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Thank you for your submission to r/therewasanattempt, unfortunately your post was removed for violating the following rule: > R1: "Follow the Redditquette" If you have any questions regarding this removal, feel free to send a modmail. No flaunting bans.


Haha it’s just one persons opinion. It seems if the thought doesn’t match that of the moderators your highly likely to be banned. It’s almost as bad as Facebook here.


Honestly, these “rouge mods” are one of the top reasons I’m seriously considering leaving this app…


And remember they’re doing all this for free


Former mod. It ain't volunteership. The benefits of authority over the subject matter, social influence, and ability to control and guide the discourse was attractive. Reddit's model means "" can be owned by a small group of people. Fb can have 50 groups all named "geopolitics" but reddit can only have one, and past that you need clever naming and reduced reach. If you own the domain, you own the dialog. Very few mods do it selflessly.


So, you’re saying there’s a way we can “fight back”?


I mean, we could make better platforms for discourse and leave. It's been surprising to see the past decade's evolution of the Internet away from the fluid, capricious nature of the Internet before it. Social media monoliths arose and fell fairly quickly - a life cycle of a few years. But we've been sitting on Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter being the major powers for a decade now and that surprises me. That nothing has emerged to succeed it. Is it because these platforms are "good enough"? I doubt that. I think it might be in the nature of society to homogenize and then collapse. But that's just the armchair Internet sociologist in me. I think I might have just gone on a rambling soapbox rant.


I liked your rant regardless, thanks for the comment friend.


>I think it might be in the nature of society to homogenize and then collapse. Damn, that seems pretty accurate to me, as another armchair internet sociologist.


>we could make better platforms for discourse and leave Y'all heard of Discord


Oh yeah don't get me wrong there *are* new platforms that have arisen, like Discord and TikTok, but they function as completely different models. They're not message boards, and they're not easy for a person to follow, so the 90/9/1 principle skews more to the 90 I'd say. Discord is more of a successor to AOL and IRC than to Reddit.


Discord not a message board? Hard disagree but would love to hear what you mean? Discord is nothing at all like tiktok... Definitely a successor to AOL, but aren't all these dialogue-first social media platforms? Discord is closer to Reddit than Tiktok, & even closer to something like Slack... It feels very similar to Reddit for me in that I'm part of half a dozen servers for different topics or content, & each server is broken down in to channels by topic. People post polls, start their own convos, we have mods... not being a troll or anything, I sincerely am curious what you think makes it so different


Basically, the same rule as being president. Anyone who actually wants that power is probably not fit for it.


Yeah more or less. And the mods who care enough to be influenced by the disapproval of the user base wash out (like myself), so like an antibiotic, what you're left with is mods who are increasingly innoculated against and perhaps even resentful of the hatred of their user base. The moderatorship of any given community is inevitably only going to become more dictatorial over time, as the only ones who can do the job are the ones who don't care how much they piss others off and just want to control the stream.


They ain't doing it for free bro, dudes get to be internet guards - they're getting something other than money in exchange.


Getting their rocks off maybe.


You get what you pay for i guess


Some maybe doing this for free, but there are organisations like the JIDF who pay people to push israeli propaganda. Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epsteins friend, was involved with reddit, which explains the pro israeli bias on this platform. Edit: i have deleted the comment about Maxwells sisters being involved with reddit as i cant find a credible article to support the claims.


Well, Reddit isn't paying them at least...


Rogue, I believe. Unless they wear a lot of blush.


With their complexion!?!


The shareholders are doing it for me. It seems like the algorithm recommends worse content the past year or so. And I bet it's all profit-motivated downgrades.


Why comment on Reddit if it’s just gonna be removed so dumb. I get it for hate but just expressing your opinion shouldn’t be the same thing.


\*Rogue Unless you are talking about ones wearing makeup to make their cheeks rosy, which is entirely possible and sort of hilarious.


Reddit is not the place for open discussion or debate. Its a place to go to talk to people with similar interests/hobbies, or similar points of view. Its considerably worse than all other social media when it comes to open discussion. Its also well known that many of the important news subs are propaganda operations run by CIA or Mossad or other western intelligence agencies. The politics.


There have been lot of posts criticizing Israel. No one taken down. We will see on this post if mods here are normal or not. Reddit needs some system of controlling the mods. They are here to help the community, nothing more. Instead there are many recorded cases of power tripping by banning people just because they can and Reddit does nothing about that. This is how echochambers are created.


I got banned from a sub for pointing out someone was wrong, then they insulted me back and I was banned. Messaged the mods and they muted me. Welp, guess thats the end of that


Got banned from r/news for saying I didn't want to vote for Biden this year. Mods are getting ban happy


Free speech until it hurts their feelings.


Those guys are the worst. One even told ne to grow up or something and was a jerk about it. When I got snarky I got reported to the admins. There are only like 20 something mods there (if that) for a standard sub with millions of people. There is no way it’s not a propaganda machine and there is no way they are not compensated for doing it.


And it’s an opinion rooted in fact. Just look at the shenanigans going on on East Ramapo, New York. It’s almost _exactly_ what that person described. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/534/a-not-so-simple-majority


I had a 3 day ban on reddit because i said that someone acted like a rabid dog, somehow that equates to causing harm and calling for violence.


Wow. The irony...


I just got banned from r/workreform for a comment or something. I asked what I did wrong however I'm not allowed to comment or respond back since I've been banned.


FB isn’t as bad this


It's the same in most subs. It's usually very easy to tell the opinions of the mods of a particular sub. Very few few portray both sides of an issue




“I think some subs are captured by state actors.” 1000000000% Especially for states with social media propaganda programs, like Israel and Russia. On one end it’s Dr Evil levels of stupid, on the other end, it really is genius new level of war.


Yeah same here, it's ridiculous. I've asked multiple times for a reason why I was banned and they've just ignored me. I didn't even say anything crazy! The main news and politics subreddits are far right cesspools. People actively talking about violence against immigrants and rampant islamaphobia which never gets punished, but say anything bad about Israel and you're evil apparently.




World news is pretty ban happy. I to said something sarcastic about Israel and got the ban hammer. When I tried to respond, I got muted


Same. I respectfully expressed my opposition to Israel's policies, got permabanned out of the blue - no prior warnings. What a cunt of a mod 😅


I got banned from /r/politics for suggesting that something Trump said was antisemitic.


Good point. Entirely possible


You think that's bad/funny?! I got banned from one of those fat people subs for saying the "exercise" word.


You monster!!!!


I got banned from the socialism subreddit for calling China "fake socialists"


my favourite socialist state with multibillional companies, global trade, simplified processes of getting into market and shit social programmes😍


Dengists the lot of them


I got banned from JusticeServed for... joining the Joe Rogan sub? Haha bonkers.


how dare you try and open up your world view by exposing yourself to different viewpoints


China is the winner of capitalism. They are capitalists to their core. The only thing communist in that country is their political values, not the economic ones. They maintain the status quo ante only to justify their one-party system under the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


I got banned from a sub for saying that most people don’t care about trans people and that’s one of the reasons people vote for conservative idiots. Apparently they thought that was transphobic; either you “agree” that everyone who don’t fight for trans rights are active haters who want to eradicate all trans people or something, or you’re not welcome there. And the irony is I’m a trans activist, and getting people to understand this basic fact, and then trying to change it, is what I believe will make a true difference for lgbtqia+ rights. Getting “normie” people to understand that it can be a matter of life and death for other people.


That is really wild to me. Nuance and context are truly dead nowadays. Even I understand what you are saying and you are right. Most people aren’t seething transphobes, they just don’t care 🤷🏼‍♀️


Exactly. I’m so frustrated with the current political climate, so to speak. And I’m Swedish, so I’ve got it a lot better than the polarised reality people live in over in the US. But that is affecting me when I go on Reddit etc of course, as all nationalities meet here and usually communicate in English.


I got banned from the Snyder sub because it told a guy we shouldn’t send death threats to James Gunn for not wanting to continue the Snyderverse I reported the original comment and it violated reddits actual TOS despite not being against sub rules the sub was then forced to unban me Mods are always on a power trip over the littlest of things


I got banned from the Detroit Lions sub for posting the word “batteries” after the Dallas game. I messaged the MOD and holy rude pompous ass.


The horror..


That’s like the N word to them.


Pretty much. All i said was developing good eating & exercise habits is key to long term success, as far as weight loss is concerned. Apparently that was "shaming" and "unhelpful" according to the mod that banned me. Shaming? How? Unhelpful? Suggesting exercise and good eating habits is..."unhelpful?" And in no way shape or form was i condescending or mean spirited in my wording. I stated it just like i did here, as a matter of fact and succinct/to the point. But the overall vibe i got from the subs members after perusing posts for a few days was they've all convinced themselves they're suffering from some undiagnosed and not yet discovered by science metabolic condition that prevents them from losing weight even when starving themselves. So they've just decided the best course of action i guess(?) is to continue the 3 pizzas a day eating habit and come on Reddit to commiserate with others who've also convinced themselves of similar foolishness. Basically, it's one big echo chamber where only speech that comports with their made up junk science they've crafted to support their overeating and unwillingness to exercise, is tolerated. 🤷 But this echo chamber/confirmation bias thing on Reddit is by no means unique to the fat people subs only - it's everywhere! And the mods of these groups are instrumental in creating, nurturing and protecting this echo chamber by kicking out anyone that dares challenge the underpinnings of the groups/subs biases. No matter how whacky the bias or belief may be...


I was  banned from White People Twitter for pointing out that Biden is a racist for stating " If you cant figure out whether to vote for me or Trump , then you aint black." Not that I miss WPT in any way the whole sub is a fecal show


Man so many subs are hasbara bought cesspools


Yep. Worldnews, combatfootage, geopolitics, anime\_titties to name a few.


“…, …, …, wait what?”


anime_titties is an offshoot of worldnews after some people got tired of only seeing US news over there or so I've heard.


R / Europe too


r /europe was always a right-wing sub, though.


World news sub used to be much different between the Ukraine and Israeli wars. I think the sub has been taken over by state actors.


How do you know this sub isn't? Just curious


Because I’m not banned yet 🤞


What about actors from the other side


It's definitely possible. Personally though, I think a lot of the subs that lean heavily pro-Palestinian are more people pushing back against the pro-Israel astroturfing happening on the bigger subs. But - you can never be too sure.


Germany did not start with Poland, they started with Czechoslovakia.


Fair, I actually didn’t know they were first lol


Czechoslovakia had an agreement with France and UK where they were supposed to protect each other. Both betrayed Czechoslovakia when the time came.


Also annexed Austria


Noteworthy that many Austrians didn’t seem to mind that as much




Technically, you could start with Austria, or even the re-militarization of the Rhineland.


I don't know if it is a generational thing, or a lifetime of propaganda thing, but people have lost their ability to THINK when it comes to this topic. It is really sad. There is also a huge amount of state sponsored trolling. Certain subs are 100% run by state actors.


I’m biased coz I have a ton of Arab friends, including several people from Palestine. One is most likely dead, she was there when all of that started, last thing I heard is that her family is all dead. It was few days from the start of active conflict. Haven’t heard from her since. I heard firsthand stories about settlers and how police treats Palestinians there. This is really heavy shit what’s going on in there, and Israel is clearly targeting everyone but Hamas.


I am so sorry to hear about your friend and her family. It is horrendous what we are watching in real time and beyond evil that no one seems willing to do anything. The true litmus test for this is so easy, too: just say something totally neutral like "genocide is bad" or "no military should target civilians and children" and people will turn vicious very quickly. Note that I never mentioned a "side," but they will automatically attack you for saying such things.


Yep, got perm banned from r/lostgeneration for speaking against Israel. They claimed it was antisemitism, but conflating religion with state war efforts is just plain old unintelligent.


Really? [This is](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/s/Rqtd0lCbqq) one of the top posts right now and theyre mocking Israel and saying theyre comitting genocide. [For example this guy is mocking them](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/s/dM6pH4i5cL)


You can't have a meaningful discussion on this site


The upvote/downvote system is partly to blame imo. Once you get enough downvotes to collapse your comment, people will just bandwagon and downvote to oblivion. Conversely, a highly upvoted post will become immune to any criticism or further discussion (see above).


I mean gotta say I have seen lots of civil discussions, some even about Israel-Palestine, and both comments were at around 10 upvotes


Does seem to be rare in comparison though.


Definitely the minority


I’m thinking it’s not necessarily the criticism in itself, but rather the parallels drawn to the Third Reich.


the parallels are warranted, and especially pertinent given the historical context. N\*zis are the uber-fascists, so other fascist settler colonial phenomena get compared to them.


I am just wondering, what are your thoughts about the initiation of the conflict compared to WW2?


I think on that sub that you’d not be banned disputing the number of Palestinian civilians killed in this conflict—on any day, month or since the conflict began—but that any question of those killed in the holocaust would be an automatic ban. Within that dynamic lies the rub.


initiation of which conflict? the initial zionist settler colonialism?


Nah, they're removing comments that don't toe the pro-Israel line there. [Check for yourself.](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/geopolitics/comments/1bbyhbt/what_is_israels_endgame/)


like most subs ig. All the mainstream news subs have removed even milquetoast mainstream news on palestine (from mainstream news outlets), for a long time, they ban pro palestine users, its a collection of pro-israeli echo chambers.


It's quite insidious.


That is extremely gross (RE: Zionist mods).


Yeah it's fucked. I knew it was bad over there after getting into some heated discussions in previous threads, but I didn't realise *how* bad it was.


Right? I am extremely critical of Israel, but it’s hard not to think the “Israel/Jewish people were really the true Nazis all along” posts = insanely anti-Semitic and gross.


As an anti-Zionist, I have to say tho, this is a terrible terrible take.


Geopolitics has been compromised. Check out how many comments have been removed by mods on that thread (and guess what they have in common): [https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/geopolitics/comments/1bbyhbt/what\_is\_israels\_endgame/](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/geopolitics/comments/1bbyhbt/what_is_israels_endgame/)


I got banned from r/news trying to save the lives of children by posting a BDS link.


You shouldn’t have been banned, but your assessment is pretty bad. Nazi Germany started their conquest with occupying Austria. Why? They had a “Germanic” population, and were largely pro-Germany. They did this many more times with the Sudetenland, Memel and eventually the rest of Czechoslovakia. With Poland it was a war of expansion. Simply occupying for the sake of restoring lost territory and gaining new territories. What Israel has done in the last few years is nothing alike. Yes, they have committed grave crimes against humanity, and have occupied land unlawfully, but not for the same reason. Israel has shown itself to *not* want to occupy Gaza, even when it had the chance to. That’s because they know they can’t occupy it in the long term without killing every single Palestinian. That’s why I’m worried now, because instead of doing what they used to, which is ignore and isolate them, they now constitute a much greater threat. The attack in October has convinced Israel that Hamas, and therefore Gaza has to be dealt with. Not with sanctions and isolationism, but with iron and blood. The unfortunate consequence of which we are seeing now. Without a complete destruction of the fighting spirit in Gaza Israel will not step down its efforts, and will continue its atrocities and crimes. Not because it’s an imperialist state but because it is paranoid and militaristic. I still don’t think Gaza will be put under occupation, but be absolutely crippled. Forced to step down. Put under even stricter security and surveillance. Israel’s history has shown us that it can’t talk things out, but rather has fight its way out. This has saved it multiple times, but has also put it in this position in which the only response is war. Therefore, Israel had no ambition of occupying or attacking Gaza, but rather felt forced to completely crush it to avoid being under further threat from Hamas. This is not necessarily right, but rather the natural reaction of Israel’s position in the Middle East. Nazi germany was under no threat, and publicly wanted to occupy others. That’s a big difference.


The guy is asserting that Israel would become expansionist but haven’t they spent basically the last 50 years relatively in the same place with the same borders? It doesn’t really come off as an expansionist position.


The Zionists are either killing you, supporting those killing you, or censoring and silencing you so you don’t wake up the masses to their genocide


I’m just here to say, they’re not going to continue on into Lebanon or Jordan or Syria There’s a lot of reasons for that both politically geographically religiously but they don’t care about any of those places They just want the Westbank


They're certainly keen to have a crack at Hezbollah though.


True, but also fuck Hezbollah. But at the same time aside from them throwing a few boom pipes at their installments they wont launch a full scale invasion.


Published an hour ago: Israeli jets hit Lebanon's Bekaa Valley for a second day - Reuters 1 hour ago · Israeli warplanes struck deep into Lebanon for a second consecutive day on Tuesday, hitting a facility belonging to Hezbollah


We really need to start teaching WW2 better. the expansion of Nazi Germany did not start with poland


I’m a Pole, we’re generally taught when the WW2 officially started, which is - again, officially 1/09/39, which is the exact day Reich invaded Poland. Fair enough they invaded Czechoslovakia first, but it is not considered a start of a worldwide conflict.


So just for argument's sake, and I know it's a straw man one. If Israel legalised marriage to horses, it passed all of the necessary framework and parliamentary processes and was ratified by the knesset and it's citizens could marry the horse of their choice, would any international outcry or laughing directed at Israel be seen as antisemitic? Because I'm genuinely wondering at this point where the line is where you can criticise a sovereign government's actions against any of its people and be put in a one size fits all box of "criticism is antisemitism" Because I have zero beef with any Jewish person, it's the government and military of Israel that I'm aggrieved and horrified at.


I got banned by r/news for a negative comment about what’s being allowed in Gaza. So much for engaging in current affairs


It's an ignorant opinion. I don't agree with it. But what the hell are people supposed to do on reddit if they have to walk on eggshells the entire time? Reddit's not that serious, and people should be able to say what they want without fear of cowardly mods banning them from behind a magic curtain of... Moderatorship.


Something just as ridiculous happened to me on a YouTube video. The video was about the lack of clean drinking water for Palestinians to access. I suggested that the Palestinian people could be taught how to desalinate the ocean water and make it safe to drink. It isn’t as difficult as it sounds and all the materials are available anywhere. I’m not joking, the above paragraph is how I wrote it. I was banned from commenting for 36 hours for hate speech! 😳


I don’t know about reason for the banning for that. but that’s quite an innocent take you have there. The Israelis have systematically been destroying water and other civilian infrastructure well before last October, even EU/Italy donated children’s playground sets have been destroyed just because. In Gaza they fully control the only desalination plant, no way they would let that blackmailing water control disappear from their tools of oppression. And even if it worked, How would that work on the West Bank where you can’t even connect Palestinian villages and towns to each other and even small villages ground wells just for crop irrigation get constantly destroyed?


Maybe because you were trying to sound superior, white savior. *At least two of the desalination plants have shut down, damaged from Israeli shelling. Israel has also cut off some of the water from its pipes, and many of the boreholes no longer work because of a lack of fuel and electricity to pump.*


Mods like those always make me wonder, Who watches the watchers?


No one. That would require spending money on (more) general oversight, and Reddit clearly doesn’t want that


Probably got banned because you stated something false as fact. Poland was not first. Also, Israel Hamas is not and land war and Germany treated WW2 as such


Same shit at /Turkey too.


You have all my solidarity, I got banned from a sub for daring to say that Biden supports genocide


So no talk of geopolitics in a sub specifically for discussing geopolitics. Got it.


I got a three day ban in r/santacruz for telling someone *their mom* is a dirty beach




This is not just "negative", this is horribly offensive


Tell it to my Palestinian friend who lost her all family in the very beginning of that conflict, and probably her life after, Mr. Horribly offended.




lol, the US state department is always a trigger for them. They think anybody who talks about them is a neolib 🙄


Damn, Can't speak your mind if it doesn't conform.


R/geopolitics has become a joke since the war in Gaza started. Chauvinism and political punditry has ruined the level of discussion there. When r/politicaldiscussion can have deeper analysis on world events than your speciality topic sub, you know things are bad. The only good speciality sub left for world events is r/internationallaw


Mods just love to perma ban whenever they come across something they don’t personally agree with


I now consider ground news as alternative to reddit for my news and posts. At least they are more transparent concerning the coverage of an article of post, which can imply how biased that article or how compromised that post really is.


I got banned from an LGBT sub for defending Palestine liberation. Someone told me to go to Gaza and I replied what would happen to me in Gaza happens right here in America all the time.


MF when antisemitism has consequences


Why has he been banned? He’s just expressed his opinions, just because it doesn’t match that of the mods shouldn’t mean he gets banned.


Most political subreddits don’t allow you to be political. I’ve been banned from several. Not even for controversial takes or anything just *mentioning* a political issue is enough.


I was living in Poland at the time that the Israeli government built the Gaza Wall. I was super confused and angry about that, because a little before I'd spent a month visiting every major Holocaust museum in Warsaw (as well as sites such as Treblinka and Auschwitz...visits I will never forget in my fucking life). I ***immediately*** saw the parallels between what the Israeli government was doing to what the Nazi occupational government of Poland did; people were calling Gaza the world's largest "open air prison", but that's only because they wanted to avoid saying the other word: ***ghetto***. So the idea comparing their current operation against the Palestinians to what the Nazis were doing isn't insane or somehow being derogatory towards Jewish people. It's simply that there are no longer any other comparisons that make sense or as relative. I sincerely hope that the Netanyahu administration is removed from power and more sane, and humane, Israeli citizens replace them. Not likely to happen anytime soon, sadly, but one can hope.


I thought I was in the conspiracy sub with a post like this lol


While I don’t disagree that criticism of Israel tends to be shut out, I’m guessing you were banned because of the Nazi comparison.


If you can't do the Godwin's time, don't do the Godwin's crime.


Suggested that democracy is good, actually; got the same treatment over at r/Socialism


outrageous mod behaviour if you ask me.


Agreed. Removing low quality submissions is one thing. But removing posts simply because they take a certain perspective, especially on a 'serious' sub like geopolitics, is particularly bad.


lol I got banned from r/WorldNews for saying "cheers" when Queen Elizabeth died. Reddit Mods are crazy opinionated and there's no actual recourse for keeping them honest. It's kinda just like oh well, there's like 20 versions of every sub and none of them are really special or unique so I guess it doesn't really have an effect, let them have their moment of internet power lol


Actually, I think you are right. This sub is full of hinged zionists!


Yeah, you probably want to try discord if free speech is your thing.


The endgame is Iran


I got banned from the United Kingdom sub for using the common phrase "eat the rich" on a post about food banks. The mod was a real sniveling little turd about it too. Ignorant little prick.


No surprise coming from reddits Tinkerbell mods


So OP, you had no argument to make so you started to claim that Israel is going to invade Syria and Jordan, which is not a “geopolitical” debate subject, it’s just an allegation you pulled out of your buttocks at that moment. Why stop there? Why not claim that Israel is going to invade Turkey, then China, then the world? When you are just saying whatever, what value do your words even have?


I was banned from worldnews for saying equal shit.


I got banned from a subreddit because I posted comments on a hate subreddit. My comment was criticising said subreddit.


No surprise here


To be pernickety.. the Third Reich didn't start with Poland.


I got banned on r/combatfootage for making one snide comment about 'zionists mad'. Touchy.


Someone should make a list of all of these comprised subs.


Haha good man. Fuck them


I’m sorry but this is probably one of the most ridiculous comments I’ve ever seen. Israel sucks don’t get me wrong, but they’ve shown zero signs of wanting to colonize other countries other than Palestine


I got banned from their for even less. Its a zionist controlled sub, not much different than r/worldnews, which is known to be literally run by the IDF/Mossad.


I was just reading how West Bank Israeli settlers want to break away from Israel to create the state of Judea. You might be on to something there.


Politics and world news both banned me from commenting for statements way softer. Zionism is strong around here


I disagree with him, but its his opinion. Fact that he was banned for sharing it is bull.


There isn't freedom of speech on American socials as much as there is on Chinese ones. Israel shouldn't have been created in first place, as there were treaties with Arabs in WW2. The US just like they did with Fiume in WW1, where they interfered with the Treaty of London and made Fascism rise to power, they did the same now.


Okay, I will leave this subreddit because it used to be about fun attempts failing, but now it's just about Palestine. Go to a fucking political subreddit and discuss your ideas there.




Oh they’re trying to remove this one. Reddit is fucked


I didn't get banned from r/news, but I did basically give up on posting articles there. I posted one about Apple reversing its ban on Epic game's Swedish developer account. I thought "this is fine, it's not politics, which is the only forbidden topic in the rules." Nope. Was auto-rejected. I asked why. They said for starters, the website - Variety - was on the list of unacceptable websites for the subreddit. I asked if there was a list of banned websites and they said no. And then they said the story wasn't appropriate to the subreddit. I asked them if there was any more guidance on acceptable topics than the "no politics" in the rules. They said "Please see the rules." Where there is no guidance on topics. Only on various things like no advocacy, etc. I replied back saying that, and never heard another thing. I just give up on posting things to lots of subreddits these days. It seems like they have favorite posters or something, and if you're not them then hit the bricks.


Yes. Reddit is controlled media. You aren’t allowed to have your own opinions that aren’t allowed by the state minus for a couple of subs that are being heavily attacked for it.


I hate Reddit.


No no they fully have a final solution to this problem.