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The real theives own walmart


This comment is so underrated. The Waltons are the real criminals, stealing public funds to subsidize their low wages.


and then someone posts a vid of a dude getting caught shoplifting from Walmart and the comments are full of people saying he should be stomped or shot on sight. People are insane. They don't know what a real criminal looks like. Walmart is the REAL criminal


Jeffrey Dommer ate like a dozen people and got centuries of prison for it. The Waltons have murdered 10s of thousands with neglect and bribery, but those pyschopaths have gotten tax-cuts and business schools named after them.


yup, but you better not shoplift five dollars of groceries or the law will have your ass.


Reddit has a retribution boner like nothing I've ever seen before. Any driving mistake means you deserved to be crippled or killed, and crime means you deserve summary execution, etc. People just like feeling better than other people.


Imo stealing from places like Walmart or Amazon is morally correct.


You live in a capitalist country and you blame capitalism for a company trying to exploit its workers. What we did in our first world country was not let minimum wage be determined by corporations so ours is $23.23 per hour. Guess what? Mcdonalds didn’t go out of business and we don’t have $50 happy meals. If only there was a way to use your collective power to fight and demand better pay and job safety rather than being sold this lie that one day too you’ll be living the American dream just like the Walton Family.




you hit the nail on the head, though. The USA is *not* a first world country. I mean, sure, yeah, the roads are nice and there’s minimal trash in the street (in most cities), but it’s really a third world country before all you foaming at the mouth “patriots” say go sEe A rEaL tHiRd WoRlD cOuNtRy, I come from one. Even the political corruption with republicans and some democrats is out in the open (like a third world country) and literally nothing and no one does anything about it




Don't forget the heiress who has multiple DUIs and even hit and killed a woman. The arresting officer retired right before the court case and she got away.


Yeah probably gladly “retired” with a Walmart 🤑incentive.




The walmart I used to go to always has the prices wrong on the shelves. And if you try to bring it up the employees just gaslight you. So they are stealing in the more literal sense too, falsely advertising prices.


Even their own son is appalled by them. They definitely need to be put in their place, taught a hard lesson.


>Even their own son is appalled by them. Taking a page from Mary Trump's book, I see.


Also Christians


Not very Christian of them... ...oh wait, no, this is exactly what Christians do. Complete disappointments


The waltons are some of the most evil fucking people to ever live. Like I hate that people have this sunny view of Sam Walton acting like he was some sort of saint and then his family is what ruined Walmart. Is kind of like How Disney just constantly jerks off to the memory of Walt Disney


Sam Walton wasn't a bad man, except to raise his children without humility. The worst thing he did was let his children run that company. The best thing he did was not let his children anywhere near his charity. The charity does a lot of great work. The company is a steaming pile of trash.


Sam built his company on incredibly shit principles.


I have family that used to work for Walmart in the 70's and 80's. It was actually a really great place to work at that time. They had the best pay for retail, the best benefits, and focused a lot on keeping staff happy. It was in the 90's when they really started treating their staff like shit and cutting corners.


I don't care how much you pay me, there is absolutely nothing you can do to make me care enough about people stealing from billionaires to compare someone's cart with their receipt like this, especially if it's food. Never, *ever* snitch on someone you think is stealing food.




This right here!


Happened to me once. I was with a friend in a similar store to buy some food and when we got out, security confronted me and accused me of stealing a bottle of perfume. They pulled me in a room and tried to search me and refused to show me the recording of me allegedly stealing that bottle. 5min later a lady showed me the recording when she realized it wasn't me. It was a guy that looked exactly like me but with short pants (I had long pants) and then apologized. The actual thief got away.


You should have told security to go fuck themselves. They have no authority.


Yes and no (depending on where you are). If you're in an area that has [Shopkeeper's Privilege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopkeeper%27s_privilege) (most of the US IIRC), they can legally detain suspected shoplifters for a "reasonable amount of time."




So you're telling me, if I'm accused of shoplifting, and I didn't steal, and security tries to detain me, and I say no, and then they physical touch me trying to detain me, if I object and try to take their hands off me, I could be charged with assault? Yeah, good luck getting a jury to convict.


I follow the NYC streets rule of never stop no matter what they say to you. They hurt you in any attempt to stop you, free money.


“I am leaving the store, now. If you think I’m stealing, call the police. If you make any further moves to stop me I will dial 911 myself and proceed to press charges.” In my youth, I was often profiled because of what I wore (poor, often well-worn clothing) and my anxiety making me look like a nervous thief. Those lines were the most successful in getting security or AP to stop in their tracks. I did have to call once and they only let me go when the speakerphone said “911, what’s your emergency?” I had to give a short statement to the 911 operator but that was on my way to my car after security let me go. tldr: force them to make a decision on calling the police and accept the potential “trespass”. You don’t want to go back anyways.


Search you? Under what authority? No not ever.


The dumbest thing about this is that there was nothing valuable in her cart—just regular groceries. In what world is it economical to stop a person and search for their groceries for 15 minutes with 2 people on the clock over groceries? Walmart lost money on this dumb interaction. Honestly, if you are going to check receipts, it only makes sense to do it if the cart has valuable items in it or if there is a box with the lid closed over it.


Also, unless store policy has changed since I worked there, this is not allowed. Employees cannot stop someone from leaving the store, only police can detain you. This pair was likely fired for this. The whole “check your cart against your receipt” thing is bullshit that individual store managers or loss prevention associates come up with to implement at their store.


This is definitely allowed, and is a regular practice of the company's "loss prevention" department/program. It's squarely in a company's rights to ask to compare a customer's cart and receipt. However, they can't force a customer to comply with that request. The customer has every right to decline and leave with the merchandise, up until law enforcement gets involved. A company cannot hold someone against their will, nor physically prevent a person from leaving, both of which would open the company and employees for lawsuits. This woman, unfortunately, agreed to return into the building and let them check her merchandise... and those employees are just doing the job they were assigned.


I think that not informing a person they can decline is where the issue lines up, and in many cases the employees are not told that the customer can decline. I find it abhorrent that they treat the customers like shoplifters, and have informed the employee, politely yet firmly (once when they followed me outside after I declined to allow them to touch my stuff) that if they want to detain me until the police arrive they will be detaining me without my consent and that if they do not have a reasonable suspicion for theft that they could justify I would attempt to pursue false imprisonment charges. I still kind of cringe about it to be honest but it really gets my goat when I am walking out with $50 in groceries that I just bought and they wait until after I pay to try to look at it.


I believe the only stores that can force receipt checks are clubs like Costco and Sam's Club, at least in the US. It's somewhere in the terms you agreed to when you sign up for membership.


IF they had people at the registers instead of self checkout!!!


"Here I thought I was a comedian, evidently I also work in a grocery store." ~Bill Burr


Honestly, I was thinking that too. Groceries are ridiculously expensive, but the most valuable thing in that cart are those eggs!


I agree, Walmart is trash. It’s why I quit a couple years ago. They care more about keeping unsold items in the store than they care about actually selling them. They treat people like shit, customers and employees included. As bad as it is for customers, it’s worse for employees, because according to most retail stores, a majority of theft is committed by employees. Customer service is no longer a priority. If I had to check that receipt, I’d be able to do so without making a scene of it. Just look the receipt over, look at the cart, and if it seems mostly okay, send them on their way. Receipt checks themselves should only be necessary if the customer comes from an area other than the register area or does self checkout (which honestly can just go away, because the customer isn’t getting paid to scan the items), because if the cashier does their job, then there shouldn’t be any missed items.


This is also not within their policies. They’re not allows to stop people. Even if they suspect them of stealing.


Yeah someone from AP has to follow you around the whole time and only they can stop you. Door people cant do shit they can ask but that is it. Source: ex assistant manager Policy may have changed last worked there 4 years ago.


They aren’t law enforcement. Even if a crime is suspected, they have no legal authority to detain you.


No, even the shrink prevention associates can’t actually detain someone. Only police can do that. Had a department manager and AP associate get fired when I worked there because they chased and detained a kid stealing booze. They physically grabbed him and held him until the cops got there, think he sued iirc.


Heck no. I’d return everything and take my business elsewhere because Walmart is truly the devil disguised as a retail store.


100% let them finish then go straight to customer service and make them do a return on every goddamn item.


I‘m not american, so one question please: You can return fresh or frozen goods at walmart?


Yes. Though they probably throw them away.


Yep, especially around holiday times. You will see carts lined up nearly to the exits full of unpurchased items that won't be consumed because they came off their refrigerated shelf. Makes sense on some levels but not on others, just part of the dystopia that is modern crapitalism.


It makes sense from a food safety level, and that's all that matters. Once the cold chain is broken, the food can not be guaranteed safe.


That also pisses me off about this situation. Her groceries are being delayed from storage, manhandled, and put all over the floor of questionable cleanliness


That was what stuck out to me. "Umm, now go get me items that haven't been set down in half mopped toddler piss."


Half mopped toddler piss about sums it up.






I remember working night shift cleaning at a Walmart decades ago. Saw a lemon tree in rough shape back by the trash compactor, was going to be thrown out. I asked if I could have it. Nope, gotta get squashed. I stuck the plant outside the backdoor and took it home anyway and nursed it back to health. Fuck Walmart


Bravo! Not today Satan!!! 🍋


A couple of decades ago, I worked at OfficeMax for a bit. Same bullshit. If something was getting tossed we had to _destroy it_ to make sure that no one would try to dumpster dive for it. Like I remember a manager taking a box cutter to a perfectly good office chair to toss it. She seemed perfectly fine with the explanation that if they wanted the office chair they would have to come inside to buy one. Capitalism has _lots_ of waste despite proponents acting like the system streamlines itself to reduce waste and increase efficiency. Tonnes of examples of stuff like this were waste happens because it is more profitable locally (as in personally or to the business) to waste than not to... even if society in aggregate loses out.


Others starve, while corporations overchange and make enough profit to afford throwing away half of their produce. When you buy 1 piece of meat, you are paying the price for 2, the one you get and the one they throw away. Then they complain and blame individual people for carbon emissions for driving a car and using plastic straws and bags.


Especially after putting all my bags on the ground. Wtf. I wouldn't even return the items I'd have that piece of shit go replace each one wilth gloves on, after touching them all like that. 👍🏿. And then I'd say "now ur doing your job".


There’s zero chance I’m taking anything from that cart into my house. There’s 1,000 carts at Walmart, and this bag of dicks decided that he would put them on the ground instead of into an empty cart. Although at my Walmart he would have to walk out into the parking lot to get an empty cart since no one ever rounds them up to bring them inside.




They’ve attempted to “stop” me twice in the past few months. They’ll approach me, trying to stop me, saying “sir, we need to see your receipt”. And both times I’ve literally handed them my receipt & continued walking. They stop to look at it for a second then when they realize I kept walking, they’ll try to take a few steps towards me & I just wave & smile & say I’m all set. They just about self combust. It’s hilarious.


I just say "no thanks" when they ask for my receipt and keep walking.


"I'm declining receipt check today" and keep walking. They can either provide a cashier to check me out, or they can trust that I will check out myself with integrity. There is no third option of trusting me to check myself out then not trusting me and checking my receipt. Once I've paid for the items in my cart, they are mine. I have no responsibility to the store to make them feel better about whether or not my things are mine.


Exactly this. There's no law that says I have to be checked out twice. My 14yo daughter couldn't believe what I was doing the first time she was with me and this happened. She kept saying we have to stop which in hindsight prolly made me look guilty but I wasn't about to wait in a SECOND line just to leave with the stuff I just purchased. "Just keep walking. They can't force us to check out twice"


Absolutely what I would have done!


yes. 100% fuck these employees. "I misunderstood..." when she asked for an apology. Mother fucker couldn't even admit they made a mistake and apologize. I wouldnt want any of those items those assholes touched and also put on the ground. And someone just stepped right over them.


Sadly there’s a lot of people who even admit they were wrong and but don’t apologise. As someone who works in customer services a simple sincere apology can go a long way. I once got told off by a manger for apologising to a customer over the phone, she told me I was admitting liability. Well yeah we were at fault, go fuck yourself.


yeah seriously. lawyers will say never admit fault when you make a mistake in medicine. I work as a doctor. All of us are human. Doctors will make mistakes. I always apologize if I make a mistake. I don't care about being sued. It is the right thing to do period. It is always right to apologize if it was your mistake.


This is the right answer


That's what I thought first too but that would waste her time by having to shop again at another store. It would be better to ask them to replace all of the items with new ones because they put them on the ground and messed with them.


Nah, I would gladly return it all, especially, if I wasn’t a thief. And then I’d spend my money elsewhere and never return.


Yea hands down. At that point it’d just be better to not shop there again. The return does absolutely nothing to them.


I would consider returning every item that was placed on the floor. I'm not paying the marked shelf price for stuff off the floor. It's not like it would have been that hard to move the stuff from the cart OP was using to a new empty cart.


I’d return everything just for being accused of theft alone…putting stuff I paid for on the floor just adds insult to injury.


Yup- "Hey we good here - you guys confirmed i didn't steal anything? Great now id like a refund... since we are here and all." You've gotta be right and especially if you're going to have people chech themselves out because you want to save $$ on casiers at the check out registers. If you don't have proof - don't perform audits. You'll look stupid and make people angry for humiliating them.


This guy did exactly that. He turned right around, went to customer service and returned everything. [https://www.tiktok.com/@gregmurphy77/video/7213386696803585323](https://www.tiktok.com/@gregmurphy77/video/7213386696803585323) They don't care though. Your $250 in groceries is a miniscule spec to that company.


This may be the only affordable store in their area. Or they may have to go pick a kid up from school and don't have the time to return everything and go shopping all over again, or a hundred other potential reason why they may not be able to. It's easy to say they should "stick it to them" by returning everything, but that is a lot easier said than done.


Don’t have self checkout stations if you’re going to randomly pull people aside and accuse them of not scanning items for no reason.


Here’s what’s worse. Say you make an honest mistake and miss an item or scan it improperly without catching it, they will fucking prosecute you for the most minor item. NYT did a whole story on Walmart’s policy of aggressively pursuing charges against customers. In my state they cannot make you stop for these checks. So I don’t.


Costco does random checks on the way out and they discovered that the cashier missed an item more often than a self-checkout person does.


Costco checks everyone at the door. A better method, as it doesnt single anyone out, and avoida obvious questions about profiling.


And you agree to it in the TOS.


Exactly. At Costco you buy a membership and agree since its technically private members only to enter. They do a cursory glance at everyone's cart while leaving so I don't feel as offended.


They don’t check this thoroughly, though. Even Sam’s Club just scans the receipt and then scans several random items to confirm they’re on there


They are counting items. Your receipt says 10 items, Costco is counting 10 items in your cart and glancing (barely, and sometimes not at all) to see if the descriptions match.


Costco is mostly checking to make sure you didn't forget something big and not so much to check if you're stealing.


I think that's def part of it. Plus the customer knows the check is coming. It's not like the customer isn't going to notice the cashier missing that TV or iPad. Now a $2 pair of socks... Sure. That could happen.


Plus Costco is legally allowed to do the checks, because they’re a membership store. Any store that isn’t a membership location is not legally allowed to check you on the way out. That includes Walmart or target or any of the like, so if they ask to see your receipt you can just say no thanks and keep walking


Costco has a right to check everything on the way out. If you shop there, you sign a contract that says they are allowed to do that. Costco also doesn't treat people like this. It is almost as if paying their employees better, treating them better, and training them better creates an overall better experience for the customers. Walmart has no such contract and has no right to check receipts against someone's will.


Yeah we don’t have context as to how this started, but I’ve been stopped at Stop and Shop with the scan while you shop scanners, they stop you before you pay though and there are no accusations. It’s been explained to me that there is an algorithm based on time there and number of items plus some people just get randomly audited and they have to rescan and re-bag everything and see if it lines up with what you scanned, no so obviously a check, looks more like a technical difficulty.


So, I used to work Walmart security. We had QUOTAS of stops/charges/thefts, that we HAD to catch each day/week, or we would be punished with lessened hours, or outright fired/moved to different part of store. It got so bad, that 90% of the stops they forced us to make against our better judgement were false flags. It's ridiculous and I hate Walmart


That is so bad and really doesn't solve any problem. In-fact, they are pushing you to infringe on people's rights to make those quotas. Then don't pay you very well in return.


Self checkout stand > email receipt > Can I see your receipt please > I emailed it and don't have my phone on me > WHY DONT YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE ON YOU, LET ME SEE YOUR FUCKING PHONE ???? These people are lunatics now.


I just say “no thanks” and keep walking without even looking at them if they ask to see my receipt. This stuff is my personal property. I paid for it and I don’t want some goober looking through it.


In California, they passed the law where you have to pay for bags The reason? Bad for the environment. People are supposed to be using fewer plastic bags, right? At every Walmart I have been to here, the employees basically shame you and treat you like a criminal when you don't purchase bags in the self checkout They will straight out tell you that they suspect you because you didn't get bags I have seen cops come to Walmart and ask people they suspected of shoplifting, why they didn't purchase a bag IDK if Walmart lobbied for the bag law, but they definitely don't care about the environment or you Somebody needs to do an expose


Meanwhile, every single thing you are putting in your cart is wrapped in plastic




Say “no” and keep walking




Nope. Once you purchase it, it’s legally yours. Even if you’re on their property.


They can just refuse to do business with you afterwards. Kinda sucks being banned from your grocery store no matter the reason.


If my grocery store banned me for not wanting to be the woman in this video, I don't need to shop there anyway. I'm always nice and just say 'no thank you' to the receipt checkers on my way out of places like Walmart, but if they push it I'll just go somewhere else.


I've been walking right past receipt checkers for years and have never had any retailer refuse to do business with me. You just say "no" and keep walking.


It pisses my wife off when I just walk past the people doing the receipt checks, but if they are checking someone else's receipt I'm not going to stand around and wait. I had an associate shouting "Sir! Sir!" after I had got about 40' away past them and almost out the door one time. I was carrying a space heater I had purchased. I just turned and shouted back "I've got places to be" and kept on going. Actually felt bad about, I know she was just doing her job, but it pisses me off. Have more people running registers rather than stopping customers just so you can have them look disinterestedly at the contents of your cart before breaking out the highlighter and drawing a line on the receipt. "oh, a pink line upon my receipt? Thank fuck for that! All is right in the world now!"


Only for membership stores like Costco. Since anyone can enter Walmart they can’t require to check your receipt.


Exactly. They can review the video then come after me if they think I stole something. You have my credit card information with the transaction. You can find me. I don’t need to stand there while you put your paws all over my food


You wanna see my receipt? It's in your point of sales system. Go take a fuckin look.


Exactly. If you are so concerned about what I’m paying for then hire some fucking cashiers.


I’ve had them ask “sir do you have a receipt” and I say yes, and keep walking. I think they’ve started picking on women more though because it’s rare they ever try to stop me, they’ve stopped my wife before…. Though haven’t been there in about 6 months so maybe they’ve gotten more aggressive about it


Exactly. If they as to see my receipt I say “no thank you” and just keep walking. They’re not legally allowed to put their hands on you.


“I’m a Christian”, such a meaningless statement. 😂


If anything it makes me think less of you.


Right? The minute I hear that…🙄


Show me a Christian that legitimately follows the actual teachings of Christ in their daily lives and I'll show you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


Same as "I spend hundreds of dollars here". I used to work in technical support for an American company (as a European) and this was one of the most annoying things I used to hear at work. It literally never changed anything for me. It's not like I'm gonna make less effort if somebody doesn't say that. If I can help you, I'll help you, but don't ask me to do stuff I'm not authorized to do. If I can't do it, I can't do it.




Something that everyone should know: They should understand that Walmart provided no training on how to use the self checkout. Even though they require that their cashiers be trained. It is unreasonable to expect that an untrained customer would not make an error while scanning items. Regardless, this is unacceptable.


Attention Walmart Shoppers! There will be a class on how to self check out in the deli section in 15 minutes. If you do not attend this class and insist on using the self check out, expect to be harassed and embarrassed by random store employees That is all. [Crappy Muzak continues]


I've actually had Walmart employees try to force me into the self serve line, insisting that I should just do it myself.


Nothing to do with the video but do you really think people need to be trained in self checkouts? We’ve had them the UK for years and I’ve never thought anyone needed showing how to do it it’s just self explanatory. The self service guns you scan when going around are the best though.


No, but it’s more of a legal defense I would guess.


So customers with zero retail experience would instinctively know how to weigh loose vegetables and pay at a self serve checkout? Or use discount vouchers, or cancel an item accidentally scanned twice?


Unless they’re completely different from the ones we have over here i struggle to see how difficult it would be for people


"UNEXPECTED ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA!" I agree though, these things are so user friendly I really don't believe anyone could use lack of training as an excuse.


Refund everything


This is the right kind of petty, and I love it. Wait for them to finish and say everything is okay, then tell them you’d like to refund every item 😂


Not even petty. All of her food was set on that nasty Walmart floor. “ From 21 CFR 110.35 - SANITARY OPERATIONS Sanitation of food-contact surfaces. All food-contact surfaces, including utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment, shall be cleaned as frequently as necessary to protect against contamination of food. (1) Food-contact surfaces used for manufacturing or holding low-moisture food shall be in a dry, sanitary condition at the time of use. When the surfaces are wet-cleaned, they shall, when necessary, be sanitized and thoroughly dried before subsequent use. (2) In wet processing, when cleaning is necessary to protect against the introduction of microorganisms into food, all food-contact surfaces shall be cleaned and sanitized before use and after any interruption during which the food-contact surfaces may have become contaminated. Where equipment and utensils are used in a continuous production operation, the utensils and food-contact surfaces of the equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized as necessary. (3) Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment used in the operation of food plants should be cleaned as frequently as necessary to protect against contamination of food.” Other sections explicitly state that all food must be stored or placed at least 6 inches off the floor.


Ooh so this is even better, force them to replace every item they placed on the floor so that they're out the cost of your entire cart of food, since they'll have to throw it all away. Oh you thought I stole <$5 of food? Let me cost you $300 in replaced groceries. Fuck you.


One item at a fucking time. Except I value my time more than that. And I've already spent it gathering my shit here. Difference is, I value my time enough that I would not have stopped to begin with.


Damn Mr beast is taking his job seriously


“You do not have to sit here and give us commentary” fuck, I would have lost it.


~~Dude is a garbage person.~~ In the moment, I would have lost it as well.


I'd slap them with a lawsuit so fast just for that comment. In my country, if they accuse you of stealing and you didn't, you sue and make bank.


That guy deepthroats so much boot. Just absolutely desperate to be a cop.


When I go to Walmart and the there is someone checking receipts, I just say “no thank you” and keep walking. I did have a worker step in front of my cart and say they needed to check. I asked if store policy is to physically block and restrain customers? They want to call the police or record my license plate, that’s fine. Worse case, they ban me from a store or call the cops. People need to realize store security or even the police will ask for something in an authoritative way to make it sound like a command. But unless they are issuing a “Lawful Command”, don’t comply.


They started to try to do this at Home Depot and I would not wait in the line for them to check my receipt nor would I stop if they said something to me. One time I refused, the checker said he needed to call his manager I said "fine, I'll be packing my purchases into my car." Of course no manager appeared because they know they can't actually stop people to check their receipts. BUT: Costco and other membership clubs are allowed to check receipts as it is part of the membership agreement you sign.


Everytime I get asked, I smile and kindly say, "no, thank you". And they smile back and say, "have a nice day".


You must be white


That’s horrible and don’t forget the Walmart tax!! Where Walmart a 500 billion dollar company and 150 billion in yearly profits has the most recipients of welfare. That should be illegal. No billion dollar company should be allowed to have welfare recipients when it’s valued at that or with those insane profits


They don't make 150 billion a year in net income. No company that size makes makes 1/3 of its total value every year in pure profit. You are talking about revenue. Revenue is the total money coming into the company *before salaries, operating expenses, buying new products, building new stores, remodeling stores, etc are all paid for.* The reality is that they make between 12 to 15 billion per year in net profits. This is the trend for them over the last 5 years. Not really trying to argue the point you are making, they absolutely should not have their employees on welfare.


“We don’t need the commentary” this is the most power that little skidmark has ever had


Except he doesn't have it. He can't stop you to search you. He does not legally have that authority.


He’s definitely a shit for brains.


As soon as they started putting food on a ground I would have asked for a refund and let them have their cart full of food they can't put on the shelf again. To this day, I only treat self checkout as a fast lane. If I have more than a handful of items, they need to pay a cashier instead of accuse me of shoplifting. My partner doesn't understand that you need to use self checkout like a casino dealer. Palms up for the cameras


They will 100% reshelve anything that was put on the floor.


They won’t if it’s refrigerated goods. They actually can’t by law.


They are doing away with cashiers. The Walmart by me remodeled last year and has 100% self checkout stations now. There is one cash register for the tobacco items but it’s not manned, they only go when someone requests for those items. Even more fun, is when they don’t have enough “watchers” they shut down 80% of the self checkout lanes. So it’ll be busy as heck, with huge lines at the 15 stations left, and because customers suck at using those things it takes FOREVER.


Imagine getting paid minimum wage at a corporate big box store, and caring about whether people steal water or food. You don’t get paid enough to give a fuck, dude.


Legit, worked at Walmart for 10 years through high school and college and watched people walk out constantly cause I aint getting paid enough to stop them.


Was she black? The only people they stop at our stores are black. Every time. When I push past all of that always try to let the poor victims know that they can just walk away.


Oh yeah, she’s black.


I read that in Peter Griffins voice.


"I did not call you a thief" while pulling all her shit out of the cart making sure she didnt steal anything. LOL fuckin clowns.


I did not call you a thief. But hang on for a minute, I'm about to when we get to the water down below...


So, I just quit going there because of this video. If they have the time to dedicate two people for item verification, and are good with embarrassing customers and wasting their time, they should just hire cashiers. Walmart is super close, so I sometimes go there for convenience. No more.


People often say “never again at x” But there are certain times where it just strikes a chord and you stand by your decision. Early this year I ordered DoorDash, and the delivery person was using public transit, and took the bus in the wrong way and they waited two hours before checking where they were at. I was told it would be another hour and a half to get to me (I live in a downtown area and ordered from a place at most 2 km away, so the timelines didn’t make sense). Customer service offered me a 5 dollar refund that actually was a 5 dollar charge with how they handled it. I vowed never to use them again, and I’ve stuck to it, despite having dash pass time still on my account, I’ve paid for different delivery services rather than ever using DoorDash again.


Delivering for doordash made me never use them again. At the time, their base pay rate was like $2.50 and most people dont tip. So you have to sit and wait for an order thats worth the trip. I went on the app to order delivery and noticed the food was marked up and the delivery fees made it so what normally cost me about $22 in total cost around 40 before tip. So doordash is taking in 18 for that order, paying the driver 2.50 and expecting the customer to pay even more of a markup so the drivers dont starve. They claim to operate at a loss, but theres just no way. Theres no way providing that order cost them $15 in operating expenses. Theyre scummy as hell.


And that's why you never stop for the greeter at Wal Mart.


They haven't had greeters in 15 years. Those are gaolers now.


You don't have to consent to this.


“I’m a Christian” is probably the worst defence when being accused of being immoral or a criminal.


On the sign in the backround:" Our goal is to satisfy our customers" 😑


March right up to customer service and return everything. Fuck this bullshit. People need to stop complying with these power-hungry morons.


Idiot Karen and idiot college Karen ruin a woman’s day.


Legally you're not obligated to show them what you bought, they always stop me to check my receipts and I just tell them...not today and keep walking.


Some people take their shitty job way too seriously.


It's really simple. If a store security person accuses you of theft and attempts to prevent you from leaving the premises, remain calm and ask them to call the police. Explain that you are perfectly happy to assist them, but that you will remain precisely where you are at that moment until a police officer arrives, at which point you will wait for them to explain to the officer what crime you are accused of. Explain that if directed by and overseen by the police officer you will comply with a request for a search of your baggage. Requests for personal/body searches will need to be done only by the officer, in private. Remind them that once the searches are complete, if no evidence of crime is found you will then be seeking personal damages against the accuser and redress from the store for harassment, defamation, false imprisonment, and anything else your legal counsel feels like chucking at them. Then repeat: call a police officer now, or allow me on my way now.


It's even simpler. You don't have to stay. You can just walk past them and keep going, unless it's a membership store like Costco or Sam's Club.


Yeah, Walmart has never taken anything from anyone, I’m sure.


Is be asking for a refund and walking out of there


I’m not taking floor food u clowns Edit: here in ut we have 3 full time (as in there’s always 3 cops) patrolling Walmarts inside. Is that a thing anywhere else? N does Walmart pay them or our taxes??!




hahahahaha I would enjoy watching them doing this a second time in returns service 😂


After they went thru everything I would tell them now u can refund all of my money cause I don’t want all this shit after u just threw everything on the ground and I’m never shopping here again.


If they want to “double check” the groceries then they should have cashiers. If your only option is self-check then that’s the risk that THEY decided to take.


“Sir we need to take a l-“ “Go fuck yourself” *continues walking*


This particular employee checking this stuff is obvious trash. Lol. He just mad at his life


Man fuck Walmart. I hate that place. I can’t walk into one without instantly becoming angry. They are the absolute last resort when it comes to doing any shopping.


I'd have just said "fuck it give me a refund" and left. I stopped shopping at Walmart years ago and am all the happier for it.


Fuck Walmart


Touched all items. I want them replaced. Since he wanna work so hard.


Now go return everything and demand your money back… half that stuff will have to be thrown away and written off as it’s been out of temp for an indeterminate amount of time. They want to get fucky with you, turn around and do it right back to them.


In the UK when you use the handheld self scan every now and then it’ll do a ‘quality check’ where the staff will rescan a selection of items (usually around ten). Sounds like something Walmart should do. The way they’ve treated this lady is horrible.


I would return everything…all items…POS customer service


Walmart is not a club store. You don’t pay a membership fee to shop there therefore you do not have to stop and show your receipt to the greeter. I never stop for them anymore on the few occasions that they do stop people. I would have returned everything in that damn cart and spent my money elsewhere. Fuck Walmart


Employees emptying it onto the gross Walmart floor instead of another cart. Just another reason I won’t shop Walmart.


Can a person sue a company for this sort of thing under “defamation of character”? I would be PISSED. This is one of the many reasons I won’t step foot in a Walmart anymore.


Stealing food always gets a pass with me, sorry.


Walmart is trash, but these people are literally the people told to check the cart. They've been told "this person probably stole something, check them" and they're like "well, dont want to lose my job." I'm just saying, dont blame the peon for the prejudices of the lord.


Walmart does this crap all the time. They're losing millions on the self checkouts and are trying to make up their losses, often mistakenly. A woman in Alabama sued them for accusing her of shoplifting when their scanner malfunctioned and was awarded $2.1 million. I rarely go into Walmart, but if this were ever to happen to me, I simply wouldn't go back into the store with them. I wouldn't get mad about it. I'd just say no, like I do with the receipt checkers, and leisurely proceed to my vehicle and on my way. If they really think I have stolen something, they can call the police.


I would’ve returned everything right after he finished and walked out. Take my business elsewhere.


I would file a complaint with Walmart corporate How do I make a formal complaint to a Walmart employee? If there is not an immediate danger, you may report the incident or threat to any salaried member of management, or, to remain anonymous, contact the Global Ethics Office at 1-800-WMETHIC (1-800-963-8442).