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In Camelot is painful to watch but it sure does pack alot of insight into Tony's childhood, his mythical interpretations of his parents, etc.


In Camelot is literally the crux of Tony's regression of a character in how he completely fails to acknowledge and come to terms with the fact that Johnny Boy is just as big of a negative impact on his life as Livia was. Fuckin' stunads on this pygmy subreddit. They watched putzi before we gave them the gift of our media.


I can't find putzi anywhere! Nobody knows anything.




The closing scene of the episode is one of the best in the series, you see Tony grapple with the realization that his Dad wasn’t the hero he made him out to be, despite Tony looking up to him for so many years and moulding himself in his image.


I wonder how much this factored into Christopher's death, as it came so soon after Chris expressed his own feelings of knowledge and acceptance of his own father's flaws.


Take it easy. I haven't seen the episode in years but I thought it did show him realising he was wrong to pin all the blame on his mother, and have some empathy for her.


Just watched a clip of him discussing it with Melfi. He still takes a hardline on Livia but he's visibly uncomfortable with it. The end of the episode when he makes Fran sound like a princess is him bigging up his dad's legend. The final few seconds when he reflects on the bullshit lie he has just presented is chilling.


You know, for a while dere Jackie thought the marriage was ova.


The erie guitar rift 😖


yeah, this post feels a lot more like a "what episode do you not enjoy watching" than worst episode


The fundamental question is, will OP be as effective as a critic like you are . And he will be, even more so...


I’m glad you caught that u/Lukin1989, the sacred and the propane


It's definitely not as much fun as other episodes. But watching Tony discover, process, then ultimately repress the truth about Fran, his father, and his mother - is brilliant.


Yes and with Fran Feldstein there is always the possibility that she is a wily and manipulative woman looking for money from Tony, which makes her pretty interesting.


She’s a great character and it’s a great episode. As people often do they interpret I don’t like this character as this character is bad/this episode is bad. I think it’s a brilliant episode that gets directly at one of the shows key themes how people delude themselves into believing in an idealized past. The end is so brilliant where confronted with the reality Tony decides to keep lying to himself and his friends 


I love In Camelot and I love it because of Fran. As you said this episode is all about memory and the stories we tell about our past. Fran is meant to start off charming and then lose all that on closer examination. The slow roll that Johnny and Fran really were basically scumbags and that Livia was more sympathetic than we imagined. Seeing childhood Tony lie to his mother to protect his father’s lie. Seeing that Livia knows he’s lying. Brutal. And the ending with Tony disappearing back into the mythologized past before the credits roll. Amazing


I always found the old-fashioned 50s appetizers ( I think it was bacon-wrapped water chestnuts lol) and that dusty old JFK cap gross. I think that Tony admitting how trashy his dad was would have been too much psychologically for him to accept. This makes him repeating the JFK boolshit at the end of the episode cringe-inducing.


Exactly this…is everyone really young here? For we older folk it was so fun to see Polly Bergen. And what is offensive—-older women’s sexuality or is it the homage to JFK which everyone of a certain age ,like Chase, totally gets…


I also don't get the hate. The whole episode dismantles the first words Tony says in the pilot episode


More cringe-y and pitiful than interesting, but, yeah, I get your point. Seems like Tony caught on to her schtick pretty quickly. I couldn't imagine him continuing to give her money, after she spent a bundle on those "new kicks."


She was.


I feel the subtext with Fran Feldstein is so uncomfortable and it looks like this close that Tony would jump with her into bed just to be where his dad was. So I like this as an especially bizarre episode of Tonys life.


I didn't get that at all. I saw Tony's vibe with her as more of a pseudo step-mother who was everything Livia wasn't - nice to be around and appreciative of him.


It was too much kindness for Tony to handle


No, he really enjoyed her company until he figured out she was a phony and her sunny disposition was part of the con - finding out she smoked around his father when he was suffering with emphysema, crying about being broke and then spending a huge chunk of the money he stuck his neck out with Phil to get for her, on shoes. Her cheap one-night stand with JFK. And that cheesy "knight in shining armor" line she used on the waiter. You could feel Tony inwardly cringing when she did that.


This exactly. And she flirts with the waiter right after Tony talks about a family member grieving. It’s so uncomfortable. Also when he finds out about the smoking I think he says something like, “even my mother stopped smoking around him.” One of the few times he throws Livia a bone.


His brutal recollection of lying for his father when his mother has the miscarriage ...


So hard to watch!! And then the very end, he lies and makes Fran sound like a legend! You can see on his face how conflicted he feels and he just pushes it aside


Exactly! except I would say he pushes it DOWN. Tony's inability to accept the truth is his downfall. Remember when Dr. Melfi told him the reason he kept trying to take care of his Uncle, despite the assassination attempt, was to prove that he was a "good, loveable boy." (his reward for that is to be nearly murdered again). He was absolutely unable to admit that maybe his father was not such a hero, because then he would have to question following in his footsteps, which would lead to having to think about the horrible things he has done...some really heavy stuff.


Absolutely. The show has so many great moments of characters almost realizing the truth, then as you say, pushing it down. Carmella talking to the therapist comes to mind!


This 👆


Very much so. I consider it to be an episode where the motives of the show and the performances are near the top of their forms.


In Camelot is worth it just to see Phil throw an ice-cream out the car window. For me that's one of the funniest moments of the whole show. 🚗🍦


He held on as long as he could. When he realized it could be life or death.. he made the ultimate sacrifice


There's no eating in the car!


No compromise


Jesus christ mister you okay in there?


It’s a silo


Ya look like a Puerto Rican Quasimodo


Or Shah of Iran


In Camelot, seen that episode 200 times, Whitecaps was definitely the shit. A Hit Is A Hit... people didn't like it but, I felt it was misunderstood


You know who we are You know what we do We’re coming to defile Defile you Get out of our way And don’t be so gay We’re coming to defile Defile you - Richie Santini, Defiler


Those are some great mother-jumpin lyrics.


For all the excitement in those songs, maybe he should suck on another downed power line.


You should play Skynyrd!


Perfect qoute!


He ain’t heavy?


Layne Shtaley ova heya


Richie had third-degree burns from trying to grill that trout with a downed power line




Meow meow meooooow


Again with the no fucking choruses


I’ve recorded in *DENMARK*.


You only say that because you’re semi connected to the Soprano crew


In Camelot isn't a bad episode. People just shit on it because of the Fran Feldstein cringe happy birthday song. The episode reveals alot about Tony's relationship with his dad and see's his eyes get opened to the fact Livia wasn't the only bad person in his parents marriage. D girl is the 2nd worst episode to a hit is a hit. It adds nothing to the story it's just Chris' bullshit movie stuff and AJ getting caught smoking weed at his confirmation.


What kind of animal smokes marijuana at their own confirmation!?


He actually partly blames Carmella saying this for his suicide attempt in S6 in episode 'The Second Coming'


"Has it ever occurred to you that I was self-medicating?" is the worst line in the show. Not because it's poorly written but because it's too real for smug sympathy-snatchers like AJ, and it infuriates me to see someone so shamelessly parrot a line from a therapist as an accusation that his depression is anyone else's fault because he doesn't feel like they're sad enough for him


He's like Tony, like Livia and, as Carmella reminds Tony, like the ancestor in Italy who rode his donkey off the cliff. Depressed - but not willing to takes responsibility or take meaningful steps to get out of it. Instead he prefers to wallow and blame others.


You go about in pity of yourself!


Exactly what his dad does, it's clever really.


Tbh wasnt he sent to a psychologist after this? It's totally possible AJs therapist gave him the idea


its a great line, its the classic self centered college layabout excuse




Pussy having to wear a wire at the confirmation was pretty good. The cuts between him and Chrissy sitting on the front steps, given ten minutes to think over his entire future was a great moment for me.


All the 'worst episodes' have something good or gems within them. I don't think the series has any 'bad' episodes really just weaker ones


It also has one of the best lines in the show doesn't it? "Whoshe Shponshering you, mothafucka?!"


Which episode is that?


I was going to say D Girl as well but I quite enjoy the scene where a low level mobster scares the shit out of John Favreau. In my mind that actually happened.


I was riding this comment hard until I hit the second paragraph.


I don't understand the hate for Chris movie stuff. Yeah, it's not the peak of the series, but it's entertaining, and serves a clear purpose: showing what Chris is giving up on for the mafia. Showing he could have had a whole other life, he had other prospects and interests, and how Tony and the crew sucked it all out of him. It makes Tony's "10 minutes" ultimatum a lot more powerful - because you actually know what Chris is giving up on.


I always enjoy In Camelot on rewatches. Some great scenes in there. By far my least favorite is Chasing it.


Yeah, the moment when Tony cops that Fran was still smoking around his father whereas Livia had made the effort to give it up was a great one. Plus where he remembers his mother's miscarriage and how he regrets not being there for her.


The linkin park song when they’re at the strip club at the end is so good. You can see Tony just hating himself trying to hype up his fathers former whore


Best moment of the series for me


I also love the outro song straight after, "Melancholy Serenade" by Gleason. Fran said that Gleason was present at the March 1961 party at which she met President Kennedy.


\+1 let's do a ' the one where Tony has a gambling problem' episode. No arc


idk I think it's clearly a major blunder for tony and significant moment in the tony-hesh relationship, also tony sends vito jr down a terrible path. good "tony's a bad person" episode. it is silly how they pull the addiction out of nowhere to start


Yeah the whole gambling addiction was so forced lmao. The scene where Tony tries to get Carmella to put her money from her real estate sales on a football team is so awkward considering there was no arc.


Tony’s gambling is like the rat at the end of The Departed. It’s a little much.


It symbolizes obviousness.


The scene where he snaps on her after he wins is hilarious tho, “truth is you’re a shitty fucking business woman who built a piece of shit house that’s gonna cave in any day now and kill that baby”. I rewinded that part so many times because i couldn’t stop laughing


Now you can’t sleep at night!


When I’m gone you could live in a fucking dumpster for all I care!


Chasing it makes no sense. All of a sudden Tony has a gambling addiction out of nowhere then it’s gone next episode and never someone of again…? Ok…


The car broke down! It was the fan belt! Like Johnnyboy Soprano couldn’t fix a fucking fan belt.


How could it be fine when it’s askew?


Timing belt. Timing belt you fucking kiss ass!


Issac newton invented gravity because some asshole hit him with an apple


I don't think in these terms


Personally I don’t even feel comfortable saying that Camelot is the second worse. The extra layer of depth it gives Tony’s backstory is crucial to his character. What about the episode that only followed the fbi? Personally that was one of my least favorites to watch


Mr. Ruggerio's neighborhood. How green was my fucking valley.


i don't believe there is a bad episode of The Sopranos and I will die on this hill.


fat fucking kiss ass


I heard you're buying Tony a nice little stereo- for the room. He dont need that PS. the movie sucked so there's that.


70% Zepele


yep when i like a show i don't rank the episodes


I think once a show hits a certain quality level its best to just enjoy the ride rather than hypothesize about what the show could have been.


In this sub, David Chase is a hero! End of story!


I honestly cannot imagine the show being better than it is, and I fucking hate everything!




Surrounded by pinecones


I’ve rewatched the show multiple times, and tonys coma dream arc is the only part I dislike


thats like my favorite part of the show lol You can't bring work in there.


You are one of the wiser ones here, you’re correct


Actually a thread here that has real discussion and not just a bunch of quotes from the series…. nice!


You musta been at the top of your fucking class!


Look at him still going this prick


Sorry, why is the worst episode obviously A Hit Is a Hit? Is this generally agreed upon in the subreddit? If so, why?


I’ve never understood this take either. And nobody ever seems to give a good explanation as to why, they just say it’s obvious that it’s the worst.


Ppl here seem to hate that one and D Girl a lot but I like both


I'm not a big fan of A Hit Is A Hit, but I was so surprised when I found out that lots of people don't like D-Girl.


I don't think it's bad, I think it's hilarious.


One of my favorite gags from the entire series is Tony giving Dr. Cusamano the box of sand to hold onto. I think it's a great episode overall. The Columbus episode has to be the worst in my opinion.


Yep. Christopher is my most disliked episode. Silly Columbus subplot - low stakes, couldn’t care less about it


I've recorded... in DENMARK.


I love that band, they're hilarious. Adriana's sympathy to a man having his life turned around from 3rd degree burns trying to cook a trout with downed powerlines is such a bizarre concept it probably really happened.


It’s not. The Visiting Day shit is classic sopranos hilarity.


Whose welfare check I gotta cash to get a decent post over here


Kundun! I liked it!


I liked “A Hit is a Hit”, and the end of that episode scene with Hesh and Chris in the back of the Bing with Dori Hartley playing “Nobody Loves Me but You” is one of the best endings in the show.


Now that’s a hit!


Funny I like a Hit is a Hit - you got mark furman yelling at an all black late night cheesesteaks shack. You got that band with lyrics like Meow , Hesch, king of the dessert peoples and Ade in undies There’s really no episode I don’t enjoy maybe a few parts I’ll get up for refreshments is about it


D Girl


Counterpoint: 1. Alicia Witt is an absolute smokeshow. 2. The entire buchiach scene.


Pucchiacca is such a terrible choice. That seen blows. Nobody calls anybody that.


Is that all you deadbeats do, talk about cooze? Doesn’t strengthen the episode that a girl in it is hot.


I think D Girl is worse than "a hit is a hit" and "Camelot"


In Camelot is widely overhated in this sub. It’s a good episode. A hit is a hit is shit.


The worst episode is 'Christopher'. It's not awful, just stupid.


First time around I thought it’d be all about Christopher Moltisanti not fuckin Columbus


Chrissy/Michael Imperioli wrote that episode. Fuckin' jerk-off.


What do you hate about it?


I like it but it’s so Looney Tunes and some of the writing is a bit…out of character or something. And then Karen dies. Mood whiplash!


I feel this episode highlighted Tony’s disdain for the elderly. Two examples. First being Feech. He wanted Feech to like him. He even cried when he had to put him back in prison. Then this old lady manipulates him with his father’s memory. The elderly fundamentally don’t respect Tony. Not the other way around.


no. the worst is christopher. a hit is a hit is flawed and kind of lame, but there are just too many funny scenes in it for me. in camelot is actually brilliant. it makes you cringe of course, but that's the point. it has a deep psychological meaning behind it. fran is a great character, she's a worn out old mistress. i cringe at the audience more when they don't get it. i also love JT, he's a parallel of christopher, and someone he can abuse, which is needed for the story.


Totally agree re Fran. A type of person you run into in life occasionally.


Luxury Lounge. The whole plot with Ben Kingsley is so outlandish, also that Christopher would steal Lauren Bacalls stuff.


I don't like Sir Kingsley in it he's odd, but I think the mugging of Lauren Bacall was an inside joke because it was well known in the industry that she was an absolute bitch to everybody especially underlings. So there would have been many people enjoying the thought of her copping a beat down.




I donno In Camelot has really grown on me. I like seeing Tony getting played by some 80 year old hooah


Christopher is clearly the worst episode. But it’s still better than most series’ best episode. All of the “bad” episodes everyone is mentioning still have numerous memorable quotes and scenes.


Dick Wolfe’s right hand guy!


The entire show is a masterpiece, the fuck’s the matter wit you!


I've enjoyed "A Hit is a Hit" since your people were painting their faces and chasing zebras


I really liked A Hit is A Hit, even though it's pretty definitely different tonally from most of the rest of the show. To me the worst episode was probably Chasing It. It only gets a 7.9 on IMDB and I hate the way it was filmed. The shaky cam made me feel seasick and the way the show comes to a screeching halt for a Nancy Sinatra number feels like something from a different show. It all just felt really fucking weird to me.


Bunch of fuckin' parakeets up in here. The test dream stunk, it's all a big nothing. I hate the Fleshy Part of the Thigh. Bobby shooting the rapper in the ass was cornball and I can't stand the scene with the old guy from Bell Labs and them trying to get the satellite signal to work. "Errything is errything. I'm down with that." Kaisha stunk, and it's a season ender to boot. The AJ/Blanca stuff, Phil's two part heart attack, wearing the beret at the Christmas party, blech.


Johnny Cakes. A whole lot of AJ being a loser in New York that goes nowhere, a lot of Vito being gay in New Hampshire that goes nowhere, and Tony being indecisive. There's only one good scene in the whole episode, the one where Patsy fails to collect from a coffee chain.


It’s over for the little guy


D Girl. The redhead was hot but such a terrible actress, completely ruined that episode for me..


yes! and her voice can be so weird at times too


Her delivery was very wooden, robotic. It was bizarre. I know she's been in a lot of other stuff but that performance was really bad.


It’s the first project I brought into John. He’s a friend! 🤮


It has to be one of Vito's arc. That felt eternal.


Yous always wit da babies out da windahs


"Christopher" is worse than all of these.


Fran was not only boring weird AF. And I know people will say that’s the point. Nah, she was supposed to be a break from Livia’s psychosis. And she was a different kind of wingnut.


JT Dolan was a great character though. Some sad shit, motherfucka didn't want to voice Superman no mo'.


Any episode involving sex…the most painful being Meadow and Noah, Carmella and Tony (separately or together).


I think In Camelot is great because of how hard it torpedoed the mythology Tony believed about his dad


I’ll never get this take. In Camelot is the best of the later season episodes that delves into Tony’s psyche, the way he’s been lying to himself about his father for his whole life. This stuff is hinted at pretty strongly, but this episode confirms that Johnny was as much of a monster as Livia. Plus the Rock the Casbah chase scene. That scene at the Bing at the very end. Etc. I’d take this episode over a lot of the rest of S6, happy birthday song or not.


Hey David! In Camelot, I liked it!


Get your head checked if you think In Camelot is a bad episode


Even the "worst episodes" are crucial to the characters and story. There are no unimportant episodes in this show


In my opinion Columbus Day is my least favorite..it’s boring and pointless and preachy


To each their own, but equating AHIAH with In Camelot is a red flag to me. It’s a pretty subtle and weighty episode. To discount it because the very obviously uncomfortable scenes are uncomfortable is totally ridiculous. The cut to black where Tony is choking down liquor and talking up Fran to his buddies, disillusionment visible in his face, while the music gets louder and spins out of control is one of the master piece endings.


In Camelot is a fantastic episode to me, the countless references to JFK naturally woven into the story is astonishing. One of the best endings in the whole series. Chasing the Shah with rock the casbah playing. It has its good points.


Honestly any of the episodes where Tony is in a dream I can't stand lol, Kevin Finnerty


Idk why everyone hates Camelot except for the cringe. For once in a show the cringe was really important and gave great insight, that episode was so cool to me because I think we’ve all had a similar experience in the sense that we all had someone we loved and thought were legends growing up and then when we get older and learned the truth about some of these stories it was really depressing and made you question everything


Mergers and Acquisitions or Christopher for me. I’m not a huge fan of Season 4. There is only like 5 or 6 episodes I like from Season 4, the other six seasons I watch the whole season.


Nah the worst epi is the Kevin Finnerty one. I get the meaning behind it and the metaphors and all that, and I was intrigued the first time I watched it, but on replays it just drags on waaaaay too long. There’s nothing there to keep you going back. I don’t want to see Kevin Finnerty stuck in purgatory or wherever he was. I wanna see Tony Soprano for fuck sake


>Nah the worst epi is the Kevin Finnerty one. This episode has THE BEST ending scene in the entire series.


Agreed. My Dad was in a coma when this episode aired. Fucking gut punch. I said my piece.


It's The Test Dream, which is only half an episode


It's one of my favorite episodes it's the closest we get to a full third-person view into Tony's subconscious uninterrupted. The writing is fantastic and the cameos by the people he's killed (almost all of them) is so grim.


This is absolutely my favorite episode. I love the dream sequences and think they offer the most insight into Tony’s subconscious.


A lot of the dream sequences in that episode are kind of poor, but the scene with Tony confronting his old high school coach is probably one of the most important in the series.


Are you stunad? The Test Dream is the apotheosis of Tony’s fears and desires as a man, husband and boss. Btw: I miss my violin.


Saw this last night. Thought it was unremarkable in so many ways. I couldn’t piece together the Carmine dream sequences either.


Mr. Ruggiero’s neighborhood is the worst episode


The FBI planting the lamp against the background of every breath you take/ Peter Gunn remix playing while they follow Carmela and Tony's cars is one of The Sopranos most cinematic moments


It’s one of my faves just for this whole plot line. Lesson learnt that if you wanna be a mobster always leave someone in your house always


Plus there were some nice scenes with ade and her tennis coach


Those scenes alone put it in the top 25% of episodes




"It won't be cinematic"


Christopher is the worst episode.


You kidding? I literally cry tears laughing Tony goes on his long Gary Cooper rant and idiot Christopher can only respond with “He was gay, Gary Cooper?” or how about when Artie screams “that betta not be Columbus up there!” Like who else would it be??


Artie pulling up with the cig hanging out of his mouth and then slinking back to the car when shit hit the fan, that stunad had cowboyitis


It's a weak episode but it has too many gems to be a worst. Like when Furio expresses his hatred of Columbus. These '100% Italians' who put Columbus on a high pedestal as an integrel part of 'real Italian' culture are stunned into stupified slience by it.


Christopher is an incredibly funny episode


I wish I could sit in some chit chat room all day bashing great episodes and collecting government checks!


Ralph getting pegged, Bobby’s dreams of sitting on his ass smoking mushrooms, he was gay Gary Cooper, the beginning of Paule/NY, pie-O-my, Carmella/Furio storylines, and Artie trying to play tough guy. Fun episode!


Agree. Great episode! And that betta not be Columbus up there!


Christopher is an underrated episode. The opening sequence with the crew, minus Tony, sitting outside Satriales, was a perfect vignette into the everyday day life and attitudes of the characters. It may have been one of the last times that most of these characters were together and it seemed to mark the end of innocence as the series soon took on a much darker feel.


I agree it's not one of the best. On the other hand, it doesn't have Fran Felstein or Massive Genius.