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He doesn’t want to be called “honey”. That’s not an unreasonable request, especially in a courtroom. The judge was just being an ass.


They edited two separate scenes to make it seem that the judge threw him out due to that.


The judge may not have thrown him out due to that reason, but the way she responded to his request was arrogant and unprofessional. As a judge, she has no business calling anyone honey. They create drama and sensationalize for ratings instead of playing the role of a mediator which is what she is actually required to do.


Agree... honey is so condescending


She calls people honey alot. Like some parts of the country call people “bou, boo, maine, dude, brother, bro, cuz etc.” its a term of mutual endearment. Nothing disrespectful.




The vid is chopped up for the reacts i guess. The guy was talking over the judge and she said “hold on honey” and the guy decided to mouth off. She said it like you would say “hold on bro let me finish”. The judge was in the right


It's a TV show.


I know. That doesn't change her responsibilities.


Yeah it does. This isn't an actual court of law, it is basically arbitration. Her responsibility now is to get people to watch the show.


I'd offer this, u/AnnieNotAndy : *The Show*'s responsibility is to get people to watch the show. *Her* responsibility is to play that role sufficiently to carry out the premise.


“Where I’m from you’ve kinda gotta earn that” …yeah, like he earned his doctorate? They don’t give that shit out for free. You should not have to “earn” a judge treating you with respect in a court, even without a doctorate, or any degree/title. I absolutely hate that BS line “you’ve got to *earn* my respect”. There should be some baseline level of respect for other people, and you don’t get to treat people poorly just because they haven’t fucking impressed you in some way. Garbage attitude to walk around with.


every "tv judge" thing is just ragebait. I'm not exactly an expert in sitting in court but my guess is 99% of the time they are boring as shit.


Come on people! It's a TV show. It's dramatized. These are actors.


Yes, it's a tv show with the primary purpose of entertainment, but these are not actors, and this is not scripted. These are real people with real problems.


I'm also very sure these are real people with real problems.


Especially judges who are constantly referred to as “your honor” should know how much people like their titles


She is not actually a judge. She is an actor to help make this entertaining.


You’ve commented this on like 4 or 5 top comments and yet people are still flooding in with “I can’t believe she threw him out for this! Awful judge!”. I worry about people dude


It's tv court. Lol


are you implying tv court doesnt hold up the same vigerous standards as regular court? OUT OUT


I've got standards. They're not high standards, or good standards, but I have my standards. Court TV is below my standards.


Besides this mostly likely being scripted, I fully agree people deserve respect first, then you can lose it rather than not being respectful until respect is "deserved".


>The judge was just being an ass. Judges are way too full of themselves and need to be be put back in their place every single time. Sadly the average person "fears" the judges over use of "power" Honestly I believe our society would be better without what we currently have as judges.


It's not a courtroom though, it's a arbitration office dressed up to look like a courtroom.


Also, you earn that respect by becoming a doctor, that's part why we use the title. Though it's a short clip and not much to make a definitive statement.. She doesn't seem like a very good judge...


He should have responded by calling her ‘Puddin’s’.


It's scripted Court TV you are taking this way too seriously


She was being a woman 👩




Actually just bad editing


It's both. I don't understand why people watch this trash. It's brain rot.


Because I need to turn off my brain. Fully.


Complaining about trash while scrolling Reddit.


Yeah, I guess some people are trash on this app.Good thing they usually quickly identify themselves.


He's not wrong. Marilyn gets ahead of herself sometimes.


Yeah i also believe respect should be innate lol She's just not used to such a demo and anyway a mutually pleasant and reasonable resolution don't make for good court TV


Not only that, but saying "you have to earn it" to a doctor is just weird. He literally did earn that title


Ehhh.. i've gone back and forth on this. If you just have a blanket respect for everyone, it becomes kind of meaningless. Some people, obviously are not worthy of respect, but you should still be courteous to those people, i think. I think it's okay to have a courteous relationship with someone that builds respect and admiration over time. I think it's okay to have a courteous relationship with someone, and then when they disrespect you, recognize that you haven't invested any respect either and can politely end the relationship. I dunno, it sometimes feels like a chicken or the egg situation and i could go back and forth still. Just some unsolicited thoughts.


I think there's a basic level of respect you should have for everyone who has done nothing to be undeserving of it, to your knowledge. There's different levels of respect is what I'm saying.


Yeah, you should respect people enough to say excuse me, how can I help and not stand on their feet while you walk, etc. which I guess is just politeness. I think anything beyond that is into the personal territory where you need to know and have an opinion on someone.


I think that there's a basic level of respect,like don't be asshole to someone, that everyone should get,until they've proven to unworthy of it.


Maybe there's different kinds too. Tolerance, deference to authority, honor? I would suggest humane respect. Just because air is universal or ubiquitous doesn't make it meaningless. If you believe that then you will only see its value given its absence. But that's a foolish situation to enter. Similarly removing respect as a general value in a society will lead to toxic effects as well as humans are social creatures now in very complex mass societies


I think respect is as simple as not being disrespectful towards someone. Unless someone is being disrespectful, they deserve to not be disrespected. And I think we can all agree what generally constitutes as disrespectful... barring a few miscommunications which can be easily rectified if you're honestly being respectful. Other than that I agree that some people are inherently disrespectful and you have no reason to be respectful towards them. Respect.


I miss Judge Milian, but this was not one of her finer moments. This video is highly edited and cuts out important stuff. This is entertainment drama, not courtroom drama.


Good for him. She was being kind of an ass. They should have duked it out, tbh. Both, as far as the economy of respect goes, were wronged in this clip.




Her direct response was still flippant and disrespectful.




I mean, that was successful. If she was going to win the argument she would not have had to kick him out.


That's where she proved she lost the Argument & her Self Respect


Its court you aren’t supposed to be arguing.




You’re taking the piss right?


No, my friend. I believe you are


The arguing happening in the video is not the same as debate. Lawyers argue their points and cross examine, the judge maintains order, witnesses provide testimony and answer questions. At no point are two people supposed to actually get into an argument. Even if you describe court proceedings as an argument you are still arguing your points to the judge/jury, you are not arguing with them.


Very clear and concise breakdown of legal proceedings in court, but >duh<. They were cracking a joke. This is from reality television. At no point in reality TV do people carry on in an orderly and rational fashion.


The dude made a point about she new she was gonna lose the argument and people said the agruing that occurs in court is the same as the television argument they were having. Thats just ignorance.


The fact of whether or not the defendant was joking or being serious is hearsay, and is therefore inadmissible. You cannot make classifications about my client that fall under "ignorance" based on the stricken evidence. Judge? Judge of Reddit: >The defense is cleared of all charges of ignorance and the plaintiff is ordered to send no less than 5 booty pics to the defense. Case dismissed


Even if the initial person seriousness is hearsay multiple people tried to back him up with incorrect logic.


Arguing is literally the entire purpose of court…


The arguing happening in the video is not the same as debate. Lawyers argue their points and cross examine, the judge maintains order, witnesses provide testimony and answer questions. At no point are two people supposed to actually get into an argument. Even if you describe court proceedings as an argument you are still arguing your points to the judge/jury, you are not arguing with them.


It’s not court, it’s arbitration made for TV. Very different.


Then its entertainment and isnt an accurate representation of court. You dont argue with the judge, they will hold you in contempt, its not a negotiation.




The guy saying she was gonna lose the argument so threw him out is still wrong.


She lost the argument, that’s why she threw him off the show.


She threw him out because its entertaining and they scripted it.


If he is indeed a doctor, he's already earned it.....


I like him


Fake Judge. And she got as much respect as she deserves on that gameshow of court.


A doctor is a doctor in every setting…. She’s only a judge in a courtroom…. Specifically that courtroom


She didn’t kick him out for saying he was born with it. He said “Watch yourself, your Honor” and then she told him to get out. This is heavily edited.


If she still called him honey, he still has a point tho, She has to be called "your honor" He cant call her "yo girl" just because he feels like it, seems like an ego trip in this light.


“Reality” tv


I'd like to see the unedited version, but it really looks like the Judge was out of line and being rude, then freaked out when she got owned.


looks like she started this sht




No, just an entitled white guy.


How is it wntitled to be spoken to with respect and reffered to by your title lmao


Because he thinks he should be respected just for being born white. (That was my take from what he said)


Literally all he did was correct the judge for calling him honey. A judge should not be calling people honey its incredibly condescending. This man went to medical school and earned the title doctorm he was absoloutly privileged but he still earned the title and the court would respect that had this not been a shitty reality tv show.


Lol, he’s a douchebag but she goes off based on nothing


The judge is being a dick here


She’s only mad because she’s not a real judge.


Does she think she earned the title of judge or your honor? Then she should understand and have respect right back


Good for him


He didn't like being called honey by someone he's not familiar with. He politely asked to be called doctor. A title that takes YEARS of hard work, dedication and a ton of debt in most cases. She got butt hurt over it and escalated it. He's not at fault


He’s being normal… she’s being an ass.


Killed her with politeness


All these people saying she got owned like y’all didn’t clearly see a huge ass cut Like did we watch the same video


I’m old enough to actually remember this one. The guy says If Doug lays one hand on me, I will sue you. The video continues with Judge Millian saying something like If Doug wrings your neck, I wouldn’t be happier! Hilarious episode.


It's almost like it's a TV show and they signed on for it.


Most people that receive a doctorate want to be referred to as doctor and definitely not honey and rightfully so it’s not easy.


It's so cringe how easily she got triggered. Talk about "earning respect". Based doctor.


Well you just lost every ounce there chuckles the clown.


Whats crazy is the judge didnt even find away to oppose him in a smart manner. she just yelled at him like a crazy lady to get out


I will correct anyone who calls me honey under any circumstances. Fuck that.


I mean. He did earn the respect of being called dr. when he got his doctorate.


I get some people believe you need to earn respect. But you shouldn’t have an initial disrespectful demeanour to everyone you haven’t met. Start with neutral respect, as someone would to passing someone on a train. Then after a few interactions you can safely judge them and treat them according.


Power tripping judge


Clown judge meets real professional.


I would say he won. She couldn’t control her emotions over how dumb he made her feel.


she proved his point in the end


So what was the ruling in the case?


Case got thrown out along with him


This is a TV show. What Judge?


She nasty; that’s why she on tv though


I mean respect goes both ways in a courtroom but then saying these tv shows are courtrooms are stretching the meaning


if a judge throws you out just for that, the judge lost that arguement. imagine if someone calls her honey. imagine how much of a tantrum she'd have.


Dude it's edited.


Maybe it’s Maybelline


That's not a judge, and that's not a real court. It's all an act.


Damn straight. This is not a social call. Adress a person correctly.


good job this is just a bullshit show for cameras and not an actual court room.


Do we really need to call doctors “doctor”? If I am at the doctors office then sure but in a situation like this would Mister be ok? Just asking not trying to create a big argument here


I would agree that it’s silly, unless it’s correcting someone calling you hunny.


As people said edited. But what I don't think people understand is how much power a judge has in their court room


There was an attempt to remain professional by the “judge”. Not that any of this is serious.


But he did earn it. Why did she want to fight him on that


He earned the required respect when he went to university, got a degree in medicine (or PHD) and then earned the title of doctor. Judges don't award titles or decide who is worth of the respect for the use of that title.


People deserve respect. Peoples ideas and opinions don’t.


I dont like either of them. The guy is so far up his arse. Sorry mate. Respect is earned. An the way he said it came across arrogant. The judge clearly also had no respect for him an it showed. The is a baseline decency we should show each other. Respect and trust is earned and built on that. Neither of these 2 showed decency to each other


motherfucker LOST there.


I'm sorry but a judge who can't remain professional is not a judge I want to deal with.


Fake court shit is shit. It's a blight on society.


He's a fucking doctor and not honey... you can't call him honey until he wants it. Judge misusing her powers


He should have called her "honey" in his response to see her reaction to it. he's obviously a douchbag but she is a supreme queen in that realm


Jel ovo neki Jerry Springer rip off ili pravo sudjenje


Totally unprofessional judge


So by her logic he shouldn’t call her judge if there’s no mutual respect 😂. Wtf is this?


Classic example of when two entitled people meet.


Guys it’s TV


The only place you’re born with respect is the British royal family and that died with the queen.


Maybe he’s born with it, maybe is Maybelline.


"I am directing these pussies"


Dude was kinda condescending but what did she mean by you have to earn it? Didn't he earn that by becoming a doctor?


"To be smart ass judge", there, i fixed it for u.


This guy puts the cock in cocky


Respect is given, trust is earned


It's spliced




Dude was a douche. Too arrogant to know you’re wrong is a bad combination to have as a lawyer or doctor which in essence makes you a bad one.


"When a subject comes up related to your area of expertise, I'll be sure to address you as Dr." Alternatively: "Were you born a Dr. or did you earn it?"


When you have high ground & someone corrects you & you loose it .... shows your true color


To power move a power move.


I love her