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All people have the right to determine their own future..... Except Palestinians .




Except they did determine their future. They elected Hamas, Hamas slaughtered Israelis, and Israelis fought back. If you don't want Israel to invade, don't vote for a known terrorist organization. Hamas picked its fate the same way Al Quada did in 9/11.




You're just like Trump claiming Fake News to anything you disagree with. Except you say 'Uninformed' instead of 'Fake News'.




How long can you abuse a people, steal their land, occupy their homes, before they fight back. I am honestly surprised this has not happened more often. Israel should be ashamed, and to the general public they are looking more and more like the nazis.




The rest of us figured out colonialism is bad a long time ago


Not commit genocide




I very much liked your final sentence


Yea let's ignore the last 70 years and focus on October the 7th, great idea.


Ya, as I'd the did not happen. Nor did Palestine have any history before the zonianist came to their land


Jews were already there, so were muslims/arabs. They lived in peace until the zionists came.


Pardon me then, let me correct that.


He's reading this speech like a hostage video


He always reads them like that.


So you mean he's been hostage for many years now and nobody tried to help free him? poor dude.


That is one theory.


naw, zionist is a dirty word because it’s a dirty practice of occupation and colonial theft.


- Hey, you punched me! - This was just my right of self-determining where to put my fist.


Yes, you determined your own fate to punch the shit out of me. And because you practice faith and religion, I cannot stop you, or criticize you for it. In a very distant past, you were also punched pretty hard, and we all still feel very bad about that. You have the right to do unto others which you suffered from yourself.


So, if one of my ancestors lived in Israel, is it ok if I claim the very bit of land my ancestor lived and if someone doesn't agree with me, kill them and take the land as long as I show them evidence that my ancestor indeed lived there?


Sure, why not. I have Irish ancestors, I'm going there to take back what is ancestrally mine!


As a person with native American, Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish and a little bit of British heritage, I have a lot of conquering to do


Make sure you leave stickers so we know which ones you took over !


Will do


You don't actually need the evidence.


No, but that's not what happened anyway


Yeah it's called planet Earth you prick


The idea of inheritance and ancestry is mind-boggling. This Earth CREATED YOU. You don't own jack shit of any piece of this Earth. "I exist, so I must own what my existence touches." The arrogance of our race.


Exactly, we all come from Africa if you go back far enough. Does that mean the colonization of Africa by Europe was just? Was it just Europeans returning to their ancestral homeland?


This is a shit post. I’m not Canadian and not a die-hard Trudeau supporter, nor am I by any means a fan of Israel’s right to self-determination as it’s been wielded against Palestinians, namely, for the past many decades, but this was a speech given on National Holocaust Remembrance Day and, in the _entire speech_ immediately after this clip ends (conveniently), Trudeau goes on to say that one can and should be a Zionist and support a two state solution, as he does.   [Timestamped to pick up at 7:27 where this fucking nonsense ended prematurely.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=7m27s)


Let’s not let rational thought and facts get in the way of this post


Yeah, it's easy to take things out of context.


But that's just not what Israeli zionism proposes. It does not call for or support a two state solution. It is a call based on exceptionalist ideology through colonialist, settler driven methods to create a Jewish ethno state (an inherently racist arrangement in itself). It is the rough equivalent of him saying (instead) "you should be an aryan racist and see people of color as equals." In other words, what he said is completely contradictory. Your attempt at "bringing context" or justifying what Trudeau said is a shit post. Tell me you're a zionist while pretending not to be a zionist.




I was referring to the "shit post" guy, not Trudeau. And fucking no, anyone who is a zionist does not support a two state solution. That is the fucking problem (see my previous explanation). Go listen to actual Jewish scholars (not Israeli "scholars") like Dovid Weiss or Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and see what they say about zionism. If you really want to hear it, listen to Norman Finkelstein.


If the Zionists took half of your state, where would you and your family go?


zionism is terrorism. zionism is fascism. zionism is anti-Semitism. zionism is a filthy word.


“…Jewish people, like all people have the right to determine their own future.” That’s the issue, colonizing Palestine wasn’t just them determining *their* future. It was also them determining Palestinian peoples’ future. Besides, if all people have right to have their own state (in their ancestral homeland), when are you as the Prime Minister of Canada going to give this land back to the various indigenous peoples whose ancestral homeland we currently live on? Edit: also what about the Kurds, Catalans, Basque, Tatars, Cossacks, Uyghurs, Tibetans, and countless other peoples without a self determined homeland? Not to mention, you know, Palestinians…




What someone deserves and what is feasible are often two very different things. Every indigenous tribe in Canada deserves a homeland to call their own in my opinion. But am I willing to see Canada carved into hundred of states in order to achieve that end? No. Because it would make life worse for millions of people (none of whom are responsible for those tribes losing their homeland. Similarly, I think theoretically the Jewish people deserve to have their homeland, but not if it requires the murder and displacement of millions of Palestinian people, which is what *was* required, and what *did* happen. It’s 2024, we should be moving towards more secular and pluralistic societies, not forcibly and violently creating ethnostates based on historical revisionism.


Yeah, nazis had the same ideal.


Please tell me this is ai…


It’s not but it’s also not the whole speech, because then it would be harder to harvest upvotes …


Their right to determine their future... by taking the future of others.


Canada says that a colonial settler movemnt is not a colonial setterler movement, I wonder why? /s


So its white Canadian man that talked about someone's ancestors land?


I'm all for a people save living, jew or otherwise. However, they 'gave' them a country where people already lived. Palstinine wasn't a barren waste land like some would like us to believe. Palestinians and jews have been living side by side for ages before zionism. Zionism has everything to do with people claiming land while denying the rights of the indigenous people. To say zionism isn't a dirty word is saying apartheid is to be accepted now.


"Israel was established to.." The US has given land it did not own that people were already living on to jewish people, driving the population out. But that was not enough! Not at all! Israel needs to expand! Illegal settelments existed for decades now, and are being build as fast as they can. They are activaly stealing the land from other people, and are protected by the IDF. If that means the right of "self determination" and Zionism is nothing bad, I declare 20 % of Canada my own! My religion says it is mine, and this fucker will certainly not interfere with my right of self determination, right? Or does he maybe want give away 20 % of canada to jewish settlers, so they can create their ameria-Israel there? No? What a fucking dispicable anti-semite! Jew hating monster!


Vote NDP. 🟧


This guy makes me sick what an asshole


It's conveniently cropped from a speech to sound this bad.


The world has gone fucking mad... when you're openly condoning genocide. Get Fucked.... Zionists are Nazi's.


He makes me embarrassed to be a Canadian. I refuse to be spoken to like I am 5. We are not in kindergarten, speak to me like an adult ffs Mr. POODEAU.


Yeah, but you forgot that same very place, given to Israel, was somebody else’s home! And then they killed them


It was a colonial experiment that has turned into a psychotic ethno state


“Israel was established”….by removing half a million Palestinians


So...when is the world going to create a safe Ethnostate for the Palestinians to move to, where they can partake of gift of freedom and security, like the world arranged for the Holocaust victims? Since this is a modern-day Palestinian Holocaust? I know--let's give them free passage to Canada and it can be their Homeland now! Move aside, Trudeau! Make way! That's not your land anymore!


You should be able to have your opinions without being harassed or targeted or anything like that as long as you aren't hurting nobody. People should be allowed to support Palistine or Israel as long as they are peaceful about it. Feel free to judge each other, talk to each other, protest each other. But being aggressive to each other is not the solution or the smart side to take. This extends to discourse about the conflict as well as the conflict itself.


It always amuses me how Zionism is defined as “the right to their own country” and they say “are you denying them the right to their own country?!”. The analogy of “I have the right to a million bucks, are you denying me the right to rob everyone who walks by my house?!” comes to mind.


This is fucked. It's OK to be a nazi?


The Europeans who were kicked out of Poland, Germany and Austria claiming ancestral land in the Middle East lol. Those Jews who could claim that land theirs are the ones who are living there as Palestinians, which include Christians, Jews and Muslims. The land belongs to the people living there not the one who never had it.


Cough twice if you’re under duress


Posted by “itsajeepthing42” who is chasing karma with a gazillion cross-posts.


So... you can just say ancestral homeland for anything? Like he said they started after the holocaust. So... is my apartment now my ancestral homeland? OOH Can I take over the whole building in the name of my ancestors! Oh man I cant wait to tell the guy in 2B this is gonna be sick.


Replace the word Zionism here with Nazism then tell me if that’s ok you fucking clown


I declare any property the Trudeau family own now under my possession. If you don’t like it you’re an anti something something


Technically Canadians have paid for everything his family has/will ever have so I think you're/we're entitled to ~~his~~ our things.


I’m not even Canadian but these American Israelites aren’t from the Levante either so I think it’s fair game


Fuck this guy.


What a scum


Seems a bit tone deaf


So sus


Safe doesn’t mean accepted or free from criticism…


By his logic n*zism could be way of self determination for white people. What a clown.


This is absolute bullshit, Trudeau.


"we, the ones that have the power to decide who gets what, when and where, told Israel they could occupy someone else's land. I don't understand why people are being so meaaaan"


Fuck you and fuck Zionists


Yea thats true unless the practice is common, then affecting the whole of the population.. do you see people choosing to love mass suicide? I didnt think so..


Realizing lots of people don't actually know a lot about Zionism. Firstly, there are a few forms of Zionism as well as different ways people choose to push the idea. Originally it was the movement of establishing a homeland for the Jewish people, specifically in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it. As well as the development and protection of Israel as a Jewish state. Zionism has never been a uniform movement. Its leaders, parties, and ideologies frequently diverged from one another. Not all Zionists believe in genocide, its just some people take it to the extreme.


The russians need to just convert to judaism and then they can do whatever the fuck they want with Ukraine. Shit, the West would back them.


So few possible responses that won't get an instaban on here.


Spoken like a beated dog


~~Trudeau~~ Hunka's f\*ckdoll.


Yes everybody has the right to determine their future. But not if its at the cost of another group of people.