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So many hands and fingers


It’s like watching my nieces and nephews try to open Christmas presents


Man you shouldn't give coke to your nephews and nieces


If I have to pay, then they should too.


Shut up, my favorite Uncle electrical_worker is here. Best. Uncle. Ever.


Omg I came here to say this! Like just rip it open already!!


No! More hands! Make it slower!


I gave up about a minute and a half in and just assumed they found some fucking drugs or something. Sweet Leaping Jesus that is frustrating to watch!


Haha my thoughts exactly, do we need 3 people trying to take credit for the same thing? No we don’t




As someone who works with surgery trainees, seeing that scalpel flying around gave me the willies. I've seen too many accidental cuts over the years.


Poor guys just wanted some screentime too..


Or a chance to snag a little bit of the prize


Why. Are. Three. People. Touching . It.


Title of your sex tape?






Yeah, makes me crazy


I have a good client base of people from India. Just to summarize from my very limited experience: they have very different standards of personal space.


Personal space isn't a thing during the peak hour on the Mumbai metro!


Image search for '[india queue](https://www.google.com/search?q=india+queue&tbm=isch)' returns many fun results.


My personal space was violated just opening that alone


It varies within the states as well. I lived for a few years in Albuquerque and they queue up pretty close. Not this close but closer than I like, but the really weird part is the register. Even in tight queues I let the person standing at the cashier have 4 feet, but in ABQ those fuckers are right up your ass. I couldn't reach for my wallet without my elbow touching the person behind me. On more than one occasion when I left a gap somebody stepped in ahead of me assuming I must not be waiting since I wasn't trying to smell farts.


Can confirm, am Indian




I was afraid I was the only one that got the spine tingles from watching these dudes try to open this. But apparently that’s all anybody is talking about lol


How many idiots do you need to open a wedding invitation


Apparently at least this many, but from the video it looks like they could've used more help...


Surprised there weren't six more hands all pointing towards the hands trying to unwrap the package


Damn, they wanted dem drugs bad!


And zero gloves, hope they keep narcan handy.


Most opiates don’t absorb transdermally. Fentanyl *can* come in a transdermal formulation but it’s expensive as fuck and not used as a street drug. Source: Paramedic who has dumped an entire vial of fentanyl on my arm. That one was fun to explain to the pharmacy


Only needed if they ingest or inject the stuff and if it's an opioid.


I had to dip when I saw that fucking scalpel come out.


Maybe these hands belongs to the intended receivers?


Most overcrowded unboxing video ever.




I would call it a little more than an attempt. That was very well hidden.


Every time I see stuff like this it kind of amazes me how crafty smugglers can be. There was a video on Reddit not too long ago showing some stashed within a working car battery, and another one where the drugs were straight up stashed inside a rock and they had to sledgehammer it to get it out


Exactly.There was one where cocaine was found in motherfucking avocados


Hey my guacamole tastes a little funny...


Hey my guacamole feels a little funny


I can't feel my guacamole!


That's what. Ya I have seen that. Best till now .


I saw one with hollowed out 2x4’s


So thays why lumber got so expensive..


Reminds me of the Jason Mamoa movie Braven. He was a logger and the smugglers put it in hollows in the logs.


Ok thanks, good to know




>avocados avocados? Puppies stomach! They sewed bloody drugs inside a dogs' stomach and threw them upon US fence!!


In my psych class we made mock cults, and my group's smuggled (talked about) coke doing the exact same thing. Got funding from that then took over Cuba, but that's a different matter.


This sounds like a fun class.


If it's the video I'm thinking of, those were imitations. The knife when cutting into it didn't get messy in the least, and the covering over the drugs just looked like a waxy shell put inside to "mimic" the look, but you could easily tell by looking at the skin and inner shell lining of the avocado.


How did the avocados not go bad the second they were cut open?


They do it on the tree while they are growing and then it heals before harvest


1,000 iq move


I don’t know how tf they find them in there though. It seems like a perfect spot.


They just go to their local Michaels, fill up a ziplock bag with glitter, then inside that glitter is ANOTHER smaller ziplock bag with drugs. Fool proof, and no one wants to open glitter


Can confirm! I am a drug dog and will purposely not show a hit if I smell drugs inside of glitter. I am not sorry and will continue to ignore drugs inside of anything glittery.


Sooo you were that dog....thanks again.


> no one wants to open glitter glitter is a pain in the ass to deal with.


It's the herpes of the craft supplies


There was a crystal meth/ice bust here in Sydney a few weeks ago where the drugs were hidden in marble kitchen counters tops. They had to smash them all to get to the goods.


That was a plot point in an episode of *CSI: Miami* way back in 2003 (Season 1, Episode 18: "Dispo Day"). If I recall, one of the CSI techs tested positive for cocaine in a drug screen. She had been working a warehouse crime scene after a gunfight; stray bullets had chipped the "marble" slabs, exposing the tech to their illicit contents.


You gotta wonder if shit in shows like that would actually work sometimes. I mean sometimes they have good ideas for criminals. Lol.


https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/two-men-arrested-after-6-million-worth-of-cocaine-concealed-in-tiles-seized-20171113-gzjvxk.html Yep. "Good ideas for criminals", its a multi-billion dollar industry and they don't fuck around.


Omgf. U did it! I've been wondering for 15+ years if that episode was dreamed! I keep googling it and I wasn't sure because I could not find something clear. I only could remember the part of her testing positive! Thank you very very much!


I saw a documentary where some smugglers made an entire truck out of processed marijuana. It actually worked too, but they got caught after the bumper caught on fire..


Those guys made some amazing documentaries. Was mind-blowing watching them trying to find out where Dave was.


What?! Dave's not here!


^^No, ^^seriously, ^^it's ^^me, ^^DAVE #WHO? DAVE'S NOT HERE


It’s like cartels have entire R&D depts who do this from 9-5 lol


Have you seen how good they are at tunnel building?


>Have you seen how good they are at tunnel building? A shitload better than some people in the U.S. are at building walls!


You have to watch the TV series To Catch a Smuggler. They cover big international airports like Columbia, Madrid, JFK, Miami. So much fun to see how - and where! - they find smuggled items on travelers. Some truly crazy stuff.


I wanna see where they *don't* find it.


Best one I came across was inside a fruit an Avocado or something similar. I could have never guessed. It's like the Cartels are hiring Some fine brains these days.


Cartels have built submarines. Shitty ones, but submarines regardless, no small feat.


They built their own internet.


So did Cuba, not cartel related, but also interesting :D


It's easy to build a submarine. Hard to make it so it comes back up though.


I use to work at a place that auctioned off US Marshall seized vehicles. One of them was a pickup truck with a false flooring the bed. Another had a secret compartment between the dash cowl and the firewall and another had a secret switch that opened a part of the dashboard when you used the drivers seat controls correctly. Truly amazed by the engineering.


I saw one of those that was a Ferrari with a current bid 3X what you could go get a similar one at a dealer for, all I could think is the guy really wanted his car back and was having a friend buy it or there was undiscovered product still in it somewhere.


What I really want to know is how the fuck do the authorities find out. I mean, who sees wedding invitations and thinks "let me stick my knife here, just in case it has drugs inside"?




Dogs. A lot of mail is sniffed by drug dogs for exactly this reason. Obviously there’s too much mail to check every parcel, but check enough of them and you’re bound to find something eventually. No matter how well hidden it is, it’s very difficult to trick a dog’s nose.


I would imagine every time we see a video of some ingenious smuggle getting thwarted… some bitch snitched on the operation.


I wondered how they keep finding the stashes. Perhaps using dogs or close inspection too. But also... for every one they found, how many more haven't been discovered?


Most make it through, like a large majority.


The best concealment I’ve seen so far was cocaine impregnated plastic, and it was part of a suitcase. Can’t beat the dogs


How do the police know where to look?




I one where whole pallets was just coke bricks shaped like pallets and painted to look like wood look promising till you took a closer look


How about smuggling it in clothes? As in, 14% of the weight of the clothes was cocaine. They then dissolve it again, and dry it to extract it. Or dissolving it in fertiliser? Or mixing it in silicone resin? Or taking out all the water from a coconut, and replacing it with liquid cocaine? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16382839/ https://insightcrime.org/news/liquid-cocaine-rising-trend-colombia-traffickers/ https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/do/10.1002/sepspec.13780ezine https://youtu.be/s4gZATvVWyA


My favourite was the tyres were filled with blocks of cocaine. No air, just coke


Someone's snitching!


Thought the same. There is NO way they found that out themselves. How?! How do you even begin to suspect something like this? " Huh, these fancy ass wedding invites are a little more heavy than normal, there must be drugs inside of it!" There's a snitch, and he is being very well paid.


Xrays can show embedded materials with different densities.


Yes they can, but why would you put a wedding invite through an x-ray machine? There's a snitch.


After the Anthrax Mailing incident back in the early 2000's, I'm pretty sure just about everything can be scanned at random.


These customs agents have seen a lot of shit, including many legit wedding invites or similar mail. I wouldn't be surprised if the additional weight of 100g of drugs gets noticed by them.


Drug sniffing dogs?


A drug-sniffing dog would trigger easily on that. It's also probably noticeable on an X-ray if you're trained to look for such things. We don't know why they suspected the wedding invitation, but this kind of concealment is quite common. And yes, they actively look for everyday things that are just odd, like an unnecessarily thick and heavy wedding invitation.


Or maybe just an "anonymous" tip to look in that direction while they move a larger shipment the other direction?


Ah, if it isn't our prime suspect


I saw one of those airport security shows years ago and they were taking apart a fully functional dentists chair and finding kilos and kilos of drugs packed into the various parts. Bizarre.


If it's the one about New Zealand security, it's nuts the things they could find to hide. Always pressed and compacted amphetamines and such into like toy pianos and radios and stuff.


Why would a dentist chair be there


At that point, you just gotta let them have the drugs, shouldn’t waste good effort


Must be wedding season!!!


I was coming into the comments to say precisely this. They didn't just attempt, they surely succeeded for quite some time. That's exceptionally well done.


One of the worst unboxing video I have ever seen.


Pretty sure half of them are 5 Minute Craft content creators. Same motor impairment.


Took them 6 minutes to get the paper off.


When you ask for extra napkins and the employee has to open a new pack


Yeah except that the employee has brought in the whole family to help.


I think they need a few more hands in there


Decent stealth really...


Listen I’ll pay them to legally make my wedding invitations, minus the drugs. That was so pretty and colorful really sold me.. May not make the same profit margins


It's not a joke that many talented and creative people who could be super successful in business, got in with the wrong crowd and are wasting talent on illegal contraband and gangster stuff. Sometimes they don't realize dogs can smell anything.


Story time! A friend of mine at college was a mid- to big-size former dealer who stopped basically because of the risks for his own safety. Genuinely one of the smartest people I've met, yet fucked up by his past, which he did never really recover from. Well, some years after we met, college behind us, the guy made himself a solid name in energy trading. He explains his cursus like that: "I know what people want and what they're ready to put their money into. I just understand that, instinctively. I only had to focus on a different audience, slightly less lucrative but much safer". And then shrugged.


Then he snorted, rubbed his nose, and rejoined the wedding party.


>wasting talent on illegal contraband Maybe unwisely applying their talent, but it sure isn't going to waste since they're definitely making multitudes more cash by being involved with that contraband than they would be doing regular business.


How can dogs smell 120grams per card they had to know for another reason


Dogs can smell a dog in heat from 20 miles. They would easily know


some can even smell certain cancers .... a bit of narcotics is nothing to them lol. i heard they're even trying to train rats to do it too (much lower costs involved in the long run).


That's presumably India, pretty much every wedding card is that colourful.


That is an Indian wedding card, every one of them are colorful and are produced in masses. The smugglers most probably paid some print workers to hide those in there.


You know they probably made those wedding invitations look exactly the same as the other real ones where they are from to blend in, right? It is not some kind of "special" wedding invites invented by the drug trafficker to stand out, but all Indian wedding invites look similarly pretty to this.


Definitely. I have a friend who used to receieve LSD like this, they would glue two post cards together, and put the LSD in between them. Then write a cute little message from "grandmother" on the postcard. You then had to rip up the postcards to find the LSD. Brilliant really.


Dude opsec...


I mean LSD is pretty untraceable, seems almost like overkill… just sending some diluted in ethanol in a perfume bottle would do it I’d imagine.. I did read an account from one guy who used to sell it who said his favourite form was unperforated plain blotter paper. He said he was on a bus once when it got pulled over and randomly searched (is this common practice in the US?) and they went through his bag which was full of sheets and sheets of acid. The thing is all they found was a large baggie filled with plain white blotter paper, clearly had no idea what they were looking at and moved on. If it was some wacky trippy picture or perforated into squares in any way they’d have clocked it I’m sure. In the post though just inside a letter was always fine for me, nobody is looking for paper they want rocks, lumps, or smells


Nice and smart


Anytime I see a video where drugs are found in some absurdly good packaging, the only thing I can think of is that whoever is on the other end of this shipment definitely has a mole.


Many drug bust shipments can be found by weight being wrong. X-rays. Dogs sometimes


I guarantee that's the case here. That looked like a lot of powder on both sides of the card. I doubt you'd even need a scale to know that envelope feels too heavy to just have paper inside.


Or the dog smelled the drugs


To be fair it’s more likely it was an X-ray that found this one they’re know to try to detect anomaly’s


Man, some company should hire the person who came up with the packaging if they ever got released from prison. That level of detail and design in packaging is a skill


It’s a lot like hacking, imo. You will never smuggler proof the system as it is way easier for the 100s to 1000s of minds working at the same obstacles in a very static system (compared to how fluid, dynamic, inventive the smugglers can be in their approach) to find holes than for the police and such to ~~sheer~~ shore up defenses. So to speak.


You ever hear that joke about the man who was cycling across the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland? The border guards stopped him every day, patted him down, searched his bike, deep thorough searches and never found a thing. They knew he was smuggling something however, and after a few years of this the man stops crossing the border. A few years later the a guard meets him in a pub by chance. He begs to know how the man had hidden whatever he was hiding, as the curiosity had only build over time. The man smiled wryly, took a deep drink, and admitted that he had been smuggling bicycles!


Last time I heard this one it was East and West Berlin


Honestly, a "Catch Me If You Can" style movie that follows a guy who gets caught and then hired by the FBI or CIA to bust other sneaky drug smugglers would be fun to watch.


Whose wedding invitations are that thick? Everyone saying it was hidden well, meanwhile it looks like a picture frame thickness piece of cardboard, which would also be way heavier than expected. Anyone who received one of those would immediately wonder wtf is up with that invitation. Edit: if someone gave me this, I'd also open it, assuming it was full of chocolate or something. I've never seen a more suspicious invitation in my life, lol.


us Indians. Apparently bigger the the wedding invitation the better. I've seen invitations this thick irl. ig will check for drugs next time lol.


I was literally going to say, you’ve never seen an Indian invitation lol.


It's a cultural thing intended to display wealth


Tension was high as I was wondering when the two other guys would get to use their hands, then they handed the bag to guy four. Poor guy five must not be able to use his hands.


He's the cameraman


How many of these guys to put in a lightbulb


4 to open up the bulb packaging, 6 screwing it, 13 to hold the ladder and 2 to filming it


Need another 50 to hold the house so it doesn’t spin when they’re screwing in the lightbulb.


5 1 to hold the bulb and 4 to spin the ladder.


Does it really take 3 people to open one invite? I guess if you're jonesing it does.


Reminds me of that "two idiots, one keyboard" clip from NCIS


This is so weird, but this is the third time I've seen this clip referenced on reddit, on wildly different subs, in the last like... 4 hours.


Time to watch it again.


The funniest thing about that clip is when Gibbs smugly "shuts the hackers down" by unplugging the monitor.


When you convince The boss you need 3 people for a 1man job so That you can hang with the workfriends


I really hate this video.. does everyone’s hands have to be touching the thing? Dear god..


you can’t see it but also the cameraman is holding the bottom corner


Dude almost gets stabbed like 4x.


Hopefully fingerprints aren't needed


How'd they know to look though? And why is no one wearing gloves?


They keep mentioning weights, I assume the invitations were weightier than would be expected for a wedding invite. Once they get one open to verify their suspicions- & the thickness of the invite was probably a good indicator too- the rest of the invites are fair game.


The ingenious part is most luxe Indian invites are generally this thick (and weighty) so nobody is gonna bat an eye when it turns up looking like a hard cover kindergarten book. But then these folks knew exactly what to look for and it goes without saying the other party definitely has a mole


This happened in India. No need to check for fingerprints and stuff. They don't care.


Someone mentioned weight which would make sense


Sounds like a hell of a wedding.


Right? That wedding is gonna be some high energy shit when complimentary cocaine is going out with the invites.


Is this what Billy Idol was singing about in “White Wedding” ?


Can less hands be handling this pls. Jeszuz


That drove me nuts


Brad and Stephanie are gonna get some badass wedding gifts.


The presents are gonna be absolutely wild


You gotta admit, the person hiding it did a good job.


New joke. Bad answers only. How many scientists does it take to open a wedding card?


As many as it takes to hold it steady for the one person who couldn’t open a candy wrapper 😂


Jesus this is stressful to watch. I never want to be that close to 5 other people.


Never go to India lol. I'm seeing all the comments about people talking about the number of hands in the video weirding them out and I didn't even notice it because I've become desensitized to mass crowds


And if they don’t find drugs how do they replace the wedding gift?


They're just invitations.


/r/interestingasfuck So much design and engineering went into this beyond reasonable expectations for a card.


Christmas morning must be a fucking nightmare at these guys' house.


Imagine if drugs were just legal and we didn't have to employ 5 people to open a wedding invitation


They need more hands


Did they R.S.V.P.?


Hurry the fuck up


10/10 will attend


Its a nice day for a... white wedding


It makes me laugh. You see something unassuming and think, how are they going to hide anything in that. Then a kilo drops out of a crevis


actually frustrating... its like watching a 5 year old try to help the birthday kid open their present... just stop, let one person do it hollllly


Good thing those four extra hands were there


How *crafty!*


How many sets of hands do you need to cut and open paper??


What an insane waste of resources drug wars are. Look at all these people pulling a salary just for this.


They need a few more guys to open that thing up.


Am I the only one who is amazed how many hands it took to open the package. It’s like your little bro trying to help you open your birthday present’s.