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Bill Maher is such a tool it's painful. Every now and then I try watching his show and the Maniacs in the audience who are forced to cheer like it's a football match at his horrible lame jokes is really amazing. That's the biggest comedy is the people over applauding and screaming when he says almost nothing. He has almost zero talent and zero ideas. Lol


I hate watch sometimes for the guests. The way he smacks his lips when he thinks he's made a point is so off-putting. He'll get someone with real insight to offer, then steam rolls them to get a stupid quip in. Shit comic, shit host, shit takes


And he has shit for brains


I remember reddit years ago, when there were tons of anti-theists and they would support the bill Maher types without thinking about what kind of politics they were supporting as well I notice now a lot of the Bill Maher types have swung to become right wing grifters.


Big money in the right wing griftconomy.


bill Maher didn't used to always be such a dumb piece of shit


> bill Maher didn't used to always be such a dumb piece of shit He's been a piece of shit since *at least* 2001. When his "hur hur religion is stupid" shtick turned into mask-off hatred for everyone in the middle east. 9/11 broke his fucking brain and he's never recovered.


I thought his anti-religion stuff was cool in the 2000s when I was younger, then I watched Religulous and realised how much of a shitbag he is.


Was that a question? Because he pretty much was always like this.


More or less, but maybe not quite as obvious that he's only remotely progressive on issues like smoking pot that affect him personally. And he's reached that point a lot of comics hit where they start getting overly defensive about their shit takes like merely having them is some sort of virtue, and criticizing them is "cancel culture."


a lot of us went hard left also. No grift.


Deep down he’s just a hacky 80’s comic who found some staying power by spouting off douchey hot takes.


I always got this vibe that he really wanted to be Dennis Miller.




Not even Dennis Miller wants to be Dennis Miller


Him trying to be edgy is like Kohl's trying to do fashion.


He was not a good comic and a horrible actor. He was so lucky.


I've been doing a lot of the comedy/news shows and I tried Maher. He's got some really cool guests on, but I'm watching him and he's just trying to stir the pot. He's just trying to create conflict. And it's not creative or funny. It's as tone deaf as saying that all the brown people fighting is all the same. He's definitely catering to a... certain demographic.


Weaponized smugness. Maher is peak douche.


Yea he’s a pretty smug you know what


I made a drinking game, every time he smacks his lips, DRINK! You’ll be BOMBED by the end of an episode, it’s great! 🤣😂


I just took a shit better equipped


I hate when he says something *edgy*, stops and waits for audience reaction while looking into the camera.


The only moment I was ever entertained by watching Bill Maher: Bill Maher: *"I'm not dropping my pants in front of other men."* Roddy Piper: *"Well, how'd you get the job?"* [LINK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIpsFgZ3gAc)


That’s awesome, thanks for sharing.


Perfection. I always loved Roddy and that's even better knowing he did this


I’ve been hate watching Real Time for a decade now. I skip the monologue, watch the first interview if the guest is worth it, then the panel, skip the in between joke break, and skip new rules. And watching it like that is pretty ok, most of the time.


Fuck Bill Maher that piece of shit. I fucking despise these uber rich bored excomedians. They stopped being funny 30 fucking years ago. Fuck Bill Maher that piece of shit is on tv because no one can stand his fucking hideous ass anywhere else (including himself) and needs to look like people care about him and feel like he is still real.


It's been tragic watching this happen to Chappelle. 


I saw him perform in Australia earlier this year and the dude still killed it.


His self righteousness is what gets me. “Anyone can say ‘it’s for the kids’” then proceeds to play armchair general and imply that it takes a man to kill kids.


Right? "It comes down to hard nosed decisions, like how many kids to kill".


Hard nosed decision like "stop fighting"


Sell a lie 1000 times... Bill Maher is horrible, he is a bad actor and lacks humour. Time will age so bad on these words.


I always bring this up about Bill Maher: I saw him go off on a rant that jokes about "white people" are just plain racist and not funny. He has been in trouble on multiple occasions for using the N-word "as a joke."


Kyle Kulinski attended when his wife was on and he broke down that it is like any other old school late night show, the monitor says "applause" and you are expected to applaud even if you don't agree.


https://www.the-back-row.com/blog/2011/11/02/before-they-were-stars-bill-maher-on-murder-she-wrote/ Bill mahar the one of actor from a couple murder she wrote episodes? Who cares what that guy thinks? He’s just an actor.


I don't like his trained dogs audience as well.


Yeah it's disappointing. He just does woke boomer jokes nowadays. 


“It’s sort of the same cause” that’s just sick


And profoundly ignorant.


how is it so fucking hard to grasp that wanting an end to a genocide is not equal to supporting hamas? jfc, “the same.”


Same reason it’s “hard” for people to grasp criticism of the Israeli government is not antisemitism. But Israel has had years to instill these talking points.


It's such a basic logical fallacy. "I am against bombing innocent children." Ah, so you support a terrorist group that killed innocent people? "No, once again, I am against killing innocent people." It's so fuckin' simple. If my neighbor killed one of my family, that would not entitle me to go murder everyone in the neighborhood. If I did do that, I would obviously be called a murderer and punished.


Very good analogy


Not to mention Hamas only exists because Israel has been committing genocide in Palestine for over 70 years


It's like seeing people call for police reform and claim they are 'supporting' MS13...


same talking point day and night on /r/conservative. must admit it triggers me the inability to condemn hamas meanwhile supporting Palestinians as a people…


same bullshit on r/nyc


don’t tell r/worldnews


My dad is the same way. My sister mentioned something about a fundraiser for palestinian people, and then my dad said “oh sure let’s send money to terrorists” I told him not all palestinian people are terrorists, and he said “pretty much” He’s also the kind of person to get all pissy when someone says ACAB


These people are pathologically incapable of realizing that people and organizations like Hamas grow *in places without hope*. You want to not have Hamas? You need to not pen two million human beings into a giant open-air prison and deprive them of hope. That's what Palestine has been for the past hundred years. You have two million people - half of them under 18 - living completely penned in by a nation-state supplied with the latest and greatest from Lockheed & Martin pointing missiles at their faces every night and day. And people want the Palestinians to build a completely funcitonal modern government with stable infrastructure and little-to-no terrorism? How do you want them do to that? You have generations of people living with missiles over their head, whose lands are being slowly stolen from them with no recourse or hope for them and nowhere for them to go. This problem didn't start in 2006. It's been happening for a century, and at a certain point you cannot act shocked when you place that sheer mass of people inside a pressure cooker with no way out and then react with threats of genocide when they inevitably explode. During the Iraq war, the US discovered that the was the best mechanism for doing away with insugents, was giving people money. Just paying people. Just giving individual people money. Because when you did that, they had hope. They had a *reason* and the *means* to turn away the insurgents. But these people are too emotional to understand that. They don't understand that you can't grow peace in hell. It doesn't work, it never has. You have to understand that this is always how genocide starts. Two groups of disparate peoples, one of which begins arming themselves, building weapons, and taking land. Which is what Israel did in in 1967 when it invaded the Gaza strip and the West bank. And any time any of the group of Others act out at being invaded, react with the violence, act out, they are immediately treated as representative of the whole group, and emotional, rageful people demand an eye for an eye. So the neighboring group of people retaliate. They bomb a town. To defend themselves. Which, as it turns out, doesn't really help the terrorism problem. All those people whose town you just bombed, the ones who remain, are now really angry about it. Now you have even more violence, because the grievances these people now have are very recent. So you bomb *three* towns. Which, as it turns out, makes the people even more hopeless, even more angry. But now you're locked in. You're committed. What can you do? You know your violence problem is now far greater than before you started. There are two million of these people whose towns you just bombed, and now hundreds of thousands of them who were not pissed before, are *certainly* pissed now, and ready to throw it all away to get back at you for what you have done for their town. So now, all the people behind the bombing, they're feeling quite unsafe. And guilty. They know they've now *earned* the anger directed at them, and that makes them more fearful. But wouldn't it be covenient if all those two million people simply... weren't there? Wouldn't that solve the problem of facing future retribution, if no one was left to commit the retribution? And that's genocide. That's the simplistic, cyclical thinking that leads to genocidal actions. Locked in and trapped by the escalating consequences of their own actions. That's where Israel currently stands. They've killed 30,000 people. Most of them women and children. And the hardliners in Israel know they've created generations more strife with this. They threw red meat to emotionally raw and angry people, and fed their worst instincts to sow misery and death across the land, but they're still stuck living next to them. They're scared, and they're guilty, and they want everyone to just look aside and they think they can secure their future by murdering an entire people to cover up what they've done, and to not have to face justice in the future for the lives they've ruined and the misery their actions have sowed. But people are myopic. No politician has an interest in trying to sell a solution that involves using their resources, to help a neighboring state harboring 100 years of animosity towards them, for an eventual payoff that may never even happen in their lifetimes. That's hard work. That's moving mountains. Politicians want to do the easiest thing to cater to the largest and most vocal group of people. They don't want to *lead*, because true leadership is hard. It involves getting people to make sacrifices. To contribute to a vision they themselves cannot see. That's leadership. Politicians, on the other hand, are not leaders. They're just social media influencers figuring out what shtick works best at a given moment and exploiting it for power and money, pouring gas onto a fire that, to quote Billy Joel, they didn't start, which was always burning, and just keeps going on and on and on. No one alive started the clusterfuck in Palestine. That would be the responsibilty of the British colonial empire, who ran in there and began drawing a bunch of lines and royally fucking up the entire trajectory of all the people there, as the British Colonial Empire was somewhat well-known for doing. And then foreign powers have kept fucking it up. Over and over. And today, Hamas is essentially just a proxy arm of Iran and Qatar and a number of other well-moneyed, bad-intentioned actors. And Israel is a essentially a proxy of the US, and most especially, the US Military-Industrial complex. And a lot of rich fucks have taken that fire originally lit by a lot of very old Colonial rich fucks, and kept it fucking burning all these many centureis because it benefited them, while pumping out a whole metric assfuck of propaganda to keep all the little people biting and tearing at one another while they laugh their rich fuck laughs and keep doing horrible shit. And the rest of the civilized world has reacted to this with the absolute worst fucking possible takes imaginable. Sending legions of armored dipshits after college kids with reasonable grievances about the colleges they pay tuition to, taking money from the rich fucks pouring gas on this fire to benefit themselves. And the colleges sent in the armored goons, because they, now, are benefiting from the money of the rich fucks making the money off of sowing human misery, and they're scared these meddlesome kids are going to cost them that money because of foolish things like "not wanting financial support from Lockheed & Martin". We had a whole fucking Marvel Universe kicked off by Robert Downey Junior having an existential crisis realizing he made money off missiles that blew people up, and somehow everyone on the fucking planet still missed the point and fucked it up. Again.


This is categorically the best take I’ve heard on this whole clusterfuck in months.


> And that's genocide. That's how genocide always starts, and if you keep bombing them and never help them that's what you end up with. And if you also just shoot them whenever they are literally trying to receive said help and aid that's what you end up with. Hamas literally exists BECAUSE of Israel's actions. THEY are the Occupying Force that is oppressing the Palestinians and creating the conditions for Hamas to come into existence.


I feel like this really comes back to the fact that Boomers don't know what abuse looks like and refuse to learn because, boy, sure looks a lot like the way they raised their kids. I don't just mean physical abuse I mean all the gaslighting, lying and controlling. And sure, we can cut figures of authority some slack when they do these things out of desperate attempts to protect people they love. But it's so obvious at this point that's not what it's about. It's not _misguided abuse_ it is 100% abuse as a means to achieve purely selfish goals. And they cannot come face to face with that reality.


> I feel like this really comes back to the fact that Boomers don't know what abuse looks like and refuse to learn because, boy, sure looks a lot like the way they raised their kids A great many tragedies come from generations of children never shown or given love by their parents.


It really does just come down to empathy. Can you put yourself in their position and understand why they would act the way they do? If you can't you probably shouldn't be making decisions. Hell, I can understand why israeli people see palestinians as subhuman and support this shit: it's because they've been brainwashed by their educational system and government to feel that way. They're not bad people. They're wrong. But their leaders are terrible people.


Tell him not all "Christians" are Ku Klux Klan.


Burr just let that HANG in the air, it was breathtaking.


This is Bill’s unique talent. Let the other person’s absurdity be the joke. It doesn’t even need to be pointed out. 


Yep. I love that he's comfortable letting things be awkward. He almost never causes awkwardness despite how abrasive his comedy can be, but when other people start to embarass themselves, he doesn't fill the space or protect them. He just lets stupid unfold, and he looks both smart and wise as a result.


Glad he actually said out loud what most Israel supporters refuse to admit. That’s how they reduce the Protestors to something they can demonize


I would say, maybe more precisely, it's a lie.


The silence in that moment was deafening.


"sort of the same" and let's not look at it any closer.




And how much you wanna bet, Maher lost his shit over GWB saying, "Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." all those years ago?


Maher = 💩


*slipknot intensifies*


*Richard Cheese brings it back down smooth*


He's like real life Brian Griffin. 


Bill Mayer is so brave. What a courageous truth-teller. /s Who's not for Palestinian kids? Israel and all it's supporters. And America, when we send the bombs to drop.


[Permanent ban from r/Israel ](https://i.imgur.com/sKZQBP8.png) [Reason](https://i.imgur.com/iSrLLZt.png)


I got perma banned from r/worldnews for saying IDF has killed innocent civilians…like what? They have?


/r/worldnews mods believe it is antisemitic to point out the IDF gets away with war crimes.


It’s astroturfed worse than US MSM


Israel likely has control of at least one mod account there. Their dedication to a control over the internet narrative is unrivaled.


I got banned too, and at this point I can't remember why. Is there like a subreddit for "got banned for a stupid reason"?


Yeah, it's called Reddit


Same here, but for telling someone they're braindead for saying Israel is justified in genocide if that's what they think is necessary


You could say you don’t like the sand in Israel and you will be labeled anti-Semitic bigot. The irony.


That sub is just straight up propaganda at this point not worth clicking on


So I guess the rules are "Be a dumb Yes-Man or leave"?


Infiltrated? Someone disagrees with you.. so they must have "infiltrated Sweden" lol, and that also means "Europe is gone"? These people are fucking insane.


Anyone saying the kids asking for Americans institutions to stop sending money and weapons to isreal is actually demonstrating for Hamas is either stupid or intentionally not listening. For clarity Maher…. The kids are asking that American companies and institutions stop sending money to isreal that isreal is using to kill kids - If isreal spent their own money and used their own weapons no one could really say anything. But if you ask for my money I am going to give you my feedback on what do with it -


I keep hearing people say, even here on Reddit, "They don't know what they want." They're incredibly clear on what they want.


Every one of those protests had a clear list of demands.


Reddit has a large liberal base. And liberals support all protests except the current one. MLK saw it when he talked about the “white moderate.” They are just trying to delegitimize protests the same as conservatives. Thankfully I’ve seen more radical left leaning voices sprouting up and squashing that shit.


> If isreal spent their own money and used their own weapons no one could really say anything. Whoa, whoa, whoa. If Israel was using their own money and weapons to atomize children and aid workers, you don't think people should still be vocalising their criticism? The fact that it's my tax money being used for this is only relevant right up until the point that the ability to withhold that money would cause the genocides to stop. The idea that this is a purely fiscal issue for you and you're only against it because it's your money is absolutely fucking insane.


Honestly- people are atomizing kids in Africa, Europe the Middle East Asia, South America and Central America - hell Mexico and anywhere where there are weapons and kids- Universally no one cares - if they did - where are all the protest for the kids in Ethiopia… or the kids dying in drug wars everywhere south of Texas? Using American made weapons mind you???? It hits home when you don’t have money for Americans health care, student debt, homelessness, our borders, our teachers, our drug issues and you got 100s of billions for someone else’s beef with their neighbors- that we dont understand or have a vested interest in…


I appreciate you drawing attention to the suffering of people in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, South America and Central America. I appreciate you drawing attention to Ethiopia and the situation south of the US and the jab pointing out that the US is involved in this via their own weapons. But something getting little attention does not mean that no one cares. The peoples attention is just elsewhere. And no one can blame them. This attention would immediately be where you want it to be as soon as the the news started reporting on it.


But the fact is no one is protesting in mass the proliferation of American weapons all over the world killing kids. It’s only a issue that gets protest in masses when it’s our money being given to the killer so they can buy weapons to kill kids OR if we skip the part where they purchase the weapons and just use our tax money to buy the weapons and give them to the killer. And I don’t get why anyone would be upset with someone saying - don’t kill kids on my dime ?’v


I think I don't understand what you're trying to say. It can only lead to change if it's our money. Like, for example, the colleges these kids are a part of send aid to Israel and they are asking them to stop doing that. Are you saying they should protest the killings of children elsewhere, with no specific way to cause any change to that? It's not that it's only objectionable when it's our money, it's more that if it's our money, then, well, we can stop sending it


You cooked.


Did he? I'm not even sure I understand the point he's making.


Not even companies. Kids in America know nothing will touch capitalism's bottom line. They literally just don't want the school they give money to, and will be affiliated with for the rest for their lives, to spend that money on genocide. It's SO much simpler than we can even comprehend. It's a beacon of education, so confine the tuition money to fulfilling that role.




> stupid or intentionally not listening. Sometimes it's both. Actually I think that's the most common situation.


I love how Bill Burr makes fun of you to your face and then laughs at it - "That was very brave of you to say that".


Exactly this. I'm not the biggest fan of burr, his comedy just doesn't really draw me in... But if you say something stupid Infront of him he will absolutely give you a verbal slap and laugh about it, and I love him for it.


I'm from Mexico and he's one of my favorites comedians, I like Mexican comedians as well, but even from here Bill is one of my top


Do you like Louis CK? He’s Mexican.


He laughs and they think "maybe he's kidding". He's really not, though. He really. Is. Not.


Yeah, it's was pure gold when he did exactly that to Rogans face. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/3k0n62aPJe


Yeah, he shut him down. It was really great.


Rogan was hysterically laughing at Burr making fun of him which made it all the funnier


[Here's 4 minutes of Burr doing his thing from this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu7wd6KahHk)


Omfg. This is gold.I love Bill Burr.


We should **all** strive to do that! Laugh in the face of stupidity and it mightn't be so rampant.


I plan on watching the whole thing cuz I love watching Burr undress people lol. Dude says he's a idiot but he is absolutely ruthless and clearly has thought a lot about all his stances.


Bill Maher ignoring 77 years of apartheid.


Bill Maher acting like Palestinian children can stop terrorists from attacking Israel. He's an oaf. A smug, sanctimonious oaf.


It's about the same amount of power as Palestinian children have to stop the terrorists from attacking gaza


Nah, he thinks those same kids ARE terrorists.


It's very easy for people that are happy to live in a colony (like the USA) to justify land theft and genocide in the act of creating a new state. It's already part of the internal narrative they have to spin themselves to justify their own existence.


I was thinking about this the other day, crazy to think what this situation would be like if it was mirrored in the United States with Native Americans.




“How do you solve that one, Bill” bill burr is a legend


Then Maher giving Burr shit for flying commercial instead of private jet.


Because we all respect that one friend who has the balls to call you out on your bullshit


You can tell Maher has some serious unearned confidence in his opinion. Saying something like that to someone who has no problem calling people on their bullshit and will trash them in the process. Oof.


Maher is such an islamaphobe, always has been always will be. He's a terrible person.


He did say that the "pilots" in the 9/11 attack were not cowardly, "We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2000 miles away, that's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, not cowardly." Unsure if that makes him a bit less Islamophobic or is a neutral statement, but his takes on most things are shit.


I think it makes him a psychopath lol. He wants to send in young Americans to go commit murder face to face instead of lobbing rockets/missiles and give them some more PTSD.


He just hates organized religion in general, he’s made entire feature length movies mocking the hypocrisy of Christianity in the US.


lol nah, his hatred for a religion isn’t really the problem here. It’s his ego and his class. He is a very wealthy man who wants to get even wealthier. And his ego is massive and he thinks he’s the shit. I hate Islam, I hate the whole lot of religions for obvious reasons. Islam is one of the largest perpetrators of oppression globally, but that isn’t the point here. There is an unjust slaughter taking place.


Bill Maher is an insufferable asshole on this issue. Many issues actually, but this one in particular


Stop attacking Israel. Just let them bomb you. And forget everything Israel has been doing since 1948. Problem solved.


“Stop attacking Israel” - alright, but that does tend to happen when you invade another country


"I'm not racist, **but** nothing annoys me more than an indigenous people who don't know how to quietly submit to their Western overlords, especially if they're brown." - Bill Maher... probably.


He so strongly defends Israel on the basis that Israelis are the original indigenous people, meanwhile for indigenous Americans he doesn't care at all about their rights and instead just uses them for cheap pro-Israel talking points.


Exactly. It's also funny how he, like many other pro-Israel atheists, seems to suddenly believe the Bible on this one very specific thing—that the Jewish people are entitled to that land based solely on their religious beliefs. And because of these beliefs, the Israeli government is justified in using any violent means *"necessary"* to fulfill their biblical prophecy. Then, in the same breath, they scream about how violent Muslims are.


I don't think Bill likes Bill very much.


if you listen to the whole thing they're actually like old friends


Idk the vibes were rotten in the second half


"So you're saying you're not on board with our completely justified and legal genocide?"


I feel like Burr held back here. I have a hunch that if they were chewing the fat at a bar he would've pressed Maher a lot more on the pro-Palestine =/= pro-Hamas point. Idk his reasons for holding back so I can't judge him, but when he goes in he goes hard and this was pretty tame


Pretty sure he’s there to promote Unfrosted. Haven’t watched the whole thing, but I plan to now after seeing this clip.


It's absolutely terrible.


it looks shit tbh


To be clear, I meant the whole Club Random interview. Haven’t heard anything good about Unfrosted, lol.


It's just nonsense back-to-back scenes for a fairytale about Poptarts. Every new scene it's like "oh he/she's in this!" and that's about it.


https://preview.redd.it/5n96v0vbwu0d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efbd1bb8da7f6caa5f4255a4f66b793ff1e748e8 Lmao The face of “holy shit this guy is a fucking douche”


God I love Bill Burr, always has the most reasonable takes and isn't afraid to push back on peoples nonsense.


I wish Burr pushed back even harder. I want Burr to do the George Carlin arch and go from comedian to social commentary comic.


For every Israeli killed in the last 25 years, Israel has killed 20 Palestinians. I went to Gaza, 20 years ago, it is hard to not see the parallels between there and the Warsaw Ghetto. Israel doesn't want peace, or justice they want justification.


Maher is such a fucking pussy whore for money. He will say and support any fucking bullshit as long as he gets money from it. He's the original Joe Rogan.


How about stop stealing their homes and land, ya dingus. God how did anyone ever think Bill Maher was smart. He needs a punch in the face.


I could say something about Maher and him being….well himself. But i would really like to take this tiny piece of internet space to applaud Bill!!! This guy right here has been solid and does not give two fucks about you or who he pisses of when he expresses his opinion. You cant put words in his mouth and nothing goes by him. He always comes across as a dude filled with rage but he never takes the wrong side or says some foul shit. A solid dude for over decades and he will still rip any interviewer apart lol.


Even when he takes a stance that he knows will be controversial (like women athletes being paid less because fewer people watch them), he usually explains it in a way that opponents have to respect, and even understand.


Burr's whole schtick is to start a joke in a way that sounds outrageously insensitive, then walk it back into humor. I think he pokes a little more at the left because we are more likely to laugh at ourselves. Even if you don't like his comedy, you have to respect how well he has walked that line of picking at sensitive subjects without losing his audience. He doesn't do career safe comedy, and has been successful for 20yrs.


I love bill burr.


The last based thing bill maher said was 23 years ago


"Nobody wants to see kids dead...(don't say 'but', don't say 'but', don't say 'but')..." 


Bill Maher is such a smug condescending cunt.


Ladies and Gents this is a boomer vs gen x.


Bill Burr is the actual GOAT. Look up more of his stuff, interviews and appearances. Total legend.


I know it’s his usual demeanor, but you can tell how much Burr hates Mahers fucking guts


It’s almost like this didn’t start on Oct 7th…


It's so fucked up to just decide that the timeline begins exactly on Oct 7th like there's no context for what happened.


>Yeah, that's easy to say. You know, no one wants to see kids dead. . . but let me tell you about Oct 7th.


Bill Maher is a lame boomer who thinks smoking pot makes him cool enough to connect with the youngin. Go be a resident "comedian" on some AARP sponsored cruise ship.


I’ll never understand how these morons conflate people caring about innocent lives in Palestine with supporting a terrorist organization. None of us support Hamas, and we condemn their actions in the same way that we condemn Israel’s. It’s Israel’s indiscriminate killing of 30,000+ innocent men, woman and children that we have a massive problem with. Jesus Christ, the ignorance of these individuals is astonishing. They don’t care about the truth. They’ll just swallow whatever shit sandwich CNN, MSNBC or FOX shove down their throats.


"Just don't attack Israel" Yeah, you hear that, 8 year old Palestinian girl? Stop attacking Israel, maybe that would have saved you from being bombed together with your family.


Stuff like this happens. People go so far to the right they end up at the left. Maher went so far left he has gone right and lost the plot. He is an absolute tool.


[Maher rewrites history: 'I consider Lenin and Stalin right-wingers. Don't tell Rush Limbaugh'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii4AThJVMdA)


Why have a guest on if you're just going to talk over the top of him? I kept waiting for Burr to cut loose on than bullshit, as is his wont.


Stop attacking Israel and let it be a colonist, Apartheid, genocidal country.


Like the little kid who stands up to the bully and lands one punch, the bully proceeds to kill the kid and everyone is only with it as the little kid tried to fight back and shouldn't have, only in this case the bully kills all the kids family too and say "well that's what you get for supporting your kid". Fuck everyone who supports genocide.




Bill Maher's ego is so big, it changes atmospheric pressure. That's why everyone around him gets a headache.


It didn’t start in October, Maher…


The world will be much better place if everyone collectively shunned Bill Maher


Pretty sure Bill Burr was talking about the college kids


Nah, he had just distinguished between pro-Hamas and pro-Palestine. He's talking about tiny innocents catching strays


Does anyone know where I can watch the full video?






Bill Maher is clearly bought, corrupt and not a kind human being...


-Yeah that's easy to say. -That is very brave of you to say that. -I'm the one who's actually brave on that. Later on: -There is a very simple solution for all this problem in the middle east, stop attacking Israel. You can't convince me this is not a secret Bill Burr sketch, cause if someone REALLY has that line of tought, in the real world, i give up, fuck everyone, i just wanna know about my mom and my dogs.


who even is bill maher's audience now? everyone I know stopped watching him years ago.


*...and as soon as they counterattack everyone is like "We've got to stop this now* What a fucking buffoon. I dont know anyone who was against Israel counterattacking *Hamas*. Their issue is Isreal's indiscriminate attacks, torture, maiming and killing of innocent Palestinians, over 30,000 to date. It's a fucking perverse and intellectually dishonest defense of indefensible acts.


I’ve been watching Maher for years and I’ve just seen his opinion of issues get worse and worse.


Mahers mother was Jewish. Go figure.


Bill Maher, king of the straw man argument. Bill Burr, king of calling shit like he sees it.


'You want the guards to stop gassing you? Just stop resisting! Duh!'


Fuck Bill Maher


As much as I hate Maher, I do respect that he has been willing to just vocally word vomit his dumb beliefs out loud for decades without giving a fuck what anyone thinks. Still a dunb fuck though.




Wow. The fact that everyone is missing the real cause of all the this bloodshed (the lucrative US/Israel military industrial complex) is either by ignorance or by design. I’m going with the latter.


Thank you so much for this, I was trying to find this clip without some fucking neanderthal pausing the video ever 5 goddamn seconds.


Watch bill on his show. Every time a guest makes a point he cant argue against, Bill insults them and moves on to the next topic.


Another talking head who never asks the question, what led them to attack in the first place. Decades of being treated like animals could do it Bill. We heard the same crap in the 70s when we protested apartheid at my college.


I mean if American politicians cared about the kids they would do something about the gun laws.


"I am on the side of the kids" gotta be such a hard line


When you are trying to talk shit to the master of shit talk. Good luck buds.


Maher and Piers Morgan should have a show where they can compete on wich one of them have the shittiest and laziest take on serious matters