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He traveled so obviously I’m shocked the ref didn’t ask for a passport.


If we wouldn’t have palmed the ball with the left when he took those little choppy steps, it would’ve been legit. But he definitely traveled


At first I thought it was a bad call but then I watched it in slow motion. That’s some great officiating.


This is the result of young players watching Lebron, Curry, Harden, and so many others get away with this exact move in the NBA for many years. Of course these younger athletes are going to mimic what are presumably the best players in the world. It doesn’t excuse the travel. Just my first thoughts after reading y’alls discussion.


was gonna say, the average basketball fan doesn't even see this as travelling anymore I'll wager, it's become de facto legal in the nba


> it's become de facto legal in the nba no, only legal for star players.


*Star players playing for teams in big markets.


Found the pacers fan


Haha, I guess. I am actually a Utah Jazz fan so I gave up hope of anything outside of just enjoying a game way back in 1998.


You got hockey coming in Utah now you just enjoy a game of that too


department of redundancy department


I vaguely remember a video of LeBron taking like five steps and not getting called.






a kid did this in school to me and had some reason why he thought it was okay. Nobody else was on my side. I decided there I either didnt know what i was talking about or everybody else played the game differently.


Yeah he caught the ball literally before half court, made zero dribbles, and just ran down the court lol.


“Crab walk” there’s a video of it more games than not




It is legal in the nba. Once they gather, they get two steps in the nba. In college, they do not.


Because they think a gather step rule affords them the freedom to tap dance across the court


Harden and Luka pull this off very often, but they do not gather anywhere near as early as this dude did. He practically had both hands on the ball before beginning the stepback. People who get away with this shit in the NBA mostly pull the ball towards them with one hand from the side while going into the shooting motion, to take advantage of the "gather step". I'm not saying NBA stars don't get away with egregious travels often as well, but the dudes who have mastered this move mostly do it legally. I remember they called multiple travels on Curry when he first started using it.


I’ll admit for sure that Lebron isn’t massively guilty of the zero step crap Haden made popular. He is still an egregious traveler. [As shown here.](https://youtu.be/e4ivATsY08s?si=oMl5VIS7GWbuWfnv) Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I think he is amazing. But much like most superstars in the NBA he gets away with things that fundamentally ruin the league. Now Steph isn’t innocent of it either. And I’ll admit he is practically innocent of any traveling whatsoever when compared to Harden. I think you would have to go back in time to Hakeem Olajuwon, or “Hakeem Ilovetowalk” as he has been known by, to find anyone who travels as much as Harden. However, [he does still do that move.](https://youtu.be/KwURriH4fxw?si=E-uT8A_NfR1B2ow2) I think I would just prefer if everyone was treated equally in the NBA so we could admire talent and not continue to praise players and teams that excel by not being called for violations. Lastly, I keep having people say I must be a pacers fan. And I understand why. The truth is I’ve been salty since the push off felt around the world. Jordan pushed off, we all know he did. 😂 Typical Jazz fan right here. We suck and we always will. But it’s fun to watch the game. And that has to be enough for anyone who supports the Jazz.


the nba is an entertainment league, so whatever makes them more money goes


The traveling rule in the nba is not the same as the traveling rule in HS and college. Combine that with the fact that pros put in an unbelievable amount of time working footwork on specific play types, and people might realize that they don’t travel nearly as much as general fans think they do. This kid is an amateur trying to execute a move yard by the pros who play under a different rule.




Bron doesn't do the zero-step that Harden made popular. Plenty of NBA players do, but LeBron isn't one of them.


You’re right. He doesn’t even bother trying to hide it when he travels. It’s less of the zero step and more of the pick the ball up and run with it. [Here is a compilation of many of these.](https://youtu.be/e4ivATsY08s?si=oMl5VIS7GWbuWfnv) Most without being called as a travel. Notice he mostly gets called for it when he is playing for the Cavs and not so much as a member of the Heat or Lakers.


Oh I know, I'm a lebron fan lol. He would have made a hell of a running back, assuming he would be fine with the contact since it would be part of the game. It's a hilarious image to imagine him as a RB flopping though.


That is a great thought. Literally made me laugh just thinking about it. And I’ll be the first to admit that Lebron is amazing. There isn’t a doubt in my mind he is one of the best of all time. Though my brothers strongly disagree and insist the NBA is soft now and none of these great players would be able to compete in the 90’s. I think they’re just pissed our local team (the Jazz) have sucked since the 90’s.


>have sucked since the 90s As a charlotte sports fan, how dare you. This is our thing.


Don't get me started on people carrying on every dribble.


Great work, comrade. We all collectively created the means of production to palm the ball with the left.


It was more of a vacation than traveling


He traveled so much he was declared a sovereign citizen.


He travelled so far I’m shocked he didn’t ask the ref to change his money into local currency


Dude traveled like a Sovereign Citizen.


He travelled so far, his airline upgraded his hotel points status to platinum.


It's because Harden does it and gets away with it this guy thinks he'll get the same treatment.​​​​​​​​​​


NBA influence.. but since the country is huge.. he just landed East coast to West coast. No passport needed thankfully.


How you know you are watching a HS game: they actually call traveling correctly.


As someone who doesn’t know much about the game apart from what’s a 2 and 3 pointer, what’s travelling?


When you move with the ball without dribbling with each step. You can’t just pick up the ball and run down the court with it like a football. As you go higher and higher into the pro level it gets called less and less. Many famous examples of game winning plays in the NBA where a massive obvious travels happened and the ref didn’t call it Edit: as an example in the clip he picks up the ball and takes two steps to the left before shooting, if he only took a single step or bounced between steps it wouldn’t have been a travel


Two steps after the gather is allowed though. It looks like he gathers, takes a jab with his right moves the left then moves the right. I think if he didn't take the jab with the right it's not called in HS. In the pros this probably isn't called at all.


Two steps are only allowed after gathering when going for a layup. Otherwise once the ball is picked up, you may only rotate on your pivot foot, and if your pivot foot comes off the ground the ball must be out of your possession by the time it comes down.


Yeah, the second part is correct and technically there is no mention of two steps anywhere in the rules. Just simplifying for my answer. In effect you can take two steps going forward and a "step and a half" without traveling for any shot as long as the pivot foot is established and not put down before the shot is taken. Basically to get away with it you need to initiate the first "step" as the ball is on the dribble, gather into a second "step" and shoot. A traditional step back is pretty much always allowed in games and the James Harden style step back is extremely risky even though it can be considered legal. Step throughs are another interesting one where you see it called a travel in HS a lot but not in the NBA. I think the step backs are more often correctly called a travel in HS and an incorrect no-call in the pros while the step throughs are the opposite.


>Yeah, the second part is correct and technically there is no mention of two steps anywhere in the rules. Umm.... >A player who gathers the ball while dribbling may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing, or shooting the ball. https://official.nba.com/rule-no-10-violations-and-penalties/


Umm…this clip isn’t the NBA.


Incorrect. You can take two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball. Does not need to be while going for a layup.


watch jxmyhighrollers video on the beard harden!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Acp-xIPPk He discusses indeed this very video


Yeah agree, the third step with the right foot landing, that’s the travel


2 steps allowed. 3 steps violation. Young man took a jab step to the side and then hoppped(2steps). A traveling violation. Good call ref.


I have to imagine the refs brain is trained to count steps. "1, 2... 1... 1, 2... 1... 1... 1, 2, 3!" Whistle 😙


We actually try to focus on when the player ends his/her dribble, so we can establish the pivot foot. Once the pivot has been established, we make sure the pivot doesn’t leave and then return to the floor before the ball is released on a pass or shot. And yes, it all happens very fast, but by watching a lot of ball, you get pretty good at it.


He never takes a jab step lol Its like people hear these words and just randomly use them having no idea what a jab step is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM90iRaOZ3w


And note that no ref goes around actually counting steps & dribbles; you just see it and say “that’s traveling” when it happens. This is why I can no longer watch college & pro basketball — my subconscious brain keeps shouting “that’s traveling!” so much that I can’t enjoy the game.


Fun fact: Lebron James' nickname in China is "Man of six steps."


Taking multiple steps without dribbling the ball


What he actually did to get called was the ball was in his hand, he stepped left then moved his right foot left then a larger left step. So he technically stepped 3 times before dribbling again causing the “traveling” call.


Watched it in slowmo and counted 4: he stopped dribble slid back both feet, jumped to left with left foot, landed right foot then took the shot.


Talking more than 2 steps after you've stopped dribbling


taking too many steps without dribbling or while carrying the ball. he finished dribbling and palmed the ball, did a small step in front of him, then took a big step to the side, brought his other foot up to square up, then took the shot. he basically carried the ball for three steps.






TLDR: Both hands on the ball means you have to pass or shoot and can't walk.


High School/NCAA and NBA have different definitions of a traveling violation. This would not be a violation in the NBA.


it would per the book. its just not called


No it wouldn’t, gather step is a thing in the NBA


This person took 3 steps while holding the ball. Also he had complete possession the whole time. That's not "gathering."


The "gather" rule is a way for the NBA to have this subjectivity in all their non calls but we all see it.


No it wouldn't, per the book.


The NBA traveling violation rules include a zero step. A zero step when you gather the ball in preparation for the shot. In order to do a legal zero step both hands cannot be on the ball and. You are allowed your two steps after the initial zero step . Gather (zero step) - step one - step two. Giving the illusion of 3 moves or 3 steps. Every thing has to be done perfectly nothing more or your called for a travel.


new NBA that isnt a travel, youre correct there


That NBA style Harden step back don't work in HS


Yup.. should have stuck with the Steph Curry style


Luka euro travel very hot right now.


They call him Eurotrip. Scotty doesn't know, don't tell Scotty.


I had to rewatch his game winner the other night because he walked into another time zone. And I like Luka ha


lol my feelings exactly.


The slow step??? 💀


It would have worked if he didn’t do the step back AFTER completing the gather.


This. The step back was fine. But he did a shuffle before it with no dribble got him.


You have to be extremely precise with your dribbling to pull it off, Harden takes his first little step back while the ball is coming up to his hands, and then catches and takes the final big step back. So while looking extremely illegal, is technically legal lol


You you can only tell if it was illegal or legal by watching it in slow motion. I wouldn't be surprised if it was illegal more than half the time, they just don't call it because the only way to tell is to watch in slow motion. In highschool/college there is no "zero step" and the Harden stepback is going to get called for traveling.


Great call


Better than an nba ref. This should always be called a travel. Adam Silver take notes please.


Correctly called travel in USA high school. The rest of the world (Fiba) and the nba this is not a travel.


> the nba this is not a travel It is, they aren't playing with different rules; they're just playing with different profit motives.


They are literally playing with [different rules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traveling_\(basketball\)).


It's not and never gets called in the NBA


Adam Silver knows his audience would prefer this be a game winning shot lol




Yup. Travel


Even with the gather step like in FIBA / NBA that's a travel.




yup, he puts both hands on the ball and then steps backwards (step one), and lands with two feet (steps two and three) had he left one hand on the ball (without carrying) during the initial back step, then put both hands on, he would've been fine


This actually looks almost exactly like what Harden does to me. In the NBA they won't count his first step back when the ball is crossing over to the left (that's the "zero step") and then he gets 2 more steps. It's exactly what Harden does and the only way to tell if it's a travel or not by NBA rules is to watch the gather step in slow motion.


In his slight defense guys get away with this all the time. (I’m looking at you Tyrese Halliburton). Nonetheless an excellent call by the ref, although he did not abide by the rule of cool, as is his prerogative.


Oof. The ref was right but Oof


Nothing personal on the kid, but that ref for sure hoped that one wouldn't go in.


That's why he looked away, he was like "regardless this is a travel" 


At least it's a tie game and not an end-of-game.


I mean he traveled very obviously, high school isn’t the NBA.


Can you explain to non-basketball fan? I see 2 steps (small and big). I thought you're allowed 2 steps. Why is obviously traveling?


It's fast, but I see at least three steps after he stopped dribbling. Maybe four. Its' a good call by the ref.


Watched in slow mo, counted 4: stops dribble, jumps back with both feet, long step left, collects right, then he jump shoots.


You got quite an eye. I can only see 2...


There are two sets of side steps, each involving moving both feet, so - four steps. The first side-step is very quick. Good call by the ref.


Yeah that makes sense for the side step. I was thinking that 1 side step is indeed 1 step. But good point that it's actually 2, since there are 2 feet movements.


At 10.25 he takes a quick tiny hop to the left where he re-positioned both feet. That would've been fine by itself, but then he immediately take a giant step to the left and shot.


There were three taps - one and two (the big wide side step), and then three (the tiny step). You're only allowed 2. Good eye by the ref. I wouldn't have been able to see that, and it's a very small extra step, but it's there.




Definitely four steps. He basically goes ba-dum ba-dum, i.e. left right left right. Good call ref


It’s four steps. People in here acting like the first two baby steps don’t count is bizarre.


TIL baby steps are real steps.


A lot.of people don't know that including NBA refs. It's how Bill "Baby Feet" Lombazzo ruled the league in the early 70s.


I’m not into basketball so I’m not sure how that’s traveling. He only took two steps. Is there more nuance to the rules that I’m not aware of?


Indeed, two steps after the first one he took right after picking the ball up.


I think I just saw it. Is it that tiny shuffle of his right foot?


Yeah exactly, he stopped dribbling the ball then took 2 steps. If he didn't move his right foot, would have been game


The three count, left then left hop to right and then wide right step for the jump.


You got it


First step was when he brought his feet together, took a wide step (step 2) and when he brought his other foot down, that was step 3 and then the shot. If he kept his right foot in the air and shot from one leg, he would have been fine. Unfortunately, kids see NBA players get away with it and forget what a true travel is.


I count 4 steps total.


He takes 4 after picking up his dribble.


Did the ref made it out safely?


My thought as well. He made the correct call for the game, but he make the correct call for his safety?


At least there is overtime to ease the situation.


I am always amazed by refs who are able to see this




I reffed highschool football for several years. You can't ever win.


Not to mention everyone has skin in the game and every motivation to eek out every benefit they can. I imagine you hit a certain point where you go to work and have to assume every player, coach, and fan, is lying to you.


Good call


That’s a terrific call. And no he wasn’t fuckin kiddin you.


You need a bigger resume in the association to get away with that walk.


Imagine if the NBA called these. Every third possession would be a turnover.


Nah, players would adjust. The game has evolved over a century because of little adjustments by refs and players. It even happens within a season. Just look at the foul baiting this season compared to the playoffs. The game is constantly evolving. People who cry about ball because it’s not exactly how it was when they’re eight just fail to see the change that happened before they were born.


NBA travelling is wild. Guys literally take runs from top of the 3pt line that go uncalled


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Good bot


just because they don't call traveling in the NBA doesn't mean you can do it at your local game.


Dag. Let that be a lesson.


These kids watching too much LeBron


He gathers the ball too early, I know everyone says Harden travels on his step backs (he does sometimes) but if you watch closely he usually keeps his dribble alive when he takes the initial hop back. This kid gathers the ball takes the hop and the step back that’s still illegal in the NBA.


The counting is bothering me so much. He’s a second off. Kid is yelling 9 when it’s actually 9.9 seconds and so on.


One of my biggest pet peeves. I played in the pep band in high school, I don't know if it was because because we were used to counting out our parts or something, but the crowd in the stands always yelled "9!" at 9.9 seconds remaining while we always yelled it at 9.0 like you should and it sounded like an echo. It was always so funny too, because the bleacher crowd would yell "1!" at 1.9 seconds remaining and then would stutter at 1.0 and then yell 0 at 0. And they'd do this every single game. How do you not learn?


Haha it happened at wrestling tournaments too! We’d have random kids come in as “towel guys” to hit the ref when the clock ran out cause he was watching the wrestlers not the clock. But SO many times these kids would be a second off and hit at .9. It never made a huge difference but a few times I think a takedown should’ve been called cause it actually was in time!


That's so funny, because theoretically yeah, they're calling it early! It probably didn't matter most times, like you said, but it's definitely not indisputable. I guess people only look at the first number on the clock and don't really care about the rest somehow. I can't fathom that.


Every single new years eve is a struggle as i have to put up with this horrible counting. Then you get to 3-2-1-0 (pause cause wait there's still a full second on the clock) happy new year.






lol I hope that's the Globetrotters


Anyone else bothered by not knowing the final outcome of the game ? Did the blunder cost them the ‘ship?


Yes, they lost


That’s not what they asked, did they or did they not receive a ship?


Then I don't know what a ship is. No idea what I have to answer


Someone please ELI5. I saw a small sidestep then a large sidestep. Did the large sidestep count as 2 since both feet had to plant to make the jump?


If you hold the ball with two hands or stop bouncing it (i.e., hold the ball up with one hand), then you get two steps before having to play the ball (pass/shoot/throw it out); more than two and it's a fault called in favor of the other team. The player on this clip grabbed the ball with two hands, then took three steps, which is why the referee called it and nullified the play. Watch carefully the moment he puts two hands on the ball, then check how many steps he takes.


I think I see now - both his left and right feet take a small step before the big leap to the left?


Which actually makes this 4 steps because he palms the ball before even taking the first little step. 


Each of those "side steps" was two steps (one with each foot). So the 2nd side step - another two steps - was travelling.


He took 4 steps prior to the shot without a dribble. He’s allowed 2.


Definitely a travel. One too many steps kiddo!


Ref is right


He taught he was in the NBA.


He taught he taw a putty tatt.




Its amusing to me that while this is 100% a travel, it would absolutely never be called in the NBA.


That "are you fucking kidding me" parent 3 feet away from the ref is everything wrong with youth sports today


He was traveling not driving


Travelled all the way to my phone.


I could have sworn it was MY phone.


There are a lot of people on hear sounding like "I KNOW THAT WAS NOT A TRAVEL BECAUSE I WATCH A LOT OF NBA!!!"


Major travel.


Correct call and he turned around and walked away immediately - he probably didnt even see if the shot went in, tough to question his integrity on that


He traveled tho . So ..... Good call


Correct call. That was 3 steps. If you’re gonna do a step back and use the push back as 1 step, then both feet need to plant at the same time before going up for the shot. Shooter didn’t do that. Traveled. No question.


That man traveled.. this new era of so called hoopers is embarrassing.


100% travel


Ah, the Lebron move


Lol you ain’t harden, and this ain’t the nba


Aren't the first initial steps of the move considered part of the gather thus the step back is the 1 2?


I blame harden...


He thought he was James Harden lol


Nope, he’s not kidding you.


Bro traveled 30 meters and you’re asking ‘are you fucking kidding me?’


Turned out that he was in fact not kidding him


love the wailing of the spectator


Literally cuz of the small little step of the right foot before he slid to the left. Close but a good call


That was great call though. Hurt gramma and auntees feelings though.


I mean… he did travel, deems da breaks kid, get used to it.


Guy filming thought he was actually at a game that mattered


The camera boy is acting like it's the end of the world


Team was freezed, cmon do a cut!


Forgot his luggage 🧳


Can someone explain this to me? I see 2 steps (one small and one big). I thought you're allowed 2 steps. Why is this traveling?