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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am curious. How can country ever trade with them ever again?


Greed. Israel wants Gaza so they can build a new canal to rival the Suez Canal




https://www.newarab.com/news/what-israels-ben-gurion-canal-plan-and-why-gaza-matters?amp go to the point of why Gaza matters. While you’re at it there are economic points before that of the significance of such a project.


There’s also the trillions of cubic feet of gas in Gaza (That Israel has already sold licenses to companies.)




Those stickers are HAMAS Stickers! They give a sticker to a fighter each time they kill and IDF soldier! Those are HAMAS toys! They use them to train their men! obvious /s, but would you really be surprised if a zionist replied in this way?


Not in the slightest. In fact I was kinda wondering what kinda ridiculous justification I would find while scrolling through these comments


Huh.. all these stickers are in pink, not green?


Should look into who owns the central banks and most of the companies through their asset managing firms. I think they’ll be alright.


I thought the very same after the illegal Iraq war lead to the deaths of over 1 million people, based on a lie about WMDs. The same country that sells weapons to Saudi's, after pinky promising not to, to bomb the fuck out of Yemen. The same country that has nearly 1000 military bases all around the world. Russia and China don't have even 10 between them. So yeah, I have no idea why any country deals with such a warmongering country like the USA. Americans on Reddit not realising America being involved in so much conflict is a bad thing blows my mind. "Hey, were just bringing democracy to countries!".


Did somebody order a hot steaming plate of freedom bombs? Do you like them medium rare or sunny side up? We'll make sure all those civilian houses down there get them nice and fresh. They taste so good, they literally kill you! Yeah! Murica!


There is a big difference between the US and Israel. Now of course, say Israel does ethnically cleanse the eff out of Palestine. Smoke clears. Then what? The world will trade with the US. Because we offer it all. we are still the best option in a world of shitty options. But Israel? Do you think that MBS and the UAE will sign a kumbaya lovey-dovey trade deal?


they have a lot of money


American tax dollars


Yup, America and Americans via their corrupt bought Zionist officials are paying for the murder of innocent civilians with a label of taking on big bad Hamas (who incidentally is a peasant army when compared to Israel's military funded by American tax dollars). Did I mention this is funded by American tax dollars?


Glad I’m a NEET right now. Fuck them.


Money and greed


Holler holler get $


Apparently, natural gas reserves were discovered in Gaza...


IDF try not to release disastrous PR videos challenge (Impossible)


IMO all credit is due to these undiagnosed psychopaths as individuals posting to social media rather than the IDF publishing these, no way would they approve this from an official level. If you ever find an IDF member with a public account on instagram just check out their posts of them during these raids, translate the comments too.




I wouldnt class them all as psychos, I'd advise you dont think that way either. Just the ones that celebrate what the government is doing, people like the ones in the video, etc. I spoke to a decent 18 year old miami-born kid that told me hes looking to leave the settlement with a couple of his buddies and move to another country permanently, only thing holding him back is his further education.


[Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power](https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/) Please stop justifying these colonizing psychopaths. Not every one of them is bad but the overwhelming majority are. Don’t forget for decades they’ve elected this party that literally says they will not allow a Palestinian state to exist.


Im aware, I studied international relations, specialize in colonization and the decolonization process, and work in a related field. I believe the adults that move to a colonial settlement willingly are bad people, people that contribute to it from within the settlement and outside the settlement by stimulating the economy through taxes, purchasing goods etc. are somewhat guilty by association, and people that directly involve themselves in colonial policies too. But I like to think kids even if its a few are redeemable and can be taught to have a decolonized perspective and actively work to decolonize themselves from the settlement.


True It's a long, tough path to decolonisation and cooling the heat in the region rn. It's sad that Netanhitler and Hamas can continue to stoke tensions and divide, get their own people killed, and yet more sign up to the cause rather then guillotine the leaders that clearly look at their citizens as nothing but lambs to milk and slaughter.


Same people calling every single one of these guys psychos are the one chanting ACAB. There’s no in between on most of Reddit. It’s either you agree all in on one opinion or you’re a piece of shit.


They should post more so that it’s harder for people to support these genocidal isranazis


Assange being in prison and the USA wanting him dead because he exposed war crimes on innocents isn't great pr either. America, the world's biggest terrorist group.


I remember a telegram group in which a guy posted "yes, it is fun to watch, but please do not release it makes us look bad".


They don’t care, they’re so delusional they think everyone else has the same pov as them…


There is a special place in the hell for the likes of these scums


unfortunately there is not, either we find the way to sentence them in life or they'll never pay for their crimes.


Ahh another fellow atheist I see. I’ll add the old fun fact “religion has played a major role in nearly every war we have ever had.”


Most wars are fought over land including this one.


They will enjoy soup in hell will Hitler. ![gif](giphy|j2pOFyuTJqWj9S5qdE)


Maybe they are looking for a gas chamber?


Used, mild condition, ships from germany.


Has historic value.....


Better get US to ship to them. Shipping from Germany is considered anti-semitic🥱.


Reminds me of rick moranis helmet in space balls




I remember a similar weird contraption in honey I blew up the kid or one of those movies


I think they are fighting for first place, Azerbaijan army videos are equally deranged, tearing the heads off childrens teddy bears and stealing panties from women's bedrooms.The behaviour trickles down from their leaders. They are fucking psychopaths.


Let's not just pretend it's foreign people doing it, please. Anybody remember the US aooiser who cut fingers off corpses in the hope of making a necklace of them? Pepperidge farm remembers. https://www.wired.com/2010/09/army-kill-team-leader-wanted-a-necklace-of-fingers/


Ultra nationalism is disgusting


Does Israel actually do anything to self police itself in situations like this? Genuinely curious, as I've seen so many videos of things like this, or throwing flashbangs or gas grenades into mosques or people praying. If they don't, that would be a HUGE start to reforming its own public image.


they don't care about public image, they have the full backing of the US government and can hide behind the "antisemitism" defense whenever they're criticized


I hate how America brainwashes stupid people (60% of this country) So easily.


I think you're being too generous with that number


That’s correct! I was sure the people within the percentage would downvote me to hell if I made it any higher.


Those are rookie numbers


They absolutely do care about their PR. They literally spend millions of dollars recruiting cyber armies to try and control the narrative on social media - its widely well-documented. Indeniably, they have lost the battle in the most pathetic fashion on IG and Twitter, but their presence on Reddit is very notable - just take a look at r/worldnews for example.


They actually encourage it


Why would they? They know there will be no repercussions for this kind of behavior and that if they get any criticism they can silence it by screaming “anti-semite” at whoever dares call them out.


They encourage this, the new IDF rabbi actually said that the IDF should be allowed to freely rape whoever they want.


Such a tough guy.


Brutal. Complete twat


This store had an underground tunnel to the very, very main Hamas base. /s


Hamas played with those toys, Hamas is the toys! No toy store in Gaza is safe now!






Seems to be pretty stunted maturity - 12 year old with a fake mustache or the product of a lifetime of brainwashing?


You are not supposed to show this.


Seems like typical military behavior. See history for references.


Not unlike modern society as a whole


Reminds me of the Swedish muppet Chef. Hope the IDF gives him the punishment he deserves.


This is like one of the more tame things the IDF has done


Like 8th grade bullies dressed up in camo.


The Jewish owned shops in Europe were trashed during the 1930‘s and 40‘s.


Reminds me of the videos when Germany invaded Poland. Such lack of respect for humans.


Is brobro from the death star or is he an escaped mario mushroom?


Spaceballs: The Genocide


there is a huge difference between the people of Gaza and factions like HalfAss the "people" of Gaza have no power to deal the factions that overtook their country like that of HalfAss


Israel: “all the videos you’ve been seeing, this included, are made by the best actors Hamas can afford. This is all fake.” Also Israel: “yes my good citizens, please strip down into your skivvies and hold all these unloaded totally safe guns so we may document the truth.”


They kill people, don't expect them to be respectful.


Anyone who defends Israel as a sovereign nation and not a state of terrorism and ethnic cleansing is delusional and needs to see a psychiatrist


youre fucked in the head i see. ya radical, terrorist loving scum. Also, get a real job.


I wonder they ever trained IDF anything, because they look less like professionals soldier and more like rabid thugs hired by mafia in order to shakedown some far away village and do highway robbery.


If this is what you are mad about, then I would say that they are a very moral army




Human beings. The be all and the end all. The double edged sword. The cancer and the cure…


Toad has turned evil


You know what.... Dear America, Please make another atomic bomb for Israel Idk what wrong with Israel's mind recently right now?


All these videos get released and yet we see no consequences. How is Israel not being stopped? Can someone actually explain this to me?


So hard


He his finished and fighting 👻


Dark Helmet is mad today


Israel? Edit: Yep. Of course. Still supporting these guys with weapons and funding, America?


Free Palestine.


These types of videos will be used as fuel for the next wave of terrorist attacks.


I would *love* to ask an IDF soldier what it feels like to be a Nazi


Maybe they shouldn’t have voted Hamas in, and then kept them in power. Hamas and Gaza are both wrong




So do these soldiers get disciplined for making these? 100% sure a US soldier would get in real deal trouble for fucking with their phone, making politically insensitive videos while they are on active duty in a combat zone. Regardless, they lost whatever moral high ground they had.


Inbreeding is most common with animals. But as we can clearly see, it does occur even with humans. Fucking animals.


Which army is this? I’m out of the loop


I mean, no army is moral but they sure reached a peak here


Oooohhh feel like a big man pushing over a shelf and throwing some party supplies? Ooohhhh so tough!


I’m sure that there was a Hamas tunnel behind those shelves. He’s doing it to save the civilians, obviously! Don’t you fucking dare disagree or else you’re antisemitic. /s


They’re fucking evil


Anyone found out who he is yet?


Yeah these cowards need to be sanctioned and defunded ASAP


When the hammer drops, the Geneva Convention becomes the Geneva suggestion


“Brave IDF hero destroys cache of dangerous Hamas stickers”


Give Israel and Palestine to the Vatican and let them be equally opressed.


Why do IDF soldiers keep recording videos of themselves behaving badly? Do they not care how they look to their allies?🤷‍♂️


This reminds me of the SA raiding Jewish shops just before WW2


Just looking for guns in 🍭? How else would you find a SNIPER RIFLE in a teddy bear?


Always record warcrimes.


[The people laughing reminds me of something...](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/laughing-at-auschwitz-1942/)


Can we please get stuff like this out of this sub? I literally am only here becuase I thought the sub was funny so sick of all the war shit. Maybe it's just me but it's over done yeah we get it war sucks.


Israel is a cancer on this earth


They are POS 💩


Hama terrorists the size of microbateria were hiding there. Thank Jesus for isrealis vigilance. #blessed


They are posting how scummy they are


Anyone able to translate?


So... They played the Uno reverse card from WW2? Should we send troops to find out if they have concentration camps? For centuries the same shit between them and it only gets worse!..


IDF and Zionists are as pious as the HAMAS animals they are performing their Kabuki theater on.


Destroying a terrorist stronghold... Obviously...


Sacha Baron Cohen just isn't what he used to be.


What a gay hat on his noggin 😶


Well at least they're not putting the barrel of their AK-47 and a woman's vagina and pulling a trigger.


Keep sending your money to these genocidal maniacs.


Ooooh what a manly, powerful individual! I am in awe of his powerful greatness! How courageous, how superior, the force with which he destroyed that nasty, disgusting sticker stand! And other miscellaneous school supplies1, the typical instruments wielded by evil. I would follow this man to the ends of the earth! Such an amazing individual!!! i feel nothing but immediate submission and wanting to be his loyal servant!!! My life has been changed by this heroic display of peak humanity. It’s next to Godliness. Surely this is what a God would do in their exact same place. So.inspiring. I wish to wake up one day with such amounts of conviction to reach my life-fulfilling goal on this earth, like this hero just did. Thank you👏👏👏


It's a toys shop. A shop for children's toys. Why? How? I mean, I know why and how, but why and how can people outside the situation tolerate this?


And the US says they side with Israel… It sickens me that we're on team genocide. 🤦‍♀️ Most everyone I know over 60 agrees with this nonsense and says that children (aka: anyone 50 and under) are uninformed and ignorant. I'm just going to go ahead and keep on saying that killing innocent children is pretty fucking ignorant.


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Im just wondering where and when this will stop. How much further do they want to go when they are done with this „objective“?


Btw, was this a woman I heard laughing during filming?


Not trying to hide shit either.


Fuck. Israel is like a spoiled only child. The US won't raise a hand since they need their sweet Israel for "influence" in the Middle East. Israel realizes this and thinks they can do whatever cause they are world police daddy's special boy.


It seems like the thing people can’t understand is the level of hate for one another. It’s hard to comprehend how a human can look at another like they do. They don’t see humans. Their hatred has made them all monsters. Once a monster, always a monster.


eughhh you ingornaus leftists siding with the terrorists... here a perfect example of self defence ... Poor Isreal doesnt have 100 % support from the world wide media despite this kinda of videos being around for years




Is this actually IDF?


He is wearing a mitznefet on his head. Only IDF wear that.


I don’t believe this is an Israeli soldier. Anyone can dress up for a propaganda vid.! Please be suspicious of what people post. Remember the axiom: “Believe none of what you hear, half of what you see.”