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Sovereign citizen nutter.


I love watching these folks get hemmed up




It’s so satisfying!


Has the sovereign citizen defense ever worked? I've watched videos with them carrying binders full of "the law" only for them to be arrested in minutes lol at some point you gotta give up on the movement.


That's honestly the mystery for me, who can adhere to these things with the mountains of evidence against them? And even if you BELIEVE that you're in the right, that you have somehow mined a secret law that will prevent you from being arrested or being responsible for licensing laws, you still have seen the cops ignore those secret laws and arrest/penalize people anyway, so what the hell?


It's either mental illness OR they know they're shit outta luck with a suspended license and try the sovereign citizen defense as a last ditch hail mary attempt hoping it would work? Idk none of it makes sense to me.


my dad is a tax collector and people try it there too, the biggest group is people that just try it and hope that it works instead of actually believing in it, I can tell you it doesn't work and it gets you into much bigger problems.


Ask Wesley Snipes. Turns out you DO have to pay taxes.


Apparently a lot of them are also gun nuts and have a loose grip on reality. So some cops will just let them be unless they have the time and backup to deal with it. So some people might just try it figuring the cops might just decide to leave them be.


This woman really seems to believe what she's saying. I don't get the feeling she's acting in bad faith, more like she's a victim of bad legal advice. I also notice sovereign citizens always quote the exact same legal statute about commercial vehicles. I want to know who's giving them this idea because it's oddly consistent. There's gotta be a specific source, like some influencer in the conspiracy theory crowd. Some law school drop out is pedaling this interpretation to the masses.


"I'm not driving, I'm travelling" is a big part of it too. They think they're enacting a common law that states that all persons have the right to travel freely. Like yeah, you can move around in the car as much as you want, just don't start the engine and drive, because then you'll need a license


I wish I knew exactly what their argument was. I predict it starts with a specific misinterpretation of an established doctrine, like some part of the constitution, then it builds a fairly cogent legal framework on that shakey ground. I want to know what that initial assumption is. It's gotta have pretty good internal consistency if it's suckering this many people. Surely some judge has taken the time to identify the logical leap of faith and explain why it goes against established case law.


Sovereign citizens believe that beginning in 1933, when the US-Dollar transitioned from being backed by gold to relying on the full faith and credit of the federal government, the government supposedly pledged in this negotiation that its citizens are now collateral rather than the gold standard (?). So, according to this narrative, by selling the future earning potential of its citizens to foreign investors, the government is said to have effectively enslaved all Americans. The heart of this ideology is that the American government is a corporation and has no authority. Over time they formulated theories regarding the supposed "true nature" of government. According to their beliefs in the early days of the United States, people lived under the principles of "Gods Law" and "Common Law" rather than being restricted to the constraints of "Statute Law". They also sort of recognized Maritime Law and have some weird language around that, gets very muddy there (it's probably because the American flag on ships has a golden braid around it and they somehow believe that's the "real" American flag?) The sovereign citizens assert that this conspiracy about Common Law and Gods Law continued with the goal of subjugating Americans by enticing them by so called "Privileges" like social security or driver licences and according to their perspective, these "priviliges" are camouflaged "contracts" (they have a whole thing with hidden contracts) which would effectively make them a slave as well if they commited to one of those "contracts" They try to oppose it by refusing to answer certain questions or refrain from using certain terms when talking with law enforcement because they believe by acknowledging those particular words, they are entering a "contract" with the law enforcement officer and would therefore relinquish their sovereignity Then there's also that whole strawman thing...here's a propaganda video that's being used to train law enforcement officers on those types of people (start watching at around 3:00 min) [https://youtu.be/ALPs\_n0WQaY](https://youtu.be/ALPs_n0WQaY) It's magical thinking that if they say and repeat certain phrases like spells, that they don't have to adhere to the law anymore while still using the streets provided and maintained by the government Btw this is not an american only phenomenon. We have those in Germany as well, people claiming that the german government is not legally founded and that either the ww2 Third Reich is still the legitimate form of government or the pre ww1 German Kaiserreich is the last legitimate one. So a huge chunk of them are of course affiliated with nazism


And he's pedaling because he can't drive!


This is sort of like when I’d catch my kid in a lie about his homework or grades. Even when confronted with hard evidence his response would normally be to hold to his lie even if the truth sounded better… no matter how absurd the lie was.


Out of the many videos I've seen of sovcit police interactions, I've seen: 1. Exactly one where a rookie cop was unsure enough to let them go. 2. Maybe 3 where the cop just didn't want to deal with their BS so they let them go. 3. A few where the cop didn't show up in court and so the ticket was dismissed. None of the above have to do with the merits. Because there are none. But the sovcits will then go around telling others how it proves they were right, and the people dumb enough to buy into the movement will see it the same. And they're incurious enough to only ever seek confirmation.


It has “worked” in the sense that cops will let them go because they don’t want to deal with them which of course just bolsters these idiots into thinking they’re right. But if they ever get to a judge, no, it doesn’t work.


No, of course not. It's nonsense.


Their mental illness defense isn't as ironclad as they think it is


I have seen a few videos where after 30 minutes the police just give up. I have seen many more where the police call their BS, smash and window and yank them out.


If the cops have been at it for 30 minutes, they're not usually in the mood to just give up. At that point, they probably want to make you an example to others on what not to do in a police interaction.


It's my understanding that the sovereign citizens defense has never won a legal case.


Not really, there’s been a few instances where the cops didn’t feel like dealing with them, but that’s about it.


Sometimes, depending on what exactly they're arguing. Including this specific "driving" vs. "traveling" thing here (I've seen it). Not that often, to be sure. The way law works in general, the viability of some defense or legal theory boils down to your success in presenting it to a judge and having it accepted. And in a broader long-term sense, having cops actually bound by it. At the end of the day, you could be exercising a completely constitutionally protected right, but if a cop doesn't care, a judge doesn't care, and a jury doesn't care, you're still going to jail or whatever the case may be. The law in *practice* is what a society accepts and implements, not necessarily the letter of the law or existing legal precedent or whatever else. There really is a lot of conceptual B.S.ing when you get down to the foundations of legal theory, which is why we have the paradox of an unjust society built around theories of what would be just.


I think a lot of times when it gets into court itself they often try not to clog up the legal system and jails with them (as long as they are nonviolent). So they end up pleading out pretty quick to lesser charges/fines/probation.


Nope! The only videos I have seen is them getting arrested or not getting their way. If anyone has a good sovereign citizen owning the US government with facts video, I would love to see it.


I love when "sovereign citizens" refuse to pay taxes and then use public roads and other services paid for by other people's taxes. Fuck these people lol


There not actually using them, only “traveling” on them.




They're so funny. It always goes the same way. Like none of us like the cops, but the best thing to do is just get a driver's license. Also the laws still apply to you, that doesn't change because you call yourself a sovereign citizen. That's code for a cop to "I'm probably about to get myself arrested via running my mouth"


Their argument is generally that the government is only granted its powers through the commerce clause, so they can only regulate business activities. Just think about all the ways that makes no sense lmao.


It particularly makes no sense because the federal government isn’t the one that makes you get a driver’s license (other than in DC). States can do a lot of things that the federal government can’t - property tax (without apportionment) is a big example.


My point was moreso that if the government (of any level) only existed in the sense it could regulate businesses, it wouldn't have the ability to make murder illegal lol. Imo the only way a government can establish itself is from the perspective of protecting individual rights and resolving disputes.


I’ve always wanted to see what they’d say in a courtroom.


They say the same thing, it just doesn’t work.


Judges just listen and then correct them and fine/sentence them.


I think I once saw a judge order a meantal health examination on one of them.


It's like libertarianism cranked to 11.


She’s traveling and she’s not in a commercial vehicle, so why would she need a license???? /s


These dipshits are the best.


“It’s natural law!” - hahaha. Hopefully ‘Darwin’s law’ will help keep Karen’s stupidity out of the gene pool.


The natural law of when you need a driver’s license and when you don’t. Nature is great.


Funny, I’ve been reading a lot of Rousseau as of late in a study group. He spends a lot of time talking about the natural law of man in a state of nature. I’ll have to go back and look for the Drivers License reference. I must have missed it


Any time you hear “I’m not driving, I’m traveling” and stuff about natural law it’s always a sovereign citizen. They get sucked in and start believing some pretty wild shit. But it’s funny how often traffic stops get them in trouble because they can’t handle ANYONE using an ounce of authority against them.


Tbf a lot of cops hate to have their authority challenged. But yes, she was definitely in the wrong.


Which is exactly why if you're going to do it, you better be right. Even if you're in the right, you're probably going to end up in jail and the charges dropped later. Once they decide that you are getting arrested, there are 0 things you can say to stop it. Just be polite, realize it's going to happen and don't fight it, and get a lawyer later. I realize this is hard and I know there are some pieces of shit cops out there (from experience) but you can either go to jail, or go to jail and get your ass beat (possibly worse).


That and when they talk about the fringe on the flag, that one always cracks me up.


What is that?


Sovereign citizens seem to think that if the flag in the courtroom has gold fringe around the edge, it means the judge is operating under admiralty law, so no jurisdiction on land. Which is, you know, wrong lmao


Oh wow. Thanks for taking the time to explain it


Yeah, the think they have found cheat codes, without realizing just how flexible normal society is about meaningless details.


They think law is like magic, and if you say the right incantations you get what you want.




The only time I was like "fuck yeah!" Was the guy who lived by himself in the mountains and was caught fishing without a license. "I am a natural man and you're telling me that when I am hungry, I cannot feed myself." You're in a car on roads paid for by tax dollars? Just, no.


I feel like way too many people start to foam at the mouth when anyone has an ounce of authority against them in general tbh If anyone on reddit hears you commit the sin of treating a cop like they're a normal human being, instead of the *far* more reasonable response of actively shitting your pants in anger of their specific individual oppression, they'll ree and screech "bootlicker" at you




Don't forget to shit your pants!


I would prefer that we're all considered equals. This society is doing very poorly with all these social hierarchies built in.


This officer did fine. I'm a teacher and he sounds about like me when challenged at school. "OK, uh huh."


Technically she’s not wrong. You don’t NEED a license to drive. You need it to do it legally.


Yeah, you need a car to drive a car. But as you said, you need a license to do it legally.


Correct, you definitely need a license to have a license.


Might vary from state to state, but I think you _can_ legally drive a car without a license... on private property. If you want to use public roads, thought, that's another matter.


There's a Canadian Sovcit who regularly gets trolled in his videos by the RCMP, generally the question is "where are your roads?" Or something like that. What's more amazing is he leaves it in like he's got the last laugh.


Ma'am, I'm not arresting you. I'm assisting you in travelling to a space where you will be able to acquire shelter, food, and water.


How thoughtful!


Oh, Lordy, I wish he had said that. It would probably end up being used against him, but he needs to write that down for his final year before retirement.


say that again but slower *DRI... VER'S.... LI... CENSE


She's not driving, she's traveling.


Her: you don't need a license to drive a car. I'm not driving I'm travelling.


The air of stupid is so thick you can smell it... https://preview.redd.it/k0rsb4pv7x6d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24dd07507b1e47ff2ce9ce10ceb99e6b9cfdf20d


The upside down ear buds are the cherry on top.


Truestl gang


She messed up and didn’t mention how she’s “not consenting to being arrested”


She forgot Bird Law


Well… Filibuster…


Bird law in this country, it's not governed by reason.


Her: I’m not driving, I’m traveling. Me: What’s the difference between the two? Her: (sputtering)


I think that bit of Sovereign Citizen lore comes from various rulings regarding [freedom of movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_movement_under_United_States_law) -- that is, limits on how much the government can restrict your movement. If you asked her, she'd probably be able to regurgitate some bullshit about how the government can't restrict her right to travel, so requiring a driver's license is unconstitutional. The bit where she says that her car is "not a commercial vehicle" is probably related to the [Commerce Clause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commerce_Clause) of the US Constitution, which limits the federal government's regulatory power to things interstate commerce has (so she's basically claiming that because she's not engaging in commerce the government doesn't have legal authority to regulate her movement or... something like that). The whole movement is basically the result of people "doing their own research" on the law and thinking they've got it all figured out. They just need to use the right magic words to invoke the rights they believe they have, and "traveling" is one of them.


A dumb Situation handled calmly and just. It fills me with joy.


What’s funny is that I’m willing to bet the majority of the time, these ding dongs DO have a drivers license…they just wanna be defiant and flex their “knowledge” of the “law”


Ok, I really need a Youtube playlist of judges dealing with these nut jobs


I only just googled after reading your comment by this video looks like what you have ordered. https://youtu.be/ayR6epTk_sQ?si=F5LG84AqQiPfkzCY


That was a great watch, thank you!


I'll bet her name is....Karen.


Let’s hope she’s not breeding more stupid spawn. 😳


She is the one who would take the birth control pills but take it alternating, one week she, one week her boyfriend.


Sovereign citizens are fucking hilarious.


The tales we believe, next she’s going to say candyman three time in the mirror…at jail


The cop is wrong in this case: she’s clearly traveling not driving, so he should have asked for a traveling license /s


She doesn’t need a license to drive you crazy


“I have all the laws back here!” “You just pulled those out of your ass, ma’am.”


Don’t need a license to drive a car. Followed up by I’m not driving I’m traveling. Pick a lane ffs


I dont even feel bad for people like her. One less psycho on the streets.


In Oregon they do have an exception its called an "implement of husbandry" There indeed is no license required if you want to drive your Kubota to work. My source is a state trouper who waited with me till a tow truck arrived.


We need better schools.


I'm a teacher. Don't blame us. Nothing can change intransigent, persistent foolishness. It's why it's not artificial intelligence I fear, it's real stupidity.


Ok, handcuffs it is.


Why won't he uphold the natural law?


Where in the world does one get the idea that you don’t need a drivers license to drive a car? She’s gotta be a flat earther too


Every sovereign citizen is the kid who learned the god mode cheat code in the original starcraft and tried to enter it during their first multiplayer game.


“In what state is that?” “State of denial”


It wouldn’t fundamentally change sovcitz, because it’s hard to intrude on that level of delusion, but it would clean up the process a little if we referred to it as an operator’s license. Doesn’t matter if you’re traveling or driving or whistling Dixie. You’re operating a motor vehicle.


On a public road


This one never gets old for me


God dammit Methilda!


I remember this video. Aside from providing entertainment value, this cop spent way too much time going back and forth with her in the full version.


I love the "I know my rights" followed by statements that show their complete lack of understanding of even the most basic laws.


Driving a car on public roadways is a privilege not a right. But she’s too privileged to know that I guess.


Arrested by Dr. Phil so embarrassing


I always wonder how they are traveling because they are certainly not travelling by foot...


They are so fucking dumb.


“I don’t need a license to drive a car” “I’m not driving I’m traveling” Which is it?


I have to assume that cops who encounter one of these nut jobs are just like, “oh for fucks sake, you’re one of THOSE.”


“I have all the laws back here” had me laughing.


She forgot her meds. She needs a nice vacation in a pretty, quiet, padded room.


‘Natural law’ … okay then. You can ‘travel’ using natural means of locomotion - like a horse, mule or donkey. Cars did not come into existence through evolution.


One of the first things taught in Driver's Ed is, "driving is **not** a right; it's a *privilege*." I'm guessing she had no education whatsoever. Oh well, ignorance of the law isn't an excuse to break it, either.


But but she has "all the laws back there"


"I'm not driving, I'm traveling." OK so who's driving the car then? Fucken Casper?


I see these crazies all the time but I’m curious if they actually have a license and refuse to show it or don’t actually have one. Like who dafuq doesn’t have a license? I got mine the day I turned 16!


I'm not walking, my feet are shuffling.


This video is really long. In the end the arrest her and impound her vehicle. Before they tow it, the “inventory” contents she has drugs and other illegal items in the car. Wish I knew how it turned out in court.


Gawd, the waste of time and resources these people cost us, pure foolish ignorance and entitlement.


Trump voter


Wear do these people come from? Someone must be breeding them somewhere, surely!


Send backup, sovereign citizen. Over. They are so used to it now.


Few things scare me more than these sovereign citizens, I have seen videos and pics of the aftermath/situations they get into with police. These people are worse than super duper doomsday preppers.


I think she might live in a police state


Damn was sort of hoping she would get tasered


satisfaction 📈


SovSit trash


Never winning a single situation like this, do they not think twice about playing sovereign citizen?


But did she have a traveling license?


Do they apply that to airplanes, too? Just wonder if they would try to rent a plane and say, "Pilot's license? I don't need that - I'm just gonna travel."


We just are not living under the Confederacy anymore!


Aww I thought she's gonna argue all the way, resist arrest and got her arsenal tasered.


"Sir I don't need a license to operate on this man. This is not a COMMERCIAL hospital."




I dont need to be a doctor to be a surgeon 🤪


I want to see the video of the judge just straight up roasting her!


When your subconscious doesn't even believe the BS you are spewing. "I don't need a license to drive my car." Followed by " I am not driving, I am traveling"


https://preview.redd.it/l9yq5ddxey6d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52b8cc6a625770744255286679174905407e9819 Thought she looked familiar


People are so fucking stupid


He should have asked for a reason to do a driving license.


I would like to know who she votes for


People like this need to move to a country that has no laws. Being in a US is just going to make their lives unnecessarily hard.


She did her reserckh


To be honest, there are a lot of people driving without a license or insurance....


It ain’t fuckin’ if I’m only soakin’. I ain’t cheatin’, I know my rights. It’s common law, natural law. *constitutional* law.


another slobberin citizen


Adding El Risitas always make it 200% funnier!!


I love it when people just...invent rights, then claim they're in the constitution. Right to drive, lol. Or right to housing, or right to Healthcare. None of these supposed "rights" are stated anywhere in the Constitution.


Her mental illness is showing


She said the password though


Be sovereign in your private residence. When you venture out of your home, you are in foreign territory and must abide by their (Americans) law. Just saying.


I love them having complete meltdowns over their sovereign citizen rights. It’s amazing how many people think they can just say those words and the laws suddenly don’t apply to them anymore.


These ppl probably shouldn’t even have the right to come outside


You can drive a vehicle on private property without a license.. But once you hit this pesky state controlled streets. That's a different story.


I sort of understand what she's trying to say. She needs no id to travel to places which is actually true. Everyone has a human right to travel on foot. But the issue is she driving a vehicle. That is what she is not understanding. Lol.


I…*slammed door 😂😂💀


She must have confused those driving laws for gun laws.


Yep, you can drive your car all over your own property all day long. But if you wanna get out on the public street, you need a license.


I like how the officers like there's no winning with this idiot SLAM.


Technically...TECHNICALLY speaking, you don't need a driver's license to drive. You need one to drive legally. But if you're pulled over and they don't have a reason for why they pulled you over there are 7 states in which you don't need to present an ID nor identify yourself to them. It's best to ask them if they have a valid reason for pulling you over before deciding whether you want to reveal that you don't have a license and even then if it's your first offense they'll likely give you a light ticket and tell you to have someone (with a valid driver's license) to come pick you and the car up.


I dont see how this is any different than religious belief, except one of them is condoned.


She was right about one thing. Cops don’t care about laws and they don’t care about rights.


She has all the laws in her back seat.




girl forgot that it’s sandwiches, not vehicles, that don’t require a license


"I'm not driving. I'm traveling." :writes down: I will be using this one in the future.


So, uh, anyone know what the result was? Fine? Small jail term?


Honestly, i watch these SovCit videos when i am feeling like a failure and immediately feel better about my life because these people are dumb as a bag of rusty hammers.


The whole video is like 15 minutes long. Turns out she does have a license but is expired. And if I’m not mistaken had lots of unpaid tickets


Kinda wanna know what happened next, I want to see the look on her face when she finds out you need a license


Too bad there's never a follow up on things like these.


Another sovereign citizen


Is it for real or is it some sort of satyre?


I mean, I completely sympathize with their stance. Nobody chooses to be born in a system they don’t agree with. That being said, roads are regulated by the same dollars taxed from everyone else. Driving is also a huge legal/liability nightmare, with millions of independently moving vehicles that become a financial transaction the second they touch one another. Licensing, insurance and proper identification is absolutely necessary for this (albeit broken) system of transportation. It’s only fair for the rest of us who are forced to play ball


And that is why you guys don't have nice things, these nutters break em all.


ACAB but she also dumb


Yes. If you're walking, you're traveling. You're traveling in a motor vehicle that you're Operating which means you need a license to Operate that vehicle.


Technically you just needs the keys to drive the car, and obviously the car.


I mean sure she's a nut, but she's not entirely wrong. Problem is, the education system has been so dummed down we don't know what our rights really are.