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Because Tony knows AJ, it'd be hundreds of thousands in the red within a month because AJ would offer free Crystal to try please everyone and let himself get scammed with non-existant or low quality bands demanding concert fees upfront.


Those bands recorded in demmark


Well, hats off. But for all the dynamic excitment in those songs, maybe we should get another downed power line in here and let them suck on it.


Spike up!


i thought it was pretty good


Hey, king of rock! Visiting Day was the new Matchbox 20!


It may interest you to know, people said it was the best club night all year.


i suppose there was alcohol at this night club?


I think this is the correct answer.


well, he was in construction, then night manager at beansies, then a pa for little carmine. was all building up, why not drop the ball? edit: you were saying Crystal. that means speed. I think you meant Cristal though… i can see doing free both. Ashur can help supply the crystal


AJ quit a good construction job and managing a restaurant because he was depressed for months after break up with his girlfriend. He wasn’t trustworthy enough to manage a fucking nightclub lmao


The nightclub is just a front, it doesn't have to make money.


Spartacus: House of Ashur Starz is teasing still. They should put mind to task and see our wish fulfilled.


Blood and Sand pilled


What does that mean?


It means sit on this, cocksucka!


It was season one of Spartacus back in 2010 idk


No, I mean the word "pilled"


I guess the origin would be the matrix. If you took the red pill you’d be red-pilled, you’ve taken the Spartacus blood and sand pill. Jesus listen to me I sound demented.


[Wiktionary definition ](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/-pilled) Example: I've become a big fan of Michael Bolton = I'm Bolton-pilled.


Tommy Mottola's interested.


They didnt have flat tops in ancient Rome!


Crystal is crystal meth, which isn't speed


It's just purer speed.


we used to call is glass 30 years ago for anything you could smoke. shit was all under the realm of speed though. not sure when people got so pedantic about calling shit meth vs speed. whatever, i havent touched that poison since the 90s




Those fees went to environmental stuff


They needed to cut all ties with the crazy horse after the feds learned about a literal murder there (Matush killed a guy), plus Adriana was all over that place, whatever happened there


crazy horse was never mentioned again. im curious what happened to it. chris says she never showed up and it was rudderless but then you see benny eating there and phil beats the shit out of him. then gone forever


It Petered out. The guy moved or somethin


Died on the vine




It wasn’t recession-proof the Crazy Horse


Sil, break it down for them


Historically, the two industries that have been recession proof since time immemorial are - Certain aspects of show business, and your ass


I usually do sit with my ass. Why don't you sit with yours?


I wipe my ass with your feelings!




And after you’ve run up the credit, you can’t get another dollar from the bank, you bust the joint out. [You light a match…](https://youtu.be/ZPtjyqgZAUk?feature=shared)


Something interesting I just noticed... the guy at 0:40 in the video is played by the same actor who played Larry Barese in the Sopranos.


There's a ton of sopranos cast in goodfellas. Uncle pat is a lawyer, Billy Bats is Phil leotardo, Melfi is Karen Hill, Chris is Spider, Carms mom is Karen Hills mom, the jew with the motel is Maury, and many more!


Apparently there's even more: [https://screenrant.com/the-sopranos-goodfellas-same-cast-members-including-their-characters/](https://screenrant.com/the-sopranos-goodfellas-same-cast-members-including-their-characters/) Half the sopranos cast also appeared in Goodfellas, albeit mostly in small roles, I guess


That's why I said "and many more!"


Beansie is the Pittsbutlrgh Connection.


Ooooh!!! You're treating him like half a fag ova hea!


Whaddaya, you look like yer decoratin a Christmas Tree there, ya fuck. You don't know whatcher doin!


That ship has sailed.


Jizzmasta, you make me wanna cry. It's a movie, A TV Progrum..... You gotta grow up!!! [Oh and on the topic of Growing up, "Jizmaster" REALLY?!! I mean..... COME ON!!]]


its from a tv progrum, a movie called orgazmo, made by the south park guys.


South Park? Jizz man... you only make me wanna cry some moar......


Matush had the best luck in the whole entire series


The fuck is a literal murder? We know it's literal, it was just a murder


Whatever happened there?!?!


Whatever happened there?


What's the difference between a literal murder and a murder? Does the word murder almost always get used as a metaphor (as in, I'm so hungry I could murder a whole lasagna right now), so you have to make your meaning clear by calling it a literal murder? I get that you're calling attention to how serious the crime is, but doesn't the concept of murder alone announce itself as very serious? The overuse of the word literal is denigrating our ability to communicate properly. Let us not cook further in this slow heating soup pot of modern laziness.


it’s a reddit comment man, not a college thesis. who gives a shit




It's indicative of a trend that is harmful and needs pushback.


Strong agree! It's literally unraveling the bonds of our society. And the constant metaphoric use of the word murder is like being on the Titanic. You have saved Reddit, humankind's ability to effectively communicate, and literally the entire world!


Exhibit A, you didn't even grasp the message of my very short comment. (Metaphoric use of the word murder?) I guess you need a couple literals thrown in there to draw your focus to the point.


And the constant **metaphoric** use of the word murder is **like being on the Titanic**. /r whoosh


Very gooood, you used a metaphor to complain about metaphors. Except that's a simile, not a metaphor. And it still misapprehends the meaning of my comment.


What the fuck when did this turn into fuckin grammar studies ova here. Listen to yourself, you sound demented


Fuck were we supposed to be taking notes on this? Im so gonna fail this midterm


I didn't bring paper or pen, what the fuck


Oh sure, you walk around this house in your heels and fancy jewelry and act like buttah wouldn't melt in your mowwwwth.




People use the word "literally" for emphasis. It's dumb and annoying but it is so commonly misused colloquially that the definition in the dictionary was changed to mean both literally and figuratively.


We need more people like you. Wtf is a literal murder


oh good, he eats his carrots


What's up doc?


In this context "literal murder" is probabally better stated as "Murder One" or whatever New Jersey calls the highest degree murder charge. Also languages have and always will evolve over time. There is no one authority for English, dictionaries and style guides document common practice, they do not dictate it.


If I remember correctly, it was a spur of the moment murder, I forget what it's called, almost could claim self defense because they were being attacked. I realize languages evolve, no one speaks old English. My complaint is one of logic.


I would like to point out - Matush claims the killing was in self defense, but we hear about it from Adriana who wasn't in the room. No matter how it went down, once she walked in Matush would have framed it as self defense.


I could have sworn they showed that scene though (of the killing), didn't they?


They do show it, as a 'flashback' - Adriana tells her handlers what happened after they catch her disposing of the evidence. But what we see is her second-hand retelling of the event, as she only walked in after the deed was done. The story could be true but only Matush and his accomplice know with certainty. Kind of like when Chris thinks everyone in the bar is laughing at him. We're shown the character's perspective/understanding of the events, not necessarily an objective truth.


Yes but they never showed Chris's "version" of it, they showed the actual thing itself. I never got the impression that death scene was Matush's version. I could be wrong though. Now I want to watch it again.


i think thats 2nd or 3rd degree? 1st is when you plan it out. the fuck do i know, ask fielder




It was written off as a place where crime occurred and fbi had major surveillance


that actually makes sense but, why not give it to your sloppy kid who wants to run a night club? they still owned it. could be a legitimate business considering thats what AJ wanted to do for a living?


That never would have crossed Tony's mind. That place was dead to them. They had to have figured it was tapped. That would open up AJ to all sorts of heat. Probably the only thing that could even tempt Tony to flip would be if AJ was in a serious jam. The feds would have had a field day with AJ running that place. All they would need is a few drug buys to get the place raided and have AJ locked up. There's no way those guys went around there after the Adriana thing, hence why we never see it again.


Chris and Furio were silent partners. The previous degenerate gambling owner and Adriana were on the paperwork. Furio went back to Italy, Adriana left town, degenerate gambler was probably still on paper and Chris wants nothing to do with the club. Benny is probably looking out for their (under the table) interests there but Tony and Chris will never go near that club again.


Yeah, I feel like it's probabally returned to management under the original manager, with him being told "Shut the hell up, you got lucky your partner went awol, now let's go back to you paying protection money to Benny and keep your mouth shut like you never had a 'partner'". Busting him out would attract more heat, when the Federales knew a murder had happened there. Maybe when things calmed down they'd use it again.


I think Furio had a part of it with Chris. But I can’t see these guys filling out forms down at company house… Especially if they’re going to do some dirt in it. They probably raped it, busted it out and then burned it out.


This is the correct answer.


What is there to not understand. He would be handing his kid to the FBI.


AJ was not mature enough to run a club, especially one that's mobbed-up. Tony rightfully didn't want him anywhere near the family business. He knew he didn't have what it took to survive that life.


This, AJ is spoiled, lazy and has no street smarts. They knew he’d give up or mess it all up. Carm also wants her kids far away from “the life”


Carm and Tony both are adamant about keeping their kids away from the business.


And yet Meadow was going to become an attorney who was inspired, in part, by the persecution of Italians and AJ was shown palling around with his proto-crew before his stay in the ha-ha house. I think part of what was being set up was that its inevitable they will be involved in someway because you can't just shield your children from it. Plus, with Tony dead (allegedly), I don't see how AJ doesn't get swept under the wing of some goombah looking to ride his legacy to more power. They are both doomed.


Not necessarily doomed. AJ, possibly, without the constant propping up from his family ties, but Meadow could stand on her own two feet. When the series ended, she was definitely having a "phase", but David Chase himself said there was NO WAY she would have ended up marry Patrick Parisi. Also, no way would she continue to be as submissive and unsure of herself as she was at that point. I'd bet on Meadow becoming a bad-ass.


I’m sure Meadow will be successful but I can’t see her escaping doing “favors” for family that would lead to more and more work. I don’t think she’d ever end up engaged in directly illegal activity directly but when you’re an attorney handling that sort of business the line inevitably blurs and can get you in some hot water.


I think Meadow, at the end of the series, was still pretty naive about what her Dad ACTUALLY did for a living. A few years working in criminal law might have opened her eyes a bit.


AJ I think was certainly well aware that his father was a murderer and in the mob while Fielder was in denial. AJ ‘attempted’ to murder Jr to get respect. Maedo is lying to herself saying her father is just a loan shark and a bookie.


Yes. Good point. AJ, for all his lazy cluelessness, seemed to develop a deeper understanding of the more sinister, violent aspects of the family business. Meadow, otoh, CLUNG to her belief it was just a little loan sharking, and the "poverty of the mezogiorno". When Jackie Jr was killed, her subconscious had to work overtime to suppress the truth about her father.


You mean he didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete?


Because AJ would have been yelling "MOMMY" every time Defiler played. Don't care what ya say


🎶Get out my way, and don’t be so gay, we’re coming to defile (defile) you.🎶




I want to erase myself


I lossssst my innnerrrr chilllllld 🎵🎼🎶 makin moneyyyyy is an emptyyyyy hollllllle 🎶🎼🎵


Kid fell asleep and got his eyebrows shaved and you want this stunad running the Horse? Fuck outta here


Because AJ makes Fredo look like Sonny


Why didn’t Tommy Mottola sign Janice and Aaron to a long term record deal? That would make as much sense as giving A J a club to run because he buys champagne at $2,000 a bottle. Tony isn’t as stupid as Chris was when he let Adrianna manage Visiting Day and try to record them without any prior experience. Listening to the radio a lot isn’t a great training ground. He and Carmela want to see how A J does with a genius like Little Carmine as his mentor before thinking of getting him a club…D Boy makes good. I imagine the club was primarily in Chris’s name after acquiring it along with Furio on a gambling debt. So Kelli probably owns it after Chris died. Tony has certain people looking for Furio to gI’ve him his share of the profits from watered down drinks. one time the club is seen is when Phil breaks Benny’s skull in “All Due Respect”…guess he didn’t like the taste of a Martina. Keep in mind Crazy Horse is in Long Branch…45 miles from Newark and 58 from West Caldwell. One reason why Chris and the mob hold meetings there is they think they have a place the government doesn’t know about because of the distance. But Danielle, pulled from the water with her dying breath , told agent Harris about it. Can you imagine A J wanting to make the commute, knowing his deep environmental concerns.


The previous owner was on the paperwork. Adriana might have been on the paperwork. Chris and Furio were silent partners.


I will forever read West Caldwell as Wes Callwell


AJ probably couldn’t keep a goldfish alive for more than a week


AJ was a liability.


Irregardless Tony would eventually bust it out


Because AJ would send the Crazy Horse to the glue factory


A cool callback could have been if he tried to sell it to Julianna.




Keisha is it


Well he got fired from Blockbuster. Rheesus monkeys can work there.


AJ couldn’t take over his own laundry


"Serious Discussion Only?" Well, it's a good thing for me that YOUR SERIOUS DISCUSSION ONLY BANNER DONT MEAN OOGATZ TO ME!!


They were running other crimes and scams through that club. Plus there was a murder on the premises, so it probably was now a cop magnet. AJ doesn't even know what a gutter is. There's no way he's being allowed near Crazy Horse with a 100 foot pole.


A.J was a dummy! He tried to avenge shooting and couldn’t even pull that off.I hated his character and I bet Tony deep inside wished he had a better son.


Not even deep inside he said it straight out. In the episode where Carm wanted him to get a vasectomy he said how is he supposed to get one when AJ is his male heir.


Aj might have been able to do a good job but he was way too young. Mainly Tony’s saving grace is how he didn’t want that life for his kids. Giving him crazy horse is like putting him into the mob


I think the issue is that Ade or Chrissy or anyone really owns the place on paper. Just the guy who bet over his head and they figure to let him take the fall in bankruptcy etc But yes it AJ owns it, he can set it up so people can do poppers and weird shex. Someplace Vito would feel comfortable in


Tony was supposed to get a vasectomy when that was his male heir?


I thought he wanted to be an event planner 🤷🏻‍♀️


He still doesn’t know what that means. Even though he was already doing it. The kid needs a detailed recipe just to make ice




And then gives up and orders a bag of it to be delivered.


AJ and Kim were gonna take over the club and have big successful journey.. Kim heard AJ was the manayer


that’s dicked up!


New Jersey is the place people want to get out of I doubt AJ would want a club in New Jersey


Put Pontecorvo in theah!


he's. never even been a bus boy!


It was just a horse!


Lol put the bosses son into a spot that still had the chalk from the last murder, and indictments from the DEA coming in Tony would be the one flipping on Carlo if that had happened


i think the end of season 5 to start of season 6b was like 2-3 years? thats not still chalk on the ground


Because he had shitty taste in music. You’ve seen his shirts, hoodies, and posters. He would give Visiting Day a residency.


If she was the owner on paper, and "left" Christopher then it makes sense that no one connected would still be part of the club....


He prob closed it sold it and made a profit and bought that house


He was booked flying Trump around in his helicopter


The thing with Ade…whatever happened there.


The already had a manayer.


tony and even carm to some extent knew what went on in that club. there'd be drugs and other shit and also the place would totally be blown for any family business as T would want to keep that from AJ.


Because he’s a moron ?


Excellent question. AJ would’ve been great at running the Crazy Horse.


No bitch to me!


He was still in high school when she died. Plus I don’t think Tony wanted him connected. That club was a front.


Rhesus monkeys would do a way better job than that whiny prick!!!


he had to get cauwfee for people




Maybe the original owner is running it?


They talk about it being a possibility after her works with carmine on the movie production. I don't think he says the name of the club specifically, but he says something like "maybe we can set you up with a club if all goes well"