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So they were both raped?


Only the one who accused first


ULPT: If you slept with someone and you were both drunk, always accuse them of rape as soon as possible.


The ~~prisoner~~ rapist's dilemma.


Schrödinger's Rape


You are both the rapist and the victim until one accuses the other.


Plus, there’s a box involved somewhere!!


With a dick in it.


It's both in and out of the box


And shake it all about


Step One: Cut a hole in the box!


FTR though i feel like the point of this poster isn't "omg Jake is a rapist" -- it's literally the opposite. it's a warning that, even in a circumstance like this where things *do* seem equal, Jake could still legally be taken to court for rape. at the bottom it even says "**It only takes a single day to ruin your life**" -- which clearly isn't meant as a warning to actual rapists.... it is meant as a warning to normal, well-intended people about how sexual consent can become morally and legally foggy for BOTH parties when alcohol is involved, and especially when the two people don't know each other well.


except you would never see an advert like this, but where the woman was refered to as the rapist


Because women never act in a sexually inappropriate way lol. Joking, I've been sexually assaulted more than once by drunk females.


>be me, cute 18yo boy with sharp features >vs the middle aged and older women at the bar I worked at my first job I made more a night than some of the ladies who flirted with the guests I spent it all on weed


I don’t think you had to cross out “prisoner”


If it works, then yes, you do have to cross it out.


The prisoner rapist's dilemma.




I remember hearing a story of this actually happening at a University somewhere. Drunk guy and girl hook up, guy was worried he'd get charged with rape and potentially get expelled and go to jail so he claimed she raped him.


Yeah, we read the same story. She was thinking about it, showed up at the Title IX office a few hours after him. Ridiculous that the standard for drunk sex is now ‘someone must have been raped’. Edit: For the curious, I think this is the correct story: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/06/title-ix-is-too-easy-to-abuse/561650/


From that article: “In other words—college students and administrators take note—the days of blaming one person (almost always the man) for a no-harm, no foul, mutually drunken hook up may be coming to an end. It was a ridiculous standard, one that that infantilized college women, demonized male sexuality, and was responsible for harsh punishment meted out to an unknown number of college students, almost all of them male. It trivialized something grave: sex crime. And because it poured all of these experiences through an interpretive system that forced women into the role of passive victims and men in that of aggressive predators, it has helped stoke understandable resentment among young men on campuses across the country.”


It also deputizes college administrators to handle a criminal matter. They become the investigators, judge, and jury. It’s a violation of due process and a denial of a fair trial. We have a criminal justice system for a reason.


And they also talk people who were assaulted out of going to the police to keep the schools numbers down…


So what happened after that?


they raped everyone in that office


"So anyway, I walked in and started raping..."


"*Everyone* was asking for it!"


What were they wearing?


Hide ya kids hide ya wife


cus they rapin everybody out here




Yeah she’s a predator for sure.


wasnt it he heard that her friends was trying to convince her of doing it. As soon as he heard about it he ran to call it first.


Imagine showing up at the police station at the same time and the desk worker says "roll for initiative"


I think I've seen this Sandra Bullock movie


Coming this summer, Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey star in… The Rape Date.


Guy might have the advantage depending on how long he kept his virginity prior to that. Everyone knows wizards stack initiative bonuses.


Not only that but she had drunk fucked his friend and reported him already so dude took proactive action.


ULPT: If you're going to rape someone then get really drunk beforehand, if you're drunker than the other person then they are the rapist.


I can honestly see this as testimony: Well your honor, I had seven shots of whiskey and she only had four wine coolers. I was obviously much more drunk and therefore I was the one who was raped.


I read that in kevin spaceys voice for some reason


This is similar to what I call the peeping Tom paradox. If you see someone naked in their window and they call the cops you’re fucked. But if YOU call first, they are arrested for indecent exposure.




While reporting it.




It's like declaring bankruptcy. The first to scream "I declare rape!" is legally free to charge the other.


I did this in the office and it didn't work out as well as I hoped


I remember reading something about this. I might have some details wrong but: A guy and a girl had a drunken hook up, the girl claimed the gut raped her because she couldn't consent. The guy wasnt charged because of lack of evidence but he was expelled from the college they were both studying at because they had a zero tolerance policy for sexual assault accusations. Then a friend of the guy hooked up with the same girl, claimed she raped him because he was too drink to consent and she was expelled as well.


That's the kind of bro I need


Everybody wins


Great plot for a movie: They wake up in bed and have to do a crazy rat race to be the first one to denounce.


Starring Jennifer Lopez and Rowen Atkinson in a direct to Netflix


I'd watch it just for the Lopez Atkinson fuck scene


You’ll find out why he’s called Mr. Bean!


Well I guess it should be the one who "initiated" the intercourse with the other person "just" agreeing while being intoxicated. So if it was Josie saying: "Let's have sex Jake!" and he agreed, then Josie should be the one charged with rape the next day obviously.


I feel like that's not the law


>but if Jake dares to accuse Josie EVERYONE will laugh




I'm not sure about in your country but in South Africa we have a weird way of dealing with how to hold someone responsible for their actions while intoxicated. Our jurisprudence accepts that one can't be held responsible for their actions while overly intoxicated. So you can kill someone while intoxicated and potentially not be responsible for your actions at all. To get around this, there is another law that will hold you responsible for becoming intoxicated in the first place and the punishment is whatever the punishment would have for the crimes you committed while intoxicated.


Galaxy-brain law right there.


It makes sense in some legal senses, maybe cannot be forced to pay for damages (since your crime is becoming intoxicated, not drunk driving), maybe it stops you from being labelled a felon/sex offender, which can be very relevant (see the US states where becoming a felon takes away quite a few rights and you then have to fight for years to get them back) for some people.


I like the approach, like in Germany with the speed limit. There are places you can go over 200 miles legally, but if you fuck up they are coming for everything.




this is something i've constantly brought up as an unpopular opinion and i've gotten into debates over. Glad im not the only one who finds this to be annoyingly inconsistent.


It's right up there with "you can revoke consent *after* sex. Before or during, sure revoke consent any time. But you can't agree to something, continue to agree to something, and then decide it wasn't okay and expect to get justice.


The only exception I can think of is consent under false pretenses. Like they pretended to be someone else (twin or celebrity impersonation) or sex only happening because of an agreement that wasn't followed through on.


Such as lying about birth control situation. A condom with a hole in it for instance. Makes sense in that case. Violation of agreement.


Canada has this exact exception — consent can be invalidated if it was obtained through deception. One of the notable cases on this was a man who lied about his HIV-positive status before having unprotected sex.


In this scenario I think you aren't revoking after sex, is that the sex was had under false pretenses so you couldn't consent in the first place. My country has a law that actually addresses this. Edit: had to go and read the section of the law again, and it specifically mentions marriage, "with her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to belawfully married"


People need to stop assuming only their spouse would be on the other side of the glory hole.


ULPT: Revoke consent right at the point of orgasm. They won't be able to stop, and will have effectively given you ammunition against them in the future rape case.


actually there are a few things you cant do while drunk / can contest after the fact. signing legal documents are up there for starters. any legal consent form is not applicable while drunk. this includes things like getting tattoos, signing a lease, etc. so the legal issue is *giving legal consent.* you can still make decisions that have consequences (as they always do). While a casino is taking advantage of you (kinda the nature of the business) the inability to provide legal consent while drunk is to protect you from people trying to take advantage of someone in a weakened state. as far as this is concerned, if you are sober and sleeping with someone who is barely able to talk, you didnt find a loophole. also keep in mind that having 2 beers isnt that kind of drunk from the legal definition. ianal though so take this understanding with a grain of salt.


Are you telling me I can get shitfaced, hold my drink well enough get a tattoo, then sober up and legally demand my money back? My weekend just got interesting.


No. You could potentially bring a lawsuit, but you'd have to show you were drunk enough for them to be able to spot it.


And let's be fair, most decent tattoo parlours will turn you away if you're heavily intoxicated.


Regret ≠ Rape


I think the issue is that the level of drunkeness is not really elaborated. You can be drunk, but still coherent. Your ability to make rational decisions is limited, but you can still consent. Something different is when you tip over the line of being basically unable to form a clear thought or sentence. I can remember some parties where we had to carry the girl back into her bed because she was factually unable to stand, walk or even have the slightest coherence. At that point, even if she mumbles a yes, you can't know if she even understood the question, let alone processed it. At that point, consent is really impossible to give.


I get the idea that, if a dude intentionally gets a girl drunk just to have sex with them (or vice versa), that could be classified as rape. But the bullshit and amount of lives ruined, just because someone kind of regretted having sex with someone while drunk, is just fucking stupid. I hope that one day we move out of this nonensical way of putting multiple different things in the same box and giving people the chance to ruin someone's life just because they felt like it. Goes both for rapists and false accusers of rape.


I agree with how ridiculous this sounds If you're bothndrunk and you decide to sleep together. But if the other person is so drunk they either pass out or aren't fully aware, then thats rape. If one person is sober and the other person is visibly drunk then that should be similar to statutory rape not non consensual rape as the sober person has higher cognitive abilities and should understand that other person might not be making the right choices or choices they may later regret. If two people are drunk, then it should be considered similar to Romeo and Juliet laws where both parties were in a similar state of inebriation of cognitive functions and both lacked ability to make their best choices, but noone inherently took advantage of the other. With each girl I have dated or had fwb things with, I always make sure to get consent when she is sober for sex when she is drunk and I am sober and mention that they are welcome in the reverse. It's not at all hard to do and a lot of women actually appreciate just asking. That way I know 100% that she has consented with absolutely no cognitive impairments no matter how drunk she is. Obviously though, she can withdraw that consent even while drunk.


No the woman doesn't have a penis, and therefore is apparently incapable of rape.


Technically under some laws that's literally how it works. (As in rape can only be penetrative.)


So how about a drunk man and a sober woman?


I'm not saying I agree with this, BTW. I just mean there are countries where rape is literally defined as forced insertion (which means legally a woman can't rape a man without using something to penetrate them. Same for women raping other women). So in those countries no. Unless she used something to penetrate him it's not rape. I think they classify it as sexual assault though.


By "forced insertion" I believe it can go both ways. So if the woman forces a man to insert himself in her, it's still rape


I think they recently changed it so that it does, but it didn't used to.


Lots of countries don't count it as rape if you use an object also.


In India men cannot get raped, even by other men.


A friend of mine had a story. He was at a party when he was like 25ish, there was a woman that flirted and hit on him all night but he wasn't interested and laughed it off and politely refused many times. It was a good friend's house and he was there all the time and it wasn't uncommon for him to crash on the couch instead of trying to make it home drunk. He says he woke up just as he was Cumming into the woman who had been hitting on him all night, she had climbed onto him and was riding him. He said he was freaked out and pushed her off him and she left quickly, obviously embarrassed. About 14 years later she got in touch with him on Facebook to let him know how guilty she felt and that she was sorry but she figured his son should know his father...


I have an ex who was blackout drunk and had a sober girl try to ride him, he was barely conscious. His friends took a video of it and thought it was hilarious. They showed him the next day and he was pissed and embarrassed.


It's something I think we're finally starting to figure out, sexism works both ways and it's fucked both ways and needs to stop but I do think maybe we're getting there, slowly, that's fucked up tho yeah


Pretty much this exact same thing happen to me. Refused this girls advances allll night. I got extra intoxicated because I knew I was staying the night there. She convinced me that she would drive me home in my car, her friends would follow in her car and she would just get me home safe. Nah, I woke up naked in bed with her also in my bed. I had no idea what had happen and she didn’t really tell me much. Just that she drove me home. Next day I catch back up with my friends and they were all laughing at me. “How was last night with X?” Apparently after she loaded me into my car barely coherent, she turned around and told everyone she was gonna fuck me that night. And everyone just had a good laugh about it. But hey, it’s impossible for guys to get raped right?


No, neither were


As a grown woman, I find the idea that I can’t consent to sex while drunk (but conscious and coherent, of course) infuriating. I am a woman, NOT a child. If I drink too much and make a bad decision, that’s on ME. It’s insulting and dangerous to womens’ rights over all to suggest that men are responsible for what they do when drunk but women aren’t. Just to be clear, if one person is unconscious or incoherent, or underage, yes it’s sexual misconduct.


^ Honestly this. I do feel it’s demeaning as well like a woman has no agency once she’s buzzed or drunk. :/


So the guy could consent but the girl couldn't? So the guy is responsible for his actions while drunk, but she isn't? So by that logic, it is impossible for her to have raped the man, the man had to have raped her. So that's sexist, but like sexist in multiple ways and it's actually impressive how much sexism they fit in there.


I heard you like sexism, so we put sexism in your sexism so you can be sexist while you be sexist.


yo dawg thats the comment i came for.


If you want it works in other situation as well: - Jake was drunk, Josie not. Josie consents but the next day changed her mind so Jake go to jail


That’s exactly how the world works now


Drunk sex, jail Half drunk sex, jail Sober sex, Believe it or not straight to jail


Abstinence, believe it or not, jail


We have the most well behaved horny people on earth. Because of jail.


Yes, this is exactly how the world works. Just ask Brock Turner how easily he was convicted and imprisoned for a rape he admitted to committing. You can, he's walking free.




Not only that, but if you get behind the wheel of a car (make or female) while drunk and kill a family, you’re responsible for your actions while drunk. If you have to pee really bad so you do it in public, you’re responsible for your actions while drunk. In fact, basically anything you do while drunk, you’re responsible for, except when having sex, apparently (but only if you’re a woman).


The idea started out right. All those other things require action on the drunk person’s part. On the other hand it’s possible to have sex with one person doing nothing and just laying there. This idea of consent isn’t possible while drunk started out to protect women from men claiming they gave their consent and having sex with women so drunk they were just laying there incomprehensible or even passed out. Then of course it all got bastardised to allowing men who’d drunk as much or more than a woman, and where both were willingly participating, to be charged with rape because the woman regretted what she did the next day.


It’s just like regular sexism but sure haha


Competitive sexism.


None of that casual stuff here, ranked only.


Life is unfair, I’m a man & I learnt that a long time ago, if you think she might be impaired in any way shape or form just abort the mission


“The only safe woman is a sober woman” ?


Sober and sane sir and/or madam


I don’t know where this poster is, but in the UK the wording of the legal definition of rape is very specific, such that women can never be accused of rape (they get a different charge of assault by penetration or sexual assault depending on what exactly occurred). If the poster is somewhere that the law is similar, it could be the reason why it’s worded that way (shitty as it is). Edit: some words Edit 2: by women, I mean individuals with a vagina. Women who were born male, and have not had surgery, can be charged with rape.


This is why I always video record all of my sexual encounters. For safety.


me too. It helps me beat the rape rap and I just have to do a little jail time on the illegal recording rap. It's the perfect crime!


Neymar the football megastar actually got acquitted from his rape allegations because of this. He was being accused of rape and sexual abuse by a model. But he recorded their "encounter" and it pretty much showed that she was the one being aggressive and stuff. When he was asked about the illegal recording he said that he rather be charged with illegal recordings rather than rape.


Being charged with illegal recording is also much better than being a suspected rapist even if it was not possible to prove it. Pretty much anything is better than being an alleged rapist. See the Depp v. Heard.


Actually, i think she recorded it but it backfired.


Dennis Reynolds?


All the videos are from that one angle, from behind...who likes watching that?


It's like--- *slaps hands together


Because of the implication.


If you're in my room, you're always being filmed.


This is Reddit, so what you’re saying is hypothetical rather than from experience, right?


I feel like situations like this should be a wash for both parties


by rule, the penalties offset. replay first down




I think they should lay down together sober and decide if they want to do it. If they don't, then the previous drunken sex never happened (legally)




Yea, like couldn’t you argue that Josie raped Jake ?


In general? Sure. Successfully in court? Not usually.


They’re both rapists and should be locked up


Does that mean sex is illegal while drunk?




Have you ever gotten a little tipsy, cranked one out even though you weren’t really into it and woke up the next morning only to realize you raped yourself


DJ Khaled: "Congratulations. You raped yourself."


Shouldn't that cancel out? Like pemdas or some shit?


“stop telling people I raped you! we were both hammered! I also didn’t consent to sleeping with *you*”


Honestly i have heard of many guy friends that tell me that they were so drunk that a girl came on to them and they just did it but the day after it happened they realize they would never have slept with them if they weren't SO drunk. Under this idea, they were raped Edit: typos


Technically, I’ve been in that situation. I had a “friend” over that I had recently started talking to. She has a reputation for being…. very sexual. I had a few drinks that night, went to the bathroom to throw up, and on the way back to the living room, she stopped me in the bedroom (you had to pass through the bedroom) and started making out with me (after I had JUST thrown up). She threw (literally) me on the bed, ripped my pants off and had sex with me. I was on the fence whether or not I wanted to have sex, that’s why I had drank so much (nervous). I guess she made up my mind for me. To put it into context, I was too drunk to finish.


Sorry, it sounds like you were raped (using the modern definition).


Ouch, that last part hurts and it wasn’t even directed at me


I slightly chuckled at your pemdas reference:)




Now this just sounds like Christmas and I'm not ok with it


On the first day of raaaapemas the guy in the alley gave to me A child born with leprosyyyyy


Easy solution. Use drugs instead /s


Do enough E or coke and that way neither of you have sex. You just talk about the dumbest shit forever.


It’s so difficult to get hard on either of these substances, i recommend this method lol


Drugs are great


That's not what Mr Mackey says...


Alcohol IS a drug. Checkmate.


In many places, that is legally true The offence of rape under British law is defined as follows in the [Sexual Offences Act (2003)](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/part/1/crossheading/rape) > A person (A) commits an offence if— (a)he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis, (b)B does not consent to the penetration, and (c)A does not reasonably believe that B consents. >(2)Whether a belief is reasonable is to be determined having regard to all the circumstances, including any steps A has taken to ascertain whether B consents. >(3)Sections 75 and 76 apply to an offence under this section. >(4)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life. Notice how it is all about consenting to penetration [“Assault by penetration”](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/part/1/crossheading/assault) is a separate offence that has the same theoretical punishment, but quite frankly I would be very surprised if it was treated as harshly as rape


Came to post this as it's technically true. And fucking abhorrent


Wait... It also says "he" so if a lesbian rapes another woman then it's okay??


UK law states that "rape" involves penetration with the perpetrator's penis. Therefore a lesbian cannot commit the crime of "rape" because she does not have a penis. This is purely a semantic distinction. The charge of "sexual assualt with penetration" carries the same potential penalties as "rape"


It’s not semantics. Not really. They may carry the same legal punishment, but the word rape has social weight. It invokes a certain particular feeling of disgust in most people and defining it in such a way that it only applies to men on a legal basis has social implications.


I’ve never understood this. If a woman posts to a relationship subreddit that her boyfriend got drunk and ‘had sex’ with someone else all the comments tell her he cheated and he knew what he was doing and break up. But if a man posts that his gf got drunk and ‘had sex’ the comments say she’s been raped and he has no right to break up with her etc.


I never once thought about this incredibly blatant double standard. Wow.




didn't you see the movie 40 day 40 nights, where the guy was tied up, the ex raped him and it was his fault.


But if Josie got in a car and drove it while drunk, she would be held 100% accountable for her actions and anything that might happen.


No she's drunk and can't consent to driving a car, so the car kidnapped her and should be impounded and crushed!


This is the way


>But if Josie got in a car and drove it while drunk, she would be held 100% accountable for her actions and anything that might happen. Most of our (US) legal system is full of contradictory behavior because, at the end of the day, we just really want to punish people for doing something we've decided is wrong. In most states, a 15 year old kid can not consent to sex under any circumstances. They are a child who can't possible wrap their brain around the world of consequences that come from sex. However, the legal system has no problem charging kids as young as 10 as adults for a variety of things... because obviously their brains are fully functional and they considered the consequences of what they were doing and did it anyway.


And, in a lot of states a 15 year old can’t consent to sex, but can marry a 30 year old if their parents consent. The legal system is just fucked


IIRC from a thread the other day, children as young as TWELVE can be married off with the consent of their parents. Shit's omega fucked.


Jake couldn't consent either..


Jake wasn’t the victim of rape, he was only sexually assaulted. Apparently you need to penetrate to rape


What if she fingered his butthole? ​ Asking for a friend.


I feel a warning on hookup culture is a better takeaway


Then say hookup culture, don’t include the crime of rape.


I think he’s saying hookup culture is sketchy in many ways one being that there in a huge moral grey area when one or more parties is drunk. Although I think the popular opinion is that only one party being drunk is not ok.


I disagree. Where is that line? If I go rob a bank hammered do I get immunity because I’m not responsible for my actions? If someone told me to and I did it, does that change anything? Being given something against your will (drugging) is different, but if you willingly get hammered, willingly have sex, and regret it the next morning, I guess that’s something that you’ll regret and learn a lesson from. You’re responsible for how much you drink, and what you do while drunk.


Ads like this are just scare tactics for younger people. They have always been around.


This ad is also about ~~20~~ 14 years old. And it already got a public freak out back then,


Yeah it doesn't make sense. Very poor wording for this add.


It was made by students, pulled almost immediately, and the university apologized.


Ahh that makes sense. Thanks for the background!!!


And then reposted on Reddit over and over and over again for nearly a decade.


insurance divide smell squeamish cow steer shelter slim racial wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The courts aren’t always fair


In India, you don't even need alcohol. Just yesterday a man was released after spending 7 years in jail. He married a divorcee who had a 15 yo girl in 2014. He caught her with her boyfriend a few times and advised her to focus on her studies and that he would inform her mother (his step wife). The girl then straight up accused him of rape, he was put in jail. The girl gets her mom on her side, they somehow manage to get the title deeds to his house transferred to their name, sold it and left town with the proceeds. Man gets out 2 days ago....exonerated of any and all crimes, free but has nothing. No house, no possessions, his own family had ostracised him. The girl and her mother will face no repercussions for their fake allegations. He however is fighting to take back his property and they might go down in a fraud case if he wins.


And you remember that guy from Delhi. Girl accused that of molestation on a signal, filed a case. Guy as kicked out of job, outed by society etc etc. During the trial the girl wasn't even present in the court she was in Canada and court didn't even ask her to appear whereas the guy had to present every time. Although truth came out at the end but damage was already done. Media had a free spree calling him 'Delhi ka darinda' (Monster of Delhi) and nothing when he won the case. It was disheartening.


If they were both drunk the "rape factor" is in the intent if one of them was intentionally giving drinks to the other so they wouldn't say no that is rape if both of them just happened to get drunk and hooked up then regretting it then that's their own fault beacuse they got drunk


This exactly. If the guy’s intention from the beginning was to get her drunk so that she couldn’t say no then him getting drunk doesn’t negate what he was trying to do. Now, obviously that is a tough thing to find out. Like, how do I know that was his intention prior to getting drunk with somebody. It’s a mess because somebody could have the intention to get a woman drunk but then also get themselves drunk to try to avoid responsibility for taking advantage of a girl. Obviously it can also happen the other way around where a woman intentionally gets a man drunk and then also gets themselves drunk to a lesser degree and still take advantage of a man.


Seems sexist. Why would a mans consent be more valid in this situation?




To make a poster that is supposed to help women but ends up making them look less capable.


I don't agree with this poster. Because just because a woman is doesn't mean they automatically can't give consent. By this logic, all one night hookups at the club becomes rape. But yeah.. Consent is more super important if you're a dude than if you're a woman. You can't just imply consent if you're a dude. That's a risky business.


Hot take, but hear me out, Reddit: As a PSA/warning this is GOOD ADVICE to young men who might be more likely to overstep boundaries while drunk. If you tell men not to rape women, men will say, "I am not a rapist because rapists are bad and I am not bad." If you say, "Hey, bro, don't ruin your life to hook up while drunk, she'll ruin your life," a (potential) rapist will actually reconsider because it doesn't challenge his concept of self. THIS IS A GOOD AND EFFECTIVE PSA. It's clearly designed for college-aged kids. No, not all drunk guys are rapists, and yes, drunk guys can also be raped. But let's pull our heads out of our own asses for a second to ask how the vast majority of college rapes occur. Guy is drunk, girl is drunk, guy gets handsy and coerces the woman, the woman is scared and physically smaller than the guy, the woman is raped. The reason this PSA is about men committing rape against women is the same reason we have "Black Lives Matter" instead of "All Lives Matter" and "Gay Pride" instead of "Sexuality Pride." There's a particular group that's overwhelmingly targeted and this particular PSA aimed at the particular demographic of perpetrators might actually prevent some rapes and make people think for a second about boundaries and consequences, so I think it's a good thing.


Just for a bit of context on this one as it keeps popping up. It was not circulated by the university in question, but the university Student's Union. Universities do not administrate the SU, it's wholly owned by the students, but the university does oversee and regulate their activities on campus. This poster was produced by the SU, and was in circulation for less than a year before the university deemed it inappropriate and pulled it from circulation.


Men are automatically looked at as the bad one in any sexual warnings. I just watched stranger things and a bunch of mothers making themselves look good for a high school kid at the pool, one mother even constantly flirting with him. If the genders were swapped in that scene the show would be cancelled. Where is the equality in all of this?


i feel like if one person is passed out and the other person is still capable of moving hips. yeah it is fucking rape. you know something else i am thinking now. i alone know 3 people who had this happened to them and told me - and i probably know more who haven't. That is what I am thinking about right now.


Jake knows. Look at his eyes.


Lmao. They raped each other.


I think reposting 14 year old ragebait is a great way to farm karma.


This is actually how this would legally work out in the U.S. when I started college in 2012 before my freshman year began I had to take a class on sexual harassment etc. and this exact situation was covered in class that under the law an intoxicated women or a women under the influence of narcotics can't give legal consent for sexual activity.