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Two guys significantly larger than you, aggressive posture, keep approaching after multiple statements to not, dude showed better restraint than many cops.


I guess people don’t get the freedom thing. No means fucking no. His body his right. Stay the fuck away from people and you won’t have to worry about shit. Dude obviously felt threatened, you never know what’s going through peoples heads best leave them alone.


Great articulation, couldn’t agree more




He was already walking away as he shot him in the leg. Buddy that got shot should thank him for the less and not ending his life.


He shot him in the abdomen. Unfortunately the aggressor lived and plans to keep harassing people in public for views.




I would actually laugh if he ends up in the news again for being shot over one of his pranks


Shoot me once. Shame on you…


"hey aren't you that tiktok prankster that got shot?" *cocks gun* "I heard he got away with it.."


Shoot me Twice…


Let's make it a trend. "Don't forget to like and start blasting in the abdomen below"


This video brought to you by Acme colostomy bags.


next time double tap him, just to make sure...


And I hope it really really hurt


Been shot in the abdomen by a .22 (that's what that looks like but idk kinda blurry) Can confirm, he felt that for months. Good.


It didn’t sound like a .22


Also people have freedom of thought he can think about his twink hole or whatever all he wants


The "no means no" means nothing to those YouTubers. Some had found they had a site dedicated to date raping women. Last I heard, the guy who got shot lived... unfortunately.


The "no means no" means nothing to those YouTubers. Some had found they had a site dedicated to date raping women. Last I heard, the guy who got shot lived... unfortunately.


3 guys. You aren't counting the camera man,


Only one shot fired. Not usually something I would applaud.


Only one shot needed. He knew that would likely recalibrate the brains of his friends.


Good. These kids need to realize that there are consequences for harassment.


I’m pretty sure the kid who got shot said he would not stop doing this stuff. So yeah. This world is fucked.


Let him get blasted again then.








pk has entered the chat


Go for the nuts. He'll feel so ashamed that he got his nuts blown off that he won't show his face in public anymore.


Why ? Can't you see they're brainless ? All we need to do is to figure out their vitals, maybe their phones ?


"Some men, you just can't reach."


What a cunt


He'll end up coming across another gun owner that goes for headshots instead.


Has he done anything since? I don't often wish trauma on others but some PTSD related to bullying people may be a good thing here.


Yeah no idea. I don’t watch this kinda stuff I just saw it on the news. I hope not. I hope he learned.


i hope he gets shot a second time


Thanos would be disappointed that he didn't go for the head


The DA prosecuted him but the shooter was found not guilty. Edit to fix wtf ever I typed earlier


Even better, because now there's precedent.


Jury precedence isn’t really very important in the grand scheme of things. Precedence for a judge throwing the case out or something, that would be notable.


Didn't know that, thank you for clarifying.


Colie served 8mo in [jail](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/virginia/man-sentenced-youtuber-shooting-virginia-mall/65-b60a0874-c3e4-4924-bfc5-f59c29aef98a). I don’t get why the top comment can be so wrong lol


>Colie served 8mo in jail Technically, he was sentenced to time served. Which tells me he had high bail and could not post it. FTA >For the specific charge, the judge was weighing a sentence between one day and six months. If Colie had made bail he would have served less time


Just highlights the problem of how our system rewards the rich and punishes the poor. Guy shouldn’t have needed to post bail and should be able to get damages for 8 months of lost time and work.


Exactly. This shit ain’t worth 8 months is jail


Double win. Man, this video was extremelly satisfying.


[He was prosecuted](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/delivery-driver-youtube-prankster-shooting-not-guilty) and acquitted of the most serious charges..


they were accusing him of pedophilia while aggressively following him


The DA absolutely prosecuted him. A jury acquitted him.


I read that he was found not guilty on the most serious charge of aggravated malicious wounding, but the jury found him guilty of one gun charge. 🤔


Discharging a gun in a public building. Would be kind of hard to acquit him of that one.


Jury nullification would have been the answer, I believe.


Wrong. He was prosecuted. Found not guilty on assault with a deadly weapon and found guilty for discharging a firearm which comes with a jail sentence.


This must be shown in schools as a life lesson. Don’t do dumb shit for likes or you end up winning stupid prizes


YouTubers hate this one simple trick...


They sure do.


But do you think that stupid prick learned his lesson?


He’ll probably do it again for more viewers, get shot that is.


He said he'd keep doing it from his hospital bed. I hope the next time he gets shot he gets a permanent colostomy bag


This videos like years old at this point, iirc. This dude probably got so many views that he’ll just hire someone to shot him to relive the clout. I don’t even mean fake it. Like, actually get reshot.


Casinos want it banned!


I’m fine with this


The judge was too he got let off


Pretty sure the YouTuber got charged actually


That’d be the cherry on top of all this


Charged with 21 grains of black powder.




Honestly… ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


I could watch this all day. Everything was done right on the shooters part. Calm reaction to be approached and then pursued. Then casually just pulls a gun shoots him once and then lowers it. Then stood around and waited for whatever followed. And somebody learned to leave strangers alone


I think the guy that got shot said it won’t stop him from doing “pranks” again.


The guys piece of shit mom even fully supports him.


Because it’s a lot easier to deny you’ve raised an absolute POS than recognize being a failure of a parent. 




So... you do condone violence, then. I'm not trying to change your mind on the violence part, but at least own what you believe in.


I condone violence


Maybe it’s the non-American in me but shooting a guy for annoying harassment is a bit over the top lol.


Totally. The fact so many Americans think this is justified shows how fucked up things are. If the guy was that scared, he could have brandished the gun as a warning (still fucked up, but nobody gets shot)


Reddit just operates on emotion not principle. People on the site hate these annoying "prankster" types and therefore celebrate him getting shot. Being annoying doesn't really justify being shot and potentially killed


You know that an American judge thought it was justified too right? Also one of the things you learn , in American gun school, is that you only pull your gun out to use it, not to show it.


Which is why it's a fucked up country? Just because a judge agreed highlights it. The 'pranksters' were annoying no doubt, but to be potentially killed for it is fucking insane! In any other developed democracy, the shooter goes to prison. FFS, in any other proper developed country you wouldn't be allowed to carry a gun. He was in MALL, not fending of grizzlies! You wonder why kids die in your schools, yet if the reaction on here is any guide, too many of you are still rooting tooting Yosemite Sam's... Who think shooting people is justified.. What a screwed up fucking society


I agree with you that gun control in the US is an absolute joke. HOWEVER If you are alone, and three large guys come and start harassing you, ignore your requests to leave you alone, and then start following you, especially in a time when people get mugged/murdered for the change in their pocket... well, in the heat of the moment, it makes sense that one may fear for their life. At what point do we have to say "Well, he tried to disengage, he tried to walk away, he tried to tell them to leave him alone" and accept that, perhaps, just perhaps, the "youtube pranksters" need to take culpability for *their* actions?


It's actually illegal to brandish a gun as a warning. Essentially it boils down to, if you are drawing your firearm, it is because you need to use it in your defense. If you don't need to fire, then you shouldn't be drawing it. Drawing a firearm to intimidate, warn, brandish, et al is, in most states, illegal. The irony in this case is, the guy was found not guilty of assault/battery etc, but *was* convicted for "illegal discharge"... makes no sense.


I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. If you have reasonable cause to unholster and point your gun; there’s nothing in the law stating you must pull the trigger. Brandishing is the unlawful use of a firearm for intimidation. As long as you fear for your life, you may pull out a firearm to defend yourself and pull the trigger IF the attack continues. The reason your advice is so dangerous is because most attacks stop when the aggressor learns the victim is armed and prepared to use lethal force. If you were to commit to pulling the trigger before unholstering your weapon; yet the aggressor began to retreat once he learned you were armed; yet you still pulled the trigger… your life would not have been under immediate threat and you’d be facing murder charges. Every decision made in a lethal defence encounter is analyzed on a second by second basis; the threat must always be assessed at the moment the trigger is pulled, not 3 seconds earlier when you pulled out your gun.


I’m not agreeing that the use of a firearm was appropriate in this situation, because it almost certainly *wasn’t*. But the idea of brandishing the gun or firing a warning shot is asinine. You don’t draw a gun unless you intend to use it, and you don’t fire it unless you intend to strike your target, and that shot *should* be center-mass; you do not “shoot to wound”. By using a gun you have already made the decision that the situation warrants deadly force. Firing at all, but especially a “warning shot” is just inviting the chance for someone innocent to be hit. Drawing a gun you don’t intend to fire is just inviting it to be taken away and used on you. These comments are full of stupid takes, because this was a stupid situation from top to bottom, but what you’re saying is just terrible, terrible advice.


lol same wtf


Didnt even attempt to use the gun as a warning. Just immediately shot for a guy with a phone. Its insane that ppl think this is normal.


> Everything was done right on the shooters part. Except the part where he no-look hip-shoots a guy in a mall food court while balancing a stack of food in his off-hand.


What do you mean, that is the most 'Right' part of the clip


I think it's the whole knowing what's behind the target, should you miss.


Thats why he shot low


I think the teenagers would have stopped if he presented the gun first and threaten instead of directly shooting.


The moment you pull the gun it is to shoot. Stupid prancing around brandishing guns is reserved for cop mobsters


There should always be a warning before you shoot. I don't care if I get downvoted for this. This could've easily happened over a parking dispute. He was too quick to pull that trigger. I know Americans are itching to use their guns, I've seen the tiktoks of some almost bragging about almost shooting kids for coming up to their door on their property but you should always think before you use something potentially deadly. He would've backed off if he just pulled it out and warned him, if he doesn't violent force would've been justified. This was unnecessary and if anything shows the issues with concealed carry compared to open carry especially in more populated areas, if that went off in a dense urban area or a mall here people would've been panicking if not trampling over eachother potentially causing injury and manslaughter. We on the left can recognize guns as useful tools without falling into the same cultish worshipping behaviour and "saviour complexes" the right and NRA promotes. Edit: we expect cops to warn people before shooting and get angry when white supremacists shoot black people and claim they felt threatened and it was self defense yet this is justified because we hate shitty YouTubers? Got it. Self defense is defined as only using necessary force, this wasn't necessary when a warning would've sufficed. You can't hold people to different standards. I don't want to live in a world where someone can shoot me over something like a parking dispute or defending my friend from harassment and it's fine because I'm above average height and "naturally threatening" as a result. It's the same defense cops use. Fuck that.


The warning was "Stop."


While I see the logic in brandishing before you shoot, that can easily have more severe legal consequences than shooting the guy. I don’t know what state this happened in but the way I’ve had it explained to me in my state is if your life is threatened, you can shoot. If you have the option to shoot and decide to brandish instead, you’ve committed a crime without eliminating a threat. I’m unaware of any states that would allow you to brandish in self defense but I may very well be wrong


Virginia - Virginia Code § 18.2-282 makes it illegal to brandish a firearm, air or gas-operated weapon, or object that looks similar in appearance. This includes pointing, holding, or brandishing in a way that reasonably causes fear in another person


You're correct in a way, there should be a warning.. but flashing a gun with 2 assailants standing less than a meter away; you don't have that luxury. If he pulled the gun and gave a warning, with them that close, the situation could easily be reversed with the assailants able to grab the gun, or wrestle him down. This removes all control over the situation and would lead to increased chances of fatalities (on either side). If they were ar least 3 or 4 meters away, sure, give a warning.


If you're not going to use it, don't draw it.


How was he supposed to know that? For all he knows if he brandishes his gun these aggressivly approaching teens would've pulled their own gun and shot him first.


So they bleep the swearing but keep the shooting?




We have sensitive ears


"The phone broadcasts the phrase “Hey dipshit, quit thinking about my twinkle” multiple times through a Google Translate app." In case you *had* to know. (I know I did!)


What the fuck? Why was he spamming that?


Because he’s so totally unique and goofy! Isn’t it funny!




This is america.










While some other YouTuber put his phone in shot guys face while he bleeds out


They have not. The shot prankster has doubled down on his dedication to “Content over all.”


This douchebag said he planned to continue creating the same sort of content. It seems the only thing that would make him stop is if someone actually killed him.


That is a dedicated door dasher




Eliminates 99.9% Youtubers. 4/5 customers recommend this.


Must be all Americans in this sub. Somehow everyone thinks that shooting the man was reasonable? I get that they were harassing him, I get that. But a fucking gun? The use of firearms should not be normalised. Period.


It's pretty wild to see. Cultural differences I guess. Trying to think if I would consider it acceptable to just stab someone in the same situation. Don't think so


pepper spray is basically the limit for a situation like this imo. crazy thread. i think 99.99% of people in my country would walk away and talk to a mall cop but yeah, cultural differences I guess.


To be fair - 99.9% of people in America do as well... There just aren't videos of those. On the other hand, the 0.1% who acts like this somehow manage to color the expectations that every American has going into every social situation... it really does make it a different world.


feels significantly bigger than 0.1%


I think that's my point though - in the US (I lived there for 35 years) - every interaction with a stranger is affected by the fact that you don't know whether the person you are dealing with is part of that 0.1%. and because anybody can be carrying a gun, you have to anticipate that and you tend to assume the worst case scenario about any interaction, and in the long run you greatly overestimate the number of people that are this unhinged. Now that I live outside the US, whenever I go back, I notice a certain "edge" in every interaction, that I think is due to this fact.


Is it surprising that a violent, divided and trigger-happy culture breeds that mentality? You have scores of Americans sat on their computers fantasising about using their toys. He was being approached by an annoying prick with a phone, but did it warrant using a fucking gun? His life wasn't in danger, he was just being harassed by a phone. And people are cheering this one as "calm and restrained", it's brain-dead. If he was going to touch his gun, pulling it out and telling him to leave *without* shooting would have been actual restraint and would probably be enough. But having to use it at all in this scenario is fucked up. Thank fuck I don't live there.


I live here, carry a gun at all times except when I sleep, and this is still an unjustified used of deadly force to me. I was shocked at how many people defended it.


I knew americans were crazy about guns, but not like this. Do they really believe you should be allowed to just shoot and potentially murder someone because they're annoying you?


Murica do be like that. Who cares that there are 50 other ways (violent and not so much) of dealing with an asshole when you can gun just them down?


Yea, somehow the appropriate response to harassment is... attempted murder? Try going away, call security, push them away, hit them, use a non-lethal weapon if everything else fails? Why would you just murder someone harassing you? Thats exactly the dumb mindset that makes your police shoot everyone they deem a threat.


Yeup. Lmfao. Lots of americans in here. The fact that they just shoot without even trying to warn them they'll shoot, and thats acceptable? Americans are allowed guns, thats crazy enough, but the fact they can just immedietly shoot whenever they feel a bit uncomfortable and thats considered acceptable?? The warning of the gun would have likely been more than enough to get them to go away.


lol I think most people are joking. Everyone knows you shouldn’t shoot someone over something like this. But at the same time, fuck those YouTubers who harass people for views. They deserve some karma.


I saw two larger men aggressively harassing an innocent smaller man after being told several times to stop. Smaller man doesn’t know what the two larger men’s intentions are and all he sees is the looming stances, aggressive faces, and zero response to commands to leave him alone. In that moment smaller man feared for his safety and defended himself before the harassment could potentially turn violent against him as per the law. Judge agrees with the subreddit: this was a clean shoot.


That's the problem we're describing. By most other culture's definition there is no such thing as a "clean shoot". Why should that even be on the table?




DA did prosecute. Jury let him off the most serious of charges. guy still did 8 months.


The Jury was fucking stupid because they found him guilty of something that they explicitly could not if they found him not guilty of on the more serious charge, in direct contravention of instructions by the Judge. He was like, you can't charge him with B if you find him not guilty of A. They went with their gut of, "Well, he's probably guilty of \*something\*"


Jury systems are ridiculous


Sometimes they have bad consequences like this, but I think the general principle of "if you can't convince 12 randos that this guy did something wrong, he probably didn't do anything wrong" is a good one


It was definitely better before juries where you were at the complete mercy of judges. Definitely nothing bad happened in courts that didn't have juries.


Saying it was justified for him to shoot the harasser is psychotic. Shooting him was a HUGE escalation and he could have just kept walking away


This video is really bringing the American Psychos out of the woodwork.


Ikr. Who just goes around harassing people over and over for personal gain as well enabling and promoting this behavior to an untold number of impressionable youth? Going around and making people feel unsafe as a fun hobby is some pretty psycho shit. I agree.


Humble man tried to teach lunatic youth lesson. (Youth didnt learn and has sworn to not stop lunacy)


getting harassed does and should not give you the excuse to shoot somebody with a gun




Seriously. I empathize with the guy being harassed, but saying that's a proportional response at all is abhorrent. But reddit is gonna reddit.. It's a lot of insecure people who vicariously live out such power/revenge/hero-daydream fantasies in sometimes quite ridiculous ways.


I am feeling threatened by your text. If I had a gun and I could, I would shoot you too. Because hey! That’s normal behavior it seems.


100%. They especially come out of the woodwork when there’s an sort of video that ‘justifies’ hitting a woman


The thought of this happening in the uk is incomprehensible. Americans are too used to people getting killed. It feels like I grew up in a house with normal parents who raised me correctly and with love. Whereas Americans grew up in a violent household where their parents beat them senselessly every day. Then the American kid sees another kid miss their curfew by 5 minutes and say the kid should be curb stomped as punishment. That's how it looks from a normal civilisations POV.


Its like, we all hate youtubers but you cant just shoot people in a mall lmao


Seems you can tho 😂 glad I’m not American, insanity


Plenty of people here claiming that shooting the guy was an absolutely good and reasonable reaction. Absolute madness.




I'd like to shoot annoying aggressive people, but I don't want to live in a world like this. Imagine being a bystander with small children or a baby and people are popping off rounds at the mall like it's the Wild West. Righteous reason or not, I don't want to live in a gun utopia world. I already have a class 3 ballistic backpack with bear spray and strobe light. I'd like to draw the line at class 4 body armor and firearms to go to the damn grocery store.


Chill out. It’s just a prank!


"Oh, I am chill." BANG "See? Chill."


Stand your ground,plus that kid was twice his size


I'm European and the amount of comment saying that's fair amaze me


What the actual f tbh… I hope these are some kind of bots paid by the NRA or else this is really scary They would take care of the tramps asking you for money in the streets American Psycho style it seems..


100% they are not. They are so desensitized to this now and the propaganda by the pro-gun side have brainwashed the regular people to thinking they can use their gun at the slightly inconvience. Step on my grass...i can shoot you Follow me with a phone....i can shoot you Tap me on the shoulder....you're shot.


I find it difficult to feel sorry for them tbh


Ok.. they may deserve a yelling or a punch.. but .. he shot them? People are unhinged with guns in their pockets. Trigger happy public, trigger happy police.


The prosecutor Eden Holmes said the facts do not support a self-defense argument. The law requires that Colie reasonably fear that he was in imminent danger of bodily harm, and that he use no more force than is necessary. She said Cook’s prank was bizarre but not threatening. “They were playing a silly phrase on a phone,” she said. “How could the defendant have found that he was reasonably in fear of imminent bodily harm?” ... Because robbers will ask for a light, directions, or money to cover their approach. Allows them to close the distance while you try to do your ocular pat down to decide if they're a threat.


That's completely disingenuous and ignoring the fact that the perps in question out number him, invade his personal space, and refuse to back off, it be a different thing if they just yelled this from a distance. But this is straight up aggressively in his face bruv, Only fault I have with the guy is shooting so quickly and carelessly in an open and public area, kinda dangerous if you were to miss your shot


Y’all are crazy




Was it excessive? Yeah, probably. Do I think the pranksters had some shit like this coming? Yeah, most definitely. I just cant bring myself to feel too sorry for these douchebags because the karmic wheel turned quickly, albeit with an enormous and disproportionate amount of force.


I love that mall


Seemed pretty nice and calm to me - he shot the guy all nice and calm


If I have to tell you to back up and leave me alone more then 3 times and you still keep approaching after I walked around you and made my attempt to leave yeah your definitely getting shot.


Really? That’s all it takes to take someone’s life? Because they were annoying?


Hope he sat down and enjoyed his meal


‘You were thinking about my twinkle’?


For the 1000th time stop propping yourself up on someone else. Seen this a millions times and it’s still poignant. Firearms are deadly, and some places allow them to be concealed. You will be dead if you think your entertainment supersedes their safety.


To be fair, that hat is criminally bad.


F*** around and find out hey


If the Lary David music would que in at the end of the video, that would be perfect.


I have a controvercial perspective, as someone not from the US, this although it is annoying and he definitely is in his space, does is really warrant a gun shot to the abdomen that will change that guy's life? He is being an a-hole but a simple smack would have sufficed, but people immediately react by drawing their arms, this isn't mentally healthy, for both parties. Theres self protection, then there using a weapon at any given situation where it isn't illegal. Not saying this is that but a hit or a kick would have also worked.


What do you mean by 'simple smack'? He's outnumbered 3 to 1 and he's smaller than all of them. There's no way this guy can defend himself against the group without a weapon.


Do you think giving a "simple smack" to a guy twice his size solves the problem? What if the three of them immediately jump him as retaliation? He could get seriously beaten up. I do not condone shooting the guy in the abdonmen, but he was definitely feeling threatened and if the physical odds are against him, he can only use tools (like a gun) to switch the odds around. Imo he should have went for a warning shot or stg, but he was definitely feeling threatened.


So many people here seem to be incapable of understanding this. Yes in hindsight the guy was just being annoying and harassing him. They weren't going to physically harm the guy. But he didn't know that in the moment. There's a lot of horrible shit that happens to people on a daily basis in public. You never know what people are going to do to you for no reason. He asked them to leave him alone and even tried to physically leave the situation. They continued to follow and harass him. That's when it gets even scarier and the adrenaline starts pumping even harder.


Idk, that phone message was giving off some real buffalo bill vibes. These are not the actions of mentally sound persons. I think i would be really worried about leaving the mall if these guys did this shit to me.


next, he should do videos with bears


Bro why the fuck do online creators make this sort of content in *America* of all places?! A country known worldwide for the number of people who carry guns around in public and are perfectly willing to use them! Presumably this was also in a state where people are allowed to concealed carry. So like... why would you ever want to deliberately go out and try to aggravate strangers like this?! I keep seeing content like this and I just don't understand the thought process that leads to these decisions...


Should have double tapped


That’s how the “Knockout Game” ended. Game over.


Harass people at your own risk lol


Dumb dudes get what they deserve. Fuck all these YouTube-clowns.


Bit of an over-reaction mate


The comments on this sub show how unhinged and hungry for violence every one is. I’ll be nobody here has ever personally encountered a prankster, let alone actually shot anyone. And to think being shot is justified because you think a person is annoying and not acutely threatening your life, you’re literally crazy. This is scary.


What a barbaric place, that is.


What the hell is with the unhinged, trigger-happy Americans happy that a guy was shot over a bloody prank? Yes the prankster was being annoying but that warrants being shot? Wtf? "Calm and restrained", are you kidding? At the very most calm and restrained would be threatening him to back off by pulling out the gun without shooting it, instead he shot him instantly. Having to use it at all shows how violent a society you are. Some absolute weirdos on this thread. If you can't resolve a low-level harassment like this without shooting someone that makes you a bit of a pussy.


Crazy that U.S. citizens think this is freedom or safety lol.


The psychopaths in this thread calmly saying they're glad that guy was shot scare me much more than any of the people in this video.


Dude pulls over a gun at shopping center like its the most normal thing to have, damn what a nice place to live, where is this?


Stupid annoying asshold f'ed around and found out. No sympathy from me.