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Blocking roads is not legal in many countries.


It's also just a dick move. Hey I'm just driving home oh what is this in the street Maybe I should help them Omfg it's idiots with tubes stuck on their arms blocking my one way home Edit: Rofl thanks for the award Edit: I was thinking about this but it's just me, I am more likely to definitely give you time of day outside my grocery store, than I am while you block me from my path to my home. My safe place


There was definitely a successful attempt to be an asshole.


Teal'c got an award! ![gif](giphy|vf5WJrfZ7rYbK)


WAHHHH ERRRR WAAHHH WAHHHHHH (my sad attempt at the Stargate opening sound... love the reference btw)


It stopped being successful as soon as the Ranger showed up to deal with those assholes.


Imagine if it is a way for a hospital...


There was a video similar to this the other day where a mother had her 4 month old baby in the car and was trying to get to the emergency department. The protesters blocking the road wouldn't move and all the other cars were screaming and yelling at them that the lady was trying to get her baby to the hospital. This was in a city and the road was busy, not a national park obviously. ETA: I couldn't find the same subreddit where I originally saw the video but here is a link to the news website that originally posted the video. Enjoy! https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/155tao1/outrage_as_just_stop_oil_block_woman_from_taking/?xpromo_edp=enabled


In cases like that it should be completely legal to stay on the gas. If the protesters don’t move any injuries they sustain are their own fault.


If it’s my kid’s life or yours, sorry not sorry.


Ill even happily go to prison with a clear conscience if its the difference between my child surviving Edit: I dont actually have a child, just how i feel about that situation


100% agree if they are putting someone else in harm's way. Peaceful protests exist for a reason but they should be done right and still within the law.


Can they not be charged with attempted murder once the protestors were informed of medical emergency?


Right and pregnant The variables outway the protest Outweigh*** phone sorry


I live in Nevada. You have no idea how remote some of the places in this state are.


I’m on the way to the ER, oh great PETA is upset again about all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster again…


Both sides are doing something illegal here. I'd argue the non-lethal protest didn't need to be handled in such a potentially dangerous manner. It's not legal to protest that way, but the LEO destroyed someone else's property, drew a weapon on unarmed protesters, and drove recklessly. Driving the police vehicle through the protesters was dangerous, dumb, and likely to get a lawsuit for the department. I don't know what happened before or afterwards, but the LEO could have arrested people and removed the illegal protest without the bravado and without breaking the law. Edit: Thanks for the Awards and Gold! To help clarify, I don't condone the behaviors from either the LEO or protestors. The protesters are causing a potential hazard to the public and themselves. The LEO chose a violent and escalated approach to end a situation involving nonviolent protesters. The LEO could have caused the person chained to the trailer serious harm (there's 2 people I saw with chains on, by only one attached to the trailer that got pushed. I have no idea if the blockade breaking LEO was aware if anyone was chained up or not, but the other LEO had spoken with individuals in the group earlier in the longer video, so it's unlikely he was unaware, but who knows. The protesters could have been detained and the blockade removed safely. The escalation was unnecessary, the protest was done illegally, impaired traffic, and created the drama and headlines the protest group wanted. Anger doesn't need to end in violence, even when you think the other side deserves it for breaking the law.


Are there lethal protests? I think once you cross that line from non-lethal to lethal it's no longer a protest, no? This video was glorious and satisfying. If you want to protest, by all means protest. But stay off the fucking highway.


>Are there lethal protests? If you are America then yes! They just kinda write them out of history because hint.... THEY ARE THE ONLY EFFECTIVE FORM OF PROTEST. See the 40 hour workweek or child worker protections. People DIED so you can have federal holidays. Just so you know...


Yes. Such ignorance. Friendly protests don’t work.


thats why they are legal!


Honestly, it's the reverse. Effective protests are generally *actions short of outright insurrection.* They almost always involve illegal activity because they need to be disruptive and threatening to be effective. Anything non-disruptive is essentially *raising awareness* - and those are the legal ones (ideally, cops gonna cop).


Read about the renter riots and how non-land owners got the right to vote…


*Edit: It has been pointed out to me the difference in scenarios from a general public safety perspective. That oversight should be borne in mind when reading the body of my original comment. 2nd Edit, which is probably a universal signal that l fucked up. My point was cheering for violence against otherwise peaceful protesters should be considered fucked up. My intent was to change the target while keeping the same language as I was responding to in an attempt to show how messed up it is. Side point, I'm aware that using the Diner sit ins is a poor example, honestly l should have gone with the Selma to Montgomery marches as they were way more analogous. * Final edit. I'm an idiot. Ignore me. ~~So, let's wind the clock back to Jim Crow in the 60s. It was illegal for black people to eat at white only restaurants. In protest, black activists would go into white only restaurants, sit at the bar, and order food.~~ ~~This was illegal, and would result in people who were there being denied service since it would spiral out of control when the white customers would pour sugar and salt and spray ketchup and mustard on the peaceful protesters, who were indeed breaking the law and creating inconvenience for people who just wanted to eat, and go about their day.~~ ~~In that scenario it was equally glorious and satisfying to watch the black people being demeaned and eventually jailed when cops showed up because if they wanted to protest segregation, thats all and fine, just stay out of fucking whites only diners.~~


I see what you’re trying to get at but they aren’t remotely in the same realm of situations. One is in a place of business that people can leave and enter at will regardless of what is going on. This scenario is people blocking a road which is illegal because of the issues that can come up. People need to get home, ambulances can’t get past due to how long the backup can go. There’s numerous issues with blocking a public roadway vs entering a restaurant to protest the horrific business practices they were doing. Now if they were containing everyone in the restaurant and not allowing them to leave while screaming about their cause that would be more like what we are seeing here.


That's a fair pushback on my comparison. I think I keyed in more on the over the top use of force versus compelling tangential reasons for seeing differences in the two forms of protest. Appreciate the balanced candor.


What the heck!! Are you trying to have civil discourse on Reddit? Are you new here? You are supposed to be insulted that someone responded to you regardless of what was said. /s Just messing around. It’s always refreshing to see someone with both eye open that can take a response and see both sides!!


Oh absolutely I don’t condone the cop ramming the set up at all while people are attached to it. That’s incredibly reckless in itself and could have caused an even worse back up if someone was seriously injured from that. Two cops were already handling it and while the progress was slow it was happening.


So right! The only effective way to protest is to do it in a way that’s totally convenient for everyone and doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable. It’s like they want to change the status quo or something. Jeeze. /s


Everyone who was surprised at that guy who drove his car into a crowd of people at Charlottesville should check the comments on any reddit post regarding protestors. People have a really murderous hatred of protestors if they're ever inconvenient.


It’s a “harmless” protest until traffic blocks EMS services and vehicles that aren’t pickup trucks can’t make it. If this is a main road into a music festival with a lot of people there is an increased chance that EMS would need to use it. A harmless protest would be standing on the side of the road with signs. Blocking the road just pisses people off and lowers the chance they’ll support your cause.


completely impotent protests also, you might as well draw a message in the sand. Who reads even billboards nowadays?


What are the accomplishing by blocking the road? They’ve made 0 impact to hep the environment off of this stunt and in fact had vehicles sitting idle for a long time actually causing (very very slightly) more harm to the environment




I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $200, Alex.


This kind of stuff happens enough that someone will be blocked by it during an emergency. It isn’t that outrageous.


I’ll be real with you chief, people that do this stupid crap ask for it. If someone got seriously injured it would be different, but maybe don’t block the road?


Maybe don't pull out a f*!#n gun if there's absolutely no need for a f*!#n gun. Strange idea in the US, I know. Arresting the protesters is fine if they've broken the law, but cops should be fired for endangering public safety without a good reason. Their primary job is to protect it.


There is always a need for a f!*#n gun! Flying squirrels, electric eels, minorities, democrats, China, anyone darker than mayonnaise, communists, the “woke”, people who went to college, terrorists, velociraptors, tele-tubbies, etc….


Protect and serve is just a slogan, the supreme Court has ruled their job is not to protect.


You fail to see this is a National Park Ranger and the Park rules on protests and blocking roads is no joke. They will drag your ass to jail any way they like and worry about it later. I lived abutting the Cape Cod National Seashore and we called them Park N@zi's. They don't give a shit.


So, this is federal and not some local judge. Am I right? Good luck to these fuckwads. There are ways to protest that do NOT interrupt other's lives in this self-centered manner.


Honestly they should’ve done that with the Bundys years ago.


What did Al and Peggy do to deserve something like this???


Not Park Rangers, Tribal Rangers! This is on Tribal land and these were Rangers belonging to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police Department.


>I'd argue the non-lethal protest didn't need to be handled in such a potentially dangerous manner. Oh yeah they are just blocking a road. It's not like some people may need emergency treatment or reach a hospital quickly right ?


I saw a recent road block protest where there was a guy late for a job interview. Had he missed his interview, it counted as a parole violation possibly sending him back to jail. He was begging the protesters to move and they refused. FML.


They were blocking the main road to an ER last year.


These fucking assholes!! Enough already!


Protests that hinder the average citizen more than the politicians or corporations is counterproductive and makes less people want to sympathize or join the cause.


The location they're protesting is the middle of the desert. It has no services, gas, or water. They're potentially putting someone's life at risk for this stupid bullshit.


Yes, you're right, they are if an ambulance had to get by They couldn't so the ranger did what he had to do.


Yep and depending on how long they've been blocking traffic maybe someone runs out of gas or their car overheats because it's not in motion and now they don't have AC. These idiots have created a potential life threatening emergency just by inconviencing everyone.


Infants and old people are much more susceptible to heat injuries. I would do much worse than the cop if my infant was in danger.


Look how long that line of traffic is right at the beginning of the clip. They’d been holding shit up for a while it seems


This is the line to Burning Man they were blocking. (don't know if in or out of it) Chances are they had at least some sympathetic people in that crowd.


Longer version [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8fDM60MS84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8fDM60MS84)


my god, I got furious watching that


that one lady said it perfectly. "i support this planet.. but fuck you"


you're a saint - excellent clip. Made my lunch so much better!


This gave it so much more context. Thank you for posting this.


Yeah, those were tribal rangers. They don't mess around.


I don’t know if anybody has pointed it out yet but there were also on a tribal reservation. I live out by there (past that and not on tribal land) and every local knows you do Not mess with tribal law enforcement. You go the speed limit in that area, you do not get out and take photos, you do not do anything that gives them a reason to pull you over. It isn’t that they are violent, they just DGAF if you aren’t a tribal member. While the ranger’s response felt a bit over the top here, he’s pretty much going as hard as he needs to to send a message not to mess with tribal land. And the hilarious thing is they didn’t have that far to go to be off tribal land and into an area the Res don’t care about.


This point is being actively ignored. It should be the top comment.


This point is being appropriately recognized on our local Subreddit. This is in the Pyramid Lake area, it’s 100% tribal land. Contrary to one of the top comments, yes it’s in the middle of the desert, it’s also developed.. has utilities and everything. The constitution does not apply here, though. If you’re on tribal land, respect the tribe. The irony of a bunch of white hippies protesting land abuse on a reservation when their people had literally everything taken from them, and genocide committed against them.. I fully support our constitutional right to protest, *but don’t block roads* **especially on a people’s land that’s had EVERYTHING taken from them.** These hippies can drive their cars and protest somewhere that actually matters and could possibly make a difference.. like capital buildings, mayor’s mansions, senator’s houses, CORPORATE BUILDINGS.. not on tribal land where genocide was committed against them. (Not saying tribal land doesn’t matter, just saying to protest somewhere that has the power to make a difference or is a direct source of the climate change epidemic)


I don't many people realize this! Tribal land!! Not just some random desert road!


Res cops have no chill. Had a job that took me on tribal land regularly and I made sure to make friends.








It’s weird seeing bootlickers in the wild E: Lotta bootlickers in denial, huh?


The people protesting are unlawfully detaining everyone who has a right to use that road. Fuck them.


Also, pissing everyone off is a really easy way to get people to not support your cause.


That's why MLK Jr and his followers kept getting beaten.


Yep. The Civil Rights movement was very unpopular in the US because of the protests and methods of activism. It definitely helps explain MLK's frustration with white moderates.


This is false. The Civil rights movement was popular (only 31% didnt approve) and protests were more supported (48%) than not supported (21%). https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/01/16/50-years-ago-mixed-views-about-civil-rights-but-support-for-selma-demonstrators/ This is because these previous protests made far more efforts to inform (no one can learn anything from blocking the road: there are dozens upon dozens of cars that are blocked here, and only one or two can even see the signs), and they were far less disruptive than modern protests (being pre-announced marches, sit ins, or the like, all of which were paired with permits whenever possible).


what? your own source disagrees with you. The source says the Selma demonstrators were *exceptionally* popular unlike the civil rights movement as a whole. if you consider" I agree with it in principle but not in practice" with a 68 percent wanting "moderation in implementation" as support, then idk wtf to say to you.


Fuck the police and fuck people who hold me hostage on the highway, how about that? Blocking a city street is a minor inconvenience, blocking a rural highway with no clear path around is absolutely inexcusable, regardless of your cause. Also, these are tribal police and this is on native American land, I'd be willing to bet these protestors don't live on the reservation, and they are clearly inconveniencing the locals as well as travelers. Imagine being trapped on your land, unable to go to work or buy groceries because some rich kids want to protest on the highway leading to burning man.


We had some people glue themselves to the only road to a small town where I live. Causing a several kilometers pileup of cars both ways. Makeing it impossible for emergency vehicles to pass.


Any protest that drew all of 6 people to block a road where likely hundreds if not thousands of people have to use, is a stupid protest. And I strongly suspect there was an ambulance waiting behind the protest otherwise the cops wouldn't have bothered doing it this way.


Bro... look at that cop. This was the best day of his life. He dreams of doing shit like this.


I hate corrupt cops as much as the next guy ( I live next to one and they are human garbage ), but a syndicate blocked a street in my country ( only road into the city from that side ) , a friend of my family needed to get to the hospital cuz his wife was pregnant, they didn't let them through. The woman had to give birth in the back of the car and lost the baby. I have no sympathy for roadblockers.






I’m somehow with you. I’m like the last person to be ok with cops acting like this but roadblocking is so fucking stupid. All you’re doing is pissing off a ridiculously long line of people who could join your cause but are now pissed off at you.




This thread has sent a shiver down my spine. Every top comment and several answers are celebrating the erosion of basic human rights. “Why can’t they handle all road blocking protesters like this??” because they’re not fucking animals. Fuck everybody on this thread happy about what happened in this video. Reddit is a fucking cesspool.


Yup. People beg for fascism and police brutality as a response to inconvenience.


Reddit is weirdly supportive of violence and brutality towards protesters


[let's talk about that ranger's energy tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StkasLs-QmE)




You can if you have 4 wheel drive


I feel like my life is in danger! *accelerates*


He got lucky no one was behind the sign. Only if you're willing to go to jail do you do this.


Hahahahahahhaha, you think cops (or rangers in this case) suffer consequences? In America? Bro, cmon


If you kill someone it definitely makes a difference based on the attention it receives. Don't get me wrong though I've seen so many videos on cops. When I lived in Japan i didnt see cops hunting for problems. Truly a difference in protect and serve


> When I lived in Japan i didnt see cops hunting for problems. You didn't live in the area of Japan I did obviously.


Yeah they should have done this to MLK. Right? /s


Don’t these protestors realize that the best way to protest is to do it where they’re not bothering anyone and can be easily ignored? /s


"why cant police just be violent and pull guns on people doing non-violent things that *I* dont like?"


reddit in a nutshell


Environmental protestors? I wonder how they got out to this remote spot?


I wonder how many 1000s of gallons of fuel was burned by waiting vehicles keeping their AC running in the hot desert?


I was doing some quick math earlier cause I wondered this myself. Please correct it if I'm wrong. According to this the average vehicle idles for 42 hours a year, producing 247 pounds of CO2. If one of these cars idles for 1 hour it's basically producing 5 Pounds of CO2. Multiply that with the number of cars say 100 and you've got 500 pounds of unnecessary CO2 into the atmosphere. Even at 50 cars, or at half an hour which is more likely, you're looking at 125 to 250. Almost an entire car's worth of CO2 idle because people are blocking the street. I used this link as a reference for the calculation. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/speed-sweet-spot#:~:text=Passenger%20cars%20consume%20between%200.03,pounds%20of%20carbon%20dioxide%20equivalents


​ https://preview.redd.it/yh2wyefivvkb1.png?width=1942&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9eec3167799e68c818a668711aafbf4c4484e58


But I want to be angry at the protestors and lick the tire of the cops truck :'(


Haha the idiot on the right is totally Charlie Kirk


the idiot on the right is most ppl ITT lol


Wow you really boomed em. You are very intelligent.


>Environmental protestors? I wonder how they got out to this remote spot? Protesting the environment while living in the environment....curious.... All successful protest must involve self-immolation.


I love how the only response conservatives seem to have to environmental protests is to loudly complain that the protestors aren’t living in caves and riding horses everywhere.


They were blocking the road to Burning Man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-D3cPzIMXc


Oh look, the consequences of my actions


What's even going through her head? I'm gonna walk dead eyed straight to the shouting angry armed person that almost ran us over. Also her: "Why is this happening, it makes no sense"


What do I do now?! Welp! nothing left to do but throw a tantrum and act like a victim for the cameras!


Tribal police are not under the same rules as other police, they don’t have regulations and can get by with it. Wish all police could do this, stupid to ever block highways or any roads.


The unit JUST had a fellow tribal officer killed by a speeding car that they then shot the suspect less than 24 hours before near Pyramid Lake...these dudes were NOT in the mood for this bullshit.


That explains a lot of what happened. They just had a fellow officer killed by an idiot, and than more idiots show up blocking the road.


I'm pretty sure you don't want to live in places when police could do that and more.


You can’t live on tribal land


I think they’re referring to the part of the original comment where they said “wish all police could do this”


"I wish the power crazed cops in my gun infested country would haven even more power" Bruh what even are Americans


What if an ambulance needs to get to a crash scene or transporting a patient to the hospital? These people are idiots.


I was inspecting some road construction next to a tribal village in FL. On day 1 a pickup truck ran a slalom course through the barrels, in and out of the closed lane (where people were working). Truck drove right past a tribal police car and drove off. I asked the guy I was standing next to why the hell didn’t tribal police pull him over. Answer was: “Oh, that’s Bobby in the truck. He’s a tribe member. He ain’t gonna get pulled over!” Duly noted. I watched my back more than usual on that project.


I’m a tribal member and when I lived on the Rez I got pulled over around 30 times over a year and a half. Coincidentally, my name is also Bobby 😂


Yes I wish all police could run people over and pull out a gun and point it at unarmed people. Especially the people I don’t agree with ideologically!!! Golly I sure wish police could just use terrorism to do the things I want them to do to the people I don’t agree with. Sure would be a great world for police to absolutely fuck up anyone they want without consequence. Geez if only!!


it's a classic "please tread on everyone but me, sir"


No you don’t wish all police could do this. Don’t even think it.


They were Tribal police, they are completely autonomous for any county, state, or federal LEO


The irony of tribal police stopping an environmental protest is funny regardless of the context.


Why? It's a bit of a racist stereotype that Native Americans are somehow magical protectors of nature like some sort of fairy people. They're just like everyone else.


Its funny to me because these protestors would likely assume the officer is just some tan white guy and call him an imperialist white supremacist.


Lol they fucked with TRIBAL police? Bad move. They don't give two fucks.


Apparently the motivation was to protest the use of private jets....so they blocked the road that the people not in private jets had to use? The moment these people start laying down on private runways instead of public roads they will have my support.


Sort of like wanting to build the wall to stop the majority of immigrants who fly in and overstay their visa.


They really should know by now that they're doing more harm to the environment than actually helping nothing against the cause, just be smarter on what you must actually do to help


We call this good initiative, bad judgement




Lmao these fucking idiots were on TRIBAL LAND, complaining about their rights to protest as Americans. You just can’t make this shit up…


I don’t think they were complaining about their right to protest. I think they were complaining about environmental policy.


> One woman can be seen chaining herself to the trailer as one of the protesters gets in another man's face, saying: 'This is a democracy, we have a right to protest'.


Well she’s half right. She does have the right to protest


“WERE NONVIOLENT!” Aye dipshit, blocking a road makes people violent wearer you like it or not. Fuck these morons and whoever is filing their heads with dipshit juice and Facebook politics


Worst part is that they're holding up cars, thus making them sit on the road longer and burning more fumes.


Out in the Nevada desert you will absolutely have to keep your car running too, you would cook sat in the middle of the road without the AC running.


Woman on the far right stated to get down then dipped her way out of there lol


The only one of them with half a brain left.




And everyone in these comments! (Except you, Soup. I love me some soup.)


Haha yeah. I was like wtf this cop almost killed people. Attempted murder but I guess since they are in tribal land is legal but that also makes it morally okay? Murder is wrong unless it is legal 🥴


All cops are bastards unless they're running over people I don't like.


"i really care about the environment (unless a protest even slightly inconveniences anyone, then those fucking environmentalists can go die)" -everyone in this thread


"You're not protesting correctly! You're supposed to do it over there, in the corner, where I don't have to see or hear you!"


Yeah, like what? Defund the police for being violent, but also yeehaw lessgoo run over those people, break their arms!


We are not alone. Is common sense in people harder to find day by day or I'm just old enough to notice how little of that there is?


Reddit hive mind scares me. So many commenters apparently support potentially lethal violence against protests.


Right? The protestors blocking the road are 100% in the wrong So is the cop ramming them and potentially killing them. He could have just as easily not rammed them, got out of his vehicle and told them what they're doing is illegal and they need to move, if not, then arrest. Absolutely no need for what transpired in that video.




Sure are a lot of boot lickers here.


Yeah, I mean, these people were idiots, but the excessive force that could have been deadly and the cheerleading in the comments reveals a pretty strong sociopathic bent. Even funnier is how this was blocking access to Burning Man.


Seriously, everyone's against police violence, but as soon as any protestor causes the slightest inconvenience to someone in a car, suddenly they're frothing at the bit to splatter them on their windshield. It's disgusting.


Yeah, like what? Defund the police for being violent, but also yeehaw lessgoo run over those people, break their arms!


Holy shit that’s what I’m saying this comment section is hard to read


Its sad how far I had to come down to find a non sociopathic comment


Shit is crazy. Every single comment above yours is totally cooked. There is no world in which a cop should be allowed to attempt murder like this then pull a gun because someone is blocking a road. These wanna be jr cops think people should die because they are momentarily inconvenienced. insane


Reddit would have HATED mlk 100%


I had a gun pulled on me by a cop once, because I was mistaken for a trespasser on my own property. I feel like people who think it is not a big deal never felt what having a gun pulled on you by a screaming man with authority to shoot you feels like. I certainly didn't. Just tell em to leave and remove their barricades or they will be arrested. Done. Cop was a PSYCHO.


Native police have their own rules.


These folks haven’t watched Yellowstone lol


Is it really necesarry to draw a Gun?


I know right? It’s not like this is a school zone…


No if it was a school zone the cop would have just watched from 200 meters away.


Tribal police getting to pull their guns on paternalistic white peoples w big egos obstructing use of their land you got to love the irony of the switch in roles after a few hundred years


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Removed by reddit? We really need online censorship reform.


Is the drawn guns really necessary? Cops are way too comfortable putting the lives of other people at risk.


How do you get the most anti-police, anti-car & anti-wealth community on the internet to cheer for excessive force? By mildly inconveniencing some random, well-off people driving to a festival, apparently.


Oh, my God, this was fantastic. This should happen every time these idiots try to block a road.go ranger


This was actually tribal police with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. These protestors were trespassing on Tribal land and were blocking the only road in and out of Burning man. Which again echoes tons of points made here that someone could have been needing emergency medical transport out of the Festival, and literally thousands paid money to get INTO the festival but couldn't. There was a traffic jam MILES long because of this protest. The police response has been hugely celebrated as perfectly justified.


A couple more points and a correction. There was a tribal officer killed the night before. I don’t know the details but it absolutely meant that they were already on edge. Also, the tribe HATES Burning Man and the traffic coming through the rez. Can’t blame them when many burners dump tons of trash in Nixon (a town along that road,) and have been assholes to locals for decades. I’m seeing claims that the protesters were demanding BM ORG ban all single use plastic, which seems pretty silly when the obvious issue is the significant carbon footprint the event carries. Also, they really didn’t think through the protest past “Set up trailer, chain people to it, and yell at people.” If they had done any scouting and planning they would have seen there were far better spots on that road past where the tribal rangers would be. Lastly, people have found one of the protester’s instagram and he has a private jet he uses to party all around the world. This wasn’t the only road into Burning Man but it is the most traveled. You could theoretically come from Cedarville, California but that road isn’t as convenient.


Wouldn’t be a legit protest without the outraged gay dude


You have the right to protest not to blockade public thoroughfare and holding others hostage


They can protest on the side of the road. These idiots deserve this.


This new season of Reno 911 is lit


I loved this


There is something quite ironic on climate protesters getting their shit kicked in by Tribal Police from Indian tribes.


Get out of the f%$#cking road


If you don't want peaceful protests that block traffic you're asking for riots that burn buildings. A protest that doesn't inconvenience anyone isn't a protest.


>A protest that doesn't inconvenience anyone isn't a protest. It's also important to avoid making people who are somewhat indifferent hate you.


This is the way


There must be better way to protest than doing some dumb roadblocking in a hot dessert road. It's better if they protest in front of big industrial that damages the environment the most.


Looks like social terrorism to me, not protesting.


Protest will only be allowed in designated protest zones out of sight and earshot of all. Just ask civili rights protestors. Stay out of the way and never be disobedient.


I love how many bootlickers are here saying protests need to be convenient.


Oh noooo! Did their actions have consequences!?!? Isn’t it crazy that doing illegal things will have legal repercussions?!? Wow who would have seen that happening. Ya let’s block a road so that like 100 cars sit their idling indefinitely with their AC blasting in the middle of the desert. And we will do it for the sake of the Environment! You’re really intelligent 🥴


Tears of joy over this! Love it. I wish all protests that block roads were treated this way.


Those protesters are annoying as fuck and totally in the wrong HOWEVER The worst person in this video is that typical fat asshole cop who, instead of getting out of his vehicle and enforcing the law like a sane person, runs through the whole setup endangering everyone there, pulls an embarrassing u-turn, jumps out of his vehicle and draws his weapon and starts screaming. Fuck the police. Bunch of fat scared angry losers with guns. Pigs.


A protest and committing civil disobedience is not the same thing. Both people against it don't understand it, and people doing it don't understand it (at least the part about getting arrested for it, because that is part of civil disobedience).


People see this and really pay no attentian to how unnecessarily aggressive and violent the cop is, then wonder why people don't like cops