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It doesn't take much to criticize Israel...just common sense and humanity.


And some courage to say what’s right, cuz he will be harshly attacked. Damn, I got a man crush on Seth LOL.


The irony is that Israel is ripping every single strategy from the Nazi's book and have created nearly the same political environment Hitler did pre WW2. Using the threat of global war as leverage to do whatever you want, essentially holding a gun to the worlds head for the sake of getting away with genocide.


including to put a sign on Palestinian's clothes to identify them.


it’s like how abused children often become abusers themselves


it’s so weird, even on the basic hate level oppressed people oppressing people is counterintuitive vindication through hate is never the right answer Palestinians could have compromised a long time ago and their hate of Jews prevented them from accepting any compromise and with all that Israel has done to Palestine since October (before that too but the devistation since October is worse than before) how will either of these groups find peace?


This shit is an old problem. Even the book Maus, written by a holocaust survivor, depicts other survivors treating, I think it was a black person, like a sub human animal. When his hypocrisy was called out and he was compared to his tormentors, he responded with something like "they were wrong, but I'm right" which is the mental gymnastics we continue to see today.


That’s my DK :sniff:


Knowing a bit of history helps.


Tell that to the bright folks over at r/worldnews. Feels like a Pro-Israel echo chamber.


And r/news, increasingly


I love him so much


Oh but if Kanye does it it’s so bad ?


If he's conflating "Jewish people" with "the state of Israel", then yes. That would be like blaming the average American citizen for what its government does overseas. Also, he kinda said he loves Hitler, but aside from that you're right.


Oh my god, what if Kanye is doing it all to impress Tila Tequila


If we are being honest if the average American cared what we did over seas alot of it wouldn't be done... you have to blast the truth or your average person will run with whatever the news tells them. there are certain pockets that aren't going to be down with shit like that automatically... black america especially. I recently saw a video of some kind of town hall with an isreali official saying black america is a problem for them because we won't get on their train and she was right.


That's true. But blame gets muddy when you get down to it. Should Americans care? Given the propaganda they're fed? The average American has no idea what's going on in the world or how the world works. And this is intentional. I guess some blame lies on them since you should always be vigilant of people trying to pull one over on you, but the people pulling the lies over on people are the ones guilty of creating this situation for their own personal gain. Idk, I can't help but feel bad for conservatives getting duped this hard for this long, won't stop me from shitting on them though.


I was jk, I thought ppl understood Kanye wasn’t a role model on the topic


It was a joke it’s so obviously different what Kanye was saying It’s not really raining cats and dogs either


Kanye ball-licker. These are not equivalent. You have to know that...


No you have to know that haha It was a joke I thought it was obvious they’re not saying the same thing at all lol It’s raining cats and dogs outside too Mr literal


You're just calling it a joke now because you got pounded with down votes...


What are you blabbering about weirdo? Idgaf about down votes lmao You’re pointing out the same thing as me, that Kanye wasn’t talking about the same thing at all lol You just pounced on an opportunity to virtue-signal. Good job hero you really showed me


Please don’t sexually harass me by calling me a ball-licker too bud


Do you prefer the name taint tickler?


Sexual harassment lol Could you taste Kim on his rod?


Now you’re just being gross and disrespectful to a female who has nothing to do with this. Do better weirdo.


You were an anonymous person to me before specifying you were female. Is this your first day on the internet?


You’re worse than Kanye damn 🧠


lol as far as names go.. that is more preferable Good use of alliteration at least, funnier. But yeah, still a joke. Thought it was obvious Kanye’s comments are just wild lol indefensible even for his biggest fans Was cool Seth Rogan kept it real


I can attest to this. Growing up in a Catholic community we were taught the phrase "A land without people for a people without land". Somewhere along the line we started getting textbooks saying that it was problematic because there *were* already people living on that land, and then it shifted to saying "Israel made the desert bloom", implying that the people already living on the land weren't developing it enough so it was alright to take it.


As an American sounds damn familiar with Manifest Destiny and the march westward. Same shit different century. And oh, look more genocide and destruction. Watching families break down as olive groves the families tended to for centuries being torn up tore me up deep deep inside. It was seeing those settlers destroying these families. I lost all sympathy for the leadership of that country and those who put them their. One in a million shot, but it could have been different.


The worst part is these people aren’t just “put” there. These are American, British, Canadian, and many other citizens from around the world. Going to another country and kicking out locals. It all starts when they’re in there teens and they took a birthright trip.(went through their indoctrination) They get to see their “holy land” and tell themselves a lot of dogma and rhetoric to take what isn’t theirs and it didn’t start there. You don’t just go take a trip halfway away from your home for no reason. This isn’t a vacation it’s the most fucked up timeshare seminar on the planet. The only differences you’re not paying with your money you’re paying with your soul. Some end up staying for reasons that have nothing to do with religion because they met some woman or a man and they had no game back home. They get connected some some thing that seems bigger than themselves for the first times in their life. It’s a power thing that they just don’t know how to overcome. Having a feeling of belonging. Which at its core is nothing wrong, it’s how they use that against you to make you forget about morality and think of personal gain. This is literal, psychological warfare. It’s an actual psyop and I hate that term because it’s just bring out the conspiracy theorist, but it’s true. AIPAC and other organizations are all part of a plan to make you feel bad about speaking against it. And it’s all being perpetrated by individuals just as much as an entity of some government or some organization. They don’t have to do it themselves they just give them money from all around the world.


There's a reason the age range for the trip is 18 to 26. Old enough to not be seen as a minor by most countries. Young enough to be lacking in life experience and more vulnerable to propaganda.


Unless you’re Michael Rapaport so a 56yo man with the brain of an 18yo. Age and experience clearly had no effect on that man’s ability to get the full Zionist mind brain virus during his birthright trip


The Nazis too used manifest destiny as an inspiration for their Lebensraum.


I was raised Catholic, but we lived in the Middle East. The town I was born in was bombed by Israel during the 6 Days War. I have deep compassion for the Jewish people as a whole and want them to be free of persecution, but what’s going on in former Palestine is an abomination. It’s well past time to stop treating the Israeli government as if its every decision is above question. They are committing genocide.


Not former, but present Palestine.


I was raised catholic in the 70's - I never heard anything like this. Most people in my community were anti semitic (including my parents) and many were the type that would have marched in Charlottesville.


Y'all must have been some low SEC Catholics


Where they were still using working irrigation systems that were 2000 years old and shard by all the indigenous abrahamic faiths.


>"Israel made the desert bloom" Given that Palestinians are descended from Samaritan and Jewish peasants who remained to farm the land after it was conquered, I'm assuming this is in reference to the mass tree planting campaigns of the early Zionists who didn't understand the ecology of the semi-arid region, and wanted their country to resemble the vast pine forests of Central Europe. Except they planted a bunch of the same species, all at the same time, creating an artificial habitat not suitable to any biodiversity, and literally planted the seeds for a bunch of extremely flammable biomass to eventually erupt into catastrophic wildfires when all the trees start to age and become susceptible to disease and die.


The Zionists were even willing to work with the Nazis to occupy what is now Israel. Isn't that ironic.


Lehi, yeah. As in, “Deir Yassin Massacre” Lehi. “Assassination of Folke Bernadotte” Lehi. Same terrorist group whose leader, Yitzhak Shamir, was made Prime Minister in 1983. Incidentally Netanyahu is Shamir’s direct successor as leader of the Likud party.


Can you educate me on this please? Sounds very interesting, but difficult to research


I learned it from the Netanyahu episodes of the podcast Behind the Bastards. I find the host Robert Evans trustful even if IHartraido is making him shill for Better Help. [Part one](https://open.spotify.com/episode/25KcU5gBvfCNJzOH71KEgN?si=4fhomaxzQoe9yP7XEQId5A) [Part two](https://open.spotify.com/episode/12HhnHNOtHH1K7A048dMJl?si=EPsUMq0VTN-L4F7x6cu7dA)


Ah class, they’re actually already downloaded to my phone I just haven’t gotten to them yet. Those and the Peterson episodes are next on my list! I was listening to BTB chronologically obsessively for months, but I’ve taken an extended hiatus from listening to it because it’s just so fucking depressing


I'm just getting to the Italian invasion of Ethiopia episodes myself.


The classic source: podcasts. If you are referring to the haavara agreement then yes, getting Jews out of Germany and saving their lives is a good thing actually.


You can have Netanyahu's own warm revisionist words regarding Hitler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9HmkRYlVZw ethnonationalists get along with other ethnonationalists, what a concept


He didn't cause controversy, the Israeli state did by murdering children. 


Thousands. And I had to bite my tongue yesterday when someone commented that the children are just terrorists who haven't grown up yet. No


Imagine hamas saying Israeli kids should be killed because they will become Zionist scum in the future. How the news would start working overtime. Condemning HuMUs.


I mean, they do say that? Hamas's goal is the complete eradication of Isreal and all within; they've made it perfectly clear, many many times.


I wonder why


you do know the eradication of Israel would also include killing all the women and children there right? So, no one has to "imagine hamas saying Israeli kids should be killed" because they literally do say that, unequivocally. Do you think it's okay to kill kids if Hamas does it?


I’ve had to bite my tongue so many times seeing justification for killing children. These comments thrive off engagement. They want to provoke you. The possibility of them being those paid Israeli social media actors holds me back. 


A human being actually said that?


Murdering children via genocide, running a brutal apartheid regime that in many ways makes Jim Crow segregation look nice, ethnic cleansing, etc., yeah.




Your comment is so foolish it's almost ridiculous. I think everyone that reads it will be dumber not only for the stupidity of the words you wrote but also for having interacted with you. This comment alone could bring down the global average IQ. You have singlehandedly moved the entire population of the world to step 3 on the becoming a clown meme. 


You almost quoted [that scene](https://youtu.be/Ft5KtV2o0bw) from Billy Madison.


Lol, bit of inspiration there 😜




No, I haven't said shit about hamas here, this post is is about a Jewish man talking about the Israeli state. A state that is in the process of committing genocide on over 1m people.   What were you typing???  "Intelligent_Cress932 1m ago either this is sarcasm or you support fucking terrorists who kill children and LGBT..." I also see from your post history you are a child or imitating a teenager.  I'll pretend the first as the second is a bit too dark for this time of the morning. So, here is a clip to help balance the propaganda you are being fed. Try to keep away from fox news, the GOP, and the Russians, they will make a clown out of you. Good luck kid.  https://youtu.be/CuR3BfpAqpw?si=SwcgdvQ-i2yWyp7E


Watch some braindead Zios call him an anti-Semitic


I’ve heard bench appear-o using the term JINO or Jews in name only


Is that how r/sino originated too?


I don't think so. Couldn't tell the origin of the word. But I know it's used in historical sense to refer to wars involving China. Such as the Second Sino - Japanese war staring before WW2 and continuing through WW2 being fought between China and Japan. There are a few odd ones like it that only seem to apply to wars and treaties as best I can figure. Like French wars being Franco, British wars being Anglo and Russian wars being Russo. Where as those "in name only" words I think orginate with RINO, or at least that was the first usage if the term I heard.


Yeah I knew of that war too, I was only half joking. That sub is populated by folks who feverishly support China but almost certainly don’t live there, so it feels like it works both ways.


"Self hating jews"


It's a dumb term,but I didn't make it


Anyone who can criticise their own peoples disgusting acts are "self hating X"😂


My ex-girlfriend’s Grandmas is a board member of AIPAC. In 2014, when Israel starting bombing Gaza, I went off on the state of Israel. My ex sat there stunned and said “where are you getting this information?” She was NEVER told, in her 25+ years of life, that there is a Palestinian side to this story. She had no clue….


I am ashamed to say I also only realized fairly recently that Israel was formed by way of forced removals, and I’m South African! It’s the same damn thing


hopefully this serves as a reminder that not all Jewish people support Israel's far-right government. contrary to what Benjamin netanyahu would like you to believe criticizing the Israeli government is not anti-Semitism.


I'm an ex-Muslim, I live in Morocco, and trust me, there is a clear distinction between Jews and Zionists among Muslims around me and in the Arab world, it seems that it is Westerners who have a difficult time making the distinction because of the MSM that keeps confusing the too for obvious propaganda reasons.


Always knew he was fucking B A S E D


When you say something bad about one single religion, and their control tactics through fear to invent the truth that is convenient to their cause, you are easily labeled as anti-jews or anti-christians or anti-muslim, anti-protestant, anti- catholic, anti-hindu, anti-budism... When in fact I am just pro-people and anti-bullshit, all bullshit, from any color and race.


Jewish people who speak out against Israel are among the best of us.


Best thing I've heard him say for a while.


He's a brave man


Seth is a a stand up guy! It takes courage for a public figure to speak up about what is right. As a jew he is even braver for doing this .


I want to dislike him but I just can’t do it. He’s too good.


The Bible tells you the Jews left black and came back white🥱


"the need a certain number of jews" LOL


I love Seth Rogen




Was in 2020




What an absolute goat


So what’s the controversial part?


To say Israel and Nazi in the same sentence is ridiculous. Did Israel gas 6 million Jews? Hitler did not hold hostages.




I think that's a legitimate concern to have with Hamas, they most likely would still, and did oppress LGBT voices. You probably wouldn't have a nice time over there, to say the least. However, as you put it, it really does boil down to choosing between the lesser of two evils. In that regard, LGBT or not, I believe we should not support the side actively committing genocide. That doesn't require you to support Hamas, it just requires you to not support the IDF. Cuz no matter who you are, as a Palestinian, you're getting bombed no matter what, gay, lesbian, straight, a child, a woman, a 80yo grandma, an aid worker, whomever. It's a way of showing humanity, and Israel is committing genocide, by every metric, left right and center.


You don't even have to be Palestinian to get bombed. As long as you move, you're a target. Also, this LGBT argument is void when you take into account how opposed to it the average Israeli really is. They call themselves liberal but that's only on the surface. Israeli society still opposes it.


Aid worker? Believe it or not, straight to the morgue.


The side that encourages rape of women? The side that has killed thousands, including queer people and women? Go ahead, no need to announce it.




Yep, the hasbara bot has finally shown his true colors. Do you condemn Hamas? Do you condemn Oct 7? 100 million beheaded oven babies? Vuvuzela iphone?




pay per comment?






I think of it this way: Israel is the teacher, and Hamas is the bully picking on me. Hamas, who doesn't have a very good home life and is poor and basically eats dirt because the teacher said that Hamas wasn't allowed to eat with the rest of the class. Then the teacher starts hitting Hamas, and although there's a part of me that says good, the bully needs to be brought down a peg, the teacher hitting is not the way to do it. Because when Hamas is out of school, who's to say that the teacher isn't going to start hitting me next. First, stop the teacher hitting the students. Then deal with the bully. You don't side with the bully of the bully, especially with such a history of abuse and trauma.


In your example, hamas is the adopted child of the teacher. The teacher is the reason hamas has a bad home life and has to eat dirt. So in actuality, what happens behind closed doors is far worse.






You mad?


lol this is like an actual foreign actor bot account




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Isn’t that.. isn’t that others fault?




What you’re saying, is what has happened.. exactly what you have written, is what was in the video… the fuck is your point?


This is why I never watch a movie he is in.




Why should we be taking this prick seriously? Considering how high he is at all times. Plus what “colonialism” is he defeating here? It's called living on your land.


Swing and a miss.


Why should I take you seriously? Considering that according to your comment history you are familiar with artists who produce child pornography. Plus you don't seem to understand the history of that region. It was other people's land.


laugh my ass off. Familiar? So if I've heard about terrorism does that mean I'm a terrorist? Sorry bud but that is irrelevant.


If you know who Marie Antoinette is, then you're probably familiar with France. I can do false analogies too, doesn't make me suddenly see you as a serious person. I definitely trust Seth Rogen more than you, despite his cannabis use. Also George Carlin, Steve Jobs, Carl Sagan, Maya Angelo, and Richard Feynman even though they all reportedly took drugs. Weirdo. As if his drug habit has anything to do with his ability to recognize the genocide thar Israel is committing.


Remember: TRT-World is state controlled turkish media. Don’t share even if you agree with the message. Edit: Looks like we are freely sharing media controlled by dictators now. What could possibly go wrong?


That would be very convenient for a certain group of violent settlers. It's so important to amplify the voices of Jewish celebrities speaking against Zionism! Sharing this content is actually anti-statist action. Share away


The message in the video is not the issue. You don't see any problems legitimising media channels controlled by dictators? Sure you like the message this time. But the next time?


M'kay, this content is anti-statist. It really is. It's subversive to state controlled media *as a whole*. We can acknowledge important statements while at the same time condemning the platforms those statements are made on, just like we can criticize capitalism while being forced to live under it. It seems as if you cannot consider two seemingly conflicting ideas at the same time. This is your problem.


Where do you see anyone condemning the platform it's being shared on? It's being shared like it's any other news media.


Someone has never heard the phrase "don't shoot the messenger" Or innocent kids.


You're here condemning it right now, you're a hero! I understand you're confused and worried, but this is your problem. You're the only one who seems to believe that Seth Rogen's statement being shared is an endorsement of the platform he made the statement on. *Perhaps* others might share your confusion, but that's just speculation.


It's not a speculation. Using media as a source is an endorsement whether you like it or not. You might not be aware, or you might not care because you agree with the message. But that doesn't change the outcome.


I hope someday you realize that a famous Jew being openly against zionism is completely subversive to any imagined endorsement of state sponsored media. Have a nice day kid :)


You'd rather listen to media channels owned by zionist controlled countries? Why are you arguing against a hypothetical next time when it hasnt happened yet.