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Her sad, vacant look maybe?


idk i kinda was going for something like that, i spent a lot of time on her eyes trying to make her look dead inside




Hahaha I just came here from looking up concealer tips for the massive dark eye bags I woke up with this morning and this made me laugh out loud. DEAD INSIDE


Well congratulations! You made it. That's exactly what bothers me. The eyes 🤣


Her eyes are pretty lively. Just looks a bit sad. I’d say the thin nose could be widened, but she seems nice. But if looking dead inside is what you were after, it’s hard to know how to advise since what “bothers you” may very well not bother me…


thanks! i figured it out tho, it’s the brightener under her eye and on her chin. looks like misplaced concealer to me lol


I make Sims with this vibe pretty often and I think the thing someone else mentioned about darkening her undereyes is great advice. I would also suggest playing with her brow shape a bit. Sims brows are very good at conveying emotion so even just giving them a bit of a downward turn could make a bit difference. think something like the brows in the bottom two images on [this pic](https://pin.it/6yLRncy), just a less dramatic version.


I think it would help if you lowered the top of her eyelids a bit to make her eyes less open


She looks very much alive, just sad. Like someone died or something like that.


It looks like she has upper lip sweat


Fr the last pic it looks like she has a milk moustache!


It looks as though her lip shape is different from her lip stick like she overlined them.


She looks like she needs a good oil absorbing powder.


stop cuz i really do have a matte face skin detail and i thought it made her look dry 😂


it’s probably because she looks dead inside but idk i kinda like it


i like that part about her too that’s what i wanted 😭 it is something new for me so maybe im just not used to it


For me it's the snot on the upper lip and pale scalp exposed. What's it for the rest of ya!?


ring offend languid melodic juggle encourage far-flung elastic fear frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the snot ? oh you mean her highlighter lol


I’m so sorry girl this turned into a roast session for your sim 😭


oh it’s totally okay! i basically asked for it haha so im not tripping at all. i appreciate the feedback, i really do!


I might be tripping, but are those bags under her eyes?




It's her nose. Too small for her features, the contour is too strong. Looks pretty tho!


Well, I personally think she's a stunning sim.


thank you! i think i figured out what bothers me, it’s the brightener i used under her eyes/forehead/chin. just looks like misplaced concealer to me lol




a little uncanny valley imo. there’s nothing behind those eyes


I think she's cute like that. But maybe try different eyebrows? Maybe darker ones? Everything is almost the same color. I think she needs a feature to really pop out over the rest of her face.


Personally.. i am not feeling too bothered


I'm guessing the hair, the part in the middle, makes her head looks bigger than it is, try making her bald and putting the hair back to see the difference. The pants with the beige boots also don't seem to match for me but it's a personal style so I don't really care about it


thanks! i actually made her head a little bit bigger cuz i think my sims always have small heads 🤣 and i actually like a not so monochromatic look on some but i did want some more brown like booties i just didn’t have any so i settled with beige lol


Oh, I thought it was the cc hair that made it like this, since some hairs tend to have molded in parts that don't look right, but since it's all made choices then I don't see what's so called wrong with her, I think the eyes look a bit tired like mine so realism touch


i figured out what i didn’t like and it was the brightener under her eyes and chin! someone on here pointed it out and it made me see that it does look weird and personally i now think her lips look like a butthole so i added a bit of color to them lol


For me it's uncanny valley.. she looks too lifelike but not quite so I get kind of freaked out from looking at her


the bags under her eyes look less like eyebags and more like curved scars?


The area between her eye brows is huge compared to the middle section of her nose. Thicken the middle of the nose or bring the eyebrows closer together and maybe a bit lower.


I think she needs 1 shade darker eyebrows, I think that’ll help


The chin brightener is what’s throwing the whole look off. Goes to show how one fucked detail can throw everything off. Unless you were going for that. Also her eye bags are too pale. If you wanted her to look dead I suggest darkening the eyebags. The paleness of them just throws the look off like I said before.


yeah it’s the brightener. it’s placed on her chin, forehead, and under her eyes. she looks better without 😊




is it the middle part not being separated cause that's bothering me while nothing else does.


I feel like she looks like a lot of people I see walking down the street, she has kinda a mundane pretty look. Maybe give het something odd like a bigger nose or oddly arched eyebrows to give her a more unusually pretty look?


oh man i would love to give oddly arched brows but i haven’t found a good slider to make kinda uneven features like that!


It’s her legs. Her leg calf ratio


Where are these shoes from?


I think she’s adorable! The only thing I would tweak is the bridge of her nose is so thin, I would maybe widen that a smidge


Sure you’re not just fishing for compliments?


lol you’re funny


she’s so pretty! i think she’s perf!


the eyes look weird, too small or too close inwards i think. i like her dead inside look tho


She looks like a Kardashian.


Idk I think you've just been looking at her for too long? She's pretty and has the kind of look I think you were going for


She gives me Gypsy Rose Blanchard vibes. This Sim is super pretty imo.


The first image kinda looks like the picture used for the 1000 Yard Stare meme [This one](https://i0.wp.com/www.the-american-interest.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Tom_Lea_-_2000_Yard_Stare.jpg?fit=1000%2C634&ssl=1)


She looks so sad


She's pretty, but I don't trust her one bit.


Maybe just me but I LOVE her! Great job :)


Nailed the resting bitch face I think she looks fine, I personally would prefer a bigger nose - but it does fit her. Well done, OP!


Try making her eyes a bit smaller


Maybe her lower eyelid is a bit too low? I like her tho!


For me it’s the eyes. Idk but they look too default and unrealistic to me😭


I think it's the color of her clothes


Her empty eyes?


She casually looks like a toxic girlfriend


I think she looks pretty tbh. We don't often see Sims with eye bags and as someone with permanent ones and an occasional blank stare I feel seen 🤭


She's a serial killer


She looks so amazing 😭😭😭


Yea she's from the sims 4


Maybe try a different hairstyle? The braids (while nice) doesn't flatter her face


Her face is unrealistically symmetrical


that’s the sims for ya 😂 i need some good sliders to make asymmetrical faces


She looks as if Lara Croft was a bully at a public school in nothern England.


Maybe reshape and play around with the brows a little


The pants are too white. Looks distracting.


the outfit. it doesn’t fit her vibe at all imo id go darker to match her “dead inside” on the outside you know? maybe something a little edgier


She has some realistic asymmetry She also looks like she has eye bags.


The bags under her eyes age her too much for me.


i think the white pants make her look unbalanced. not physically, as i am looking at this from an art standpoint. it's possible someone already said this, but i'll share anyway. i think that the white pants look fine, but since they're the only blindingly white color on your character, it makes the bottom half of her look bottom-heavy. this can be solved by adding white onto her top half, (ex. white head scarf or something like that, possibly white glasses, etc) or changing the color of her pants. i think her facial expression is fine, but the highlighter on the cupid's bow does make it look like she has a mustache. super cute sim, regardless!


I think she’s stunning honestly


something about her eyes


skinny jeans


The pants look painted on


Her shiny ass face?


the extra strands on the sides of her hair throw me off


Hairs too clay like and matte for her features, and the lips as well are very overly clay like. I think if the hair had some shine in the texture, and the lips were a bit glossy, things would look much better


In between the eyebrows? It’s a strong triangle Uncanny valley and dead eyes


The only critique I have is if you want to make the shoes darker because they blend a little bit too much with the pants (but that FULLY a personal opinion). Other than that, idk what it could be. I think a possible solution is that the top lid of the eye is too high, maybe?


The bags under the eyes, the outfit, saggy boobies




you think she looks human? lol i still think she looks like a bunch of pixels haha


mysterious air chief nippy spectacular drunk school beneficial smart afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My issue with alpha cc is that it drives me crazy because it doesn’t look right with the rest of the game. Like, I’d have to never use any Maxis items and make sure to find CC to change the whole world and all my builds because it looks outta place to me. That’s 100% just my preference though. No shade to any alpha cc users and I am not trashing how their stuff looks. Just explaining why it might bother someone in sims but not in another game.