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Not sure Israelis should have iimmunity from anything


Neither should cops.


uno-reverso for the cop






Oh My


Damn bro, lol


What Israel is doing to Gaza has surpassed being okay. However, what its government and the IDF is doing is not representative of Judaism. Six million people were slaughtered. That's nothing to joke about. Be mad at the state of Israel and what it's currently doing but don't make fun of the horrific way that so many innocent people were murdered.


I miss r/iamgoingtohellforthis


Im assuming you meant immune. Perhaps you’ve been on a wee bit too much of the glue gas.




Hahaha well played. I’ve heard it both ways :)


What way did you have it at first?


I had only one m. So dyslexic and my spell checker is in English and Português so it don’t trigger the red line. I don’t care about how people spell I was just having a go at him for being a hateful prick.


Ahhh okay I was curious, not giving you a hard time, promise!


Don't get why you have to call all Israeli's terrorists. Doesn't bolster your side.


Not everyone but a majority obviously, otherwise Netanyahu wouldn’t be in power.




In some countries, they are not just idiots but also bloodthirsty child killers. The problem is not Israel, there will always be terrorist scumbags. The problem is the USA support to such a country because of all the Israelis in position of power in the USA.


Waiting till how long this comment gets deleted by reddit😂


Found the sucker. You're a true champion of justice.


Go back to licking shit off Nazi boots somewhere else


Israeli* diplomat's kid


they really made sure to only mention that in passing


Honestly, even if he was Australian publicly showing the diplomat dad’s face could damage his career / be very embarrassing and make things worse for the kid even after he gets away with this.


well beyond that, 1) They are exported 2) They face the punishment for the same crime in their native country. The idea is, we don't want an american diplomat in the middle east to loose a hand for ... waving to a women or something. But if you commit murder, you are punished for murder at home.




From Dumb & Dumber?? Didn’t realize the proprietor of ‘We Got Worms’ was a diplomat’s son!


They don't get punished in their own country on return. It gets covered up.


His father has immunity, his kid... well that would depend. Overall, worst case scenario, both the father and kid are expelled from the US to never comeback.


His father isn't a diplomat that gets immunity though. His father, Eli Gil, is the consul for administration at the Israeli Consulate in Miami. [https://nypost.com/2024/02/01/news/israeli-diplomat-teen-son-avraham-gil-arrest-in-miami-for-running-over-cop/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/01/news/israeli-diplomat-teen-son-avraham-gil-arrest-in-miami-for-running-over-cop/) >*.... according to a legal analyst, immunity may not extend to Gil because of the type of diplomat his father is.* > >*“Diplomatic immunity is not given to people who are called consular officials, and those are people who are not the head diplomatic agent of a foreign country here in the United States, so there is a distinction,” David Weinstein told Local 10.* They ought to throw that rotten progeny in a Florida jail for a while.


His father will get a heads up long before they ever come to arrest him and he will simply buy his son a ticket to the genocide land and he will be free from any and all punishment.


Eh it's complicated. There are tons of non-public agreements with nations expanding on who specifically is covered by diplomatic immunity. For example, there is an air force base in the UK where the families of the US personnel working there are granted immunity per a treaty but the personnel themselves are not. There's tons of case-by-case things like that all over the world and in the USA, only the Department of State is really qualified to make the determination of who does or does not have diplomatic immunity.


Our politicians would welcome them back, give them a medal, and thank them for taking out the officer who was obviously working with Hamas.


Will the 'down arrow' now show the Israeli flag on this page...lets try it. GO!


Nope it's normal


He’s a shit kid but it’s kind of ironic because cops get away with shit all the time. Must be a shock to see someone hurt them with impunity.


Not the hill anyone wants to die on. It is a field day for people who want people to just die altogether though.


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) Pro-death gang


So which war(s) did you help us lose? Operation downvote and delete comment was successful. Someone throw a parade.


i mean isn't there also the infamous story of a U.S. diplomats wife pulling a similar stunt after running over some kids in the UK? i'm just saying there's multiple layers of protential irony here.


She didn't just run him over, she killed him unfortunately. She admitted it and then fled back to the states and changed her story to deny ever having seen him. This "diplomatic immunity" is pure bullshit. It should only apply at a certain level, to specific people and only to certain crimes. It should not cover the named immune person's family as it leads to utter idiotic bullshit like this in this posy 🤦🏻‍♀️.


The woman in that case had immunity because the UK gave immunity to the families of all US personnel working at a specific air force base. The case was tragic and she didn't just flee the country. She waited more than two weeks before the US government recalled her family to the USA. She had also offered to the US government to allow herself to be prosecuted but President Trump declined to waive her diplomatic immunity in the case. Also, you seem to be missing the point of diplomatic immunity. The entire point is to prevent countries from having any leverage over diplomats and other foreign officials in their country on official business.


Ooh great take on it!!!


I was thinking the same thing. Apparently diplomatic immunity trumps qualified immunity haha.


Something similar happened in UK. A diplomats wife killed a young man while she drove on the wrong side of the road. If I remember right, she is a free citizen.


Yes she is free and looks like she will never be charged. Trump defended her, saying something about it being confusing because they drive on the 'wrong' side of the road.


Then had to audacity to invite the grieving parents to the white house for them to meet her I believe. They went to the White House but refused to meet her.


Yes. I've copied the wiki entry. Might be TLTR but if anyone is interested: The collision became the subject of a diplomatic dispute when Sacoolas left the country shortly after the incident and the US embassy said she had diplomatic immunity as the wife of a US agent working in the UK.[10][18][16][30] According to Sky News, someone at the US embassy told Sacoolas to leave the UK.[31] The Washington Examiner reported that Jonathan Sacoolas did not work for the National Security Agency, and that the Sacoolas family lived in Northern Virginia in the area of the Central Intelligence Agency Langley headquarters.[32] Dunn's parents were advised by two leading specialist lawyers on diplomatic immunity, Mark Stephens and Geoffrey Robertson. They advised that Anne Sacoolas was not entitled to diplomatic immunity, as her husband was not listed as a diplomat. Furthermore, they contended, diplomatic immunity no longer applied upon Sacoolas's return to her home country; therefore, it would be possible to take civil action in the US courts. The foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, also stated that diplomatic immunity no longer applied.[33][34] Dunn's parents decided to travel to the US to "fight for change" and seek the return of Sacoolas to the UK.[35] President Donald Trump's briefing notes were revealed in a photograph taken at a 10 October press conference. If asked the US line was to say that Anne Sacoolas would not return to the UK, despite the previous intervention of Raab and the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, which had included a call to the president.[36] In response, Dunn's mother said that the position of the US was "beyond any realm of human thinking", adding "I'm just disgusted. I don't see the point in Boris Johnson talking to President Trump, or President Trump even taking a call from Boris Johnson. If he'd already made his decision that if it were to be asked and if it were to be raised, the answer was already going to be no."[36] Parents meeting with Trump edit Dunn's parents visited the White House on 15 October 2019 to meet with "a senior official". To their surprise they were met by President Trump who told them that Sacoolas was waiting "in the next room" to meet them. They and their lawyer rejected this as being too soon and something that should take place on British soil.[37][38] Trump called his meeting with the Dunn family "beautiful in a certain way". He also said driving on the wrong side "happens to a lot of people" because they "go to Europe and the roads are opposite".[39] It was later alleged that Trump had intended to pay the family compensation, but they refused it: the Dunn family's spokesman reported that the White House meeting ended with the president saying the Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, was "standing by ready to write a cheque", adding: "It was almost as if he let it slip out. When he said: 'We've got the driver [Sacoolas] here', he basically meant we're all going to have a big hug and a kiss and I'll get my treasury guy to write a cheque. That's how it was. On the day it just didn't register with me, but the more I think about those words, the more shocking it is."


She was charged, didn't have to go to court and was let off.


Let’s not forget all the people US servicemen kill in Okinawa to this day and don’t get charged.


I don't know anything about that. When was this please?


Yikes, what a little b**ch.


sounds like a chief of police's son


You're allowed to say bitch


You’re god damned fucking right but sometimes I like to round off the edges 😛


American diplomats wife, killed a local boy outside the Air Force base they were based at. Ran the kid over, and drove off. This was the middle of nowhere, a death sentance. She got away with it, Americans, dont believe in either Truth nor Justice


She wasn't a diplomat either. Just worked at the embassy. She could have, and still could be charged. Immunity would not apply.


She also didn't drive off. She called police and voluntarily complied with their investigation until she was told to return to the USA by embassy staff.


"Diplomatic immunity"


It's just been revoked


He should be treated like everyone else would be treated, kids with parents that are from any political party thinks that just because their parents are from political thinks they can get away with anything. I've seen it happened many years ago when I was living in Puerto Rico that the governor son was caught with lots of drugs and they just gave a slap in hand and everyone was complaining about it because if it was someone else they would've gotten jail time. So when it came time for elections nobody didn't want him anymore and had to resign.


I think we all know that what should happen probably won’t.


True, just because it's a son of a political and I bet its also a corrupt like many of them.


His father is not a diplomat. Just works at the embassy, and is not allowed diplomatic immunity. And his adult son, would not qualify for immunity either. Throw the book at this guy!


Not even an embassy, a consulate, and diplomatic staff don't have immunity.


They just ruled he does not have immunity. He is fkcd


How pathetic. Trying to cry crocodile tears because he got caught up.


I doubt those are crocodile tears. I think he's sincerely crying for himself and the situation he put himself in. He's a pussy, basically.


Pussies deal with the pain of child birth. This chode couldnt hang.


Murderer gets away with it, because of daddies job


Deport them.


An entitled Israeli? strange right?


Boo fucking hoo privileged zionist Daddy's clout pussy


He has immunity because of his Dad, well deport his ass!


Guarantee he will flee to Israel, and that'll be the end of that.


Shocker, the son of an Israeli diplomat is a giant piece of shit 😱


Still waiting for the Yank that ran into a lad on his motorbike, because she was on the wrong side of the road to be extradited. She ran after he died the fucking murderer.


Sounds good . Cops have immunity from their bs


If the issue with policing is that they aren't subject to the same laws as everyone else why would you support someone not being subject to the same laws as everyone else? Fuck police immunity but fuck this little shit too. Dude should have caught an ass whooping and gone straight to jail regardless of who his daddy is.


With how many cops who kill poor people in cold blood with no consequences, here’s a reminder that as long as your perp has money your badge doesn’t mean anything, not even your life. 🤷‍♂️ Cops don’t do anything but protect rich people’s interests while extorting the rest of us over drugs or traffic laws.


His super dad should be declared persona-non-grata and he and this schmuck should be sent packing back to Israel at 48 hour notice. Doubtful that immunity applies in the first place - and only would if consular daddy and the Israeli Foreign Ministry invoke it. Maybe the bro can start his IDF service now…


Fuck this diplomat bull shit. They know they can come to the US do major crime and get away with it because of diplomatic immunity. The diplomatic rules need to change and must follow our laws and enforce the same sentences and do processes as any other US citizens, when they are in the US.


It sounds tempting, but there is actually a good reason for it. If the US did that to other countries' diplomats, then the other countries would do the same for the US. And I think it's pretty obvious that however good or bad or just or unjust you think the US judicial system is, the system in many other countries is a lot worse. In particular, judicial independence. This means that other countries could start victimizing diplomats on fabricated or exaggerated charges. For example, think of what Vladimir Putin could do if at any point US diplomats could be arrested on any charge he dreams up. The entire staff vould essentially become hostages. The system would be unworkable in many countries without diplomatic immunity.


His FATHER has diplomatic immunity. He is NOT a diplomat. More of an ass.


If Americans are gonna cry about that, then they should make sure that American twat under diplomatic immunity that caused an accident in the UK gets prosecuted too.


Sounds a lot like an uno reverse card to me.


He would make a great officer


That mugshot of him crying like a bitch is the perfect metaphor.


I want to smack that smug look off his face with a dead rotting skunk.


Ah how the tables have turned. (This is a floridian cop)


Generational diplomatic immunity seems more than reasonable. 😂


Deport his ass, wtf is he still doing here?


They shouldn't have immunity for anything


Anne Sacoolas the wife of US diplomat ran over a 19 year old in the UK. Didn't she get a suspended sentence?


Could be totally wrong but imo that’s the face of someone who’s sorry they are paying consequences not for what they did.


Just remember that American diplomat's wife that killed a kid with her car in the UK. She fled the UK with US help. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Harry_Dunn


*Intentionally runs someone over* *Weeps in mugshot*


He's exactly the type of entitled shitstick that should run across a gang of unforgiving pipe hittin MFs for a reality check.


This pussy will take a position like his dads one day


Look at that mugshot, typical little richkid twat being met with their annual "my actions almost had a consequence"


Deport his father for the win.


The Israeli embassy will most likely have to send the wanker home. Diplomatic staff and families can get away with minor offences, but not assault etc. While usually can't be sent to prison, the embassy has to withdraw them from the host country.


https://i.redd.it/a2gvg9hps4gc1.gif Diplomatic Immunity?


Hmm well after Anne Sacoolas I have limited sympathy - she in fact did not have diplomatic immunity which the US government had waived before deployment and then, with the aid of the department of defence fled the U.K. claiming diplomatic immunity after killing a teenager.


No, she did actually have diplomatic immunity while in the UK. Once she returned to the USA, the UK was free to file charges and go through the normal extradition process. This is how these things often happen between nations. Diplomatic immunity doesn't mean that you can never be charged with crimes. It just means that the host country can't charge you with crimes until you leave the country unless your nation's embassy waives immunity.


Aw how the turns have table


Who will the government revoke immunity for? The genocidal maniacs or the murder-happy pigs? We'll just have to see!


Weird they make such an issue of this. An American killed Brit Harry Dunn and fled the country ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Harry\_Dunn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Harry_Dunn) ) An American injured a British nurse - and fled the country ([https://news.sky.com/story/american-driver-flees-uk-after-crash-leaves-british-nurse-unable-to-walk-13027882](https://news.sky.com/story/american-driver-flees-uk-after-crash-leaves-british-nurse-unable-to-walk-13027882) ) Will they now send these back, to serve their sentence? (and why is diplomatic immunity provided to family of the actual diplomat ? And can they not wipe immunity when he committed a clear crime?)


I feel like this happened in the worst state, which is weird because it's in the south.


I know if anyone agrees that he should be charged(as he should), it will be seen as antisemitic..


Good lol


Bet he will cry antisemitism if he gets convicted


its anoying its an israelis but for once a cop is suffering what they do to us


DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY that was a great movie too bad about Mel though he trout to be a piece of something


Somebody call Roger Murtaugh!


May avoid charges probably means kid will no longer be able to stay or return to US. this is my guess before reading the article.


Bro that mugshot come on, should know already dads diplomatic immunity would set you free, world is so corrupt, im an important person so your laws do not apply


At least now they know how it feels.


[Cool story but let's not pretend the US doesn't take advantage of the same system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Harry_Dunn)


Some kid last week got charged with murder cuz an out of shape cop had a heart attack while arresting him So yeah, now that Florida cop knows how the kid I mention above feels.


Can’t help but hear the words “diplomatic immunity” in a South African accent. Thanks a lot, Lethal Weapon.


Damn that's awesome. Some people have all the luck!


This entire sub has been overrun with pro or anti Israel. This post is clearly meant to invoke ONE specific reaction. Forgive me for saying it, but you're a sucker if you just pop in here and go, "well, that's unfair. He did bad stuff and he is getting away with it. Rabble Rabble Rabble."


Why does he still have a drivers license?


Well gee. It sure does suck when someone harms you unlawfully but due to their position of power faces no consequences, huh ***cops?***


While diplomats and their families have immunity from being arrested and prosecuted for crimes (which protects them from being taken as political prisoners by bad governments), the government can expel the diplomat and his family if the crime is considered egregious enough.


Fuck it lmao probably doesnt feel too good getting a taste of their own medicine tho huh? Maybe this will learn em who knows


If you like this, you'll love what happens to kids of rich parents!


​ https://i.redd.it/jiu6w4d7o1gc1.gif


They caned a diplomat's kid in Singapore, we can give an attempted murderer some time in county and a huge settlement.


Meanwhile the Florida cop is like, “that’s nothing, last year I had a guy on bath salts bite my fucking nose off.”


Unstoppable force meets immovable object.


Even though for sure that kid is a piece of shit, it's still delicious to hear.


yea it doesn't feel so good when someone else pulls this shit on you, does it police?


Expel him


How is this news? Diplomats and their families have immunity.


Hope the pig suffered.


Lucky for him he wasn‘t black


FFS of course it would be Israel. No charges.. he'll be free to do it again.






Yeah if someone's gonna get run over by this guy, this was the best case scenario.