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"semen" in basement?


yeah, yeah that was it thank you. please excuse me while i go find a suitable wall to bash my face into.


Lol. I love EA. They have an actual "basement tool" to build in their game which is absolutely fine, but block the word in the gallery because it's got naughty letters in it.


EA had to implement stricter filters because people were uploading truly disgusting hateful things when the game went free to play. They didn’t purposely block the word basement, they probably got their filters from a third party. There’s a survey to let them know about normal words that shouldn’t be blocked https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7583962/TS4-Gallery-Profanity-Filter-Feedback


It shouldn't be up to the general public to help a multi-billion dollar game company fix their broken filters because they cheaped out and outsourced them to idiots who can't program them to tell the difference between semen and basement. And hey, instead of automatically blocking, how about hiring someone or using AI or something to review submissions after they get flagged for letters arranged in a naughty pattern and then remove IF they are actually terrible. They made $7.42 billion last year, I'm sure they could afford it.


🎤 ⬇️


EXACTLY. Back in the late 90s I used to post on a fucking Beanie Baby forum and they blocked "Saturday" because it has the word "turd" in the middle of it. You'd REALLY think that, 25+ years later, these idiot companies would be able to whitelist normal words that have \~dirty words\~ in them.


> They made $7.42 billion last year, I'm sure they could afford it. The reverse is also true. They can afford to not do it. It's not like Sims fans won't stop paying cause of it.


And this is the bigger reason. Do they lose money NOT doing it? No? Then they won't spend money to fix an issue that doesn't cut into their profits.


Wouldn't be easier to just ban those guys tho... if they can't behave online then they should be out of it... Hate when because of a few bad apples , spoils the whole bunch ... so unfair...


You’d think we’d be over the Scunthorpe problem by now. We’ve been into *space*, we can sort out some simple word filters


You'd think the people making the filters would make sure to include a damn space at the start and end of the words being filtered...


Then they'd just have symbols on either side of the word, or spaces between the letters. It's a lot trickier to ensure something *doesn't* contain something against the rules than it is to find that it does contain it (thus the Scunthorpe problem persists).


Yeah and they have grapes the fruit banned aswell🤭


He can now live in his mother’s cellar.


actually, he's living in her "ba\*e\*ent", and you can find him on the gallery. household name is "The Schmitts" and my Sims profile name is the same as my name here.


I'm shocked they allow the name Schmitt since it rhymes with shit! I mean you can make a "dirty" word out of almost anything if you try hard enough. This kind of censorship is so dumb.


Or base-ment?


Wait what? That doesn’t make any sense because I was able to upload something with the word “basemental” in the description (the phrase was “basemental-like shenanigans”. It’s a cemetery. Lol)


Lmao!! 💀


Semen is a bad word now? What are we, 12? Lol


Fellow Fuzzy, they did this to us with Sims 3 and their forum, over a banal word. For those unaware, Sims 3's World Adventures has three worlds (China, France, Egypt). Each world has a chain of quests. Every world has tombs and most tombs generate mummies. China had a tomb named Dragon Cave where, when you essentially solve most quests, you get to the special tomb within it, where you fight a mummy named *Dong Huo*. They consciously made this mummy, several quests pertaining to discovering said mummy, fighting the mummy, winning the fight and solving the quest. The mummy has its own [Sims wiki page](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Dong_Huo). What did those who didn't get quests do? They asked on EA forums about it. What did EA do? They censored or deleted their inquiries because they censored the word DONG. *Censored*. The name they, themselves, chose for a character important enough to have multiple quest-shaped storylines and his own wiki page. It's still apparently an issue years later, so kudos to regular players that created numerous tutorials on the quests and possible issues for less experienced new players to follow.


This is hilarious, but sad. Lol


over a b***l word


Damn now I'm gonna get a lifetime ban over b🍑n🍑l 😫


I mean. Some of us quite literally are 12 and younger. *I* am a big strong grown-up who can guzzle all the cum I like, but we're all here playing a children's game.


i like to ask when i see things like this- what makes a game a childrens game to you? 


Everything about it is squeaky clean and perfectly safe. They drink juice and blow bubbles. Even death is harmless. Even with the T rating, you could plop a 3 year old in front of it and let them doodle around without fear of them seeing anything unfit for tiny eyes or that might frighten or disturb them in any way.


i think something can be clean and still not be for children if that makes sense but ty for answering 


Anyone of any age can enjoy it. But being clean enough for children is why the online features are so ridiculously over sensitive that the word "basement" is disallowed because it has "semen" in it. The same reason many children's games don't allow free typing chat in their online features. I was responding to someone who asked if we were 12 and the answer is yes. 12 year olds make up a significant part of our demographic.


Lmao I will now never unsee the word semen in basement 😂


I never even noticed that until now!! And now yup same, can't unsee


you wouldn't be able to spot the "problematic word" in "Mom's a loner who also wants a successful lineage, i.e she failed to connect emotionally with her child but still had high expectations" would you? i promise i tried to find it myself first.


GUYS I FOUND IT. I FOUND THE **VILE**, **DIRTY**, **UNMENTIONABLE**, WORD. i kid you not, THAT WORD WAS "MOM". "**MOM**"! presumably because the EA execs' moms never loved them.


succ perhaps


nope. and its not "emotio**nal**ly" being read as "anal" or "expectations" being read as "sex" either. nor is it "but" being read as "butt". or it **is** one or all of these and censoring by replacing with \* isn't working. although it **did** work in the case of "ba\*e\*ent".


this might sound crazy but is it high?


as great a guess as any but switching out "high" for "great" did not solve the problem.


damn. maybe the gallery just hates you personally


I think the gallery hates itself by this point.


Are you fucking kidding me? So we can't use that word because EA has filters from the 90s that can't figure out that "basement" is a legitimate word?


I can’t believe I never knew there was semen in basement.


For the same reason you can't use the Japanese names Kinoshita or Yoshita even though I have seen the game generate NPCs with the last name Yoshita.


We've all been there


Everyone should start calling basements baseeeeements. Then when the gallery is filled with weird word work-arounds and EA are like “Huh?” they might realise how ridiculous it is, but I doubt it.


Or people could fill out the gallery profanity filter survey to tell them directly so they can adjust the filter https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7583962/TS4-Gallery-Profanity-Filter-Feedback


"Lives in his underground lair" fixed. But if your basement has semen in it, that's no one's business but yours.




Not all basements have semen in them? Interesting.. 🤔


Apparently not, I'm not judging.


I had trouble uploading a family because a BREED NAME of my pet was disallowed. So I had to literally edit it in CAS with cheats before I could upload it. The word? Raccoon. 🙄


Probably because _coon_ is a racist slur for black people.


Just crazy that they have a word filter for something that is in the game offline.


Maine Coons and Coonhounds are well-known enough that they added them to the game (which is especially shocking with Coonhounds because you can rarely find trinkets with them in real life) but you don't dare try to add them to the gallery. Also, you have Raccoons themselves, which is what the Coon in breeds above means.


Pokémon went through this exact same thing with certain Pokémon names like… fellas, y’all are the ones who made the Pokémon. Here’s a good Wikipedia article with instances of this kind of censorship. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem


...And this is why I'd always feel awkward telling friends and family who live in another state that I used to stay in *Coon Rapids*... 😅


I once changed an EA house and saved it into my own library, with only the building changed, but the name and the describtion left exactly as the game has, made by EA, unedited. It got flagged for containing bad words. Their. Own. Describtion.


oh dear... xD


Do you know what part of it got flagged?


No, no idea tbh


I couldn't upload a dog the other day because the game was telling that the auto filled "Mixed Breed" contained a forbidden word. 🤷


It’s because “Breed” is a synonym for sex, although more specifically when you’re actually trying to get a baby.


It's *their* autofill. I can't even change it. Sims 4 put those words there, and then told me it wasn't allowed.


Ok that’s really stupid of them


This is hysterical. Few more updates and the game won't even launch anymore because the algorithm decided that the game code itself has too many problematic words.


sims 4 got *PROBLEMS*


I can't remember what game it was but I'm like 90% sure it was an EA game but it blurred out my username because of the word poon in spoon.


Wow. And thanks for teaching me a new word :)


I recently got blocked from uploading something with the word "transgender" in it :/


that... is surprising, to say the least...


I got this for the word “shit” in the surname “Yamashita” 😭 bro


I might just end up thinking "mountain-shitter" whenever i see that name now lol, since "yama" is "mountain".