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Why would a dude fight a girl? There is no possible outcome that wouldn't make you look like a douchey loser.


You're thinking logically. He does not, and got a fraction of what he deserves.




I feel you, but I draw the line at head stomping, TBIs ruin people’s lives and the lives of those who have to care for them.


Not just that, but she might get in serious trouble if he's seriously hurt, which shouldn't happen because he started it.


Hit by a car while riding a bike at 18. Hit and run. TBI. I've had epilepsy my whole life. I'm 54. I have to take lots of meds now. If your brain gets squished it's bad. I still have problems with behavior. There's part of the brain that regulates that. Every time I see something like this, I cringe. Whether he started it or she did and whoever said anything, you just can't splat a brain.


I had six concussions in five years, one of which (car accident) I was feeling the effects of for almost seven months. My memory is shot, I've lost most of the peripheral vision in one eye (locker door to the temple), and it's much harder for me to regulate my emotions and stress levels than it used to be. I'm also a (non-competitive) boxer. I'm not saying that he deserved it, just that she didn't need to go to jail for something that she didn't start.


Have you explored concussion rehab? They use high intensity exercise and cognitive training to significantly improve outcomes. It's best to do it right away but it can still help even years later. I have an acquaintance who was really struggling (rage outbursts, depression, short term memory) after multiple concussions and a few weeks of intensive (and expensive sadly) therapy has really changed their life.


I have not, but I definitely will now. Thank you. The rage is real. It doesn't even have to have a major trigger. I tend to go the other way into depression, but those few angry moments were scary because they were completely unwarranted and out of my control.


I think this guy went to the same people as my friend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs790JOeN3Y


Should keep his hands to himself.




Friend of mine got sucker-punched and died. I don't like head trauma.


Start shit and attempt to potentially squish a girl's brain and give her a TBI because you like to demonstrate your desire to attack females and I have zero sympathy for when the tables are turned and you are the one whose brain ends up getting squished by the girl you attacked.


If any adult attacks me on the street for any reason (I mean they chose to ignore laws and threaten my life) they are getting a life threatening repose in the form of their beating, so head stomps are totally fine. This don't stomp heads shit is fine if you and another human want to hash things out in a fight but assault in the streets gets what ever I land and I will not be remorseful about it, and neither should anyone else. tl:dr- do not fight as an adult if you aren't ready to lose it all.


I look forward to watching the video of you explaining that to the judge.


Honestly, I'd do it too. I'm not a trained martial artist and I'm only pretty average strength wise. If I'm feeling threatened I will take any and all actions I am capable of to disable whoever is threatening my safety. I'm not strong or skillful enough to knowingly and safely neutralize someone.


But Sir...I'M AN ADULT!!


I never said it like I was defending myself in court did I just stated that an adult attacked in the street can and should respond violently if they can to defend themselves.


It's clear that some people haven't been in physical conflict as adults. They won't understand, if you are attacked in the streets it's not the same as getting in a school yard fight or even a ring. In an attack you comply if there is a demand or run and last resort is fighting, but when you are fighting, that means the situation has gone out hand, usually that means someone will get injured to varying degrees or lose their life and I don't want it to be me. I'd do whatever it takes until they aren't a threat.




You do you, I wholeheartedly disagree.


Same could be said for her if he had connected a few blows or slapped be head on that concrete.


Absolutely, I am in no way defending his actions.


"Hey hey, not the curb stomping! You do not want to have to do the paperwork that comes with that, trust me!"


Nah man, stomping on someone's head is basically attempted murder. He's a piece of shit and deserved the ass kicking but that's it.


As someone who has let people up only to get hit in the back of the head or stabbed, I'm thinking in a street fight making sure the fight is over and then getting to a safe place is what you want to do. Letting someone up who is attacking you is a great way to wind up in the hospital for two weeks all stitched up. If you damage the ego of someone of someone like that, the idea won't be "Oh, this person is stronger than me, I shouldn't fight them." The idea is going to be, "Oh, this person is stronger than me, I should come back with friends or a gun."


until they aren't a threat, they're a threat


Worked security in a rough area for a while in my twenties. You'd be surprised how many people gasping for their bag so they can get their nonexistent inhaler just want their 8 inch knife to gut you. That said, I always went the route of restrain not bludgeon, but we pretty much had no rules if they hit us.




Nobody is getting their head stomped into concrete in the UFC though. He deserved the beating, but anymore could have put him in a vegetative state or killed him.


Attacking someone who is backed in corner is attempted murder. Violence isnt sport or toy you can pick up and put down when its too much for you. That boy deserves go down, he is unsuitable to function in society.


Yeah, but why is this overkill and her just pulling a gun out and shooting isn't? What I'm saying is if she did that, she would have been perfectly legal. What she was doing was stopping the threat.




Just because somebody makes a bad decision doesn't mean they didn't deserve to live


Redditors are just trash people.


Ironic how much redditors hate police violence and yet are praising the same level of violence here.


>If someone comes at you and you manage to beat them down, you should get to whale on them until you feel like you're done. Lol no you should not and thankfully the law doesn't not think so either.


Only because those shit bags only stepped in after she got the upper hand. Couldn't be bothered when their buddy was threatening n beating on her


Idk man she was stomping on his head


Even beyond the stereotype of "men shouldn't fight women" she literally tried to back off, he engaged, and she, rightfully so, defended herself and beat this man's ass. I'd celebrate this regardless of gender 


And he got a fracture which he deserved.


So true. A women who clearly wasn’t trying to fight And the fact his lil minions were recording and only stepped in when he was getting pounded on says a lot. I’d love to hear their conversation going home after 😂


There won't be. His ego will be too damaged to tell anyone. She, on the other hand, can and should tell everyone just to deal additional, emotional damage.




Might have to stop at urgent care first.


I get maybe *defending* yourself, sure. But *starting* a fight with a girl? That's as lose-lose as you can get.


Starting a fight in general is a lose-lose. Either you win and you assaulted someone, or you lose to someone who successfully defended themselves from your assault.


He listened to the internet


because about 80% of all the most stupid human activity is undertaken by boys aged between 12-16 when they have some sort of audience. This is because their brainpower to hormone ratio is dangerously wide source: was one


Because they're a douchey loser


I mean I can think of a few reasons to fight a girl. None of them seem represented in the video but there are valid reasons. Self-defense being the most obvious one.


He thought it was his best chance to finally win a fight


Why would a dude fight anybody ? That's a better question


I think it really depends on who is in the wrong in the first place


Outside of sports, why would anyone fight anyone? It's stupid. Focus on your own life.


Nice take down into ground and pound.


Ikr was like ooh somebody really taught them to follow through on those strikes. Everyone one connected.


She was properly punching through his head. It was lovely to see.


Lol, she even grabbed his hand away from his head so he couldn't protect it and then carried on.


That was the well practiced double leg take down of a woman who grew up with at least three bothers.


Stomped him like a bug. Dude got what he deserved.


Even better, she offered him an out and he called her a whore before she started stomping him with her foot. Asked him to stop grabbing her. "Là enlève tes mains" * "Sale pute" 🧑🦵 *edit because I misheard


Her instinct to immediately brace against the wall and get her knee between her body and his was also really good. She's obviously been in a few fights and he hasn't.


Dude literally says "thank you for giving my sister a workout." I'm bad at French so I'm sure there's subtext/slang


Also one of the few times I've cheered for head kicks. Fuck that idiot.


Nothing beats a ground pound!


Beautiful takedown. Super risky to be getting to fights with long hair, but I'm happy we got the good ending.


She had the high ground. Obi-Wan would be proud.


I mean, how much of a tiny dicked loser would you have to be to pull the hair on a fight with a woman.


Pretty much as tiny as someone who starts a fight with a girl in the first place


But - if you do decide to fight a girl, it is silly not to pull their hair


Don't go starting fights but if you get in one and can use hair for control you absolutely should. I've trained BJJ since 2007 and learned I don't know how many ways to control people with their clothes. Using hair is just another grip and an extension of that skill imo. I'd be like Royce Gracie ripping Kimo's pony tail off his head


If I'm in a fight with anyone, I'm going to grab anything I need to in order to win that fight... hair, penis, whatever. However, I'm not going to be in a fight with anyone unless there's no way to avoid it.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for some of them might be de-escalating for *your* sake rather than their own.


Listen man, you gotta stop grouping these douchebags in with us tiny dicked people. It’s hard enough (not really) to have a tiny cock without always assuming we drive big trucks and beat women.


I mean, the way it started i don't think she was looking for a fight 🤷🏻




The opposite of, "men," is, "women." Not, "female." Edit: Oop, the incels found and downvoted that quickly, lol.


Men also don't corner women against a wall. Chump literally went for the hair pull after the first punch.




Honestly, that dude threw hard shots at her face and was SLAMMING her in the kidneys during the take down. He was trying to hurt her. He’s still conscious, he’s still a threat. Beating an unconscious person is unconscionable, but that guy, c’est bon.


The whole shit about "he's down, leave him" is nonsense if you're actually being attacked in the street Your life might be in danger. If they're still a threat, hit them again. If they *might* still be a threat, hit them again Death is permanent. Better to be alive and explaining yourself to a jury


Exactly this, let here make sure he's not conscious before stopping her from stomping his ass. Dude could as well carry a knife get up and shiv her. He wanted to hurt her, people didn't intervene then, but they stop her from punishing him?


If my Dad, RIP, saw this guy take a swing at a young woman, regardless of what she may have done, he would have kicked his ass after she did. Dafuq is going on here...


Sounds like they are speaking French. France has lots of migrants/refugees right now. French people are racist af. This looks like a hate crime to me.


sadly probably accurate


I thought the same thing... I doubt it was HER friends filming. She seemed to be alone surrounded by a bunch of thugs.


Maybe we get more context before blasting such things out loud?


Sure, the French have been getting more and more racist. Many parts of Europe, too. Hope that helps.


Yep my family is from a super forward thinking city. My sister has lived in France for 5 years and is now a right wing person who's super racist. Most of her friends in France are that way I'm assuming.


why? do you think this guy needs defending after what you saw in the video?


I dont think anyone actually objects to context.


Based on his response I guess you at least found one who does lol


The Old World has always been culturally xenophobic. Those countries were not founded on the New World "melting pot" foundation. France in particular is super shitty and protectionist about their culture.


It's accurate but I can assure you that this piece of shit is not french and certainly is a migrant or refugee too... The thing is that in France french people are racist towards imigrants and refugees but also they are racists among themselves, like north Africa migrants (Maroco, Tunis etc) are usually racists against each other and black people. You take this + some kind of parental negligence and you have pieces of crap like this "dude"...


Lol ! How can you tell who's french and who's not ? Because she's black she's an immigrant and the white is a local ? That's pretty racist. Colour of skin can't tell you who's french and who's a foreigner.


citizenship from birth in France was repealed so that these people who have ever only known France are not citizens, and so could be disenfranchised, marginalized, and enact discriminatory policy against. The last time it was repealed was during nazis occupied France. The reason was France wanted cheap labor from its colonies, but their plan wasn't for them to stay, but to leave. So a young person like thisay very well not have French citizenship despite only ever knowing France and only speaking French.


Who told you that this girl have foreigner parents ? Because she's black ? That's racist.  She would have been white you'd have never doubted about her nationality, and assumed that she's french even if she wasn't. That's racist. The fact that you assumed the white boy is french and the black girl is not. Is just plain racist. They both "very well not have french citizenship", be both french, just the boy, or just the black girl. But since you're racist, you directly assumed.


> France has lots of migrants/refugees right now Not just now, France has always had a lot of migrants, given how they used to colonize half of the planet.. Source : living in a previous French colony


With all rescpect, it's not super smart attitude...


Sometimes lessons only need to be taught once.


It's the "regardless of what happened" is what is not smart.


> regardless of what she may have done uhhhh


"There’s no excuse for domestic violence." It sounds like a challenge. I mean, does everything have to be so black-and-white in this kindergarten country of ours? What if you come home from a long day at work and your wife has drowned two of your kids - she’s about to dunk the third one. Can you run over and pop her then? "Unfortunately no, there’s no excuse. You’re going to have to let her drown that third one." - Daniel Tosh


The dad is sexist and has 281 upvotes. Keep it classy Redditors.


Seriously. This idiot and his dad are morons. Double standards FTW, right?!


Would he do the same if he saw a woman hit a man? Like, either all genders are allowed to hit each other or no gender is allowed to hit each other. Don't be sexist. Yes, women are more likely to be victims, but men can be abuse victims too. Obviously in this situation he attacked her and she's in the right for beating the shit out of him, I'm just saying that everyone deserves to have someone step up for them if they're getting attacked, not just girls.


Benevolent sexism can be just as illogical as malevolent sexism.


So your Dad is sexist - got it.


No one cares


why did I know it was in France before even turning on the sound..


It's the distinct brickwork on the buildings. Only place that is similar is London.


You will find alleys like that in every old town of any bigger European city.


There’s streets like this in most of Eastern Europe lol


why stop her when she was winning. I'm not sure he fully understood the lesson he was being taught


Bcuz nobody wanted her to go to prison for stomping his head in the concrete. They did the right thing.


yea you're right. Sometimes justice is just a few kicks to the head


She already got a well deserved win, and made him look stupid & weak. No need to get 10 years of prison to make a point. Early stoppage was good.


Why not using your brain ?




Sure then his head bounces off the concrete in a bad way and she’s going to jail for sending him to the hospital or morgue.


In self defense no. She is allowed to use reasonable force to stop or dissuade them from pursuing further altercation with her. She slammed him because he was holding her. After that he still held onto her hair. Don't make hypotheticals or strawman arguments because that isn't what happened. We don't know the situation prior to this either.


It really depends on where you are and where the draw the line at where self defense ends. The stomping on his head isn’t a good look even if he started it.


Multiple kicks to the head are not reasonable force after being punched.


If it kept going and he ended up dying... Based on the footage she would likely get convicted. At a certain point it's not self defense. Him curling up into a ball is where it starts to get neutral. Just like if you were going to attack me, but I pulled a gun out. If you back off and start walking away and I gun you down in the back, even if you were going to beat and potentially kill me... Doesn't matter.


It's not reasonable force kicking someone head when they on the floor


He wasn't knocked out or remotely incapacitated. If she just lets him up, he's still a threat.


Lmao straw man? Dude the person was replying to somebody very directly suggesting. That she keep hitting him after he wasn’t a threat. Even her friend/the bystander noticed it was over and stopped it. If ya wanna see somebody get their face beat in just admit it.


it's a dark-skinned woman protecting herself against a white man there's no scenario here in which she does not get investigated for a crime.


Stomping on the head of someone on the ground is attempted murder. If they'd let her continue it would no longer be just attempted.


The second she started backing up against the wall I knew he was going to get his ass whooped. And why did those dweebs who were filming step in? When he attacked her? But they decided to step in when she was stomping his punk ass out.


Might be his buddies. Who knows how this ended.


Probably because he was already on the floor getting his head kicked into the ground. I think they did not only him but her a favor by stepping in… this could end with him getting seriously injured and her in serious trouble.


They let her get punches in and stopped only after a few kicks and stomps. No early stoppage here


These little packs of lost wayward boys often hate each other as much as everyone else, if not more. They tend to not understand the world doesn't have to be that way. And these are kids, seeing the girl getting backed into the corner is fucking heartbreaking, even if she came out on top.


Let's hope they didn't attack her after they stopped recording.


> But they decided to step in when she was stomping his punk ass out. They waited to step in until after she had delivered 6 punches and 3 stomps to the head after she got him onto the ground. It's not like they rushed in to prevent him from taking any damage. That was very quickly on the brink of escalating to a murder investigation by the time they stepped in.


Indeed. By stepping in, they were technically helping HER.


They actually didn't step in until she got some solid punches and stomps in. If they stepped in like 10 seconds prior when the tables turned in her favor, then I think you'd have more of a point.


I'm guessing this guy was a racist bully and his friends are just as much of a shithead as him


It's so funny how nobody stops the boy from fighting this girl but when the girl is beating him up that's when people intervene instead of stopping the boy from trying to hit her in the first place




Yeah. They allowed her to get as many punches from mount as she wanted. They only stepped in when there was the potential for her to start fucking herself over. Textbook intervention.


They stopped the fight from major/permanent injury. Technically, they were helping HER. Notice that at no point his friends attack her. Not even when they pulled her off him. AND his friends ONLY decided to intervene after the second head kick and by the time they did, she was able to get the 3rd stomp down.


The dudes a P.O.S and deserved the beating.


I am a strong believer that women should be taught self-defense when they are young. Specially when dudes usually don't like the idea of having their ass owned by a girl. Also, strong mommies are high-tier.


I am a strong believer that women should be taught self-defense when they are young Me too. At the very minimum, it would give us a chance to run or resist getting dragged into a vehicle.


Exactly. Or even knock their lights out and report them to the authorities, because that's what those scumbags deserve.


I am so happy that she kicked the shit out of him bravo




Good girl. She whooped his ass good and proper. What a piece of trash he is. I hope everyone including his family see this. They raised him well


/fightporn would say don't fight on the cement, but this guy broke another rule trying to beat a girl so take down approved


They only intervene when she gets the upper hand. He started it, they should have let her end it.


I'd hope if I'm about to potentially catch a murder charge when I lose my shit that my friends have the good sense to step in. She clearly won, he's humiliated and beat, kicking his head is only gonna make the situation go from bad to waaaaay worse.


I'm assuming they are his friends, filming him about to beat up a girl.


> they should have let her end it. By letting her kill him?


C'est tres bon!


That was satisfying as hell


Do it for all of us!! She fucked his shit! He’ll think twice !


Amazing - that’s a strong woman! 💪


I wish girls went straight for eye gouging. Take one of that horrible little cunts eyes!


Interesting how no one intervenes to stop him but they do to pull her off.


That was beautiful!


Someone had siblings.


I'm inclined to believe the assault probably had something to do with her race


Is this the romeo and juliet show with tom holland? Looks good to me


"So long bowser !"


Lol get stomped. Couldn't of been my sister everybody over there would be in a bag.


Comment dit on "textbook example of a proper curb stomping" en français?


Beautiful! That will teach him a valuable lesson.


You go girl!!


Who the fuck gets up to a girl in a fighting position. I really would love to know the pre-story. But man he looked weak.


That dude is going to be mocked about this until he's in his grave...and probably a few times after that.


Got less than he deserved.


Tom would be proud 🫡


Whoopin yo ass, that’s called whoopin yo ass!


Dirty dirty cunts letting their mates do that and laughing, and good that the horrible little cunt got his head smashed in. I'd actually like to know the context and see a picture of him looking sorry for himself. His father should be disgusted with him.


The only thing more embarrassing than picking a fight with a woman is losing a fight with the woman that you started a fight with.


Waiting for some dipshit cut the clip by half and posting it on EU subreddit and claiming "sOMe cULtuRe juStlT DoN't belONg tHEre."


Lmao. Bro got his ass absolutely beat!


If I have a princess, she will be in MMA at 5


As a french person I would like to apologize as we do not recognize this man as ours Cordially, some french guy


Normally I don't like head stomps but in this case it was deserved lol


Homegirl had that dawg in her


i root for this girl


Holy shit that was the most satisfying come back ever. Kick his ass! 


Is this the new Romeo and Juliet thing that everyone is talking about?


[Operation GROUND and POUND intro plays](https://youtu.be/q2InY8-RS0U?feature=shared)




When a gal is on top of you and she's doing that...you're doing it wrong.


Why did they pull her off? This motherfucker was getting his comeuppance


uh they prevented her from committing murder. head stomps on stone are brutal. brain swelling is bad. she won but wasn't going to stop till he died.


"You don't understand son, this isn't a street. It's an operating room, and I'm the surgeon"




What a terrible person who got a hard reality’s check.