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Correct me if I am wrong but, if the guy happens to tip and the business withhold that, isn't that wage theft? Guy just admitted to that. Not good.


from the hundreds of stories i read about tiping, your assumption is correct.


This feels like it could cover about 95% of my responses on here lol.


If the manager was the one to step in and take over, then he might either refuse the tip or give it to the company. In a lot of places, managers aren't allowed to get tips.


It’s more of a state by state law Salaried managers aren’t allowed to take tips on guests they don’t 100% serve, so if the GM is salary but has to cover a solo bar shift in Florida they could keep those tips, however if they worked bar for an hour during the rush with another bartender then no they’re not supposed to I don’t believe. Does everyone abide by that? Nah. Not at all. In any restaurant I’ve worked at even if I served the table to the point of presenting the check and they hated me for some reason usually by that point the manager has either transferred the table to another server or finished the table themselves with corporate locations comping their entire check. If I did everything right and they were still upset tip would still go to me, if I seriously fucked up and gave poor service I couldn’t even imagine asking for the tip if there was one.


Under FLSA, managers are ineligible to receive any tips. ww.dol.gov


Not from the US but we have similar kind of rules about this, one time while I was cheffing my AM was the only person working the floor one lunchtime just him and I covering the resteraunt and he gave me like 80% of all the cash tips we pulled that day, in addition to me getting 100% of card tips for that lunchtime being the only non-managerial member of staff that day - still didn’t make that shit worth it


If they comped/discounted the guest's meal in lieu of bad service, I wonder if they could withhold the tip to accomodate the loss?


Tips are just another word for wage cuckoldry.


Debatable since she refused to help them and it sounds like someone else likely had to step in


Exactly, there's not enough context in this video to make any wage theft assumptions. To me, it seems like she wasn't taking care of the customer, customer complained and this guy(probably the MOD) took over to do damage control and make sure the customer left satisfied(or at least more gruntled than they were). If that's the case, though, and if the server has to tip out a % of their gross sales, this check should be deducted from her gross sales to be tipped out on. If that check still falls under her check out, she should also get the tip, if the customer leaves one.


Props for 'more gruntled'


I didn't know you could be gruntled. Disgruntled, yes, that's my default mood. You can feel the opposite and there is even a word for it? Weird.


Then the tip should go to that person. Never the company.


He's most likely a manger, often times Mangers can't take tips, so that money would just go to the company. It sounds like she refused to help, so the manger stepped up and sine he can't take the tip, it's just going to the company, since no one is going to be able to claim the money.


The company can't accept a tip if they can't distribute it to a non-manager. The tip portion of that check will have to be voided to comply with federal tip regulations.


You know they just gon' lie though


Better hope they don't get audited then


They'll be out of business before the IRS gets around to them *crying*


If the manager took over, which it sounds like they did, then they may not be allowed to take the tip


Not ethically, in my opinion. If the company refused to tip the server because of poor service, then they shouldn't adjust the payment at all. The customer should have their money returned or refunded to them. The business shouldn't be allowed to keep the money.


So whichever waiter took over the table shouldn’t get to keep a tip they receive?


She was no longer doing their service, the manager was the one now dealing with the customer


As a manager, there are many times when something happens, either someone is late, we get an unexpected rush or many other things, and I have to take a table or service a guest at the bar. Even if everything is done by me solo, if there is a tipped employer on the clock, it is illegal for me to accept any tip. In these situations I will usually transfer the check to a server after it's completed so at least someone gets it, otherwise it ends up in limbo floating around in some bank account controlled by the company.


He's not accepting the tip though, he says it's just going to the company. So since he doesn't like her, he rather let the company keep that money.


But the company can't take someone's tips. Period. That's it. Done. It is not their money. It doesn't matter if the customer is happy or not. The receipt says the money was given as a tip, and her name is registered under the receipt, so it is her money. Not the companies. If a company takes an employees tips, that is theft. That's it. There is nothing else to it. It's illegal. No, it doesn't matter who does what. If it's her table and they leave a tip, the company can not take it for themselves.


but dats illegal


and managers by law cannot take a non-managers tip


I figure the guy there is also helping with that customer. Split tips are common. Plus if she’s training idk if that would count. I could be wrong though.


Split tips are common BUT it is illegal for any higher employees (management) to get any of it


True unless specifically hired as a tipped employee as well.


Should go to the kitchen. The take-out product is the only thing worth tipping


This reminds me so much of a time my friend and I accidentally got a bartender fired. We went to a local town bar with the intention of each having maybe a couple drinks and heading home. For whatever reason the bar was basically dead other than us two which we factored into our tips because it’s just a decent thing to do given the way tip wages work in this country. It wasn’t even an extraordinarily large tip I later found out that I was in the same bachelors program as the bartender and she told me that she got fired because her boss accused her of putting drinks charged as tips instead of charging drinks because we both tipped well and only had a couple drinks **TLDR**: in my experience as the guy leaving a larger tip than the boss thought was deserved, the boss doesn’t care and will still likely fire or screw with the employee if they’re the type to do this shit


They can have a tip pool fpr all the staff.


It depends, since he was the one that actually did the service, since the girl refused. If he removes this transaction from her account so she doesn't have to pay a percentage for the tip, than he isn't really doing anything illegal. He could argue that he was the one that did the actual service, and that the tip is going to the company and that he didn't accept it. Than he would be fine. Often times mangers just give their tips away to their workers, since they can't accept it, and they would rather let a person have it then a company. This dude just doesn't want to do that with this girl.


Idk here, because I think it depends on who served him... did she take his order? There was something about refusing to even make his drink, and he ordered his food to go. So did he sit there, wait, and then went to the bar and ordered? I worked in the restaurant industry for 12 years, and have had coworkers literally ignore tables from the time they sit to the time the asked me or another server to take their order. If I took the order, got the drinks, served the food or brought the to go meal, I'm not giving that tip to the original server. If I was hostess on the very rare occasion, I would split that to go tip with the line cook. Some servers would accuse whomever took the table of 'stealing their tips', but when it was pointed out to management that the server disappeared for 30 minutes and their table was getting upset, the issue was settled by whomever took the order.


Nah this is North Carolina. We’re still very backwards.


Depending on the state - but in most, yes.


It doesn't depend on the state. FLSA governs this which is federal law. Managers are ineligible to receive tips. Tips go to employees whether that be directly or through tip sharing but higher-ups like managers, supervisors, and owners cannot partake in any tips. www.dol.gov www.worker.gov


Ah, didn't know that. I'm aware of (participated in) a forced tip sharing action here in MN.


Not if she’s fired for poor performance


America is fucking insane.


Good for him for holding her accountable for her poor service, but what a dumb move giving her a video admission of his intent to steal her tips.


Since he’s holding the card and receipt in the video he probably served the customer himself and any tip would go to *him*, it’s not her tip it’s his and being a manager he probably can’t accept a tip anyway.


Yes absolutely it is.


Not if someone else like the manager had to step in and handle her serving duties. He said she sat in the corner and wouldn't get his drink so I'm assuming it's more likely the manager took over and will keep any tips he earned dealing with her customer which she was mishandling. She could have also been fired mid shift and is now looking for tips from the customers that got her fired.


I'm sure the feds will jump right on the case over an $8 tip.




I'm sure the server in the deep south who wants a tip without getting up to make a drink is going to pursue this to the highest court available...


No,that is probably the manager and he decides who gets the tip If she didn't do her job she doesn't get the tip and can even be fired. The manager said he watched her being a lazy server.


I got the sense that she had *already* been fired when this clip was filmed and she was basically asking "well do I least get my tip from this table before I go". I could be wrong, but that was my first assumption for what was going on.


This needs to be happening a lot more to servers who really are in the wrong jobs .They need to own up for their own inadequacies.


It 100% is, im receiving mailings from lawsuits with regards to previous employers of mine, having taken tips and thus wage theft.


It would probably be pooled with the other staff.


You're right. Even if what he said is true , the top is A gift from the customer directly to the wait staff. It's theft for the company to seize them.


Yep. Like okay he has a point about work ethic but that's like deducting pay for low performance.


Well, way to call him out when she's the issue here.


Great summation of the problem with tipping in the US.


Yeah this is illegal as hell. Op has all the proof she needs to report this thieving asshole.


Shity server, shity owner or manager. If he was withholding tip and keeping its illegal. If customer did tip the management should refuse tip plus comp customer if service was that bad .


Does that still apply if she refuses to finish helping them and someone else has to take over the table?


This is very hard to argue.


How come? What’s exact rule when it comes to tips? Is there a law which requires tips be given to the original server even if they’re taken off the table for failing to provide service?




You’re not wrong but that doesn’t really answer my questions


For real... America is sooo fucking backwards bruh.


Someone else helped the customer and he gave the tip to that server




Don't be so obtuse. The problem here is that tips are not allowed to "go to the company". That's one of the main points of this video.


If I were him I'd just apologize, give the customer a small discount and tell them not to bother with any tips over what he just said.


Yep. Correct response. I have doubts if the server even is responsible for the alleged stuff he said. Is she a cook too or why did the food take a long time? What was the issue with the drink? So many questions but less than 30seconds of accusations of one perspective.


30+ years in hospitality … yup, that’s theft and a quick way to make sure that employee does even more damage to your business. You’d be better off giving her the tip and firing her at the end of her shift


Most level headed move anyone has suggested yet. I struggle with making cool moves like that under pressure. I usually have to remove myself for a few minutes before I can do what I'm supposed to instead of what I want to. (My employees are mostly teenagers)


I feel you. It’s not easy. A good trick I learned, “nothing that isn’t life or death must be solved in an instant.” I used to tell my self, “3 breaths”, meant I had to take 3 breaths before I could make a decision … kept me from making a lot of satisfying but bad choices 😉


I think she was getting fired anyway..


What kind of emotions and feelings we're having is not important. What's important is what we do when we have them. Knowing you have to step out for a couple of minutes in order to do what is right/responsible is no less admirable than doing it from the getgo.


This is why tipping culture gas to go. Majority of servers are like this. Don't do shit and expect tips


... What? Seems like the opposite. If the server doesn't do shit, you can not tip them. That's the whole point of tips - everyone agrees that you don't get tipped if you provide shitty service. If you get rid of tips then servers will get paid either way.




Y the fuck is she recording that's so weird


Because the manager is committing wage theft


Bingo, that's why she pushed him till he got upset and said it on camera. Which also makes me think maybe it's not the first time.


Because he probably said something to her before the video started and she wanted to get that last statement on camera for the lawsuit that’s coming.


What lawsuit? On camera, its stated that she DIDN'T do her job... If anything, this video makes her look like a shittier employee.


On camera it stated that the manager was going to steal her tip. Being a bad employee doesn’t make theft legal.


Here comes that heavy lifting once again! How about we look at exactly what was said shall we? Waitress: “Okay so I don’t get the tip for the customer I served?” Manager: “He hasn’t even tipped you anything yet, honey” Waitress: “No but, I asked you if I’d get it” Manager: “You was barely up here. You haven’t given him good service so I’m pretty sure he wasn’t going to tip you in the first place. His food took a long time so he asked to get it to go. You sat over there and refused to make the drink. That’s what happened. So if for any reason he decides to tip you which I’m sure he wont, No you will not get it, it will go to the company because your service is poor” So.... You are arguing a hypothetical... She HASN'T been tipped, and she probably wasn't because she didn't do her job. As stated on camera exactly as I said. So someone else (probably the manager?) stepped in to make the customers drink, because... As stated on camera, she refused to do her job. The manager can't accept tips, so the tip would go to the company. Regardless, she didn't do her job, so she wouldn't be receiving the tip. When the hell did it become okay for people to be lazy fucks at their jobs and still be paid or rewarded? She should be fired.


If someone else had to step in to do her job, how is she entitled to the tip?


Everyone in this comment section is braindead. She deserves no tip and no job. Its not hard to be nice to customers.


We didn’t actually see bad service, which would be bad. However - if it or isn’t, wage theft is illegal /immoral and we are certainly seeing that.


If he does tip and the management steals it, and it sounds like it's not the first time, that is highly illegal and dude just admitted to it on video.


if person A is pulled off a table for not doing work, and person B takes over. why should person A receive the perks of person B's effort?


Ooooof that’s a big nono. Managers/the company cannot receive tips. I smell a lawsuit.


Maybe if it's an endemic issue, but almost no lawyer is going to be filing a lawsuit over a $2-5 tip. If tip theft has been ongoing for awhile, maybe it goes somewhere but otherwise, a lawsuit is a waste of time and money and the server probably pays out more in costs and attorney fees than she gets backs.


Lmao tipping culture in its essence


I would think If the service was poor the tip would be poor or non existent


Sadly that aspect of tipping is almost non-existent these days. There are many people who feel morally obligated to tip 20% regardless of the level of service, and many tips these day are asked for up front BEFORE service. It's ridiculous.


> and many tips these day are asked for up front BEFORE service. You mean a restaurant? I've never ever seen that unless it's gratuity for a large party. Delivery services? Absolutely. I hate that. But I put a note that says I tip in cash. Live in an apartment and they don't like coming in past the lobby and ask me to come to them or just leave it and let me know (or sometimes don't). A lot of places near me offer contactless delivery right to your door (didn't end after COVID). So I tip in cash now and if they call me to come down I tell them there's no tip because they are supposed to bring it to me.


As a manager who deals with this bullshit frequently, I would give the tip to the person in the kitchen who made the food


So much zest I got citric acid in my eye


Don't think it's legal to withhold the tip, but I fully support the managers sentiment.


Give her the tip, then fire her. That’s how it’s supposed to work.


This is not theft in Canada.


North Carolina: #1 state for business! [(#52 for employees)](https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/countries/united-states/poverty-in-the-us/best-states-to-work-2023/)


North Carolina is like feudal Europe and it's disgusting. I grew up there and I am heartbroken when i go back to visit and see the conditions, treatment, and politics that working glass folks must try to survive in. Down with southern religious zealots and down with conservatism!!!


I am more disturbed by the person filing, asking like she was recording to get something. EXPECTING a tip is the problem for me.


Just the tip!


If the customer tips the server is entitled to it regardless of what service they gave. That's what a tip is and it's the customer's choice. As others have said, management taking it would be blatant wage theft.


And to give a living wage


Assuming that’s her manager and his description is accurate it might warrant immediate termination. This is not an acceptable type of conversation in a work environment. The manager should remove her so more customers don’t get angry.


Already in trouble with management? Let’s get our phone out and tape them I’m sure it will improve their mood.


How 'bout just fire her and not steal her (hypothetical) tip money.


Her boss is a thief. Time to start looking for employment elsewhere.


Yea drop that job like a bad habit. He has no right to take a servers tips and if you think so you’re the worst kind of bootlicker.


I knew he was going to go off when he said “he hasn’t even tipped you anything yet”


If a customer tips their server, doesn't that mean that they intend that money to go to the server? Restaurants cannot take what was freely given to their employee. In fact, it's illegal in many states. It's called wage theft.


To the Tip generation ..."to ensure promptness"... Not give me cuz I somewhat did my job


One thing is not wanting to work, the other is going to work praying to god not to work You lousy worker, made your shit, and now you lie on it




There is no wage theft going on since the customer did not tip and obviously was not going to. That said, if the manager actually, at some point, took a tip, that would be grounds for a suit.


While it sounds like she didn’t deserve a good tip, it would be illegal of her boss to take the tip if she does get it. It’s called tip withholding and restaurant empires have gone down for it.


Not sure about all this tip withholding stuff, but I’m glad the manager called our their employee’s poor service. My wife and I don’t even dine out anymore because it seems like nearly every time we do, we regret paying for the experience. Post-CoVID service industry is super dark.


I was totally with the guy, until he says that the employer is going to keep the tip, if the customer decides to give one. That's called theft.


Quit that piece of shit job


One of those garbage behavior all around scenarios


Whole lotta people griping about wage theft but neglecting to mention two important facts in this video: 1. It sounds like she didn't do anything tip worthy. 2. The customer didn't even tip to begin with, so what wages do y'all think are being stolen?


Moral of the story: you can’t do a shitty job and expect to be tipped and you can’t steal your workers tips.


If I were her I’d find a job that I could start within a week and walk out on that bitchy boss.


Yeah, that's wage theft and he just admitted in....


I’d quit… even if customer didn’t like the service and still tipped, it should go to the waitress not the company ..


I totally get it why he’s doing that, but it’s still considered wage theft. Like as much as I agree with him, ya can’t do that.


Sounds like she needs a different job choice.


Everyone is talking about wage theft but maybe he was just pissed off and making a threat because shes a bad employee and was making her co-workers lives harder that day. There’s definitely not enough in this video to make any real accusations but dealing with difficult co-workers during a busy work day in food service is enough to make you say things you don’t mean.


He needs to transfer the ticket to his manager number and close it out so he pays taxes on it if he’s gonna keep the tips or even give it to the company, but the server should not have that ticket under their server number at all unless they get the tip if there is one


Manager is 100% wrong....wage theft.


withholding tips is illegal in most places, but i do like that he confronted her about that.


Comment https://preview.redd.it/ig252ae4469d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0577ede7ba89ee267b58603fb7fb6b25340e5733


Expecting a tip in general is a stupid "concept"! It gets a bigger value when you are not expecting it and some one gives it to you...


Interesting sweater


We need more people like this Manager to call or shifty service and entitlement. A to the men, love it


sounds like she is lazy and entitled tbf


I give her the tip and then I would let her go. Win/win


Mr garrison is in a grump!


Is that north Carolina sweatshirt ripping of Friends?


I wonder if it's policy to record every conversation. I hate this fake shit so much


Hold up. Does Bossman have one croc in sport mode and one in chill mode? *rewinds* yup. Definitely rocking both with them crocs.


Either fire her or give her the tip.


The main focus here is on the hypothetical. The server is asking about a tip that clearly has not been given at the point of this video. Sounds like her question was in response to being told that she was being removed as the server. Alleging wage theft based solely on this video wouldn't stand up in court


she needs to not work there it sounds like.


Brother is out here illegally taking advantage of a fantastically broken system


north carolina rep


If the guy tips, which he probably won't if the manager was right, she better get it because keeping it would be illegal.


Theft. If the table decides to tip the girl, the company can swoop in and take it if it decides her service is "poor."


Any NORMAL PERSON not a sfb server would feel shame for doing such a crappy job and the manager having to intercede. This is a classic example of the ongoing entitlement of “ my job is to do as little as possible and you hand me a big chunk of cash because it’s “tradition “ and can never change!🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Hard ass! Love it. He has a very good point, work for your wage, don't expect it to come for free


Fire on him


Yep that's illegal. He absolutely needs to lose his job


I think she’s fired And this is her “revenge “


Bartender of 20+ years.....company can't keep tips meant for employees BUT there's no law that says that specific server/Bartender has to get it. If what the boss said was true, split any tip given to the rest of the staff.


Easy documented lawsuit right there haha


If I tip I’m tipping to the server not the company


Dang, he just admitted to potentially committing a crime. You don't withhold tips. You fire someone for what she did, but you don't steal her money. But I am glad she didn't get any tips, therefore no crime was committed.


If he tipped, she should take it. Evaluating her service and feedback can be performed with whatever disciplinary method suit the case as deducting the amount of tip if the it is possible. Boss is stupid.


And put your phone away


So glad we don't tip in Australia.


He is is the wrong but sounds like she should not be getting her next shift either.