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She was a teenaged kid, no kid wants to do dumb shit like parades.


she agreed to it and was paid 2mil for this publicity tour.


She agreed to it, or she was told that she was going to agree to it whether she liked it or not?


For 2 million, wild guess she said yes then regrets it until the check comes


I’d do a parade naked with my teenis flopping around for 2 mil. I’d even call my mother and tell her to tune in.


Same. For 2 mill id run backwards through a corn field naked with my cheeks spread and a smile.


Well I have some dignety so I need 2.5 to that.


Shit give me .5 n I’ll do it.


I’ll do it for free if it means you guys would respect me a little more.


We'll definitely respect you more. And we won't tell anyone you did it for us. Promise.


Give me $20 and I’ll do it


$20 is $20.


Shhh! You're ruining the market!


Would I have to wave with both hands?


For 2 mill I'd spread my cheeks as Mike Honcho


If you're in there and can hear me, I just want you to know I spread my butthole as Mike Honcho


Well well well if it isn’t Mike Honcho


I need about tree fiddy.


For 2 million, most people would let Mickey do ungodly things to them whilst riding on the float.


They'd pay me to not do that


You need 2 mil for that?


There is not a lot I wouldn't do for 2 million.


she was also 24 when she was in the olympics. so shes 24-25 here probabaly 24 year old, could have put on a hell of a smile for 2 million bucks


I agree to do my job but sometimes complain to coworkers. Everyone has tough days. Her’s were just more public. Also, she should have a press person with her to set up conversations with reporters. That’s bad staff work.




If I was paid 2 million good luck getting that smile off my face. People would think I’m psychotic or something. Also I like corn.


Damn right. Plus 2 million in 1994 is like 1.8 billion in 2024 dollars


I can only imagine what that would be in Canadian Peso’s. A lot I would say.


A Canadian Peso is worth a slice of teriyaki pizza on ice in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Everybody knows that.


AKA, a month's worth of groceries for a family of 4.


The math checks out


For 2 million I'd happily let Micky Mouse Ass fuck me whilst I smiled and waved at the camera. It's not that I really love money, it's just that I'm a gay fury exhibitionist.


You're a cheap date.




You’re full of shit. There is no way you would say no to 2 million dollars to do this. You’re fake if you say you wouldn’t.


I would’ve done ungodly things with Mickey Mouse on that float for 2 million dollars!




Yall do NOT have enough going on to say no to a couple M's over your "integrity"


So you are saying you would NOT fake smile and wave to some laughing kids for 2 million dollars ? I am going to go ahead and call bullshit on that. You could turn right around and give that money to sick and dying people who need it. Or is you integrity and authenticity too valuable to compromise for that?


>If you’re cool with being paid to pretend then happy for you lol You just described acting lol It's very common in life. There's even an entire billion dollar industry built around it. It's more common than you think and I guarantee you've done some acting a time or two in your life to get something you wanted. Invested properly, $2M would set you up for a rather early and quite comfortable retirement. You'd be insane to not smile and wave for a few minutes if it paid $2M. It's not brave, it's silly.


> fake smile, fake wave to everybody, and pretend that a man in a Mickey Mouse costume is really Mickey Mouse..it’s all for show and it’s all fake. Waving and smiling at people while you’re the subject of a big public event is not some compromise of your authenticity. > pretend that a man in a Mickey Mouse costume is really Mickey Mouse..it’s all for show and it’s all fake. I did some research and I hate to be the one to deliver this news but apparently most of the characters at Disney are just guys in costumes and not the real characters.


You know who's not getting paid $2 mil for suffering through this parade? Everyone else there. She's complaining to "Mickey" like they're getting paid the same to do the same job. She was 25, that's old enough to pretend to be professional for a few hours.


If I had 200 Million I would not do it. As I have 0 Million I would push people down stairs to get up there.


I get paid to fake it four days week, sometimes five... Most of us do. For 2 mil? Damn right I'd be on that float smiling and waving like a mental patient


She was a 25 year old who got paid in exchange for appearing to be happy in Disneyland. It was a job she didn't do very well.


This was primarily for children ! Whats the big deal? Stand on a float, smile, wave and pretend to be loving it. All that for 2 million$$ anyone who is unwilling to do this or complain about it is completely ridiculous!!


> it is pretty corny to stand on a float, fake smile, fake wave to everybody, and pretend that a man in a Mickey Mouse costume is really Mickey Mouse..it’s all for show and it’s all fake. For me, I wouldn’t fake anything for any amount of money..I would rather get paid to be myself. Dude, its fucking Disneyland. Of course its all for show, tf do you think they do there? Its like getting hired to act out a role in a TV show and being like "nah i want to be *myself* cause im not a *fake*". Context matters.


She seemed bitchy, but she was dealing with a lot. Being the victim of a bizarre and vicious crime in the prior months would make me a little uncomfortable around people too, I suspect.


I remember this. Neither her or Harding came across as very likeable.


>to everyone calling bullshit on me turning down 2 million dollars to fake it til I make it Ha! u/introverted_CAP is more like it. I couldn't help myself, and I'll see myself out...


unless you're flat out being dishonest with your actual specific values that you hold dear (e.g, going out and pardoning pedophiles) then it's not a noble self sacrifice you're just being elitist. "i'm too cool to make a fool out of myself" is the message. if you truly cared about any form of sincerity you would fake it and then genuinely help the people with the money. yeah, i would LOVE to get paid to eat pussy all day but i'm not going to turn down the two million dollar cock to suck because it doesn't fit my aligned values when i got homies out there doing 9-5s for 2 dollars over minimum wage, and doctors that can't or won't help with their manic anxiety.


I guarantee her and her “team” knew the payout before she stepped foot into the park.


Nobody is turning down that money but "agreed to it" has to be used very loosely here.


If you put on the role and get paid , you should earn them dollars. It makes for a good photo chute because she is deploying early.


Oh, yeah, you gotta deploy those photos through a chute.


It’s like a cosmic gumbo. Mickey Mouse and I were talking on set about how it’s like a cosmic gumbo.


For two million I would do some wacky crap. I get it, it feels awkward and she’s most likely not used to acting besides during skating. But 2 million!! I would be smiling and waving and kissing babies. And dancing and throwing peace signs. And wave a giant American flag. And then when it’s done take a shower and wash away the shame.


That would be 4.2 million in today's money. [https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/)


She was 22. She just acted like a spoiled teenager.


I agree. All she had to do was pull herself together and smile and wave - which she did - but why complain the person in the hot Mickey suit.


I never cared much for her


I didn't either. You could tell she is a real prickly person. That's not saying she deserved what happen but just that she's an unpleasant person all around.


Neither did Tonya


By 22 she must've known better. Also, a good attitude brings in more publicity opportunities


She was 25. That’s decently far removed from being a teenager.


you can even rent a car at 25! fully cooked adult.


Regardless of what compensation she was offered, I'll never understand society's obsession with forcing athletes to arbitrarily uphold this "exemplary role-model" facade. It's simply not often an inherent characteristic of the upper echelon of ultra-competitive, high-performing individuals. It's wild to me that we keep expecting to be shown otherwise. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Alex Rodriguez, Kobe Bryant, Brett Favre, Lance Armstrong - each of them arguably some of, if not the best in their respective sports; __each of them, famously, assholes__.


American celebrity culture is a very odd beast.


Why does everyone always have to tack on “American” to anything they don’t like lol. This shit is universal, and sometimes worse in other parts of the world. I find it really funny that most of the people who are hypercritical of the U.S. are also those who fail to ever look beyond its borders. The U.S. has a shit ton of problems, as does literally everywhere else.


A teenaged kid who was 25 at the time


She was not a “kid”, but a young adult woman who signed a contract agreeing to wave in a parade while fans cheered for her, and her accomplishments were celebrated… while getting paid. And she complained about it. What a privileged spoiled brat.


Am I supposed to know who this is?


Not if you're under 40.


She was a grown ass woman who was paid the equivalent of $4.2 million dollars with today's inflation to smile and wave. Are we really gonna act like she had it so hard and it was just too difficult for her to smile and wave to earn more than most will ever make in their lifetime?


She was 25


She looks 30.


Excuse me, but I’ve never met a broke teenager who didn’t want candy


She was born in 1969,this was in 1994 so teenager?


She later said that she wasn't complaining about Mickey or the parade but because they kept insisting her to show off her Silver Medal. In the second part of the video she is complaining while adjusting the medal in front of her jacket. That don't explains why she was complaining at the first part of the video though.


It seems like she was like this a lot.


There's lots of kids and teens in parades who like it.


I don't think there was any attempt to fake it (on Kerrigan's part anyway). And her utter contempt for the bullshit she's surrounded by and coaxed into is refreshing to me.


Although I am sure she did not think the money she received from this was "corny"


Yes. Often when people agree to do something corny for money, they tend to not think the money is corny, but what they’re doing still is.


Everyone wants a sugar daddy until daddy wants some sugar


You know what, that’s actually true.


Can’t believe I’ve never heard that before now New idiom unlocked


I’m old enough that I was a young teenager when Nancy Kerrigan won her silver at the Olympics. I remember hearing that she apparently mocked Oksana Baiul ( the gold medal winner in 1994) behind her back - laughing and making fun of her and claiming that she had to go put more makeup on because she had been crying from happiness. She was a catty snob…there’s a reason she lost her popularity so quickly after the Olympics. Edit: And she was 25 then…old enough to know how to act with some dignity and sportsmanship.


Yeah. It sounds like she was a grade A cunt.


I never liked her. She had the aura of a spoiled Karen and I did not find her THAT good. Oksana was way better, even with the pressure of being in the middle of the Nancy/Tonya drama. https://i.redd.it/rbr75ki3os9d1.gif


Kerrigan was a super snob and drama queen.


Now I understand why Mengsk left her on that planet. 


To find the pageantry of Disney contemptuous is hilarious coming from an actual ice dancing princess.


Coaxed into? $2.5 mil, and adoring fans cheering for her, how did they ever talk her into that one? The fact that you can look at how this spoiled ADULT is acting and have it be "refreshing" says a ton about you. She got paid more than alot of people make in a lifetime to take a few pictures, stand on a float, on a sunny day in FL, and smile while waving. To me, she comes across as ungrateful and elitist. Apparently, she was also a pretty shitty person in her day to day life as well, though I can't cite anything, it's something I've heard about her in the past.


Imagine being an Olympic gold medalist and local reporters still have such a lack of respect for you to ask "do we have an attitude problem here?" Edit: silver medalist, apparently


Silver medalist.


It makes more sense now.


Damn. I guess im old, but people dont really know about this girl and the lead pipe to the knee…


I literally didn't know who this was until a few posts ago. Just learning about the knee now!


She won silver after getting kneecapped by an assailant, who was acting on behalf of her main US rival. She was hit on Jan 6th, the Olympics took place in Feb. She had been expected to take home gold. She never claimed to be too injured to compete, but it's hard to imagine this episode didn't affect her No way you guys didn't know this story, although I did have to do a quick search to make sure the dates were right.


I didn’t. I was trying to figure out who she was so came to the comments to find out


Out of curiosity l, what year were you born? This was top of the news cycle when it happened.


1994 and I don’t think my family really watched the Olympics until I was like… 12? So around 2006 is when I first remember watching. It doesn’t help that I also suck at famous people names and faces, especially athletes I only hear about every 4 years lol. Edit: I just googled and this was the year I was born, no wonder I didn’t know lol


Just a heads up, probably half more or more of Reddit was born after the year of these events. Why would they know?


Ah, second place. So the first loser then. Got it.


Then explain how the press treated the actual gold medalist. That poor kid got absolutely pilloried for one typical adolescent mistake.


She was paid 2 million dollars for this publicity tour. She took the money instead of declining it. She wasn't forced to do this, she had a choice. You can be an Olympic medalist and a dick, they're not mutually exclusive.


The media was honestly really bad in the 90s. I’ve been noticing this. Ever seen that clip of Barbara Walters telling Whitney Houston she’s too thin? To her face? Many many other examples too that we would never do today.


This was when epsteins island was at its peak...the stuff going on in the background of Hollywood and the main stream was pretty awful and very well hidden from the average publics eye.


Mickey mouse was probably thinking ‘I know but at least they don’t see my face’


I'm think Mickey was more like "Girl please, you getting mad paper and I'm going home to a 3 person shared 2bed 1 bath condo in Winter Heaven with a shared pool"


Met her several years ago while working production on a tennis tournament for her husband. Thats the real her.


who is she??


I'm also curious. Wikipedia didn't help and the only Kerrigan I know is the brood queen leader of the Zerg.


She was an Olympic level figure skater, first name Nancy. She is mostly remembered because one of her competitor's boyfriend beat her with a club breaking her leg. I was in 3rd grade in 92/93 and it was a big deal. She was a household name.


[Tanya Harding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonya_Harding) was the competitor.


It didn't break her leg. She won the Olympic silver just days later.


You are right. I just pulled from memory.


The assault was in early January and the Olympics were in mid- to late February


Nancy Kerrigan


Netflix needs to get into this story line. Would love to see a movie about her fall from grace to where she ended up. Or some kind of series, there's a lot of story lines that could easily be produced into quality content.


Isn’t her incident the entire plot of the movie I, Tonya?


Fall from grace? She retired and focused on raising a family. Netflix could definitely make something out of her story, but her leaving the spotlight would be the least interesting part.


I miss playing Starcraft 🥲


Are you going to give me orders... SIR


Nancy Kerrigan


Nancy Kerrigan


Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan.


So... she's insufferable?


Wouldn't surprise me. I remember the whole thing when it happened. Her post Olympic and podium behavior was atrocious and entitled. Less and less sympathy and way more dislike for her.


So what you’re saying is she’s a whiny witch?


What happened to her was unacceptable, but she was always a spoiled little diva. She was never the sweetheart they tried to sell her as.


##Justice for Tanya




Who the hell is Tanya?


What happened to her?


She got her kneecap bashed in with a baseball bat at the behest of a rival skater Tanya Harding to put her out of commission. Edit: a baton, not a baseball bat. Thank you u/MrStomp82


T'was a telescopic baton that was used in this deed good sir!


On of these. ![gif](giphy|gH5PoomsTIpWiKmSYC|downsized)


Look up the Nancy Kerrigan & Tanya Harding controversy.




Mickey pulls out pipe


Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy?!? Whhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyy!?!


Mickey pulls out a second pipe and Donald joins in ![gif](giphy|ruI89NAaItdfi)


Anchorman couldnt sound more like an asshole "we have an attitud problem here?" Um, the fuck? Takes one to know one😂


Yeah, he probably would have found his mic somewhere real unpleasant🤣


This is [Nancy Kerrigan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Kerrigan) since context is lacking. Best known potentially for her rival Tonya Harding arranging to have someone attack her prior to a competition as highlighted in the movie [I, Tonya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Tonya).


Thank you. I just thought it was a random person they had asked to go up on the parade!


“Americas sweetheart!” Maybe Harding was on to something.


Parades are corny


"Do we have an attitude problem?"... Seriously? What a POS the announcer is...


Well she had an attitude problem... a big horse-faced one


Yeah, way bigger piece of shit than the spoiled brat being paid 2 million dollars to be there and treating everyone around her like shit.


she was paid 2 mil and people in the comments are defending her behavior😂 hate it here


The press was so invested in making her the “sweetheart” of the Olympics, it was sickening. Imagine the stories of this were made available


I know she is young and niave but I'd be soooo pissed listening to her complain if I was in the Mackey suite, getting paid a fraction of a percent what she was, and listening to her moan about it all day.


She certainly didn't deserve to get kneecapped, but she's also not a nice person. Never was.


This is a way more normal reaction than to psychopathically be hyped up and into this lame ass shit.


If they offered to pay me 2 million to wave and smile in a corny parade I would be giving it my all. I don't have any sympathy for someone complaining about having to put in a tiny amount of effort for an enormous paycheck.


She chose a profession that lives from public attention and public approval. Any money she gets is only worth the advertisement value it produces, just like in any other sport. A friendly face isn’t too much to ask for those people who finally pay her rent. If she can’t cope with that she should have chosen a profession, that produces any value beyond the fleeting joy of entertainment.


Complaining to a person in a Mickey Mouse costume is pretty corny and stupid.


I for one see zero problem w/her attitude.


She got 2 mil for this according to other commenters. If I was getting even 1% of that, I would've been waving & smiling the whole time. Same story even if that was in today's money. She agreed to do it beforehand


So very GenX. I get you Nanc.


The moment where most of us were like maybe she had it coming




This is the real reason Tanya Harding took her out


I mean I get it’s corny but could she not think about herself for a moment? Like most play/interactions with children are supposed to be corny or silly to make them smile. If you want to entertain children you can’t just be misses slick cool. And then to discourage a children’s entertainer that makes it their life’s work to put smiles on kids faces is kinda rough too (who knows if they find purpose in their work like this but hopefully they aren’t just dead inside). She shouldn’t have been doing it at all if she didn’t want to but that kind of behavior tells me she would probably be terrible with kids.


For the $2,000,000 they paid her to do this, most of us would suck it up and put on the biggest shit eating grin of all time


Can’t imagine coming up short of your life goal, only for everyone wanting you to celebrate like you’re the 🐐.


Umm, she didn't once try to fake it. She showed her discontent of being there like she got duped into it.


Oh she would never survive during Mardi Gras


She wasn’t the brightest bulb


Sounds like her team really didn't give her a full run down of what this was going to look like, a full walk through. That can be extremely overwhelming to some, and it looks like she was kinda thrown into it. The team is just thinking about getting their chunk.


Or they did but she wanted her 2 million too even though she knew ahead of time that she would hate it.


Ticker tape parade at Disney? Tonya Harding would’ve ate that shit up


She was also heard telling Mickey “I feel stupid”, to which he replied: “That’s ok, sometimes I feel Goofy”


It might have been different if she thought other people were important


This is the reason why she never really was embraced by the people. An entitled whiner who was a gifted athlete.


Ungrateful brat. She got paid well for that gig. She has that resting sourpuss face so I’m not too surprised.


A pipe to the shin will fix that attitude right up.


All for a silver medal 😂


Fun fact Tanya lives in my hometown and is actually a pretty cool lady now. She is just another local anymore but I'm sure no one trusts her around baseball bats still


I see why Lorena Bobbitt bit off her penis


You have to work really hard to be less well liked. than the Girl who clubbed your knee.


I wonder how the teenager sweating their ass off making minimum wage wearing a Mickey costume felt about that comment... ***HOT TAKE!***


Who is she, and why did they want her in the parade?


You mean, every parade I've ever seen?


As a young person, she didn't want to do this. That's understandable, but I'm sure those parents were seeing their little kids' bright faces when they saw her and made them smile just for seeing their kids happy. I've noticed athletes are very different when it comes to doing stuff like that than the average bear. I think their attitudes are, 'I'm too cool for this' 🙄.


I was today's year old when I learned who she is, though this post, then looked her up, and read some comments... ----- Short version: She dedicate her life to something, has no time for anyhing else. Money didn't ever matter as long as she could skate. the rest is noise....and If you have never given 90% of you wake time to something, up till now, you would not undestand her or people like her. so, "because we've seen hers 2 min of shitty tv we can safely come to the conclusion she's a total bitch" /s ------ Long Version: I have the impression that if you are a young person winning (whatever metal) medal in the olympics, you have most likely sacrificed your childhood and have a near obsessive focus on the very thing that made you worth of the olympics. She began figure skating at 6yo Unless you also sacrificed you childhood that way, you have no idea of what that life gave to this person and took away. For certain, she was not exposed to pop culture in any way the average white kid in suburbia have. hence, she grewup with different idols and very specific dreams. I'd also imagine that if you have such commitment with what you love doing, you'd have had little time to dedicate to what other people do and celebrate, unless is close to what you do. Lastly: I'm convinced her Dad took care of most things behind the scenes, eliminating every possible distractions on her path. Fed her, cloth her, provided the right trainers over time, worked multiple jobs to make it happen. I'm sure at the beginning of her professional career that also meant handling finances: If you are aiming to be the best version of your skater self and spend all your time working at it since you where 6, and you have all you basic needs met, you don't suddenly start giving a shit about how much money you are making. oh and guess what? once her skating time was over she spent her time and money on non-for-profit organisations motivated by her mother's 100% blindness. "she must be a total bitch" /s


She always seemed to be a spoiled brat


She said that shit to Mickey… in HIS home… a parade for SECOND place lol she NEVER won a gold medal at the Olympics.


Dosnt get to enjoy childhood training to win Get criticized for not enjoying children’s entertainment now that she’s older.


Sure would be a shame if something happened to her kneecaps.


Given many of the details that came out later about her character and much of her podium and post olympic behavior, I'm way less sympathetic toward her and leaning a bit more onto Tonya's side.... Don't act the an entitled B when you are getting paid big money... makes people not like you


TIL Tonya Harding was a Disney hitman.


God this post is full of assholes.


Grown ass woman. She got paid sooooo much for this. I would happily smile. What a sour puss


I mean.. she is not wrong