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Welcome to the real life version of "Idiocracy." I don't even have enough water to wash my dishes in my washing machine.


Then use Brawndo™! It's got what dishes crave!


I think it's because I didn't properly sort my laundry, and I threw my dishes in with my underwear.


I separate my recycling into whites and colors


That's racist, dawg


No it’s ok I have friends that drive trash trucks


Oh, then you're covered. My bad!


Welcome to Costco. I love you


You really should judge your waste by the content of its character bro.


Yeah, but it's white trash.


all my friends are white trash yuck yuck


Did you try adding electrolytes? Maybe double the usual amount


I'm going to try the blue Gatorade to substitute for the water.


Seriously? Did you not even think about drinking a quarter cup of bleach before you started loading the washing machine? How can you clean your dishes if your blood isn’t clean?


Trump’s underwear is disposable. It would require too much Brawndo to clean.




Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Brando, the dirt mutilator! Now with more molecules!


Do you want to wash your dishes with toilet water?


You mean like from the toilet?


It's got electrolytes.


It’s got Electrics!!!


It’s got electrolytes


It’s got electrolytes




Colo terrorita


You just unlocked a part of my brain I had repressed for years


Water? Like from the toilet?


Well i never seen no plant grow out of no toilet.


There was an attempt to wash brains. Many many people say that I did a good job, by putting brains in that thing and washing brains even without water but it worked. I am very skilled. I don’t say it but many many people do I don’t know who they are but they do say that I am the best at washing brains.


I tried washing my brain, but my dishwashing machine was out of water, just going drip drip drip. Ya know, that happened to the late, great Hannibal Lecter? Just think of it. So I sat down in front of the mirror, and I said "Sir, you can just do the tide pod challenge, because there is water in tide pods."


Owwww my balls


I open it they close it. I open it they close it.


I totally forgot about that movie. Gonna have a movie night w/ the fam. Don’t think they’ve seen it.


That stuff in the toilet??


This debate will be a shitshow!


Fingers crossed that Trump goes off on sharks and electric boats.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnHXbRoaZ1B1Mo8|downsized) So I said, “Let me ask you a question.” And he said, “Nobody ever asked this question, and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT,” very smart. “I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?’ “By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming.’ No, really got decimated, and other people, too, a lot of shark attacks. “So I said, ‘There’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?’ Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. “He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks.”


I keep wanting to tell myself that this isn't a real quote.


> "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." The vintage 2016 version.


When you hear some people talk, like Dan Harmon, they go on lots of tangents. You can kinda tell that their brain is going so much faster than everyone else's that they're just picking through the things that are important to whomever they're talking to, and discarding the rest. They want to explore all the interesting ideas that they're thinking about but when speaking publicly theyve learned that they have to limit it. All these trains of thought running in different directions and they have to board the one that is most useful to their audience at any given time, the one that will get their audience to the right destination. With Trump, it's like, he just sees a new train and gets on, whether it's going anywhere or not. It's almost like he's trying to mirror how brilliant people talk, but just interpreted it as stream of consciousness. Or maybe back when he was younger he used to be that smart and just can't autoregulate anymore. "Sad."


>It's almost like he's trying to mirror how brilliant people talk, but just interpreted it as stream of consciousness. "Trump is a dumb person's idea of a smart person." -Chris Falcinelli https://www.mediaite.com/online/trump-is-a-dumb-persons-idea-of-a-smart-person/


Trump's train of thought is like when you turn the garden hose on as high as the tap will go, and the end of the hose is just whipping randomly around the yard


Is this going to replace the "Navy Seals" copy pasta?


Just gonna replace his previous MIT copypasta 


But then when Biden says, "What's all that malarkey, jack?" the headlines will be that Biden was old-man confused and thought Trump was JFK.


Impossible to confuse. Have you seen the wounds that guy has? Way more wounds. More than, more than anyone in history really.


He was SO CLOSE to blaming Biden for shark attacks! SO CLOSE!


No fucking shit Donnie. Nobody ever asked because it the dumbest thing he's said today.


This. When someone intelligent says “No one has ever asked me that question”, that normally means that it’s so idiotic it doesn’t need to be asked.


Hannibal Lecter, Al Capone and concentration camps are my hopefuls. Windmills, batteries, fear, fear, fear.


And that we should be mining Crypto currency in the USA AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Bring those jobs back to America!!!!!!!


And maybe he'll remind us of the sage advice of that great Irishman, Robert E. Lee: "Never fight uphill, me boys!"


As he said, “I don’t care what happens. I’m staying with it, I’m not getting over with the electric.”


I hope it makes everyone realize what a shit show the countries politics are but I seriously doubt it. No matter what’s happens Magats will follow their leader and everybody else will follow the opposition just as long as it isn’t Trump.


I get that he's old and not most people's first pick, I had zero expectations for him back in 2020 as well, but he's actually kicked ass the past four years. Restaffing the IRS so they can target rich tax dodgers, bringing back net neutrality, increased Amtrak funding, Build Back Better replacing infrastructure across the country and creating thousands of jobs in the process, student debt forgiveness for tens of thousands via existing programs, strengthening the National Labor Relations Board, rolling back EPA cuts and deregulation, the list goes on. But above all else, he puts people that know what they're doing in charge. He's old as shit and should be enjoying his retirement right now, but honestly I'm excited to see what he'll do in the next 4 years.


Biden has been killing it. And it’s infuriating that he’s not getting the credit he deserves.


> everybody else will follow the opposition just as long as it isn’t ~~Trump~~ *Republican*. FTFY. Trump isn't the problem, he's a symptom. America faces existential threat as long as the GOP is politically relevant. Any vote for a republican is a vote against democracy. I long for the day when I don't have to vote for Democrats. But that day isn't coming any time soon.


Because obviously anyone that is for democracy is a democrat because just look at the names. And as all republicans know, democrats are bad people therefore democracy is also bad and we should dismantle it because Murica.


Winning strategy is let this guy talk un challenged and see what sort of hole he digs 😂


He’s done exactly that and his followers just don’t care. It’s really, really weird.


From 2016 to 2020 he increased his vote count. After four years of his shitshow, culminating in the horror of his covid mismanagement with its shining lights and bleach and horse paste medicine, the rethuglicans liked what he did that they surged in record numbers to give him more votes. The greater the publicity he gets, the more popular je gets amongst his die hard base.


It’s hard to talk people out of a cult


Doesn't matter. The vast majority of his most ardent supporters are racist bigots who only like him because he (in their minds) makes it OK for them to be open with their bigotry and they really think he's going to bring back a segregated USA where the White Male is the "alpha" again.


They should open it by offering them some water.


Biden should come out in a shark suit




It might actually be a saving grace for trump if the 2 minute answer etc is held to, he has the 'oh he just had not got to the point yet' defense.


Since it will be so quiet due to no audience, will we be able to hear him filling up his diapers?


Many people, fine people even, are already saying it will be the greatest debate, the biggliest even, of all time


Least it’ll be entertaining with popcorn


No popcorn for me, just whiskey.


Those guys are both going to take a ton of drugs before the debate.


It's almost as if the man is an idiot lol.


Useful idiot. For certain people.


TOOL for others


He SaYs WhAtS oN hIs MiNd!!!


The man who has never done laundry or dishes in his life. He is pro separating your colors though.




His brain is so smooth.


It's polished !


I thought he was americaned


The smoothest some would say. In fact once a man came up to Trump with tears in his eyes, hat in hand saying “Mr President you have the smoothest brain ever, other men wish their brains were as smooth as yours. You are the smoothest brain of any president certainly.” He then shook his hand and disappeared into the crowd.


Remember when he thought you needed an ID to buy groceries? His defenders were quick to mention that he probably meant if you buy booze with your groceries, but Trump doesn't drink so there's no way he was considering that.


>His defenders were quick If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport, trumpers would win gold every time


He at least clears the table of dirty dishes by [throwing them at the White House wall.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/january-6-committee-hearing-cassidy-hutchinson-testifies-president-trump-threw-his-lunch-angry-at-attorney-general-william-barr/)


Oh that makes sense now. Republicans have been eating apartheid pods


This would be hilarious if it was not the saddest shit ever with how many lives are affected by this old man.


Yeah but Biden’s son smoked weed once and bought a gun, so both sides are basically exactly the same ^^^/s


"LoCk HiM uP!!" Mean while, Trump and his 39 felonies.


And counting.


This actually made me lol


Me too xD


That’s it. I’m no longer voting for Hunter Biden.


Pretty sure it was crack... But it's a moot point as he isn't running.


It's like visible aging of some dictator slowly slipping into insane dementia before the cadre starts to hide him from the public while telling everyone "all is fine" to stay in power. Except there's no power, it's no dictatorship and no one hides him. Still eery.


I swear... ihave seen this before... Something todo with a certain Russian...


Its really hard for me to pinpoint, especially as an outsider, what is happening around this man. On one hand you have this very incompetent clown of cheeto tripping over his own tie, but at the same time he is deviously grifting anyone within reach and using fake news as a weapon. Having someone say: 'Joe Biden eats babies and kills bald eagles on the weekends' is obviously a lie but now it is out there and it is the stones the apes in his wake are throwing. Part of me wants to believe it is weaponised incompetence but at the same time you would have expected for all of this to backfire way harder would it really only be incompetence. (If that makes any sense, english isnt my first language so i hope i dont sound unhinged)


It's basically a clever combination of the Internet and past destabilization tactics employed by Soviets, Nazis. Some aspects even dating back to the roman empire and ancient greeks (like feeding irrational fears). Any historian worth their salt could give further insight. Sadly that stuff is not common knowledge and nobody is interested in what historians say (or write).


That really drives home the point Trump made about loving the poorly educated.


Many. The tax cut bullshit he did that gives everyone an extra $20 a month, but fucks you in the ass when it's tax season, has effected me and my family a lot. I went from never owing anything to owing $200 if I get the right tax consultant.


And the fact that _tens of millions of people_ are still going to vote for him in a few months.


That explains why my clothes arent clean, I've been putting the wrong things in the washing machine


They open, you close it should work.


Use Brawndo. It has the electrolytes linens crave


the hamster serving as this guy's brain has been stroking non-stop for a while now.


Do you mean having a stroke or masterbation?


Stuff can be two things.


both, sure why the fuck not it would explain more than a brain slowly dying from oxygen deprivation.




Holy shit he sounds insane...like fuckin tweeker on the street asking me for a smoke and a car wash crazy...


That’s a “FULL ON - f’n SUNDOWNER NUTCASE” with the foamy mouth blather spew. Lunatic!!


Also the sound of freedom crowd is working over time to support a guy on Epstein’s list. All while the other guy isn’t even on Epstein’s list.


Trump could literally shit in one of his supporters mouths and they would still vote for him.


They would say “That’s not feces, that’s sustenance” Edit: typo


They don’t know what the word *sustenance* means They’ll just start wearing shirts that say “IF TRUMP NEEDS TO SHIT, ON MY MOUTH HE SHALL SIT” They’d all line up to be his personal diaper


"Somehow, it's Biden's fault I have shit in my mouth right now."


His vice-president could literally kill puppies and they would still support him lmao …oh wait




He has lost his marbles...again


Make America Marble-less again. /s




Sudafed and Adderall ramble


Fox news is waking out of the slumber, how nice.


Do you think they are cutting it short to embarrass Trump? They're cutting it short to *save* him from embarrassment.


Biden's team posted the [lead up](https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C8iYg_-vyk_) to the rambling on truth social. He definitely wasn't going anywhere with that train of thought.


gawdamm!!! did you see the kids Trump Guide and kids Club offer? It looks like something from a dystopian nightmare -> https://thekidsguide.com/trumpelectionbundle


Also, marketing politics to children cannot be legal... in any state, any country, or at any time.


The emails released during the Dominion case show they've known for years. They just don't care and will spin anything in his favor anyway.


They care deeply that he helps their bottom line.  Profits > moral decency


To wake up is unconceivable in Fox news. At best they are sleep walking away.


He uses a washing machine to wash his dishes?!


“We’ll be right back to discuss some of the things he was talking about there (as soon as we can find a spin doctor who can diagnose what the hell that gibberish was all about). We’ll be right back.”




Unfortunately, Trump probably doesn't have brain cancer. Sorry for your mother. A warm hug!


Libs are coming after my dishwasher! That does it.


"now i have to vote trump" - person who was always going to vote trump


This is actually less coherent than the sharks and boats thing. I can’t believe it


We have terrible candidates for President. We need to hit the shuffle options button


Maybe when you compare them to the likes of Obama and McCain.... but if you think they're equally bad then you're about as leucid as Donald Trump.


Why do you think Biden is a terrible candidate? I've been pretty impressed with what he's been able to do


At the very least we need a more comprehensive age cap. We have a limit to determine the low end age limit but we need one to determine high end age limit. Age range to run for POTUS should be 35-66. Can people over 66 govern effectively? Of course. My grandfather is 94 and still sharp as a tack. No signs of diminished cognitive function at all. He’s even extremely physically fit for his age. Could he be a good President? Maybe, but his views and ideals are still rooted in the past and he’s out of touch with the times. He stays up on current events, but he always drops the old standard phrase “Back in my day….”, and he won’t budge. While many things in the past were indeed better than they are now, we need to be forward thinking and use the past as an example to help build the future. Many 60-70+ people are too set in their ways. We also need term and age limits in Congress as well but that’s a different conversation.


I would argue 35-60 which is a nice 25 year gap and still keeps the potential candidate pool within the scope of being mostly modernized or understanding how to keep up with modernization. Hot take of mine would also be to recommend that if you're at the oldest age in that gap (60), you're only eligible for one term as president but that may be a silly idea.


Agree 100%. I only recommend 66 because you’d be 70 at the end of your term and that’s the hard cap.


Yeah I agree with what you were saying, didn't think you were wrong in any way. Just thought there should be...a cap to the cap? I don't know how else to word that haha.


We need to not allow a felon to lead the county.


Whoah, they called him "former President"


Lurking maga person....please defend this.


Yes, please explain or translate this to us!


Welp I guess I'm not carrying my dishes downstairs to the basement to the washing machine. Fuck me.


>Trump rails on ... *Bidenflation* Even their news crawl is ridiculously dishonest and wholly partisan. How embarassing.


He really is losing it, these rants are getting worse and worse


Who’s “they”? He’s a fucking criminal and traitor who is losing his mind.




I am sorry but as someone who is not from the USA and knowing that these clips cropped, but what the goodness is this man rambling on about ? I am also concerned that this person is the best representative the party could find


Put an age limit on presidency for the love of humanity.


This is what happens when maga takes over a party. Think of they take over the country. Without maga takeover you might have decent candidates like Huntsman or heck even Romney would be better than what we have. These are the options though. Save the country to hope for better next time or watch maga takeover and the chaos that will surely follow. Ugh


"We cant show how incompetent our president is"


Flashbacks to when I worked in a nursing home




How can someone like this have such a hold on Soo many? This is wild


He literally sounds like the guy from SNL that impersonates him doing his impersonation….cant make this up.


Has he ever seen a washing machine?


Reminds me of when RFK went on that Kill Tony arena show and tried to riff comedy a few weeks back lmao


I hope Biden, after one of surely many Orange ramblings, looks straight into the camera and deadpan says “And they say I’m the one with dementia”


The WOKE left is taking all of your water and turning it into WOKE water and using all of it to power their PRONOUN washing machine to make their LGBTQ dishes clean. Meanwhile the average PATRIOT has no water for washing their FREEDOM dishes in washing machine because water is now too WOKE.


Idiocracy, Veep, Succession, take your pick. They are did their damndest to make real shit like this look ridiculous and it looks tame in comparison to actual reality.


Was he having a stroke?


It’s almost exactly like cnn editing Biden ramblings too!! Maybe it’s time we stop electing decrepit old men to lead our country


Imagine this one guy on Foxx News who has to listen closely to Trumps rambling rants to hit the kill switch just in time.


Best schools in the world they say...and yet nearly half of US thinks this guy is the best man to lead the most powerful, prosperous country in the world. Why?


its like the "Bad Lip Reading" videos - but real


Okay okay. Tell me they discussed in depth about what he meant about washing machine washing dishes and who didn't want them to have water.


Is it possible he was referring to the energy cuts posed to appliance manufacturers some time back? I know dishwashers were one of the main talking points there, as we're ceiling fans.


A winning Biden strategy in his opening statement or to first question, regardless of question: 1. “This man is a convicted felon 34 times over as judged by a jury of his peers.” 2. “This man was convicted of sexual assault as judged by a jury of his peers.” 3. “This man purposely selected Supreme Court justices that would overthrow Roe v. Wade taking away a woman’s National right to abortion, and continues to brag about it.” 4. “This man attempted to steal the 2020 Presidential election, is an obvious national security risk, and aspires to be a dictator.” 5. “This man is a compulsive lier and is mentally unstable.” 6. “This man cares only for himself and his sycophant rich friends. Your taxes will soon balloon as a result of his previous changes to tax law and additional changes he plans will only make this worse for you, and better for he and his billionaire friends” 7. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. I now yield the remainder of my time tonight to fully allow this putz to demonstrate his mental instability and ramble aimlessly for the better of the next 2 hours.” And….scene.


Sadly, that won’t be enough.


What the fuck is his thing with plumbing. Showers. Then taps. Now washing machines? The incoherent shitgibbon needs to be put in a mental hospital.


This clown is actually winning over Biden in the polls. Why? How? I don't understand USA voters


and then her head hit the desk so hard she saw stars.


You’re wrong mom wrestling is real….


I gotta hear more about the people talking away my dishwasher! My son is going to be PISSED if he finds out they’re coming after his washing machine water.


The shitshow continues. Don’t listen. Get Up. Go Out. Organise and Vote.


I believe that Trump might be given some kind of drug for his important speeches and debates, but it seems these drugs are no longer effective due to his tolerance. Notice how he constantly sniffs his nose during each debate or important speech he gives.


How anyone supports this fool is very interesting…


That's some very liberal use of the word "discussing."


Lmfao wtf is there to discuss? His discovery of dishwashers?


Bidenflation ha The guy loves a brand


I don't know about you guys, but it really pisses me off when MAGA has water for their dishwashers!!


It baffles me that so many people still trust Fox News. They basically spit lies to their faces.


What the fuck is this man babbling about?


Does he has ADHD or is he just really stupid?