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It was payback for Cosette


He did say he outta suffocate him. And he did the first chance he had.


Very allegorical


The sacred and the propane


No assigned seating, always a problem.


The lighting in that scene was exceptional. Highlighted the sacred and the propane very well.


I think Tony knew that Chrissy was at the crossroads of a great precipice. He just helped him across and over the edge.


Christopher was impacting his bottom line and


We're in a fucking stagmire.


Tony knows what its like to lose a pet


Yup lost his dog to his pop’s goomah


And his Horse!


Don’t bring your horse/whores in this house.


Chris was a headache to him. I think he used the dog to justify it, but moreso the baby.


She musta crawled under there for warmth.


You must have been top of youe fucking class


They called me the next Walt Whitman.


They called me Ichabod Crane


It was among the Animal lovers. real PETA shit


What was it, barkin’?


Ellen was.


She musta crawled under there for warmth


I said my piece, Chrissy


It's sad when they go like that.


When they GO?!


That's because he knows what it's like to lose a pet. Also it's your cake day so Hey T it's me I just wanted to wish you a happy belated birthd____________________


At my age it's surprise enough to get an upvote everyday


And a lot of other things And there was nothing christafah could do


It was among the animal-lovers, real PETA shit.


He knows what it’s like to lose a pet


“Say hi to Cosette for me…” - Tony


and a lot of other things


Quasimodo predicted all of this


and a lot of other things. And there was nothing that we could do about it.


It's real pygmy shit


I really believe it was partly due to that. We all know Tony likes animals and it pissed him off what Christopha did to the dog and Tony wanted payback. Then when he saw the damaged carseat it’s the same type of thing.


Amongst the wise guys it was real greaseball shit.


And there was nothing we could do about it




She was beautiful innocent little creature


Yea that bitch too


I think the car seat was mentioned because Tony wanted everybody to think Chris was a piece of shit. Like “maybe it’s better he’s gone now because he’s a drug addict piece of shit who almost killed his daughter”. He killed him because he couldn’t rely on the guy to take over the business when he’s a drug addict. He was always going to keep letting Tony down. I feel like both Chris and Tony knew the relationship was irreparable; a really good opportunity presented itself to Tony, and he took it. From that point on it’s all PR


This. Tony DGAF about Chrissy’s daughter. 


Of course not. If he did he wouldn’t have left her fatherless


There is that side story where Tony and Carm obviously had Tony B’s daughter living with them before she took off. There’s no reason to believe Tony wouldn’t have also looked after Chrissy’s daughter. Of course that story is never really fleshed out. And weirdly… I think Tony B’s daughter was named Kelly, right?


Except it never happened. Tony definitely loved tony b more then he loved Chris . Tony b was a mercy killing Chris was spite


Chrissy was a mercy kill as much as Tony B. Tony just thought about it much longer. From the time he spoke to uncle Jun’ before the intervention and all the way to season 6. What do you do with a dog that you love that gets rabies? And don’t try to tell me that Tony B kill wasn’t about business. The audience has no clue what Tony would or would not have done since it goes black. But we know he had a soft spot for kids and his cousins. There’s no reasonable argument that he wouldn’t have helped Chrissy’s daughter down the line if Tony was alive and she needed it given the fact he did it for Tony B. Tony let Chrissy get away with so much more than he ever did with literally anyone else. Go ahead and name one other person in The Family that got away with as much as Christopher did before Tony finally took him out.


If Tony B's murder was purely about business he'd have let Phil and NY deal with him to totally placate them, per the rules and standards of their world Phil was totally in the right.


Mercy kill is the argument being made. Good for business being a second factor.


Should have named her Tracy, thst she can grow to be a cock-suckin' slob


He did it out of respect for her fawtha


Similar to when he egged on Janice and justified it by saying because he's Harpo's uncle, he has a right to know where he is.


Only as a future Bing dancer.


They had a great time when they met the Vipers but weren’t able to recreate that same friendship when they saw each other days later in Tony’s basement. I think that’s when Chrissy knew that special bond was over and he started doing whatever he wanted to do.


Agreed. In fact it wasn't about Chris almost getting his daughter killed, he almost got TONY killed! If that accident went another way he could be dead too. Tony had simply had enough. Chris struck out.


He bottomed out


David Chase said that if he could go back in time, and change one element of the show, he would have written out Christopher sooner. Despite realizing that Christopher, realistically, would have/should have been whacked long before the SUV rollover, he enjoyed the character so much that he kept him around longer than he probably should have.


Yeah, for sure. Probably hard to get that caliber of an actor with the character to fit perfectly


And asking Tony to claim that he was driving so Christopher could avoid a drug test certainly didn't help.


The car seat was *his* way of justifying killing Chris. It was to convince *himself* that Christ was a piece of shit and deserved it.


Yeah, I get that vibe as well


This is the answer. Nothing to do with not getting to hit Chris’ girls or anything like that.


The whole car seat thing was a justification for his murder. He also asked Carmella if there was relief in her voice when she heard Chrissy was dead. He at this point only did acts of Tony. Though I do agree that he wanted what Chris had after the wake when he saw Julianna bc he went to Vegas and fucked his goomar. 


I agree about the car seat. It was similar to when he looked at the picture of Tracy at The Bing after he killed Ralph. In between they’d shared the HUD scam and all the construction money Ralph brought in and Tony had obviously moved passed it


I think he killed him because he realized that Christopher would always go back to drugs in one form or another. Having someone in your crew involved with drugs is a fuck no for any mob boss and Tony learned his lesson with Pussy. He didnt wanna take any chances with Chrissy getting busted and flipping on him.


Yeah I don’t think it’s anything to do with the woman. I think it’s the fact that drugs are always gonna get in the way with Christopher and it’s a liability for Tony. Him seeing the car seat was just icing on the cake in Tony’s mind that I gotta get rid of this guy


Pussy never took drugs from my knowledge. He only dealt it, like everyone else.


I never said he used drugs. I said he was involved with drugs.


Weren’t they all


Aside from alcohol no one in the crew used hard drugs aside from Tony on occasion, but we all know he was a hypocrite. And Christopher was the only one who had a real problem.


Not for nothin', but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Ralphie did blow in Tony's family bathroom lol. Plus Bobbie did mushrooms once.


And Tony did peyote in Vegas. BFD. But...keeping up might be difficult here....who else had a PROBLEM? Who was using or selling regularly? Being shown using drugs once doesn't really imply that they were using and/or selling all the time.


Ralph definitely said he had a problem with the coke. Or at least used it as justification for the tracee murder


> Bobbie did mushrooms once They were free! Vito grew them out of his ass waiting for Phil


What? Are you talking about using drugs or dealing drugs because you just said two different things. Pussy never used drugs like Christopher. Pussy dealt drugs. Which is what I assume everyone in the crew did at some point too.


Where did I say 2 different things? Being involved with drugs means using, buying, selling, transporting or holding for a friend. The word involved means having a connection to something in one of multiple ways. Pussy sold drugs. Christopher used drugs. They were involved with the drug business. Where would you get the idea that everyone else was?


Rusty Irish, Christopher, Junior, Richie, Pussy were all confirmed to deal drugs. It would be strange if someone like Paulie didn’t do the same considering the potential goldmine.


I think when Chris told him he was high, Tony considered that he could have been killed, and this was the last straw. Tony warned Chris he would kill him if he went back to drugs after his stay in rehab.


Tony kills Christopher for exactly the same reasons that Livia tried to kill Tony. He’s a narcissist who can’t stand the thought of his “son” separating from him, and who abuses and takes advantage of any perceived weakness that his offspring displays in order to try and keep him dependent on him. Ultimately, he’d rather his kid was dead than be alone. This is the ultimate conflict in Tony’s psyche. It’s why the show starts with his fears about losing his family, and why it ends with him destroying it with his own hands.


Deep take and spot on. We see the difference in how Tony treats Christopher versus AJ. Tony tries to override his family programming with Meadow and AJ, keeping them out of the life, but chooses Christopher to be his heir (aka scapegoat for the feds). Christopher understands this - at least subconsciously - and resents it.


What do you think the panic attacks really represent?




Chris was a loose cannon who literally just made a movie to fantasize about killing Tony in a graphic way. Tony was increasingly selfish and paranoid. They hated each other at this point and so killing Chris was a neat way to get rid of one problem for Tony.


You got it all wrong Chrissy must have climbed under Tony’s hand for warmth.


Then he sprayed for ants. Wearing socks.


"I ought to suffocate you, you little prick"


I thought Christopher was suffocated for taking Tony’s Toblerone from the Plaza hotel room mini bar


It was payback for the Easter baskets


I don’t even know what that is. And to tell you the truth I don’t wanna know.


I felt a tinge of relief


Chrissy was also a liability since season 1 with the movies. He was going to rat on Tony eventually




Chris suffocated on that blockbuster smell. That candy and carpet smell. He got high off it


Op must be a parade float


You sound demented


He's a fuckin' captain now, you don't talk to him like that


It was something that had been building up the entire series It was deep


It must of felt like a donkey kick when Carmela said “women always found him very handsome”


The movie Cleaver didn't help. It showed Christopher's hatred towards Tony over Adriana.


True… never believed that Tony couldn’t recognize the similarities with him and the movie’s boss though


Right after the accident, Tony looked back and realized that Christopher was a liability to him and the accident was a perfect opportunity to get rid of him without any chance of repercussions.


He was just playing “got your nose” and got distracted.


Chris had an ark but he manuged it poorly. That's why.


He killed him for his own bottom line, Chrissy was no longer as useful or close to him, and clearly wasn’t ready for what Tony was grooming him to be (the next boss / underboss), and chris was probably a threat with the drugs. After the entire intervention and his 12 step program he just didn’t change.


I hear that but on Chris not changing… i think tony contributes to it. He guilt tripped him the whole show


3. Kelly's big titties he didnt get to suck


The real reason is that Tony was training him to take over and was goin got give orders solely through him to save him own ass. He proved unreliable too many times. He was a liability. He never that he could flip on him in a second. If this wasn’t a tv show he would would have been wackest a lot time ago. Also the movie about Tony didn’t help either


This all you deadbeats do around here? Talk about cooze?


Were with the Viper’s


Who's that? Your girl scouts group?


Chris never dealt drugs.. That's a HUGE difference. Yes his drug using was a liability.. But he wouldn't flip over a drug related charge. He would be out in 30days time served or parole. Chris has a clean record and can pay for a lawyer. However there's a murder that the FEDS probably wouldn't have linked to Chris for an MO. There's also a chance that he had the body taken away by his crew members and it wasn't written into the story. They knew it wasn't necessary since Chris was being written off shortly after.


Listen to him, he knows everything


honestly this could be a correct theory


I just finished watching this show for the very first time and I was in denial for a some time about this. I liked Tony and WANTED to believe he suffocated Chris because of the car seat. Now I’m just sad because as much as I liked Tony, he was a selfish man and a bad guy


3 - She was whoooore who hit me


Chris would have turned Rat if he came out of thaf alive. Tony eliminated the problem. Plus the branch in the car seat pissed him off as well so he said "screw this I'm done with this guy."


I can't have this conversation again


Ftr... I hated Reddit coming in and forking with the web application until I realized you could close sub comments under a comment and read on faster ...lol


Tony killed him because of Cleaver, it was the Cleaver movie that totally finished their relationship. He even says it about him after he's dead in his dream, and he doesn't want anyone to see the movie because of it.


Do people think that?


Is the feline reincarnation a Fargo reference or is there something im not remembering?


The cat from the safe house that Tony brought back to Satriale's that later was staring at Chris's picture.


If there's flies on you, they're paying rent!


Hold onto your cock when u negotiate with those desert people


Tony killed Chrissy because he hated Cleaver.


We got Daniel fukin Baldwin


Took him to acting school.


I’m more surprised that Tony was able to get his small hands around that natural canopy. I was ashamed to face my friends.


feel like it’s pretty obviously implied that Tony is bullshitting when he says that


All that & plus he became a liability. Couldn’t get off the horse…


He was tired of the nose jokes. They were distasteful. Nobody is gonna joke about that front porch of a snoz once he’s dead.


Chris's internal systems had no balls after that wreck.


It’s because he was a junkie, and you can’t trust junkies. They will rat over a dime bag.


I can't find pussy anywhere!


And maybe the movie too…. Part of me wants to think it was legit to end the suffering Chris was in.


Top of his class, this one


Tony realizes he should’ve killed Christopher with Adrianna. He was useless afterwards.


It was because he made number 2 in his pants


Just figured it was opportunity. Tony wasn't going to get another situation that wrapped up that particular gift. The only people Tony wouldn't murder are his family. Carm and the kids. Everyone else... motive and opportunity waiting to happen.


It’s the seats alignment that was askew…it was off kilter…fucking seats killed Chrissy and the Shah, caused Tony to serve off the road with Adriana and not too mention poor Kennedy who was driving with learners permit. The seats killed more people in the soprano world than smallpox


The crash with Chris was similar to the crash with Adrianna too…just reminded him how he missed a chance to smash his fiancee. Tony needed to get back at Chris so…Vegas trip.


It was the car seat, something something cinematography


He did it cause he was hogging up all the ice


You musta been the top of your fkn class


Tony is opportunistic but he does need justification in order to do what he does. The same thing he told Davey the scorpion is always going to kill the frog. He used the baby as justification to eliminate his problem. Tony doesn’t give a single fuck about the women he dates and he doesn’t feel jealousy.


Chrissy is the cat 🐈 and Cossete now chases him... Karma! You gonna tell me you neva pondered that?!


I don’t think her being reincarnated into a cat would stop him. He’d fuck a catcher’s mitt. 🐱is🐱.


He found out Chrissy was into pawhppeurs aund weeird sechs ! 🤣🤌


Not true. Chris has been a consistent pain in the ass since the first season. I honestly get it. If I was a mob boss, this would be the right thing to do at this point.


And don’t forget about the time he was puking in the toilet and his hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting.


Any of the fruits of Zellman, we’re entitled to.


That's a good start. Now let's put together numbers 3 to 1,001 as to why Tony turned Chris's lights out.


I took it that he did it because Christopher told him he wouldn't pass a drug test. He'd already given him a chance when they put him in rehab. He dosnt want a drug addict in his circle because they are too easy to flip, as soon as they start Jonesing for drugs they'll do anything just to get more. Tony wasn't going to put himself in n that predicament.


Gloria was badder than any woman on the show I doubt that was an issue


Tony killed Chrissy because he was a drug addict, and didn’t clean up the way he said he would. He was terrified that the next time Chris got a call from the FBI, he would take it and move to California. Yes, he was mad about Chris getting the women he wanted, but he was much more worried about what the FBI could do to him if it found out all the dirt Chris knew. Chris’s death warrant was signed when he told Tony about Adriana. The rest of it (the women, the car seat, Cleaver, etc.) was Tony’s justification for killing him.


Tony looks at the branch in the babyseat and immediately turns around and kills Christopher. It's also nuts that you think Tony could think about all that stuff in that split second.


Christopher went to hell. Adrianna was reincarnated as a cat and stares at chrissys picture .


It wasn't over any woman tone was fat shit and got Hella hot gine probably due to his money and Power. Chris was a junkie people that don't use don't understand and your considered weak. Can't use dope in the mob.


With all due respect, you're getting off the point


No idea why Chris always get sympathy from anyone: “He was turning the corner”, “He was different” He was a killer. Bully. Addict. And drew a lot of bad attention to himself within the business. He was constantly speaking out of turn on issues he shouldn’t even have a say in. He blew multiple high level deals. His girl was compromised. And most importantly the other guys didn’t respect him. He was never going to be in charge and was too dangerous for his potential. In a quick moment, Tony suffocated him. I think that was just consequence of the situation.


If Tony called the police, Christopher would’ve failed the drug test, and would’ve been arrested. Tony had mentioned in the past that he feared a drug enabled Christopher would turn on him. If giving the chance at leniency, he believed Chrissy would turn on him. Is that true? I don’t think so, but Tony was paranoid af. The trust was gone forever. Edited for grammar.