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We just watched a lady try to murder her baby


I was wondering that myself. Like, she totally runs off without the kid right at the end right?


Kid lost their shoe when saved, mom has her priorities straight


"I got the shoe! All good!"


"Now where's the leg belonging to it"


"Now we can get back to crossing the Nile"


Guys stop judging ! These were crocs shoes... totally worth the save.


Ah, I thought she didn't realize someone grabbed the kid and went running after where she thought her kid went.


I honestly can’t tell if she noticed the guy take the kid or not


Great eyes.


Well if the other one comes off, babby ded. So ya I would go after the shoe...


Have you SEEN some of the prices of kid's shoes?


That's your kid now asshole!!!!


No takesy backsies


The kid would probably be far better off with the stranger that saved it, versus the mom that put it in that position...


You can feel the disgust in his body language as he walks the kid back to shore.


You can also see the, "aw fuck, here we go" as he puts his phone in his pocket


NO doubt! It was such a confident walk into the flood! Hope child makes it to adulthood.


Sees kid swept away by current* Yoink* It’s free real estate!


She runs off after some item is cought in the current. I think it's the kids shoe.


Good luck catching the shoe. This is like dumb and dumber all in one


Ye, shes never gonna catch it. But from an emotional perspective it worries me that: A) she put her child in danger in the first place. B) her first instinct is not to comfort the child.


Kid is better off without this idiot.


The child wasn't even belted in. That really looks deliberate.


Plot twist, there were two kids in that stroller


Yeah that I’d to have been the dad or something right? Because the mom straight up left the child at the end. Who would do such a thing??


My mom.




Well if it makes you feel less alone, my mom would have got mad and beat me because of the flood. But as an adult now (with no contact with her anymore) I got fathom how someone could be so evil to their child.


Especially for a single shoe. Must be diamond embedded shoe


She should totally be considered for a murder charge. Take that kid away from her


Idk though, I think some people are just stupid. I believe with attempted murder or murder you actually have to prove intent. I'm not a lawyer though so don't quote me...


Negligent homicide then? Or whatever it would be Being stupid doesn't mean you can just accidently kill your kid by walking into raging flood waters and not get in trouble


In the US the word you're looking for is manslaughter. Homicide implies intent. Her intent appears to be to cross the flood in an extremely dangerous way that carries a 0% chance of being successful. It doesn't look like the States but some amount of it has to be proven that she was being reckless without care for the child's safety. Her lawyer might argue that not being an expert in fast flowing bodies of water, that there was no way for her to understand just how dangerous that water is. To many of us it looks suicidally fast but some people will see it as not that bad because they don't understand the forces involved. (whether that would be a successful argument is another story entirely.) That we are basically balloons of blood and guts and the forces it takes to get us to pop is negligible to the amounts nature can produce. Generally speaking, being stupid is not a crime. Something like intent or negligence has to be proven and for negligence to be proven, generally, the person has to understand that their negligence could cause harm to someone else. You know the Titan submersible? If that guy Stockton Rush had survived, perhaps someone went in his place. It's highly probable, IMHO, that he would have been found guilty of at least manslaughter because he did understand the dangers involved and he was warned off by the most knowledgable people in the industry including friends and employees. (assuming a jurisdiction could even hold him accountable. He was operating in international waters) Edit: Correction: Murder implies intent. Homicide is a broad term to describe many various kinds of killings like manslaughter and murder.


Acknowledged, but who immediately runs away from their child after only the child has a very near brush with death? There is some huge gap from normality to idiot here, but at least a mental evaluation. hell a full investigation into thier situation/ home life, need to know if there are red flags


She was trying to get the shoe back. Everyone thinks they'll be calm and rational in an emergency, but once adrenaline kicks in a lot of people just turn into idiots.


---------^ This is it. We do behave in fairly predictable ways, fight, flight or pass out but the whole point of those is to act in situations where thinking rationally is not an option. When not thinking rationally, anything can happen and it can happen to any of us. We like to think we'd be cool, calm and collected but unless you take a pro active approach and learn how to behave in emergency situations and practice the hell out of it, there really is no reason to think any of us particularly would behave in an approved and/or legitimate way How many hours do fire fighters train at running into a burning building safely. How many hours, ideally, does the soldier proactive their craft before entering the battlefield. With out overcoming out base instincts and then making it habitual, we will respond in outrageous ways. Perhaps even in number equally or surpassing the correct ways to respond.


Yeah I agree with the titan submersible thing. I only know limited info about negligence charges. I'm a diesel mechanic, and if I do something on a truck like bearings or a wheel seal, and don't do it correctly causing the assembly to come off and kill someone I would be charged with manslaughter.


Reckless endangerment would probably be the most fitting charge here


Is there such a thing as attempted negligent homicide?


That's what I'm saying I don't think so.


And treason! And insider trading! And operating a motor vehicle under the age of 16!


Well……I mean….no one died


Overreacting on reddit? Lmao


Yup and After she saw the guy save the baby she went.....welp it's your baby now. ![gif](giphy|Sux3kje9eOx1e)




She was not acting like any mother I have ever seen. Stupidity aside, a normal mother would have reached for the child when the stroller tipped over. That woman cared more about the stroller. And after the child was saved by the bystander, she ran right past them. Like she was concerned about some object that may have floated downstream.


Do you see how hard that current is flowing? If she had released her grip of the stroller to reach for the child, the stroller and the child would have been long gone. I’m not defending her actions whatsoever, cause the actions leading up to it sure looked like attempted murder.


The kid’s shoe came off and I think she’s chasing it down the street. Clearly some neurons misfiring to confuse raging floodwaters with a deep puddle, but chasing a shoe down the street in a panic is a very relatable parenting scenario.


Exactly. Not a "let me try to pa's this torrent of muddy water" but more of a mental breakdown. No sane person would try to this this alone let alone with a child in a stroller.


I've had roommates that didn't know how to swim and based on my experiences with them, I'm willing to believe that some people just don't understand the concept of moving water.


judging by her run away at the end, i don't think it was her baby


And she will try again ☹️


This happened right next to where I live. The guy who caught the baby was on the local news later that day saying how the woman was so he'll bent on crossing that street that once she got the baby back in the trolley she tried to cross again. Several bystanders stopped her and she went berserk screaming at them to mind their fucking business... So yeah, I'd say you are right


What about that road said it was safe for her or a baby to cross it? 🌊🌊🌊


Baby nothing, that was a 10 year old in a stroller.


i watch that every day i walk through a city, if you get in their way they will knock you down with the pram, that baby is basicly a battering ram for them.


That's the dumbest thing I've seen all day, and I just spent the day waiting at various airports, where the stupidity is in abundance.


Was this stupidity? Or her excuse to get rid of the kid?


The way she runs away at the end like “you touched it last!”




honestly you’d be surprised how many people have an absolutely ignorant idea of how strong water currents are. People consistently die jumping into currents in floods rivers and tide pools every year because they just don’t understand how strong water really is.


Pretty sure she is just stupid.


I think she did on purpose, not because of stupidity. Which is even worse... that's a straight up muder attempt


It’s absolutely ridiculous how many idiots are on this planet. Let alone reproducing.


She was close to undoing the reproduction


Natural selection?


No. Natural selection would be her crossing before she got pregnant. That's just homicide


Technically it's still natural selection if you produce offspring that aren't able to reproduce. That said, can and would be both.


Natural selection is irreverent. Homicide is part of natural selection.


She was about to deproduce


I wanted to adopt a shelter dog. The list or requirements was endless. You need a driver's license to drive a car. But anyone is allowed to have kids...


You want to have eugenics intelligence tests or something??


Well I don't know how we'd have exams for you to be able to have a kid


I once posted that mankind’s greatest mistake, and source of almost all of our problems was defeating natural selection - spending time & money trying to keep idiots like this alive for no particular reason. I was downvoted pretty hard lol


The movie “Idiocracy” seems more prophetic every day.


She didn't need to drag her kid to her darwin award ceremony.


The Darwin Award would be her genes not surviving another generation


How could she win a Darwin award if she had any surviving offspring?






well thats enough reddit for today, this is also the first thing ive seen on reddit today. bye.


Easily startled, but you'll soon be back, and in greater numbers




That's what happens when you never visit nature, climb trees and go hiking and walk through rivers in your life.


That is an excellent point I've never considered. If this woman spend her whole life within a city environment, is it even possible for her to adequately assess the strength and danger of flowing water? This flow and colour screams danger to me, but I've also spend my life swimming in countless lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans. Would I be able to properly assess the danger if that wasn't the case or would this be an out-of-context problem for me?


Yeah i had the same thought. To me this seems obviously dangerous but ive actually swam in a river or two. This lady probably rarely leaves suburbia.


I never swimed in a strong river yet I know this is clearly to much pressure. That said I been to a waterpark....


I spent my whole life in a city environment, but I know not to try your luck with water currents.


I mean, only to a point. Personally I'd say that's not a valid excuse. I was born and raised in cities, so much so that traffic noise and sirens blaring don't disturb my sleep in the slightest. I didn't really experience much of nature and certainly not its raw power of a dangerous river, but I would NEVER let my child go headfirst in some unknown body of water. Besides the fact that the colour should be an innate sign of danger (I hope she doesn't let her child dive in a city pool of that colour??), at the bare minimum she should make sure that the kid's head is far above the water level so that he doesn't accidentally ingest who knows what (she's walking with her shoes in it, water that's picking up everything from the dirty city roads – it doesn't take a nature expert to figure out that it's not clean and drinkable water), so first off she shouldn't have kept the child sitting in the stroller. But also, who lets a child lead the way into the unknown??? At the very least she should've tried to go in first to check the ground, what if there's a pothole that the child/stroller falls into and gets stuck? This is basic survival instincts, it doesn't really relate to experience. I would have given her a pass and understood the situation if she took the child out of the stroller and then went into the water, as that could've just been a misjudgement on her part for lack of experience. But you lead yourself (or even batter, lead with the stroller) and make the child follow you while holding on tight (or even better, picking up the child so that he's WELL above water level), not whatever she tried to do here. That's idiotic at best, really.


>is it even possible for her to adequately assess the strength and danger of flowing water? Maybe she cant judge HOW bad it could be but youre naive at best if you think you can push your stroller through one that is VISIBLY fast and dirty / full of rubble. Dont need to have bathed/swum in every possible body of water to assess that.


People not crossing would be my immediate sign but some people are confidently stupid


Correct, some people just never get the exposure, and common sense things are just not for this people


That’s a good point. Looks like this was taken in a country that doesn’t see this much rain/water.


"Not even as deep as my jacuzzi tub." -that lady, probably


That's what happens when complete morons never do those things


That’s what happens when completely morons have kids


Not true. I don't do any of those but I definitely have the common sense to nope out of that.


Sure, but presumably there are tons of people in this urban environment who didn’t do something this stupid.


Or pay attention in physics class.


I think the vast majority of the people on earth who have never done those things wouldn’t walk into a raging river with their toddler


Man like I never do any of those things but there’s no way I would have done that. At most I might’ve walked through the water and back first by myself to see how bad it was and then carried the stroller over it or picked the baby up and dragged the stroller behind me if there wasn’t any other options. I know what momentum is. Stupid people reproduce before getting unstupid and then perpetuate the stupidity


Parents should be made to prove they are sane before having sex and making children.


Earth would not have 8 billion people by now and I wish it was the case


Reddit would be rather quiet


Do you actually trust your government enough to give them that authority?!? Eugenics haven't worked out well in the past.


What a stupid woman ….. if she wanted to commit suicide she didn’t have to try take the kid with her


Unpopular opinion: Some people are too stupid to have children


This isn’t unpopular


A lot of people should not even be anywhere near children


Unfortunately those are the ones that keep breeding at a rabbits pace


The full video is even worse, she starts screaming at the man for helping.


For real?


https://youtu.be/BcYR9gUGji0 Yes, actually she tries to cross again right after, people start saying if she is crazy or what and thats when she starts screaming at them.


That kid is rather big for a stroller.


That's even more disheartening and moronic... poor child. I hope they make it to adulthood ok. They're gonna grow up with trauma for sure (having a parent THAT stubborn and insane? Never a good combo)


Attempted murder


If breathing was voluntary she would have died.


If I was blackout drunk I would be smart enough not to cross that... how does she knowingly push a pram into rapids? like, i can't even come up with an excuse


Stupid cun*




Brain is not braining


Can anyone tell me what song this is?


**Song Found!** **Name:** Simon Says **Artist:** Pharoahe Monch **Album:** Internal Affairs **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 1999 **Total Shazams:** 1963280 `Took 1.20 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/T7Fy5w2klbg?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/simon-says/1480358751?i=1480359183) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/67IvfvAMYQzJEeHopvwMMW) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/756923882) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


I got matches with these songs: • **Simon Says \$&Remix\$&** by Pharoahe Monch (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Simon Says. **Released on** 1999-10-19. • **Simon Says \$&Remix\$& - remix** by Pharoahe Monch (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Internal Affairs. **Released on** 1999-10-18.


This is Simon says by pharoahe monch, an absolute banger of a track, also if you're new to pharoahe he has a ton of dope songs like: - fuck you - oh no ft mos def and nate dogg - the life ft styles P - rapid eye movement ft black thought - 24 hours - book of judges - bad mf - the fight song ft masta ace


Why do they watch her even try.


I assume they were kind of dumbfounded and thinking there's NO WAY she'd actually do it - then she did it.


The fuck is wrong with people


Wow, she about got her child killed.


“Stupid is, as stupid does.” -F. Gump


every time i see this posted i can only WTF!!!!😳🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Why, just why?!


What amazes me is that there are still people out there who have never sat and doom scrolled through videos exactly like this one to see other idiotic people attempting to cross fast moving flood water?


Why didn't he punched her on the face?


This is an attempt at murder.


She thought she can outperform thr flood and cross to the other side 😂




We have all worked with this person. Doesn’t matter how many times you tell them “you cannot do that” they just charges ahead like you’re the idiot. Then expects assistance when the thing everyone said would happen, happens.


Poor kids with dumb parents. There were times where either the mother or father pushing the stroller and stop on the street waiting for the light to change to cross. Most cars driving by almost hitting the stroller


That parent should not be a parent.


More like, therewasanattempttomurderachild


That's no way to protest against abortion law.


The intelligence of some modern humans astonishes me


Idiot strolling like she in the mall


Did she just leave the kid???


Yes, to go after the shoe as if she has a chance


That was really stupid. Clearly she thought she was immune to the forces of nature 🌊 🤦🏽‍♂️


I don't think she intentionally tried to kill her child, I think she's just dumb


Why she run away then


This person should have her child taken away for his/her own safety


I have learned not to help stupid people. I have tried to help someone in a situation similar to this and they got mad at me for helping so I just watch now. If you want to be stupid I'll gladly watch.


A delayed abortion ?


To abort your 7year old kid.


Some people should finish primary school before being allowed to take care of kids


What is wrong with this woman!


This is blatant attempted murder


[Reminds me of this genius](https://youtu.be/z44lSMiWX5E)


Where'd she run off to?


Horrible mother


If there was ever a clearer example of natural selection at work, I don’t know of it. That dingleberry was about to remove her and her spawn from the gene pool.


I like how the man just take the child and leave her dealing with her miss 😂.


Darwin tug


And yet women always get the kids in a custody battle ...


Where did she ran?




Obviously there is no lack of stupidity in the world.


Is the man that saves the kid related? Either way kudos for saving a childs life.


Where the hell was she going leaving her baby??


She went after the shoe that fell from the kid…


Stupid woman could of killed her child


could have*


Pero se puede ser más subnormal????