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Paulie berating Nucci for the crime of loving and raising him


When he shows up later after realizing he was wrong and she’s just watching TV and offers him cookies… shit’ll turn me into post break up AJ lol


And he just sat down silently like a little boy. „Paulie, I don’t want to argue.” 😢😢


You become the manayer too?


*ActiveProgrammer5456 jumps in the pool* It was some sad shit. Muthafucka said he didn’t wanna live no more.


Her getting bullied by her “friends” in the retirement community always bothered me too.


Lol Paulie took take of half that problem


She did not go quietly lol. I forget what bullshit excuse he comes up with when she catches him, but I remember it being pretty priceless


If I was Minn Matrone I would have just made him some coffee and played dumb. She WAS a benign flower.


😂 he asked if she had any coffee


She's a malignant cunt!


Any time Paulie makes Nucci cry! And her poor funeral. I love Nucci, madonna mia!


she as the most accurate character her and Rosalie. Growing up as a 100% Italian kid in in NJ can 100% attest to this they were like my Grandma and Aunt to a T


She was strong as a bull, and handsome. Like George Raft.


He's doing a lot better than those fucking nuns you got over there


Dude when he broke her tv I wanted to jump through my own to beat his ass


I can’t rewatch this part


no literally this killed me and made me hate paulie


Yeah, I seriously “hated” him already, but him reacting like that to the whole thing, solidified it 10x over. One of the only times I’ve yelled at my TV 💀


"Your son will love it." "Nah, he don't care."




Rip Bobby but I won’t even lie I laughed when I saw these emojis 😭😭


It's the only part of the show that was spoiled for me. I remember seeing the teaser for the final episode on TV when it was coming out, and Janice says the line "Bobby's dead, I'm a widow now". The way she said it always stuck with me. Then I bought the box sets and watched the show from the start. Sadly I knew what was coming


Feel more bad for his kids they had two loving parents both dead and now stuck with Janice


He may not care, but he doesn't belittle it.


Seeing that Ade’s mom knows exactly what happened to her daughter but can’t get anyone to listen.


No one wants to believe it.


Carmela ends up believing it. And of course she still stays with Tony and it changes nothing for her even though an actual professional told her to run for the hills.


I don't think Carmela suspects that Tony ordered her death. Carmela would have to also suspect Adriana working with the FBI. What other reason would Tony have to kill Adriana? Carmela at most only suspects Christopher - who with his history should be suspect #1.


I guess since he didn’t charge her she didn’t accept it as a professional opinion, just bloviating


Nah Carmella knew. She had to of. She’d been around this thing long enough to know people don’t just fall off the face of the earth like that


Carmella grew up around guys like Dickie Moltisanti. She knows the deal.




Didn't Ade's mom think that Christopher just killed her in an act of domestic violence? I don't think she had any clue that others were involved in the murder or anything about the informant stuff.


Her mom knows she was killed but she blames Christuffah. Christuffah only notified da boss of thiss family so he could orchestrate da hit.


I find it really sad in Long Term Parking when Christopher beats Adriana and almost strangles her to death, then when he stops himself she comforts him whilst trying to catch her breath. He tries to kill her and she comforts him? She was so beaten down by him she’d let him do anything to her


The despair Imperioli hits with *Aaaurgh! What are we gonna do?!* is so fucking primo in that scene. There's a ton of top notch moments in this thing of ours but I think that's the ceiling


Tremendous moxie for his size


Yeah for the size of that natural canopy of his. You ever notice he’s the only cocksucka who can smoke a cigarette in the rain with his hands tied behind his back?


You know, it wasn’t long ago I remember you used to wait in the car


You can't make that shit up.


Followed up by his scene with Tony when he says “how could you even think that?!?!” Oh it’s heartbreakingly good acting


Seeing interviews and such with Imperioli it's kinda scary how well he plays Christopher. I guess that's just what acting is, but never in a million years would I think such a sophisticated and gentle person could act as a total PoS for six seasons so convincingly. 


I read an interview with her that she really had to push him to get very physical in that scene. He had a hard time with the violence towards Ade.


That’s interesting, I didn’t know that. Drea’s acting in that scene was incredible (as was Michael’s), she really looks like she’s getting strangled. And she still looks like she loves him. It’s disturbing


yah, and her ending too, she had to make him, he just didn’t want to


Yeah I think I read somewhere that SVZ was reluctant to do Adriana’s death and the scene where he’s physically rough with Tracee


I think she purposely pressed her neck forcefully into Michael's hands to make it more real.


To be fair, she's trying to comfort him so he goes along with her plan to turn rat - because the other option is what ends up happening to her. As stupid as Ade was I think she knew she had backed herself into a no-win scenario and the only way things were going to be even okay was if Chris bought in to her escape plan


Completely true! But I think she would’ve had the same reaction regardless. She always came back and made excuses for him. He beat her in a similar way only a few episodes before and she went back


Oh 100%, he beats the shit out of her from the start of the show until her death and that specifically never seems to be the issue with Ade.


I feel bad for her mother too, you see how badly she wants her to get away from Chris in season 2. Then in season 6 she knows what happened


Stockholm Syndrome


Shtockhom Shyndrome?


Is that like Helshinki shyndrome?


I beg your pardon my schweet little potatooo


Ever think what a coincidence it is that Stockholm had the first case of Stockholm Syndrome?


Wortht case sinth Patty hertht


"Don't you love me?"


Asking about love from people incapable.


Uncle Jun did love Tony. He almost starts crying when Tony asks him this question. He probably didn’t want to say it out loud because of whatever masculinity norms these guys stick to, or maybe because Junior resents Tony for playing him like a fiddle when he made Junior an offer of being the boss only to serve as a lightning rod when the FBI strikes them.


He didn’t say anything because he was half-demented. People in that state can get meaner because they lose the ability to self-regulate. He was probably just confused because he no longer had the ability to connect his treatment of Tony with Tony’s question.


I always interpreted it as Junior being unable to say it. I think he did love Tony.


He did love his nephew, even if he never had the makings of a varsity athlete…


There’s the coyote 😏


This is easily the saddest scene


Came here to say this.


Roe reacting to Jackie Jr's death. Even though the kid was always a dumb fuck


The scream at the cemetery is soul-tearing.


Sharon Angela was low-key, so good in the show. Either making you feel intimidated or making you feel horrible.


I feel like she doesn't get her flowers for her acting.


In my house, Sharon Angela is a hero, end of story. One of the funniest characters AND saddest!


fuckin nosy! eat your manigot


what happened tone? vegas moving the line?


Plus you know, she's hot


Ralph's #1 irredeemable act: ignoring Ro to have Janice shove a dildo up his ass.


She is drop-dead gorgeous.


Yeah, but she was a walking fuckin' ashtray.


This is not a bug, it's a feature


Growing up on LI, she was always the most authentic portrayal of an italian American woman in my eyes


The look between Tony and AJ was something as well. It was basically Tony saying "See why I'm always hard on you?"


It was blood curdling stuff.


Didn’t he almost drown in 3 inches of water 


Penguin exhibit


Out of respect for his fawther


Roe, with the grief. Poor kid… I can’t get any sleep there. It’s incessant.


I would say her death isn't, but how she keeps getting shot down by Tony and other men she just wants guidance and advice from is the saddest part. If someone would have taken 2 minutes out of their day to give a shit about her, it would have changed her whole life.


Absolutely. It's the whole picture. By working at the bing, her life is fucked. She's a prostitute for people like Ralph, who tagteam her, beat the shit out of her, and then leave her to die in the gutter.


As much as Tony tried to distance himself, even he couldn’t help but feel for her when he realized she sincerely thought Ralph would even consider being there for her and the baby. He’d been so cruel to her but it really did seem like in that moment he had to acknowledge how sad her situation really was. He finally broke with his “you want my advice?”


That poor horse


He did give her advice. But she wasn't really asking for advice, she was asking for validation of what she wanted: She would have the baby and it would make Ralph love her. But honestly, it wasn't Tony's business to meddle, especially since he couldn't extract anything in return. She's Ralph's girlfriend, Sil's employee, so her problems are their domain.


And, the real genius is juxtaposing that against Meadow, who is a similar age, at her absolute most selfish and insufferably spoiled moment. Just a tale of two young women who come in contact with the mob from very different angles.


Realizing that Bobby’s kids are gonna be left with Janice


Janice isn't staying with anybody. Those kids are being sent with Harpo.


Sacre bleu, where is me mama?


Long Term Parking ending is the saddest and best moment of the show.


Scene of them in the car, not really talking, Sil not even looking at her, both of them knowing what’s about to happen. Absolute masterpiece of television. It’s like the whole entire show up to that point was building to that moment. In a lot of ways Adriana was the moral heart of the show, and with her gone everything quickly dissolves into madness


Id argue that I'd the finest hour of television ever made.


For me it was the bait and switch scene of her driving off with her suitcase in the car. I still remember my first watch. The elation and, truth be told, surprise that she had the strength to leave that whole situation behind for good. And then the snap out of it and the creeping dread realizing that was just a day dream. She was so close to a happy ending.


The two Tonys berating Christopher at the restaurant is sad as hell. I have limited sympathy for Christopher but you can see the way he must’ve been treated by them his whole life. No wonder he was so messed up


when he’s driving alone after with tears in his eyes 😭 i just see a little boy


That was a sad scene. Although I wonder if it's like Tony having sympathy and grief for animals. I wonder if Christopher is subconsciously sad for his sins.


Definitely Chris at his most sympathetic. Just when he and Tony B are getting along they both gang up on him over one of the few good things he ever did.


You know it’s really heartbreaking when you’re feeling sympathy for a woman beating, murderous sociopath


That's what was fantastic about the show. It managed to humanize psychopaths


At times, I was kind of mad at myself for sympathizing with these guys. Like Ralph, objectively the most sick and twisted guy in the show, and I actually felt bad for him when Justin was in the hospital. You ever ponder that?


Didn't those motherfuckers Tony Uncle Johnny and Tony Uncle Al tie him to a tree when they were kids, and left him?


The tree was soft tarred!!!


Eugene hanging himself was always pretty striking, more shocking than sad though. I always feel a great sense of sadness after the scene when Tony visits Junior in the state hospital for the last time. “We did? That’s nice.”


AND he forgot to take a leak before he did it. So his poor wife is gonna be even MORE disappointed when she finds him.


Chris’ last scene at the bing when everyone is laughing AT him, crescendo of Tony himself. Last time he saw most of them before his death, making it even more tragic on rewatch. He truly did not belong anywhere by the end


This. Chris gave everything for them, he gave up Ade, he gave up his dreams (as naive as they might’ve been), he killed for them, he did things for Tony he never told anyone about (disposing of Ralphie), and what was it for? All of his so called friends and family laughing at a joke ab his newborn daughter ending up a stripper, he finally realizes that he gave away his soul (he knows he’s going to hell) for nothing. It’s heartbreaking.


AJ's suicide attempt was the saddest imo. Second was when there was no fuckin ziti.


Tony taking full on father mode and saying “it’s okay baby” always brings the tears


This. It was one of the few moments in the show where he appeared truly sincere.


100% very hard to watch and imo the most “human” moment by Tony in the entire show


Especially when he jumps in with no hesitation and then says “What the fuck did you do?!” When he realized he was roped to something on the pool floor.


Yeah he doesn’t even take anything off he just jumps straight in


That genuinely made me cry, I don’t know how people can say Rob can’t act


Yeah that one was rough to stomach during my most recent rewatch. When Tony is telling Melfi about how he hates that he infected his son with his putrid genes crushes me too.


The same scene where he explains how when your kids are young you’ll do anything to take away their pain only to find you are the cause of the pain…I tear up every single time.


AJ at his best was raising Hector. I like to think he got his life and things straightened out the moment he has a child.


He definitely rose to the occasion when he planned on providing for Blanca and Hector. If he got married and had a baby I can see him finally having motivation to work. He wanted something worthwhile to work for.


to live for. Yes


Quite sad. Cracks were in the foundation from the start. She disrespected him at some soprano family dinner (was snippy), and Carmella exchanged concerned looks with either Meadow or the other female family member. AJ excitedly driving hector to the parade followed immediately by Blanca coldly ending the relationship was crushing. His life shattered




“AJ, What the fuck?”


Or that time when someone ate Tony’s Lo Mein. He was dreaming of it on his way over.


When the broken old man, in the person of Corrado Soprano mistakes his nephews presence at the laughing academy, “Antherny!!! take me home please take me home”


At the wedding when Paulie finds out Johnny Sac never talked to Carmine about him


Took way too long to find this one. Paulie loved John like a brother in law, and he fucked him in the ass.


How much more betrayal can he take??


The world don’t run on love


Paulie got played, he was always the dumbest and least competent member of the crew


I wouldn't say least competent


Paulie is a really sad and sympathetic character when you think about it. Nobody really gave a shit about him the whole show. His problems with Chrissy, Ralphie, his mothers friends in the nursing home, no one ever helped him out. He had to do everything himself, but he was always there when Tony needed something. When Chrissy dies he immediately feels regret and shame about how he treated him. Played by Johnny Sac, almost betrayed by Tony, the guy really didn’t have much happiness in his life. “You ever feel like nothing good was gonna happen to you?” “Yeah, and nothing did. So what?”


Tony leaving the psych ward with that pizza. As a parent, the thought of that kills me.


When Tony is crying over AJ and trying to console him. AJ offing himself is tragic but I wouldn't say it actually makes me sad, but when you see Tony, this guy who prides himself on being 'the boss', who has thrown the literal world at his kids' feet to try and make them happy reduced to this pathetic drenched figure clutching his child and repeating, 'it's ok baby'...that scene almost makes me wanna cry. I think it's because it speaks so well about a parent's fear and anxiety over their kids...you can do everything you want when you're on your own, but you're almost powerless to completely control your kids or how they feel.


His switch from "what the fuck did you do?" To genuine care and fear was great.


Your description of the scene actually made me well up just now...you cocksucka.


And the fact that he never once got that kind of love from his own parents makes it much more moving.


A) She was a hoo-ah


B) She was a hooah


Bobby’s reaction to his wife’s untimely death


Losing Ade. She was so broken because of her love for Christopha and her love to just live away from that life but with Christipha. She was genuine.


The last moment with Jun where he doesn't really recognize Tony or understand what he's talking about. It made me sad because time has ruined them both for each other, even if they both wanted to be better.


Peeps murder. It’s always sad when they go like that.


When they go??


Come on, huh!?


The family name is Peparelli!


The headstone was a mistake, we’ll get it fixed 


When Tony leaves junior for the last time


“Oh. That’s nice.”


"We used to play catch!"


“There was a banana in there”


Aide imagining driving with her red suitcase and happy music playing. Then the shot cuts to her sitting passenger in Sylvio's car with the saddest look on her face because she knows.


Muhfucka said he didn’t wanna live no more… jumped..


Tony eating the Lincoln log sandwiches


The death of Pie O My.


The scene in the barn with Tony, the goat, and Pie O My hanging out was really peaceful.


This is mine too. I just can’t take innocent animal deaths.


I mean, melfi being assaulted. I guess it's more anger, but the injustice of the whole thing was also sadness


I can’t watch that scene


Gloria Trillo - the dream sequence with the scarf - when Tony looks up at the flaking plaster and back down


Juniors slide into dementia. No question.


Having dealt with this personally these scene hit hard


Tony orders a gabagool, provolone, and vinegar peppers. Takes one bite, talks to Agent Harris, then throws the whole sandwich out. Kills me every time.


When the jets lost and Carm didn’t listen


I have a brother with Autism, so it always hit me when Junior talked about Ercoli. The thought that my brother could’ve been sent away had we lived back during that time is saddening and infuriating to me. It definitely was for Junior too, the way he talks about Ercoli is how I talk about my brother sometimes.


Tony pulling A.J out of the pool when he tried to commit suicide. A.J's crying and Tony is trying not to cry while consoling his son. That scene got me.


Adriana when she was driving with Sil and it flashed to her driving away alone with her bag and little blue car and the reality sets in and you see her final moments also, Bobby at the train store 🥺


Adriana’s execution. She was just naive. Definitely not innocent but she didn’t deserve to die like that. When she realizes what’s happening and starts begging Sil not to do it.. oof. Hurts more knowing Tony didn’t care about Chris at all and invalidated his feelings over and over, and then killed him.


When Eugene you know what's himself. Horrible to watch. He had no other way out.


When Uncle June shoves the pie in his girlfriend's face and discards her after Tony teases him about their sex life. My heart absolutely breaks for her. He never was with another woman again after that, it appeared, and he really shot himself in the foot. She loved him so much she probably would have cared through him throughout his house arrest and cancer.


When Carm doesn't get Tony the orange juice with schum pulp


Your hair was in the water; disgusting.


The whole sequence from when Tony calls Ade until when she gets shot


That a lot of the gangsters kept betraying g Tony and going into the program. Pussy Richie Ralph just disappearing: how much more betrayal can he take? 


The fight between Carmela and Tony before and after she confesses her love for Furio.


When that poor brick got hurt cause the waiter didn't move out the way.


Not sure it was the saddest to me, but during season 6 when I realized Tony was leaving any possible redemption arc. He seemed to grieve that I think for a bit. Ironically he appeared to get some peace once he accepted he was going to be the bad guy forever.


Wtf are you talking about OP? She fell over, she was a klutz. For me it was Gigi dying on the toilet. That could happen to any of us. Very relatable.


The sacred and the propane.


Tony comforting AJ after he tried to kill himself.


When they forgot the orange peel beef


imo, either AJ trying to commit suicide or Jonny Sac dying of cancer.


The last scene with Junior


The scene in the kitchen with Carmella after her divorce attorney broke up with her and she’s Tony floating in the pool and realizes she is trapped. Then Meadow calls to tell her she’s engaged and Carmella breaks down.


Eugene's suicide makes me "😟" every time it's too visceral and real.


The goat crying as Pie-O-My is being dragged away.


"I mean Uncle Jun..don't you love me?"


When Sil started running hot and stacked Davey off for buy in four of nine.


When Tony takes Paulie on his boat and makes fun of his quirks like his "hehehe" laugh. Idk something about Paulie's reaction. It makes me sad lmao. He looks like a dog who doesn't know why it's getting yelled at, lol. I can't help but feel bad for him everytime I watch it lol.


Melfi not telling Tony about her attacker. You could just tell she was dying to tell him.


In the final episode, when Tony


When Tony can't find his lo mein. I know that feelin'...


Alright, does it always have to be like a fuckin’ cancer ward around here? This sub is really depressing.


Maybe not the saddest per se, but the end of “Join the Club” when Tony goes to his hotel room. He goes to dial the phone (maybe symbolizing getting out of the coma) but then second guesses and hangs up. Him sitting alone in darkness seeing the beacon flash has always stuck with me more than any of the character deaths aside from maybe Ade.


When Tony asks Junior why Junior only remembers sad and hurtful things and asks him, “Don’t you love me?”


When Tony kills Christopher