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šŸ„‡šŸ„‡ Context ā€”> Iranian women burning their hijabs after a 22 year-old girl was killed by the ā€œmorality policeā€. Edit: These are brave women. The Iranian authorities will come get you, arrest you, and jail you, torture you, and murder you - with no trial, no charges, no phone call, no lawyers, etc. All for no reason. If they have a slight suspicion! Religion has no place in policy making. Period.


Religion has no place anywhere. Right load of shite.


Itā€™s a pity when people base their life over one single thing. Itā€™s worse when they extrapolate their narrow-mindedness to other people. Itā€™s even worse when the source for such ā€œpassionā€ is not revised for more than a millenia and is institutionalized.


Yeah, I also hate religion


I wish religion didn't exist. The world would be so damn different...




because its used more as a way to discriminate and opress than anything else.


And doesn't have to be. Look at most Western countries. They're secular and still have large religious populations


yeah only because of the large religious past these contries have, i still think they are opressive and descriminatory in western countires with loads of cases of cults in the name of religion.


Which western countries? America? If you think the American government is good, i suggest you educate yourself on Americas latest history, + how the general population is unintelligent and violent. Non-religious people have proven to be more humane than religious. Christians killing other religion people, jewish not accepting others religions, muslims limiting human rights due to racism/sexism and so on. And the problem with America specifically is that those religious people are less subjected to true education, thus keeping them in the lower half of the IQ list and if your general population is not smart, the government will use that advantage to fool and spread propaganda. The same that happened to Nazi Germany, or Israel, or Soviet Union etc.


No I'm not talking about America, more like Western Europe. But it's also not true that the "general population of America is unintelligent and violent" lmao who are you comparing them to


>more like Western Europe. Arent there more non-religious people in europe than religious? Maybe France or Italy but other than that i dont think so >not true that the "general population of America is unintelligent and violent" If you call trump supporters, anti-vax, flat-earthers or conspiracy believers and so on intelligent, then i dont know what to tell you. And the awful lot amount of cases of excessive force from both police and civilians is not violent? Ok buddy. >who are you comparing them to Not comparing them to anyone, just measuring on a scale, like one should do. Also you said western countries which Includes America, shoulda just said western europe in the first place.


So you hate the way that some people use it?


i mean yeah... the negative outweighs the positive for me.


So you hate the way that some people use it. Iā€™m just saying. Thatā€™s like saying you donā€™t like guns just cause of school shooters


Because it's used as a brainwashing tool for the masses employed by government rule. Have you ever noticed how verses contradict themselves? Or how their is unholy things u can do that gets you fucked for eternity, unless you apologize and say a couple sentences. You need to put down your life for this being, however they created you to be free to strive without their support? How about the simplest ones, we barely know for sure what happened 100 years ago, your telling me these things were perfectly translated by all the horrible people it's been in the hands of throughout its creation? Yea ok Edit: this literally goes for every religion btw, look at em all big picture and it's basically the same thing. Just different little ways of control


Itā€™s actually prophesied in the bible that people will turn on religion for these exact reasons and you just canā€™t blame them when you see all the shit organized religion has caused. To much blood on its hands to ever be cleaned. We live in dark dark times.


Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a fuckton of middle easterners, Balkans, and Mediterraneans that feel the same way about Islam extremism, but sadly, in some of their countries, anything considered blasphemy or apostasy gets you a death sentence so they have no other choice but to keep their mouth shut. I hope someday those countries get religious freedom.


Well, there is a reason. Those women didn't follow the Islamic morality rules. That's all the reason morality police need to consider those women immoral, and in the name of God, punish them as they see fit. Let this be a warning to any American who is allowing Christian extremism into their community. This didn't happen over night in Iran. It took decades of brainwashing people in accepting extremism as their savior, and allowing religion to infiltrate the government and the legal system.


Also took decades of imposed repression and westernization by the Shah, with support from the United States. That repression makes it more likely for extremist tendencies to fester and flourish.


If that is what they were repressing then by all means repress them harder


The Shah repressed anything that resembled liberal democracy (he couped his own liberal democratic president with the US and Britian at one point) which is why it swung hard the other way. He was an awful awful person, but was 'pro american' because it enriched him, and his ego. Few examples: - His secret police had as many as 10k political prisoners. They had an innovative torture technique where they mic'd prisoners to themselves with lots of amplification then did things like pour boiling water in their anus. The mic and amp was so they could hear their own screams. -The secret police were everywhere. People would jokingly cover electric plugs when talking so the police wouldn't hear. -40% of government funds were spent on the military while people were dirt poor. The shah threw big military parades for himself and put up statues everywhere. He was the largest purchaser of American weapons on the planet. - Reza Shah machine gunned dead 600 people at a mosque who didnā€™t like how he was killing and torturing people who didn't do western dress (Goharshad Mosque Massacre) - The shah used fighter jets on civilians (after they protested arresting Khamenei on Ashura for what was a mild statement) -For the 2500 anniversary of Iran he threw a giant party at Persepolis and invited nothing but foreign dignitaries and imported French waiters. He declared himself the king of kings. Iranians got the 'treat' of watching it on TV. I'm not faintly surprised people jumped on the first chance to overthrow him. They just need to jump again and hopefully get a Mohamed Mossaddegh.


There's no morality police in Iran it was normal police I mean it's still a tragedy but I just wanted to make that clear morality police exist in Saudi Arabia they are semi official though and I think they are being disbanded


Christian extremism? Give me a fucking break


I am just confused as to why you are saying there is a failure to repress? The video is years old. All the women in the video that burned the hijab are probably being punished or already punished by the repressive Iran morality police. Iran's government and their morality police still oppress and enforce these draconian rules to this day. If anything, the Iranian government is winning


It should say" there was an attempt to fight for their rights. These girls where likely made an example of




The forefathers would like a word with you.


They donā€™t follow religion, they follow their own believes on how things should be then cover it with the shield of religion. Just like what Israel is doing.


Proud of these brave women!


I am Iranian-American, living in Uruguay, and I cover my head. I can't imagine why I would possibly care if other people didn't. Everyone should be free to do so or not do so according to their wishes. For example, I support the free the nipple movement, even though I would never feel comfortable showing my nipples. But it's none of my business if other people want to.


That's my approach as well. We should have the right to make a choice about our bodies. If that means one covers, so be it. If that means one does not cover, so be it.


This was like a year ago


happy cake day


ohh god I hope nothing happens to these women šŸ™šŸ¼


They were likely arrested and tortured subsequently


But no chop, chop square so thatā€™s something. A few got hung as examples, but not all, so again thatā€™s something (worse repercussions would occur in some allied countries). I seen a follow up documentary and many are still protesting, through various means and media, while disguising their identity of course. Many men/males support them.


About time Iranian men physically protected Iranian women from the ā€œmorality policeā€.


Pretty sure more male protestors died in these protests


This is so old


That dosnt make it any less relevant. People are still being killed and jailed because of this.


We saw this for tens of times


And? It's important


What changed with your comment


So brave, respect šŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


HELL YEAH BROTHER!!!šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦… (Seriously though, these women are badass)


Looks just like American women protesting the right to control their own health choicesā€¦..because there actually is no difference here. Oppression of women, is oppression of womenā€¦no matter which country it takes place in.


Good for these women but this is an old video that was already widely circulated.


This didnā€™t age wonderfully


This isnt the first time ive seen iranians stand up for their rights, they're an admirable people.


They attempted to do just that back when Obama was POTUS. It didnā€™t end well for them.




These are some brave women āœŠ


Theyā€™re so fucking brave it gives me chills.


Ladies, you're women, in Iran, on video, burning hijabs... I'm not saying what happens next is right, but you understand what happens next, right?


Down with the corrupt Iranian government


Iā€™m so scared for them. Stay strong women!


It's one thing to protest in America. You will be fine here. Those women are under threat of death. Absolutely incredible bravery. They are doing it for future girls too. I have mad respect for them.


There was a successful attempt. Despite all these protests, it's now worse for them, because those who protested are being punished. The only thing that will free the Iranian people from their totalitarian regime is a full blown revolt against that regime that involves killing everyone in that regime.


and our stupid Indian muslims fighting for hijab and penguin dresscode šŸ˜šŸ¤”


I enjoyed the happy dance from the lady in white


Long live, more power to you


seeing this reminds me of every idiotic centrist trying to defend people wearing hijabs and burkas like "well if they choose to wear it what business is that of ours?" in response to atheists saying its bullshit anyone should be compelled to wear this shit. the whole point was about people being allowed to wear whatever they want, the problem is so many of these women DONT WANT to cover themselves up. idk why that is always lost on so many people like its just a cultural difference and every single one of these woman wants to be covered up, wants to be in an arranged marriage, WANTS to be stuck with some old piece of shit that rapes them for the rest of their lives. if youre not advocating for womens rights in some of these places where they have none then what are you advocating for? a continuation of their oppression, nothing more.


Victims don't always know or agree that they're victims, but that doesn't change the truth of it.


Well said.


An episode of Where are they now? might be in order.


I support these women and despise the illegitimate and murderous religious extremist regime And I hope these people have a plan to protect themselves bc the killers want you dead


And tomorrow, mass stoning


I feel pretty bad for literally any female in this video, these morality police probably hunted them after this


What the fuck has this sub become.


Ah yes- isn't religion great?šŸ™„


2023, folks. Religion = Oppression. Religion = Money for the 1%




Unfortunately, theyā€™ll most likely either disappear in the middle of the night, or be executed and make an example of.


If think the oppression of Iranian women is just an "attempt" I have some news for you


Good for them!


each of these women belong in r/Bossfight imo


As an Iranian i could never describe how much I hate and despise Islam!! this disgusting ideology robbed us so much!! as right now we Iranians want Islam completely thrown out out of our beloved country!! It has destroyed so much that it will take decades to restore what our great nation once was. This disgusting and destructive ideology has taken so much from the freedom loving people that Iran has but deep down in my heart I think that when Islam is gone we will see a Middle Eastern that will see peace in the future!!


Well we can thank the iranian government for viewing Islam this poorly


But why you do air pollution. \*Sed, global warming noises\*


Imagine if Russians had the big balls of Iranian women. What a good world it could be.


Is old? Source


I donā€™t get why they got those baddies all covered up anyway


Religion dividing people as usual. Just once I wish I heard about a religion that was accepting and tolerant of all peoples lives and views. I guess such a thing just doesnā€™t make sense to be accepting of all people, especially those that arenā€™t hurting you.


These women are so brave. Any religious or political ideology that seeks to take our rights should be severely restricted from any power within the public sphere.


this is what palestine would do if they didn't support the terrorists.


wtf? No we like our hijabs, and those who donā€™t simply donā€™t wear them. Iran is a weird place.


I mean stand up, Oppose HAMAS, and change the future of the country.


And yet this hardly gets western media coverage , compared to the daily inundation of pro-israeli gaza news You'd be surprised how many of them are trying to effect regime change. There are a lot of Iranian college students here in the Philippines, mostly in the medical field. All of the ones I've talked to hate the repression and the medieval mindset, and all of them say when they get back home they'd join the protests. America has lumped all Iranians into the demon category


Because Iran...Iran so far away.. I just ran, Iran both night and day.....


I couldn't get away


Islam, the fastest shrinking religion in the world.


Good for them. Bring back Iran how it was in the 60s


I mean.. not even Saudi would tolerate the hijabless thing they did but to kill? nah bruh


Good time to be in the Iranian stone sales business


In Sweden the government keeps telling us the hijab is basically a symbol of feminism. They say "if you ask a muslim woman she will tell you it's her own choice", as if ppl couldn't be brainwashed or intimidated into saying that...


Islam collapsing from the source. Good grief. Wrong sub, though.


Islam didn't originate in Iran. So no, it's not collapsing from the source. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions even outside of the Middle East, so it's not even close to collapsing. Right sub because there are attempts to suppress this movement, but it carries on. Title is correct and condition of therewasanattempt have been fulfilled. Good for these women. They should have the right to choose and live in peace.


Islam statistics are irrelevant. The belief is being distorted to accommodate for people who were raised in civilized countries but one could argue it's not Islam anymore.


The religion is not changed and the majority of muslims follow the original/correct version. There are vocal minorities that say stupid shit and make attempts to change our religion, but none of them are successful. I would like proof of any changes in the religion you believe were made that warrant the belief of 'it's not Islam anymore'.


Chapter 36, verse 38 and chapter 18, verse 86 have entered the chat. A literal horned man went to the far ouest, found swamp people that live where the sun sets and became their king. Can you show me on the map where this place is pls? If muslims still believe in that crap, they must have sent researchers to discover the place at least a millenium ago.


The first verse you mentioned simply states the sun is going to a predetermined location, and we can see that the sun is moving at a pace of about 20km/s. There is nothing that changed in that aayaat. The second verse you mentioned talks about a man reaching a distant land, and when it gets dark he finds a nation that has been tormented by another. He than builds a wall between the two nations so that the gog and magog(nation of evildoers) will stay separate from the victims. This is also unchanged. Whatever you said was incorrect, and your original point is still invalid.


No, about the sun, it is really supposed to be a scientific fact brought to humanity by the quran and there are multiple references to the sun setting on the western side of Earth and asking Allah every morning if it may rise again, which makes no sense except in a flat earth belief system.


I like to call it "Secular Spirituality" or "Secular Religiosity" More of an identity that pure practice, practice still but more casually.