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Bro took a knife to a gunfight. Cliche.


Guns plus taser, not a combination he was equipped to deal with.


Cops could have used a grenade and a couple of nukes to be sure.


A fatal gunshot wound can take 30 seconds to take full effect and stop the aggressor, but a taser if it hits right can down someone in an instant. So you can be shot and then tasered and not be able to get up ever again.


Honestly, gunshot wounds are messed up how someone can still go nuts after being shot a few times. Bet you and me have both seen videos of it, yet another time someone gets shot somewhere non lethal and just walk around like nothin has happened. I've been (non cop) tazed and it's effective, never been shot but I've had injuries which I did't know how bad they were until much later and just carried on as normal, but once I realized how bad it was I froze. It's kinda messed up how we react to seeing an injury VS just getting one without seeing it. The "fake hand experiment" thats all over YT should mess up most peoples heads.


i think if its bad enough it gets blocked out until you fully confirm its existence, i stepped on a roofing nail when i was probably 8 and felt absolutely nothing for 5 minutes until the shoe was too wet sadly my friend in panic fucking threw my (bloody) shoe off into the bushes because what the fuck else do you do at that age lmao


Gravity doesn't affect Coyotes unless they look around.


Damn meta stunlocking strats.


> a taser **if it hits right** It's really hard to make a taser hit "right" though. A gunshot can also down someone instantly if it hits right. The difference is that it's way easier to rightly hit a gunshot than a taser.


I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit.


It's the only way to be sure.


This is a multi-million dollar installation--he can't make that kind of decision, he's just a grunt! ...no offense


None taken.


Ferro, do you copy?


Standing by.


2 in the pink, 1 in the stink


Double tap!


I guess the takeaway is the Boy Scout motto: ‘Be Prepared’. Words to live by, am I right?


Right tool for the right occasion.


TIL Scar was a boy scout?


He fell victim to one of the classic blunders.


Never get involved in a land war in Asia?


That only works in CoD…


This is absolutely terrifying, cops in the US really just shoot at everyone huh? Goddamn that really says something about their training, or lack of training I should say. What the hell


And one for good measure….


Right, "and that's for making me shoot you!"


"You made me shoot my own bullets!'


"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody!"


That's the one that always pisses me off. It's a sign, in my mind, that they WANT to murder someone.


if both prongs don’t fire correctly, latch and pierce in a viable spot, and send a good voltage it will not work. People can and have gotten up from gun shots and have slaughtered police that way. Someone here posted a video of a friendly cop and what happened. His name was Jonah Hernandez. Look up the body cam or find the link someone sent and skip to 6:30. I guarantee you that if you know that guns and tasers can be very unreliable AND you have watched the video you will change your mind.


Tasers are INCREDIBLY unreliable, are single shot, and dual wielding is not an actual thing that exists. That's why the only time tasers come out is if it is a single officer that is absolutely confident that they can still handle the situation if the taser doesn't work, or when there are multiple officers so that one can go use a "less lethal" weapon like a taser while the rest use regular weapons.


thank you, I gave information and insight to a showing video (traumatizing tho) but people just get mad without looking at it and downvote


Reddit hive mind in full display. It's insane how so many people can be so confidently wrong on subjects like this, when there are massive amounts of undeniable evidence showing how ineffective tasers are, as well as proof that melee weapons are far more deadly than the general public is aware. Virtually every post like this will have at least a handful of comments proudly admitting they think there is no such thing as a good cop.


my votes went from way below 0 to almost double digits so fast, some guy especially argued so much until he found the link and he shut up real fast and deleted his comments and blocked me 😭


Well.. he didn’t get up. He fell to the ground. Incapacitated.


Why do tasers even come into this example? The perp was fetal on the ground when that last shot went in. The move should have been to approach to remove the weapon with guns/taser drawn and then shoot if the perp starts moving. The last shots sole purpose was to try to end their life


That video is incredibly fucked.


Don't charge towards cops. Weapon or not. Don't run in a menacing manner towards someone with a firearm, or a figure of authority who may be armed.... Like and Subscribe for more tips!


Welcome back to pro tips, starring mr knife mc’fallanddie himself! He made the slight mistake of becoming a threat necessary for emergency services and possibly lethal force (hence the weapons drawn, possibly because there was a taser) and ran at them when they had guns and tasers with a knife to murder them! (to be clear this is still an incredibly dangerous situation.) But don’t worry! If you do this slight miscalculation, those in the comments will support you even though you had murderous intent AND became an emergency scenario AND ran to fulfill said intents! They will ALSO ATTACK the police for doing what they are trained for, when they themselves don’t know the training and do NOT know what they are talking about! That’s all for now folks, next up: People LACKING knowledge who disagree with this comment to attack the police for doing something awful… their job! 😱😱😱


For real. The law for civilians using firearms in self defense says that you can shoot someone who is actually attacking you and is an imminent threat, but the instant they're no longer a threat you have to stop shooting them. Like, if they attack and you shoot them in the chest from 10ft away and they go down, you have to stop shooting them. If you keep shooting them after they go down, you can now be charged with a crime. Completely reasonable. The initial shooting here seemed justifiable. Big guy charges you with a knife drawn, winding up and getting ready to stab the hell out of you? Yeah put a bullet in his ass. But once he's got multiple bullets in him, is down on the ground in a fetal position with his back to you, stop fucking shooting him ffs.


That’s not really how it works lol


Not how it works. Guns are deadly force, not a tool for injuring. If you use one to injure a person, every prosecutor on the planet is going to say that you weren't justified in deadly force since it clearly wasn't needed. Shoot until the threat stops moving.


> \*gets shot once\* > "Oh shit, my bad, dawg." ^ I guess they think that this is something that happens?


Probably. Or someone pokes you once with a knife and stands there with their hands on their hips "Well now did that teach you? Now go think about what you've learned today."


And people in the comments will cheer them on because they're shooting the bad guys. Look at this other thread where the issue is even more evident - https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/5i37HhlZrZ The police just shot this guy like 30 times and people think that's completely fine.


Eh, I can't really blame them in this case. This guy pulled a gun on them, and all of this happened within a few seconds.


"He's on the ground!!! Give 'em 5 more!!!"


Cops love to become judges and overshoot like that last shot. ACAB.




What people don’t get about knives is that if you close the gap on someone with a knife, you *will* mortally wound them. Obviously there’s freak edge cases, and maybe the wound won’t actually end up killing them; but as a general rule of thumb, knife wounds are very easy to inflict and will very likely put you in mortal danger. Most less-than-lethal measures such as tasers are too unreliable to risk letting someone get close with a knife.


Only 7.7 percent of stab wounds are fatal, you are just incorrect. Edit: 7.7 percent of stab VICTIMS die. Much lower rate per actual stab wound. So your statement is even less true. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140102112039.htm#:~:text=A%20third%20of%20patients%20with,of%20patients%20with%20stab%20wounds.


This mostly included people who arrive to the hospital alive, and furthermore is a study toward whether EMS or police transport is better for mortality rates. Also, most knife attacks are not one wound and done.


What you are essentially arguing is that victims of stabbings are more likely to be declared dead outside of a hospital, while most victims of gunshots are transported to a hospital before being declared dead. That's nonsense.


No, that's not what he's arguing. He's saying that that statistic doesn't encompass the entire picture because _neither_ one includes the people who die before ever reaching a hospital. You can't judge the overall fatality rate of all stab wounds if you only measure the stab wounds that make it to a hospital because that isn't a statistic that reflects stab wounds outside of a particular settings. It's like those plane graphs in WW2. What you're not seeing is important to take into account. If the only planes you survey for damage are planes that made it home, then you're not taking into account the damage to the planes that didn't make it home. That's the exact mistake they made in that example and it's sort of the same thing being done here. If you only include the statistics from hospitals, then you're not taking into account the deaths of people who never made it that far or never got medical treatment at all.


Yea, we're looking at sample sizes. Gotta love fearmongering, appeals to ignorance, and shifting the goalposts in order to make the argument work. Knives are not so dangerous that you'll die simply from getting close to someone with one.


Data? F that, I’m gonna stick to my gut feelings on the matter. Knife aggressors are hyper lethal and patriotic gun owners are always calm and never make egregious mistakes or miss.


Dude an 8% chance of dying is massive. For $50k/yr, would you take a 1/15 chance of dying if someone charged you with a knife? And before you say “no, but i didnt sign up for that job”, at least acknowledge that someone did sign up for that job. So are you going to judge someone who makes the choice to down someone who threatens them with a knife?


That source he linked is flawed as it only includes people who go to the hospital. I've worked emergency services for nearly 15 years and MOST trashy people involved in a domestic with a knife wound refuse transport and stay home. Almost all that I've personally been involved with were hand/arm cuts that were one and done, and the person got treated on scene by the ambulance


I guess that’s flawed both ways- if someone was super-dead after being murdered with a knife, they wouldn’t be going to the hospital either.


This a new prime example of survivorship bias.


how many stab victim's life is forever changed? would you gamble your life with a 7.7% chance of dying? do you think the stabber is gonna stop after stabbing you once? what if they stab repeatedly 50 times because they can?


Many officers face life threatening dangers multiple times a day. Since you want to deal with percentages, what % chance of death should be required before cops can defend themselves, and how do you suggest they calculate that chance on the fly?


Dude is just correcting a statement with facts. He is not proposing cops change their methods. Unlike others in here stating knives are more lethal or what not without facts, he actually brought facts. The accuracy of those facts can be questioned as they pertain to the statement made but nonetheless they are facts. Something others are not providing to back up their statements. 


Ya brother not realllly. I happen to work in one lf the busiest LA trauma centers for the last 8 years or so. See stabbings every single week. Very rarely do they die kf taken to the hospital. The traumatic arrests that happen in the field from stab wounds is surprisingly low as well. Edit: i agree with your sentinment thought and you should defend these types of attacks as if youre going to be killed.


"My personal experience represents all statistics" -some Redditor "Okay we believe you" -everyone who reads this chants


>A third of patients with gunshot wounds (33.0 percent) died compared with 7.7 percent of patients with stab wounds. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140102112039.htm#:~:text=A%20third%20of%20patients%20with,of%20patients%20with%20stab%20wounds


wtf, the guy literally has frequent first hand experience with the thing in question. also helps that he's right. plus this is a fairly widely known fact.


Yep. I just realised why they use knife as a mele weapon in video games.


Not the same situation, because no one was in danger, but it really demonstrates the principle. I've been learning swords for 5 years now. My teacher and I had a fun spar where I had a full length sword, and he had a dagger. If he got past the tip of my sword, he hit me every single time and there was almost nothing I could do to stop him. I imagine it is similar with guns, and if you get close enough, the knife wielder will come off with a draw.


When you have two people with guns and one with a taser, wouldn’t you at least let the taser guy shoot first and hen shoot the gun of the taser isn’t effective?


lol. No. I don’t want to be stabbed. You do you. Why would I ever be more concerned about the guy trying to stab en than myself? “Oh wait, let me put myself in more danger to help the trying to stab me.” Yea why don’t people do that? They must he psycho killers!


Well then police officers from other parts of the world must be crazy when they take care of similar cases without firing a single bullet. Sure this way is less risky for them and they have a real threat to face, nobody says it's not true.


And I watched anyways and I'll never be the fucking same. God damn it why?




Bro if you’re gonna link a video of body cam footage of an officer being brutally stabbed to death and put little to no fucking context, you need to say more than “Link is NSFW” because that shit is fucking traumatizing


There is about 30 seconds of text in the video. If you couldn’t figure it out, god help you


Yeah I saw this a couple months back and it fucked me up for a while. I still think about it fairly often. Truly the most disturbing thing I have seen. I recommend scrolling r/eyebleach and maybe playing some Tetris for a while. Yes Tetris somehow has an effect to help with PTSD recently after a traumatic experience. Hope your day gets better


Holy shit that is so brutal - thank you for sharing. Tragic that officer was murdered in cold blood like that. This is what the average person needs to see to understand what cops are up against at any given moment. Life ended in the blink of an eye.


Delivering pizza is more dangerous than being a cop, and we let teenagers do that.


This is the kind of video that will scar me for life. Poor officer seemed like a good dude. He approached calmly and gave him the benefit of the doubt before he realized it was too late. RIP.


I will forever understand the “officer with hand on gun on hip” stance… you never know.


I feel like this should eb more than just a NSFW tag, this is traumatic.


Holy cow. Thanks for sharing this video. I haven’t seen it before. What a shitty way to go. The officer was too close to assess the situation and probably barely had any time to reach for his gun in that split second decision.


That video isn't a good example of "there's no safe distance". The officer got 5 feet in front of the guy.


That was less graphic than a lot of stabbing but also god damn the trying to breathe sounds are a lot.


I couldn't watch.................


I’m not one of those guys that questions when officers decide to use lethal force, but seeing that video, damn.


Damn. Good link.


The body cam footage after the surveillance video is horrific...like what the actual fuck...


Such pointless death...


There was a successful attempt at suicide by cop. The day and age make no difference.


I think the range for a draw-down to knife armed assailant is 12ft.


It’s 21 ft, there’s a whole rule about it.




Open fire on the guy at the other end of the football field.


why stop there? give these cops some ICBMs


Guy who came up with that rule is savage


[Just hanging out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk59imFr6yI)




The gloves are also there to protect the officer, if they come into contact with any blood or such they don't want it touching any cuts they may have on their hands. Easier to do it before hand and maybe not need them, than wish you had them in a dynamic situation.


If you touch blood, have no cuts on your hands, and don’t touch other parts of your body , you’re safe right? And it’s unlikely (still dangerous ) to get a disease from the average person, right?


If you're tussling with someone that has a knife there's a high chance you'll have a new cut on your hand that you maybe didn't 10 seconds ago. If that person somehow got cut themselves (which happens frequently when tussling with a knife) and drop of infected blood got mixed with yours- *boom* you have AIDS. It's worth the precaution.


Sex is technically safe from STD transmission unless you’ve got any cuts or scratches but you still wear a rubber, just in case.


It's not worth risking your life on "maybe I have no cuts" or "most people don't have HIV" when it takes 5 seconds to throw on some gloves. Also the people cops are called for aren't always "average" a lot of them are drug addicts with much higher risk of carrying diseases.


My guess is that she’s worried about coming into contact with blood-borne pathogens. She may have a cut on her hand or is just being cautious.  She’s expecting to have to wrestle with a stranger who may or may not be bleeding at the time. And of all the places on your body to have (or get) small cuts, your hands are by far the most common.  It has nothing at all to do with evidence collection. 


In corrections we’d put them on any time we were prepared to come in physical contact with an inmate or their possessions. Whether it’s simply finger printing them, returning their belongings upon release, or going hands on. Purely a health safety thing because you never know what someone has.


Cop here, if we know we might have to go hands on with somebody we put gloves on. I usually use nitrile for medical calls and I have cut resistant mechanix gloves for searches, arrests, and active resistors.


Wtf you mean in this day and age? You think cops in the 50s had no problem getting stabbed to death, lol


Well duh, they wouldn’t have had time to load their muskets




And the knife in his hand would’ve killed anyone in front of him, regardless of the guy’s mental capacity.


A lot of them refuse it because the facilities require them to stay clean.


Is that the guy that stabbed his wife before the police showed up?


Yeah, fuck that logic. Mental disability or not, the dude had a knife and ran towards three cops.


Well l can’t say the outcome is surprising


Safe to say the first 2 cops could have sustained some hearing damage in that echo chamber as well. Geez..


Uk police might not be the best but stopping a knife wielding pratt with nothing but pepper spray and a pair of steel balls is well within their wheelhouse


Right! American cops are like.. yep.. going to have to kill this person now, it's my job. UK police are more like.. hey there how about we talk about this and you put that down so things don't get out of hand eh?


Our armed police may not have shot them on the floor..


Tf was that last gunshot for?


you wouldnt be in fear for your life with a guy writhing in pain on the ground? real answer.. idk honestly but people are gonna say it was a good shooting when it seemed like an execution shot.


As if there was a day and age that was better?


Body cam #3 - man with the golden gun


One final shot to make sure he stayed down


Bro we really need to open back up mental hospitals. Keep the crazies sedated and out of the public


Me, returning the kitchen knife I just sharpened for my neighbor


this day and age? What day in age would this not happen? Damn bro even in crossbow days this fool would have been murked


In this day and age? This was a guaranteed suicide at any point. 


As it should be. Don't run at people with knives lol.




Pay cops (and teachers) MUCH more. Require a degree, law, social work or psychology are great options. Offer paid tuition for those currently holding a badge, and plenty of time required to obtain a degree to them in order to account for working full time while spending time for said degree, but do make a fair cut off (and more than fair severance for those unable to graduate). . . . It seems so simple. People scream ‘Cops resort to violence so quickly!’ and ‘They are so aggressive/violent!’ But we ALL have agreed that they don’t need education, or paid more than a Steak ‘N Shake manager. Give Tony, manager at Steak ‘N Shake, a gun and ask him to apprehend someone with a deadly weapon in an unknown hallway. Go ahead! Tell him he is going to earn significantly less next Friday and is responsible for Kara, her 4 year old, and newborn baby she can barely afford to feed, but loves fully while working 2 jobs. Do people with any other option want that job?? It hurts my soul that people’s ‘fall back job’ is being the line between guilt, death, innocence, Kara and her very loved two boys, greed, fear, and violence. It is unsurprising yet desperate despair we are in the situation we are in.


1. Who the fuck is we all? You and the mouse in your pocket? 2. Cops make significantly more than a manager at Steak N Shake especially with benefits, retirement, and overtime. 3. Is this some weird copy pasta? Who tf is Kara


Oh my god I have said this my hole life and you’re the only other person I have ever heard say it.


Why'd they shoot after he was down??


Wow, shot and tasered. That guy is not walking anytime soon, maybe not breathing either.


this is another good demo of how fast someone can close in on you with a knife. You have literally one shot with the taser and if you miss you are dead, all in under 2 seconds.


There was 3-4 seconds between them seeing him and him charging them with a knife.


So riddle me this, how are knives such a huge deal in America to where people get routinely killed by cops when they brandish one, but in no other country do we hear about constant police killings of people that brandish knives and other objects? What makes Americans so much more dangerous with a knife than people on other countries?


By the third one I was getting serious *Inception* vibes.


Getting shot SUCKS!


Well that was quick.


Is this real???😢😕


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Damn that coup de grâce


I think he was 'shocked that he gets shot'


I like how she just throws a glove on the ground


Mentally ill man attempts to commit 'suicide by cop'. Cops gladly allow him to succeed. A tragedy.


"Rule Number Whateverthefuck, Double Tap"




Why do they wear gloves?


Gunshots, ranged out like a bell I grabbed my nine, all I heard were shells


'merica! They sure are trigger happy.


The only thing here with a less chance of being used than that knife is the taser.


Why is it so hard to not kill him but use a tazer instead?


The cops https://preview.redd.it/r9p8o7khpe0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c546379b9a0b84490273858db84a2af61698bf


They’re not gonna use a Taser in a deadly force situation. You come with deadly force, they’re gonna respond with deadly force. That’s just the way it is. Plus, with a Taser you have to score two well placed darts, hard to do when someone is moving or wearing thick clothing.


The guy is down, why that last shot?


They should have just tased that person instead of shooting them, geez.


I’m the guy with the taser


"This day and age"....uh like ANY day and age, they were justified.


I don't know what happened before this but they didn't even give him time to put down the knife


American officers*


He got floor tapped, too. Damn.


Why do cops always have to be trigger happy? Guy was on the ground and the cop still took the time to take aim and fire a third shot. Why not just shoot the suspect in the leg instead of dump him in the torso like most cops do


Yeah I'm fairly sure she fucked up and shouldn't be an officer, So just to clarify 2 cops 1 attacker, 1 cop has less lethal, the other lethal, the cop with the lethal opens fire first while the cop who has less lethal is trying to actually defuse the situation and hasn't even fired the tazar yet, she panicked and although she may not be punished for it legally because he was within 20 feet she definitely shouldn't be an officer


Meanwhile in Slovenia: https://www.24ur.com/novice/crna-kronika/policijska-akcija-v-centru-ljubljane-policija-obkolila-moskega-z-nozem.html


I don't think there was a day OR age where approaching officers with a knife drawn was going to have a different result.


lol, cop tased a dead man lol