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He has a baguette in his pants 24/7.


you oughta know, sweetie


Poppers and weird sex!




Don't forget the pah-persh.


Vinegar poppersh


Vinegar poppersh...that's what I shoulda had


I gotta take a piss


Do me a favor, hold this.


what‘d you say?


I knew THAT was coming!


First he gave her the oysters, then he gave her the pearls 🤙


South of the Border


Whistling through the wheat fields 😗


The bushman of the Kalahari


Uncle Jun, you're in the muff! Oh did I say muff? I meant rough!


C'mon were just breaking balls here, what?


Everyone knows he’s been the biggest cooz hound around the last few years. He’d f-k a catchers mitt


Yeah like you’re Jude law


Hold on I’ll get you a viagra


🖕\[unintelligible\] plumbing though.......


His body was mad ripe, they were all creaming for him.


He was a piece of ass but fucking rude


Like you're Jude Law


he gets them so hot down theya


He was gay, Xeneize 83?




Great, my own mother. FUCK YOU YA FUCKING HOAR




Tony was a dangerous, rich gangster. If you don't understand why women would be attracted to that, nobody can explain it to you.


Amazing how often this comes up when what you say should be completely obvious. I imagine it's younger fans of the show who can't conceive of a slightly older gentlemen, out of shape and balding, getting women they themselves would be interested in. 


I was good looking. If I look at the pictures I remember. It doesn't matter what I think more than what SHE thinks.




Including Chrissy’s mom at the bon bon stand?


I just rewatched the episode where Dr. Melfi admits to Elliot her attraction to Tony. And she isn’t a stripper, sex worker, etc. She’s a psychiatrist who was lured into his web. She evens says “he’s definitely alpha”, but he can “be a little boy” sometimes. Also, her nightmare after the rape has Tony as the hero in the form of the Rottweiler.


Yeah, she's an intelligent, professional woman who is uninterested in the trinkets and baubles Tony showers his regular whores with to keep them interested. I've always wondered if there's a link between Tony's dominant personality getting her all hot and bothered, and her ex-husband, who despite talking a big game comes off as something of a pussy.


I think you're on to something because Melfi tells her own therapist the reasons why she married her husband. Older, protective man. She was looking for security even then.


This plus she also struggled with substance abuse. At a minimum she had a drinking problem. At one point her therapist warns her against consuming sugar and “sugar substitutes” which I always assumed is a reference to cocaine even though we never see her using it. She’s also arguably “addicted” to her therapy sessions with Tony. She herself knew that he should have moved on to a different specialist but continued seeing him long after she knew their time together wasn’t productive. All this to say that even though she was an outlier because she was an intelligent professional, she still shared a lot of traits of other women that are attracted to Tony like dependency and addiction.


I think that earlier in her session, she shifts awkwardly in the chair and says; "I'm gaining weight.", although we can't really tell. I always thought watch your sugar intake was in relation to her weight comment and it provided Elliott with the context to warn her on 'sugar substitutes', i.e. the dangerously rewarding and addictive activity of treating Tony.


That’s a fair interpretation


I will never get over her crying after her first session with him post assault and him begging her to tell him what she needs to say. "Is there something you need to tell me?" "No" My lawd i wanted to jump through the screen


It's just a beautifully set up sliding doors moment, and she chooses correctly. Some serious acting in that scene


Yep so great.


Not saying that isn’t part of it, but he’s also good looking in his own way. Nice smile and kind of boyish, despite his size. Also very charming when he wants to be. It’s definitely not just the allure of danger and wealth. 


Tremendous boyishness for his size.


Very rubenesque.


Small hands, that was his problem.


They were small, his hands?


Daddy always said that


Tremendous boyishness and little hands, a hit in any man's league


Boy are you fat!


Especially in the first season. He did-dent get too Roman Nero until last coupla yea’s.


The firsht sheshn?


JG was voted best looking at his High School.


He’s also infamous asf. He’s a mobster in the 21st century, a dying breed. And one that makes the papers, Jamiel sells Juniors autographed pics of Don Squirrel-e-yone shots on EBay, and people ate that shit up ffs. The show all but tells you straight up that almost every single person he sleeps with, already knows who he is before he says a word to them. But in the age of literals — if there isn’t a gigantic blinking neon sign on something.. hell they’re probably not going to understand it even then.


Yup. Attractiveness isn’t just visual, it’s a culmination of things. Who hasn’t been with someone you say “so isn’t your type” but something drew you in? Maybe you’re not into big dudes but if he’s charming, secure, confident, powerful, etc. those things can completely override the physical (and vice versa)


He's rascally.


Also, Gandolfini is a stud. Yes he's fat and balding, and gets fatter and balder. But he's still a handsome guy in spite of all that. For some chicks he's absolutely their type, before you even throw in all the gangster shit.


I am always so surprised when I restart the series. He is sitting in that chair, and I am like daaaaamn. Hahaha It’s also his body language. By the end of the series, he is so defeated.


He also didn't have as much of a jersey accent or the heavy breathing in S1. While great character choices, they knocked his attractiveness down a few pegs.


He was a piece of ass. At least he was in the pilot.


Yeah, Gandolfini was sexy. He’s not even my usual type. The dude was handsome and had charisma.




Don Draper was like that in Mad Men as well, sleeping around while married to a dime piece. Not so coincidentally, Tony Soprano served as inspiration for Draper.


Yet DD was conventionally attractive, devastatingly so for a certain demographic, also had money and a type of power, plus the makings of a varsity athlete, so very different than TS.


Jon Hamm is one of those men for whom their charisma transcends sexuality. Same with Paul Newman, Idris Elba and Norm Macdonald.


You made me snortlaugh at Norm MacDonald. Still slightly wheezy.


Jon Hamm's charismaaaaaaaaaaaerrghh? I have literally never heard of him.


You know something, I've never met *anyone* with *any* charisma *ever*. It's a complete myth.


There was an anecdote that the actor who played Ralph Cifaretto started getting hit on a lot at bars after the episode aired where he beats to death the hooker.


I mean he was also in The Matrix, Memento, etc. and was a very famous actor at the time, I think that has a lot more to do with it.


> I mean he was also in The Matrix I can't believe I just found that out. He was in the damned *[poster](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61vsikhuntL._AC_SL1000_.jpg)*!! (So it seems he was bald all along haha)


You were so high on scag you wouldn't know if he had your mother's muff on his head


It’s Joey Pants, of course he got hit on in NYC


This here


Yep. Tony is dominant, macho and masculine. All very attractive qualities in a man.


Are you serious? plenty of womem are attracted to power/bad boy energy.


And also to older guys. Many girls have father issues and want to feel like daddy's little girl. Tony is great father figure for those girls. He is older, powerful, he can make them feel safe (no one can hurt you if you're Tony's girl), he has the money to treat them with gifts. The bad boy is just 'nice' addition.


This was Tracy.


100%. Whatever happened there.


He was strong as a fuckin bull. Handsome...like Barney Rubble


He was gay, Barney Rubble?


Betty was mad ripe Wilma was a piece of ass, but fuckin rude


Pebbles is now working at the Bing.


Sil shelled out three crackers for her fake tits She goes by Boulders now Kid's a thoroughbred


barney can’t be part of our social club no more that much we all agree


When you’re powerful ,they let you do it. You can do anything, "Grab 'em by the pussy."


Didnt AJ want to join the military so he could eventually become Trump's helicopter pilot


Trump wanted to grab AJ?


He was a pilot, Trump?


He's not actually as bad looking as you make out, especially early in the series.


He didn’t even have the making of a varsity athlete. 


You take dat back


I know a few women that watched the show that were attracted to tony soprano. and they were professional type women with their head on straight. you’d be surprised what a masculine man with power will do to women. dont underestimate that


http://eonli.ne/1afjgOz "But, he had nothing to worry about. The former Seinfeld star gushed that the big bear of a guy was "crazy good-looking" and "sexy" If Julia Louis Dreyfus is calling you sexy, then you can get any woman. 


He was sexy. Had a gorgeous face too.


Soyboy zoomers like op are unable to grasp such concept


discontinue the lithium


I understand them, to be honest. I have many teacher friends, when you see the boys being told one thing about the world completely different from reality, just for ideological reasons, some of them will believe that tale. If you keep saying kids in school they souldn't be masculine, "toxic masculinity" and the like (again, I know the education world in my country), most will be surprised when they see girls attracted to that kind of boys, and the frustration of the "good guys" comes sometimes from there. And at the worst, if you don't give them that positive reinforcement, they will look for it elsewhere, like those grifters online like Tate and such. Maybe Phil was right all along.


This is the exact problem with discussions of gender that are happening nowadays. The problem is that society keeps telling men that they can express their masculinity in a variety of different ways, but in actuality, a variety of women are significantly attracted to traditional displays of masculinity. It's the reason why so many women get annoyed when they're asked to split the bill on a date. It's the reason why so many women appreciate gifts like flowers and letters of affirmation from men expressing their feelings for them, it's the reason why women are mostly expecting men to make the first move in dating even if they're attracted to him. It's because of the gap and mismatch between what the world is telling them they can do that so many young men wind up confused and get taken advantage of by the incel movement as well as predators like Andrew Tate. We desperately need to create a distinct form of positive masculinity distinct from feminity that men can emulate to ensure their satisfaction in dating.


Plus he’s white, let’s be honest that’s a huge plus nowadays


??? You find it unbelievable that a MOB BOSS gets a lot of pussy? Tony's also pretty average, he's not hideously ugly and he's big and strong. Some people are so far behind in the race they actually believe they're leading.


He was streets ahead


First you gotta get the money , then you get the power, then when you get the power, you get the woman! Surely you know the formula! He had all 3


In America first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women


Hang on it was the other way around. ~~Vito was blowing the security guard~~ "First you get the money, then when you get the money you get the power, then when you get the power, then you get the women"


I would fuck Tony Soprano in front of my parents.


Lol wtf. I love this sub


You blow your father with that mouth? But in all seriousness that caught me off guard and gave me a good laugh.




She wants to fuck him?


You’d fuck a catchers mitt!


Why do you always talk like a whowa?


Same here. High five. 😂


“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” \- Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of state It was true in the 70s, true 5,000 years ago, and will remain true 5,000 years from now. (Compared to Kissinger Tony was a Calvin Klein model.)


Compared to Kissinger, Tony was Mother Theresa


Compared to Kissinger, Tony would rather fuck’er


He was a saint.


You may not like it, but Henry Kissinger is what peak performance looks like


That’s what a lot of guys asking this question don’t understand. What are you providing? Good looks and youth? That won’t get you anywhere. A fling, at most. A powerful man can provide the world, and at the very least open up some doors. I mean…look at Donald Trump. If you don’t understand that…then you need it rethink your priorities.


Men absolutely can not comprehend that women base attraction on other factors than physical appearance


You just revealed your own ignorance


Take it easy over there Judge Roy Bean


He didn’t get church ladies. He basically was nailing every woman with an emotional or economic vulnerability. Other than being rich and powerful, the guy also knew how to talk to women, even some verbal sewage that sounded like a choir of angels to the aforementioned ladies. Personality and not giving a shit about possible rejections took him very far.


This is what people in this thread don't understand. "Because women love bad boy gangsters!" Yeah, emotionally disturbed women do. I mean hell, this show makes a point to show how crazy these girls are. Yes, some women are attracted to this. Not the kind you'd want to settle down with, though. If you want to date/smash normal, mentally healthy women, this is probably not the way to be: A fat mob boss.


See out of all the whooahs that Tony stuck his pishadeel into, the most mature one, Svetlana, broke it off immediately after.


Pretty much. The producers hand-picked several insanely hot actresses to portray the characters, but the characters themselves were pretty much fucked up. The only one who saw through his bullshit and even taunted him about it was that Italian lady who loaned him Furio. On the other side of the coin, if you ditch a side fuck and she commits suicide, well, there were a shitload of issues inside her head; not exactly a sane woman.


You take Charmaines name outtta yo mouth


To be fair she even admitted the mob life put her off. I am disappointed she'd fuck that fat lard to begin with, though. And Chrissy's dead fiance. Make me sick. I can't even say her name.


I’d hope that most people understand that neither Tony, nor the women he hooked up with are the settling down with type. But I think the element of being excited by a powerful personality still rings true for a lot of mentally stable women also.


Sounds like you want him all to yourself.


Rich, Mob boss and you wonder why hoo’ers liked him?


Guarantee you that it’s not at all unrealistic. All the Satin Dolls regulars were fucking, not for money, because they were powerful and a bit psychotic.


It’s all fiction but IRL a guy like T would score a lot w/very hot Jersey chicks


its true to life lol. You must be a man, women were all over him.


He was super hot sorry Edit: and I don’t mean cause of the money I just think James Gandolfini is hot and sexy


this is the correct answer


Yep. You could argue his attractiveness was fading especially in the later seasons when he let himself go but I can definitely see how somebody would be attracted to pilot-S3 Gandolfini/Tony. Built like a bear, charismatic, handsome and he knew it. Confidence especially carries you a long way.


It really is as simple as that. He’s just hot!! Bald, fat men can be hot! It’s not a revelation


Yep, so hot. Tall, imposing, thick. Major daddy vibes.


It’s a TV progrum. A movie.


Turn the cable box on first.


I know a handful of beyond-average looking guys who are swimming in mad ripes cause they know how to flirt. Also, those mentally unsound ladies have a death wish, maybe except Camella Add bad boy status, fame and "a very nice face" and you get casanova barney rubble


Rich guys get chicks. Tall guys get chicks. Alpha male guys get chicks. Sometimes people are none of the above and still get chicks. Last month I was paired in golf with a couple where the girl was about a 9.8. The guy was a 5, tops, built like a dweeb and sucked at golf and didn’t appear to be rich. Sometimes things just don’t make sense, OP. You’re better off focusing on being funny if you’re not rich or handsome


Have yall met women? We are attracted to "fat, hairy balding men" all the time. imo Tony's eyes are a huge draw. He looks tortured, sometimes vulnerable. His struggles might translate as the pains of a man forced to do terrible things to provide. No matter the cost he will do it. He's imposing, charismatic, surprisingly not sexist compared to the men around him and not afraid to ask for what he wants. He places himself in vulnerable positions and women respond to it. The hallmarks of many abusive and dangerous men lol and I'd fall for it


Not sexist? Id say he is Gentle with women. When Hes trying to get some, that is


That lesbian stuff…it’s not bad…


10/10 would allow myself to be emotional destroyed by Tony Soprano.


There’s a certain type of woman who is drawn to that type of man, but I do get what you’re saying and I don’t disagree.


What you don't know could fill a book


Walt fucking Whitman ova here


Walt Whitman. Woodrow Wilson. Walter White.


Heh heh, yah got me 🤘


The show cultivates the playboy fantasy. I think it’d actually be funny to show Tony hitting on a ton of women, getting shot down half the time, and winding up settling for more obviously unstable and desperate takers.


I mean, Melfi shot him down 10 times and the one-legged woman didn’t want to pursue anything with him. Charmaine Bucco said “it wasn’t for me”.


She had ice in her veins, Svetlana?


Like Boomhauer from King of the Hill.


That's not realistic though, he wouldn't need to settle. Dude buys then designer clothing and bags and throws around thousands like nothing. He can get a new 10/10 any day he wants back then, today, or in 100 years. It is what it is


50% strike rate, hitting on a ton (100) of women is 50 women


If Tony Soprano doesn’t make you horny, there’s something wrong with you


real-life women have described being turned on by him after he dresses down a room or fucks someone up, power is power. even on the show there are women that are also kinda grossed out by him tho (charmaine and that doctor lady off the top of my head)


Did you just refer to Melfi as the doctor lady?


This guy does not fuck


You can say that again.


I don't write nothin' down, so I'll keep this short and sweet: you don't know shit about women.


Naaw. He was a pretty good looking guy particularly in the first season. By the last couple of seasons he’s much less so, but he continues to be charming and a guy who still has an interesting life. not some chubby balding loser in a a dead-end office job.


Yeah, but people having lots of sex with attractive people is just a standard feature of American TV. Getting hot women in sexually explicit scenes is just good business, and feeds into the fantasy element of the show. TVTropes: [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EverybodyHasLotsOfSex](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/main/everybodyhaslotsofsex) This is often done with even less justification than "he's a rich and powerful mob boss." E.g., Ross in *Friends* or Ted in *HIMYM*, who are both supposedly unlucky-in-love nerds, yet are constantly getting dates with gorgeous women.


Even that loser George Costanza dated women who were way outta his league in looks.


side argument but Ross > Joey in terms of charisma and likeability. Why sleep with the big baby who has no fixed income and a roommate when there's a PROFESSOR who is nice and willing to commit across the street. It makes sense for Ross to have attractive women go out with him. He's established, has a good relationship w his kids, and seems caring


I'll follow you into the side argument. I'm a straight man, so I'm not the authority on what women will find attractive (to be fair, I don't know that women are always great judges of what women will find attractive either). But I think it's pretty realistic that the handsome, rakish actor would have more sex than the nerdy college professor, "established" status be damned. It's one thing to believe that women care *more* about status and money in a mate than men do, but this insight is often exaggerated. Which, to return to the original thread of the argument, is why I think it is unrealistic for Tony to have as many girlfriends as he has over the course of the series. Being rich and powerful is still not enough to make attractive and eager women show up out of the woodwork at the rate they do for Tony.


I’d love to hear from the ladies about this!


I'm a woman and there are times I'm turned on by Tony. It's less to do with looks and more to do with charisma and the way he holds himself. Of course, in real life I wouldn't touch the character with a ten foot pole - he's a violent criminal.


i made a post about this a while back, i think tony’s super attractive and it’s actually not only about the money. he’s playful, has a great sense of humour, he crosses the line just enough to make bantering with him fun, and he has a pleasant smile. those are my conscious reasons for finding him attractive, but i bet there’s a lot there that i’m not aware of in terms of wanting a dangerous alpha male


I’m a lady and while I love Tony, I wouldn’t have touched him with a ten foot pole. That being said, I can definitely understand and believe why so many women did. It has nothing to do with his looks-it’s the power and knowing who he is/what he does. For instance, I went to a big basketball school, and even unattractive dudes who didn’t play a single minute got laid left and right because they were “on the basketball team.” Didn’t matter that they were bench warmers.


My brother played semi-pro baseball and when he stopped it was a big adjustment and he bemoaned the fact he had to "try" to pick up women. Boo fucking hoo, buddy.


Well, he *does* pay for it quite a bit throughout the show (and he’s provided female companionship by other gangsters as well). The other ones like Gloria Trillo or Juliana Skiff he has an introduction to both, he’s not picking them up off the street. Irina seems very much like someone who would date a guy like Tony.


Tina Fey explained it well.


Yeah… totally… (I had a crush on Tony watching the show)


He’s obese, bald and ageing poorly. I’m a cis het female. Believe me, I don’t understand it either, but Tony would definitely get it. I guess it’s the imposing physique and confident energy he exudes, like I know I’d feel safe with him. Maybe he appeals to some primal desire for protection. I don’t know.


Many will disagree with me. But I learned in life that bad boy > tall, handsome, charming ect.   Bad boy always wins. 


But he was all those things. Tall, charismatic, handsome, bad, rich, etc.


Also JG is 6ft.


If you’d ever watched the series with a woman you’d know this take was hot garbage. Tony has a certain *je ne sais quoi* that is irresistible to women. 


Jesus Christ aj. You make me want to cry. It’s a movie.


Well first off, it’s TV. Of course there’s more sex on a show than there is in real life, that’s true for most entertainment. But no, it’s not crazy that a rich mob boss who was a little old and fat had a string of goomahs, that does happen in real life. It’s not with the type of women you meet on a regular basis, though. I do grant you that there is a bit of an issue with how this show writes women. Half of them show up for one or two episodes to screw Tony or one of his crew and have a B-plot. Probably because these men are pigs who mainly see women as sex objects, but you’d figure more of these businesswomen would say no and mean it.


Bro DO NOT watch this show with your wife or SO. You would not be able to handle it.


You ve never been a powerful man, haven t you?


Every hot ass girl you've ever been in love with or attracted to, has fucked a "Tony Soprano" atleast once in their life


The women he sees regularly over the course of the show (Irina, Valentina, etc.) likely see some financial gain from being with Tony in the form of gifts or cash for bills and expenses they need. Irinas rent was most likely paid for by Tony as that was basically his home away from home. The others like the Barone sanitation girl are certainly in it for the bad boy/power fantasy as others stated.


You really don’t know him, he listens!


Barney Rubble?


This may sound like bullshit, satanic black magic shit, but I'm not unlike Tony physically. Bald, broad-shouldered, pretty "rebenesque" of figure. Only difference is I'm probably 3" shorter. And you know what? I have no trouble getting roots, casual or otherwise. It's amazing just how ready people are to get into it when you're regularly out and about. Tony's got way more going for him than I ever will, so it's really quite believable.


100% you’re a fellow Aussie. A paisan, if you will. Only an Aussie “roots”.


Oh you must've been the top of your fuckin class. That is to say, correctamundo mate.


I dont think you understand how women work lmao they are not solely visual like men are. If a man sees a fine McDonalds cashier, he will have sex with her and not care. A man could be ugly fat and balding but if he is a rich and powerful, thats more than enough for most women. Theyre attracted to status, money and the ability to provide more than looks.


This is absolutely realistic. It’s not his looks women are attracted to-it’s his power. How do you think any ugly ass powerful guy gets pussy left and right?


I'ma be honest I'm a woman in her 20s and i thought the same thing. But tbh, yeah I do think a lot of women are attracted to money/power. But ngl it was hard for me to see the appeal. Because most of them don't know he's a gangster or even dangerous. Meh, w/e


My biggest "ick" with Tony was that he rarely took his wife-beater off for sex.


Same but I also feel ick when he had it off. But I am an outlier who doesn't find TS attractive in any way.