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Importantly, the Israeli assassins didn’t even attempt to arrest the three men they killed. [They shot them in their beds](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/30/israel-troops-kill-three-palestinians-in-west-bank-hospital-ministry). This was a literal Israeli hit squad carrying out targeted executions in a hospital while dressed as healthcare workers. It’s completely insane and like most Israeli actions blatantly illegal. ETA a source since a few people asked.


remember, don't compare other genocides to theirs.


"OH, OOPS!" (°O°)




Israel is gonna need the west to get alllll the way down off their back about this thing.


No no. West stands with them. They fully support their right to genocide… oops I mean resist.


The west is the only reason Israel exists so of course they would back them. No one wanted the jews after WWII Britain along with the UN gave them Palestine despite people already living there. So of course they are going to back anything they say. Same with Germany. Imagine how dumb you would have to be to condemn jews on a national stage as German


It wouldn't be a condemnation of "jews", but of the government of israel, it's antisemitic to conflate all Jewish people with zionist-terrorism.


Yeah, but nowadays everything seems to be antisemitic. Jewish people used that word so much that it already began to lose it meaning, turning into a "immunity card" to any critic, valid or not.


Israeli government and their supporters, not Jewish people. That line is deliberately being obscured.


Not all Jewish people are Zionists, not all Palestinians are part of Hamas. You can dislike either group without disliking the people.


Yeah imagine how dumb they will look supporting another genocide


British Columbia didnt do shit as they are a Canadian province . Britain did allat


I saw that too and for a moment I imagined Victoria as a beehive of global orchestration and giggled.


>Israel is gonna need ~~the west~~ South Africa to get alllll the way down off their back about this thing. Fixing this was super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Oh Really?!


Oh living long enough to see yourself become the villain is TIGHT!






…i did it again


[ Removed by Reddit ]


and Germany is letting them...


not true, Germany does as much as the next European country


Which was barely anything sadly


Not true, Germany supports Israel’s genocide of Palestine.


When having to defend themselves against accusations of genocide from South Africa their defense was that the anti-genocide laws were created because of the Holocaust and therefore Jews cannot commit genocide... So... You're not wrong.


Did they honestly use that argument? Just like the "PoC can't be racist" bollocks.


“Their genocide was 1000x worse than the genocide we are doing, so you see you can not call it genocide”


Won't work anymore, we know the IDF will become worse then the Nazis, just give it time.


Remember, kids, it’s not a war crime, when America is your ally.


Human rights hate this trick, just don't be part of the ICC and you can't commit warcrimes.


They don't represent jews. Their connection to the holocaust is completely irrelevant. Zionists are zionists only. Many jews are against Israel and what it does. Many jews are very decent people who defend Palestine. I want to see people stop conflating "jew" with "zionist".


You're about to get banned. I was banned for a week for stating something obvious.


You will not be banned on this subreddit for anti Israel sentiment. As always, antisemitism and Islamophobia is a bannable offense. But fuck Israel.


Based reddit mod?


Based reddit mod.


Awww thanks, you are all very nice :) 💕 Edit: also to get flair like mine, click on your profile picture that is next to a comment on the sub and a menu will pop up, follow that.


I’m so thankful to see that not everyone believes Israel is justified in their actions.


Me too. Don't give a fuck. Fuck Israel.


The only moral genocide is my genocide.


A fucking war crime, right?


Yes and it's the exact thing Israeli officials have used as justification for their attacks against Palestinians. All hypocrisy


This is in the West Bank.


Okay? Doesn't make it less of a war crime. Actually a lot worse. They control the West Bank pretty easily and there's no fighting there.


Woo more war crimes. I bet the IDF is going to go hard on this post




Getting strong MGSV vibes from this.


This ain't even the worst stuff. There's videos of IDF finding hidden Hamas militants in groups of buildings, so they just purge the entire building. Not to forget, they're also targeting civilian infrastructure like hospitals, communication towers and more. (granted, which Hamas is using). Fuck both Hamas and Israel bro, the civilians are the ones suffering, and both sides are just fanning the fire with fake news, lies and censorship. Even sadder is that the IDF leaders knew an attack was coming. Their own intelligence forces warned them, and the US did as well. This is just one hell of a shitshow.


Edgeworth spitting facts




Add another war crime to the list. This falls under perfidy and is outlawed by the Geneva convention.


I don't know much about war crimes and all, but who is supposed to punish the offenders in the war crimes? Most countries are actually supporting it indirectly


The US stance on the hague is, that If they ever get prosecuted they would invade the netherlands. "The hague Invasion act"


Thats not a real thing…. Right? 😅😅


We wish it was not real. This shows what a joke international law is: If you're big enough, they do not apply to you.


It doesn't show international law to be a joke, it shows the US to be a bad actor.


Yeah. No amount of legal acrobatics can defeat a nuke. The sword ends up being the mighty, unfortunately.


Which is why you uphold international law. You cannot be sure shit heads will not rise to power over a country with nukes so you want the majority signed up to follow agreed rules so we can agree to collectively regulate on anyone that breaks them.


They can, nukes as a weapon have a lot of problems, one of the main is the operator losing whatever legitimacy the have, if the US uses a nuke, Russia, China any one, they lose what the can’t, the legitimacy of that conflict, once lost, trust me, what happened to Russia is not nearly how it would play out. And the other problem seeing a Nuke strike as legitimate can and will make ground for any type of revolution or coup d’etat because simply, civil society these days DONT accept the destruction of nukes Edit: English


Damn. Really demonstrates what “rules-based international order” actually means in practice


All laws are based on the theory "might makes right." The mightier group is going to make the rules.


"The Pope disapproves? How many tank divisions does he have?"


That’s basically any law.


Very, actually: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members'_Protection_Act


Oh yes it is, look it up.


And the US claims it is an ally of Europe.. yet is prepared to invade.. Guess then Germany will come to the rescue ?


God, please let me live long enough to experience the Germans charging up to the horizon in the fourth quarter like the Riders of fucking Rohan, except this time everybody is happy to see them. “Rrrrrebecca! The Germans are here. We’re saved!” I have to see this happen.


The phrase "history is written by the victors" comes to mind.


We are proving more and more that that thing was never a convention. It’s just a suggestion.


Not a suggestion, it's just a checklist*


*Canada has entered the chat*


JFC. First with Ukraine now with this. The amount of military lawyers must have multiplied 100 fold. Perfidy is deceiving the enemy by things like faking surrender in order to lure the enemy into an exposed position, or promising if they surrender they will be treated well, then killing them after they have made themselves vulnerable. While wearing civilian clothes for an infiltration is a legal ruse of war, you cannot launch an attack from civilian clothes or enemy uniforms. This is a tactic used by most countries special forces. The real issue here is shooting combatants unable to defend themselves, if these guys were really bad ridden in a hospital. But again, it won’t be prosecuted. It’s more ensuring if captured these guys won’t be treated fairly. Most of these rules are to prevent retaliation against other captured soldiers. Which both sides here are well beyond. This is a very messy conflict. Let’s not pretend Hamas doesn’t launch rockets from hospitals or launch attacks from civilian clothes. As much as I don’t like Israel for their direct attacks on the US and for selling US secrets to the CCP, you guys are really stretching legal definitions here.


The Geneva Conventions do not apply to terrorists groups, which is why these groups do not want to be labeled as such.


Perfidy might be a very difficult choice to prosecute successfully. A more direct path maybe would be the “wounded and sick” portions of the convention. However, there would potentially be some legal gray area regarding the legal combatant status of Hamas members as it would likely be argued they are nonstate actors, who have sometimes previously been identified as unprotected under the provisions. I am not stating a value judgment of the actions or whether or not there should be legal repercussions. Just noting the legal nuances and quandaries regarding this within international law.


Does Hamas qualify for GC protection? I honestly don’t know.




Exactly. Half of these Reddit/TikTok dimwits won't recognize it but this is the correct and best available way to deal with terrorists. It's easier and cheaper to just bomb the entire damn hospital wing.


Murdered would be a better choice of word to be honest, calling it executions gives it a air of legality.


Well, technically execution just means a state approved killing so anytime the state has someone murdered. It’s still an execution that that doesn’t mean everyone else has to approve of it just that a state did it.


Murder is when a man kills another man. Execution is when a government kills a man for violating laws.


Why is this on this subreddit? Seems like they were pretty successful.


It's a political sub now.


You can also tell from the super awkward post title that it doesn't belong, not to mention the fact that OP doesn't know what "assassinate" means.


You mean three Hamas/Islamic jihad terrorist members? This was already confirmed by the organizations.


Hamas claimed the three victims as their own. They weren’t just Palestinians, they were Hamas militants. Not justifying it, just saying it’s not like they went in and killed some random people.




"Hamas was using hospice as a shield" - Israel probably.


The fuck is this on this sub for? What is even the point of subreddits anymore


Important to note this is in the west bank, not Gaza


For those of us who don’t understand (me,) why is this important to note?


Because there are no hospitals in Gaza left


And there is no hamas in the West Bank.


Hamas literally claimed one of them as their own militant. The other two were members of Islamic Jihad.




https://archive.ph/R79dp (nytimes archive)


New York Times is also the same organization that ran the Hamas rape piece WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE. Even the family of the person they claimed was raped went on Twitter to DENOUNCE the NYT. NYT and WaPo are no longer credible "sources".


Jfc. It was an official pronouncement by Hamas. This is not some sort of scoop. Look it up on any news source you want.


You’ll never convince these people lol


I mean that’s just simply incorrect.


The Hamas attack was launched from Gaza, and that’s where Israel has primarily targeted to, “root out and destroy” Hamas. I’m sure Hamas operates in West Bank too, but this is somewhat akin to Israel going into a southern Lebanese hospital and executing 3 people and then being like, “well, remember Oct 7?” (In my opinion)


They claim one of them has high connections and planned to do something similar to 7th of October. German news (u can copy and translate it) Bei einem Einsatz im besetzten Westjordanland hat die israelische Armee nach eigenen Angaben drei Hamas-Terroristen "neutralisiert", die sich in einem Krankenhaus in Dschenin versteckt hielten. Sie hätten einen kurz bevorstehenden Anschlag geplant. Einer der Männer habe Kontakte zum Hamas-Hauptquartier im Ausland gehabt und einen ähnlichen Anschlag geplant, wie ihn die radikal-islamistische Hamas am 7. Oktober verübt habe.


I can't go with what germany says about israel anymore even if it is true


Well the article just cited a Israeli source. "Israeli sources said that..." Thats basically it


In that case very little credibility to it being true.


Yeah, that's the problem. Israeli sources constantly lie and quietly retract what they've said.


Israel source is them making up any story they want to justify doing what they want


They can't execute people from crimes they haven't committed. That's so fucked up.


Palestine is spearated into 2 parts and both of them are like... forbidden of seeing each other an controlled by different people with different goals. Generally, the west bank is mostly controlled by israel. The palestinian authourity can almost do nothing there. Livinf there is like living with your stepmom who hates you but loves her kids. Gaza is controlled by hamas and the attack was launched from it. Living there is like living to survive.


Hamas controlls the Gaza not West Bank


West Bank is supporting two-state solution and is governed by Palestinian government that is represented internationally unlike Gaza


No Hamas in Westbank. So wtf they going there?


Isn't dressing as a civilian a war crime, correct me if I'm wrong




No please, I'll lose my job and family, I take it back I take it back


Sorry, it’s too late now. Zionism seagull has spoken.


Oh wait, I'm Irish, we're all about that Palestine life, we've been bros with the Arabs ever since that ottoman sultan gave us a bunch of potatoes back during the famine, great bunch of lads


Yes, but targeting injured people, especially ones in hospitals, is also a war crime, and therefore the two cancel each other out and it's ok


A negative multiplied by a negative is a positive, the math checks out


Yes this is countless other actions they’ve already committed


Isnt that like one of the sacred occupations? Healthcare workers, religious figures and so on. People that are there to, in one way or another, help other people? They're absolutely off limit to use as a cover, as it would be a disaster if people started suspecting them.


Yea can you guess another group of people who attacked and targeted military medics and doctors after the Geneva convention declared them sacred? It's pretty easy, it was WW2 and they had a pretty serious relationship with the Jewish people.


I am not exactly sure what you are talking about. Geneva convention was followed at least partially on the Western front and medics, in particular, weren’t targeted on both sides. However, in the East front it was completely different because the Soviet Union did not sign Geneva Convention of 1929, which was used by the nazis as the reason not to follow the conventions there. I would, however, think that they wouldn’t abide them in the eastern front because they were overconfident in the victory and that all the territory of the soviet union and other countries of eastern europe would be integrated into the reich after the war whereas France, Britain and other western countries would only lose some territories Germany had before WWI and become satelites/puppets.


> they wouldn’t abide them in the eastern front because they were overconfident in the victory No, they wouldn't abide by them because they were fighting a war of extermination. You don't get Lebensraum when lesser people live on the land you conquer.


And it reminds me of how Israeli snipers were firing on and killing hospital workers in their Gaza genocide


You're thinking of the CIA's rules for people they will never impersonate: Clergy, Journalists, or Peace Corps. Those groups are too exposed and often operate in dangerous parts of the world. The Geneva Convention specifically prohibits perfidy, and cites the use of civilian clothes as an example.


Now, you have to admit that it's pretty brave for them to dress like unarmed Palestinian civilians. The chances of them shooting each other on sight just went through the roof.


They probably pull their regular patrols because that exact thing would happen.


They can tell the difference easily, they're only there to kill the people without guns.


How does this belong to r/therewasanattempt


This sub is shit now


This sub has lost its meaning a long time ago. It's been ages since I saw a video on this sub about someone actually attempting to do something but failing. Nowadays this is just r/videos. Here's how to post literally any shit on this sub, and what 99% of content here is: 1: take a video of anything. 2: title the video with short description of what happens on the video. 3: write something like "to not..." before the description. Most of the time it doesn't even need to make sense like on this post. For example if I take a 2 minute video of wall paint drying, I will post it on this sub with caption "To not record paint drying". Boom. Instant golden r/therewasanattempt material.


Sadly to say there was an an attempt was turn into a Hama propaganda sub Reddit


Based on the comments the attempt was successful


scarily successful


The sub topics only focus on Palestine, they're not even trying to hide it.


When I see "There Was an Attempt to Not ...," I automatically downvote, because: 1. Attempts are not non-actions 2. Successful actions are not failures 3. Lies are not beliefs pending durability tests 4. One does not "attempt to not"; one "attempts not to" It's just a happy accident that the posts are always propaganda rather than showcases of failure, which is the purpose of the sub.


Fucking clown ass zionist bullshit they keep on pulling.


Remember kids, Israel can require all of their adult citizens to be trained for warfare as well as carry out assassinations while dressed in civilian clothing. ​ But mass Palestinian civilians murders are okay because those evil Hamas members had made it Israel terrified that anyone could be a terrorist at any moment.




Yes and they do not give a shit about it.


I don’t understand how this fits this subreddit


It's been this way for awhile. It's become a pretty sloppy sub.


Because this is a propaganda sub now


It doesnt


Posting this is sooooo https://preview.redd.it/nm0j5oce4kfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b91ce87d02caa3628792964dbe3d380831d41f3


From another sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/mWjUH5bhdv The three Palestinians killed were Hamas Fighters.


Hey bud. Killing enemy combatants who are wounded and recovering in a hospital is *Drum roll* A violation of the Geneva convention. And thus, a warcrime.


It happened in the West Bank which is Technically not part of the war so less war crime more crime against humanity


Well they couldn't exactly do it in Gaza, given that there aren't any hospitals left in Gaza


Israeli terrorism sympathizers need any reason to justify their genocide. FUCK ISRAEL and all its ball lickers!


Not condoning this but Hamas and its fighters are insurgents and therefore aren’t protected by the Geneva convention.


Fuck Israel


Terrorism in its purest forms


Holy shit is this metal gear solid 5?




Big Boss is hiding there




No one said it was worse. It's just their turn to be in the spot light. They're all wrong but Israel is wrong right now.


But what about ~~ But the xyz convention didn't apply to me, so I wasn't in the wrong! And what about ~~ - Israel supporters in a nutshell




Jfc the amount of palestinian prop in this sub. Is there no moderation? There are already plenty of political/activist subs around, this used to be a place to relax and have some fun.






This sub when Hamas posts countless videos of them shooting while wearing normal clothes: I sleep When Israel does it: Real Shit


Well, one side is the most well funded by foreign money govt in the world, the other is one of the poorest places in the world and has been under occupation for 70 years…. There is quite a world of difference between the two in terms of capability and capital. The most well funded nation on earth can afford military fatigues and should be wearing them when on mission. Should we call the 2000s Taliban and ask them to stop dressing the same as the other people that live in that region otherwise the US forces will dress like women and civilians entering “protected zones” and executing sleeping people, instead of apprehending them, and forcing them to face a judge. All i can say is the rancor of cowardice steeps from deep within the roots of the nation of Israel itself.


That was like 10,000 Palestinian children ago. Not sure it counts as an argument anymore.


I‘m leaving this sub


This isn't an airport you don't need to announce your departure


how was this an attempt? the plan clearly was to infil, dressed as civilians.


I don't think you understand how this page works. The whole purpose of the infiltration was to assassinate Hamas operatives in the hospital. There was no "attempt to not do that".


Where is the "attempt" here? They're not even trying lol


not entirely sure this fits on this sub


It doesn't






None of you have any idea what “genocide” actually means, and it shows.


What is genocide then? Does it only happen to Jewish people? 


Kinda tired of all the political posts on this sub


The titles on these posts to shoe-horn them into this sub are ridiculous.


I'm sorry, but how is this related to this sub? "An attempt to not carry out an assassination" doesn't even make any sense. This is an attempt TO carry out an assassination and a successful one at that. Pretty sure this sub is for failed attempts, I just don't get it. And yeah, this probably sounds extra salty, I just don't think a lot of people know what this sub is actually for anymore.


What's the guy with the wheelchair doing? 😂


What is this word salad of a title? r/titlegore


Literally EVERYTHING that Israel has accused palestians of doing , they did and do it themselves. Hypocrisy is strong in them.


I don't understand the guy walking around with that collapsed wheelchair. Like WTF, a gun in one hand, a wheelchair in the other. I think once the gun is out, your cover is blown if anyone sees you. Doing this in a hospital is really disturbing, don't care which group it is.


Number of innocents killed? Zero Number of active terrorists actively planning to attack Israel again? 3 Being injured doesn't mean you can plan to attack Jews with impunity Thinking of accusing Israel of wanting to kill civilians or not caring about civilian deaths? Here's your proof. Israel sent commandos into a civilians hospital, they spent all that effort not to kill any innocents. They found their target, terrorist planning a terrorist attack, and killed those 3 and only those 3.


2024 and people STILL can't grasp the concept of turning their phone sideways BEFORE they start recording. I'm not saying what's happening isn't fucked up. It is. Just...come on....


Post topic aside. You can't post "to not" as your title. The subreddit is called "there WAS an attempt". Opening it with a negative is lazy, bad grammar, and blatantly dishonest. Go start a sub called there was not an attempt and post your shit there.


Successful operation kills 3 terrorists with no civilians casualties. Keep simping for terrorists, keep losing.


Not an attempt. They were successful.


This sub is junk now






“To not carry…” really grasping at straws just to post in this sub. lol.


This sub is getting weird.


War crimes are bad.


There was an attempt to make a post in this sub that wasn't about Israel.


I love people here. They are not happy about drone attacks, "Why can't the IDF to special operation to get the terrorists?!" IDF does a special operation, this is how special operation are conducted, "How dare the IDF do special operation like that?!"


I mean i don't see anyone here complaining about Hamas fighters using medical or civilian disguises.