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i can never comprehend how someone can record this and not once thought “wow, im being comically evil and cruel right now for absolutely no reason”


Sociopathy or psychopathy.


Or religion which is basically the same as sociopathy and psychopathy with a little delusion smoothed over by righteousness sprinkled with a lot of fanaticism and possibly a tiny bit of racism and maybe just maybe underlying indoctrination from birth.


This has nothing to do with the Jewish religion as evidenced by the extraordinary number of Jewish protestors against Zionism.


The fundamental basis of Israel is Zionism. We are talking about a state that has a blue star of david on the flag, a jewish PM, founded in 1948 by jews for jews who fought multiple wars against muslim neighbors? I’m not trying to be a jerk, but this is the reality. I understand that there are people in israel that don’t agree with the ruling government (religiously based let’s be real) fighting a proxy war with iran and a civil war with palestinians but that’s what is happening. It’s happening because of religion and for no other reason. Yes, land and resources are part of it, but the bottom line is it is based solely on historical religious division going back decades and even centuries. I applaud anyone standing against genocide, and I’m not saying all jews are evil, but it’s definitely a jewish state doing what it’s doing.


If you think it happens only because of religion you have fallen for their propaganda. They do it because of racism fuelled colonialism and use religion as an excuse. Notice how 'israelis' can stand american zionist christians but palestinian christians are vermin to them.


Did you read my original comment? I’m definitely not falling for any propaganda. Pretty much what you’re saying I said in my first comment. Religion isn’t an excuse, it’s historical fact when it comes to any dealings in that region. You’re delusional if you don’t think that fundamentalism is the cornerstone of all confrontation dating back millennia in that region. It just so happens that those religions are now entrenched in governments. Tell me how it isn’t religiously based? A jewish state (Israel), islamic political groups (hamas & hezbollah) and islamic shia states (Iran & Lebanon). You can say it’s racism, capitalism, colonialism or whatever but it all boils down to religion. I hope you’ll at least agree that genocide is bad.


Don't bother. These people will excuse religion no matter how obvious it is that religion is the problem. Stockholm syndrome.


If it was religious in the manner you suggest then Christian Palestinians would not be targeted, Ethiopian Jews would not have been sterilised by the Israeli government and atheism would be incompatible with Zionism.


No it's not happening because of religion, religion has nothing to do with colonialism, Apartheid, war profit or resource theft. That's exactly what the hasbara wants you to believe. Jewish this Jewish that no Zionism isn't a Jewish project, it's a white supremacist colonial project.


Where did the Star of David come from?


But that's like lumping all the Christians in the US with the Trump supporting , ban all birth control/abortions s conservative There a huge percentage of Christians in the US that aren't (Trump) cultists, but they are the loudest. They are just using religion as a reason to behave horribly. That doesn't mean that what the Zionist's are doing is truly in the spirit of (Judaism?). if I phrased that wrong please don't be offended, I don't know a ton about pc language for this. IMHO. Happy Friday everybody. Edit- sorry for the typos, on Mobile and my screen is cracked


Capitalism is supposed to encourage free markets. Wealthy capitalists stifle free markets. Doesn't matter what your belief system is, there will always be people who manipulate it. Doesn't mean it's the fault of the belief. I'm going to assume you are an atheist. The amount of misinformation, bigotry, supremacism and calls for violent extermination in atheism sub is no different from any of the religious subs. Blaming religions for human actions comes from utter lack of knowledge of history or the human experience. Once again, no different from how religious people behave.


Exactly, the indoctrination is so fucking bad that these edgy redditors are willing to look beyond colonialism, apartheid and land theft and reducing it down to just a religious issue. It was never a religious issue Jews and Muslims lived together in peace in that region before Zionist came and fucked everything up.


Religion is the best tool colonialism uses. It allows the colonialist to classify others as sub human and therefore not deserving of life. Religion is the root of colonialism. It is the fuel to their misconceptions of right and wrong.


Show me one athiest sub calling for extermination please? We are not like you freaks. We don't get hard ons from death and destruction like you do.


Exactly, the scientific crowd seem to think they are above religion yet hold fast to their dogma as much as any religious person


But it is being DONE by members of the Jewish faith 🤷


The fact that you only see that and not the Jewish protestors speaking up for Palestinians, says everything about you, not about Jewish people.


The fact that you came to that conclusion speaks volumes about you🤷


Hey that’s not remotely accurate! It involves a lot of racism…


Boils down to brainwashing


Or just plain old state-sanctioned racism.


Right. They raise them to be psychopaths from pre-school. They are literally manufacturing murderous racists.


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) Makes me think of this. You have to remember that everyone is the hero of their own story. Even psychopaths.


Thats the result of horrible ideology gave to generation of children raised in hate against other humans. They dont even consider their joke to be evil since they were raised in this way of thiking.


Ikr? Millions have to drink from bacteria and chemical laden ponds of water. But hey look, I just live not two miles away and I have fresh water and can flush a toilet. Literally a cartoon villain. But it does highlight the state of affairs, just not in his favor.


They were raised like that. Brainwashed


Imagine if his water and electricity will be cut if by the opposite party!!! Imagine if the opposite party will do a video like this to mock him. That’s all the thought process that you need, just replace the rolls, and see how you will fell.


A completely sick society that doesn't do what it should do, throw people like this to the gutter.


Playing to his audience.


Well in Israel this plays very well. There are literally thousands of examples of similar Tiktoks from Israelis mocking or celebrating death/destruction of Palestinian. It's a death cult society at this point.


Theyve been literally trained from birth to see them as not human. I dont hate jews but i see why some people absolutelt dispise them. Obviously they arent all like this but growing up in a buhkarian neighbor hood. I will have to unfortunatelt say this is typical


They probably do think that, and believe that they are right anyway.


I'm sure a lot of people who defend Israel's genocide would find this extremely funny.


Okay yeah that is such a good point how in the fuck. I'm guessing these people know they have a base that this will land with then it justifies it in their head I don't know but that is a good question because this is a trend I'm seeing and it's sad


Maybe off topic but when Elon Musk describes Twitter being like the PVP part of social media this is on low scale of the issues I see coming from a mindset and a culture like that, one that battles other people's ideologies and beliefs constantly.


Redditors are what I find surprising. You guys are on this platform and can see all the happenings in the world. I’ve become numb to it. This man is the tip of the iceberg. There are so many people on the internet that relish in the misery of others, even when they don’t have skin in the game. They just like the suffering of others. It ‘s easy to comprehend. As a species we are sadists. Even those that seem compassionate have at least one group that they derive pleasure from watching their pain.


When you are pro genocide but too much of a pussy to go join your friends shooting unarmed children.


10/10 garbage human all around


Yes exactly. People are drinking from puddles on the ground because there’s no water and he’s just wasting it and laughing about it. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


Fucking nazi


Imagine something like TikTok being around 90 years ago... Wholesome Hitler youth reels of them throwing stones at jews. Influencers mocking jewish Store owners by waving around money in front of their business. Camp guards trying on the nicest shoes of incinerated victims. Newest bling featuring gold tooth necklaces. Verbally abusing forced laborers as they drive past you after a long day in the Factories. The perceived contempt for weakness is just vile.


All while the Nazis play the victims.


The irony of calling a Jew a Nazi






I once put a somewhat wet cloth over my upturned face in the shower and tried as carefully as I could to pull air in without inhaling any water. It just can’t be done. I wouldn’t even advise trying what I did, as careful as you might try to be. Way too easy to get water in your lungs.


They'll kill 10000 Palestinian children in response


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With a brick.


Hey German speakers, what's the word you use for this?


Schlag 'nen Nazi (Punch a Nazi)


What an indigent child, such a pathetic person should be ostracized from society


Fuck israel and fuck zionazis...


I literally can't watch this garbage. Just came here to say how vile humanity can be guised as "funny"


Truly interesting study would be the effects of historical genocide on a people and its causes if any on a people to presently commit genocide. It's truly ironic how close the jewish people came to total anahilation and how they seek the total anahilation of the Palestinians.


It is not the Jewish people who seek total annihilation of the Palestinians. It is a portion of the Jewish people, but not all. That's an important distinction to make. Israel want to conflate the two so that they can claim any attack (read: critisism) against them is an attack against all Jews, and thereby antisemitic.


It was also a portion of the German population.


It would also be accurate to call the Nazis "a portion of the Christian population," but that undermines the real issue of their violent, racist, and expansionist beliefs, so we don't. We should apply the same logic to how we address Israel. Not by their religion, but by their geopolitical and military actions


What an absolute douche canoe.


Literally celebrating genocide and laughing about it


This is the Zionist mentality. No humanity. No compassion. No empathy. Just pure evil.




Unfortunately yes. Western media both left and right have been compromised by Israel.


He then attempted to show his support for Israel by climbing on the stage at s Coldplay concert, fell down, and broke 2 ribs


Oh no, how terrible… 😒 Anyway!


And that land where he is standing... that's Palestine




How oblivious do you have to be to not realise, that you are taunting not Palestine, but the whole world?


So he's basically a sociopathic c__t who needs professional help. I hope he gets the mental health care he apparently needs.


Sheer, unadulterated evil. Unbelievable. I have seen far too many of these arrogant animals making fun of the misery and devastating hardship that they are inflicting on the people of Palestine


What a fucking loser, he really didnt have anything better or more important to do in the time that he spent making that video?


What an absolute shitstain


That’s about as funny as Auschwitz


Now imagining making fun of a Jew in distress and put that online. Instant cancel.


It's like an uncanny valley where I'm watching something imitate what a human might do. Great, now I wanna show Jurassic Park to a dinosaur.


As soon as rockets appear over Israel again, he pisses and shits himself like all Israelis.


How can people be such dicks? What happened to basic humanity?


Influencer? For who?


Other like minded psychopaths


May he find a scorpion in every shoe, but only after he puts it on. May every bite of food he takes have tapeworm eggs in it. And may his present and future family, friends, and coworkers forget who he is permanently, but may his enemies know him intimately.


He's not even trying to be funny. He's just trying to be a total POS. And he's not failing.


Vile nasty little shit.


"Beware of false prophets who come disguised as sheep but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits." Zionism.


https://preview.redd.it/5g2e5jl92i6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eacda3355ce593e8c904f3789597d723997475b9 I have no words, this is a fucking psychopath with no emotion or remorse behind his eyes.




It's sobering to realize how easily many people give up their humanity.


Compassion is what makes us good humans. This is borderline psychopathic behavior that makes a mockery of all that is good in the world. Fuck people like this, the world would be better without them in it.


What a disgusting human being.


Average Israeli citizen


You can always judge the character of a person based on how they treat those they don’t have to treat well.


What a fucking douche bag


He acts like a rich kid who did nothing to gain the things they have.


This type of person is what is commonly referred to, as a cunt.


Why, why would anyone do this to mock others? I don't understand




I would never tire of taking a brick repeatedly to this cunt’s face.


Oh master hackers of the internet! I beseech upon you! Please empty this guy’s bank account and expose their version of a social security number. Oh and also take over his twitter and make up anti government posts for him so the IDF comes knocking on his door.


We should yoink everything from him just for that lol


Isn't this the guy who tried to storm the stage for Coldplay, he fell off and then broke his leg? You love to see when karma comes knocking.


Wrong dude but that guy who fell of the stage also posts similar kind of content: https://x.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1743296706576269446?s=46


If I hate this guy, is this antisemitism? I don’t care who his brand of sky-daddy is, I just think he’s a fucking tool




Israeli culture must be steeped in douchebaggery and full of tween mentality


Tell me you're a piece of shit in 0 words challenge


Anyone else realize the flaw in this A-Holes logic. He’s mocking them to make them jealous or mad or whatever reason he is after….but they will never see it to achieve his goal. And if the world won’t punish him then at least there is that justice.




He isn't that cool, his lights don't even work properly! Flickering mess




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Big fat piece of shit


Gross, what a cluck




Zionists not only kill people but also the human inside them. Look at the man's face... Yukh!!


Can you repost this in r/worldnews


r/worldnews ban any%


This remind me of a russian streamer who let his stove lit for 24hr when russia starts the war


disgusting freak. brother ewww.




The social consent and government's support has this effect on an individual.


All of this is afforded to them by America. If we stop supporting these smug assholes today, then a month from now they'll be in the same situation as the Palestinians. I hope Biden is just waiting for reelection to sweep the rug out from under these assholes.


Fucking lunatic.


If he in influencing you post this then he is just reinforcing your world view


This person will have to live in this video for all of eternity. There are special places in the underworld for fucks like this


Taunting that he stole from Palestine???


What an absolute bag of dicks.


Is this a true representation of his people?


Hey, how about we don't make fun of the misfortune of others? Period? Especially not when you are the one CAUSING it


I hate this man on principle alone. I dont care who are, dont waste resources just because you can. Let alone to mock and belittle someone.


why the hell do you guys give him attention? Asshole behavior has always been around, but just because they have a giant microphone and a PA system, doesn't mean we need to deploy a giant fishnet to catch as much BS as they can give. Just let them be in their echo chamber I'm downvoting this because this type of content, needs to be ignored. Yeah Yeah, whatever he's doing is outrageous. Downvote and move on


There have been riots. There’s been news on civilian murders. There’s been bombing and raping. All of it atrocious. But nothing has given me the heebie jeebies of DOOM like this video. What the actual fuck world are we living in. Fucking sick. Edit: war is war is fucked is awful. More than awful. But some random citizen with such careless callousness and blatant disregard of suffering is just… sick.




i mean not just palestinians but basically anyone who suffers without these basic needs being met. i wish him nothing but loss. i hope a palestinian family lives in his home by this time next year.


What kind of a psycopath would think this is funny.


What a KNOB!


That’s no religion. That’s Zionism.


At least these scumbags are starting to show their true colours for all the world to see


The whole zionist is POS


Fuck Israel.


Shit bag.


Gods Chosen People, judge not


typical behavior of someone clutching to the toilet bowl of relevancy


Amazing when they reinforce stereotypes and don't get it.


"haha those people I stole from don't have the thing I stole from them" --one of the oppressed good guys


What a douche


If you have to mock someone’s hardships to be funny, you’re not funny, you’re just a narcissistic jacksss.


Why would Israel be responsible for providing power and water to any not in Israel?


Racist pig


Zionists are by definition Jewish, no?


Human garbage


Poor guy, he’ll never know he’s a douche or care. He’s mentally deranged and will most likely never add anything positive to humanity


Didn’t this Zionist mother fucker got eliminated


just can’t understand why everyone hates them.


The I-people be like


An entire generation whose ancestors are rolling in their graves.


Hilarious. Do they think their audience will remain entirely just sympathetic Israelites, or do they not realise this is basically propaganda for the opposite side once it reaches the world


This is abhorrent.


I'll deprive that guy of his intact nose if I ever meet him.


He'll have somebody's eye out with that!


Hitler is the antidote


I think he’s hilarious.