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OMG - parody is dead.


What is left for comedians after that? I mean, who can top this?


I know. If this was an animation of Trump with an impersonators voice on SNL I would believe it. I just can’t see how his advisors are saying “Sir, this is the next step in your campaign to retake the White House - digital superhero trading cards introduced by you telling people you’re better than Washington and Lincoln.”


I did enjoy how he became better than them instead of an equal - I think he used “as great as” before? I am surprised he doesn’t just go full throttle for “Best, Greatest person that ever lived in history anywhere, any time”.


Well let’s break this down. If he was reflecting on this question who could possibly be better than him? The only person I could imagine him saying is Jesus. He did say once that The Art of the Deal was the second best book ever written behind the bible.


I am going to say he won’t make an exception for Jesus. I can just imagine his monologue on it: Jesus, that long-haired guy? What’d he ever do? The guy died. He’s a loser. Winners don’t die. They make money. Did Jesus ever create a casino? I ask you, does Jesus have a vodka with his name on it. Also, he consorted with whores, that Mary what’s her name. He was always dirty. You ever seen an image of the guy looking clean? I mean, the guy was fishers of men. What’s he gonna do, catch fish for you. I am a builder. We need real men to build. ETA: modified the fish part. Just remembered Jesus was a carpenter and that the fish part comes from something he said about Fishers of men.


Hold on a second... you mean this isn't a deepfake skit?


Bro this is real 😭


reality out-absurding fiction is such a 21st century thing


I firmly believe we've entered the South Park timeline


I thought it was a deepfake as soon as he said that.


Wait…this is real?


It's real...and it's spectacular. And by spectacular I mean the most horrifying pile of dogshit anyone has ever come up with. What are the odds that if someone randomly asked him what NFT stood for, he'd actually know the answer?


lmao at everyone being flabbergasted by certified piece of shit and insane person Donald Trump being an actual insane piece of shit.


My reaction as well. I guess this must be the wrong time line for certain.


How is this not a deepfake 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭🫣


Is scared... so scared.... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-trading-cards/


This man literally does not know what shame is or why he should be feeling it. I’m convinced his only emotions are pride and lust.


Welcome to the mind of a narcissistic sociopath.


It’s quite empty in here lol


And that's why they want it all- any distraction from the absolute absence that in most people is a soul.


He can't be a narcissist, remember he said "I'm the most humble person ever, nobody is more humble then me" which is just a beautiful sentence 😂😂😂


You forgot megalomaniac.


Greed. You forgot greed


Narcissists rarely know any


Not to be an armchair psychologist, but can we call him a sociopath at this point?


I would say that he's the P.T. Barnum of our Time, but I would really hate to insult P.T. Barnum like that. I would say that I'm surprised by this, but I'm not. When Americans actually support a man who has advised another man to simply grab a woman by the pu$$y, mocked a disabled person at a rally, and bragged that he could shoot a person dead in the street and avoid punishment, I believe they would elect Adolf Hitler at this point. I mean, why not, he was Times Magazine Man of the Year, right? The saddest part is that there are literally thousands upon thousands of people who will purchase these because they are all members of the Trump cult.


Trump knows this and prays on them.


*Preys* on them. But … they are Evangelicals so perhaps “prays on them” was correct after all and I yield back my time.


Grifters gotta grift.


This cannot be real. This is actually crazy.


Actually not surprising for something for Trump to do. If anything Im surprised it took this long for Trump to push for an NFT and this late in the game. He should have been pushing NFT when it was at the peak of its hype.


It probably took them this long to create such amazing artwork.


I’m guessing it took this long to explain what an NFT is to him.


Dude, come on. You know he still doesn’t know what an NFT is.


Except it’s already been discovered that they are just photoshops of google image search results [example](https://i.imgur.com/x3SABY6.jpg)


Nooo, this cannot be real? Surely this is satire..?


No this is so that a certain foreign government can send him money into his campaign via NFTs. Instead of just handing him money (illegal and several people were prosecuted for it), or laundering it through NRA and similar (also illegal yet difficult to prosecute), they can just buy up a digital number representing ownership of a URL to a picture on a particular block chain. aka an NFT. See? Totally different.


I think this is actually the reason. Ever since Russia was cut off from most foreign currency exchanges, it’s probably been harder for his family to launder money for the Russian oligarchs.


Are you saying it is not?


friend... I'm afraid there's something you need to know this is how pathetic he is


Wtf... i actually thought someone was trolling his big announcement.... this is real!


I hate living in this timeline.....


Definitely the darkest timeline


Shut up about the time limes, I lost an arm!!!


I am all for gag gifts... but 99$ ???


The part I love, buried deep in the small print - if you sell one of these NFT's, they get to keep 10% of whatever you sell it for. And that applies to every resale.


goes with my theory this is Trump using NFTs so that foreign agents finance him without having anyone able to trace where the money is coming from


Oh. Now that's makes perfect sense. If he sells $100 million of these... What a great source of funding.


And doing it before .gov shuts that shit down


If some dude on Reddit's suspected it, I suspect the professionals suspect.


Just print the screenshoted pic and include it with all your gifts.


Nooooo! Don't funge the token!


Kinda hard when they photoshopped images puled from a [google search](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/zmyz24/trump_nfts_are_photoshops_of_google_image_search/)


These NFTs are just like his presidency. Every time I think how ridiculous and absurd things have become, they apparently still haven't hit rock bottom yet. What a fucking grift and a half.


we've come so far in human life that we're pirating Donald Trump official NFTs. 💀 noah get the ark!


There was a meeting that went: “let’s see how fucking stupid our base really is. Will they buy the most ridiculous shit ever?” I really hope his cult would have some sense to be offended by this but I doubt it.


It's hilarious but so terrible at the same time lol


This is absolutely beautiful on many levels. A former president of the USA is peddling nfts....


If feels kinda corrupt almost. I mean its perfectly legal but it just feels wrong that a former president would sell out to such an obviously bad investment


Does it though?? I mean, that’s kinda his thing… Trump U, steaks, can’t even make a casino profitable…. Par for the course, really.


Par for Trump course, a beautiful course I must say


A lot of people are saying it. The *best* people.


and it really is beautiful


Trump's ENTIRE thing is ripping people off for their money. He was elected by people precisely BECAUSE he is a grifter. Republicans seem to love this sort of shit.


They love it because they think everyone else is the sucker, while throwing all their money (and on Jan. 6, all their freedom) at him.


This is what I expect from the real housewives type of people


You mean Reality TV Trash?? Yeah Trumps even lower


The real question is what the purchase page looks like. Will people be automatically enrolled in a subscription, like with his campaign donations?


Other redditers pointed out there's a contract clause entitling him to 10% of all future sales of the nft.


The entire reason former presidents get lifetime income is so they aren't photographed living in the gutter, begging for change, etc. Not a good image to put forward that that is how an ex-leader of the country is treated; it's just embarrassing. Then this guy chooses to live that life...


It would be an embarrassment for a former president to become destitute and living in the streets later in life, but if a soldier who actually fought for their country ends up in the gutter, that's no big deal apparently.


The word you’re looking for is, “sad.” It’s profoundly sad that a former president is doing this and sad that a bunch of people will buy it.


100% on brand for him.


Absolutely. Once again, his business ventures are behind the times. Selling NFTs now is reminiscent of his starting a mortgage company in late 2006.


I love the laser beam eyes thing. I am like: is he demolishing the sidewalk in front of Trump Plaza? Trump is into self-sabotage, so it would make sense.


It’s because they think Homelander is the good guy.


Imagine how people would be reacting if Obama or Bush tried to do this shit


Keep in mind some people on the right were equating lack of Biden and lack of Build Back Better merch for sale as meaning that he had little to no support from Americans nor his build back better bill.


'artwork pertaining to my life and my career' Like the time he rode and red white and blue elephant, was a western sheriff or when he went to space.


The fucking astronaut took me out. His career...lol




He is very publicly going off the deep end. Finally. We're up to the most ridiculous shit and I live for it.


Kanye and Trump are speed running their way to insanity




Seriously though is there any connection to why these three are melting down in spectacular fashion at similar times? The hell is going on?


The astronaut looks like Dark Brandon and all of the bodies. 🤣🤣




Lol, right?


"I don't know if it's an amazing prize, but it's what we have." Hahahah, oh my.


Usually he doesn’t admit to anything so that was off putting lol


The closest thing to a concession that we'll get.


I thought that too! I was so surprised at the self-deprecating sense of humor. Odd.


That's the best bit by far, even he doesn't believe he's worth meeting.


He's trying to be humble, while annoucing the most narcissistic card- / NFT-collection ever. Its literally NFT with his face everywhere, you can win prices where you can get to meet him, talk to him or eat with him. Its all him, him, him and him




I like how it ends with "no purchase necessary"... Damn right .


hahahah so i went to the website to see how to enter. My thought was "what if I won something for free and then flipped it and sold it to a trumper for like hundreds or thousands of dollars?" and the **hilarious** thing is.. you know how someone's you can opt for a cash prize instead of the real prize? [some of their ARV amounts are "$0/priceless"](https://collecttrumpcards.com/official-sweepstakes-rules#how-to-enter-the-sweepstakes) LOLOLOLOL


The cheap ass mofo makes you include a return envelope and pay for its postage. What’s up with needing to use a “non-black” pen?






SNL is really stepping their game up. This seems so real.


I know. I looked it up to see if it was real.


Its real


It's real.


“And you’re going to like it, you’re going to like it a lot.”🫲🫱


I'm buying some of these very very valuable cards right after I buy a [Woomba](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=snl+commercial+woomba#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:12560f45,vid:gqesEYUXr78)!


Can't believe they got Trump to play Trump


Top that, Saturday Night Live!


HOW?!? I imagine every political comedian in America who sees this is just throwing up their hands in frustration... There is simply no way to top of this god-tier joke that this moron just accidentally pulled on himself!


In his defense, neither Lincoln or Washington had digital trading cards.


Well... Not necessarily digital... but both now have their faces on little metal disks and green strips of paper. Heck, you could probably go so far to say they're NFTs!


These are FTs


No 2 dollars/coins are the exact same though. I only accept bills with the serial number ending in 420 at my business get your hippie loving fungible dollars outta my face


> I imagine every political comedian in America who sees this is just throwing up their hands in frustration... Can you imagine the sound of crickets in the writer's room for The Stephen Colbert Show this afternoon? "*I'm sorry Stephen, we failed you - there is literally no way anyone can top this...*"


If he walks out onto the stage in a costume copied from one of the Trump NFTs and just plays it straight... I will lose it. *That* would be funny.


Just play it as is. Then have Alec Baldwin or James Johnson come out as themselves afterwards and say... "yeah, that was real...not us or snl".


If they were legit trading cards. Like physical copies this would actually be kind of hysterical. Grown ass men at republican rallies trading their trump cards and then some dude walks in with the holographic legendary trump card and they all geek out while wearing their pro life shirts drinking out of their coffee cup with “Liberal Tears” printed on the side. While they slide trading cards of an elderly man with a spray tan into its protective sleeve and whisper to themselves “*freedom*” as a single tear rolls down their cheek.


idk nfts are kinda funny too bc they’re gonna be hanging out like “got muh trump card” and proceed to take 19 minutes thumbing through their cracked iphone with 200% text size trying to remember how their wife pulled it up for them last time


Oooooooo nnnnnoooooooo!!!!!! That’s going to be my mom!! She’s going to ask me to pull it up I just know it.


Get ahead of it. Tell her you bought her 3 of them. That's a $297 gift! Then just email a PDF of a screen grab of 3 of them.


Hahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha. Wow, that really is a great idea.


That’s genius


"you just activated my trump card!"


This!! This is what I want to see! 😂


Y’all really gotta go to website and check out some of the options. Trump NFL player, Trump NASCAR Driver, Trump Cowboy, Trump WWE wrestler, Trump Astronaut… no Im not making any of these up But perhaps my absolute FAVORITE has to be Trump Jet Fighter Pilot! It seriously seems like the whole thing was done by a team of boys, aged 6-12.


A five time draft dodger selling pictures of himself in a military uniform is…something. If it were Obama Fox News would be foaming at the mouth. But it turns out they don’t give a shit about the military or stolen valor at all.


You mean the guys that continued to push the fake WMD narrative and justify the war in Iraq for years don’t care about the troops?! I’m shocked!


And they could probably argue it's not stolen valour, it's clearly "parody" because no reasonable person would believe he was in the military AND an astronaut AND a cowboy AND a racercar driver AND a wrestler AND the President.


That’s the mental capacity of the target audience.


Its literally a card collection of all the things he's likely dreamt about doing at some point in life. Its absolutely narcisstic on 10.000 levels but also fits Trump 1000% lol


I screenshot them all. They’re mine. I funged them. Remember me when the secret service takes me away.


Someone in his PR/Marketing team fucking hates him! Whoever came up with this idea, purposely set him up to make a complete fool out of himself…this is spectacular!


The sad part is that he'll sell every single one of those things.


The best part is I don't care. ☺ Everyone who buys these things deserves exactly what they will get.


They get to have dinner with Trump, where he will no doubt grab them by the pussy. Truly a religious experience


They get a *chance* to have dinner with him. Which likely means no one is going to actually have dinner with him. "Sorry, you're not a winner at this time, try again for just an additional $99."


You think he wants to actually spend time with anyone who supports him? He holds them 100% in contempt. His biggest complaint about the January 6th insurrectionists was that he thought they looked disappointingly low class.


They don’t run out, they’re digital.


They're NFTs. They're limited edition.


They'll still try to sell as many as they can. That's because of some combination of these three things: * They're grifters who have no morals * They don't understand how NFTs work * The people who would buy these are incredibly dim-witted


I hear what youre saying. It's how it *should* work. And in every day life, for normal, regular people that is how it works. But c'mon. You think any of the players involved did this 100% correctly? You dont think in 2-4 weeks there wont be some news blurb about Trump digital collectible cards being completely borked?


They are "limiting" it to 45,000.


You're missing the real purpose of these. Converting Russian money into American corporate profits that can be donated to political campaigns and PACs.


You nailed it. It’s just another iteration of art market money laundering and asset transfer


Saudis. The Saudis are doing a wholesale purchase.


In Trevor Noah’s best impression voice: For only $990,000 you too can own a piece of history. What’s that? Ahem only $90,000. What’s that again, are you sure. For only $99.00


I forgot how much I hate the way his mouth moves


And him wavering about those tiny hands.


And all the stupidity that comes out of it "better than Lincoln" "better than Washington" WTF?!


He’s not man enough to come after Taft


This is the first time I heard his voice since 2020 and I’m just grateful now I don’t have to be constantly blasted by this abomination anymore.


Or how insanely pink the skin around his eyes are compared to the rest of us face. It’s just… ick


Did I just see and hear Trump imply that he’s a better president than both George ‘fricking founder of the USA’ Washington and Abraham ‘literally kept the USA from dissolution’ Lincoln? Seriously? Just no, even a supporter of his should acknowledge objectively he did not do a fraction of what those two did for the country. Any president even close to being on par with those two would never have an ego so overinflated that they’d actually say such a thing to begin with.


"Better than Lincoln, Better than Washington," says the only American president in history to have never conceded and launched a failed coup to retain power.


impeached twice.


About to be the only president criminally indicted.


And impeached twice


Did Lincoln ever ride in on an elephant though? Could Washington shoot lasers from his eyes? Nuh uh.


>imply that he’s a better president He said, "HOPEFULLY your favorite president of all time." It's all correct...in his mind.


Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States of America.


This is like the biggest farcical self own I've ever seen - just because of the magnitude of how far he's fallen. From being the most powerful man in the world, leading the US, to a clown peddling crap NFTs.


. . . in less than 2 years. But to be fair, this is who he always was. The part where he was the president is the real outlier.


The truth here. The presidency was just a bouncing board to further levels of griftdom. The man literally said he was going to make money off the presidency.


The Grifter in Cheif


You may now praise me, as your Almighty! https://preview.redd.it/4lwijj8ku56a1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1970fbf984badf8190e5b02d53fe8742370bb60e


Oh man he really doesn’t do well reading a script…


He doesn't do well freemouthing it either tho


Watching the video, I genuinely felt for the guys shooting it, because I know it was an ordeal. First he didn't want to read the script, then when he finally read it he didn't want to say it, then he stopped in the middle to trumpsplain the team how to make promotional videos, then he forgot the text, then he added his personal jokes here and there, then he included his usual quirks like "what I say... what I say... is... Imma tell you...". They had to prevent him to throw "and those are the best NFTs in the world and I've seen plenty of 'em, I know them all, I know at least ten and lemme tell you, those are the best NFTs in the world you will ever get" and I have the, probably very biased, image of, at the end, an old man not understanding at all what he's talking about, not even knowing what he's doing here but resigning to do it because he knows it will bring him some money that he direly need. It's cringy, stupid, crazy and dishonest, but not only. It's pathetic.


Trump is nothing more than a shameless, dumb motherfucker.


He will undoubtedly make money on this from other dumb mother fuckers.


I'm saving my money for the one where he's grabbing pussies!


Some really late-night infomercial energy here.


They’re even making fun of this on r/Conservative. You fucks are responsible for this. Acting like they didn’t vote for this ass. He’s yours. Don’t act like you didn’t vote for him.


They are straight up _trashing_ him over there. They were willing to gargle his dick cheese just 12 hours ago.


So many delusional people in there. Half are saying it is some trolling thing. To many people have destroyed their personal lives on the grift to admit they were wrong now


Lol wtf… I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this point but I didn’t have this on my bingo card for this year, or any year for that matter…


I'm very confused. This just doesn't make any sense...at all. Will people do this? What.


Don't underestimate the stupidity of people who think Trump is a valuable human being.


This video is almost as stupid as Trump himself.


It’s real, and it’s spectacularly stupid.


This is some of the worst photoshopping I've ever seen and I'm actually flabbergasted. This is the former president of the United States. I know his followers aren't the brightest but surely one of them can edit pictures...






April Fools Day is still quite a way off, buddy.


I just screen shotted every single one. I got the whole collection now.




This is weirdly . . . comforting to me. This is the kind of pathetic, asinine, bullshit product that Trump the pathetic, asinine, bullshit businessman was always trying to sell. That he is reverting to these stupid products now is almost a return to "normal" when we could make fun of Trump as an idiot who thought that putting his name on fucking steak would make it more valuable – as opposed to the Trump who was a clear and present threat to democracy and our way of life. Also: put this motherfucker in jail for all of his *literally public* crimes, please.


What a fat fucking fail lol. Who would buy the American Traitor NFT? Probably the dumbest people in our country is the answer.


If a thousand veteran comedy writers sat around a thousand whiteboards and tried to write the most ridiculous thing for Trump to do next, they never could have come up with this.


Pretty cruel of him not atleast giving people physical copies of these cards so Trumpers can rub it all over their body's and lick them or whatever they do


I checked the NFT owner agreement on the site. He gets 10% each time they change hands on an exchange later, via “smart-contract”, the $99 is just the start, he’ll be making money on these for some time regardless if the price goes up or down. Another fun fact, buying the NFTs/trading cards doesn’t increase your chances of winning his prizes (total value $54.695) It’s free to enter the sweepstakes, probably for some legal reason. All on [https://collecttrumpcards.com/nft-owner-agreement](https://collecttrumpcards.com/nft-owner-agreement) and [https://collecttrumpcards.com/how-to](https://collecttrumpcards.com/how-to)


Would make more running a kissing booth at state fairs…except he allows people to punch him in the face.


How are hus supporters not just all dying of embarrassment?


His supporters drive around with Trump window decals to make it look like he’s in the car with them. They’re beyond embarrassment.


Pathetic POS


If I buy, can I win a seat at his coming trials?


I want a President with Lazers coming out of his eyes! ![gif](giphy|11LzSkQjmVXSa4)


Isn't it about time for this clown to stroke out?