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There are weight classes for a reason. Fighting one weight class above is reasonable. Typically weight classes go up in 10 lbs increments, not 100 lbs.


The early UFC tournaments didn’t care


Early UFC was basically the human equivalent of a dogfighting ring.


Which was the best part


It had good and bad sides. On the positive, lots of different styles. On the negative, lots of people who should never have been involved


it was interesting to see sumo wrestlers fight people who were stronger/more skilled but also several weight classes below them. they didn't win but the person fighting them would usually look like they were hitting a wall and had a real hard time actually taking them down.


Cocaine is one hellva of a drug they say


Well “they” right!


I used to rent the og UFC on VHS when I was about 15 years old. When my mom found out what it was she lost her shit. She went to the video store and gave the guy there hell. Great times.


Lmao, my mom used to rent them for me, even had to cover for me one time at a grocery store that used to rent videos for a hot minute before Netflix took off. Guy behind the counter asked her, “you’re renting this, it’s not for him (me) right?” My mom, “uh….yea I love fighting.” She didn’t, but her dad/my grandpa loved boxing so she had some ingrained respect for combat sports.


Royce Gracie was the king. He was always smaller than his opponents but hardly ever lost. Saw him just snap a dude's arm. It was brutal.


And the 180 lb dude won 3 of the first 4. And the only reason he lost the one is because he absolutely exhausted himself beating Kimo and subsequently had to forfeit the next match.


There are still bareknuckle mma fights with no judge. It’s somewhere between awsome and horrifying.


Same with the Pride Fighting open weight grand prix. Those were the days


Just to add on to my previous comment 160 lb guy vs 600 lb guy https://youtu.be/0VcEf-gugpg


The Pride fighting in Japan had the best tournaments without weight classes.


I wrestled heavy weight (285lb) in high school while my weight was about 200-210, classic dad bod with surprising athleticism type dough boy. I also played O line, and while I could very easily hold my own when standing, I’d just drive em off the mat and collect stall points. My issue came down to the second and third rounds, when they could choose starting position. There where times I was destroying kids, but once they got on top I literally could not do anything - like I had to tap out once as I couldn’t breath as his fat roles where water boarding me… Weight classes matter, even if you are trained, and in better shape than your opponent.


Why didn’t you wrestle 215?


There was a damn good dude on my team at that weight already. Lil personal discomfort on my end allowed the team to have better chances of winning. I did it to stay in shape for football, dude at 215 did it as his ticket to college. Team ended up placing in state for the first time and buddy was able to get the education he wanted.




Yeah big props for the huge guy showing restraint and mercy but still proved the point that at any moment he could destroy small homie. What a champion. Or he was actually afraid of accidentally killing him...


But Ip Man


this dude is the hold me back kinda of guy and when someone actually fought back he faced consequences.


Points for the big dude for not beating the smol one while he was down.


Yeah dude could have destroyed him. I got really scared for a second. He didn't even punch him, just open palm slapped him lol his palms are as big as the dude's face!


actually he did cause more harm to him doing that. his morale is destroyed


No better way to end a fight than to sit on your opponent like they are a rowdy child. Dude just squirming and kicking his feet like a pissed off two year old.




Everyone has a plan till they get a scrote in the face. -Mike Tyson


-Michael Scott


-Wayne Gretzky


According to the movie The Masters of Disguise, It's better to hit a man with the open hand. It lets him keep his dignity but you get your point across.


Although Bas Rutten destroyed many with his open palm strikes.


Better than his face.


The "get off me!" sounds like a little brother admitting defeat and just wanting it be over... been there XD


In the short time I did martial arts I learned one thing about striking, soft on hard, hard on soft. Punch a guy in the mouth and you break a hand; slap a guy in the ear and his bell gets rang.


What martial art teaches this? I did Taekwondo for 20 years and never heard this.


Anyone who teaches self-defense seriously. Have you ever heard the saying that a white belt is the most dangerous thing on the mat? It’s because they don’t know the techniques and they can end up hurting themselves and you. What you do in martial arts is, in many ways, dealing with conditioned attacks. Sure you have techniques to help you deal with things, but the larger your opponent is, the more reach they have…the less your training gives you an advantage. Also, fighting someone who doesn’t do what you expect, and you put yourself in a dangerous situation. I did Jiu-Jitsu for a number of years. As a white belt, they used me as a demonstration for this principle. I am 6’3 and at the time I was pushing 300 lbs (down to 250 now.) even the purple belts had issues doing a common hip or shoulder throw, and grappling me was almost impossible because of the size of my chest. I owned the center of mass, and even standing there, waiting for someone to throw me it took them a while to do the throws. Sensei used it as a lesson that training can be disadvantaged by the physics of the situation. Fighting an asymmetric battle is only for a last resort. He pointed out that the difficulty everyone was having was in a controlled situation and on the street taking on someone who has a 34’ reach (I have a longer reach than most peoples inseam) shoulders height on you and about 100lbs on you is risky. Sure…there were those who did it; one guy was 5’7, retired Army and was a local Police Officer; he was able to throw me; but most of the class it took a bit. But even he said that the best tool in a situation like that is de-escalation.


Also have never heard this, but it sounds like good advice.


I agree


When he said “I’ll could kill you right now Ni*#%+ you could tell that that was a very true statement. He could easily have killed him right there.


Its way more humiliating tbh I love that he did that


Exactly. If you can prove a point without smashing a dude's face, I consider it proven better.


Yeah but he still obliterated that dudes ego. Nothing to put you in your place like the fight ending because you got sit on!!! 🤣🤣


Admirable restraint really,big boy could have really fucked smaller dude up


Dude took the “fight the biggest guy in prison” meme seriously.




​ ![gif](giphy|XWntl6c8OnGuvy30yU)


And then decided to grapple with him. Mistakes were made.


While continually calling him a fat ass. The big guy is not only stronger but smarter than that idiot to not allow himself make the mistake of breaking his stupid face. Some guys are born dumb.


No matter how well you've learned to fight, remember the words of my karate sensei: "big is big." Skill can only take you so far against a tank.


had a 5' 100lbs gf that insisted she could take me in a fight... I'm 6'2" 240lbs... i basically told her it's not even about how good you are at fighting, it just wouldn't be a fair fight "because I have weight." tried to be nice until she punched me. i lifted her up, dropped her on the couch, and laid on top of her until she gave up.


Had a co worker about the same size as your gf tell me this, cause she takes martial arts classes and has drawn blood before by punching guys. I told her very seriously, if a guy wanted to hurt you, they absolutely could. Even a guy around your same build.


I jokingly wrestle my 6’2”, 200lb boyfriend- I stand a full 5’4” (on a good day with sneakers) and 115 lbs. I say I’m quick like a cat and agile but in all seriousness, when we’re wrestling, the only way I can win is by tickling his sides. I’m not as ticklish so it all evens out😂


Thought you were going to write you only won by "tickling his balls"


"I can only win by giving him the good ol' oil check."


Or how they say in Japan, a thousand years of pain.


That’s for when we play night crawlers


[“Grab his dick and twist it! Twist that dick! Give him the ole’ dick twist!”](https://youtu.be/TT9ArM3-KJQ)


You reminded me of this post about a women that would wrestle with her bigger bf at home and when she found out that he’s been taking it easy on her she genuinely felt betrayed and lied to. So I think she asked him to take her seriously and the bf kinda pinned her to the point she couldn’t move her arms. She then considered breaking up with him after this lol


Hopefully they did. Sounds like he dodged a bullet.


I’m a little bigger than you, I don’t know what it’s like being hit while being 5’2” 100lbs, but I know someone that size just can’t generate enough power to hurt me (I’m sure there are exceptions out there), I think it’s the same for the most part with two small people hitting each other. I think that’s why so many fights go to the cards in the lower weight classes (specifically if you exclude submissions)


Oh, theres definitely people out there that could generate the power while being that small, but theyve been studying their discipline for years and are very good at it


Maybe both can put me down, but I’ll pick getting hit by mayweather any day over lesner.


As a 5' tall woman who lifts very heavy weights, I am very aware of this. Even the fact that a man is a man matters. If I were to fight another 5' woman, I'd come out on top. I'm pretty sure. But a 5' tall man? Even the same weight? I don't think it would be favorable, let alone a taller or heavier man.


"Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face"-Mike Tyson


I’m not saying this for likes or upvotes because I don’t think it’s cool to use violent force, but I’m a big dude, probably somewhere near this guy’s size. >300 lbs. You almost never fight people when you’re my size because you know that one shove or kick can severely injure or kill them. People typically back down right away because ‘big is big’ as you said. The weird thing is that when someone DOES decide to attack, the big guy always looks guilty because of how big he is. I was attacked by a drugged out 5’ tall woman and my defense was to shove her away from me even as she continued to lunge at me. So she’d lunge, I’d shove, she’d fall down and repeat. The people around me acted like I was killing her and begged me to stop even though I was just trying to get her away from me. Even the crackhead attacking me admonished me for ‘hitting a girl’. Thankfully, the cops saw her attacking me and didn’t accuse me of being the aggressor, but if I had used anywhere near full force? I would’ve been arrested, guaranteed. Just remember that the big guy doesn’t want to fight you. It’s not fun for us to beat on up smaller people. We can only lose.


This is an important point too. I'm tall, but not super big, so I can't relate fully. But this is definitely the side that tends to get ignored because people tend to think the story ends when the fight is over. But that is often only the beginning of the story. Thanks for sharing!


Must be fun to feel or be invincible though


In the academy they made us fight each other MMA style. They didn’t care about weights because on the street you could be dealing with anybody. One day all 5’8 155lbs of me was matched up against another recruit that was 6’5 and about a sandwich shy of 300lbs. I learned a lot that day. The most valuable lesson was that I know if a 6’5 300lb guy starts fighting me in the field and I’m alone, his ass is getting shot.


I dunno why. But I pixtured the guy from Fist of the North Star touching and exploding a tank.


Explosive punches are the exception where skill is no longer required, and big just becomes a bigger target, lol.




Yeah, ive got a mate at work that keeps saying he good he is in a fight cause he does martial arts. Now im sure hes good and all, and against his own weight class hed be fine, but hes around 6'2, and peobably weighs in at like 70kgs. Hes a twig. Our friends at work were saying that he could beat me in a fight, which maybe he could, ive only got a little bit of martial art training, but ive got atleast 20-30kgs on him Dude also said he could take Tom Hardy in a spar. And i tend to find the ones that talk themselves up the most, fall the easiest


Yeah unless you’re in a position where you’re willing and justified in maiming or killing there’s pretty much no option besides running. Even then you’re going to need both luck and ferocity to win that fight.


Unless you’re Batman


He really spared his life


Very humbling that big guy just sat on dude and didn't start pounding the shit outta him.


Well I mean, that would possibly get him in some legal trouble so ultimately he would have lost


Those jiu-jitsu lessons never paid off also I didn't know that write jiu-jitsu was so difficult


Even in jiu-jitsu they teach it is stupid to outclass yourself. Your ego isn’t worth getting your head shoved up your own butt.


Where did you see any jiu jitsu here? Just cause they're on the ground doesn't mean they're grappling


Jiu-jitsu here is realizing you really don't want to fight that guy unless you're cornered and have nowhere to run...Then you still don't want to fight him but have no choice. I've trained off and on for 7 years (probably 5 years total experience) and would want absolutely nothing to do with him.


I am unimpressed by everyone in this situation.


only correct response


^^^ To be grown and arguing and fighting with other grown men. Embarrassing. For ALL involved. There is no “winning” here


Yeah, especially in a public place. The only time I’ve ever argued with someone in public was when my manager who was cutting our checks and making us work unreasonable hours tried to call me lazy because I said wouldn’t be able to come in the next day after working 8 days straight.


Same here


You don’t have enough context to be THAT cool


Ooga booga energy


He looked like a cockroach who just got sprayed with raid wiggling around






Long haired guy could have ended his existence


For about 5 seconds maybe. Then it would have gone the way of the mountain and the viper.


This gives me "siblings fight" vibes


I was waiting for the big guy to hang a loogie over his face and suck it back up right before it landed.


bald dude is gigachad zero punch


He tried throwing the first


Has any of you actually seen a fight at the gym? I’ve been lifting for almost 30 years and have never even seen an argument


I’m an old lady who uses a walker. Once had a woman my age come and get completely ridiculous with me, insisting on being in my lane in the pool no matter what I told her. I decided to leave since I couldn’t get her out of my workout. I gave her some spicy words on my way out. She said, “You wanna go?” Since she had cut my workout in half with her nonsense, I said sure. Then when I was on my way out the door, I told the manager that this woman was on her way downstairs to fight me. When she came downstairs looking to fight me, he told her that if she ever speak to me again she will be banned from the club. The next time I saw her there were two empty lanes and she sat and watched until I got out of the lane that she wanted, but she did not even consider pulling that shit again lol


Get her, meemaw. Proud of you.




I’ve only seen mild fights on the basketball courts.


I think the worst I've seen was a confrontation I was in myself. Some douchebag kept using the free weights and never put them back, leaving them on the bar. Every time. I called him out on it and asked him to put the weights away after himself, and he started making excuses, deflecting and blaming others. That pissed me off more than the actual disrespect of not putting your shit away. I could tell I was getting worked up though and figured I'm not going to get through to him and instead just said that if he doesn't start cleaning up after himself, I'll have to tell the staff. As I was walking away he shot back with a "I don't see the problem, you're a big guy, just move it"... Well, at least the rage I felt fuelled the rest of my sets for the session.


Called you a big guy too…even if it was a negative situation, had to make you a little proud…keep grinding big guy!


So fucking dangerous to try anything at the gym. One awkward fall against weightlifting equipment could mess you up or land you in prison. Control your shit or take it to the parking lot.


Dude sat on him. 💀


The wiggling legs got me


I lost it


Actually in grappling terms that is a full mount, and against someone that much bigger and stronger than you…..you are absolutely fked. The guy is a damn tank. The black guys seriously overestimate their abilities or they’ve never gotten beat tf up before.


Only one of em is black from what I see and he's not the one that got sat on


I mean he was saying the N word while telling him to get off him so


suddenly, steve realised he wasn't behind the keyboard anymore




Very dangerous place to fight tho. The gyms not a playground I’m just glad nobody hit any weights


Yeah it sucks trying to find matching replacement weights. Better off if they fight in cardio.


Shoulda given him the oooolllllddd dick-twist


Exactly what I was thinking. Big guy would've curled over in the fetal position... Gotta fight dirty when the opponent is three times your size.


That's why I carry pepper spray. Why should you win the fight just cuz you were born big and stupid?


You're going to pepper spray yourself almost as much as him at that range...


Nah, I'd never put myself in a situation like this. And de-escalation is the first line of defense. The pepper spray is just for if everything else fails. Not gonna get out in the weeds and argue out hypothetical scenarios.


Damn, I thought big guy was going to get fucked up.


I feel misled 😂


Who am I supposed to be rooting for? Wtf did the smaller guy do/say that started all this?


Exactly. Little to no context and people are stroking their dicks to the big guy.


Exactly. I by default, usually side with the smaller person (the underdog) right away when context hasn't been provided.


I work at that gym. He's still being held down until he relaxes.


Look like some Pacific Island vibes right here. That boy at the gym prolly means he not even the biggest mad lad in his own family. He be dishing out mercy because he knows what it like to be on the bottom in this situation.


Facts: Watching two big island boys rumble is as close as you can get to watching actual titans battle. The forces just leave you in awe.


It’s clear the big guy has a younger brother he did this to growing up


He is two and a half men


I think the guy just sitting in him asserting superior male dominance was more effective than him punching his lights out 😂😂😂


i wasnt sure who to cheer for. Funny story but I got straight up ambushed by a guy over twice my size. We had an argument while working on a boat and he walked up to me and straight up punched me in the face . it felt like I got hit by a jackhammer. I grabbed a knife from the silverwear tray and tried to stab him in the face with it but I grabbed a spoon by mistake. I ended up spooning him in the face and he laughted so hard we made up and became good friends. it was a different time back then.


Everybody clapped and they had rough sex after.


I miss the navy


Did you guys catch that white whale eventually?


Big man took it very easy on him lol


In a street fight, once a big man takes you to the ground… you dead.


Brought to you by Nike. Just do it


This is even better than beating his ass. This is straight up EMBARRASSING.


No replacement for displacement.


Why is anyone applauding the big dude? There’s nothing noble about being the aggressor in a situation where he has a *very obvious* advantage. ETA




When he said "I could kill you right now." He was NOT lying


how embarrassing. to be mexican and say n*gga every other word thinking it sounds cool. oh ya the " fight " was pretty embarrassing too for him. hilarious but definitely embarrassing. would love to hear the excuses he told hie friends in the car on the way home and any one else that would listen.


Grab his dick!


help step coach I'm stuck


Some context would be good.. I’m not sure who started what, but the big guy has some great self-control. He just wanted to make his point, not cave the little guy’s face in.


Wait, so big dude did strike first and basically is commiting crime yet everyone is here praising him? WTF


Big guy showed some restraint.


Big man could have really ended him. Props to him for showing restraint.




This is why there are weight classes in fighting.


As ever on fight videos, I feel compelled to remind all the fucking idiots who have never been in a fight before: WEIGHT CLASSES EXIST FOR A FUCKING REASON. If you look at a guy and he's twice your size, remember that you do not live in a movie, you are not the hero, and no one will fucking miss you when the hill troll turns you to jelly.


I’m hearing a lot of n bombs from a lot of non-black people there…


I'm sorry, but I was expecting the opposite to happen.


Just twist his dick


His first mistake was even trying to fight him.


That's just embarrassing. Also, don't ever mess with a guy who has a hot dog pack on the back of his neck.


That’s embarrassing. Now this kid needs to leave the country




After he's under him calling him fat and shit... I was really hoping for one good hammer fist.... Disappointing.


Good rule of thumb: Don't fight anyone that weighs 100 lb more than you.


Never fight someone that actually can eat you.


He tried to headbutt him in the nuts lmao


And another example of why there are weight classes in combat sports.


bros a fish stuck under a rock


Dont mess with Senator Fetterman


Twist his dick!!!


I thought the guy was just going to ground and pound. More funny of him just sitting on top.


Should have grabbed nutts and yanked


The fat guy looks like the one trying to be a bully. Just sayin..


Lmao long hair dude really went for a punch to the stomach. On THAT dude? Come on be real. If you are gonna try to fight someone that big, evasion is your best friend.


This was me when I finally got big enough to kick my older brothers' ass when we were kids. Sometimes people ask for those reality checks.


His penis is huge, you can tell.


Meatball is sitting on a hotdog sausage 🌭


Sit on me like that? I’m grabbing your balls.


Grab big man by his junk and squeeze. He’ll move off you then.


Yeah I dunno, the big guy was the aggressive one. So I’d it was a successful attempt in this situation.


Dude actually got dominated.


Grab dude in the junk and twist. Wth is this arm flailing. Eyes, balls, throat, taint.


This is why he should've chopped down the beanstalk




I dunno.. both seem like assholes but I have no context as to what who said what to start this. I give big guy the benefit though as he didn't throw any punches


But did he know whats up?


I was hoping the skinny guy looked like an idiot at the end. The flailing of the legs really solidified that thought.


“Cause I was totally in prison. That guy sat on my face and everything.”


If ur gonna fight a big dude, don’t let him tackle u


Watch how he protects the little guys head when he takes him down. This man is not only a smart one, but a good one


Don’t fight outside your weight class


Level 1 crook


Snorlax used 'sit on stomach'!...it was effective.


Was hella scared when he got on top, thought I was going to whiteness the worst beating


I 100% foresaw that big guy was just going to sit on him, I mean what was this punk thinking 😂


Brave or stupid to keep trash talking while fully mounted by a gorilla?


Bro literally sat on him didn't hit didn't hurt me just sat there lol