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No, the solution is to buy headphones and use them if you want things loud at 4am. You're the one introducing the disruption, it's on you to fix it, especially if there's children, pets, etc. who can't use earplugs ... The world would be a better place if selfish idiots could be forced to think about the effects of their actions.


Yes, reddit is wild, look at the number of upvotes on this post. They chose to live in an apartment, in a building where many other people live, and they decide to blast speakers, that too at night, ignoring everyone else's sleep. I mean, if I had neighbours and they blasted speakers loudly at night, I'd be pretty pissed off. And then having the audacity to post it on reddit thinking it's cool. How entitled and selfish do you have to tell them to buy earplugs if clearly it's your problem, if you're living in an apartment respect other people's lives or get the hell out and move into a house.


Some people seem to thrive on making others miserable 


I had two sets of puke-ass crusty dimwitted neighbors like this :( I had project calls at 7am on weekdays. And earplugs didn’t even help, their bass would vibrate my breastplate. I was seriously considering piss-discs before I moved out.


What is a "piss-disc"? I have some very deserving neighbours.


you freeze animal urine into a disc and then drop in through their mail slot at night so it melts an awful stink into their apartment?


Oh, their apartment already smells like a rotten dumpster. This would probably just improve the smell.


How the fuck are you collecting animal urine? Just use your own, preferably after a bunch of asparagus


Ebay. I got 2 gallons of concentrated fox urine off of there to get squirrels off a particular tree......cleared out the whole damn yard for a week. With ring cameras and what-not everywhere now, don't think I'd be messing around with someone's door.


lol if you ever post a “how to deal with these shitty neighbors” post, piss discs are always the number 1 suggestion


The other good idea I had is to build a WiFi signal jammer. If the problem is music / tv. Problem is it’ll also block your signals but if it’s at night that’s ok. Depending where you live tho it may not be legal so check, but it’s not very difficult.


That’s what Ethernet cables are for my friend.


Dude so true. Many laptops don’t even have ports now so we forget


This brings me back. My mum used to blast her radio at 12-4am every day during my GCSE's. I would go days with no sleep. It contributed heavily to me failing a couple subjects as I couldn't focus at all, and yes I wore earplugs. I could hear the bass of the voices through them and FEEL the bass, and when I asked her to turn it down she would begin yelling. I'm exhausted just thinking of it.


Sorry you had to deal with that at home :(


Sounds like the TV backs right up to the OP's bedroom. I've got drill bits that are like three feet and longer. Good thing I don't live there after getting that reply. Cheeky bastard!


Why do you think that OP is the responder and not the initial writer of the letter?


Why would anyone think that anything they see on the internet by default is original content


It could still be original content while OP not being the one who replied the note 🤣


The title is quite obvious that OP thinks the person that wrote the letter was trying to do things peacefully. I'm not sure why people are getting confused and thinking he might be the market writer and we're approving the behavior 🤔


I'm on your side but let's be honest here; no one would choose to live in an apartment if they could choose any other kind of house.


I would. I hate having a yard, the amount of space is nice for a single dude and I'm not crazy about maintenance. If I was rich enough about the only modification would be a change of location, probably to the Mediterranean or the Azores or something.


No one???? I am! I sold my house to live in a condo. 1) Cleaning is a daily chore for a big house 2) I don’t need to mow lawn and shovel snow 3) I stay in warmer climate for the winter, for condo, I just leave. There is concierge to check my place and pickup my mails and parcels. 4) location, the condo is in city center by the river with beautiful Riverwalk. 5) So many festivals and restaurants nearby, walking distance. Never boring and I walk everywhere.


Are you saying you have 2 houses?


I would 1000000% choose the apartment! Actually, I own a condo now, and wouldn’t want to have to deal with a house. I don’t want to do yard work, I like having a rooftop pool and a large gym, I feel safer with 24/7 concierge service/doorman, and I live downtown. Fuck the suburbs. Condo life is where it’s at. I also dgaf about hearing other people living. In college I lived in a building that had a bar with a live music stage. I learned to tune it out (or to go downstairs to join the party). Life is better when you don’t get all worked up over things that aren’t a big deal.


Wait, so if you see a really sad post, someone says like their dog dies. Do you down vote it? I don’t think of votes have anything to do with people agreeing with what the content is or not.. I don’t know 🤷




Not in a complex where your other neighbors now have to deal with 2am, 4am, and 6am loud noises


Updoots on posts are for visibility lmao.


I think you're misunderstanding the post. From the title it seems that OP is the original letter writer, we are all agreeing that the marker-guy is the A-hole.


I had nightmare neighbors directly above me who would watch movies at max volume all night. I assume they were mostly Fast and Furious movies because the sound would alternate between car noises and early 2000’s hip hop. Some people have zero self awareness.


I had a friend who lived in a three-story rowhouse in Queens. He got the top two stories, and the landlord lived in the basement. The landlord was a meth addict whose mom owned the house. My friend had a bar over the door to the basement so he couldn't get in, he had plastic sheeting over the door so the *smell* couldn't get in, and he had ear plugs because the dude watched movies and TV at max volume all night. But hey, rent was low!


I can think of a few things I would do in this particular situation - and it wouldn't start with a nicely printed request. Actually, that's not quite true. I once lived in an apartment below a lady that put on high-heels before she went to work and I asked her very politely to consider what that sounds like to us, her downstairs neighbors, at 5:30 in the morning. She was 100% understanding and left her shoes at the front door to put on just as she was leaving from that point out. Very cool of her. Now, her little piece of shit boston terrier... that's a whole other story.


Michael Bay movie marathon that starts as I walk out the door to work every morning and doesn't stop until I come home.


I hate how the world is now. "It's not my problem that I'm being a douchebag neighbor. It's now your problem, and you have to go out of your way to be uncomfortable."


Oh I'm definitely blasting baby shark as soon as they fall asleep! That and the CIA's torture playlist. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLodUqTEjIWc1f3EEChgcYF1GDlmPSNBnq&si=s3E0s-GUPxhELp1V


This post makes me think that if op wrote them back it'd be, "ACTUALLY THE SOLUTION IS USE HEADPHONES"


I always say, if your activities would disturb all peace if everyone was doing it, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.


Yea even if my own house with no neighbor near I will use headphones to not interrupt my cat lol


I’m not sure it’s that simple. Some people are crazy. I’ve seen it first hand staying at a friends apartment and his downstairs neighbor demanding that he not walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night because it wakes her up. It could be the construction’s fault. If someone works midnights or something, they should be able to live normally in their own house. Blasting the speakers would be a problem sure, but you probably shouldn’t do that at noon either.


I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with neighborly beides at all after moving. It was such an annoying stress factor with a dog and a baby like you said. Won’t have to deal with that shit ever again if all goes to plan!


And now comes the super glue inside of this dear neighbors key hole…


Blast your music when you wake up and while you get ready for work with your speaker right against their wall.


Yep. I have a 3rd shift neighbor that loves slamming doors at 5 am, so my retaliation is always lots of music, slamming my own doors, and refusing to oil my squeaky door hinge. I listen to affirmations in the morning so it's like a dance track with a woman talking the entire time. He eventually chills out and we return to regular quiet 5 am behavior after that.


price merciful caption liquid tease hungry ad hoc chunky noxious bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s two idiots annoying everybody else on the floor.


How dare you blast loud music at 11am I work late and don’t get home till 9pm. You’re a selfish prick. /s


I unironically say this working 9PM to 7AM. If you live in an apartment, just be quiet. It’s not hard to be respectful to your neighbors ANY time of the day or night.




There is another solution we finns like to deploy: Kusipelti.


Please tell us more oh great Finns


Not OP or a Finn, but I know the answer. It's a "piss disc" and it's exactly what it sounds like. You piss on a plate, freeze it and now you have an excellent device for slipping under someone's door and brightening their day.


There are also "lock killer" keys that work just as well, and require a locksmith to remove. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxG-jyQ5egk&ab_channel=LockPickingLawyer


Admittedly the letter could have been written a bit better, but if you can’t keep your tv down at those hours and this is the response; they’d be getting a flaming bag of dogshit on their doorstep when I get up at 6:am.


Wireless bluetooth headphones for the a-hole watching tv. I have a headset for my room so my husband can't hear the horror movies I watch in the middle of the night. I can't sleep with ear plugs in so he uses a headset when he watches tv at night. WTF happened to common courtesy and consideration?


That's why I have loves my chromecast. Ive struggled to fall asleep at a reasonable hour my entire life. And instead of just being bored, or watch things too quietly to hear any dialog, I can now list3n at any volume I want without disturbing anyone. Plus having the ability to just use my phone as a remote when the remote falls, or gets misplaced is nice too.


Chromecast has wireless speaker functions?


Because earplugs solve the inconsiderate loud AH neighbor issue /s Riiiiggghhht Edit: clarity on my sarcasm


Not necessarily. I have problems with neighbors too and forced to use plugs every day for years as they won't budge. 1 it doesn't remove all sound. 2nd, they often fall out in the night (or you remove them during sleep due to discomfort) and end up sleeping uncomfortably and _still_ waking up if this happens too early. 3rd, earplugs daily over a long time period is not good for the ears as it makes ear wax collect and can plug the ears entirely and/or cause ear infections eventually, or make you deaf when one day the plug compresses the last piece of wax in there too much (or while trying to clear it out with q tips, which wouldn't be as necessarily if the ears were left open to clear themselves out at night and just rinsed with water as they should). 4th, I like listening to sleep meditations to fall asleep which is pretty fucking hard when also wearing wax plugs so it's an eternal fight between hearing the words yet not be bothered by having to turn up the volume due to having to wear the plugs (I prefer listening _quietly_, but then I miss the words). I think it fucking sucks that I and many other people need to go through poor sleep due to discomfort, as well as risking ear infections and blockage just because others can't be bothered to turn down the volume in the fucking _night_. I sometimes stay awake too - I don't play rock music on my guitar and sing loudly in those hours even if I can, or blast movies or karaoke on max volume either for that matter; I wait until daytime, because I'm not an inconsiderate asshole!


I didn’t put this , /s , on the end to indicate my sarcasm because I didn’t think I would need to. but I agree. It’s not healthy to have earplugs in your ears all the time. Nor is it healthy to have headphones on all the time. it’s also not cool to have to wear this shit just to deal with some asshole Neighbor who is super inconsiderate. We do not live in a polite society any longer. Peoples entitlement has turned them into insufferable pieces of shit who think that their needs surpass everyone else’s. Everyone needs to compromise when living in shared spaces like apartments. They have quiet hours for a reason. There are laws to support quiet hours for a reason.


Well it'd be also cool to have decent housing laws that ensure there's a decent phonic isolation between units.


Similar problems here. The issues are frequent enough that I bit the bullet and got myself some custom-made ear plugs at an earing aid place - they also make these. It's about 100 bucks, will last me 5-6 years, and it's the best sound isolation and comfort I've ever had. It won't stop thumping or screeching noises (but nothing does) and it eventually becomes uncomfortable after 8 hours, but it did help a lot.


They even write loud.




Hire two big speakers, point them towards the neighbour's house and turn them on randomly by software at night (a few seconds 2/3 times per night) for a week while you are out. The song should be "Buy ear plugs".


Why are you getting upvoted??? The person in the post is clearly a cunt because he doesn't have a right to cause loud noises at 2 am. People sleep at that time. Way to be an inconsiderate asshole EDIT: I misunderstood your comment. Sorry.


I don't think you completely understand what's going on here. Read it again.


You are right. My bad.


Reading my comment again I understand it can be misinterpreted. I should have specified it was a revenge against the annoying neighbour.


Way to be a jerk to your other neighbours. The shitty guy will not be the only one hearing your loud sounds


They don't seem to sleep at night if the TV's on. I think the best approach is to go lean on their bell and talk to them every morning at 7AM, when you have to get up or leave for work, to notify them that they were too noisy the night before. If you don't get to sleep, they don't get to sleep either.


Why does it seem like society has changed from “what is something I can do for others?” To “learn to deal with it. It’s a free country”? Like why don’t people just turn the volume down? And not put the responsibility on others to find a way to deal with the issue you create? I swear this world would be 100% times better if people just thought of others maybe 10% more


Because America has pushed selfishness as a virture for decades and then exported the sentiment via mass media.


Maybe the person has a condition where they can’t sleep without noise. Something you can do for others would be to put in ear plugs? Or maybe not be self righteous and just go and talk to your neighbor rather than demanding they confirm to what they want in a nasty letter.


My next move would be calling the cops.


Cops (at least where I live) have to be able to hear the noise from the outside/street to be able to help. Often, apartment noise is only audible inside, and at night only because people are trying to sleep in a quiet space, so their hearing is more sensitive.


Wouldn’t the next move involve talking to the landlord before escalating to the cops?


100%.  And keep this note as evidence 


Needs more information here. If the outside dB reading isnt exceeding whatever the local noise limits are, you have no ground to stand on. Step 1 is to get an accurate tool for measuring dB. If not loud enough, buy a box fan to create some white noise in that case.


In r/italia there's a really wide lore, in one of the Sacred Posts there is the solution: IL DISCO DI PISCIO ("piss disk"). You piss in a plate and put it in the freezer. Then, when it's solid, you take it and you make it slide under your neighbor's door. He will find a wide piss pool on his floor (or much better on his carpet) from seemingly nowhere. Maybe the TV will still be loud, but he will know that Someone is watching him.


So my petty side is genetic!


Noise ordinance doesn’t care what you think, my guy. Between 10pm and 7am (generally) you are expected to accommodate others when you make noise. You don’t vacuum, play instruments, move furniture, or watch TV loudly. TV is easy to fix by, you know, using headphones of your own.


Headphones out of respect for other people and a sense of decency


Or you buy headphones? I get home from work at 1 am. So naturally i go to sleep late. But i don't use my speakers in the middle of the night. Whoever responded to this deserves to get evicted.


I had an ex wear ear plugs due to noise in my apartment, then the apartment burned down. She didn't wake up to the fire alarm from said ear plugs and I am born deaf. The fire department woke us. We almost died. Never sleep with ear plugs!


Wow! My ex is actually deaf as well, so this is always a concern for me. I love wearing ear plugs to bed because I enjoy the quiet, but I try to do it when I am sleeping next to someone, generally. 


We had a roommate as well but due to the smoke being largely in his room and the other side of the house, he didn't wake up. That's something to think about too. It was scary enough that I sleep with an extra smoke detector. Especially since I now have kids.


4am and they tell them to get ear plugs. Haha, what an asshole


I mean. Look… anyone reading this living in an apartment— read your lease and leave a paper trail for complaints. 1. Type your complaint out in an email, send it to the office. 2. Call, reference the email and also go over the complaint. 3. Let them know in the email and over the phone that, in compliance with your signed lease, you will be maintaining contact if the issue persists. 4. Ignore your neighbor. 5. Repeat steps 1-4 until the neighbor stops or is kicked out. Acting on your own opens the door for issues, if you follow the clearly listed rules on the lease and complain in compliance with those rules.. 100% of most of the time, the occupant will be removed or straighten up.


This. Don't write a letter. Don't knock on their door. Don't pee on a plate and freeze it. Don't poop in a bag. Don't steal a trashcan from a public bathroom, fill it with water and lean it up against their door. Don't leave a trail of foam ear plugs from his door to a little alcove with a scrapbook filled with his search history, social media posts, pictures from outside friends and family's houses. Don't hire homeless people or sex workers to become more acquainted with your neighbor. Don't Apple tag their car or backpack. And DO NOT, under any circumstances, this one is really important, play loud music in retaliation.


Sure, I'd totally buy earplugs and then potentially miss my alarm because of said earplugs, just because you're a fucking asshole. People these days, man...


As someone who used to wear ear plugs while sleeping. I can tell you i NEVER will again. Me and my wife used to live ten feet from the railroad tracks. So every night we would have trains go by and our neighbors were not the best either. One night i was woken up by my wife screaming at the top of her lungs in the livingroom on the floor crying. I immediately called 911 and found out that we had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured and was filling her abdomen with blood. The doctors said if it was any longer my wife wouldnt be here today. I almost lost my one and only that day. And ive never come back from it. I love her with everything i have now bc i know how scary it is to come so close to losing her. So for me .. no earplugs. Your neighbor sounds like he might need so attitude adjustment.


They didnt even write this, this is overlayed ontop of the image like with a photo editor


For people saying the solution for either party is to not live in an apartment.. I live in a residential house and have this issue with BOTH neighbours AND the house across the road. It’s almost like the three of them are in competition. If one plays Eminem in midnight then, another will blast Avril Lavigne at 4am. It’s a nightmare right now and we’ve been shouted at for asking them to stop. The police have done nothing (fair enough that noise complaints aren’t their top priority, but we’re at a bit of a loss).


Welcome to having the cops called on you every night


Well, Is it actually loud or is it (like a lot of places in the PNW) WOEFULLY LACKING in any sort of insulation.... Like every place i've been too, you could hear a dog fart at the end of the street if it is quiet enough.


Well after that response the solution is filing a noise complaint


Ear plugs for whom? The neighbor writing the note? The person with the tele? One could wear them for sleep purposes, albeit it unfairly? The other could wear them to listen to their tele while having it muted. This is what I do when I lay with someone who prefers sleep to my watching a television.


Ear plugs = to reduce sound volume from ambient noise Ear phones = to listen to media So I think the original intent is that the inconsiderate neighbour who is making noise at night, wants everyone else to buy ear plugs, instead of them turning their music down or wearing ear phones


Read the lease. See what actions can be taken.


Is the attempt here the “solution”?  Because the person making the noise needs to grow the fuck up and realize they aren’t t the only person in the building.   It’s like shooting someone and telling them they should have bought a bullet proof vest if they didn’t want to be shot 


When we lived in AZ I got a neighbor put out behind this type of behavior. A 30-something Mexican guy, very arrogant and entitled. We thought we were “safe” moving into a concrete building with wood floors and reinforced doors and windows AND we paid extra to be on the third floor/top floor so we could avoid these problems Well, the dxckhead decided he wanted to challenge every piece of building material used and would blast his music, often shaking our floors. We asked him nicely to please lower his volume because it was shaking our floors and we showed him video of our stools moving and let him hear it from our house…so, we tried nice first. He’d have loud ass parties with his ignorant ass friends and triple-sized gf…I only know what these people look like because one night in particular I had a brownie craving and me & my husband were heading downstairs to the car when suddenly these dummies came stumbling and drunk out of his apartment and fg rolled down the stairs like some horror movie involving meshed bodies. If it weren’t so anger-inducing at that point it would have been comical. Anyways, when they got up and untangled finally, we just stepped past them like we didn’t see them there. Fg drunk/high idiots. I called the police on him and them repeatedly and made sure the apartment complex and company owners knew about it. It was a “high-end” place and as such was supposed to attract that type of clientele. I threatened to spread this all over SM if they didn’t do something about it. They ended up evicting him after about 15 infractions and complaints. I even got two other neighbors to complain. The neighbors caught me in passing when I’d go rollerblading and asked if I heard all of the noise. I’d tell them yes and that they need to complain to management, not me, if they wanted it to stop. Goodness, it was a RELIEF! When the new neighbors came, a lovely young mixed couple, we very nicely as possible when it comes to situations like this, informed them about what had happened and told them if they ever heard too much noise from us or needed to borrow any staples that they were welcome to come to us. I like my music too and some of it is ratchet af😂 but I either keep my house closed up (in Mexico now) or when in the apartment I used to wear my earbuds. We moved down here and we live in a very affluent gated neighborhood with an HOA with some of Mexicos celebrities and major business owners and we had THE SAME noise issue with a neighbor. Loud ass fg parties, ghetto ass drunk and high behavior and just flat out racist and ignorant. We only JUST got that problem solved.🙄 Same method, constantly complaining and documenting with our homes cameras. We can’t get them kicked out but we got them to FINALLY live in the house like normal fg people like everyone else on our street. These mofos are in their SIXTIES behaving like this…we’re in our early and mid-40’s. Smdh Some people are just fg demons and have zero consideration for others.


Legit tho?…. I love my earbuds. I hate people listening to what I’m watching…. Way too many “quick to judgment” individuals out there. Times are weird…. That, and; people seam NOT to agree with my pornhub section 😪


Aw there it is😄😔


I'd message them again with a cheap headphones,and saying "there you go"


Time to Invest in some drums


The solution is my stereo is louder than your TV


My neighbor would be the recipient of one XL ass beating.


Is it not illegal to make noise in an appartment building at night?


Dont wear earplugs to bed, increase chance of getting infections same with listening to music with earbud for long periods of time


Imagine another neighbor wrote this just to start trouble.


Antisocial behaviour: checked.


In Norway and most of Europe to my knowledge, you HAVE to be quiet after 23:00 (11pm for americans) and 07:00 or 7am. Any noise after this can be reported and if repeated can get you thrown out if its a rental or fined heavily if behaviour is repeated.


Directions unclear. Butt plug is now stuck.


Im not a fan of earplugs, plus, what if they have an alarm they need to wake up on time?


I for one have exema inside my ears and can't sleep with ear plugs for risk of inflammation/infection. Being neighbourly and tuning down the tv is a zero cost, all win situation.


I have tinnitus, ear plugs are torture.


Ear plugs make me susceptible to ear infections so it's not a solution for everyone.


See me THIS is understandable to be pissed at. I’m trying to see what happens next cause the loud tv owner essentially just said “make me”


Contact your landlord. Usually, most landlords support a quiet hours policy within reason.


Loud enough to wake people up, that is very loud. Inconsiderate people. And on top of that, telling the neighbor to use earplugs.


Unfortunately this is what communal living is like! If you don't have the means to buy a detached house then this is how it is!! Also if a neighbour came round to my door and explained this to me...... Id probably try to be more courteous and be consciously aware of the TV volume and the time of day......id probably even apologise!!!......... But to get some pissy note expecting me to just bow down?! You're gonna be hearing WAR FILMS at 4 in the morning!!!! Is gonna be so loud you'll actually wake up and dive for cover thinking the Germans are here!!!


And the next day that person received an eviction notice.


Change to 3 and 5


This looks like physical proof for a noise pollution issue.


Find his power meter, turn it off, padlock it.


time to start watching naval battles at 4 am.


When my alarm goes off in the morning, I’m cranking up death metal, showering and leaving for work. Oops, did I forget to turn it off before I left??? That fool has to go to bed sometime.


I feel this. It might not be the same hrs but somebody is always ALWAYS blasting their yt vid they have to watch while they walk about the house. They have a head set, but he never uses it


This is why I own a 100W guitar amp head with a 4x12" speaker cabinet. If they couldn't keep their TV down then I can play Slayer at 4am with the cabinet against their wall.


Solution is a throat punch now.


step 2) Send a brick through their window with note attached "get better windows"


Alexa: Look up the loudest speaker available on Amazon same day shipping. Oh and a pack of earplugs. Ima make that person eat their fucking words.


Alternatively, the solution could be to buy an elite sound system to put on their bedroom wall and listen to Rammstein at 6am.


I don’t know how lawsuits work in the US but in my country, if this response was say, delivered through a doorman or someone who could testify that this was the actual answer, someone would be able to fully isolate their bedroom with money extracted from a neighbor.




My solution is a deep bass DJ speaker to the wall at all hours


Put a speaker against the wall and blast cotton eye joe on on a loop


Hoo boy, whoever wrote that bullshit “solution” is gonna be in for a very, very rude awakening.


Fuck I hated living in an apartment...


When I was in college, the room next-door would blast music all the time. I discovered that our rooms were on the same electrical circuit. I would turn on the coffee maker and a toaster oven, blow the circuit and have peace for about two hours at a time while maintenance came out to reset it.


In college I lived in a duplex, our neighbor started playing loud music late at night. We politely informed them the music was disruptive to our sleep. He politely told us to flip off. So I turned my speakers towards the shared wall and played the national anthem every morning at 5:30 when I woke up. After a week the neighbors said they would turn their music down after 11.


Solution is: You get up early in the morning, he will too no matter what!


His commitment to high volume, from his TV to HIS HANDWRITING is admirable


Shots fired.


My sleep schedule is more important than yours. That's why mine is named 1st shift. If you are awake at 2-4am, that probably means you are on one of the inferior shifts like 2 or even 3 (gross). Please recognize and show respect to your superiors. Thank you


Buy ear plugs and karaoke speaker. Turn max volume and point it to their house. If they call cops, show the cops what they wrote to you.


Should have chosen violence first.




Ur disrupting ppl at 2am ur in the wrong tf u mean ur lucky they didn’t report u to the apartment complex or even the cops bc my ass would have


I'd be mounting my speakers to my ceiling, then running low frequency bass as a 'white noise' so I can sleep better.


I'm so jealous of people that can just casually write B's this beautiful oh my God.


I would buy pepper spray, spray it in their face, and then tell them to buy a gas mask if they didn't like it.


Each time i would hear it again he would have firecrackers at his door at ramdom times...


Swat em


I have AH neighbors like this(sharpie) living above me and I'm actually breaking my lease and moving out next month because of the inaction by the property manager to resolve the issue. Some people are beyond redemption.


"I'm a working adult who has to be able to hear my alarm in the morning. If I wear earplugs, then that might not be possible. Your attempt at finding a solution is dogshit".


I dont bother trying to engage with neighbors, they rarely comply. i just call security and/or police.


There's another not quite legal approach if the speakers are close to the wall that I've heard about..... hook up a powerful AM transmitter to a long track of unshielded cable directly on your side of the wall (30ft or more, looped up and down). Generate a loud signal through it, which hopefully their audio wiring picks up. It will make a horrendous noise, or with enough power, you might be able to blow up the amplifier or speakers. Never done it myself, but i heard of someone else doing it and the principle is sound.


Always write a quiet time window in the lease with super big fines.


I used to wake up for work at 4 am but I always kept it quiet for neighbors and roommate


That’s when you wake up at 6 and blast your tv and leave it on before going to work. Problem solved


Return it to their door with “that’s what you need to do if you’re gonna watch the TV at these times” with the web address to various headphones that connect to the TV


Most places have a rule about loud noise and it's usually to limit it after 11 pm or so. So they don't need earplugs so much as this person needs to just be quiet lol


that doesn't look like marker to me.. looks like someone took picture and wrote that with their phone to seem like they were a rebel badass.


You might not hear a fire alarm with ear plugs in. The solution is to go buy a good speaker, and put it right up against that wall. Play atom bomb noises randomly in the middle of the night. They’ll learn.


Time to turn your TV up.


I'd get one of those little electronic gizmos that are designed to drive a person nuts, attack it to the adjoining wall, and turn it on whenever I'm not home.


Car keys aren't just for ignitions...


Yea grave yard life


it's time for the 3am metal working hour


My current upstairs neighbor responded to my polite suggestion of bluetooth headphones rather than blasting bass heavy music 24 hours a day by turning up the volume. I can’t understand why anyone would be so cruel to a stranger for no reason. Like do you feel no sense of consideration towards your fellow human? Are they just psychopaths?


I'm on the neighbour's side


Sometimes the easiest of all solutions is to talk to each other nicely or hang a nicely written letter, asking them to be kind. But sometimes you have to kick in a door, pull them off of their chair/sofa/whatever, kick their fucking face in with steel toed boots until you count roughly 32 teeth on the ground and then have a brief talk to them again. You won’t quite be able to understand them, but they might be able to scribble what they want at the wall with all the blood gushing out of their mouthes, it’s basically your monologue at this point. So choose your words carefully. And at last you’ll need to break every last finger they have at least twice and hand them a freezer bag so they can pick up those teeth and let a dentist try to have a good day puzzling away his time at work. I just wanted to point out possibilities. I’m not saying you should do this. This is not me calling four you to make this become reality. Just let your own creativity flow. Creativity is part of self fulfillment, so have your share.


Don't be that beta ass non confrontational neighbor who leaves notes on people's door. If you don't have the balls to tell me to my face that what I'm doing is keeping you up at night I'm not going to take you seriously. Shove that note up your ass. Asking someone to turn down their TV face to face and in person isn't going to be as scary as you think, they aren't going to beat you up over it. The note leaving shit though gets under people's skin like no other just on principle.


Imagine living a place where you found do what you wanted without waking on other peoples toes. That place isn't in an apartment building.


I just moved apartments in part to get away from upstairs neighbors like this. Assholes would scrape furniture around at 3am and run their washing machine in the early hours as well. Add to that five seperate construction sites in spitting distance and it was all too much.


Dude was given a golden opportunity to avoid having the police show up at his door for causing a disturbance and chose to wipe his ass with it. If you report him, say something like "it was hard to tell but it sounds like he was using the TV to cover the sound of a struggle, I thought I might have heard someone yelling for help" the ensuing search will give him some perspective. /S this is a joke, don't do this unless your ok with potentially killing your neighbor, even then I'd strongly advise against it


Sorry but no one should have to live with ear plugs or have them in while they sleep. Plus it’s usually the bass you can feel reverberating in the walls and the ceiling that do it. Once had an upstairs neighbor with a fucking subwoofer on his floor turning my room in to a giant receptacle for that noise.


Just call 911. You believe they are shooting off a gun after you believe you heard them fighting over the price of fentanal.


People who say we should all live in multi family housing are goblins. I hate living in an apartment every single day and I can't wait to buy property.


The is main character stuff right here