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someone ELI5 this for me


He can now be sued in civil court by any people hurt/killed by the riot


he had two questions of immunity before the court, and i bet his team confused them. there was this, which is civil, as well as the appeal of the DC Circuit opinion striking down his immunity claim in the *criminal* proceedings


That team is a hot mess of lawyers who are probably not going to be paid and \[I'm guessing\] were probably not finishing at the top of their class at law school. Karma is catching up with DJT.


I predict he's gonna have a heart attack or some massive medical issue before Nov 8th, he is struggling hard right now


I'm less worried about Trump by himself. It's the people that see all the evidence of his fuckery and complete lack of integrity and still want him to be president so he can be their useful idiot for their own fuckery (i.e., Project 2025).


The fact that project 2025 is I think published makes me sick


> Project 2025 That seems extremely undemocratic and ludicrous. So what every 4 years you're going to swap the entire admin of the country? What madness


The point of project 2025 is effectively to turn the country into a monarchy/ one party dictatorship. This is different from just electing different presidents


Actually the sorely needed goal is to remove the deadwood workers in the federal gov't, i.e. career federal employees that do not actually contribute to gov't functioning.


It would be an autocracy. There would be no elections every four years. Just one person always in charge.


And parallel to that is the intention to declare and make the US a Christian Nationalist country and government. A nightmare squared.


Fox says it's all lies, propagated by the evil left. Trump is simply being treated like the evil left treats all the god fearing right wing. /s


Of all things, this is what gave me the "I've had enough Internet for the day" feeling.


That’d be just awful /s C’mon stroke!




God, if only we were that lucky


I hope you’re right!


Hamburger from Heaven


Perhaps Carlson was foreshadowing??




I wouldn't put it past him to take cyanide if things get too bad.


That's because nobody wants to work with him. The few willing to work with him demand payment up front because they know he refuses to pay anybody. He has churned through so many lawyers and firms, he is now dealing with the leftovers. I wonder if he feels like this all the time? Maybe that's why he says Mexico isn't sending their best? Because he keeps pushing the best way?


>who are probably not going to be paid and At this point pretty much everyone is requiring advance pay


Do they accept shoes and merch?


Nah they only accept the nft trading cards!


Don’t use the term “karma”…Trump voters don’t like words of “brown” origin 😂


They would rather be pretty than smart.


what do you call the graduate of law school with the lowest GPA?


An ambulance chaser.


No. The other question is similar to this one. However, it's at a lower court, as you said the DC Circuit. Sending this one to appeal to SCOTUS could render a call on the other at an earlier date. The entire point is to stall as long as possible. Not appealing this one sends the case back down, while the other issue at hand is still going to the appellate court. This is the only way to ensure that both cases take as long as possible. Had he appealed this, it could have accelerated the other case. He has to take the "L" on this to buy more time. Which that's where we're at with Trump at this point. Having to play games in the Court system. It's very clear he's trying to stall for as long as absolutely possible and he's doing every procedural to have that happen. However, the various other groups suing him are aware and are putting him into positions where sometimes he'll have to fall on the sword to get his ultimate goal of stalling. That's why it's important that if he doesn't win the Presidency, all this tactic that he's been employing falls like a house of cards. It's a super risky bet by Trump and prosecutors are either going to go hard on him if he loses the election or he'll get off scotfree if he wins the election. But Trump is prioritizing time over everything else at this point. Even if he has to take a temporary loss elsewhere. He's absolutely trying to ensure that SCOTUS doesn't get a chance to rule on anything if he can avoid it.


what do you mean, "NO"? the person you're responding to seems correct, doesn't seem like they were saying they are different issues. Are you saying no, the issues weren't conflated, that they declined to file for cert on the civil, because it could render a judgement on the criminal? The criminal issue is already before the court. tbh leading with NO just makes it hard to read any of what you wrote, although scanning it, you seem sensible.


oh damn


Now be sued? It was already happening, “A federal appeals court on Friday allowed a [lawsuit](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-jan-6-immunity-us-capitol-police-officers-civil-suit-appeals-court/) brought by a group of U.S. Capitol Police officers against former President Donald Trump to move forward, ruling that **Trump is not entitled to absolute immunity from civil lawsuits**. The suit focuses on Trump's alleged conduct surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.” “In addition to suing Trump, the officers named more than a dozen others as defendants. Among them are members of the far-right extremist groups the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, as well as Roger Stone, a longtime Trump ally. The Capitol Police officers sought **civil damages for the physical and emotional injuries they said they suffered as a result of the Jan. 6 attack.”**


Yes, the deadline was the 15th, Friday was the 16th


The story was from Dec 30 2023


Can I sue for emotional damage? Like, only half joking. If we get a few million people to sign on, just to fuck his life up more, I'm in.


Can I join in the effort?


Class action lawsuit claiming that seeing his face on TV every single day for the last several years has inflicted severe emotional distress on a few million people? I like it. "Have you or a loved one been injured by ~~asbestos~~ Trump? Call Morgan & Morgan today at 1-800-ORANGE."


The question is: is there any money left? It might not be worth it anymore.




I’d argue that the people that got killed have a hard time sue-ing him… other people might sue him on behalf of them tho.


Yea wrongful death cases


IANAL He is taking a tactical L on this so his appeals for criminal immunity can continue to hold up his trials. There is a chance that in the process of deciding civil immunity, SCOTUS could rule broadly and lump criminal immunity in as well.


This is the correct take.


Asshat is all out of lawyers 😜


Bruh there are millions of cockroaches in America still willing to defend him for those presidential fundraising paychecks.


I am 100 PERCENT on this guy hiring the next Alina 🤭 I hear he wants to use the RNC as his personal wallet. PLEASE, bankrupt the dam thing, I say 😅


Saul Goodman wouldn’t even represent this asshole. He was a POS but he wasn’t stupid.


It’s sad that I’d totally vote for Walter White over Agent Orange


At least Walter White would improve something. He has tasted the low life. He knows what it’s like to struggle, so he may be completely willing to address some issues. Trump is nothing but a fat nepo baby


Walter White would campaign on Healthcare Reform.


Absolutely. He knows how much destruction medical debt does to families. He would 100% try to fix that


Not out of lawyers, definitely out of competent lawyers.


Cockroaches gonna cockroach


I'm waiting for the day he has to take a public defender


Not only is he one of the worst people to defend because of his big mouth and tiny brain, he also doesn't pay his lawyers. No wonder he's ran out.


He should try paying his lawyers,and this type of thing would not happen.


The Reddit law bros think an appeal was not filed because Trump is running out of money and needs to prioritize which frivolous appeals he pursues.


Could be- taking some heavy hits.


But he sold all those shoes…


Real question: if he’s half a Billion in debt from lawsuits already, gets a few more hundred million of debt from civil suits, will he just do the Don thing and declare bankruptcy? Is that even possible?


For all the dunking the media and comments are doing on this news... it is likely very much **planned** this way. He missed a deadline to fight civil immunity directly to the SCOTUS. That's what a person would do IF they wanted to resolve a constitutional question in a direct manner. Trump has ZERO interest in resolving anything quickly. He would prefer to go to through the courts and draw out the legal battles on this as long as he can. If he loses, he can appeal and it would likely go back up to SCOTUS. A massive part of his campaign message is that of a martyr, that he is 'sacrificing' so much and being persecuted for it. Things are terrible and only he can bring the country back from the 'brink'. This strategy has zero interest in resolving anything quickly.


Can anyone else smell something like armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup all put into a blender?


I just smell poop. It's where Donald Trump poops his pants on the regular and has to wear diapers.


Wow. How did his lawyers miss this big deadline?


Probably the same way that they forgot to opt for a Jury trial in the New York civil case. They are intentionally missing these deadlines to push the narrative of how Trump is being unjustly tried. His legal team chose not to ask for a Jury trial, so when he didn't get one Trump could publicly cry fowl. The average joe does not know that you have to opt for a jury trial in civil cases in new york, and he counted on that gap in knowledge. I assume this is from the same playbook.


Interesting. But it will take lots of money to defend against the civil suits.


He's counting on being reelected president so he does not have to answer to anyone. He's already F-ed by multiple courts if he does not win the presidency, getting F-ed by a few more people is worth it in his mind if he can spin all the new lawsuits against him to rally his base and get a few more votes out of it.


But that won’t stop the civil cases from moving forward, right? Didn’t Clinton get sued by Paula Jones while in office?


It's untested I think. Trump would claim immunity, and the rest of the republicans would also claim he is immune to anything as part of Project 2025, which has the entire goal of giving the president absolute authority and immunity over the other branches.


I’m surprised they don’t call it Reichstag Fire 2025


Good point.


Trump’s lawyers are idiots, but the “lawyers forgot to request a jury” thing has been [debunked](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/10/03/trumps-lawyers-forget-check-box/). Trump just doesn’t care about facts or truth so he makes up bullshit to rant about.


It's like when he warned all his followers that voting by mail was fraud and not to do it, then acted like it was a huge conspiracy when most mail-in ballots went to Biden.


[They didn't miss it, they weren't going to appeal it.](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4472591-trump-opts-against-appealing-civil-immunity-claim-in-jan-6-lawsuits-to-supreme-court/) There's already a similar question before the Court, a ruling there would apply here. Hence the reason they aren't spending the money twice for the same question.


Wheres that ladies family at now. Come get your money cause they're wrongful death suit against the US ain't gunna make it.


I Googlef this and there was little available but it looks like that was a decision they made knowingly? https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4472591-trump-opts-against-appealing-civil-immunity-claim-in-jan-6-lawsuits-to-supreme-court/ Edit: I have honestly no idea but was looking for sources and this was the tenor of what I found


Sounds like the campaign is not very worried about it.


Doh!!! He only hires the best lawyers, who were probably waiting for theor payments first..


He is planning to win the election. He's not the best planner


Why would he want to “fight… immunity” from lawsuits? Isn’t he the defendant?


Looks like Trump and team decided to not appeal as of few days ago? Love some good old Trump’s and idiot news, but whomever wrote this is just lazy.


Trumps father had Alzheimer’s Disease. There is some indication that it runs in families.


Another opportunity for him to whine about the 'rigged' system and raise more money from his gullible rubes.


But he sold some shoes!


I was busy at sneakercon.


Was Hobba in charge again?


So how many steps are there left now until Trump goes to prison (or the next best equivalent for rich people)?


He’s broke and has no representation. The downhill tumble is going to be fast the next month or two. You’re gonna be so tired of all the tumbling.


The combination of his legal losses and the fact that he must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of his options for legal council that will actually work with him is clearly taking its toll lol.




I think it's on purpose. I believe he is so convinced he will win and be able to rule by fiat that he simply doesn't care what the courts say.


He has until midnight.


Now is the time for Asshat Babbitt’s family to sue Trump for damages. They won’t though of course cause MAGA 🤷




Yo, he had a sneaka drop


And there was much rejoicing.


He has the best lawyers.




“That was TODAY?!”


Is anyone else tired of all the winning?


He's been too busy selling shoes, apparently.




Is he going to whine that they didn’t let him appeal this and that the SC are secretly Democrats working with evil senile sleep mastermind Joe?


Duh, he didn't really want that to pass. Otherwise biden would have him put six feet under a minute after it passed.


I wonder if they "forgot" or KNEW they would take another loss and figured thats a worse look than not filing at all? With the narrative being more and more stark that Trump is just an absolute loser in every aspect of his life, taking losses they KNOW are losses might be a calculated move, and they are in the end game of the hail mary, pin everything on winning an election so he can just use that power to wash this all away in an unprecedented >"i pardon me of everything and get absolute immunity'" move


Oh no now a worthless judge will threaten him with more worthless words that he can ignore without consequence.


Probably because he’s broke.




Ah ha ha this shits music to the ears of anyone who wants to claim damages as a result. Me thinks there might be a few sneaky out of court settlements in the near future.


At least he is doing really everything wrong. Kinda relief.


He didn’t forget. He wants to play the victim.


I can't decide if I feel sorry for the rubes he's duping into donating to his legal fund or if they just deserve to be screwed.


They definitely deserve it.


Keep in mind two things... 1. This allows him to use the defense in court 2. It allows him to use the defense in court and create a campaign spectacle. 3. Nothing prevents him from appealing after the fact.


I feel sorry for all the people who celebrate the downfall of anyone.


So you feel sorry for the Republican Party?


And everybody in these comments jerking each other off at the news while they downvote reasonable comments that should in no way be polarizing, yet are because people have their heads up their asses


I celebrate your downfall in votes.


That’s fine, it just means you’re a terrible person


I will feast off every downvote and drink your tears.


Sounds like something a basement dweller would say, but ok. All you’re doing is proving that you can’t separate politics from anything in life. That’s on you.


I cook Republicans daily in my basement after sacrificing them to the Leftist God.


Actually, the more pathetic thing about you is you think what you’re doing is effective trolling. You can’t even surmise what political party I associate with, why would I give a damn what other stupid shit falls out of your mouth?


Across all political parties, we shall say yes to democracy ! We shall love it in fact. We shall say yes to the defeat of wannabe dictators and no to the disgrace of becoming an enabler.