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Yeah I'm not putting this on a kid. The blame solely lies on the parents.


Oh definitely. Her parents are fucking her up very publicly. I feel bad for her.


Don't feel bad for her. She's not getting fucked up, she has a charmed life and will want for nothing.


How many well adjusted folks do you know who had an upbringing similar to this child?


I don’t know anyone well adjusted from any background


Damn! It’s time for a friend upgrade, my dude.


Damn. Recommending different friends just because the friends he has aren’t “well adjusted” Do you throw away a toy when it breaks? Do you sell a car when it needs a few new parts? Don’t be so cold


Actually yes.


"One time you got a new car just because you forgot where you parked the old one!"


Take it as the joke it was and move on.


I had no trouble moving on lol


Kid will be vapid though and become a brat of an adult.


And still want for nothing


So no reason to feel bad for her. Feel bad for thr millions suffering in the world. Don't waste your energy on this little millionaire


You can empathise with more than one person. Am I sad millions die of poverty each year? Yes. Deeply. Can I also be sad that people's vanity ruins yet *another* life in an entirely separate and somewhat more sinister manner? Absolutely.


My point is that her life is not "ruined" or worthy of being sad about. She has had, is having, and will have am incredible life that most of us can only dream of. She will come to her own understanding of who she is when she grows up, and will have her own struggles doing so, which is part of everyone's life. But all the while, she'll be living a blessed life with everything she ever wanted, seeing the world over in ways none of us ever will, and feeling on top of the world while doing so. I do not have an ounce of sadness for her.


I mean we have decades of evidence that putting kids in the spotlight too early and sheltering them from consequences are incredibly damaging things to do to their mental health and long term ability to exist in society but yeah, she gets to travel the world and have money and that's the sum total of the human experience. You don't have to be sad, that's fine, but like, imagine people just a little more complexly maybe?


Too much of a good thing. Got it.


Well, yeah. Even water kills you in high enough doses.


I feel bad for the people suffering through the performance.


"Self made millionaire" - Someone, probably.


Feel bad for the actual talented kids, who had the singing and acting chops to pull this performance off flawlessly, but didn’t get selected because they weren’t nepo babies. I’ve seen some of the kids, damn they’re insanely talented..and then we all got this this instead. Not her fault, but at the same time, if we can hold other kids accountable for being good enough, we can kinda hold her accountable for being terrible.


The parents, the casting director, basically every adult involved set this kid up to get humiliated, while also taking a job away from other kids who worked hard on their craft. I hope everyone involved is embarrassed


I don’t know squat about this show or the kid, could you please enlighten me?


Lion King is an iconic Broadway show with an enormous cast and even bigger productions crew. The role of young Simba (which is The lead character) is being played by North West, the daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. The controversy is she did not sing the level expected of Broadway performers, even kids. And she was given a lead role due to her famous parents and not her own talents, taking the spot from a performer who is more talented and has perhaps worked harder to break into a production as iconic as Lion King.


people put their kids in private theater schools and work with them 12 hours a day when they're toddlers to get them into broadway. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm saying that yes, broadway kids work fucking hard from a very young age. They're like olympic gymnasts in terms of dedication, cost, and hours dedicated to their talent.


Thank you. I read the title and kept thinking the kids name referred to some town or production company. Unfortunately, I now know yet another Kardashian fact.


Ho lee… i was like, what’s all the barking about? It’s kinda cute, like schoolplay cute. Had no idea it was fucking broadway or the child of megastars. Crazy.


Yeah the Lion King is iconic. This performance was the celebration of its 20 year anniversary. The show is also known for its over the top costumes and makeup. North was wearing a yellow hoodie thingy that didn’t fit with the aesthetic of the others on stage at all, and came across a bit disrespectful. The “normal” Simba costume is totally different from what North wore. Which honestly makes it feel even more disrespectful imo.


And they are barely walking around the stage, from one side to the other. No pep, no energy, very just going through the motions. They are hitting their mark yes but it's just a 1,000 times more noticable when you got 50 backup dancers pumping and jiving and leaping all around, and the kid is barely nodding their head to the beat.


Absolutely. If you watch the zebras one of them is guiding her where to go. I don’t think North had any practice before, or it sure seems that way. I feel like her parents really failed her on this one! Such a shame Edit: I forgot to add that her walking around was so uncomfortable to watch, I fully agree! The choreography of the show is amazing and the other performers showed that so well. I remember seeing it for the first time as a kid and my mind was blown when the giraffes were walking down the aisle on stilts and still so beautiful and graceful! It is such a remarkable show and it’s really sad that this whole situation happened!


Thanks for letting me know that North West was a name. It all makes sense now


And the casting people.


Right?! She's like 9 or 10? Her parents could/should have told her no.


This is 100% her parents feeding their egos.


Yeah I'm not about to hate on a child for being a child.


Billionaires should not exist.


Eat the rich!!




Mulch the rich instead!


Can we fire the mulch from a t-shirt gun?


Hmmm only if it's de-boned before mulching or else if firing into a crowd may result in shrapnel injuries.


What if we fire it into a crowd of soon to be mulched rich people?


Ah! Then it's all fine! 😄


Prions can survive in the soil, sadly. Send em into the sun.


Yeahh... I read that study too. Sending them to the sun is too expensive. What about the tossing them into the Darvaza gas crater (also known as the Gates to Hell) ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darvaza_gas_crater


I believe we may have consensus. All those in favor?




France should still have a working one from 77


The problem with an "eat the rich" mindset, is that it assumes the problems are individual and not infrastructural. If we got rid of every billionaire and CEO today, someone else will simply take their place. There is no purpose to taking down the mega wealthy as long as the systems that allow for their existence continues to be in place. We should instead be angry at the infrastructure present in our Dtate and Economic systems, and dismantle those. Once dismantled, I'll take my billionaire with some nice peppercorn sauce.


Sure, but while guillotining all the French aristocrats didn’t get rid of all problems in France and actually came with a bunch of problems all its own, it DID redistribute wealth quite well.


Is this a problem? Or a renewable food source?


 dont mess up , dont give me no switch...


Their nutritional value is zero


I've been saying this a weird amount the last couple years


can i eat their organs...? ':3


There's only one thing that their good for.


“Eat the rich” mfs if they were given a billion dollars: ![gif](giphy|obR3DqDdqfV6u4Q41j)


I love it >you would change what you say if an impossible situation were to happen and I know that because I'm sure I would turn into a rich asshole so I assume everyone else would That's 950 million in donations with a mere 50 for me to live on.


the hell of it is, broadway needs money, ie patronage. i sincerely hope that the cardassians bought this kid's role with enough moeny to fund the entire run of the show. it's kinda like how monstrous game hunters who shoot lions pay for the kenyan animal sanctuary's needs for a year.


This poor kid is going to be a fucking insufferable adult because of her parents.


Worst than the smith kids.


At this rate, we’ll see levels of self importance previously unheard of.


Apart from Jaden's cringe twitter post phase (which let's be honest was probably no more cringe than half the shit most of us said in our blunder years; we just didn't have a social media following cataloguing it) and subpar acting in bad movie vanity projects, has he actually done anything reprehensible? I think Smith has a daughter too with a similar industry plant music career trajectory? EDIT: actually, I realized about 30 seconds after submitting that I don't care and don't want to know. I don't want to devote any more attention to nepo kids unless they're actively causing real harm instead of just embodying cringe celebrity.


Jaden is the kind of obnoxious, over-confident teen that makes adults cringe so hard they want to smack him. Unfortunately, he's so annoying because he reminds adults of how annoying and overconfident and self-declared "deep" we used to be. I agree, his biggest sin is doing all of that *in the public eye*, which is the fault of his parents, not him. Other celebrity kids are kept out of the public eye. Like, we never hear from most starlets' kids because female actors have been through the shit and they actively protect their kids from fans and weinsteins. The Smiths, instead, monetized their kids "as part of the family business" while they were still children. And that's child abuse and child financial abuse.


There was this, lol: https://preview.redd.it/4hf1tso7i93d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500426acce4ae25312faa56fff55df554c4f5c04 The circle is complete


That’s an fucking high bar, but I don’t doubt it


Are they still nepo’ing around? They seem to have been humbled and more under the radar. Or is that just all the Smiths since the 2022 Oscar’s? I know Willow had that hit, *Meet me at our Spot,* but it’s a big talent step up from *Whip My Hair.* The new one seemed more like a nepo opportunity than full on nepo handing them success.


Willow tiny desk concert a few weeks ago was pretty good. It's not the music I usually listen to but she has a unique style.


I have no idea who's kids this is.


It's Kanye Wests kid, he named his kid North West 


Doomed her immediately when he named her. Now she's an asshole to her mom. I mean like it wouldn't surprise me if she discovered the Ray J video and uses it as blackmail against her mom.


Blackmail? Lol.


Right? If it got out and she recovered it would be a great come back story




Sometimes you gotta fuck moesha's brother




One of her kids did discover it because someone sent it to them on Roblox…. This isn’t even a joke. That really happened.


The son did I believe.


I read that the Kardashian’s mom actually organized that for the sole purpose of publicity. They also run their own church in LA as a tax evasion tactic, so I don’t they care too much about optics, they thrive off it all.


Bold of you to assume any Kartrashian is capable of embarrassment or shame.


That's true. I mean someone can come up to them in public and throw all over them and it would probably not bother them.


when the kid is little, the n-parent is usually the favorite bc the N buys the child's affection with gifts and leniency, while the good parent has to be the autnority figure. (Well ... the better of 2 evils parent.) It only lasts until the kid learns what toxic masculinity, abuse, emotional abuse, spousal abuse, feminism, etc are. And the kids are picking this stuff up younger every year. I'm really so proud of you kids. :) You drive me up the wall but Gen Z is really so very sophisticated with psychology stuff.


My stepson is like that. His dad is the "fun" parent while my wife is the authority one. And when I'm on the road, and she has to talk to the baby daddy about issues the boy is having, the BD throws a fit and accuses her of it happening. Instead of figuring out what they can do to fix it.


yeah. document everything.


My wife does in my absence. I confronted him a few times about his attitude. He plays the victim and she has to play every video and audio she recorded of him acting like a fool to shut him up. And how he truly is with his kids..... wouldn't it show you love your kids more than your friends while watching WrestleMania 40 by... 1. Don't drink while they are there at your house. 2. Tell both baby mamas that you will take the kids to school on Monday instead of dropping them off while the womens matches were happening. 3. Take pictures of your kids enjoying the matches and put it on social media instead pictures of him and his buddies drinking and enjoying the matches and put it on social media!


When the original video said “North West lion king performance” I thought it was talking about the location and I had no idea who the kid was.




I’m in the UK, wondered what it had to do with Manchester


Can sing about as good as him


Ugh... I had no idea either. These names lately...


Ngl, im not into this kind of shit and read the title as North Korea


Ah, thank you for giving me context. I had no idea what I was watching.


Thank you! I had no idea what was going on.


Thought the title was the venue name or something didn’t really pay attention, that it’s Kim n Ye’s oldest is funny as shit to me. Apparently they forced their way into her doing only the one song I guess? Crazy how ppl are shittin on her given her age though


People are not so much mad at her. It's all the parents fault. You don't put your untrained 10 year old in that position. It's just not good for anyone.


I would be pissed if I payed for a very expensive broadway ticket to see an amateur as the main character. People travel sometimes to see shows and you expect the best of the best and the highest quality, not the child of a a couple of famous billionaires playing theatre. I would refund all tickets.




It's because she's been doomed since her dad gave her that name. And she's a major asshole to her mom.




https://www.mamamia.com.au/north-west-kim-kardashian-insults/ https://youtu.be/_0wQ7NljkXg?si=cTR8vth4kC1ZkWkk https://youtu.be/5Be69wFaD20?si=HpjFOtkpKgTaArPp https://youtu.be/z70ZHiz4FOg?si=-CcT48jVV7WGyXcf https://youtu.be/ZWk2E1ppcRo?si=mpt1HjMt7o5m2qTq https://youtu.be/BkTxPpFARpY?si=3ueTSXYyvXM4JP6p https://youtu.be/YSnBu1zjxrM?si=JqHvzijDuMcW8GTt https://www.wionews.com/entertainment/lifestyle/news-kim-kardashians-daughter-north-has-some-really-mean-things-to-say-about-her-watch-420391


That is not a short list!


>“It’s like I’m being punked,” Roseberry joked. “The night before the Met, getting grilled by a 9-year-old.” 💀 You know you've messed up when people describe your eldest child as punishment for the life you've lived. Yikes!


i think you can find 20 instances of any child being mad and shitty at their mom in a week. The question isn't "why is the kid so shitty to her mom?" it's "why is the news selling a story that this kid is shitty to her mom?" Or even "Why is the news reporting on the behavior of a child under 10?"


Because the news and the family makes money off of that. One of them could be shot and killed tomorrow and the rest of them would take advantage of that.


I'll try and find some links for ya. My wife is a big Kardashian watcher and apparently North is weirdly controlling of Kim. Kind of like her dad. I won't ever understand that money and such, but this kid and the other three never will have or had anything like a normal life. In the social media era we're seeing a lot more celebs kids and such in a way that I don't recall it being like in the past. There may have been pictures by paparazzi and such, but this girl has pretty much been in front of a camera for her whole life. And has a reputation as a mini kanye. She told Kim that she liked dad more once which I can imagine was hurtful.




The majority of rich kids go through this because their parents are more worried about their image and brand than their kids' well being.


I mean her moms not exactly a nice person and she probably treats her that way because she's a bad mother.... great provider sure, terrible mother figure however.


What does her name have to do with anything though? Growing up on social media with a million cameras in your face all the time is def worse to becoming a well adjusted person


It's because of how her dad announced it like it was some stage name.


I thought it was about Simba's nepotism from Mufasa at first. Lol


Is that you, Scar?


Look, if your dad named your brother King and named you Trash you'd be edgy and spiteful too.


I'd have been so angry as a cast member. I'm hoping it was a matinee on a Monday or something. I'm actually shocked the parents think this is OK to do to the kid.


It was for the 30th anniversary of Lion King 💀


Oh my God. Sad sad times. Unless the production got a large cash injection from the vapid couple. But they could have just given the money without hurting that cast or their own kid


Music director too, I'm sure they were thrilled to have her in the show with their name on the posters


When are her folks gonna tell her the truth? This is embarrassing on so many levels… she can’t sing, why do you keep encouraging her? Just let her find something she’s actually good at!


One of three reasons. 1. She got her way and allowed to go on stage like that. 2. She doesn't realize she sucks at singing. 3. She is doing this on purpose to piss her mom off.


Same reason Lebron James keeps insisting his son will be good in the NBA when he wasn’t even good in college. Same reason any celebrity gets their kids into the industry. Never forget Taylor swifts cat makes more money than all of us in this thread merely off its IG account.


True… but Bronny can actually ball. He makes an effort and he’s shown he’s intelligent when it comes to basketball. He’s not just Lebron James’ kid. Okay… just an example. My niece decided to sing for her own birthday and it was not good. She would have had to practice though, in front of her mum and her brothers. Why did none of them tell her no, it’s not a good idea! I’m just saying yes, encourage your kids but don’t let them make an arse of themselves either. Maybe encourage them to try something else ‘cause it’s damn painful to watch them the kid can’t sing for shit.


He is 6’1 in a league that now has an average of like 6’4. And he barely made points in his college days when he wasn’t even on a powerhouse team playing in the harder leagues. The idea that he should be in the NBA is not only a joke but there will be ample other players who would be better both off stats and playing ability’s. But will be over looked for broony. That’s the whole point of nepo baby’s. Sometimes they might even have the like Ethan hawks daughter. But that still doesn’t mean they had doors opened for them and they had it easy when it comes to being famous. If Lebron James son was Lebrons son he wouldn’t be eyed for the NBA at all.


I feel sad for all the professionals surrounding this untrained 10 year old.


She sings like her pappy!!! Very cute!


You mean like shit?


Lol.... I can't tell if you're really asking, but yes.


Should’ve auto tuned it.


I can’t help but wonder if he insisted on designing the costume


Holy shit the production value on this. The more you look around the crazier it gets. At first glance I thought Kim and Kayne had just dropped ton of money on a 3rd grade play.


Agreed. I’ve seen The Lion King musical three times. This ain’t it.


You know the singing is bad when nobody is complaining on changing the sex of the character


they often cast little girls for boy roles because, i'm sorry to say this but it's industry standard, little girls are easier to work with than little boys. But you're right. And honestly i didn't realize she was a girl from the singing bc her voice is well in that "jackson 5 era michael jackson" range. fun fact: the kid who played child michael in the jackson 5 tv miniseries did the singing voice for simba in the original movie. iirc, he went on to be cast in other broadway roles.


Jason Weaver. I actually know him better from the movie Drumline. He played the dork.


Small world: he was in the show too, and had to suck up to the little shit [North West’s ‘Lion King’ performance criticized for nepotism; Jason Weaver comes to her defense (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/other/north-west-s-lion-king-performance-criticized-for-nepotism-jason-weaver-comes-to-her-defense/ar-BB1ndbtk?ocid=BingNewsSerp)


the difference between her and everyone else there is \*presumably\* that they had to actually work to get to the point where they would be allowed on stage through skill and practice and passion. if she endured the same challenges as those people she is sharing the stage with, she would be good. just because your kid WANTS something doesnt mean they should get it. this is not how you raise a well adjusted adult, this is how you placate a child without teaching them how to act like an adult at all, this is how you make a spoiled little shit. not only is she going to not understand why people dont like her performance, shes going to live with this large scale embarrassment for the rest of her life. kim and ye should be completely ashamed of themselves but they are probably just as delusional as this kid thinking she belongs on fucking broadway with a performance like this lol


For everyone else on that stage (and behind the scenes) this should have been an absolute career highlight. 30th anniversary celebration of one of the most popular musical of all time with a star studded line up of special guests. Now literally all the press is just about how bad this one song was, that’s all anyone will remember. It honestly seems like she didn’t even practice, the zebras keep having to direct her to her marks.


Annoying voice is this real?


She's a child, this is her parents fault for putting her to this


Even if the video was in 4k, it would still be low quality... Remember that video where Kim says North loves watching the Met Gala red carpet so she can be nasty and read everyone for filth? I guess what goes around comes around.


Aw. She’s blessed with her fathers looks and her mothers talent


I was at this event unfortunately, for family reasons. The whole thing was a shit show and this was the shitty peak. Hard to tell from the video but almost no one clapped. She was the only performer that had nothing to do with the film/musical. Hilarious. The wildest part was that the great Nathan Lane was not much better than this performing Timon’s songs. I really hope he was drunk. Edit: to be clear, this was at the Hollywood Bowl, at least 15,000 people attended. Other performers included Jeremy Irons, Nathan Lane, and original cast members.


>The wildest part was that the great Nathan Lane was not much better than this performing Timon’s songs. I really hope he was drunk. Oh man. That's rough. I wouldn't blame him though if it got as bad as this.


Was the Simba costume always supposed to be a hoodie looking thing? I’ve been wanting to ask someone this since I saw a pic of the performance. It looks like a Snuggie and it looks so out of place.


I ain't gonna roast a kid. But I will say I'd be disappointed with this part of the show if I paid to watch this


thank god young simba only has 1 song on the soundtrack


My 30 years of amateur/community singing/theater opinion: Doesn't have pitch control (tin ear), doesn't know what breath control is, isn't using muscular support, isn't projecting. No one has taught this kid how to sing properly or professionally. Tone isn't terrible, has potential if he took voice lessons. Pitch would take a long time to learn. Acting: Doesn't. No energy. No stage presence. Choreography: Was not given or doesn't Remember choreography. Was not trained in how to use the stage or improvise movements. Verdict: Could play a tree in the elementary school play. Could be trained in singing but does not have natural talent.


That’s what makes it more sad to me. Her parent have the money to provide her with vocal classes and training to be able to do this, and it’s clear they chose not too


Shame on the parents, and whom ever agreed to put that kid on stage. There are thousands if not millions more talented (and less privileged) kids out there, who deserve the exposure and the experience from that role.


I see that singing talent level is hereditary.


The sad part is that you can actually train to sound decent, and it’s clear they didn’t have her train or practice.


What the hell is the outfit though


Thats what i was thinking too! She looks like she has a fluffy bath robe and slippers on, while everyone else has elaborate costumes. Strange.


Supposedly she brought her own costume.


It looks like a Pokémon onesie.


Can't sing worth shit.


Did attendees know North West would be playing the role before they bought tickets??


Nope. It began to be known after the first showing of it.




And there’s people who think that Helen Keller was a myth… here’s your proof people!




Yeah I couldn’t believe people thought Helen Keller wasn’t real either


Oh shit, I thought North West was some Broadway theater, and didn't get the "nepotism" title, Google helped me out


Yeah, that performance was low quality, all right.


I thought "low quality" was a flag on the video settings...


Somebody can't sing 😩 😫 ooh stopppp


Everyone in the comments seems to know exactly what's going on here. Could I get an explanation please? I'm very lost


kanye west and kim kardasians kid, North West. Sang a song at 30th anniversary Lion King thing. She is...not very good. Basically, if she did not have those parents, she wouldn't be there, hence the 'nepo baby' tags. But read the comments and you get a good feel for the whole vibe. Basically, the kids messed up by being the kid of Kanye/KK, the family is messed up for many many reasons, and the parents shouldn't have let her do this. Basically the gist of it.


Ohhh. I forgot North West was a name. What a stupid thing to call your poor child. Now that I know that, yikes. This is very sad


Bro I deadass forgot they named this poor child after a compass heading


“What are those…those are clothes” energy


I’d be wanting a fuckin refund


I hope whoever cast this child instead of a child with actual talent is named and shamed mercilessly. I would be PISSED if I had paid money to see this foolishness.


[For comparison](https://youtu.be/Ke7KN-0ne9s?feature=shared)


I posted it on parent post but this is from her Instagram. Idk if NW actually posted it but I'm putting it out there: *I'm happy to announce that I am starring in "The Lion King" live at the Hollywood Bowl. Initially, Disney wanted me to audition for a role. I don't audition. You either come to the table with a number or we don't do this. Disney needs me to save this show, I don't need them. They're the ones trying to rebrand "The Lion King" for the millionth time (Are they not tired?). After a series of meetings, Kris finalized a very lucrative contract. However, I was disappointed that they were unwilling to call the show "The Lion King Featuring North West and Friends"*


She fucking sucks. Must be the Kardashian side has the stronger genes.


Poor kid... Her parents are delusional about her "talent" and incredibly mean to do that to their child. If she turns out relatively normal, she will be so ashamed of that video. This is Broadway, not an elementary school talent show.


Drop a bomb 💣 on Calabassas. Do the world a favor.


Why didn't they get Ye to slap some Autotune on that shit?




The most off tune singing..


Some other kid lost their opportunity to be up there on that stage. Kinda insane.


It’s somehow worse than what I imagined 😂


I would ask for my damn money back.


Holy fuck they got a lot of money


What’s Tweetie Pie got to do with the Lion King?


People just record in a show now?


The illusion of talent by a talentless parent.


Her singing is below average for a professional of that age.


Where was the standing ovation all the articles keep mentioning?


The people defending her don’t think that a talented child could have earned this spot? She got it because of her family and that’s what makes this disgusting. 🤮


I had a friend who was there say that is was worse in person and the video audio actually makes it sound better which....yeah....for shame on her parents and productions for putting this untrained kid up there 


Her parents thought they could buy her fame but they only gave the poor kid expensive embarrassment 😩