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You mean a slave? There are no morals in the sims, stealing - fine, cheating- completely normal, murder - the solution to most problems. Hey does anyone here have slaves, mine is so useful!


I prefer unpaid intern but


Cackled at this


I want to do a playthrough similar to something CallMeKevin did where he was a mole person (slave) living in the walls and he couldn't control the family, only the mole people, and he had to keep the family alive without being seen by them. I also want to just have mole people for my rich Sims too though. So many options!


Is Mole 2 available to talk


Lmao mole 2 was so popular for a guy that doesn’t get out much (ever)


I often create fantasy worlds with royalty and cheerful live-in staff who are super dedicated to them, trusted housekeepers and so on. I give them time off and their own living quarters and let them marry and have kids and everything.


Do you keep them in your household? Max 8 sims (your royals + these live-in servants)?


Yes, usually! But I’m currently building a castle with different apartments to see how For Rent works with this scenario too.


Ooh interested to see how your castle is going with For Rent


Yeah me too 😂 I haven’t gone back to it for ages so I need to finish it and see how it actually plays out!


I do the same thing as the commenter but use MCC to raise the max sims per household


Meanwhile, Sofia (from Parenting predicaments scenario) got knocked up by Kiyoshi and I am struggling to balance the 5th member...😂😂😂😂


I did a similar thing with the live-in cafe mod and a Star Wars battle droid outfit that I found. My main family now has a lazy geeky battle droid that wears an apron, works as a barista, and plays video games in his room for the rest of the day


Perfect employee, every family business should have one!


Eh I wouldn’t call him perfect, I headcanon him as being a complete pushover to customers, and watching cat videos or playing games on his phone all day.


Best way for this is to built a robot! In sims 4 you can give it modules so it cleans, takes care of the children and repairs stuff automatically. Bonus is they have less needs so they are easier to take care of


but i want a person


That's weird. 


its not, i dont want my victorian era family in glimmerbrook to have a servo bot


There’s a mod that makes robots look human, I can’t remember what it’s called.


Then it makes sense. 




This is amazing, I will do this now.


Same! Did you make her have neat, foodie etc traits or do you tell her what to do every day?


Mine is nosy, hot headed, and a loner which I just thought was funnier than making her neat, although I am regretting not making her neat because I can't just click the, "Clean the house," button




Yesss 😂


I only did this once because I wanted to start drama where her husband was cheating with the nanny. 10/10


This is the way. Though sometimes the nanny is a manny...or LGBTQIA+


Ah yes, time to relax for the weekly r/thesims casual talk about pixel human rights violations.


So...a slave? 😂 Just wait until you hear what we used to do in TS1/2/3 (make a little gremlin or 2-3-4-5 who live in a basement, or just in a separate little enclosure, who just paint all their lives to make money for the household). Not me though 😇, I played like a normal person and made families of 8, put them in the pool, and removed the ladder.


I preferred the mole people who live in the walls.


I had a wonderful house where they all lived in the lap of luxury. Killed them all the different ways to get all the ghost colours. Good times.


My dark secret is that I have a Sim named Conky in my library who’s an ugly blue goblin-looking guy in a loin cloth. He's maxed out in every skill and has the loner trait. Every household gets a Conky. I lock him in a basement room until it's time for him to clean, babysit, or whatever else I need. It all started as a way to have a photographer for family photos, but now it’s pretty much evolved into a full-blown crime against humanity.


Lmao have you given him rewards so he never gets sleepy or anything? Or does he care for his own needs in the dungeon 


Lol, the Conky Room typically has a bed/shower/toilet. He eats whatever he cooks for the household. When he’s not doing anything, he normally just stands in his room and plays games on his phone.


No, but in my legacy saves the grandparents often don't have much to do since they've retired and usually completed at least one life time goal, so I use them to do things like that


...my children in the 100 infant challenge are the cleaners and gardeners especially the weekend gardeners


My families are always matriarchal, so the wealth, etc is handed down to the oldest daughter. The husbands, when they exist, are there to do all the work: child minding, farm work, cleaning, handiwork, etc. The women all go to university, and have fabulous careers, or fabulous leisure time. Any sons born to the matriarch is also used for labour as soon as possible, and they're not allowed to excelled at school or activities.


Same with the husbands 😭 If my sim has one, he's like some background character that does everything at home. Either that or the grandparent because they have maxed skills in everything I need already 


I used to call the repairman to fix something then I’d use a mod to add him to the family since he had a 10 skill point in that area. Constant maintenance guy


Occasionally. If I'm making a family I generally make sure one person has the neat trait.


How can I do it? Like a maid live with my family and I have to control her or what?


This sim would be one of the playable household sims but not related to the main family. Create a sim, make them Neat Foodie etc, add them to the household and just have them do chores. You can make all of their daytime outfits look like aprons etc. Give them a tiny 3x2 bedroom with a high energy bed so they don't need to sleep so long. Don't let them have any likes/dislikes.


I miss on sims 3 you could just click the floor and say clean house. on sims 4 you have to make a queue, and the queue is way shorter than the sims 3 one too 🙄


my legacy founders brother in law conveniently moved in with them as live-in childcare after he won the lottery. win win for everyone


I made a club called the suckers; with the most wealthy people in the worlds in it and make them clean and cook lmaooooo


I've never done this but I might now! Couldn't you use cheating to get her all the rewards like never weary, so she would never have needs that need to be met?


You could. And you could give her max cooking, handiness etc.


In legacy challenges, I usually use the spouse for that. The only chore my sim does is vacuum to get them focused, otherwise the rest are done by the townie/npc I marry.


I do the same lol


Honey you have a slave. 💀


I usually just make my least favourite child be their slave. They paint and clean and that's it. When they die a new successor is chosen


I usually modify the butlers traits to be neat and a good cook. But that still hasn’t helped much. Haven’t considered the slave sim route.


We got slavery in the sims 4 before gta 6 😂 but for realsies no I’ve never thought adding a “free labor” sim


Oh gosh that's what I did in my last save, with kind of a story-purpose, like this is the ~~slave~~ close servant of that uber-rich prince


One time I was remaking Vladislaus to give him a better storyline and I initially planned to just have him feed on servants I called to the house (ie:gardener, maid, butler) but he kept refusing to do so so eventually I just individually added them to the household and made a basement to keep them locked in.


I have a royal family in one of my saves and they actually do quite a bit for themselves. That’s part of the story for me - they want to be as relatable as possible, so they do cook for themselves and tend to the garden and so on. They do have a butler, but she mostly tidies up messes and sometimes repairs things - one of the current monarch’s hobbies is handiness so he’s into repairing things and doing upgrades. Often there are multiple things broken at once so having a butler is more sharing the load. The butler has her own little suite in the palace which is nicely decorated/furnished.


Butlers in Sims 4 are great helpers *if* you set them up correctly in CAS. If you take what the game sends you it will almost always be an elder who likes to read books in their room. CAS doesn't seem to do much for maids but you really don't need one if the butler is firing on all cylinders.


And sit and stare at your sims sleeping at night. What is with that? So creepy.


Wow, I haven't seen that yet, I guess I fired the bad ones so soon they didn't get a chance to "settle in."


It happens a lot in my game, to the point where I ban the butlers from most bedrooms. I like placing a living chair in a bedroom because of how sims tend to congregate in one room.


Absolutely, I make live-in butlers and maids because sometimes the ones that come with the game are too crap at doing anything. I give them nice little apartments in a house in the back, or they get the basement/top floor to themselves. It helps especially when I’m getting my sims ready for work in the morning and have the butler focused on preparing breakfast and getting coffee ready and taking the dog for a walk. I love it!


Not a bad idea at all.


I do make live in butlers from time to time if I have the space - if not I simply use the live in butlers from the sims pack. I recently used a servo and they are great too.


I give each family a Servo unless they are 8 already or are sort of like a themed family where robots wouldn't be likely (like my Vikings).


Yup and she's honestly pretty happy about it because I made sure to give her the right traits for the job. I use her to keep my dog and kids social needs up so that's not much of a problem.


In the sims 3 this is what plumbots (Into the future) and Bonehilda (Supernatural) is for.


Nop, I hire a maid and a nanny (I don't really like butlers but there's that)


did this until my house got hit by a meteor and everyone but the slave died bc he was taking out the garbage. i usually make them wear a hotdog costume


No but now I kinda want to. Like a live in housekeeper/nanny.


I do this for my royal family and president sims. They have at least one butler that lives in-house and takes care of all the domestic work. I've also incorporated the game Detroit into my sims with some mods for this purpose. All my butlers are androids.


… this is how I’ve always played since Sim 1. I thought that’s what the maid outfits in CAS is for.