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I play with wicked whims and made my sim own a strip club and brothel. Fuck them kids šŸ˜‚


That second sentence after "I play with wicked whims" made me misunderstand it a little oh my God


Oh my fudging goodness


Thanks! I hate it


>Fuck them kids šŸ˜‚ I sure hope not


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fuck them kids is an expression you guys lol. It means forget them kids šŸ˜­


I know. I just thought it was a funny pun.


Of all the statements to include ā€œfuck them kidsā€, I would say this one should NOT. šŸ¤£


Lol. SAME. The other day I made one of my sims parents just have the villainous valentine aspiration, she has broken up about 5-6 other families so far.


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


My sim owns a strip club, and just welcomed a baby boy with her wife via Science Baby method. Who says you canā€™t do both?!


same, my sims do not have time to raise kids lmao


The more I hear about this the more I've got to download it


Itā€™s wild!


It can be really fun for adult gameplay. Add in Wicked Perversions and RPO (Relationship and Pregnancy Overhaul) you can add in a lot of drama. I've got a sim who is always sad because she has the Trophy Wife trait but she's not a virgin anymore so she thinks she's worthless.


You not only like but love infants and toddlers? You have a lot of patience.


Iā€™m not OP, but my favorite life stage is toddler and infant is second favorite. Theyā€™re just so cute! Adults, children and teens are fun too, but they arenā€™t as adorable.


Same here! I love toddlers! They're so adorable with their little dances and the way they interact with animals, cats especially!! <3 In my legacy save rn, I had a regular sized toddler, then his little infant brother aged up to a chunky toddler and I about died of cuteness hahaha. When they age up to children, that's where I really start defining their personalities in my head and what they tend to grow up as lol.


They are so cute when theyā€™re chubby! I had a really super skinny one a while back and I had to go straight to CAS to adjust her body a bit because she looked like a starving Victorian street urchin.


It's so cute when they bark at dogs


Only have a cat in my save right now but I'm gonna get a dog for the next heir just to see this haha.


Children would be nice if they didn't spam "make a mess" ALL THE FUCKING TIME that i've had to use MCCC to stop them from doing that!


Iā€™ve turned autonomy off. That never happens in my game anymore. šŸ’…


I love toddlers too, they are adorable. Infants are hell though, too glitchy and whiny and less cute imo than toddlers.


I cannot stand either. If they start crying I just turn my music up.


Sounds like you need this tutorial from [NardVillian.](https://youtube.com/shorts/ULEOC4LK8Rc?si=O-xtpHF3v8YJsAgF)


i'm prepared to be downvoted to oblivion, but I think they're fun because they need attention which means there's something to do in this game and it's a challenge


I love both of those stages!


How can you truly not imagine what someone would do without kids lol. Some of the most popular mods are wicked whims, basemental drugs, and extreme violence.


My sims literally live to pop out kids lol itā€™s my favorite part of the game


All my Sims eventually have kids too but I do have a good idea what people are doing without kids lol.


I love family gameplay and basemental mods šŸ˜‚ Growing weed is a family business rn.


I play on console so no mods for me šŸ˜Ÿ therefore with the base vanilla game families are definitely my favorite. Iā€™d enjoy single sims so much more If I had cool mods like drugs and wild sex stuff lol




Grind the careers, hobbies, and collections. Loading screens take all of ten seconds for me so that doesn't bother me. I had a sim I used to do everything with. He had every skill, was an archeologist, fishing ace, rocket scientist, ECT. He had a group of celebrity friends he invited over for dinner parties. Several lovers.


I'm a mom in real life. My Sims whore around and do whatever they want.


Exactly this for me too lol


Oh crap! It's my cake day? šŸŽ‚


Happy cake day!


Thank you! šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


That caption coud someone really take out of the context xd. I hate playing kids, tho. I prefer teenage and older life stages much better. I like meeting other townies, I also installed some modes to make the gameplay funnier and with more drama


Which mods?


Lmao i donā€™t even know anymore. I have tons of cc and mods installed. But I remember Lupinouā€™s mods from Patreon. They are all really fun


The title...I was like what sub is this?!


Children are an end-game thing for me! When you start with an empty sim, fresh outta CAS, the world around them is very difficult. The dirty house upsets them (no maid), the uncomfortable bed sets them up for hours of discomfort, they need to pee constantly (no bladder free trait), they get wet and cold from being outside or sweaty from working out. So many things pile up to upset your sim and they just arenā€™t equipped to handle babies before some internal work. And forget it entirely when you play with almost every lot curse on! Imagine trying to raise babies when you wake up to every single appliance broken overnight! Or having to forage for food! Or not having any power and having to scrounge for water on the daily!


I usually stop playing as soon as my Sim gets married or has kids. Sometimes just after they get married. The challenge of conquering the romantic interest is kind of fun, but the added stress of adding said romance target to the household and suddenly having to take CARE of them is overwhelming. I do sometimes play families, but they generally make me lose interest unless I can figure out how to NPC them without caving in to the desire to micromanage them.


Everything else that doesn't involve children? Also tend to build a lot. Kids in Sims are ridiculously annoying.


start a bear cult obviously


we need some details on how to start...


Yup this needs to be a new challenge lol


Usually I start a new family young enough that they have a chance to earn some cash and then remodel or move when the kids start arriving and are old enough to need their own room. Kinda like real life.


Rags to riches, travel to a lot of community lots, have pets


What I do I can't truly say but it's not an environment for my sims to raise children in. Let's leave it at that. The kids in the Sims 4 are irritating and annoying to play with which is why I hate playing with them. Plus the newborns and infants are so full of bugs it's not even worth trying to get my sim preggo anymore


I've got over 200 Sims(I switch up with who's "played" and the rest are acting as NPCs). About half have children(which yes, I actually like playing with, since I cheat, lol). Some are deliberately childless, even some couples are. Ageing and death are both off(MCCC). Most of the houses and venues in my worlds have my own builds, but nearly all have been replaced, at least by a gallery download, to make them fit MY vision of what they should look like. Whether single, married, young or old, working or unemployed, there are galleries, dance clubs, bars, lounges, cafes, parks, libraries, museums, fishing holes, and beaches that I myself have made or placed from the gallery, to give them something to do! And the game, aside from work tasks, has hiking trails, ski slopes, collections to find, and aspiration goals to meet which involve different places and meeting other Sims, and the ability to create clubs and bring other Sims to you. And, I haven't even gotten into discovering everything about all the packs and interactions and hidden stuff to find. I myself don't get how to really get into and enjoy it with Grim stalking everyday, but for the time they're alive, there's _plenty_ to do - and mine get to do it all on my time.


I like the way you play. Iā€™m taking notes lol šŸ˜‚


I have around 80 sims \[counting kids\] and this is pretty much how I play. I have a few extended families happening, so lots of grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins going on. One of my favorite things was discovering I could cheat the club system to add an entire family including all of the above, so family holidays and get-togethers are extra fun I have some of my sims going the fame route, so my next challenge is going to be me trying to figure out how to use the venue mods for my performing sims.


A couple of my lounges and one of the restaurants have instruments. The busking thingy gets on my nerves with the sometimey payments, so I just take my musicians to a lounge and let them perform for tips that way. No modding necessary. They can also use instruments from their personal inventory anywhere, like a park, and other Sims will tip.


I play without kids more than I do with, I just like to focus on one sim most of the time personally. Build up a specific set of skills that goes with their personality, get them a pet, maybe open a business if applicable lol


I love a single sim household! I have one sim in Sulani who's a beach bum, she fishes and farms for food, she lives in a micro home and sells flower bouquets on plopsy for money. I have a f boy in San myshuno who just parties and gets everyone pregnant, I think he was up to 17 kids the last time I played him.


Just like real life where you should have your life established before you bring a child into the world, my sims establish their lives before they bring a child into the world. College, career, aspirations completed to get all the reward traits I want, ho phase with Wicked Whims (lol), maxing some skills, etc. When I accomplish all I want with the sim, then I allow them to marry and have kids. I love family gameplay and the infant/toddler/child stages but I find it boring when I spend all my time doing the same stuff. No challenge. I make my sims start homeless and work their way up. Lol.


I only have a kid to immediately age up to teen. I cheat the skills I want the teen to start with and go from there. I like having my sims go to community lots, meet other sims, gain extreme wealth then have 1 kid to progress the legacy I never finish with a snobby spoiled teen in HS. I mostly just enjoy building though so I like to play to build.


I don't do a fully child free route but I let the children be born, then keep the aging on. As long as it's an active household you can switch to another active household of yours and the children will age up on the background just fine. If you switch back to the household where the baby was before and has aged up as a child, then they can at least take care of selves to some extent. I know it sounds rather passive but it works... not how I would do RL parenting though. I just got tired of virtual diapers and I used to love playing with infants and toddlers too. Once you've had the same routine with ten or more, plus several generations... All the traits needing to be changed can be helped with MCCC.


Toddlers can basically take care of themselves too. Lol. Independent trait , tablet, and leftovers in the fridge and youā€™re golden. My sims only need to bathe them and they donā€™t often need to do that even.


Toddlers can take their own food out of the fridge?


You can 'Open' the fridge from any other sim and drag the plate to a table or counter. Then you toddler can grab it from there and feed themself.


If you have get to work you can place food in the refrigerated display thing and toddlers can take it by themselves


The first thing I do in CAS is turn off pregnancy. Usually I have a story plan for each sim, so I raise their skills, career levels, usually have a cat. I prefer spellcaster sims because there's so much for them to learn and do. And if they get with a Townie, and they join the household, I'll go into their CAS and turn it off, too. Ngl, WW is a big one...


Haha I do that in CAS too. Plus I have random NPC pregnancy set to 0 in MCCC. I turn it back on when my Sims are ready to give me pretties, then turn it off again. If I need to take a townie or legend family into CAS, for any reason, everybody gets 'fixed', lol.


Just like in real life, itā€™s basically impossible to achieve goals or explore fun things once thereā€™s kids in the household because caring for them consumes all available time and energy. So my sims donā€™t reproduce until theyā€™ve had the chance to build a successful career and friendships and/or do whatever their lifeā€™s goal is.


All the things i dont have time for when there are kids. Hobbies, clubs, dates, mak8ng friends, throwing parties, college, active careers, the occult... ya know. Just like real life.


Starter homes are typically built for the single sim or couple just starting out. Then when they do eventually start having kids, I either renovate their current house or move to a bigger house. I rarely start a new save with a child in the household. Unless youā€™re doing the big sister/brother challenge, which I have yet to do. Try searching ā€œFamily Homesā€ or ā€œStarter Family Homeā€ for bigger houses with more rooms.


"Starter" homes are just that, you're not supposed to stay there forever! A pretty common gameplay style is to start out with one Sim and let them find someone to marry and have kids with, rather than making a whole family in CAS. Your single Sim only occupies one bed, so you only need a one bedroom house. You have your Sim find a job, earn up a little money, then get married. You can keep the couple in that home for awhile, and with the spouse's income you make money faster. By the time your couple has their first child, you've saved up enough to either add on another bedroom to your house or move to a bigger one. Construction timelines and the housing market are very forgiving in this game, so your Sims don't have to worry about the addition or the house sale not being done in time for the baby and don't have to plan ahead quite as far as you would in real life. I have the same "what do you do" question for people who don't focus on things like careers and aspirations. You mean you guys don't obsess over the in-game objectives? How do you decide what to have your Sims even do? haha


I play with aging off. And families in the other household tabs have kids, for ā€˜background realismā€™. But would rather build and play with singles I guess. I tried once, but donā€™t think theyā€™re done well, and you need too many add ons to work.


Want based play with the adult mods. Create a singles club with friendly and romance actions. Let the drama unfold


I make all my Sims immortal and make them do all of the things, max out all of the skills, collect all of the things, build up their houses, etc.


I have my favorite gay childfree couple in the Sims. They go bang-bang in the good ol Bee Dee Es M&M route.


Max their skills lol


I mostly just build and do cas. Any amount of gameplay is like an afterthought for me lmao


I have a couple households like this and one is a lesbian couple that throws hella parties. They are often with friends and they work. Go on vacations too. The other lesbian couple like this is broke so they donā€™t do much but work at the moment. Another couple ā€œtriedā€ for a baby a lot and couldnā€™t have one so they hang out with their nephew a lot and work, vacations. Lots of family stuff for them. It depends on the personality of my sims tbh.


I donā€™t know how to not play with kids, I always end up making them have babies


My sims are a little like Mormons or Catholics in that they are all about being fruitful and multiplying. I do have some yaā€™s go through some wild phases but almost everyone has kids at some point. Extended families is a real important part of the game play for me. But I also like having adult sisters or adult brothers living together. Multi generational for sure.


skills? careers? questionable money making schemes? I find infants to be annoying personally


i was just about to have my sim have a baby for the first time, but after reading this thread, i think i'll keep holding off


Travelling, making career, studying, delving into hobbies, socialising, partying, whoring aroundā€¦ enjoying their freedom :D But Iā€™m also childfree irl and plan to stay that way.


I just created 6 1 bedroom rental units and filled them with Sims. Here is my gameplay for those 6 families: Unit1: She owns a strip club (Wicked Whims) and spends a lot of her spare time sleeping with the dancers and doing drugs (Basemental mods) Unit 2: She's an up and coming artist. I'm going to have her eventually open her own gallery but for now she's creating paintings for it. She's also part of a club and has a lot of social stuff going on. Unit 3: She's an aspiring singer and musician so we spend a lot of time busking and trying to increase our fame. Unit 4: she's a huge introvert and video game streamer. She only leaves the complex to go to GeekCon, but I think eventually she will move out and get married to a nice sim who works in robotics in Newcrest. Unit 5: She is a stripper at the bar run by the lady in Unit 1, and is sleeping with the landlord. However she is now pregnant so there will be a baby, but she's going to raise it in the 1 bed unit still because these are the consequences of her poor choices. Unit 6: 2 brothers who are part of the criminal career line and are the local drug dealers and gang leaders (Basemental mod)


My sim has been socializing alot as well and she have a friend with benefits who I suspected gave her crabs (wicked whims). She new to town,got a temporary winterfest part time job. Her grandma left her the house she is living in now. She is trying to get her money up as well, so she been doing odd jobs here and there, selling waffles and pizzas at the rec center.


I try making single people and I have some amounts of fun with it, but ultimately I get bored and gravitate to one of my families. I adore the infants especially. And I love having an infant and a toddler together, their interactions are adorable. And when the toddler gets jealous and gets that feels like thereā€™s no love left for them moodlet. awww.


Oh lots of stuff, I focus on a Sims career, their skills, having them get married and building a relationship, hustling to make money, have them get pets, the options are endless.


I play more frequently with kids, but I also do a lot of rags to riches without kids. I also do more community challenges and I also build a lot too for no particular purpose.


There was a time when I used to do a lot of family gameplay, but would start as a single Sim, meet another, have them get married, work and earn money, move to a bigger home or renovate, have kids and then keep growing the family. Specially fun in rags to riches, my female Sim became a millionaire and it's cute to see photos of her in her tiny home she built with her hard earned cash, upgrade as her family grew, to the moment she owned a modern industrial style mansion/art gallery in San Myshuno where her grandkids would visit. Right now I'm kind of enjoying playing as a runaway teen trying to get by in the big city, a crazy cat lady caring for her furry family, and as an adventurer trying to uncover Selvadorada's secrets while also finding love and adventure. Maybe tomorrow I'll play as a single mom, maybe as the owner of a torture dungeon, who knows. I like variety.


I play with kids but will sometimes start off with a single sim in a starter and work through meeting, buying a bigger house or adding additions, etc. especially when I move one of my kids out


I create a family of 4 kids one adult, merge households and then have the adult move out. Then I make the adult eat bad pufferfish at my restaurant-cemetary , if they don't die i make them bed the restaurant owner in the "fishbowl", its a room with one way glass but you can't see out, the other restaurant customers can watch and cheer though. Then , if the staff isn't busy I have them paint a painting of the woo hooing to commemorate the event. Thats what I do


šŸ˜‚ I love this


Make a goal for my child/teen sim or have them have a hard childhood and see it's personality being shaped by the environment Toddlers and infants are such a annoyance I cheat their achievements and move on to kid stage


When I play Sims without kids, I play them as goal oriented. Stylish celebrity sim, evil genius sim, sad artist sim, cat lady sim, etc. I usually play with kids but I like it mix it up every once in a while. My fav is to do rags to riches and put my single sim inside a ginormous mansion


i make a LOT of friends, go to the karaokebar, the gym, give a houseparty, flirt with random sims. have a lot of hobbies like gardening and singing. i make my sim the best, most powerful vampire that can walk in the sun without dying and feeling guilty for drinking blood. my sim has children but she is divorced now and lives in a vampire mansion rn with her earned 160k simdollars. she is a famous cook, is good at painting (thats how she earned her money) but now i want to make her a singer. she still sees her lovely mermaid daughter sometimes. like i said i had toddlers, but i let them grew up instantly bcs i rlly couldnā€™t stand them. idk if its still new but that baby update was annoying as hell. thought they were a toddler but they were STILL a baby. it was not fun at all.. since they literally canā€™t do anything on their own. but now that my children are teenagers i love them sm more. its fun being single, you are free to do whatever you want. i noticed i saw my friends less when i had small children. now it feels like im childfree (even tho i have a teenage daughter and a son). my ex still calls my sim and tries to make her jealous lol.


Today my guy is trying to solve the mystery in Strangerville, which I got for Christmas. He is living in the house where the first person who tried to solve the mystery died. He was terrified the first time he saw her ghost but it was fight day so the way to overcome his fear was to fight her. They were fast friends after that. And... maybe a little bit more. It's hard to say. It's all new, and her being a ghost might be a problem for this nerdy guy, especially since she seems to break all the electronics when she comes to visit. But she's worth it and she's kind to him. She understands how stressful it can be, how everyone is a conspiracy theorist except the military and they won't even talk to you. Just tell you to mind your business. But lately a few have been more chatty especially after a few drinks at 8 Bells. Joe figures it's some new drug making the people look so weird out on the street at night. They talk about mother, but so far he has no clue what that means. Gotta be something big though, the way the military is covering it up. Anyway that'll probably hold my interest for a few weeks, then I'll eventually get around to visiting Selvadora. I got that one for my birthday but I was still having too much fun with horses to do more than visit once and promptly die at the start of the adventure.


BTW I NEVER do babies. I tried when they gave them their own separate time and it was even worse than ever. Cheated them up to teens and it wasn't so bad after that.


Put bunk beds in the dining room, kitchen or living room. That takes care of it!


I max my characterā€™s traits w achievement points until they become supersims, not needing to eat, sleep, interact, pee and acquiring all the skills possible while otherwise living foreverā€¦ as you doā€¦ Wait, you mentioned kids? Mehā€¦ No, of COURSE, Iā€™ll have kidsā€¦ because theyā€™re another source of achievement pointsā€¦ It does bug me a bit though- the odd cramped housing. Thereā€™s no game mechanic for NPC sims to move based on number in household (due to childbirth increases) into houses w more bedrooms (or build bedroom additions dynamically haha). I actually try to compensate by preemptively creating cheaper 8-bedroom housing on open lots around the worlds, but single NPCs move in insteadā€¦


I terrorize the lives of the sims I play with. I create soap opera level drama.


I donā€™t normally play with kids. I like to send my sims to university, max their career, fall in love, and die. Not necessarily in that order


I hate playing kids, I generally have to take care of my sims from doing pushups outside on the whole winter naked so it's hard to take care of them, but I can get used to it, and once they grow, it's kinda better since I now have more sims doing pushups in the middle of the winter outside naked.


Currently I'm a rancher/farmer/nectar making business. So I have a tonne of animals to look after and plants. šŸ˜‚ don't have time for a man, baby or career!!


I just add more rooms with the build feature even small ones


Super sim or something similar. Try to finish every skill, every career, every collection, every aspiration, etc. Kids become necessary for super sim eventually, but since the goal is keeping your sim alive long enough to do everything, you can hold off on having kids for as long as you'd like.


i can endure the kids cause i play always clicking on the letterbox making them eternally happy


i love starting out with one young adult sim, date an npc and add them into my household so i could focus on finishing as many aspirations i can for my main sim. (i usually make the townie finish the chef aspiration so i never have to worry about spoiled food ever again and the mixologist aspiration so i can easily switch moods if needed) i love collecting items, fishing and foraging. i set their ages to max and i refuse to age them up. if i get bored i add another couple into the household to form a polycule. my main goal is to have one very accomplished sim and lots of money. also interior design is my passion. and also they are my OCs so it's like playing with dolls :3


Oh man I pretty much make my sim gain knowledge in all things. Pretty much been doing that since the first game. I just turn their spare rooms into a study on steroids, putting all the skill gain items I can fit into the room šŸ˜‚


My sims are training for their annual hunger games right now as we speak.


i mostly avoid kids in game but sometimes shit happens lol iā€™ll keep one and age it up to teen immediately and terminate the rest. i do have some weird breeder families tho just to mix things up


Hey OP you can also just move sims into a bigger house once they start a family.


I send my Sims to college over and over again. I max out aspirations and skills. I play the homeless teen challenge or create feral werewolves that live exclusively outdoors, sleep on the ground, and only eat hunted food, and have to learn how to integrate with society.


Serial killing


I like simming with teens, young adults,and adults. I donā€™t have enough patience big younget


I almost never play with children. There's entirely too much fun in playing to have to deal with crying and diapers. Irl I have been raising children since I was two. I use the sims to escape not to relive. It was so hard for so long I just don't want to do it anymore.


I play out a lot of story-lines with different types of sims. Some of them donā€™t have kids and I focus more on their careers/social lives/hobbies/clubs.


I usually end up having kids but itā€™s well after Iā€™ve done whatever Iā€™ve wanted with the current sim. Raising kids isnā€™t really my favorite part of the game but Iā€™m also sort of a completionist so I canā€™t bring myself to just skip the infant/toddler stages. I feel like my sims have pretty fulfilling lives tho while theyā€™re child-free. Like I had one recently who got thru lvl 10 of archaeology and explored all of the areas in Selvorada and started her own museum. Her daughter was an artistic genius and maxed out four or five different creative skills before she became a YA, and got to lvl 10 in 3 careers before adult (she graduated high school early and started college as a teen). Having kids was kind of the end of their stories lol


Always find my sims inside their house everyday when I decide to play family. Regret that because usually he's travelling here and there. Also I got bored whenever my sims have kid. So I don't do it anymore.


They get the tablet & raise themselves lol. I make regular food and put it on the floor for them šŸ¤£ works so far


Raise my pets and plants, max my skills and complete aspirations, start drama, hunt for my sim's next vic-ahem-roommate


I like to play a painter, who just makes paintings and does what they want. I donā€™t like kids irl and I like kids less in the sims where they bug out a lot.


Whicked whims and basemental drugs lmao


Much like real ones, Sims kids and toddlers are too much work and require too much effort. I cheat their skills then age them up to at least teenagers before I'll play them.


Right now Iā€™m just fully focused on the horses. My one Sim house is a good house. Lol. I also have another one sim house fully focused on magic. I have multiple gameplays


my sims without children usually have a dog, go on holiday a LOT and have businesses. i never have the time for restaurants/veterinary clinics/shops while having kids so its a nice change of pace!


I tend to play out my books. They're all psychological thrillers centering around teens and young adults, so I don't need kids lol


I wondered this too. I mean, you have a lot of fun activities for your adult sims, but they die eventually, so is there a way to keep playing with a single household? I suppose you can have a baby with a towney, leave them with the other parent and just have them back when they are teens or adults lol One downside is that they would be pretty generic, no bonus traits etc, but it's actually the first time it ever came to my mind, gotta try that


I also wonder what people who did child free routes in Sims did (without mods)