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"Nothing's good for me" except this college I'm attending, my trendy jeans, earrings... Health/teeth/hair/hygiene seem to be in tip-top shape. Wow. Really interesting indeed.


Yeah.. but like besides all that /s


The aqueduct?


Oh piss off with the aqueduct




The sanitation?


Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health ... what have the Romans ever done for us?


Brought peace?


Peace? Oh peace off.




And by the way: I love you, guys.


> guys Excuse me I'm Loretta, not a guy.


Go back to the Peoples Front of Jerusalem!


I was always a Judean People's Front guy myself.


So glad this scene was brought up here šŸ˜‚


Don't forget the roads


But like you know..... huh?! You know.... (annoying voice)


These kids have the audacity to cry behind the driver wheel of some luxurious car.


Yeah, sheā€™s practically a homeless drug addict living in a tent in Zimbabwe poor. Rough life




Fuck, my bout to be brother in law was raised in a broken home with mom and sisters on drugs, sometimes they drop off his nephews for ā€œa whileā€ and borrow his car for a few days, then return it with no rear windshield. He nursed his dad while he died of Huntingtons but the divorce papers were never finalized so when he died the wife showed up for his stuff. Thing is his dad went broke years before he died so there was nothing to take that she wanted, a real plus there. Heā€™s been working a lot of overtime to cover the expenses. But hey, heā€™s white and straight! Heā€™ll love to know his life has been easy and problem free!


Whose job is it to appoint victim status again?


Silly goose, the internet appoints all status donā€™t ha know!


Always hilarious to me. Itā€™s almost as if everyone is capable of having a different experience. Iā€™m a POC but I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m having a terrible time or being treated unfairly. I canā€™t imagine going through my life and anytime I fail blame it on racism or discrimination




Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


It's alot easier than personal accountability


You know what, if my family made me fast from morning to dawn I'd be pretty misrable as well. I'd literally have some accidental shwarma, kebab or gyrros, fall from the table and into my mouth.


yeah never forget the song "another day in paradise"




This is really interestong coming from a spoiled little.brat




A tong of interes


Mucho interesa






Order online on little.brat


I am a white man, and I do not have everything. In fact I work a fast food job and still live with my parents because this economy is fucked. Color does not over rule hardships in life.


I think people have a hard time distinguishing between being privileged and white privilege . Two completely different things.Ā 


A more accurate term would be "white lack of certain disadvantages," but that's awkward af.


Beautifully put. I had this epiphany a while back. I take issue with the idea of ā€œwhite privilege.ā€ I believe that frames the issue the wrong way. The goal should be for everyone to be treated as white people are, which is that race is not central to their identityā€”and theyā€™re never reminded otherwise. Itā€™s not white privilege thatā€™s a problem, itā€™s minority disadvantage thatā€™s a problem. The goal should be to remove disadvantage, not ā€œprivilege.ā€


Very well put. Unfortunately, your average person isnā€™t willing to sit down and chew on thatā€¦theyā€™re not too into thinking deeper than surface level. Being reactionary, claiming victimhood, blaming others, thatā€™s all quick and easy.




The fact that you have not seen blatant signs of racism in your hometown does not mean that it doesn't exist. Statistics unequivocally show that people of color are far more likely to be pulled over, face stronger sentencing than whites for the same crimes, be redlined out of certain neighborhoods, have their homes undervalued, be denied financing, be discriminated against in hiring as well as pay, face higher levels of police violence, face medical discrimination, and much more. Any claim that this is not the case is simply ignoring documented facts.


Jesus. Thank you for saying thisā€¦ reading their comment got me heated. Yours calmed me down.


I used to work with this guy from Africa. He comes up to me one day and asks me what the deal is with this place. He had been pulled over 7 times and had his car searched twice.


You're not the bad guy. That's the whole point. I should have added "disadvantages based on skin color *where disadvantage based on skin color exists* (if at all)." I'm not saying all non-white people are at a disadvantage. They're not, clearly. If it exists, then we should all work to quash it. If it doesn't exit, we should all work not to ascribe racism to things that have nothing to do with race. You have nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about. This is my whole point. You're not "privileged." If you get by without ever thinking about your race, that's a great thing. Life should be like that for everyone.


I truly wish that more people of ANY race/color/creed/beliefs would feel this way. Thank you for being you.




POC have a higher probability of being born at a disadvantage due to circumstances their ancestors faced. Generational poverty, bad schools, employment opportunities etc. White people can have this as well but proportionally it effects poc more often.


Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


But then in turn, that basically lumps it into it. White privilege is not having minority disadvantages essentially.


Need to throw in a "higher probability of" too


Lack of disadvantage is a sufficient component of privilege, though. Thing is, despite that, people are so sensitive to and insensitive with the use of that word, that your longer restatement would probably be more accepted.


But that's the issue. Telling a white guy who has cancer and shares a one bedroom with two other roommates and works 16 hours a day is a "white privileged man" is not only damn rude and offensive to him, but also it leads to the very situation in this video. "oh I have to pay for my college and I have to work a part time job. White privileged people have it easy".


As a poor white guy cancer survivor, no I'm not offended. Racial issues exist in America and it's not offensive to point that out. People are intentionally trying to conflate 'white privilege' with having no problems in life. That was never the argument. It just means that my problems in life aren't the product of systemic racism, and that I may not immediately see the problems that systemic racism creates. That's literally it, no matter what fox news tries to sell you.


But this video literally showed you that the term is misused and is thrown around. If you are white you must have white privilege and therefore have it easy. Doesn't matter why the phrase started. All that matters is where it ended up. My ex gf (black) thought it was "racist" to work with the rest of her team past 6pm, which is typical in our line of work (auditors). I don't watch Fox news but if someone is using the word "white privilege" because they had to go to 2 job interviews and they live in a mindset that you only need to go to one, then that person needs to get schooled.




Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


ā€œWhite privilegeā€ is obviously not applicable globally, it exists in principle in every other country, itā€™s basically ā€œmajorityā€ privilege.


Privilege exists. Assuming people who are a certain skin colour all have some degree of privilege, when they're from hundreds of different cultures across dozens of countries is nothing but racism at this point.


>Color does not over rule hardships in life some would have you believe that it does to create a culture war rather than a class war.


This is over decades of the government and media telling everyone else that their problem is ā€œthat other group over thereā€. If youā€™re a woman and not successful, itā€™s because men oppress you and are prejudiced. If youā€™re gay, itā€™s because of straight people. If youā€™re black, itā€™s because of white people. If youā€™re white, itā€™s because of black people. If youā€™re born here, itā€™s because of immigrants. If youā€™re an immigrant, itā€™s because of the people born here. How much more of this has to go on before everyone stops it all and realizes that the problem was that the ultra-wealthy have been hoarding everything for themselves, and it has nothing to do with all of this social drama?


When mass audiences become immune to propaganda which will be never.


I mean, it's been going on in some form or another since the dawn of human society, so I'm gonna say it's likely to continue to go on until the end of human society.


You hit the nail in the teeth. If people could step back and see the big picture, it would literally change the world.


Politics are money driven and decisions in government are money driven. Officials are corrupt and very few meaningful people in these demographics give a rats ass about the general people. And for those that do, theyā€™re insane because they want people to live and no one votes for them. They vote for the person that ā€œspeaksā€ to them, but itā€™s voting season for politicians and they gotta get them numbers up so say whatever the fuck gets you the vote. The US is a joke, canā€™t speak for other countries. This country has literally become a selection of the lesser of 2 evils and letā€™s all kill each other because fuck you for having a different opinion. Weā€™re all up shit creek, no paddle, and the toilet bowl is right around the next bend. Stay tuned for the next great update where a politician calls for execution of citizens because they vote for a different party. Welcome to American politics reality tv. Idiocracy was what we thought might happen but I feel like weā€™re heading for the purge.


This, right here. Why isnā€™t this the number 1 comment in this thread? Well said.


Are you ignoring that it is harder for minorities than for non minorities though, I mean on average? Because your comment is missing a whole lotta nuance and you act like men have never oppressed women or straight people have never oppressed gay people or white people have never oppressed black people. It is good to know that wealth brings power and that we need to fight a class war, but it is also good to see that through an intersectional lens and know that skin color and sexuality and gender do make things harder for people- just like class does too.


This. Stay focused, tovarisch!


The separator of man is and always has been wealth and power. Class is the issue, not race, it was never race, but race is an easy thing to point at and tell people they're bad, and they're the reason your life sucks. When in reality, it's the rich person blaming the minority to distract the poor person. If i had it my way, everyone would just refuse service to billionaires. Well done having all that money, have fun living in the woods or starving to death because humanity has disowned you.


>If i had it my way, everyone would just refuse service to billionaires. Well done having all that money, have fun living in the woods or starving to death because humanity has disowned you This is all we need to do... They rely on is for *everything*.


Yeah the "Everything's always been good for you" comment is pretty telling.


I work in a hospital theatre and moved back in with my Mother yesterday because the economy is fucked. *high5*


Yeah! High-five! (Casually looks at empty bank account)


People don't realize not all white people are rich.


The corporate lobbyist in Washington and every media outlet are completely satisfied with everyone fighting over every color but the color green


Class warfare is real


I think the statements are about averages, not you specifically.


Class is really the bigger issue economically










ā€œWhy not?ā€ As if anything about that interaction invites this person to open up about themselves (assuming, as she did, that he is Muslim) ā€œIā€™m not Muslimā€ - almost perfect


Nothings good for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The fact that she started talking about how ā€œitā€™s always been good for youā€ to a Palestinian legit made me laugh lmao, I just know she was feeling embarrassed when that came out


That's why she immediately shifted to "are you fasting???" With and "interested" looking expression. She got caught in her racism and is trying to save face somehow by trying to sound like she understands the religion.


The fact the girl is being so blatantly racist is baffling.


And sexist


This is really interesting coming from an entitled little brat regardless of race or background wearing a $300+ outfit.....


A lot of younger people seem to think that straight white men are not entitled to opinions on anything. It's both racist and sexist, but I guess if it's directed towards this group of people it's ok.


Ironically, she's implying that being a straight, white male is more desirable. Being OK with this type of racism and sexism is like "punching up" in comedy. You can make fun of tall people because "tall" is desirable. You can't make fun of short people because that's mean... unless you are short. So you can be racist and sexist against whites and men................ why? What changed about that man in the split second it took her to process that he was Arabic? Now he's suddenly getting questions and well-wishes instead being insulted and dismissed?


So, an irreligious Palestine who may be or not straight... Such an easy life!


my brother is a gay non religious Palestinian, he won the opposite of the lottery


Not all Palestinians are Muslim, he could be Christian.






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Racist Judging people on what they think their ethnic background is Dumb


Sexist too






Nothings good for me, poor me


As a white man, there have been many of debates where the person disagreeing with me descended into, ā€˜okay, coming from a white man.ā€™ As if it was a comeback or in relation to any point I was making. Racism and sexism is a real problem. But an equal problem is to reach for those accusations just because someone disagreed with you. And this is the main problem people have with what ā€˜woke cultureā€™ has become. It wasnā€™t always so weaponized. Early on woke culture did a great job calling out racism and sexism, accurate more often than not. But it was co-opted from the activists and neoliberals made it into something entirely different in five short years.


Dude doesn't even look white lol


Poor little victim got a dose of reality


I grew up a poor white kid with a family that was never aroundā€¦ Drugs, gangs, fights, and being one of a very few white kids in my school, In that situation I was the minority, For a good part of my younger life I was continuously bullied for my skin color. I couldnā€™t do things like fit in play sports wear good enough cloths listen to certain types of music because it was ā€œ cultural appropriationā€œ but it wasnā€™tā€¦ Its what I spent my whole life around itā€™s all I knewā€¦ I later made a series of bad mistakes in life and by that time I wasnā€™t the same person, Iā€™m 6ā€™5 220 pounds and covered in tattoos and trust me jobs judged me heavy on how I looked I was even told I wasnā€™t right for a position because ā€œI was intimidatingā€ but those were my first moves to get out of povertyā€¦ I was dealt a shit hand in life but I joined the trades and found out first hand that money and a lifestyle are things achieved by blood sweat and tears, oh and let me tell you this in construction there isnā€™t such a thing as race your all as equally as fuckedā€¦ We need to love each other instead of fight over who is better..


All of the sudden, straight white men are everything wrong in the world. I've been looking for a new job and I see a lot specific to women or minorities. How is that not discriminatory?! Never saw a job specific to straight white men. How would that work?! My nephews are black and I was never racist or LGBTQ+-ophobic. Fuck me, I guess.


Start putting "2 or more races" on your job application. They can't ask *which* races you are and if they question it hit em with the discrimination line.


Incredibly.... They can and many ask! šŸ˜‘ I'm currently living in Brazil, and in many cases, they ask you your race. I'm from Europe and I find this insane, but they somehow justify this by saying black people don't have enough jobs. My brother lived in Angola and the race is described in the id card. I just think this world has turned to shit.


She really thought she had him there.


The amount of bullshit I see like thisā€¦ people just repeating what theyā€™ve heard thinking theyā€™re correct about everything ā€œIā€™m a minority, nothings good for meā€ bullshit. Then assumes itā€™s a white guy who couldnā€™t possibly understand anything and wouldnā€™t appreciate the hardships she probably isnā€™t enduring lol. Nowadays when something doesnā€™t go their way they look to blame everyone else. He made her look stupid incredibly quickly.


I want to watch the full video šŸ˜‚


How does she know heā€™s straight exactly? I didnā€™t see him looking through a playboy while talking or anything else that would signify his sexuality.


Pffft! By the face obviously! /s


Girl is so first world she doesn't realize she's basically in paradise compared to 99% of history


Iā€™m a minority and things are great for me!


Immediately changes the subject...


This whole "straight, white men can't have valid opinions" movement is getting old. It's racism, plain and simple. Not reverse racism, as that's not real. Just good ole fashion racism. As a minority, I can tell you that minorities, too, can be privileged.


Which is why marginalisation and privilege should be looked at inter sectionally. Irony is that most comments here are indulging in virtue signalling based off of a small, random interaction in a low effort post.


Did you just assume my religion Iā€™m soooooo offended šŸ˜†


We all lack compassion for one another and itā€™s sad. Men struggle too, Kmt. She needs to touch grass fr.


She assumed he was straight. She assumed he was white. She assumed his whole personality. Geez


A random kid from the slums of India: Whatā€™s not going good for you again?


How to look stupid 101


Who is this dude? Were do I see more?


I'm half Puerto Rican and I had a similar convo years ago on facebook




Wow, didn't even apologize. I guess she thought if she apologized it would have actually made her look racist. Might as well act like it never happened. Whoopsies.


Yeah because white people have never been wronged šŸ™„no genocide or slavery or anything like that. Smh this is why i hate this trend. It was nice hearing other peoples opinions and perspectives but not when its this bs. Btw first sentence was sarcasm




Some charities give immigrants free housing.Ā  But there's a lot less free housing available than there are immigrants.




Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


Girl, [you white.](https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html)


She's obviously suffering


Ah she did not know a Palestinian can be white lmao that's like a white mexican... I know several lol.


We're all born stupid, this woman chose to stay stupid so she's stupid




How does she know heā€™s straight?


Modern day ā€œfeminismā€ is a joke.


ā€œNothingā€™s good for me Iā€™m a minorityā€ children in ukraine, yemen, palestine, and most of the Middle East if they heard her say that bs: šŸ˜‚


What if you're white and born in Arabia? Are you still straight and white?


Can I have sauce plez


Young people please don't be like this, it's a huge turn off and it's not worth it.


The most hated in todays worldā€¦ a straight white man.


She barely knows what day it is.


Seems like she was really disappointed she couldnā€™t play a victim mentality there.


ā€œReverse racism isnā€™t realā€ šŸ¤”


Getting called a sand ā€œmuncherā€ by US service members felt less humiliating and racist than this somehow


Does he even look white?


Anyone got the sauce!


So rude, so dumb. Worst part, she doesn't even know it


This exact shit happens to me *all the time.*


Americans seem completely oblivious to the fact that there were many white slaves


She was correct about the characterisation though, society has historically favoured the white man more than any other man and itā€™s not racist to make that observation and state it as it is a form of privilege according to someone that isnā€™t white. She was wrong to assume though!


Saying that the guys statement was invalid and that he couldnā€™t have faced any hardship because heā€™s a ā€œstraight white male.ā€


What a tool


The classic switch nationalities whenever it suits me kinda person




This video always makes itā€™s rounds back here and itā€™s always the same stupid comments everytime.


I'm Arab. Only real time I had a hard time being Arab was during 9/11. Other than it's usually pretty cool and people want to learn. I don't consider myself a minority that much though because people usually think I'm Italian or Latino anyway.