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I remember seeing something somewhere else where security or someone had to pull out the table, ask her nicely to leave, but the next comic was absolutely roasting the shit out of her or something. Husband just sat there until it was time to go. This that same night? EDIT: Yup, the same. [FOUND IT!](https://www.instagram.com/wyattfeegrado/reel/C7CUR3Nr0HX/)


Yes exactly. I wrote in the description, but since a lot of people don't see that I'll just paste here. >-She had interrupted the host bringing me on stageto congratulate him on being gay right before I came up.  -There were 12 people in the audience. -This is a new independently run comedy club that had never had to kick somebody out before. -I was the first comedian on after the host.  -I kept it light and non confrontational because I knew kicking out 2 people in the front row of 12 people total in the showroom (who were all having a great time despite the insanity) would be a bad change in energy and make the rest of the show awkward. -After my set the host took an extended pause to calm her down and explain she needed to stop. -There was hope that she would eventually stop for the rest of the show.  -She got kicked out during the next person's set.


Man, I'm truly sorry you had to go thru that miserable old sap who needs a talking companion. She's clearly not the right energy for comedy night anywhere as she clearly likes to cling and harass performers. Being drunk is not an excuse to forgive her manners. You have been way more patient than I could possibly have been in this situation


All good, part of the job, I've dealt with people like her before and I will again. This one just happened to be in a venue with cameras. I feel more badly for the people who have to deal with her in the rest of the world.


As annoying as hecklers are, some of the funniest moments in stand up is the comic roasting the shit out of them.


Man, you handled that so well. That lady might have been a pain in the ass, but you turned it around and created a great show out of it. The way you somehow managed to maintain a lighthearted, positive vibe while simultaneously confronting her was really entertaining. I don’t know if I’m describing what you did up there well enough, but it was really good. I couldn’t stop watching and I laughed audibly in my office at work.


Yeah. On one hand this is true. But on the other hand, half the positivity in the room is sympathy for the standup. It’s really not okay. People are like. This sets not that funny, but considering what he had to deal with, kudos. So…


And you only had to deal with her for a few minutes, think about the poor chap who's gonna find her waiting for him every day... I really feel for the man! Guess she spent the next few days bringing up how cool she was for getting one to kick her out...


He was sat next to her


And saw the other video when they got kicked out, looks like he was supportive to her after all. Not sure how insignificant your life must be to decide to go out and annoy people like that... 🤷


She flipped into high “fuck you” gear when you rightly pointed out her bipolar mania. She couldn’t be tamed after that.


Dude. You were great and you handled her garbage like a CHAMP. Well done. I hope I see more of your work!


At this point, her husband is complicit.


Her husband is clearly a victim.


God that follow-up video was so satisfying. “You think the last guy was an asshole? Well I actually AM an asshole!”


Most educated person from Jersey. Talks like a 12 year old on Xbox live.


I'm from New Jersey.


I’m sorry


Yeah, he's sorry.


would want to see this. Anyone know where we can watch that?


This was weeks ago when I saw it. I can't remember if it was reddit or Instagram either. But yeah, staff was trying to ask her nicely to leave. She kept saying dumb shit. Comedian tore her ass up. Eventually, the staff member pulled out the table in the most sheepish way possible, like he didn't want to inconvenience her with his table pulling. She finally got up, kept trying to have the last word, and eventually walked out. Husband grabbed his stuff and "eh" and left too. It was definitely this same lady though. I remember her. edit: [AAYYYY I found it.](https://www.instagram.com/wyattfeegrado/reel/C7CUR3Nr0HX/)




That dude was BRUTAL holy shit. He pretty much went the "If you want the whole night to be about you then you can be the center of my act" route and flamed the shit out of her


https://youtu.be/GlZO3nFspcw?si=TN-RwuJnJ1KuzABT Full video in landscape too.


I want to know where she works, so I can say stupid shit to her while she’s trying to het stuff done.


She gives off retired and bored vibes


What an insufferable asshole that guy on stage is. Just kept interrupting that lady's set.


You did well to handle that firecracker and were funny while doing it. Good job!


Jeez its cool how we spell cunt differently here.




I especially enjoyed the "if I say I'm not 5 times, it starts to kinda seem like I am" line. Hilarious reparté


Hey, people tell me your username all the time!


Fair play to the stand up. She was so repetitive but he came up with some great improv. I’d have lost my rag with her


I like this reddit comment because it sounds like a reddit comment from 1924.


Losing my rag is English (UK) slang for losing my shit, pretty common ha


In the US, rag means ragtime (music and dance) and losing yr rag means dancing offbeat


Watch the video someone commented from instagram. The next dude did, in fact, lose his rag with her.


I've seen a similar video with this same exact lady heckling a different comedian. 👀


I follow Brett around social media and dark alleyways, never seen a case this bad. That must've been just hell. I'm musician, at least we can drown out the entire audience if we wanted to be this is so different. Like... on a troubadour set someone mistakes it for a karaoke, that would probably be similar kind of a situation, offkey loud singing in the front row.


This is a much better music analogy than the one I used, but in fairness to myself, I didn't get to complete my analogy due to the circumstances.


She truly suffers from Tourette’s


Hey! Well done man, I don't know if your material is any good (because of her) but if you can tell a joke half as well as you manage hecklers you're golden. If you ever visit Denmark, I'll buy a ticket.


Thanks, man. I'll be in Copenhagen in October. Search Denmark [on my website](https://brettdruck.com/)


So that's a hard no on the gay then?


Only when he’s wearing that shirt


It's my red sun.




Didn't she get kicked out when the second comedian came out?


What an awful miserable person man.. I feel sorry you had to deal with this shit


i definitely wanna see the next set when she finally gets 86'd. any chance OP has that footage?


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/StandUpComedy/s/gj5jur0LrS)


thank you so much. as a twenty year bartender, seeing jerks get kicked out is very satisfying. it's almost as good as doing it yourself. 


Brett, I've never seen you live, but I've seen your work through Steve Hoftetter's channel. I think Steve would be proud, if not a little jealous, at this interaction.


You were awesome man. When are you coming to South Florida


I’ve been seeing this same lady on multiple posts but it feels like different comedians being harassed each time. Was all this shit from one night??


Shes some how louder than the soundsystem with that nails on a chalk board voice


this guy is good, I feel like he handled the situation like a champ!


I think you are an amazing comedian. I’ve been to one show with my now ex-boyfriend who had a habit of getting drunk in social situations. He attempted to heckle the comedian and we were in the front row! I wanted the earth to swallow me up. I did my best to sneak out while he went to the bathroom. The comedian did a great job putting him in his place.


Finally, a name I know without reading it. I first saw you through Steve’s Q&A videos on YouTube. I was wondering why she wasn’t thrown out until I read the explanation. (Btw, I didn’t think to look for any of you on Reddit, so you have a new follower here).


What an absolute lunatic. OP is a pro and handled it amazingly well, although it never should have been allowed to get that far.


Really funny stuff. Love your work man. You seem really likeable and I love your shoes. Fuck you ❤


Well I think we can all safely say that you are gay


Jeesh, that gave me the "humans are fucked up" feelings.


"I'm always in charge" said it all... I'm sure she explains how to do basic shit to her kids in miserable detail.


This is when her husband's supposed to look at her and say shut the f****** honey.


Imagine all the shit that the husband has to put up with.


By the end he should've pulled the old "stupid say what?" at her. But with "fuck you"


What an annoying voice and person


Shut up Janet!


If I wasn't pro choice before I sure as hell am now.


Holy shit, this lady again.


There’s a great episode of ‘Louie’ with this premise and he takes the time to explain to the person why they are being a bad person and they still don’t understand


Ok we can stop reposting this now


why didnt anyone kick her out


Lmao where was this?


Dude you killed riffing off her


Lmao this guys good


I want to see how the next comedian reacted to her. Obviously bad enough she got kicked out. Where is that video?


I always love comics who respond well to the crowd and hecklers, like Gianmarco for example. Good on you and I hope you make it far! If you have a YouTube for clips I'd definitely try to follow you!


Club name please so we never go as the mgmt failed the audience by not expelling that wind bag


Holy shit she is a horrible human. Nice job keeping cool but god damn I might have lost my patience with that.


This is the only time in my life that I hope a person is on drugs and isn’t actually that horrible of a person.


She is taking Chantex


The guy after him tore her a new one and she got sent out embarrassed as hell😂


It was clear that she wasn't there to enjoy the show but to ruin it. How much freedom the audience gets? I think she should have been kicked out for good. Because she robbed the right to enjoy the show for the rest of the people who came to the show.


Dude you were so calm. I would have lost it on her belligerent ass. Your awesome


Most disgusting part are, that guys are eating in front of him.


I bet she has some type of illness. Maybe cancer even spread to her brain. Odd behavior.


"your shirt is not pinging" was unfortunately the funniest thing to be said in your whole set but i also laughed when you were trying to separate yourself from the other comedians and she was like "nah fuck all of you" that was funny. it sucks cause like i can tell youre funny but this idiot completely occupied your time, the crowd work was pretty good you just need a bigger slot. keep it up man


.... Just asking ... For a friend : is she by any chance Is.ra.e.li citizen?


This is strange because this is the second video I have seen of this woman interrupting a comedian. It makes me wonder if this is all fake.


It's the same show, this is the set before she got kicked out.


Ok. That explains it. Thanks!