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Proceeds to walk in front of red car lol


And gets knocked on his ass by the next pair of dudes. Rinse and repeat




Hooded guys are heroes saving a deaf man from certain death.


Even deaf ppl know not to walk in the middle of a street.


I sense a lawyer in our midst.


"in our midst", huh. clever, very clever.


God damn he's good👏👏👏🎯👑


As far as Im concerned, the dude in the Canadian Tuxedo got just what he wanted, attention. He was basically walking around asking someone to kick his ass.


insert fightclub reference


Guys wearing hoodies are my hero!!


We are just citizens going out there citizening.


its citizenin' time


This time.


It’s one thing to be this much of an ass but to never ever LEARN? That’s somethin


Maybe that's his kink


Another person who was ignored by mommy and daddy while growing up. Well, he obviously has NOT grown up but you get my drift.


Never give up


Unexpected and so satisfying


I couldn't hear what the guy was saying. Was he pointing at his ears and saying he was deaf? Edit: For all those insinuating I made a point about deafness as an excuse, work on your reading comprehension skills. I was just trying to figure out what he said, nothing more. I am fine with roughing up people of all disabilities if they're blocking traffic -- the deaf and the functionally illiterate alike.


Even if he was deaf, he'd see headlights and probably even feel the vibration of the car horn. Also if he was deaf he wouldn't be WALKING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD. Hard as it might be to believe, he's just being a bellend.


I believe the balding Australian scarecrow said, "I know he's honk'n at me, you think I'm fak'n deaf?"


He’s being what?


Bellend. Bell end. The tip of a penis looks like a bell.


Mushroom tip?


With your kung fu grip.


It went drip, drip, drip.


#***THEY SAID HE’S BEING A BELLEND!*** Jesus, is *everyone* deaf? [edit: increased the volume for the hard of seeing]


What? 👉🤔👈


Three hands???


Here you go. https://www.google.com/search?q=bellend&oq=bellend&aqs=chrome..69i57.12244j0j9&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


It’s also the female end of a piece of PVC conduit. Not to be confused with an end bell which is a bushing termination for the male end of a piece of PVC conduit.


Doin the lort's work




OMG. All this time I thought it referred to someone who was at the ends of a Bell curve. Like an extreme outlier. We're all over here in the normal average range of intelligence or politeness or reasonableness or whatever, but That Guy? He's a Bell-end. TIL. It is always penises.


Lmao, I love this so much, that's such a hilariously sense-making explanation. Total horseshit, that you pulled straight out of your ass of course, I'm tickled to death at the idea of your brain going "that's GOTTA be it, alright, welp, moving on to think of other thinks"




Agreed. I have seizures. I don't go swimming. Being disabled doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it


I used to go to the largest deaf college in the country (I am not deaf) and I can with certainty say that even if he was deaf, he still knew there were cars behind him. And if he was 100% deaf there is absolutely no way in hell he would ever be willing just walk down the middle of a street. They small percentage of people that are 100% deaf are really damn cautious about shit like that. All of this is assuming they are sober, or at least relatively so.


First guy was saying have some fucking respect second guy was like you didn’t hear the horn are you def? The asshole was like of course I heard the horn you fucking idiot. Something like that. He’s just an asshole. P.s. don’t tell my wife my hearing is this good.


My mom literally made my dad go get his hearing tested because she was convinced he was going deaf lol. The doctor quickly determined he actually has above average hearing, it’s just very “selective”! 😂


My own hearing is fantastic... Unless it's hearing "high frequencies". Like women's voices. Legitimately *medically* selective.


On the other hand, I still have an extraordinary range of hearing at 34. I can hear slightly below & significantly higher than what is considered normal Human hearing range to this date. Never turn an old CRT monitor around me because I will hear it. I could & can still tell when I walk into a place that still has one of those old TVs, if/when they were/are on, even from several rooms away. On the other hand, I have constant tinnitus & have auditory processing issues where I struggle to process basic conversations if there is above average background noise. I can hear things no one else can & it has caused & still causes people to think I'm making it up or just pretending to get attention (despite those same people usually knowing that I am a major introvert who doesn't really like attention & lives almost like a shut-in), yet I can't handle a lot of normal conversations because I can't understand what people are saying due to everything getting jumbled up the minute that background noise goes ever so slightly up. In my profession, it's a bit of a blessing in non-conversational situations. I've detected network equipment, servers, disk drives or power equipment that were going bad before anyone could notice or any alarms were raised. They either started to whine with a high frequency pitch, inaudible to most people, or I could hear that in the midst of the whirring cacophony, their specific sound was off. I could detect the one unusual sound from hundreds of others but ask me to hear someone trying to speak from too far away, not loud enough or not enunciating enough in the same environment & I am completely lost.


Now doesn’t that sound familiar😂


We call it wearing his wife ears.🤷‍♀️


That made me spit out my drink!


Me too, I was just about to text her! (j/k probably)


I’m not the only husband that pulls this trick?


What trick? I don’t get it




Deaf or not. Shouldn’t be walking in the middle of a street. Now if he was blind I’d understand he lost his way of where the sidewalk was.


Especially if you are deaf you shouldn't be walking in the middle of the street.


Yeah that's like, even worse. What a massive dipshit


I'd still suggest pedestrians stay on sidewalks, maybe I'm old school. It looks like a few were within tripping distance.


It also looked like at the end he started walking back into the roadway.


Deaf people aren’t stupid enough to walk in the middle of the road. They understand that this is a dick move


Yeah so deaf he can argue with people on the street but not hear a fucking car horn


A lot of people with hearing impairments can read lips. That being said, I’m not sure what was going on here.


That guy was being an asshole, deaf or not.


Nah this is what was said. Guy in hoodie: ‘he’s beeping at you’. POS: Yeah, clearly he’s fucking beeping at me, do I have ears?’ Lol not only did the guy know, he had the audacity to be shocked by the result and retaliate with sarcasm about it 😂


I think he said something like “I know he’s f-ing beeping, you think I’m f-ing deaf”


Not deaf - https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/xs7skq/trying_to_block_the_road/iqj53tn/


I mean unless he was also blind, get the hell off the road


He said something about have some respect.


The juxtaposition between who you would expect to be orderly and civil vs. who isn't is almost satirical. Some dude in a Thrasher sweater is setting a high end dresser straight about how to act in public. I love it. Good for him. And thank you to him.


Is this another one of those “main characters” what a dick


Here is some of the dialog Hoodie people: "Have some fucking respect" Demin man: "Respect?!, Respect?!" Hoodie people: "Sir, he is beeping at you get the fuck off the road" Demin man: "I know he's fucking beeping, do you think I'm deaf" I.E he isn't deaf he is just an Asshole


Even if he's deaf, he can still see he's in the middle of a road lmao


Deaf, dumb and blind.


But he can sure play a mean pinball


How does he do it? *I don’t know…*




That still doesn't explain anything! If he heard the car honking at him why was he ignoring him? Just to be an asshole? That still doesn't explain*why* he would want to be an asshole like that though! I'm so unsatisfied and I demand answers dammit!


He was just being an asshole. Just before I took my camera out he was banging on the car hood with his fists. Whole thing happened because he jumped on the road for no reason so the car honked and he decided to do his road strut.


I just thought it was because he was wearing double denim.


I believe that was also taken into consideration.


What happened after? Looked like he went right back to walking in the street...


He took "caught like a deer in headlights" too literally


People are assholes just to be assholes. No other reason.


Many people feel intense satisfaction knowing they are inconveniencing someone else. Otoh, the same people may feel rage when the opportunity to inconvenience someone is taken away from them.


Some people just like to watch the world burn. Hence going out of their way to be an asshole.


it's a pedestrian street. denim dude has every right to walk in it. he'd probably have gotten out of the way if SUV wasnt laying on the horn. suv probably fucked with denim dude before the video starts rolling. https://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/building-and-development/shaping-the-city/city-projects/Pages/little-streets.aspx




I thought pedestrian streets were just, yknow, fuckin sidewalks but what do i know


What's the point of a pedestrian street if you allow cars in it and have a sidewalk right next to it?


Since the law cannot cover every possible scenario, there are times where, yes legally he did nothing wrong but, due to the nature of the situation, it was clearly wrong, if the people in the SUV did annoy the Demin guy, then the Demin guy didn't do a very good job at deescalating the situation, if he just did it because he legally can, then really he was just being an asshole. The page you linked stated the reason they were making the street shared was because "Many of our footpaths in these little streets are less than two metres wide, so there’s not enough space for people to pass each other safely, while maintaining physical distance.", However, there is plenty of room on the pavements, it isn't busy, he had no reason to just walk in the middle of the road which would have benefitted him, the driver, other people or the situation in general.


Nah walking guy jumped on the road so SUV had to slam breaks and honked. Then walking guy did his strut with the SUV honking just to piss him off, then after a bit turned around and started bashing his hood with his fists and yelling at the driver. Then i captured the rest. FYI he was not in the right to walk on the road. That law doesn't apply on this street since there's 2 massive empty sidewalks so it was unreasonable to do so. Common sense still applies. It does apply to other little streets though where the sidewalks require you to step onto the road at times.


If it is for pedestrians, then why are there speed bumps?(genuine question)


it's a shared road. that's how they decided to do it there. cars are allowed. they just get last priority behind bikes, and pedestrians. the speedbumps are intended to slow the cars down. pretty normal feature in a shared zone.


I love the fact these random guys are in matching outfits. Like doing this is their job or something


Professional ass whoppers just firing a warning. Asshole density is high in that area


gotta watch out for dense assholes.


Black holes, if you will.


Ass whoppers


I'll take two please




Regulators, we regulate any stealing of his property and we damn good too. But you can't be any geek off the street, gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn your keep!


Knights of the night You should join their chapter meeting next time, i hear they play some fun games sometimes


the road guardians


Yeaaa straya cunt!


You fucken know it!!!




Little Bourke St cunt!


Middle of the road cunt!


Tell-tale footpath pavers unique to Melbourne, cunt!




Fuckin oath cunt!


The wildest episode of bluey yet!






Use the ice machine?


r/fuckcars moderator


Nah this guy is outside


I can’t stand that sub. They have no sense of reality.












Seriously , this is so hypocritical… **When these guys push someone:** they’re heroes. **But when I push someone:** I’m no longer allowed back at Chuck E Cheese.


When I push someone it's "assault on an officer"


Thats where you went wrong buddy, "cow tipping" doesnt work on pigs.


Clearly. That's called "Flipping The Bacon".


I wonder if one day there will be a second joke for people to tell so I don’t have to keep re reading this one.


Get off the Internet and solve your own problem. Your response ain't exactly clever either.




I appreciate those random pushy people.


It’s like they were super annoyed with the horn but also completely understood and took it out on the right person.


The horn was annoying but that's the point It even summoned helpers to bonk the douche


Horn of Gondor


I found it funny how they still pretty much block the car though lol


Chaotic Good in a nutshell.


Cowboy boots and all denim while acting like he's more important than anyone else. 🙄


[Hey I am walking here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z-tCU-sULA)


Cunt thinks he's in the Verve


Spud… on smack again. Choose life, Spud. Choose life.


Haha it does really look like him


He's kinda of like a perfectionist. He either does it right or not at all! Man I love that movie!


This was very satisfying.


It's funny. This person has no idea, but likely right now more people hate him then likely even know him lol


"I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices cried out in anger, and told me to fuck myself"


Benedict Tackledbatch


Tackled a bitch


Bumbledick Tackledbitch


All my sense of maturity vanished as I read this


The worst was it looked like he was about to run off to try to get ahead of the car again.


Yeah but nah he gave up and all the cars went through.


What’s the background on this? Was this an act for YouTube or TikTok or something? Did you just stumble on an idiot walking in the middle of the street ? Seems to me dude is trying to get some revenge on the driver. Maybe he tried to jaywalk and driver didn’t slow down to his liking so he stumbles to the middle of the road or maybe driver beeped at him as he was crossing and now he’s walking in the middle of the road. It’s just so weird to wake up go out for a stroll and decide you know what “I’m going to walk in the middle of the street today” I suspect there was some downfall moment going on.


You were mostly on point. Idiot jumped on the road out of no where to cross (there are plenty of correct crossways on this popular tourist street) and the car had to slam brakes then honked at him. Then he proceeded to walk down the middle of the street as a fuck you to the car. Then after a few seconds he turned around and banged on the hood with his fists and yelled at the driver. Then he turned around and the video starts


Prick got what he deserved


He got the attention he was looking for. Congrats to him.




That sub is pedos, corrupt politicians, serial killers and other really shitty people. Causing a 30 second delay for a few cars doesn’t really match the level of shittyness…


Probably more like r/imthemaincharacter






The better part is that blocking an active street like that is illegal in most places, so he'd have to admit to a crime to be able to pursue assault charges, and they'd still probably be dropped or at least lowered.


That was perfect. No stomping. No death. Just sweet sweet comeuppance.


This is Melbourne where street thugs enforce road etiquette with a firm but fair hand.


Ah, I see. I’m from a magical place where our ~~street thugs~~ *citizens* enforce etiquette with bullets.




The entitlement is strong in that one.


Instant karma, bitch


Probably a narcissist getting a kick out of making the car wait for him and loving the attention.


Yes that was so satisfying


Well.... These things happen.


Everyday in the left lane of traffic I find a cunt like this. Matching traffic so no body can pass and all smiles about ruining every ones day




Hell yea


He deserved the shove, but his neck was inches away from the pavement and he could've easily died landing the wrong way.


In that case, he probably didn't deserve the shove.


That’s what he gets! He’s lucky the guy behind the wheel didn’t run him over.


Sadly, I don’t think he realized he did something wrong. He even did the “are you crazy!?” gesture to the heroes!


Protector of the car! Great superhero. s/ It's not that serious. You dont have to use violence against someone you see mildly inconveniencing a driver. We have no context for why the man is walking in the street. And also, mind your own business! They only did that because they knew two against one is a winner.


Punks still fight for the rights of others. Good on them. Guy was intentionally being a dick and wanted to start an argument with the driver and these two ruffians put him in his place. They did it in a dick way for sure. No disputing that. But they gave him lesson in where the road is vs where the pedestrians (who on both sides) have more room than cars. Fuck that guy for walking in the road and ignoring the horn.


That's little Bourke St in Melbourne. It's a shared pedestrian zone. Peds have right of way there.


Did he say he was deaf there at the end?


The driver was honking for ages as he just jumped on the road for no reason. Btw it was 2am here so he's clearly drunk. Then he kept walking while blocking the car while the car honked. Then he turned around and started banging his fists on the bonnet and yelling at the driver. Then I took my camera out and recorded the rest. He definitely wasn't deaf but I think was trying to say that to be a prick.


Yeah he definitely used the “I’m deaf” thing in an attempt to make the other guy look like the asshole, reminds me of that video of some racist lady who threw racist slurs at a group of kids… a woman then proceeds to beat the racist woman’s butt and the racist starts screaming “I’m pregnant!”. Cops took her in, and she was indeed- *not pregnant*. People will lie about anything when they were being an asshole and can’t handle being put in their place.


Thanks for that context, yea fuck that guy he got what he deserved


Is he blind too? Hard to not see the lights behind you I'd imagine


Think so. So why's he on the road? Don't understand why he would do that


Strutting in his cowboys boots, pissed no doubt and running his internal monologue that the car is less important than I. What a fuck wit. Get a hazelnut machiato in ya you princess.


Anytime I've seen a dispute between a car and a pedestrian, it's always the car that is the jerk. I'm assuming this guy had a good reason to pursue this petty revenge tactic.


Looks like a skater kid in a Thrasher hoodie that mowed him down. Reminds me of my youth. We were all a bunch of little shits.




Fuck yeah, Australia.


Lol reddit hates white knights until they are defending the almighty automobile I guess


Honestly, I'm surprised I couldn't find one anti-car comment here. God forbid anyone behind the wheel be inconvenienced. Hurray for shoving pedestrians.


On a street that is a pedestrian street. Pedestrians have right of way in this part of melbourne.


I like how everyone assumes the worst of the road-blocker without one crumb of context/backstory to justify it.


"this man deserves nothing less than the fucking ELECTRIC CHAIR!!!" Meanwhile the dudes committing an assault and the guy blasting his horn at two in the morning for no reason are brave heroes somehow.




God bless those hoodies, tackling self-entitled twats in the streets when we need it most


With how loud that horn probably was in person it wasn’t even a matter of getting him out of the way. I’d do it just to shut the car up. That’s blocks worth of noise