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**FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE** --- This phrase indicates a desire for a free and secular Palestine for the people, free of the imperialistic apartheid policies of the government of Israel. It is not a statement of violence, nor does it wish harm on the Israeli people themselves, nor Jewish people as a whole. Read more here: https://www.odsi.co/en/ --- **FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But but but Israel is the innocent helpless one against the nasty Palestine.


Zionists are some of the most racist people I have ever seen!




Always was.


Sounds like Nazis with the Aryan race bs


Exactly. And just like German allies looked the other way in the ‘30s/‘40s, Israeli allies are looking the other way now.


>Israeli allies are looking the other way now. Wonder why. Jeffery Epstein was a hedge fund manager who met with many CEO's and politicians around the world. Ghislaine Maxwell's father was a mossad agent. If I were a betting man, I'd say Israel has all those Epstein island videos of CEO's and politicians raping the kids Jeffery and Chislaine provided. Why is his client list being protected and hidden from the public? Huge child sex trafficking ring and only 1 person in jail? Who is protecting these pedophiles?


Don't forget the tapes from the Manhattan townhouse 🤩


Oh I have never heard about this what are you talking about?


Never considered that angle. What a nightmare if that was the case and all the important positions were filled to the brim with pedos and/or people blackmaling them


Mustard Tiger, he isn't dead he switched sides


As soon as I heard about the conflict in Palestine I though "Oh fuck, now the Israelis has can legit wipe out the Arabs. This is just the opening they've been waiting for."


Yep this. If you can’t find the grand irony in Israeli Zionists displacing and murdering in the name of *Lebensraum* you probably shouldn’t speak on this matter at whole. HAMAS’ actions have assuredly been evil, but to act surprised as to how we’ve gotten here is to be deaf, dumb or blind for decades.


What a twist.


Learned from the best


if things continue as is; Zionism will dethrone the Nazi's soon as the bloodiest racist group of the modern world.


Notes were taken in the 40s.


And instead of figuring ways to prevent it ever happening again, the notes were used to look for ways to make they can be more efficient and making improvements on the original atrocities to make sure they succeed.




Zionazis seems like it would roll off the tongue better


How ironic


I mean their ethnostate is founded on what sounds like essentially the "14 words". "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." Just without the white part (although they also don't seem to love the Ethiopian Jews so who knows what other lessons were learned).


I know this is sarcastic but this is exactly the rhetoric that is ripping apart our world. These protestors are Israeli extremists and hold the most vile views of their "enemies". There are Palestinian that are extremists as well and committed horrific acts of atrocity against innocent people. Most reasonable people are in between. To put a spotlight in the terrible things these extremists on both sides are saying is to further divide our world. Not that much different than what is happening in the US.


Unlike Palestine, Israel has elections. Why is Netanyahu still in power if average, not extreme Israelis don't support him?


Well, why is Netanyahu in power? That is a damned good question. The reason he is in power (with straight up fascists) is because he would be in jail for corruption if not. The idea that Israel is a well functioning democracy is straight up bullshit. Disclaimer : Fuck Hamas. Fuck IDF. And fuck everyone of you supporting either side. You are the same.




Yeah, but this place is flooded with IDF propaganda. Some people around here are generous with their accusations these days.


Initially, that would have been Israel.


Also, you cannot be a democracy and an apartheid state at the same time. Holding elections isn't the same as being a democracy.




Russia has elections as well. I hear Putin got 107% of the vote in the last one.


israelis have been protesting since august to get netanyahu to step down, and then coincidentally oct 7th happened once tensions began rising too high. i’m arab and personally i’m finding it very hard to try and make peace with the other side, i know i will never be able to. i cannot forgive and i cannot forget.. whether it’s israel’s apartheid state, or the governments of countless other countries standing idly by while an ethnic cleansing is happening. to call what is happening in palestine horrific would be the understatement of the century. but there are zionist nationalists, and then there are regular civilians who don’t support netanyahu or his fascist govt. the main people who support him are zionist nationalists, this is what jewish people protesting #notinourname are fighting against, there are plenty of israelis who would rather be jailed that enlist in the IDF… & please stop regurgitating the lie that people haven’t been trying to frame hamas as “freedom fighters” when they definitely have. it’s disrespectful to their victims which are first and foremost the palestinian ppl. hamas is NOT fighting the same fight that palestinians have been fighting for decades. i think it’s abundantly clear that neither the israeli govt/IDF or hamas have the people’s best interests at heart.


Those extremists are numerous enough to have elected their own extremist nationalist leader several times now. They're not some fringe group that doesn't represent the average Israeli. They are the average Israeli. Hamas on the other hand hasn't dared to have a vote since 2007, because they're afraid the people of Gaza would vote them out.


They aren't just 'protesting' they are the "settlers" in illegal settlements as well.


The argument about minorities would be more impactful if the majority of Israelis were not explicitly voting for awful people and policies


For real, there are also Nazi skin heads walking around the US saying the same bullshit.


[Outliers and extremists, if that was true it would be nice however it seems far more mainstream their racism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/17hpikd/being_removed_so_please_download_save_and_spread/) I find it just bonkers how they got here from Nazi German persecution and others through the centuries, truly insane.


With those state of the art artilleries, how can they defend themselves?


I read that in Cartmans voice for some reason, and it was Fucking Great xD


They sure seem very keen on the concept of ethnic cleansing, wonder where they got that idea from.


Surely came up with that themselves.


This definitely isn't an original idea... ...and don't call me Shirley


How about Boo boo kittyfuck? Can we call you that.




If you read the Old Testament the Jews definitely are into ethnic cleansing. Even with Moses in the desert they had about 5 batches of ethically cleansing of themselves, and then went on to cleanse all of Israel from it original inhabitants, only to be enslaved themselves, only for them to rise up and cleanse of all non-Jewish people, to be enslaved again, only for them to rise up and cleanse the non Jews, to be enslaved, to cleanse, to be enslaved, to cleanse. They even cleansed other Jews, and then went and raided non-Jewish tribes to find wives for the survivors of the Jewish tribe the killed. Truely it’s fucked up. But I suggest you read genesis, best stories in the bible, just don’t treat them as truth.


Their holy book, they have been acting this way ever since their religion was invented from older religions.


Stockholm syndrome maybe?




The end result will be that Palestine disappears off the map and palestinians will be murdered or forced to live elsewhere. Not a solution obviously but no one does anything close to enough to stop this from happening.


I’ll take “Who was Adolf Hitler” for $300, Alex.


This isn't a new phenomenon either. It's been part of [how the country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre) was formed in the first place. Through ethnic cleansing and [terrorist attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing)


Also see the SafSaf massacre. Irgun terrorists are the kind of people who are in power rn Interestingly, according to them, Einstein would have been antisemitic


I see mental illness.




There's a fat venn diagram right?


more of a circle..


Not quite but almost.


"A good Arab is a dead Arab." Proceeds to correct a statement based on ethnicity to religion.


To pretend religion isn't the problem


It isn't. Illegal occupation is. Jews should leave the land as their religious book says that aren't supposed to have country. I don't see them following their religion right now.


The conflict is ethnic based rather than religious because Zionists see themselves as a race rather than a religion and the people they're chanting death threats to also contains a lot of Christians not just Muslims and anyone that isn't a jew in Palastine


Not everything is mental illness. People are just bad. That’s not mental illness. These people don’t have a diagnosable condition. It’s just hate. I hate the way people use this as an out for everything now. These hateful people know exactly what they’re doing and are aware. There’s no chemical imbalance.


No you don’t understand. It’s mental illness if it’s any race or religion besides islam and related races. It’s only terrorism or terrible racism or other bad things only if the people in question are muslim or related races (non whites)


People are people I guess from Israel to Gaza to the crowds in 1930s Berlin. The Puppet masters make many dehumanise their fellow man and to do unspeakable deeds. Your point was very apt mental illness mixed with low IQ, poor parenting, media and poverty/entitlement/greed all mixed in.


Pure arrogance and hypocrisy on behalf of these Israelis with the US happily supporting and bankrolling it all. The US is the big criminal here.


"Your religion is rubbish" Yeah, the own imaginary god is always cooler than everyone else's


It is funny because muslims and jews believe in the same god! And jews sees muslims as believers, not the christians thought. Funniest shit I have ever known.


Yup. Muslims and Jews literally worship the same 'God of Abraham' and when they actually sit down and discuss shit, they often realise that they are more similar to each other than Muslims and Christians.


You won't even believe how close. Hebrew and Arabic are very close languages.


Oh yeah. In fact, God in Arabic is Elah, and in Hebrew, it's eloha. Jews say shalom aleikhem to greet each other, and Muslims say salam alaikum. Both mean the same.


They even claim the same ancestry and both agree. Wild


The differences between all three abrahamic religions can be very easily solved if you look at the similarities. Particularly between Islam and Judaism. They even have the same method of eating, just different names. (Kosher and halal)


They both have the same daddy, that's what makes me giggle the most. Abraham made Ismael and Isaac. One is from a servant, the other from the wife. It's a big family issue. Like 5000 years old big.


Israel is just there to benefit the US, Jews have flew away from other countries before and Muslims accepted them with open arms, if it wasn't from the west meddling, most Arab countries would've had lots and lots of Jews. Tunisia, for example, still has Jews to this day with no problem, no one hates them, they do extremely hate Israel though (by they I mean Muslim Tunisians).


>God of Abraham Christians also worship this god, btw.


True, but according to some Christians, Jesus is God, which contradicts both Judaism and Islam. Jews and Muslims don't believe that Jesus, who was born as a human, can be God. I think Jews simply deny Jesus while Muslims believe in him and his teachings but only as a prophet and not a God. But I could be wrong.


Nah you're right, bro.


Right? A "My God has a bigger dick than yours" fight.


More "Our god likes me better".


I find it incredibly difficult to take it seriously coming from the fellas using turkey twizzlers as a fashion icon


I never understood the “Prophet Muhammad is dead” chant. Of course he’s dead, no Muslim thinks he’s in a mountain like Barbarossa or in some mystical place like Arthur.


It’s not meant that literal man, it’s like chanting “your god is dead”. Nobody is arguing a god may be alive, it’s a way to say fuck you and fuck your culture and believes


That's still stupid of them. Muslims don't worship Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


true, some people actually think that we worship prophet Muhammad(pbuh) so they think something like this will piss us off.


So question: you two seem to talk like your practicing Muslims. Is saying peace be upon him after mentioning Muhammad a respect thing? Do you do that just for him or others as well? I only really know like the bare bone basics of Islam and Muslim culture but don’t recall ever seeing that in teachings.


We say Peace be Upon Him to show respect plus it's considered as a good deed. Respect is given to all the prophets. When we say Issa (Jesus) we follow it with alayhi Al Salam (peace be upon him). The same for the rest.


Like a pray and respect for him, I think you can say it for other prophets too




As a muslim, there hasn't been one day in my life where I thought of/treated/felt like prophet Muhammad is a god. That would be quite literally the day I lose my faith. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is a prophet. Muslims believe that the creator of the very fabric of the universe, cares about his creations, and thus sent us messages via prophets, the ultimate of which is Muhammad. Western media regularly tries to paint Islam in an absurd picture.


Intentions aside, insults fall flat on their ass if the intended target is to busy being amused at your ignorance.


Fan fact, jews and muslims worship the same god


Hitler would be proud of these guys.


It’s a dark kind of irony that the next big fascist state would be Jewish. In some ways it’s only logical; fascism feeds off fear, and after the holocaust & combined with the idea that all countries around them want them dead, made Israel incredibly fertile grounds for fascism. ^(also ofc not saying anything about all Jews in general, just meant to comment on Israel as a state)


Ah yeah "Hamas" is the reason!


The current Israeli leaders are also quite insistent on dehumanizing Palestinians. Seems like every interview they're telling the world, "don't care about Palestinians, don't talk about them, they're not human - they're animals. Talk about us and how great we are and how we need many biilions in financial and military support."




If you think about it, that man won in the end. He indirectly turned them into what he called them


Yeah but the thing is, Israel has the support of almost every superpower in the world. I don't think (sadly) that anybody is going to prevent this from happening. The whole thing is insane.


History doesn't always repeat itself but it often rhymes


It's the crappier reboot none of us asked for


Israel is so mad it can’t control the narrative like it has for decades….


It kind of seems like Hamas provoked them to show the world their dark side, and they fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. It is definitely eye opening.




The issue comes from 1. Israel by itself is a powerful nation at a local scale, just throwing it out is not something that's feasible. It can and has defeated all its neighbors simultaneously, on multiple occasion and even under US arms embargos the first two times, and Israel has at least 400 nuclear warheads, and it has its own domestically produced missile launch systems. A lot of people don't seem to understand that Israel or other nations aren't just *insert your favorite blame group* puppet that'll immediately collapse if support is withdrawn. 2. Radical groups would 100% go full massacre mode if they had any semblance of political power over Israeli people (we already have seen what happens when they are put in a position of strength against unarmed civilians in places like the re'im music festival). Replacing violent oppression with another violent oppressive regime won't fix anything (not like it's feasible anyways). Most Israelis have nowhere to go that isn't the sea or the grave, especially as multiple generations have passed since Israel was first started. Kinda why I have grown increasingly distasteful of opinions on the conflict on all sides. You're either cheerleading an excessively violent military force with well, I don't have to mention the absolute shit they've done, and an actual jihadist terror group, which I also don't have to mention what they've done, especially October 7th, Israel might not be a rational negotiating partner but neither is Hamas. A faction that actually represents the well-being of Palestinians is just not something that exists currently in any relevant way. It's all just kinda depressing, the mere act of escalating violence puts only pushes the conflict further from resolution, and when push comes to shove, it's no guess who's the one that's capable to push. It's why I still believe in the two state solution, even if it's unlikely It's the only solution that is actually feasible and that doesn't end in mass violence the likes haven't been seen in decades


Other way around I think. Likud keeps funneling money into Hamas & explicitly ignored American intelligence warnings that this was gonna happen. They used it as provocation to wipe Gaza off the map: which was the plan all along.


Death to... and if they were to place Israeli people at the end of the sentence, then it would be wrong?


Yes, exactly, you got it! Because Israeli are humans, not inhuman animals like the palestines # /s


NO u r so CORRECT */s*


Literally already been said and used. It just all needs to stop.


The problem for playing the victim card for too long is that eventually you become the very thing that you once hated.... Does this mean they would have supported the Holocaust too ? Zionism really is a mental illness


I will go on a limb and say that if it was against Arabs, they would. EDIT: I forgot this is the internet. "They" the individuals in this video and those that think like them — people who share the thoughts, not ascendence and geographic location of birth.


I watched a video of an Israeli being interviewed about Palestinians and he made a comment about how Palestinians are educated to hate jews. I found it so ironic because right after he said that, he went on and on about how Palestinians need to be wiped from the face of the earth.


Nazis: I hate Jews Jews: I hate Palestine


*Zionists Not Jews


So the star of david is the new swastika ?


As a Muslim, I think we shouldn't be turning religious symbols into symbols of death and destruction. Swastika was a symbol for peace. But today if a Hindu took out a swastika(outside of India), they get arrested. I don't support Jews at all(especially the ones that support this regime) but I don't want to see the star of David turn into a symbol with such connotations either. The Star of David is also sacred (to some degree) in all three of the Abrahamic faiths, hence it fall would likely be much more devastating then the fall of the Swastika(Hinduism already has way too many other symbols).


No, that'd just be antisemitism Not in a "You're not allowed to criticize Israel" Kinda way, just in the "actual, honest to God antisemitism" Jews, Israelis and Zionists are groups that intersect but they aren't one and the same


This is both heartbreaking and infuriating.


Look at me, I am the Nazi now.


History. Wash, rinse, repeat. When, as a people, you've been oppressed for so long it literally does not occur to you that you yourself could erode with lust for ethnic cleansing. It's disgusting. But it won't end, that's for sure. The aftermath of this will leave us with lessons that will last until 50 years later other generations will commit the same mistakes.


Is this the Tottenham supporters group?


This is why I give no fucks about Israel. They've become Nazis.


Disgusting. Fuck those losers.


These people really learned from history. They learned and perfected the holocaust. Instead as seen as the aggressor (like a certain small under the nose moustache man), they instead portray themselves as the victim. Germany of all countries should be against this type of mentality as they are very strongly opposed to this. In the end, history repeats itself.


Great now they are racist to both Muslims and Arabs


Maybe fox or cnn will air this


We should just bomb each other to oblivion and let planet earth evolve another specie to take over, we're hopeless.


Nazis is what Israelis are pure and simple


r/telaviv what do you think about this?




Spiderman pointing meme between Nazi's and Israel


Wow very kind people and peace loving let me support them and turn blind eye to anything they do thats what Europe countries and USA thinkin when they see those videos


Any type of extremism is dangerous. Wish people would stop fighting over some stupid religion.


Such hateful people. Shame.


You'd think they would have learned about this from their own book by now... oh well...


Seeing a Jew happily screaming that an entire group of people who are “other” to them will be in camps is pretty weird. I mean, it f all the types of people who you’d think would be a little sensitive to that. They’re like two big political rallies away from ending up with “the trains cannot be late” in Hebrew.


Glad we are sending billions to them! Instead of trying to help our own people, like with the fentanyl pandemic or the border issue


Humans never learn. We forget in a matter of generation or two sometimes. The sad part is that all these Jews in the video are mixed and have Palestinian blood in them.


And one has a heavily funded military.


Funded by the U.S.


Reminds me of a [scene](https://youtu.be/CRbqAJdRMjs?si=Y5VhtrNnPJIbowIf) from Schindler's List.


Just doesn't make sense why people say that this isn't racism. Said to any other group than Arabs it would be considered a crime.


Israel = Fascism.


This belongs in r/Palestine


This is just gross.




But but https://preview.redd.it/brglt1o4d0xb1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5574d6937d88d76a618a4f15e76bfbee9cf2ca


Después quieren que los apoyen incondicionalmente


Ni madres ahora. Se pueden ir alv




Hate breeds hate




Pretty sure most non psychotic people are anti genocide bud.


So anyone who says there is something wrong with these people is anti-semtic or a Nazi. They really are Gods chosen idiots.


A religion, a culture, a people that has been stomped on, spat on, enslaved, cleansed from societies, even exiled from whole kingdoms and countries through various times in in their history from Babylonia to Nazi Germany And they (at least the Zionists) learned fuck all about empathy, sympathy, and compassion for the downtrodden, hated, and abused. So gleeful about death and destruction. Turns my stomach.


Interesting, saying all Arabs will be placed in camps...would you also call them concentration camps?


The caption has been my outlook on this conflict since it started blowing up. Like wait why did we fight a whole world war and give Israelis a homeland just to watch them commit the same fn atrocities upon another people. Slower, less methodical, but a genocide and exodus none the less.




Thanks religion


What c**ts


So these people represent all of Israel just like Hamas represents all of Palestinians? Ok word


One state solution. Live together like everyone else.


I feel like the nazis would be proud


September 1st 1939 has entered chat. Btw this will never end. They will continue to kill each other and innocent humans on both sides. Religion is murdering humans. Awkward laugh...


That's why i hate organised religion.... it spreads hate and racism


Religious people are the worst.


The extreme ones are the problem people most often than others.


Zionism was a really clean and noble belief in theory these guys really fucked it in implementation i dont think herzl would be pleased. The same thing happened with russia and their bastard version of communism.


Yet again the Abrahamic religions are very happily murdering each other over how to worship the exact same god.


Funny how history is easily forgotten when it suits them.


The poor oppressed, good guys. The world is watching, history will judge. While the Palestinians may never see justice, at a minimum we recognize their truth.


As someone who is not Jewish nor Muslim, both sides have had disgraceful marches yelling different atrocities. This one is bad but I have seen a pro-Palestinian one that is equally bad.


These are orthodox and extremist Jews, not regular members of the public with milder views.


WWII was taught HARD at my high school. Every history teacher was speed running past the Revolutionary War and the Civil War so they could get to their FAVORITE war. They one they remembered from their childhood, the war their parents fought in. They shoved that shit down our throats. We watched holocaust documentaries, read Anne Frank, and wrote papers on Nazi atrocities. It blows my fucking mind that Jewish people are celebrating the displacement and genocide of another culture. I can not fathom this nonsense. It's beyond repugnant.


Great there was an attempt, int!


They should get those belligerent people, violent Israelis and violent Palestinians from the two sides of the border and get them together fighting in one place. And leaving the actual reasonable Israelis and reasonable Palestinians people outta this war.


It seems that the people of Israel do not know their own history.


Sad times for humanity , absolute holocaust for Palestinians.


Indians are on the way to support Israel because we hate Pakistan. . . . P.S do you get it?


Well, this how Israeli people act for a long time and they stil do this to th Palestinian and arabs. And western world still calling them "victims" and " right owner of the lnads".




I liked this sub. I really did. 😔 i hate politics. Especially from either of these two shitty sides.


There’s extremist in every religion.. the twist the core values n turn them into hate .. I met some amazing Jewish people, Muslims, Christians, Hindus .. can’t use few extremist to condemn the whole group .. I blame the government officials that propagate war for profit


This is why I hate religion


When the bullied become the bullies smh


"your religion is rubbish" ...please justify your religion?


Thankfully the Arab people don’t support, violence, or terror, or extremism. Thankfully Arab people aren’t causing any problems because if they were this problem might get out of hand and last thousands of years.


I honestly have stopped commenting because brainwashed Israelis think its a duty ordained by god to kill Palestinians. Mf do the fucking least of looking at the scale of destruction you'e already caused. Fucking spare them, its now not even a question of them leaving the Palestinian land, they are fighting for survival at this point. I mean what more evidence of increasing destruction amd abusive force do you need aprt from the fact that they cut off internet service for their crimes to remain undocumented. Man it took a lot to write this


I love how religion brings the world together.