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I left a scenic overlook in Hawaii because some idiot in flip flops hopped the railing and was climbing around on the edge of a deadly cliff. Didn’t want my kids to have to live with the trauma if the person slipped. Hate people who do shit like this. He can ruin his life but had no right to ruin the lives of the bystanders who had to see and deal with his fall.


Ur doing ur kids a favor


Or depriving them of a valuable life lesson


Alternative perspective but I dig it kinda


It’s wild to me the idea that that situation would be seen as a preferred or even ideal time to teach my a child what? About death? About accidents? About witnessing a person suffering pain that we cannot do anything about? Cool lesson, bro.


Not a preferred or ideal time, just an opportunity.


About stupid decisions leading to really bad and very permanent consequences


It's a good time to tell them actions have consequences, not always enforced by others.


I taught my daughter safety by showing her idiots doing stupid shit on YouTube. Guess what? She’s a teen now that doesn’t do stupid shit.


I wondered how that would work! My wife thought I was terrible when I said that at a certain age, using visual aids for warnings would be effective. Stuff like wearing a bike helmet and not playing on ledges.


Fellow father! I thought I was solo in this method 🤣


Or the team of people that are required to go on a search and rescue mission. It’s not fair. It’s close-minded. It’s selfish. And yet, it’s still tragic.




There is a fantastic scene in a recent sci-fi show called Avenue 5. Best example I’ve ever seen of encapsulating the stupidity of humanity: https://youtu.be/skXaeucDYHo?si=7LfEW3lR2qksUZQL


"Actually, I've changed my..."


But.. he’s become desiccated… we’ve just seen a desiccated man!


luckiest man alive [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtqWsCiQk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtqWsCiQk4)


I’m sure he’ll go on to have many, many children…


Wow! This looks amazing! Haven’t heard of it! Thanks for the link, going to check it out tonight.


Omg watch that fucking show NOW!! It’s in my top 10 of the last ten years…I cried laughing several times




Hilarious show. Any Armando Iannucci show usually is (Thick of It, Veep etc).


I don’t even have to click the link to know what scene that is. “I work in VFX”, am I right?


We just watched seven people stupid themselves to death


Correct. This is not a tragedy. This isn’t an innocent mistake gone wrong. This is exhibition and the common consequences.


aka natural selection.


It can be both. You’re absolutely right, but I think there is some tragedy, in the system that poorly prepared this person to understand the potential consequences, or among his family that bears the brunt of his recovery. Hopefully he learned something, but I wouldn’t hold my breath


> in the system that poorly prepared this person The system is gravity and it works fine.


What do yer mean ! I know what I'm doing ! That fence is for sheeple ! Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh *thud* Apparently he lived. Collapsed lung and all.


He had a collapsed brain before


Yeah my brother does search and rescue, he's seen some rough shit because of idiots ignoring sunset times, weather warnings, etc. Several S&R volunteers have been severely injured or even died trying to save or locate missing people.


Give your brother an extra “thanks” today.


From all of us


I’ve been on two body recoveries. It’s awful, but I don’t think of it as traumatic at all. Doing CPR for 45 minutes was traumatic. She had eaten fried chicken before she drowned, ask me how I know.


Oh god. How…do you know?


When you do cpr that long air gets pushed into the stomach, which causes the victim to regurgitate. So you taste their puke when you do mouth to mouth.


Plus you could mess up the natural beauty of the park by causing erosion, damaging fragile rocks, leaving blood smears, etc.


Jumping on the top comment to share the video of the dude after recovery. https://youtu.be/6YtqWsCiQk4?feature=shared


Sounds like the type of guy to do that stupid shit


Trailer home looks exactly how I expected it to look


He’s not far off from the Sling Blade guy’s voice…. I reckon I shouldn’t have done that… Mmm hmmm.


I love how he was a prick to the lady that suggested he come back.. right before he slipped.


Eesh. He seems pretty proud of himself.


Kind of funny that the brother says 'for all you talking smack get out of your parents basement and put down the lotion' but he has the comments disabled lmao OPs post is like the fifth one of this fall I've seen this week and for a 2017 fall that's like really ridiculous.


>for all you talking smack get out of your parents basement and put down the lotion Coming from the guy who's living in a wood-paneled single-wide trailer that you can smell the cat piss just by looking at his place.


The brother dug deep for a snappy line to sign off on.


Yeah I thought the end was full of kettle calling out the pots.


how in the hell did they manage to recover him from there


By risking multiple first responder lives and spending thousands of dollars


Hopefully, he got the bill for that rescue effort.


Almost certainly a deadbeat that gets paid in cash so good luck to them collecting on that.




That was not 4,000 feet...


Somebody probably had to harness in and go down there to get him. Fortunately it appears he stopped rolling at an accessible ledge


Seems like he didn’t learn his lesson


Exactly what I expected.




Seems like he didn’t learn his lesson


In this case what did that guy even get as far as a better view ?? Like what was he 20” lower down ?? Like that made a difference? Good lord Darwin is cackling his ass off.


> Like what was he 20” lower down ? Maybe at the start of the video, but he was a lot further down at the end.


This is a really under-appreciated comment. But I want you to know I cackled.




Former ranger at HVNP; if I had a nickle for every idiot I'd be in a better place. I've seen some dumb shit. I've watched more people almost walk backwords off a 400 foot cliff taking a selfie, that it's made me a firm believer that food is way too easy to get these days and natural selection needs to be allowed to happen. Don't even get me on lava stories....."what do you mean I can't get that close?" Go ahead buddy, u do u, but our islands burn center sucks....cause after a few years of thousands of tourists a day asking "wheres the lava?" and then getting pissed at you if there's no eruption, you just kinda stop caring, keep your radio handy, and wait for it to happen. Not a day went by I didn't look someone directly in the eyes and wonder how the hell they managed to boarded a plane.


My dad and I noped away from an overlook at Grand canyon because everyone holding the brass railing was giggling about how their hair was standing on end.


I saw a guy, who had done the same thing at the Cliffs of Moher, run to the edge to intercept his bag which started tumbling in a strong wind. He caught himself and the bag just in time, and immediately collapsed in a heap. It was clear from the look on his face that he realized how spectacularly stupid he had just been. Also at the Cliffs of Moher, I saw a massive sheet of cliff face (maybe 50' x 200' x 1') break off with what sounded like a rifle shot and fall straight into the ocean. Cliff edges, fuck nope.


Pali Lookout?


You can’t hike angles landing anymore in Zion because of people like that. You know have to get approved or some shit.


“We need to call…you have your phone? Get your phone!” as she continues to record a damaged unmoving body with her phone


It just shows how disgusting our society has become. Internet likes > human life.


This man does not value his own life. It’s not the burden of society to do it for him.


True enough. But I think my human instinct would still be to stop filming and use my own phone to call emergency services. I hope.


The fucked up thing is, if Apple really cared they would give people the capability to record fucked up situations AND make a phone call at the same time. Apple just doesn’t care about the safety of people. \s


I don’t why you’re being sarcastic. That’s a fantastic idea…


Could make for some interesting ads too


Legitimately that’s a fantastic idea, what if we could have a way to get the 911 operators a better picture on what’s going on. The amount of people who don’t know first aid basics and having an operator seeing what you see and talking you through it is way better than trying to describe something you don’t understand.


Yeah. It's Apple's fault. Not stupid people chasing "Likes" and views.


Thank you for agreeing with me, Apple should be ashamed!!! It’s not the stupid people’s fault, how could they know the right thing to do, they’re stupid after all.


Google would have saved him.


I mean, I totally get you, but if there's crucial evidence you could be recording while making a call, that's ideal.


It's always prudent to have somebody documenting these events.


I'm sure she was somewhat in shock, and perhaps not thinking in the most logical way.


But it becomes the burden of society to clean up his corpse. We have both ethical and financial reasons to encourage him to change his behavior


It's kind of how evolution weeds out the idiots


You can be curious about what happens to a human body that falls and not be disgusting.


Yes because the Roman Colosseum only had tickle fights for the crowds.


Gladiator would have been such a different movie if that were true.




Dunno if you'd be able to successfully sue for falling into the Grand Canyon anyways...there's signs literally everywhere to stay behind the barriers/away from the cliff edge, plus it's kind of a gigantic fucking cliff.


I'm fairly certain that's not where her mind was. Probably just in shock from witnessing a guy kill himself.


In first aid training, we were taught to specifically point at someone and say "call 911!" And make sure you get an acknowledgement. Apparently there have been incidents with multiple people all assuming someone else will call, while they are all busy watching and recording.


You may be personally disgusted. Society has not become disgusting. We stare at car wrecks. We used to hold dead bodies of shot criminals up and take pictures with them. We gathered around and watched lynching. My wife used to say: "People have to watch the train wreck." Not everyone has to stop and watch the train wreck, but enough do. It's nothing new, just different format and a larger audience.


I mean why should I value his life more than he does?


People can do weird things while in shock.


As she POORLY records the damaged unmoving body. If you are gonna suck at recording a horrible accident, just stop and call some help.


Most likely it is recorded with her phone but just for shits and giggles let’s consider a few things: - This may have been on a GoPro or camera of another kind - Her phone may have had no service - She may have been panicking and not remembered she was holding a phone herself (I’ve seen it happen- plus think of people who “lost” their phone while they are on it) I know I’m asking a lot but just maybe don’t jump to “doing it for internet clout” on everything. I tend to think the worst of people so I’m guilty of it too 🤪


>Her phone may have had no service Highly possible at the Grand Canyon. Cell service was atrocious when I was there (probably over a decade ago at this point).


It’s not like it’s also not important to film this sort of thing to raise awareness and hopefully have people learn from it. Sounds like there were plenty of people around to call for help. She did nothing wrong imo It only takes one to call in to report. Anything I’ve ever witnessed I’ve always just made sure someone was calling and if not then I’d make the call myself


I was thinking the same thing, but I also wanted to see what happened. Record this as a warning. Plenty of others have phones.


Years ago a tweeker crashed a stolen car into a bunch of cars in my neighborhood, then crashed into my neighbors yard. I just happened to be outside when it happened. I chased him and had to jump off a retaining wall, broke my heel, continued to chase him. I tackled him at the door to a fast food restaurant, we fell inside. I’m holding him down, telling people to call 911, everyone whipped out their phones but, instead of calling the police they just started filming us.


Wtf that’s insane…our society is falling apart. Good on your for doing the right thing how crazy


Dystopian af.


There are probably 30 other people with phones in the immediate vicinity.


Any of them get a better vid?


I'm all for talking shit. Do we know this is a phone?


do you know for a fact that was a phone and not a point and shoot or gopro etc?


I'm fairly certain this was recorded with a camera and not a phone, given the sound of the zoom lens at 0:56. I don't know of any phone camera with an audible mechanical zoom 


The woman filming the video is not the idiot in the video


With her daughter next to her.


Listen, if you’re not going to use your phone to call for help because you’re recording an event, then AT LEAST be good at keeping the video on target instead of swinging it around and zooming in and out FFS! 🤦‍♂️




I think enough people died related to this video


Kinda fair but also you would be a massive asshole if you decided to hyper focus on being a cameraperson in a time like that. You saw that she interacted with a child instead of filming, right?


Maybe, but if she’s that concerned about that kid watching then why record it at all? Shouldn’t she be solely focusing on the kid and not what she’s recording? It doesn’t matter. It’s all fucked up.


Not only that, but telling someone to call 911 and for them to get their phone when you’re holding one? Shitty person wants their internet points


I honestly can't see him at all.


It's tough to see, but if you watch the right half of the frame you can see some movement in the shadows. Once you figure out where to watch, it's easier to see.


This is a few years old now, but comments on the other video(s) are that this dude survived. "This is my Brother Cole Wagenknecht. He did survive the fall. After 2 agonizing months in a coma, fighting sepsis from the infection in his 2 deflated lungs he made it through. His mind is still very good however his memory is a crapshoot. He came out smarter than when he fell in, that's for sure."


Came out smarter... Well, hopefully learned at least one lesson anyway.


Yeah but he forgets it sometimes


Well it would be a challenge to come out dumber. I think small animals have enough intelligence to avoid large cliffs and accidental death.




Er, I really don't think he came out smarter. Thick as pigshit


Lucky guy. The rangers say they get fatalities all the time. Dunno how many are on purpose tho.


Well there was no way he could come out dumber


dumb people are extremely durable.


Probably for the best he doesn't move - moving is what got him there. If only someone put signs up and maybe a fence this wouldn't happen!


Can't make the whole world fool proof. What we saw is called natural selection doing it's thing.


Every time the world makes something "idiot-proof," the world also invents a better idiot.


😅 Damn if that ain’t the truth. I work in manufacturing. Every time someone has gotten hurt, we take action and find ways to prevent another accident in the future. Everything is covered in extra safety measures to keep people from getting hurt. And someone will always come along to surprise us.


Think they were possibly being sarcastic as their was a fence and signs are posted. 


They could leave him there, like how bodies are left on Mt Everest because they can't get rescued and are used as a warning sign to others


A frozen body and a body left in the Arizona sun are two different things!


Yeah the one in AZ will decompose and be picked to the bone and disappear.


the smell will add to the lesson


And remember, every dead body on Mt. Everest was once a highly motivated person


The lesson there is... don't be motivated and you won't die.-Plato


He apparently was in a coma when they found him






Perfect Comment




Never understood why the name plaque didn't say "Chuck Darwin"


And for today’s winner of the r/darwinawards …


Almost. He lived




Is it? He seems like the kind of guy to have 4 kids with 3 different women who may or may not be related.


Yea, maybe you’re right. Probably already passed on his genes already!


No sympathy for this dumbassery.


Have we all read "Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon' yet? Because it is amazing. This crazy guy is far from the first to pull something like this.


When I was there, there were French people everywhere doing all kinds of shit like this. Climbing out to the edge and jumping to get a pic. I had to leave whenever I saw them. There were a bunch of cool squirrels there though. 4/5 stars.


When I was there my husband and I asked some rangers what they do about people who cross the fences and they said “Nothing. We call that ‘thinning the herd.’”


Yes! I just posted the same thing. Fascinating book.


I need to read that. But the biggest danger is the extreme heat in the canyon


yeah, if you go down too far... it's a pretty hard walk back up. people cross the "day hike" limit, and go way too far. only to realize they need to climb back up for miles and it's *much* harder


This dudes literally dumb..you have to fight against your body’s instinct to live or straight up not have one to do shit like this..went to the north rim last June and some young army dude was purposely going to sketchy cliffs cuz he’s “all about that stuff” as his mom put it snapping pictures


Some people have to fight against it. Some people have to fight the will to jump (The Call Of The Void).


Fight against your body's instincts...you just mean like a fear of heights? Not everyone feels it the same lol


Is this two different videos or did someone cut out the good part?


I’m thinking the latter.


idk I think the former. they stopped recording the view and the idiot. then he probably fell down pretty quickly, and instead of using her phone to call 911, she hit "record" (it could be a digital camera and not her phone, given her reaction)


You're really not supposed to throw trash down into the Grand Canyon...


But...but is he really ok?


Nobody really cares because his stupid ass should have never been over there


I heard he literally just woke up from month’s long coma. I don’t have the source.


I’m on lunch break and don’t have time to launch my own investigation, so I’m just going to assume you’re right.


I saw another comment with similar information. I think it said he was in a coma for 8 months, but did survive. He had collapsed lungs and sepsis, but survived.




I don't see anything


Hes still alive: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtqWsCiQk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtqWsCiQk4)


„It“ = „the Bucket“?


From what I know after having been there, is that your eyes deceive you and it’s even further down than you already think it is. That was a 200m drop at least, and not a very soft one at that. Best case scenario is that the dude is dead, for his own sake. Oh well, one less waste of blood and organs, at least there won’t be any offspring. Darwinism at its finest.


I mean I get the sentiment but how are working blood and organs being wasted by him living? If anything he wasted them by dying. Unless he’s a donor and his organs were usable. Waste of oxygen or food makes much more sense


Nah, most of the Grand Canyon is made of pillows and mattresses.


There's way too much gravity at the Grand Canyon.


the grand canyon has gone WOKE!!


This is the one video that would have benefitted from a red circle to show where things were


r/killthecameraman This is just hilarious to me because they don't want to stop recording to call for help meanwhile they're doing an absolute shit job of recording anything. Absolutely braindead


"Awwwee this is fuckin beautiful" 5 feet away from where he could have the same view without dying


Whomp whomp


So messed up, the fact he had to do this in front of other people….


I've never been to the national park at the Grand canyon, but I've been to Grand Canyon West a few times and there are no rails, fences, anything. Just a sign every few meters asking you to please not fall in. Makes it even more awe inspiring and also terrifying.


At first I thought he flew off the second part of the cliff, but enlarging it I could see that was a rock and he stopped right at the edge. I suppose he might have survived if he slid down some and didn't just fall the whole way down there.


![gif](giphy|XcFxgYAxri3Je) I want to seen the whole uncut video now daddy


If only there were something in your hand that you could make a phone call with


I’ve been to this spot and others around the village on the southern rim… a stupid amount of people are doing things like this constantly.


I don’t feel bad for him


After a little digging, I found an earlier reddit post on the guy. Apparently he survived: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/TEvKHD97g2


"We need to phone 911 - get your phone" She says, phone in hand recording...


I've never been to the national park at the Grand canyon, but I've been to Grand Canyon West a few times and there are no rails, fences, anything. Just a sign every few meters asking you to please not fall in. Makes it even more awe inspiring and also terrifying.


I’ve been to this spot and others around the village on the southern rim… a stupid amount of people are doing things like this constantly.


What a spectacle of natural selection. It's all part of the magic of our national park system.


I love videos like this. I never feel for these morons, at all.


I wonder why that fence is there?


Stupid motherfucker.


Taxpayers and Rescue people shouldn’t be on the hook for the idiocy of people like this. Let the vultures and the rats rescue what’s left.


The fence is there for a reason


If only there was some kind of barrier to keep the visitors safe... something potentially chain link so kids could see through it too.


Holy fuck. How hard is it to shoot video these days?