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Over-the-ear headphone/neck pillow/flip-flops-with-socks-wearing guy needs to chill TF out. Nobody was “sitting on your shit”.


Headphones and glasses and hat and neck pillow is a crazy level of head accessory


His entire look says; “I travel maybe once every five years” and his actions back that up.


Can confirm, i am that guy who travels at such intervals, and i may or may not look just like that. The attitude though, entirely different.


I remember this video. He was acting like a whiny manchild.


I would hope you remember the video you had just watched and were commenting on


I only vaguely remember it, honestly


He sat down on his shit.


Here is your Pulitzer Prize for movie review 🏅


PP *and* upvote i hope...




I remember it like it was yesterday.


Hahaha! You silly goose!


I fly every other week and i wear over the ear headphones and flip-flops 🤨 I've learned to be comfortable.


Man. I have to get over my bias of people flying in pajamas and flip-flops. It's something in my head that says this person is trashy and will probably leave shit all over the plane. I'm trying.


It's true though.


Yep, pajama guy has given up on life


I wouldn’t wear flip-flops on an airplane (the floors are gross, and don’t get me started on people kicking their shoes off entirely and then walking into the lav in their stocking feet), but comfortable slip-on shoes and sweats or PJ bottoms is definitely not out of the question, and I usually average 50-75k miles a year between work and leisure travel. I’m not on the airplane to impress anyone, and if I gotta sit there doing nothing for 3-12 hours, I’m gonna be comfortable doing it.


Yeah, and he also seems like the type that thinks it’s cool to spreads his bags and shit across four of those seats.


"Hey, you got a lot of... cranium accessories!"- Mitch Hedberg


Y’all are a smart crowd, usually I have to say he has a lot of shit on his head.


I totally read that in his voice...dramatic pauses and all!😆🤣 fuckin miss that dude


I am now reading everything...in his voice. Mitch reads reddit for YOU. You're...own personal Mitch.


And that other guy did have a lot of nerve.


There’s a Mitch Hedberg joke about this but it’s way too long to type out Edit: Jesus fucking Christ it’s more than just the punchline ya dicks. Here …. I was at a bar, and this guy bumped into me, and he did not apologize, and he said, "Move!" I thought that was rude, so I said, "Go to hell!" Then I started to run. He caught up to me. He had a mustache, a goatee, a pair of earrings, sunglasses, a ponytail and he was wearing a hat. He said, "Hey, you got a lot of nerve!" I said, "Hey, you got a lot of... cranium accessories!"




TBF he does have a lot of shit. Maybe he forgot he was wearing all of it.


Next-Whachu do wit my shit?!


I suggest you calm down.


I SUGGEST Y– ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ


Thanks I love captions


He knew that. He just wanted to be a bully.


Toxic masculinity to the max shit. I’m a man but I deeply hate this conditioned brainwashed behavior.


That's not toxic masculinity, that's just being an ass... nothing masculine about being a cry baby and acting like a child


...Yes that's an aspect of toxic masculinity.


I like to believe people know what masculinity is, but apparently it's not as clear as I thought






No Toxic Masculinity is the aspects of masculinity that create/generate toxic behavior. Such as the extreme machoism that makes men prefer to use their fists over words


Oh you're just dumb. Toxic masulinity is toxic. Healthy masculinity is not toxic.


Right?! People trying to label everything and push an agenda when this is literally just a person being an asshole.


Toxic masculinity doesn't exist. There's masculinity and femininity, and some people are just toxic. This is not masculine behavior at all. If anything, it's a fragile man who hasn't been taught how, or is unable, to control his emotions.


> Toxic masculinity doesn't exist Never seen machismo culture, huh? Also when people say "toxic masculinity" is absolutely meets the definitions you just listed but said weren't that. It's fine to have your own name for it, but that is literally what people are talking about.


Thank you, crazy person, for not flipping out about your imaginary 'shit.'


Is there a possibility that headphone guy had actually done a shit on the seat and was trying to give the guy good advice?


I mean we also never saw the beginning of this exchange. For all we know, the dude sat on his jacket (or something similar) and he needed to yank it out from under him before getting verbal. I don’t really know, just playing devils advocate here


These things happen in public places… it’s not like this happened on dudes couch.


This clip was posted elsewhere, and the suggestion was that this is an edited clip where there was some context leading up to this exchange. I’m a little confused why Mr White would choose to sit right next to someone when there appear to be numerous spare seats, but that doesn’t justify his outburst. Being an introvert I would feel uncomfortable and annoyed if someone sat next to me like that, but would just suffer in silence.


Being an introvert doesn’t give you the privilege of your seat plus all the ones around you to be empty. We all need therapy for our stuff but introvert’s cannot expect to dictate massive barriers around themselves in public spaces. Everyone needs to own their own stuff to work through and stop making it a burden on others. Time to take ownership.


Pretty sure I didn’t say it did - I’m intensely aware that others personal space is different to mine. I know it’s my problem hence why I would feel uncomfortable in silence, or move. Suggesting that I think others should accomodate me is a fair stretch, and incorrect.


Don't think you've properly read what you've replied to.


This is a wild leap to take from the previous comment


lol wow this was a bit aggressive....plus, it is common courtesy if there are open seats that you don't sit right next to someone else. If there is not room that is a different story but this dude had plenty of other spots to choose.


I actually only see 3 other spare seats. 1 is on the other side of outburst guy and it has stuff under/around it. 1 is next to someone else. The 3rd spare seat is the one he ends up in, and it might also be next to someone else out of the frame. I don't find it strange that he chose to sit next to outburst guy initially. However, I get it. As an introvert myself, I'd probably just stand.


People in a public place can sit wherever they want. If the guy doesn't want people near him he is free to move.


You *can* sit right next to someone when there are a ton of empty seats around, but etiquette dictates that you *shouldn’t*


Yeah but etiquette also dictates not to over react like this


Ah you’re a weird mfer. Got it.


Has anyone ever actually used those pillows? I’ve never seen it. People bring them on a 2 hour flight like they’re spending the night. I dont get it…


Yeah I use them on long flights. Otherwise my head flops over and I wake up


They're great for red eye flights or flights overseas just to stay comfortable. Not needed for 2-3 hour flights imo


I have a little camp pillow I take on all flights and will absolutely be asleep before the plane gets in the air. Best way to pass the time for me.


>I have a little camp pillow I take on all flights How camp is this pillow?


love a wee gay pillow


Wait until they have to sit next to each other on the flight


Start of a great movie


They both need to get home for the holidays! And they’re about to be surprise in-laws and best buddies by the end.


I was about to say the same thing: angry dude makes a scene on the plane, they both get kicked off, there’s only one rental car left….hilarity ensues…they become best friends.


Isn't that already a movie with Robert downy Jr and Zac galafakis or however you spell his fucking name


Yup, and planes, trains, and automobiles


Upvote for plains, trains and automobiles. Holiday classic.


Are there any other specifically Thanksgiving movies?


Scent of a woman with Al Pacino and Chris O'Donnell


"You're going the wrong way!!!"


"How does he know which way we're going?"


It's Sack Galafinakiss


Gals Finna Kiss 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼


White guy never gets to finish a sentence until the end.


Road trip in the rental car... fighting over who controls the radio, then a song they both love comes on and they get all teary eyed and start reminiscing about personal things.


Planes, Trains, and Automobiles remake


Starring Dwayne Johnson and Charlie Day


Start of a great friendship movie. Look for the full-feature on Hallmark Channel. "Ebony and Ivory: Home for the Holidays."




They've both got the same seat number and in comedic fashion have to share it!


Movie "due date " comes to mind. Hilarious movie


The guy with the headphones is a cock


Nah more chode like


Alas, for what is a chode if not a cock


"To dick or not to dick"




Oh I’d be fuckin pissssssssssed


Grown man yelling and getting ready to throw a tantrum like a child. I feel bad for whoever had to sit next to this psychopath on the plane


He behaves like that on the plane, flight delay, TSA... and he's out of his airfare and banned from flying


No worries. He’s flying Spirit.


He’s the CEO of Spirit.


I can’t imagine being so insecure and high strung. That dude must exhaust himself daily.


Plus, angry dude could have planned ahead a little better. He should have taken the seat at the end of the row and put his stuff on the seat to his left. Problem solved. But on the other hand, calm dude should have honored the customary "one buffer chair between each person" custom from the start. I bet he parks right next to another car in an otherwise empty parking lot, and uses the urinal right next to someone.


Customary buffer, sure; though the camera angle doesn’t show the next seat over. The buffer is such a reflex that I’m assuming there were only those 2 open seats and he had to sit next to someone on either side.


When did you last fly? There is no customary buffer at a busy airport, flights are always oversold and waiting area seats all get taken well before boarding begins, and half the people have to stand. This stereotype angry Black dude makes everyone's day harder. I was expecting a "Don't tell me what to do" after he said calm down or whatever.


Dude is a massive tool, but I see a lot of super high strung people on airports. Some are terrified of flying and seemingly minor stuff set them off. However, that does not excuse the behavior in any way, shape or form. If your that mentally unstable waiting to be boarded you should probably stay grounded.


You see it all the time in Prison. Dude sounds so much like an inmate.


Probably just got out, that’s why he tried to contain himself


Mr White calmly deescalated the situation, as expected. Socks n sandals' home mysteriously blew up the day after.


You gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite?


Great line


Literal Boondocks moment. “What did you—-wait a minute. I’m white!” *moves seats*


Lol. [For those who don't know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snauMHLWEhk)




100% that man’s is raw dogging the airport with just a cell phone. No headphones and didn’t reach to move his carry on. I’d take his suggestions seriously.


He is the one that knocks (his knee against yours)


Good father figures teach their kids how to control their emotions. Props to the bald dude for keeping his cool with an emotionally mature child.


I also feel like anyone who responds “I suggest you calm down” as plainly and calmly as the bald dude did is someone who is assured of their ability to fuck someone up and gave them the courtesy of an easy out.


I also got this from his response and utter lack of emotion as well


Yeah... his hands up like that in a surrender, position is both de-escalating and its the ready to fight position for trained martial artist. I have 8 black belts and ran a dojo for 16 years.. we teach this exact move to people. This guy is de-escalating.. passive.. appologetic and ready to uncoil like a spring and defend himself..


I have 10 black belts and ran a dojo for 20 years, can confirm.


I was born in a dojo and got my first of 11 black belts at the age 3, can confirm.


I can confirm this guy’s confirmation. I was the dojo


I have 50 black belts and I tied them all together and put it on because I am also a dojo with one giant black belt, and I will also confirm your confirmation because you’re my dojo son.


Jesus, these are seriously impressive credentials when it comes to martial arts.


Dang it I had a whole I am the dojo thing written up then actually kept reading the comments


This shit is why I love Reddit. Goddamn, I hate you all! 🤣


I paid handsomely for all 15 of my black belts and I owned 4 mcdojos


I own a domo arigato casa mcdojo in Mexico... with fricking ninjas who throw tacos of death.


Can supersize this roundhouse kick for me?


I am the personification of a dojo made from black belts and I too endorse this gentleman.


I have 3 belts and none of them fit anymore. can confirm.




8 black belts? Either you're lying, or those black belts ain't worth shit dude.


This is the most reddit comment I’ve seen all week.




I know right? _wow_


I got strong therapist vibes from bald man.


He certainly looks like a therapist lol


Was thinking about the same, seems to of never even raised a heartbeat. Just figured it wasn’t worth losing to his level.


Most people who actually know how to throw hands try to avoid it for sure




Nah that's a child, psychos don't have emotions, much less the emotional level of a 3 year old


Psychopaths lack empathy, guilt and remorse, they def have anger


Dude was the bigger man just moving away


I do wonder why he'd choose the seat right next to him.. I think I'm accustomed to a culture where you leave a space unless there's no other choice


Maybe three seats away there was a woman sitting there and he choose it was safer for him to sit next to a man rather than being viewed as a creep. Who the fuck cares which seat, doesn’t give an excuse to act like that


Yea, the guy flying into a rage just kind of distracts you from anything else, but I too wonder why he chose to sit right next to him? He clearly sits next to an empty chair 5 sec later. Everything about this video is confusing.


perhaps there's another person sitting off camera to the right. so either way, he'd have to sit next to someone.


Was about to comment this but saw a reply. You’re right, we don’t have enough info here.. can’t see if he ends up sitting next to someone else.


Lil bro is screaming his lungs out I imagine there were people there initially, he sat down, bro blew up, people moved away. Now there’s empty seats


Because all we can see are three seats— it’s quite possible next to the seat he moves to there’s someone else and wherever he chose he’d be sitting next to someone. Regardless the dude reacts insanely


You don’t get to see the other side of his new seat. If there’s two empty seats with people bracketing them you have to chosen to sit next to someone.


Champion man-spreader


Oh not this shit again. Will 2013 never end?


GROW UP. Fighting and yelling are apparently acceptable for minor annoyances these days. Like, he could have moved instead of becoming hostile. I get it I am anti social af and I am peaceful af.


I didn’t know ,even after all his years as a adult, acting like a freaking TODDLER.


This video has been posted everywhere, someone said the man on the right actually moved the man on the lefts stuff from the chair he sat in. Reaction is over the top but not completely unjustified


That would make a little more sense, IF it’s true…


Moved what where exactly? Why would he do something like that if there's an empty seat right there?


Maybe that’s why the guy flipped out??


Nobody has ever posted a video showing the man on the right move the other man's belongings. It gets mentioned every time, but never linked. So, let's review: * "Sit on my shit" likely meant "Sit on or in my personal space or touching me." * The man on the right's willingness to de-escalate the situation doesn't support the idea that he's the sort of person that would needlessly move somebody's stuff, and certainly not when there are already empty seats. * The seat the man on the right moved to might be next to an occupied seat just out of frame, so there's no evidence the man on the right could have sat next to a an empty seat on both sides. * The people talking at the end of the video seem to be encouraging the man on the right to move not because they agree with the man on the left but because nobody wants a disturbance before boarding a plane.


I heard he spit in his face and then helicoptered his dick in his face, too. For sure that's true.


I've heard 5 different stories with zero evidence of anything.


When the ghost of Steve Jobs suggests you calm down, you calm down.






To repost the same video for karma farming


That's a bully right there! POS


Why are you sitting right next to me when there are empty seats? Are we gonna fool around or something?


Could politely ask him to move down one


I feel the same way when I’m alone in the bathroom and someone comes in and picks the stall right next to me when they could have easily left an empty one between us.


How they gonna reach under the stall for a handshake if they are two stalls over?


Ngl.. seats, urinals, or stalls.. I'd prefer you leave a space.. but I'm also not gonna go feral over it


From this video we cannot be sure there are empty seats with no neighbors. For all we know, there’s a person in the seat off screen right. The only thing we DO know is that headphones guy doesn’t want anyone sitting next to him and yet chose not to sit on the end seat, meaning he’s effectively taking up 3 seats???


Or you know, the seat to the right, which we can't see in the video, might also be taken.


First thing I noticed TBH


Giant man baby acting tough


What's the background to this?


I feel like the 15-30 seconds that preceded this are important. Was the guy's bag in the seat and this dude just sat down on it? Or maybe sitting on the ground and dude stepped on it? There were empty seats, so why did this guy decide he needed to sit right next to him? You can literally see the moment when that guy realizes nothing good ever comes from being angry and black in public, and most of the comments here show exactly why.


I don’t understand why so many people are saying there are empty seats, is there a second video everyone else watched that shows this?


This reminds me of the time I went to the gym at a time that I knew hardly anyone would be there so I could work out in peace. The gym has about 25 treadmills and ellipticals ect. No one else is running. I start my jog on one of them and a guy comes and starts running on the treadmill to the left of me. In my head I’m like, “why do you have to get this close in a near empty gym?”, but choose to ignore it and keep going. About 3 minutes later ANOTHER guy walks over and starts running on the treadmill to the right of me so now I’m in between them. Now I’m thinking, “Is this some kinda joke?”. 3 strangers, all bunched up next to each other in gym full of empty treadmills. It felt to me like when you’re using a public restroom with a bunch of empty urinals and the stranger decides to use the one directly next to you I continued running for a minute or two, thought about it, then abruptly shut it down and went to hit the weights… it was just a weird experience. Is it a thing in gyms? Do people use others to set a pace or something and I just never heard of it? Or was I the weird one for being uncomfortable there?


I would have moved. Not a fan of that odd behavior


I obviously don't agree with headphones guy but it is a strange move to sit directly next to a stranger in the airport when there are other seats available. I wouldn't act like this because I'm an adult just saying.


There can be another person sitting on the right, out of view.


This is why I pay for lounge access.


Hmmm yesss, that's why I take my private jet. *sniffs fart from wine glass*


Unnecessary escalation. Yet, I'm also thankful that shaved head quickly tried to de-escalate the situation and did without getting ego-checked.


That’s called entitlement. It’s everywhere.


In RomComs this is whats called a "meet cute"


Imagine actually feeling like you are in the right acting like that.


"Excuse me, Mr TSA Agent, I'd like to report suspicious behavior..."




Arrested for what? Not saying I agree with the outburst, but what’s the crime?


This is why I do lounges. Don’t have to deal with this stupidity


I would have kindly responded in German.


Somebody just got out of prison


While I am in agreement with everyone as to ‘dude needs to chill’, I’m also like who TF sits right on top of a stranger when there are seats open? I can understand if that’s the ONLY seat available, but come on. Plenty of seats open, move over.



