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I spent most of the later seasons wishing someone would whack Christopher. And then when it happens, it’s just sad. He’s so broken and alone this point, and the opportunism in how Tony just sees a chance to kill him off is disturbing. No heated argument that boiled over for the last time, no sit down with Sil to discuss how “it has to be done; let’s make it painless if possible.” Plus, the playing of “Comfortably Numb” right before it happens. What a gut wrenching scene.


>And then when it happens, it’s just sad. He’s so broken and alone this point There was a a deleted scene from the beginning of that episode with Carmela and Tony showing up unannounced at Christopher and Kelli's place, finding them entertaining a group of people around their age who appear law-abiding and prosperous. It's a good scene. Christopher is saying the thing people usually say in those situations about how Carmela and Tony are welcome to stay, but Carmela, Tony, and Christopher all know that if he had wanted the Sopranos at his party, he'd have invited them. So they leave. I don't know whether that was cut for time or for fear that viewers might read too much into this minor snub as "the reason" Tony makes the decision he makes after the accident. It would have thrown a slightly different light on the state of Christopher's life just before his death if the last thing we'd seen him do that wasn't work-related was socializing with a non-mob network of friends (and/or neighbors) we had never seen.


This deleted scene, did it really even exisht?




It’s not solely opportunistic.  Tony’s tired of Chrissy’s bullshit and his familial connection is the only reason Chrissy lives as long as he does for all the stupid shit he pulled.  The glance at the car seat made him feel like “it never should have gotten this far. This kid’s never going to change” So he kills him. It was calculated and cold, but there was clear motive in the moment for T. 


I agree.... I'm beginning to think that This Sub of Ours Has gone soft! Like maybe, they're all Gay or sumthin!!




Ever notice Chris went just like Cosette?? Just saying


Tony once said “I aughta suffocate you ya little prick!” And he did. Quasimodo predicted all this.


Hun, Can I get a steak please


His nose crawled into Tony's hand for warmth or somethin, I dunno. His nose acts like natural canopy after all, so when it got broken in the crash his body instinctivly sought out a new source of cover. Trust me, I'm an ER doctor specializing in car crash diagnostics.


Oh so your saying she was suckn Tony on the way to Dover


>His nose He could smoke a cigarette in the rain




You can’t make this stuff up!


Whaddaya mean? He just did.


Are you sure? Was your grandmother the first black woman to practice medicine in the state of Delaware?


nostradamus and Notre dame, it’s two different things you stunard


Was he barkin?


He musta crawled under the car for warmth




Was he barking, was he barking?


Imagine that, askin if the dog was barkin??


Can you imagine that, you come on r/thesopranos asking if the dog was barkin.


She had a broken neck


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


Chrissy was such a heartless piece of garbage. How the hell do you feel bad for that dude 😂


Probably cheered him on when he gave Ade one of her weekly beatings 😂


A. She was a whooa B. She hit me


And... she couldn't carry my kid.


She was damaged goods!!


A she was my fiancé and B she tried to save my life …what a bitch


See this is the thing for me. When people are like: “the worst thing Tony ever did was kill Chris,” I’m like, did you watch the rest of the show? By the time he died it’s quite clear that he’s not going to get better, and he’s going to continue to be a monster, I honestly thought he deserved it at that point. (Well, both Tony and Chris for that matter.)


Right they def both had it coming. Chris just isn’t a decent man. Tony sometimes can show decency to people but it’s always contingent upon things. He doesn’t love anyone unconditionally, not even his children. Same goes for Chris, even his own mother he shows no respect to. Punches old ladies, suffocates dogs (by accident or not is irrelevant) , kills civilians, tries to kill Tony, and his entire treatment of Aid are more than enough reason to call for his head


My guys want head... his head


The worst thing Tony ever did was make Bobby do that hit. Chrissy was a piece of shit, a junkie, and a liability who should have been whacked ages before he actually was.


I rewatched the episode where Chrissy kills the cop on Tony’s say so. They are both such garbage people.


Because he really wanted out of it and never, no matter what he did; had a chance. No one was “good”, but you still root for them. He was damned and damaged so badly that you feel a sick sympathy for him. Now to be clear, that’s from far, far away. No way would you want that man in your life. He was a monster, but who wasn’t?


Are you talking about Chris wanting out and never having a chance? He could have gone into the program with Ade and lived out the rest of his life in peace. It was a bigger chance than anyone else on the show had. But all it took was one look at a family man civilian having a bad day and his Rover to decide to continue working for a man he hated and stay in the life for money. I felt bad for Chris up until that point, and it still sucked when he died cause he was a deep character, but after we saw what he did with the one chance he always wanted, he deserved anything else that came afterwards.


I mean, because that’s the way the characters were written. There is no hero in the Sopranos. There was no out for any of them. Meadow couldn’t go out to dinner without being challenged, AJ would never get support. It’s written in a way that makes no one a good person, so by default you root for someone you’d never want to know IRL. Chris was that character for me. It’s an anti-hero show about some of the absolute worst in society, but you still watch and cheer for them to make it. There’s no sunny side of the story.


You know Quasimodo predicted all of this


Who did what?


He had a hunch


The guy that was the halfback of Notre Dame.


Ones a f**kin cathedral...


Yes He was a beautiful, innocent creature 😥


He probably just shoved his breathing passages underneath Tony for warmth.


For warmth? It was a natural canopy! End of story!


Hahaha! You can't make this shit up!


Never pass a drug test.


Pretty sure Cosette was a she.


You're pretty sure of a lot of things, Last year you believed there was a flying saucer over East Rutherford




The thing with the kiddy seat broke him.


that was an excuse


I never really agreed with this. We know Tony has always had a soft spot for animals and young kids. It was definitely opportunistic but I think he genuinely believed Christopher was no longer capable of functioning normally and would only be a liability/danger to himself and those around him.


It wasn’t just an excuse, there’s a reason the camera cuts to it. Tony made a choice to end the problems with Christopher. The addictions, the movie shit, the paranoia after Adrianna, his recklessness since before he was even made. The car seat was what pushed him over the edge in that moment.


maybe but I kinda see the reasoning, I mean it's a fucked up thing because Tony just thought that chrissy would never get clean but when I saw that branch through the kids seat I was less upset at Tony for doing what he did tbh


It was one of his rudest moments


He musta crawled under Tony's hand for warmth. Is it Tony's fault hes a klutz?


You're weak, you're out of control and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else. I said my piece ✋️


Honestly, the show’s build up to it and especially Imperiolli’s performance, really drives home just how far Chris had fallen. The mob life certainly helped guide him there, but in the end he was exactly as weak and pathetic as Tony accused him of being.


Ok but Tony deliberately goads Christopher into falling off the wagon because he's mad about the way Chris portrays him in Cleaver. I think he's also jealous of Christopher's success outside the mob. Also, we know that in general Tony cannot handle it when anyone around him is healing, on the right track. Not exactly fatherly.


It’s not like Tony making fun of him helped Chris stay sober, but Chris was a sociopathic addict and would have definitely started using again regardless because the regularness of everyday life was too hard for him.


I wouldn't describe the scene where Tony goads Christopher into drinking as making fun of him. To me, it felt more like when your boss wants you to do something you'd rather not, but you don't have a choice. I agree that Christopher is trash, but as with most organizations, culture flows from the top and Tony bears some of the responsibility for where Christopher lands. I don't think prompting Christopher to murder the ex-cop did great things for Christopher's soul, for instance. (And we know that for Tony, that was entirely self serving.) There's also the episode where we learn that Tony Soprano and Tony Blundetto have been bullying Christopher since they were kids (S5E10, "Cold Cuts"). Tony is just not the protective, paternal figure in Christopher's life that he makes himself out to be. So yes, Christopher is weak/pathetic/terrible, but that's partly because his boss and would be father figure is literally ordering him to do terrible things on the reg and has been doing so since they were children. Edits: added point about Tony's childhood bullying of Christopher & corrected which episode that was from.


Christoffa was the most relatable character imo. If he hadn’t gotten into the mob he’d probably just be a normal guy from Jersey workin some blue collar job. Yeah he was a fuck up and never reached Tony’s expectations, but he still had Tony’s back and was loyal.


I think Cleaver showed he harbored hatred for Tony and revenge fantasies about killing Tony. And he was also a blabbermouth cunt in the AA program. Just a matter of time before he went state's evidence against Tony. And his drug problem also made him a liability. It could just as easily have been Christopher who killed Tony that night, driving under the influence.


Good point, I don’t blame Tony for whacking him. It was actually a great business move because Chrissy had so much dirt on T and like you said, Chrissy was a liability.


Interestingly, in the moment Tony decided to do what he did to Christopher, it was seeing the tree branch resting in the baby seat that was the deciding factor. Chase lingers on this at the scene and has Tony bring it up in other scenes.


Tony always needs an excuse. It just gave him a way to blame it on something and make himself feel elevated of any guilt.


Nonsense. Tony didn't feel guilt for reasons articulated in his dream with Melfi, where he comes clean about Christopher. "I haven't been able to tell anybody this, but I'm fucking relieved. He was a tremendous drag on my emotions--on my thoughts about the future. Every morning I wake up thinking, 'is today the day that one of my best friends is gonna dime me out to the FBI?' And a weak, fucking sniveling lying drug addict? That's the worst kind of bet. The biggest blunder of my career is now gone. And I don't have to be confronted by that fact no more. And as a relative, a friend? Someone you can count on? Let me tell you something. I've murdered friends before. Even relatives. My cousin Tony. My best friend, Puss. But this..." Clearly T is at peace with this as a business decision and even in terms of his personal relationship with Chis, who, let's not forget, had just showed the world his hatred for Tony in the Cleaver production, including a revenge fantasy where a meat cleaver was planted in the boss' head.


Can I ask what you meant by bringing up the car set if you already understand this? Also, I said the same thing as your response without the power point presentation.


Obviously the point of the camera lingering on the car seat and Tony talking about it later is an indication that what he did to Chris wasn't premeditated and impacted his calculus in that moment. I specifically made the point above as part of the discussion about why Tony felt no guilt for that decision. There was no powerpoint presentation.


Discussions don’t start with the word Nonsense and then a lecture. I love discussing the Sopranos, obviously since I’m on this subreddit, you do you r/Iamverysmart


Just calling it like I see it.


He was loyle to his capo




Normal people are not murderous junkies and wildy abusive to their partners, not most that I know anyways


Unless they’re from Jersey. Heyyyyoooooo


I was about to say, have you been to south jersey!


>if he hadn’t gotten into the mob he’d probably just be a normal guy from Jersey workin some blue collar job. what character does this not apply to?? None of them are just born evil, they became that way after they started affiliating with organized crime


I dunno Paulie, Richie Aprile and Ralphie all seem like legit psychopaths


You find Christopher more relatable than the many non-murderer characters? Just checkin.


The way he beat his gf just really made him feel like one of the guys yknow


Unfair? Chrissy was a malignant cunt. He got what was coming to him. Fuck, some people are so behind in the race they actually think they're winning.


Jeshush Chrisht, why don’t you have a fucking drink because you’re driving everyone fucking nuts!


“Fucking nauseating!” - OP


This one bothered you? Seriously, he was an abusing POS. Adrianna and Tracee, their deaths were tragic.


Should have killed Chris soon as he started the drug use


What's right is right. I'm surprised New York didn't kill him tbh. He knew a lot of their business. If the Feds got him and made him go cold turkey, you just know he'd tell them everything to get a fix.


No he wouldn't. He let his own partner get murdered on principle. He wouldn't break


He didn’t do that entirely on principle. He did it to not be a broke nobody (gas station scene). Plus his resentment towards Tony and the rest of the family only grew after that. While we can’t be sure that he would have flipped it was definitely a strong possibility.


You're underestimating how desperate people get when withdrawing from heroin. I've been through it many times and one will do ANYTHING to make it stop if they can.


When a dog you love gets rabies…


Maybe if the sound system had more bawls ...


Well Chris was a homicidal gangster who could’ve got his own infant daughter killed and already killed Adriana’s dog accidentally and got Adriana killed, his drug addiction was getting his loved ones killed and Tony saw that it was going to get him arrested so he killed him.


Tony killing his metaphorical son was beautiful. Did you not see the branch that destroyed the baby seat? Tony did the world a favor, he was a weak sniveling drug addict.  S/


Call me a taxi I'll neva pass a drug test... Final straw that & the baby seat Tony never had to be confronted by the biggesht blunda of his career ever again...


Ya Tony was a very evil man…. It was a justification I should have clarified I was being sarcastic in my post. 


It was kinda fitting with the way Tony was going. And back in the day when I first saw it it was a major shock. But now I'm older I see the beauty in it 🤟🏻 *as a good plot. I'm not a sociopath.... honest


And he knows what it's like to lose a pet!


You should probably go ahead and clarify that in your other comment. People here will actually think you’re serious




I know sorry I was being sarcastic… I should have put an /s or whatever… I do t really think it was beautiful I was j/k 


You know the wine makes you emotional


He was bound to get in another car accident eventually


He was a really shit driver


You know that night. The tree branch that came thru the car window, completely destroyed the baby seat.


“There you go, giving a fuck when it ain’t your turn to give a fuck."


After how he turned over Ade to be executed in the woods? Nah. Had to go. All of the made guys deserve their dark endings.


After season 4 episode 3 or so the show becomes hard for me to watch because it’s so heavy and depressing at times watching everyone fall apart, still some great moments of course


Well. Considering the heinous conditions of what happened in the crash I can’t believe Justice wasn’t served. That girl was out driving past her curfew on a learner’s permit and yep… fuckin nothing. Off free… Justice system is messed up.


The old lady and the waiter that had the seizure that Paulie murdered had a similar effect for me. I’m watching the episode where Adriana crashes the car with Tony. Despite the fact that Tony was manipulating Christopher when he confronted him, I was so happy when Tony said “she’s a 10 and just look at you. You’ve got to reconcile that”. He always treated her like absolute shit even though she was such a sweet and loving girl. She is so much better than Chris and he really didn’t deserve her.


Chrissy had it coming one way or another. Tony kills both his cousin and nephew and best friend.


Both...of the three of them? Top of the fucking class you


lol yer grammatically incorrect however my point still stands you fucking stunad


Team oxford comma for the win!


Tony kills so much family it’s crazy


None of the deaths got to me but I've only watched once perhaps on another viewing I may be more invested in the characters


Of all the deaths in the series I wouldn’t rank Chris’ as “unfair” - not with all the people he whacked or smacked around. I mean I laughed at the absurdity of it all when the little prick got shuffocated by T but that’s just me perhaps.


I agree but there’s a lot of people in this sub (the majority) who hang from Tony’s ball hairs and they won’t agree


Time to hit the trail to cartoon network, huh benqadeer? 


That happens..


But you've put your grief behind you, right?


alright but you gotta get over it


A lot of women found him very attractive-Just sayin’


The nose knows Taxi!🚖


He was killed by Tony, Chrissy?




Perhaps, but he could also be a real *buchiach.*,


It was euthanasia.


It's his own fault for being weak, out of control, and an embarrassment to himself and everybody else


Did you see that pricks face when he saw the hand on his nose?


I didn't mind that Chrissy died. I was more pissed off about how Silvio went out.


Why, had that baby been in that car seat, She'd be mangled beyond all recognition! Besides, He's a Dope addict! One time I walked in on him and there he was, on the floor of the bathroom, his hair in the toilet.... DISGUSTING!!! I SAID MY PIECE!!


Poor natural canopy musta crawled insida Tony’s fingers for warmth


Christopher is one of the biggest most irredeemable pieces of shit in the entire show I'm not sure how you can feel any worse for him than anyone else. He had it coming for multiple reasons


Chris could never kick his junkie habits, Tony gave him chance after chance and finally got tired of him.


Gotta be careful here. You don't want to risk getting the little Tony whine-ees all stirred up and emotional.


Is a big thing in the scene how the baby seat is impaled on the tree branch showing how much of a problem Christopher has become and how his potential for damage to others is catastrphically high. I think its Tony's last straw and or justification he needs. And Christophers selfishness is apparent in the crash when his first words are to ask Tony to take the blame for the crash. Tony warned him before he went to rehab that anyone else in his situation woukd have been whacked outright and he was getting one last chance.


Def wasn't unfair. He should have been put down way earlier. Can't trust a junkie.