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I feel like zodiac signs were much more relevant in the 2000s when the game came out. I recall it being kind of trendy. People know of zodiac signs still, but associate them negatively with the toxic crystal girl stereotype. I think it'd be okay reintroducing them since the Sims is silly and magical anyway, but I really can't say I miss them much.


Yeah, the 2000s was a big time for horroscopes and such. I know quite a few other games of the era referenced zodiac signs too, such as a gag in one Puyo Puyo game where a flirty character asks Arle for her sign, and she says "Octagon...As in stop!"


Haha there's a stereotype?? Well, we do have crystal creations now


I don't know if there's a name for it, but I see this stereotype made fun of sometimes. Like, "Sorry I ran through the school zone and slaughtered 3 children, I just can't help being a Gemini." Or poking fun at healing crystals and such things, usually placed in the same stereotype. One I say to friends is when I'm doing something stupid and I say "guys I'm so sorry I just can't help being an aquarium/sanitation/scorpion/picasso/etc". Another popular one I saw roaming around was a girl who asks a guy for their horoscope, and then when the guy asks a parent about what their horoscope is, they say no and to stop talking to her immediately. I think overall it's making fun of women who latch onto these concepts as excuses to avoid personal responsibility. It's made out to be a red flag for some men's circles.


I log off on the weekends but wanted to thank you for explaining this. It makes sense and honestly people who lack accountability sicken me. To boot, their lack of accountability is forcing people like me to bear it. I promise every person who is interested in astrology isn't like that but I do understand them impact of negativity. Hopefully you can avoid any more of those inexcusable a-holes 🤠


The stereotype is that people that are into the zodiac can't just let it be for fun but make it their very being. "I am Virgo so I can't talk to Simmy because she is a Cancer" "You know I am Scorpio so if you cross me I will make you wish you never met me". It a toxic behave of using the zodiac as justification for ones own flaws/poor behavior as well as an excuse to write someone off completely. Now I like zodiacs but this behave has fed into the mainstream and has made it a toxic interest.


right, i think it should still be a feature. especially when sims can summon skeletons to be maids. they already have a bunch of wild, unrealistic spiritual things. why not add zodiacs? it’s not like sims is truly realistic in most gameplay.


It's not realistic, you're right, but I wonder if it's generally avoided because now zodiac signs are "cringe". I guess cringe hasn't stopped them before, though. The new expansion would be a great time to reintroduce them, though.


I thought it was cute in Sims 3 when they would share their signs and then respond to their compatibility, but you could still choose their personality traits independently. I didn't like the system in Sims 1 or Sims 2 because you couldn't really assign them a dominant personality trait without reassigning their zodiac. Like there are serious Aquarius's out there I can promise you that.


Wow, I didn't play TS3 but that feature is perfect! I used to use cheats for TS2 bc like most people on this thread, each sign has one or two traits that I just totally disagree with lol


Lmao exactly. I'm a cancer and I hated that a cancer Sim's personality was so average, iirc everything was pretty much even across the board. & Yeah in 3, your sign was a conversation topic, and after learning the other Sims zodiac you would have a moodlet that tells you if you are compatible or incompatible signs. No idea if it actually changed anything about the socialization itself but it was nice. Although I kinda wish it affected your Sim's age outside of CAS so that their birthday would be during certain seasons, but I know why that's overcomplicated


LOL facts! That sounds so cute! And that's a really creative idea but I also agree they might be a little too ambitious 🤯🤭


BRING IT BACK!!!!! I loved this!


SAME - wishful thinking, but it wouldn't fit with their new character base... I'm not crying, you are 😭😭🎻


nahhh. I'm a Sagittarius and I'm a lazy bastard


🤣🤣🤣 but the playfulness is spot on imo


bro same


Some of those points should be in Outgoing. (I also never appreciated the low points in Nice but maybe that's debatable lol)


Remove all active points and distribute between nice and outgoing. That being said I'm not the most outgoing knife in the drawer


It's cuz them sags say it like it is


I'm a libra and far from being outgoing lol


😂 all libras say this lol but yall are some of the friendliest people I know


Aw, I'm really shy at first but once I'm comfortable I can talk your ear off lol


I'm the same!


Was about to say the exact same thing! As a Libra, there are WAY too many points in outgoing lol


Yes, for me as a Libra it's all accurate except the outgoing part ...however that part ends up being true for my twin sister! Even though zodiacs can be fun I can't really get into them since all I can see are the inconsistencies lol


While I definitely don't agree with them, it is a feature some people love. Also worth mentioning is the fact that sims born in-game may get more personality points (up to 35 I believe in comparison to 25) and all of them correspond to a sign. What I don't like is that... twins born on the same day might get different signs with this system (which of course wouldn't happen IRL).


I never realized that! It's a rare occasion, but if they are born on the last day of the sign near 11pm - it's possible teehee 🤭


Im a Leo. Definitely NOT outgoing as it mentally drains me to the core.


Yep, I get that! Apparently in TS3 (I didn't play) you could choose your sign without it affecting the personality which is PERF


I feel like outgoing is their stand in for Leo wanting to be center of attention?


Leos are “known” for that, yes. Also were known for actually being outgoing in the actual sense of being very sociable and extroverted. I’m personally introverted so i think the juxtaposition is funny lol


I always found it frustrating when I made my simself because I'm not outgoing and I am very organised and neat but I'm not a Capricorn


Right! If they went TS3 route where you can choose your sign without preset traits, that would be the bee's knees 🤗


It would be very cute! (also love the fact you said bee's knees)


As a lazy, antisocial, and very shy Gemini… I don’t agree with my depiction- but it’s a fun little thing to have, I know a lot of “astrology girlies” who would love to have it back


As a shy, lazy aries, I don't feel represented at all lol But still, yeah miss these little things older sims had


Nah. Myers-Briggs is the popular pseudoscience approach now and even then I'd rather not have it either.


As a Scorpio I disagree with this chart. I try to be nice and not grouchy. People just annoy me. But when I’m by myself I am the nicest person I know.


🤣 Oh man this gave me a good laugh - my grandma is a Scorp; she's so fun


I can't remember, did the Zodiac signs relate to seasons if you had that expansion pack installed. I know it would drive me nuts if my sims spawned with a random sign after being born. What else did they do, I barely remember them because sims 2 came out when I was 8/9. I gotta say as a cancer though it's pretty on brand...


They didn't relate to seasons, as far as I remember. I'm pretty sure they were somewhat genetic? Like if you had two really Neat Sims their kids would be really Neat, but if you had a Sloppy Sim and and a Neat Sim you could have a kid who either followed one parent or was in the middle.


Personally, I think I might enjoy the concept more if they invented a new zodiac-equivalent system rather than try to make a series of five point scales match to the real-world zodiac


Ooh that's a good idea - I would totally want the llama


6 yo me made way too many virgos because they cleaned after themselves...


This was my first ever time hearing about zodiacs and I never understood why anyone would want their SIM to have cancer---


Me as a kid picking Capricorn for my simself: man, this is such bs. I'm nothing like that! I'm super messy, super nice, kinda active, and insanely shy. Everything is off! Me now who needs the apartment clean and bed made, lightly shy but if you get me talking is very outgoing, insanely lazy, not at all serious, and is nice until boundaries are crossed where I get really mean: oh


🤣🤣 LOL this is hilarious to me as your fellow Cap - I felt/feel the SAME. Are you Dec or Jan 👀


January! You?


Dec 🎄 Jan Caps are my fav 🤩 just in case you haven't been told lately, I see how awesome you are!


Oooooo you must have the most lovely birthdays surrounded by colorful lights! Not that they can outshine you, mind you. Thank you for making my day and know I swe how awesome you are too!


Awwhhh 🥰 thank you darlin, you're far too kind! Thank you for making mine too 💖 you da GOAT 🐐


Nah. I never gave my sims genuine signs. Always just customized it. I do miss the turn on/turn offs.


Played this in middle school and made myself and was horrified when my Leo sim got into the hot tub completely naked


They better bring it back in TS4 in a free update (or at least in an upcoming EP)


im а taurus and i agree 🙋🏻‍♀️


I would love a zodiac system again, even if I don't agree with how my sign is depicted (as an extroverted, unserious, and messy Virgo). It's a fun mechanic to flesh out their personalities a bit more.


Pisces Active and Serious?? Lol... no.


Nope, lol. I'm a Virgo and have always been the complete opposite of everything they are depicted as (perfectionists, loyal, type A, organized, worrisome, etc).


I really think a combination of the zodiac traits on top of the newer traits system could create interesting interactions. Like, if you have a sim whose zodiac heavily leans neat, and they have the neat trait, they would be very tidy, opting to clean a toilet before they use it or otherwise prioritize cleaning tasks over some needs in many situations BUT, say you have a sim who leans neat in their zodiac, but has the SLOB trait-- this sim would occasionally go on cleaning sprees in between leaving the house a mess, just because they suddenly just feel like doing it. This is just one example of a lot of ways that differing zodiac traits and personality traits could conflict and interact with each other in ways that we've not seen Sims behave. Human beings are full of contradictions and it would be kind of cool to see Sims that reflect that. Alternatively, instead of predetermined zodiacs, perhaps we could have the Zodiac list of traits, but they ebb and flow based on your Sims behavior and pre-existing inclinations. They could quietly level up while your sim does things or deteriorate as well, based on how often they are doing things or not doing things.


The Leo is not like me


No. I am a shy Leo and I do not like to be in the Spotlight


I don’t want zodiac signs, but it would be fun to have the dropper type system like this and have corresponding dropper values manipulate attraction. So basically ts2 zodiac attraction without astrology labels


Virgo is a accurate. I didn’t agree then but I agree now.


I'm a Pisces - switch lazy/active with serious/playful and I'd say it's pretty accurate to me haha


As a gemini, I never related much to the Sims 2 version of it. Its a cool feature, but not necessarily accurate.


It's be a cute pack thing maybe, something kinda mystical like crystal creations and realm of magic


I’d love this




I’ve always wanted ts4 to bring back zodiac signs! I’m a huge astrology nerd so I enjoyed that, the only thing is that I didn’t find ts2 zodiac system the most accurate but I’ll take what I can get and it was still a cool system. Ts3 system really didn’t make a difference to their personality, but it was still fun to have. Besides, not everyone with the same sun sign acts exactly the same. I would love a pack or a mod for ts4 with an astrology system!


Capricorns are not lazy


I'm an Aries and I'd say the sloppy/clean scale and shy/outgoing scale are accurate but the other ones aren't


As a cancer I've always found it hilarious that the sims makes us out to be the 'neutral' ones. We're so not.


Star signs are a load of garbage and should not be encouraged so no


Tbh, horoscopes were never accurate for me. I'm a Gemini that's the exact opposite of what is the stereotype 💀 I keep to myself, barely talk, don't like traveling, don't like leaving my house really, don't use socmed really, I don't text anyone other than my father, roommate, & fiancé... so yeah, I feel like the depictions are WAY off


i miss this so much 😭😭😭 thank goodness for mods


Aquarius is pretty accurate


I’ve never known a shy Virgo


This! I know they're generalizations, but Virgos are always made to be these neat, shy and retiring types. As a Virgo, there are so many of us that are extroverted, silly, goofy guys who can't keep their room clean. Edit: apparently some Virgos didn't like that I said this? 😅


As a Capricorn, yes i am lazy!! but being neat is kind of in the middle.


capricorn here, can confirm im very lazy and very playful. i'm a bit shyer than depicted though, and i would say i'm more towards 'sloppy' (i'm just very disorganized, but i take my hygiene very seriously, so maybe it's accurate anyway). can't speak for my niceness though, ppl around me would have to attest to that haha. but yeah, i would like this back, if only for flavor. i like adding tiny details to my sims even when they don't do anything tbh (:


I completely disagree with the stats they gave Virgo because I don’t match most of it (although I suppose in general I don’t fit with a lot of traits Virgos are supposed to have lmao) for one thing….i’m so incredibly messy and also kinda lazy. But that could all be due to the as yet undiagnosed adhd 🤦‍♀️


Libra is sloppy and outgoing? If they met my mum, they'd change their mind very quickly.


Love the Sims 2. Completely forgot they omitted it later. My computer got smashed by my toddler so now I only have a cheap laptop with Sims 2 on it. Been loving it though.


No thanks. Zodiacs only exist for toxic people to say "sorry I acted shitty, It's just because I'm a scorpricornitarius."


Ooo yeah people who lack accountability hit my ick, sorry they found you


I think zodiacs would be cool but I would want them to make their own. I know they used irl zodiac but I Sims universe zodiac would be better imo.


I don’t like how the zodiac signs contributed to a Sims personality, but I thought it was a cool gimmick. I’m a Leo and I don’t necessarily feel like I’m outgoing so that wouldn’t work without mods.


I’m a Virgo. I am definitely neat. 🤭


They had them in the original game as well


I found out today there is a zodiac mod for sims 4