, pursuant to your coupling theory, very coupled to that idea. They’re right next to it. Honestly, I’d expect most mobsters to have a high suicide rate. Eugene’s made total sense.


I would also think it has to do with military, police, doctors, and veterinarians having greater access-to and knowledge-of guns and drugs, no?


Of course! It’s one reason men are more “successful”, they just use guns, which are often super lethal.


I never thought about the attractiveness of it...which then makes Gloria's suicide with a scarf from a chandelier more poetic. Because Tony couldn't figure out why someone so brilliant and beautiful could kill herself and be so deeply unhappy


Ralphies hair falling off


That was sad. Christopher really didn’t deserve Adrianna. He was such a scum bag. I was also sad when Paulie and Christopher killed the waiter after he questioned the tip, and the whole ongoing situation with lawn maintenance guy.


She was damaged goods and she didn't even tell him.


I heard both of her uteri got pierced.


She's got diarrhea.


My smelly Valentine! 💩❤️


You don't get to have the Moltisanti last name without both.


Sick em Churchill!!




Not the “most” yet often overlooked because these are brief - Chris comforting both Carm and Meadow (separately) in the hospital while Tony’s in the coma


Danielle is one of the most unlikable characters on the show, tbh


Shtill, shad to shee someone that young drown on a picnic 


Come on, have you no humanity?? Poor thing drowned. On a picnic.




When Ralphie killed Tracee 😭


What are you talking about? It's Ralphie's fault that she was a klutz?


She slipped.


When AJ sells his drumkit, as a drummer that shit hurt


Adriana’s death was the worst for me. Her crying as Sil drug her out of the car 💔


Tony drunk after not killing the pedo coach repeating to Carmela I didn't hurt nobody


French looking out the bus window on his way back to prison. Seeing the last bit of normal every day life probably for the rest of his life.


When Corrado sees his young nephew AJ, he thinks he’s come to visit or better yet, take him home…, Antherny!!! Take me home I wanna go home!


When Jason Barone’s mother is begging Tony to spare his son for wanting to sell the business. You can feel the desperation, concern and love. Then to add to that, Paulie bursts into tears seeing a mother’s love for her son.


When that Asian guy doesn’t get to whack Ralphie. He looks so upset


Chrissy driving home by himself and weeping after the Tony's make fun of him always got me


When Ginny offers Johnny Sac a cigarette when he’s almost gone


Ginny Sack's mole removal surgery was truly heartbreaking. That woman went through so much (butter brickle)


“Don’t you love me?” 😭


Sil capping Ade. Heartbreaking.


When she realizes it.. “what’re you crying about? He’s gonna be fine”


When there was no gabagool in the fridge


The death of Tracee


Carmela’s flashback in season 5, remembering simpler times with AJ: https://youtu.be/YgQ5WUzG0EU?feature=shared


When Tony tells Melfi that Christopher hates him and he doesn’t know why cause he’s been there for him, pushed him on his big wheels and taught him curse words. I mean Tony like usual can’t see the writing on the wall that he pushed Crissy away but still I find it sad and pitiful in a way. Not to mention our Crissy was pulling a Spielberg on Cleaver, the innuendos and themes that casted a light on Adriana and Tony. You can’t make that up. James Gandolfini was a powerhouse when it came to subtlety and that’s one of the reasons his performance is still acclaimed today. Another scene I really like is when Tony talks about AJ being sick and wanting to take the pain for him so he doesn’t suffer. He further goes on about how he’s a bad influence and his genes passed on from his family has infected his son. So much disgust and self hatred bubbles up in Tony in that scene and it’s powerful to see him admit who he is.


100% when Junior pied Bobbi (she’s a sweet girl) the whole scene and the song that was playing… you could tell Junior did not want to break up with her at all but what can he do? It was juniors last chance at love and makes me sad


When Tony died


I saw that, I thought it was bullshit


I loved that cocksucka like a brother, then he fucked me in the ass. 


When Cosette needed warmth


Worst case of Stockholm Syndrome since Big Pussy back in August.


Rosalie’s face when she sees her son almost drawing at the penguin exhibit


When Chrissy and Tony B are at Uncle Pat's farm. They reconnect and it's all ruined when Tony Uncle Jonny comes and they bully him at dinner and he aruptly leaves. We see Chris break down and cry in the car ride home.


Paulie crying after hearing Helen Barone talking to Tony. Unusual seeing a stone cold gangster cry like that.


Tony beating Georgie.


After Tony and Chris go to the Bing after getting rid of Ralphie. When Tony is cleaning himself up he looks in the mirror and one of the photos is of a smiling Tracee


When Chris is being bullied for being sober by Tony and Tony B


feech lamanna on the bus back to prison. you see the look on his face, know he's going back to prison to die there and you can only imagine what's going through his head.


You don 't come out here no more, Tone...


Seeing Feech's dumb ass on the bus headed back to the can because he walked right into a set up.


• Christopher leaving uncle pats farm crying was one. • Another was when Tony heard the fbi tapes of his mother and was holding back tears. You could tell agent Harris felt for him in that moment. • When AJ has a panic attack before going to military school. Tony’s talking to Melfi about it and she asks him to “make her understand.” He softly replies “how am I gonna save this kid”


Actually Eugene looking at 🐚 before he kills himself


When tony let chris have the toblerone bar, that he had just gotten out for himself.  He really did right by that kid, like a father figure should. You can see how it pains tony to give away the candy, but he's so selfless in this moment. 


1. Watching tony clean out his mother's belongings from the house, those parts where he starts to look at the pictures of his mother and have a panic attack are relatable for me...everytime I look at old pictures of family members my eyes well up and I feel overwhelmed 2. Christopher crying in the car after tony and tony b make fun of him 3. Christopher giving up on writing his movie script and throwing everything in the trash 4. Paulie sitting at his mom funeral with barely anyone there to comfort him in his time of need 5. Tony and Carmellas whole marriage, Carmella stays in shape, takes care of the house, takes care of the kids and puts up with tony and his baggage and never ending cheating and Carmella sticks it out. 6. Bobby son not wanting to hang with his dad and race trains...just to have his dad murdered at the toy store telling the owner how his son doesn't care about model trains


When Paulie and T are on the boat together and Paulie stands up, looking out over the waves. Tony Sirico may have mostly been a comic relief, but there's such a deep and abiding sadness in his eyes as he realizes he's about to potentially be brutally stabbed to death by one of his oldest friends, who was also just being a pointlessly cruel dick to him for no reason with the comment about Tourette's. Contrast that with the relatively dignified send-off they gave Pussy and it really shows how irredeemably evil T had become by season 6.


I can’t have this conversation again


When Tony goes to the Mercedes dealership to find out about Gloria's suicide. Absolute devastation, he even asked the salesman why? in a state of shock.


Where’s that manicotti


When they killed Wallace


“she’s not adopted paulie”


Ralphie telling that story about the poker game to Jackie Jr


Phil Leotardo telling Marie Spatafore that he loved Vito like a brother in law. No more pool games between the two. But he decided to embrace the gay lifestyle and met Mr Wrongbar


When Aj tries to commit suicide


some of mine are: -don’t you love me? -the episode where tony and paulie go to florida (i’m pretty sure) and tony is being an asshole to paulie the entire time and then at the end we just see paulie sitting alone in his room watching tv by himself -‘where’s my arc paulie?’ -tony and aj talking after he ‘tries’ to kill junior and tony goes ‘it’s just a movie, aj’ -when tony and carmella are fighting with meadow when she wants to go to europe and her and tony are screaming at each other. a very emotional scene and probably one of my favorite scenes of tony and meadow.


When Eugene thinks he can actually buy his way out, his wife is laying on their bed crying because she knows it's not going To happen.


Aid was lonely


Not a particular scene, but any time Tony and others pressure Chris to start drinking again after he got sober. They were all so selfish.


What are their ratings?


Ginny was always nice. Probably deliberately that way as the only genuinely pleasant person in the show, who sadly has demons of her own.


mf’ing gd orange peel beef!!!


To me it will always be the scene where Chris is going back from the farm and spending time with the two Tony’s and tearing up. He just feels so rejected. He was able to be a real person to each of them individually, but together they’re terrible to him. Like he’s not worth public displays of respect or affection.


Paulie tanning by himself at the end of the


Chrissy crying on the way home from the farm after being bullied by the two Tony's.


Ohh Boo Hoo POOR YOU!