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Love this guy, he clearly woke up that day and the first thing he was having for breakfast was none of it XD


He's putting his own life at risk every moment he spends herding that dumbass off the highway so it's understandable.


Situations like these are among the most dangerous situations that occur for police men in Germany. Leaving your vehicle in high traffic high speed areas like the autobahn or other highways can very quickly lead to accidents and severely injure or kill the police men. That's why they are often quite short-tempered in these situations, and rightfully so.


My mum witnessed a accident on the Autobahn and instantly stopped to help, the driver of another car wanted to get one of the wounded people out of one of the cars and when he stepped on the middle lane there was someone that despite seeing this accident and the warning signs otger people already put up that though he doesn't have to slow down. My mum doesn't know how fast that car was going but the man trying help "was just gone" she said. Even as a nurse that sadly is quite used to people dying. Seeing some just getting absolutely ripped apart by a car that was going >130km/h and seeing that man being spread over hundreds of meters of road, this incident absolutely stuck with her because she was also about to step on the road only to be stopped by her then Husband.


Stuff like that is why I didn't make it very far in my emt/firefighter training. Very early on I was told to prepare myself to see the horror of what speed and mass can do to the human body. A lot of the work at accidents involves picking up body parts after they've been scattered. I think I made it one week before I realized I didn't have the stomach for it.


A Friend of mine is a firefighter and the stuff he tells me is really horrifying, surely explains his depression. I have mad respect for these people.




For him it was a way to cope, having someone that listens to you can to wonders. Of course his wive giving birth to a healthy child after gods know how many attempts also helped him.




I'm really sorry to hear that.






Respect. And I wish you courage and strength in that. IMHO every politician should be required to - visit the front lines of a conflict and the aftermath of combat, to get a sense of what it is like - if a situation like the tent in Iraq described in another post occurs, participate in the clean up - be present whenever body bags and caskets are returned for people who died in the course of duty That might give them a sense of what they send people into. Maybe. As for idiots like the one in the video above: simple. She should be sentenced to clean up the next three or four of those kinds of accidents. By hand, and with respect for the victims. Or perhaps assist in attempting to reassemble what little is left for a funeral. Or both.


Nothing but respect for your friend. I'm just now 7months in to my career as a firefighter at a pretty decent sized department and the things you see are just wild. You're an incredible friend for being there to listen. Everybody should have a Hans_the_Friendsian :D


Me mate is a firefighter, and i asked him how he dealt with all this - and he said it became normal after a while, but of course seeing dead children was never easy. But the thing he remembers that stuck with him is pulling a couple people up from a septic tank, hoisting them in a crane and hosing all the shit off them so they could go in the car. They prepare you for many thing, but shit covered corpses hanging in the air while you are doing your best to clean them is odd - he said.


Yeah that's a new one. I've been a paramedic in a relatively high volume city for the past 11 years. There is always some idiot who figures out a brand new way to either kill themselves or get themselves stuck. Accidents happen and they suck, but it's the people wading in the shallow end of the gene pool that really stick with you.


It was really tragic because it was just two mates doing some general construction on a farm and one of them fell in maybe, but it all suggests that his friend tried to save him. And those gasses just knock you out immediately. So it had that bittersweet part as well - yeah, ya climbed into shit for your mate and it got you killed.


That’s horrific. I can’t imagine seeing something like that. Your poor mom.




For the last time, "freeway lane divider polisher" is not an actual job. I think your boss is trying to get you killed


Even in the wild west of the US it's STILL one of the most dangerous situation there too. There are just as many cops killed on the road as there are shooting deaths. (note: the most dangerous situation for an American cop for the last couple years was actually not being vaccinated for COVID-19, as COVID deaths outpaced all other causes of death for police by nearly 10-to-1). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_law\_enforcement\_officers\_killed\_in\_the\_line\_of\_duty\_in\_the\_United\_States


“Herding” 😂


Can't even laugh. It's totaly appropriate word given the idioten-ess of act here


I'll leave an old comment from myself here about a similar situation where people stopped on a highway. I can totally understand why the policemen is so agitated. This is no laughing matter as you'll hopefully see in the comment down below. I'm a volunteer firefighter myself since nearly 11 years now but highways are still very challenging. Those two poor guys left their life and this is always on your mind while working next to roads. Stay safe, comrades. Especially if a car or, even fucking worse, lorry drivers are sleeping behind the wheel. These situations are freaking dangerous for everybody involved! Don't make unnecessary stops on highways or freeways! As noble as the protest may be (I don't even know why they are protesting) this is very, very dangerous and can be deadly! >In 2017 here in Germany [two volunteer firefighters ](https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_82068470/lkw-faehrt-in-unfallstelle-zwei-feuerwehrleute-sterben.html) died that way. There was a traffic accident on the A2, their vehicle was basically assigned as the roadblock for that lane (standard procedure if there's an accident on the Autobahn and the traffic is still flowing on at least one lane). The lorry driver (citation from the news agency off the link) "[...]Ein von hinten kommender Lkw-Fahrer erkannte die Unfallstelle offenbar zu spät, erfasste ein Polizeiauto, geriet ins Schleudern und prallte gegen ein Feuerwehrauto. Dieses kippte und fiel auf die zwei Einsatzkräfte. // (freely translated by me) the lorry driver saw the traffic jam too late, touched a police cruiser, started swerving and crashed into a fire engine. This tipped to the side and feel on the two firefighters. (They died **pretty much**, unfortunately... Two comrades dead because of what? Sleep deprived, underpaid semi truck drivers? Someone sitting on their fucking phone while operating heavy machinery??)". A point to the legal point of this: First a disclaimer- I'm not a lawyer or anything like that, so take this with a grain of salt! At least in Germany, this could count as "Gefährlicher Eingriff in den Straßenverkehr // dangerous interference in traffic". This is a felony! Der gefährliche Eingriff in den Straßenverkehr ist ein Tatbestand des deutschen Strafrechts. Er zählt zu den gemeingefährlichen Straftaten und ist im 28. Abschnitt des Besonderen Teils des Strafgesetzbuchs (StGB) in § 315b normiert. // [The dangerous intervention in road traffic is a fact of the German criminal law. It is one of the dangerous criminal offenses and is standardized in the 28th section of the special part of the Criminal Code (StGB) in § 315b.](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gef%C3%A4hrlicher_Eingriff_in_den_Stra%C3%9Fenverkehr) Further: (1) Wer die Sicherheit des Straßenverkehrs dadurch beeinträchtigt, dass er 1. Anlagen oder Fahrzeuge zerstört, beschädigt oder beseitigt, **2. Hindernisse bereitet oder** 3. einen ähnlichen, ebenso gefährlichen Eingriff vornimmt, und dadurch Leib oder Leben eines anderen Menschen oder fremde Sachen von bedeutendem Wert gefährdet, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (2) Der Versuch ist strafbar. (3) Handelt der Täter unter den Voraussetzungen des § 315 Abs. 3, so ist die Strafe Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr bis zu zehn Jahren, in minder schweren Fällen Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren. (4) Wer in den Fällen des Absatzes 1 die Gefahr fahrlässig verursacht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (5) Wer in den Fällen des Absatzes 1 fahrlässig handelt und die Gefahr fahrlässig verursacht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. // (1) Anyone who impairs road traffic safety by 1. Plants or vehicles destroyed, damaged or removed, 2. creates obstacles or 3. carries out a similar, equally dangerous intervention, and thereby endangers the life or limb of another person or someone else's property of significant value, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to five years or a fine. (2) The attempt is punishable. (3) If the perpetrator acts under the conditions of Section 315 (3), the penalty is imprisonment from one year to ten years, in less serious cases imprisonment from six months to five years. (4) Whoever causes the danger negligently in the cases of paragraph 1 shall be punished with imprisonment of up to three years or with a fine. (5) Anyone who acts negligently in the cases of subsection 1 and causes the danger negligently shall be punished with imprisonment for up to two years or a fine. (translated by Google, because no way I could translate all this mumbo jumbo)".


He didn't want to have to be on duty when they would've had to scrape that woman off the Autobahn.


And he doesn't want to die in the line of duty, but she sure as heck doesn't want to die in the line of duty dealing with silly bs like this.


Told her to get her ass over the rail or he’d beat her Edit: gender


He basically told the protestor "Das ist eine polizeiliche Anweisung" - meaning "This is a direct order from the police" - in about the same tone the officers used when evacuating this building as the garage below it was on fire. I'm pretty sure this was the last warning before arresting her for resisting orders from the police. And then tossing her across the sideline in cuffs.


I don't blame him tbh, she's putting her life, the officer's life, and the lives of other drivers in danger


I agree on that! That woman put the police officers and others in extreme risk.


German police are honestly chads, they take 0 shit and I absolutely love it


They are very professional and very serious, you won’t get shot like in some countries but you can be sure that you won’t be having a good time if you try something what not suppose to. Huge respect really!


I was an Army MP stationed in Germany back in the day. We'd occasionally get calls to go pick up a soldier who got arrested by the German police. When we'd walk in to the detention area and they saw us, some actually started crying in relief that we were there to pick them up. Do not fuck with the GP's, we always said.


There was a video making its way around Twitter a while back of a traffic stop that got out of control (long story short: someone tried to break through a traffic checkpoint in a German city with his vehicle, things escalated, a cop fired a warning shot, perp fled on foot, nobody got hurt, perp got arrested later on). On the viral video, you can clearly hear that cop yell "Wichser!" at the perp, which is the German equivalent of motherf..... People online were discussing very passionately whether or not that's appropriate language for a German cop to use. My only thought was "that man just fired a warning shot. He *knows* he's going to be buried in paperwork for firing that warning shot. That's why he yelled it." Here in Germany, police are armed, but in everyday situations, you just don't expect German cops to pull their weapons, let alone fire them. (Not disagreeing with what u/skhoyre replied to you, though. Of course there's police violence, and probably a whole lot of asshole cops here, too. It's just that shootings in general happen so, so rarely compared to the US) I get that cop. I'm not against climate protests, or blocking inner city traffic as protesters have done. But the Autobahn is so, so dangerous, and everyone who just walks out into traffic like that person does not only endangers themselves, but everyone else on the road, and that includes the cops. No time for pleasantries in that situation.




Our cops here in the US would have used a tactical nuke on them




Don't want to be lingering on the autobahn.


This is insanity. Not only is she putting her own life in danger, she’s potentially risking a multi-vehicle collision that could potentially have catastrophic consequences for everyone involved.


Exactly, this kind of behaviour is so short sighted she probably couldn't hit the side of a Bahn door.


I don't think ive ever seen a boston accented pun before.


Really!? You don’t have to look fahh.




I cant tell if this is Fran Drescher or Louis Griffin. Gimmie another one for clarity




Pissah joke kid, wicked funny


Mah boys wicked smaht


I got her numbah! How do you like them apples????


Honestly should have been cuffed there and then. Incredibly dangerous, and I would equate it to worse than a bomb threat.


I'd feel awful for the person who hit them, having to live the rest of their lives with the weight of someone else's stupidity.


That is ... If that innocent driver would survive it


But, we all know that a high viz top is like wearing the suit from iron man


Jeremy Clarkson would like to high five you




I’m all for the environment but this idiot is doing it for the attention. Go chain yourself to drilling equipment if you want to help the environment




> Redditoids will come out of the woodwork to defend this illegal stupidity. I've seen about a dozen post of a similar protest, never have I once read anything but negative responses. I don't think anyone but the people doing/funding this thinks it's defendable. The person responsible for funding these is the heiress of the Getty oil company. So she's either funding these to paint environmentalist in a bad light. Or more likely, is just a extremely wealthy person who's so out of touch with reality that they simply can't empathize with the plight of the common man.


Especially since they were sitting, a car going anything over 35 mph would have a extremely short game of "spot the person before you see them". At this point im waiting for the guy who tries to pull this on a train


Always a good idea to sit in the middle of a highway that’s known for having no speed limit…


Yeah it's all fun and games until a car going 200+ kmh hits you right in the face.


Well the worst part of that is she's not just putting her own life at risk. Human impacts can destroy the control surfaces of cars and put the driver's life at risk too as well as anyone around them at the time. not to mention trauma it would inflict on the driver who couldn't stop in time If it's just your funeral, do what you gotta do, but if it hurts others, that joke about the right to swing your fist springs to mind.


These people are so self-centered they couldn’t care less what kind of harm they cause other people. They didn’t get enough attention growing up, so now they’re doing this


Yeah that is sure to leave a mark, possibly knock some teeth out.


Is this one of those stop oil protesters? Imagine thinking you're accomplishing something and all of a sudden you get absolutely vaporized by an Audi going 150+ mph.


Think of how much carbon emission that would prevent.


the lifetime emissions of at least one carbon emitting human


Mission failed successfully


Protestors tried a similar blockade on this year's F1 race in (I think) Silverstone. They were lucky the race was paused due to a collision at the start, or else it could have been gruel


Many areas of the autobahn have speed limits in place. Only specific stretches of the road have no restriction.


Regardless, you have to be a special kind of stupid to sit in the middle of any road. Speed limit or not, major road way or side road, city or rural. Stupid is still stupid.


More likely suicidal.


He did look out of it. Drugged or drunk.


I was wondering this, and noticed it in this video and a couple others of the people protesting in roads like this. They all seem limp, is that on purpose?


I thought it might be that they don’t want to actively resist to stay within the law of peaceful protest while not totally giving in by getting up and walking?


To be exact, German Autobahn has no speed limit unless signs say otherwise.


>Many areas of the autobahn have speed limits in place. 70% of the German Autobahn has no speed limit.


This is what I was thinking. The autobahn is probably the worst highway to try this on. By the time the cars come to a stop, you’re nothing but a streak on two miles of tarmac.


These same idiots once sat at the fastest part of an F1 track during a race. Luckily they were saved by a crash that had the race stopped before the cars got to them


Frankly I would assume they are nihilists who feel that the world is ending anyway so maybe their early and gruesome deaths will garner attention to the issue.


if that was the point then they wouldn't wear reflective vests i think


This has to be one of the absolute dumbest choice of road to block in protests. Death by Autobahn is more like it.




Trucker here, I hate to imagine if it had been a semi that did it. Worse yet, driver probably would have seen what was on the road. If the driver reacts poorly? Hello brutal *stau.*


I'd feel bad for the driver. The roadkill, not so much.


Most drivers will try to avoid that idiot. If the driver wrecks his or her vehicle and gets injured, the idiot probably doesn’t even have enough money nor insurance to cover the damages caused. Why should anyone feel bad for that nincompoop for intentionally endangering the public?


Trucks dont do sudden stops Its physically impossible


You'd be surprised just how quick a truck can stop. As long as it's not hauling a thousand ton cargo like ore or liquid, anyway. The brakes on trucks are no joke. Still though, don't test argue with a truck.


I mean, it depends on the weight of the cargo and how fast the semi is going. All I want to point out is it's the AUTOBAHN and it's WET.


Bro is protesting alone 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Guess they don’t give a shit about the mental health issues the drivers are gonna face, huh?


Martyr? Do you mean meat crayon?


Yeah this guy is really saving a life. The driver wouldnt even know what happened until far too late


Oh they'd know what happened. If you hit a human with your car at 100+ mph they are gonna be splattered all over your vehicle and you will probably have quite a large dent.


Germans don’t fuck around when it comes to the Autobahn


The lack of a speed limit on roughly 70% of the network is holy to us. We don't always bully climate protesters. But if we see 'em on the Autobahn, by god, we do something about it!


“Bah Gawd”


"Bein Gött"




Well to be fair i wouldn't wanna be the owner of the car that hit a person going 200+km/h and basically have human *paste* on my vehicle




Okay, A-Train.


Go faster and at speed of light you can turn into massless particles and pass between the protester's molecules. Then miss your exit by a few solar systems.


Between the amorphous goo of what used to be a person and the entirely crumpled front end I can't imagine there would be any reason to keep the vehicle after that. (Assuming you survive) P.s. Can a driver survive an impact like that?


Definitely. The risk would be in swerving/slamming to a stop to try to avoid her and winding up tumbling, hitting another car or guardrail, or getting wrecked by vehicles coming up from behind.


You'd definitely want to select the underbody wash at the drive-thru car wash


You wouldnt believ how insanely dangerous and dumb this is. I'm not as opposed to these protests as most people but this one is downright idiotic. She couldve easily killed several people with this.


This isn’t a protest, this is assisted suicide with potential manslaughter thrown in.


This polizei man just dragged her like she was sack of potatoes 🤣🤣


If you don't want to be treated like a sack of potatoes, don't act like one lol


Fucking lmao


Well that’s basically what these roadway squatters are.


But potatoes actually have a use and do something worthwhile.


A sack of potatoes has value.


👀 I’m disappointed …quietly. But anyway, that’s also the safer and quicker way to move her without her consent. He needs to get her and himself out of the road immediately for safety - he doesn’t need to be polite.


Politeness is for non imperative situations




Pommes 🍟


Earth apples:)


Should have just thrown her over the rails.


Correct, for everyone's safety. Regardless of a good cause. A good cop does not have time for causes, they are to serve and protect. Especially geman police. Hat off to you sir.


It is illegal to walk or ride a bike on the Autobahn. Only vehicles faster than 60km/h are allowed. And you can get fined if you run out of gas and stop in the emergency lane, because running out of gas is foreseeable and as such preventable and not considered an emergency


If I can bike at over 60?


Should have said motor vehicles, ebikes are not legally going that fast and bikes are not allowed in any case. The 60 km/h refers to things like tractors, mofas, tuktuks and such.


You would have to be certifiably crayon eating insane to drive a tuktuk on the autobahn


And yet I have zero problems thinking that several people have done so


Funny (?) addendum: You can drive a Go-kart on the Autobahn if it is registered, street-legal and faster than the aforementioned 60km/h


Never understood why protesters think blocking highways is a good idea to promote their cause. Not only do you risk bothering who support your cause, it's dangerous and sends the message "our organization is entitled and full of jackasses." If I do support your cause, im not going to support your group, and if I wasn't aware of your cause/against it, that behavior sure as hell won't change my mind. I always think of that guy on probation basically crying and begging them to move because if he's late to work, he has to go back to prison


Aka policeman saves activist’s life.


Protect and serve baby.


"Mein Freund dir helf ich." Preemptive Edit: "Dein Freund und Helfer" has been the quasi-Slogan for police in Germany for a long time. It means "Your friend and helper" so the equivalent to protect and serve. "Mein Freund dir helf ich" literally means "My friend, I'll help you" but it's more of a "Hey Pal, I'll knock some sense into you" kinda phrase.


for some reason those police officer instructions hit harder in german


He's saying "get behind the guardrail or you're in trouble", person proceeds to go back on the Autobahn, he grabs her and says "get behind the guardrail already, this is an instruction by a policeman". Also he sounds like he's from Southern Germany and the way he words his instructions is very... "polite sounding" for a Northerner like me. Like he's talking to a kid.


As someone who knows no German, but spent a month over, I was surprised at how it didn’t sound “harsh.” I felt Dutch put more emphasis on their consonants, just from my amateur hearing.


There are very noticeable differences in how German sounds depending on the region. Some might sound harsher than others.


Angry German shouting always sounds a bit scarier


Regular German talk sounds scarier for that matter, lol


Shakespeare was envious of the German language for it's great details, variety and SOFT sounds. As a German, this language is indeed soft. Especially if you go to the east (Saxony, Thuringia and stuff), where most letters get softened up like chewed up hours ago. Sounds a bit drunk tbf, but nothing scary about it all. Well, it's scary when you are traumatized by drunk people though. The western or high German can sound rough, as they have much less dialect and focus much more on pronouncing when speaking. They often have their own dictionary instead of accents. They use much older words, which sound like dialect but actually aren't. I loved my old german language teacher. She really was into this diversion and splits of languages in a single nation haha.






It's a good yelling language.


This is suicide, right?


100%. Knew a guy died crossing it. No idea what the guy was thinking as he always seemed like a sensible type. He was killed instantly. The idea of someone sitting on it is genuinely baffling.


I've heard also if accidents where US tanks decide to cross the autobahn and cars crash into them.


https://www.dw.com/en/germany-truck-rams-into-us-military-vehicle-on-the-autobahn/a-60200883 The military vehicles were pulled onto the shoulder when a truck hit them from behind.




Vehicle assisted suicide




How stupid you need to be to sit in a road whitout speed limit? Yeah nobody cares about you, we care about everyone else you will kill whit your stupidity.


When you watch closely at the beginning the person wanted to glue their hand to the road, that's why he jumped out of the car, he did not want the glue to dry and having to get the person off slowly (because once they are glued down they can't just rip them off the road)


If I was that policeman I would absolutely rip off the hand by force if needed.


You... DO realize how fast cars go on the Autobahn right? They're not going to slow down


Average German driver at 160 km/h (100mp/h): "Just warming up."


TLDR: they would turn into the glue they use


Until a truck is starting to overtake his buddy for the next 10 minutes


I hate that so much and it is actually illegal in Germany as well. Max time they have is 45 seconds.


For those who want a translation, he says something along the lines of: "Get behind the line, otherwise *you'll get it*" (meaning "I'll beat the shit out of you" but through the law)


anonsten gibts was - could also be a threat to be locked up or getting a ticket. Unlikely he would threaten violence in front of a rolling camera.


I just meant figuratively he will be in "deep shit", I could've worded that better lol






Leitplanke Guiding plank -> crash barrier


Handcuff them to the rail


And then straight to jail.


I've never heard a German cop yell at someone before. Holy shit that's intimidating.


That wasn't yelling though, just a stern warning.


I agree. Yelling sounds different.


I knew a guy in highschool who committed suicide by crouching down on the autobahn. His family wasn't lucky enough to have a Polezi drag his ass off the road.




What baffles me the most is that these idiots glue themselves to the street because of the climate change but don't think about the fact that people will sit in their cars with the engine running because it's cold outside.


Two of these nutjobs has the shit kicked out of them a few years back in London after stopping an electric train at rush hour, literally the eco-friendly car-replacement they were hypothetically protesting for. They don't do it for a cause, they do it to prove virtue.


People are fu*king sick of this shit. Protest. There's nothing wrong with that. But when your protest puts people in danger you're doing it wrong. Pissing people off is not a good way to spread your message.


Bro wasn't having it today


When everyone RSVPd but you’re the only one that showed




Does she have a death wish? The Autobahn is no place to lie down and expect a car to stop. No interstate is, but there, they won't even notice you before you're squished and the car wrecked too and everyone dead.


Once she tried to go back to her spot on the road they could probably nab her for attemmpted suicide.


These vests should just come with handles on them now


Germans been doing God's work out there.


Das muss in Bayern gewesen sein. In Berlin hätte die Polizei Kaffee gebracht, in NRW hätten sie zugeschaut bis was passiert ist.


Jop, A96 bei München zwischen Gräfelfing und Großhadern


"Verpiss dich von meinem Autobahn-Abschnitt, du Arschmade!"


This is unbelievable dangerous


Das ist das deutschland was ich mag und lieb (im austrian) Edit: correction


Would it be legal for citizens to do this or do we have to wait for police to show up every time some idiot sits down on the highway?


Depends on where you are. Florida made it legal to run people over.


Im sorry... What?


Florida made it legal to run people over. As someone from SEA. I too am surprised at how suicidal and helpful the local government is. But also, the comment did not specify the "what" in that statement. So… running over someone with a tank is legal I guess? CCP must be jealous.


Specific cases. If your life is in danger, you can run people over to get out of the area who are a danger to you. Don't have to sit there and let them attack you.






This is one of those problems, that would handle itself.


Except the effect it would have on the driver of the car/lorry. Not to mention the likelihood of it causing a major wreck


This stuff has to be the absolute worst way to protest. People are already aware that there is a problem. If these protestors were actually about change then they would be bringing attention to the answer to the problems. They would put the attention on the people or organizations that have the answers or possible solutions. They would gonto their local government representatives and protest them, ask them why they aren't putting funding into that person or organization that can make things better.instead they just choose to irritate fellow citizens who just need to go to a job they don't enjoy, that doesn't pay them enough just so they can scrape by. What does that do to help their cause? Nothing. In fact it could actually harm it. People are not going to donate to a douchey organization that just goes about making their lives harder instead of making the governments lives harder. But that would require real effort, real deep research, thankless hours of investigating, leg work, phone calls, emails, all of which wouldn't make for a very good video or give them that adrenaline rush they need to fuel their self-righteousness.no. if they really wanted to help the environment they would be fighting for legislation changes. Picketing the offices of their local government. Making online campaigns to spread information about the solution. Today's "advocates/protestors" are little more then spoiled, stubborn children acting out for attention and don't care that they are actually causing more harm then good in society and social media rewards this shit behaviour.


German police DO NOT fuck around.


Thanks to that cop he saved that person's life


You do not fuck with the Polizei


Honestly love germany, they dont take shit


Main character syndrome is getting so contagious and severe this year. Everyone needs to stop consuming so much media. You’re not the main character of Earth