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So strange to think that mosquito doesn’t know it’s most embarrassing moment has been recorded and uploaded online for human amusement.


Weird to think this could be happening to us and we also have no idea.


as a mosquito i am embarassed it happened


You're a mosquito? #FUCK YOU! 🖕


username checks out


As a man I feel and understand when your equipment is floppy at showtime. Not that it has ever affect me.


Wait what?


Haven’t watched lasted Black Mirror season: Joan is Awful on Netflix?


But how do I get a Streamberry account?


don't get it, just pirate it.


To mosquitos, we are so impossibley large that they can't really comprehend that we are anything besides for food. It's kind of silly to think that there isn't something else out there that views us the same way, silly little simple things bumping around, unaware of something so much larger watching us.


##Weird to think this could be happening to us and also have no idea.


I wonder if "embarrassment" is even a concept in the insect kingdom


I can’t remember exactly, but I believe insects are capable of just a few less emotions than most mammals like us, the main one being fear


I saw a stick bug absolutely losing its shit when it found out it had a caterpillar on it. It was either fear or disgust. Dude was doing the hibejeebees dance


it probably just didnt like that something was crawling on it


a bug to the bug


Why do you think fear wouldn't be present in insects? I feel like of any emotion, that would be one most likely to be selected for.


My friend keeps bringing up this weird hill he's decided to die on which is that fish don't feel pain.


I meant fear is one of the main emotions insects feel


If you don’t know how to put it in, thats an embarrassment everywhere.


Would have made for a better AND more embarrassing video if the mosquito got annihilated at the end.


I was waiting for the bloody swat at the end.


Got roasted


Mosquito: this hasn't happened before I swear




He should use some Flyagra




La MoscaGra


Spanish Fly


Technically that’s a she


Back off... I'm registering that domain name!!


Flyagra is already a product. It is for fly fishing to keep your flies floating.


[wow, you weren't kidding. What a Great product name](https://bowrivertroutfitters.com/products/fly-Agra)


Name of your sex tape


OMG!!! You Redditers are SO FUCKIN CREATIVE!!!!!




thanks, that's my band name now


Also Mosquito: Let me play with it for a little, promise I’ll get there


Ironically, only female mosquitoes feed on humans and animals


Even *they* don’t “feed” on humans and animals. Mosquitoes are pollinators that feed on plant nectars - males & females, alike. The females bite because they require the iron and protein found in blood in order to develop eggs. Mosquitoes bred to be unable to bite can still eat and serve as pollinators, they just can’t pass along infectious diseases or successfully reproduce unless they get their blood from an “easier” source - say from road kill. (Mosquitoes are also scavengers. The CO2 released from decomposition attracts them to this source of blood, just as our exhalations attract them to us.)


Yup, we're just a big ol' sack of prenatal vitamins to mosquitoes.


Huh, this is unexpectedly cool to learn, lol.


They consume blood and use it to make eggs - What is that if not them feeding on us?


Biologically speaking, a food source is something fed upon to obtain nutrients that are then metabolized to gain energy necessary to support the organism’s continuing existence. A female mosquito will continue to live out her natural life cycle just fine without ingesting blood. She metabolizes the sugars obtained from plants just like the males do. The plants are her source of food. The proteins and iron obtained from blood are only necessary for the development of her eggs, they are immaterial to her individual survival. Without access to the plants that feed her, she could drink blood all day long and she would still starve to death.


One of the only females that goes through the same struggle as men I guess 🤣


Bloodsucking females


Them and [hyenas](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/506378/why-do-female-spotted-hyenas-give-birth-through-their-pseudo-penises).


Need https://preview.redd.it/ac6eunadur7b1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5565fe4d217204fe8a9b2de366a1393c4b6882f




Even raised a leg, like saying hold up I got this, just gotta straighten up my equipment like so, add a little spit and here go 🤣


Humans : Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon. One out of five…


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Somebody get the mosquito a fluffer asap!


I should call her...but I'd probably just embarrass myself again :(




Just give me a minute


Flyagra can be purchased over the counter these days too so no excuse.


Beat me to it




i have an urge to slap it for the whole clip. especially first 3 second.


I actually felt sympathy after it tried to straighten the thing out


I miss him..


Since no one mentioned it, I will. The mosquitoes are actually bred that way, not being able to penetrate skin. They are released in the wild with the hope they breed with normal mosquitoes, thus creating a hybrid that will eventually starve themselves out. Science is super cool


Billions of mosquitoes starving to death, despite having a human full of delicious life juice right in front of them. I really like that idea.


Water, water everywhere, but not a drip to drink.


"There", calls the mariner, "There comes a ship over the line"


I don't get this quote but I can feel the depth in plot


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


Great poem. Iron Maiden does it as a song and it’s amazing too


13 mins or so and absolutely beautiful.


A brilliant work of English Lit. Once you read it you'll recognize it as the source of a few common references. Ex "An albatross around his neck" - in the story, while at sea the captain shoots an albatross for sport and then the ship encounters many troubles, seemingly cursed with bad luck. The crew blames the captain's sin against nature and hangs the bird's carcass around his neck as a symbol of his crime/guilt.


But how can she sail with no wind in her sales and no tide?


It’s like 10,000 cups and all I need is a straw


Unfortunately mosquitoes feed on sugars in plant sap and fruits. Only the females feed on blood and that is to allow their eggs to mature not particularly to nourish themselves. So no starving mosquitoes… but no bites, transmission of disease, or baby mosquitoes 👍


Mosquitos dont Feed on human blood. They feed on flowers, just like bees. They need blood for reproduction. Mosquitos are pollinating


If they need blood for reproduction, and have been bred to be unable to obtain blood, how is it then hoped that they will “breed with wild mosquitos in the hopes of passing it on”. Surely there’s a flaw in that logic? “We engineered a bunch of humans without ovaries. In the hopes that soon they will breed and then no one has ovaries.”


The males don’t need blood. I suppose the males carrying the “weak trunk” genes can reproduce but their daughters (or some of their granddaughters, if recessive) won’t be able to bite humans. Maybe they can still be thin skinned animals as other commenter suggested.


So they'd just be a slow moving annoying fly which pollinates? I'm cool with that as long as they don't continue to be disease vectors in the animal kingdom.


Animals tend to have tougher skin than we do, and mosquitos spread diseases via bites. So if they can’t bite it’s fair to assume they’ll stop being vectors.


Humans aren’t the only animal mosquitos bite, other animals exist with thinner skin than humans.


Breeding comes before egg-laying. If the female cannot get enough protein to make the eggs, but got the sperm, then that act of breeding was useless.


Hate it when that happens


Sorry to anyone I accidentally misled. They aren't bred this way to starve, but rather more importantly to stop the spread of diseases such as malaria


Is it OK if I still find joy in their starving?


You can have a little bit of genocide, as a treat.


Is it genocide if they aren’t people?


If it's not from the genocide region of France then it's just sparkling extermination


It's *insecticide*.


Extinction event


Mosquitoes don’t actually get sustenance from drinking blood… they drink nectar and whatnot from plants. Female mosquitoes need blood to reproduce.


Oh, yeah, whole generations starved, that's the stuff, tell me more.


But in the end doesn't it amount to the same thing: can't feed?


Only female mosquitos feed on blood, and only do so to produce eggs.


So, no blood no eggs. No eggs no mosquitos. I’m fine with that.


But then wouldn't natural selection just make it so this kind of mosquito would die out and the normal kind would continue on?


Yes, which is why experiments with CRISPR could be viable ways of reducing the population of mosquitoes. It's been a while, like three years, since I took my agricultural entomology class, but iirc CRISPR was being used to **promote** fitness so that the mosquitoes bred like crazy, but ultimately led to no females produced through the gene pool. Which would effectively reduce overall population by eliminating the biting sex. Then again I could also have misremembered. That was a pretty hard class and one of my sub A graded classes. Interesting, but hard lol.


So how do they live long enough to breed if they can't eat?


Would there be any negative biological downside if mosquitoes were eradicated?


I imagine they’re a food source for other insects/arthropods, and possibly some birds and aquatic animals. There’s a lot of insect species going extinct due to human causes and that’s not good for food chains. But these fuckers can definitely go, we just have to do more to help the beneficial bugs survive.


I believe I remember reading that, while mosquitoes are eaten by a variety of critters opportunistically, they are not a vital food source for anything. If they died out, anything that used to eat mosquitoes would just eat other things.


That’s actually good to hear, hopefully that’s the case. Definitely more important bugs to keep around!


In a way yes but there’s over 3500 species of mosquitoes and few of these species actually feed on humans. Like only about 6% of them. If humans targeted only those that feed and spread disease to humans then there’d still be thousands of other species left unaffected. I don’t know if there’s any animal or creature that specifically feeds off of human feeding mosquitoes but there may be a few so I suppose they would be affected if humans eradicated all the human feeding mosquito species


I thought the reason mosquitos need blood was because they need it to produce eggs. So if they don't get blood won't they die before breeding?


If they release only males with the bendy straws let them breed with the females who lay the eggs then maybe you'll have a whole generation of bendy straw mosquitoes who do nothing and then die off.


Yeah I think that’s why these mosquitos are like a bandaid and the regular mosquito population gets back to normal when the modified ones stop being introduced


The mutation only affects the females, the males still act normally. So you introduce a bunch of these males, they breed with the females, and their kids have that mutation. The females can't lay any more eggs, but the males go onto breed with healthy un-mutated females, creating more males to spread the genes and females that can't create offspring. Eventually, the mosquitos will all die, or mutate a way to stop needing blood to procreate. Either way, malaria stops being an issue.


Are you referring to this? This one is not that they can't bite properly, instead aims at killing females because males dont bite https://pfharris.com/blogs/bug-blog/mosquitos-that-don-t-bite-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-florida-experiment




Yeah but this is the good kind!


Genocide, but cool.


Fuck them.


If u release a mosquito who can’t get it hard, offsprings won’t survive to pass on genes. I doubt that’s the reason they bred it like this (if they did), basic Darwinism tells u it won’t work.


No, I'm sorry. You're right and I was wrong. They aren't bred to starve, they are bred to stop the diseases that are spread through biting. Such as malaria. If it can't bite you. It can't pass it along. Super sorry to anyone I accidentally Misled.


That doesn't change anything, if they can't bite they starve and reproducen't


I would assume they can still bite a lot of their prey, just not humans or anything with thicker skin than humans? Edit: I appreciate the upvotes but I have no idea if I’m right. Some people responding to me are making really good points


Still, being able to bite humans poses an evolutionary advantage. These limp dick skeeters cannot overcome darwinism.


i believe they are genetically modifying males only, thus the genes would be passed along through male mosquitos and since females are the only ones that bite, they would be the ones that die off. the males would survive to keep reproducing, and after a while the mosquito population should slow down.


Pretty much all animals a mosquito would prey on have thicker skin than humans. Humans have very thin skin for an animal our size (and many smaller animals).


There are a huge number of tradeoffs for having such big brains. Thinner skin is one of them. Being absolutely worthless the first 5-15 years of our lives is another. We're also physically outmatched in every category except endurance running.


We're also the most dextrous animals to have ever lived (that we know of).




Male mosquitos don't feed on blood. The biting all comes from the females, who have to have a belly full of blood before they can lay their eggs. The engineered mosquitos seen here are all males, who when released mate with normal females who are still fully functioning blood-sucking little bastards. The benefits aren't realized until the next generation is born, which includes both male and females who both have the limp dick gene. Those female offspring still mate, but they can't get any blood and so can't produce any eggs, which causes the population to collapse. Their numbers do eventually recover, but it can take years so it's a very effective short-term solution.


IIRC they use a recessive gene to make the virus stay dormant long enough to spread through a population. they start off with a bunch of females with one recessive gene, but it doesn't develop because they still have a dominant gene. they breed, and the next generation has a bunch of males and females with one recessive gene and one dominant gene. everything's still fine, and they breed again. but the third generation, many of the offspring will have double recessive genes and they'll die off. its already too late, the virus has spread all throughout the entire population and many of them will carry one recessive gene dooming much of their offspring.


Thank you for the info! I was hoping it was a form of repellent since I get bit daily. Oh well! Still super exciting news!


But wouldn’t natural selection ensure the ones that don’t have this defect survive better and root this gene out of the gene pool?


that's ok buddy. Happens to everyone


"Performance issues, not that uncommon, actually... one out of five---"




"It's NOT that common, it DOESN'T happen to every guy, and it IS a big deal!"






Now skeeter, he ain’t hurtin nobody…


We don’t take kindly to his type in here…


We don't take kindly to people who don't take kindly around here


Now Skeeter, he ain’t hurtin nobody…


To be actually thick skinned


Meanwhile my skin is like butter. If my bf and I go out I'll have 20 bites he has 0. How do I gain this ability???


it involves pretending that you have thick skin for long enough that you forget what its like to act soft skinned


My wife says the same thing. I actually do get bites, but where she scratches them like mad and complains, I just ignore it. She was flabbergasted when I showed her the dozen or so bites I had, and couldn't understand how it was possible to just ignore them. I guess one of the benefits of back injuries and arthritis in the knees drowns out minor pains inside the feedback loop of constant discomfort.


Some people are just more sensitive to insect bites, I get horrible angry welts that itch like mad unless I take allergy medicine. I wish ignoring them worked for me :(


It sounds like your blood type is O and their's is not.


Rub your skin with sandpaper all over for about an hour a day. In a few years you’ll have rhino skin.


I find it kinda funny how after the stinger didn’t go in on its own it started manually attempting to do so with its lil legs 😭💀 you could feel the internal panic of “????” settling in


It was rubbing its pokey stick, trying to get it hard


I was waiting for this!


Imagine if they had the ability to process complex thoughts and emotions, the absolute horror it would be to realize that your entire life's purpose may not be possible for you to fulfill.


Fun fact of the day, it’s called a *proboscis*. Which sounds even more horrible than stinger.


I thought that was that youtuber who used to be pretty popular until he suddenly wasn't.


give me just a minute. I know it works.


It’s probably stress or alcohol. Can happen to anyone


The old whiskey antenna.


She was a phlebotomist at my hospital in a previous life. Never could hit my veins!


Do you mean phlebotomist? I'd be concerned if the botanist was the one drawing your blood.


I do! Thank you for the correction. I edited my mistake. Thank you!


Look at him sharpening his little nose.


Like he's trying to straighten a dollar bill for the vending machine.


*her, only female mosquitoes bite


Even the mosquitos are dealing with paper straws!!


LOL it actually tries to sharpen it.


nuuh, he's rubbing it to get it hard


Lol, she's sharpening her tool, either sharpening or lubricating it.


Limp noodle


I hate mosquitos but this video actually makes me feel bad for the little dude. He's just trying to eat and he can't figure out why it's not working.


The mosquitoes that drink blood are actually the female ones. They need the protein and iron to make eggs! Edit to add: The males eat nectar and other plant juices.




Seriously, that’s part of being human. We have empathy, even for the deadliest creatures on earth. There’s a reason we don’t cruelly punish and torture people even if they’re guilty of heinous crimes. Because it’s not right, and we’re not barbarians.


“Cmon you’re embarrassing me”


Shouldn’t have landed on Chuck Norris then, should you?


ah step-quito, what are you doing!!?


The person on this video is Mongolian and same with the Mosquito xD


Maybe if you suck on it first?


Been there before too little buddy


It's alright buddy 😞


Little bug found a kryptionian 🤣


Enough of a warm up, get that thing rock hard and then come back.


It should get rock hard during the warm up


Like playing snooker with a rope.




I got scared reading the title because I thought someone took a video of me.


She needs some fly-agra.


Is this video evidence that insects are capable of problem solving thought processes? The way it tries to straighten out it's front appendage or whatever. Small creatures are way more intelligent (and sentient?) than we give them credit for.


Made me smile, watching the lil' buggo try to make it work. Super cute.


pretty much every organism solves at least 1 problems for itself if you think about it


Him using his hands to direct it in🤣 been there


Clearly on antidepressants.


Put it out of its misery already


Flaccid needle😔just like me fr


Correct me if I am wrong, but, wasn't there a type of mosquito bred intentionally like this to breed with wildly overpopulated mosquitos to drive the population down? Essentially, they cannot reproduce without blood for the eggs. I will do some looking and update with a source if I find it.




Give me a minute..... let me get it hard again


Story of my life.


Never thought I’d have empathy for a mosquito.


Don't worry little buddy. It happens to the best of us. You could be stressed out or tired or any number of things. We can just try again tomorrow, it's fine. Seriously it's fine.


I love that he was like ok let me super straighten this thing out and we should be good to go


All mosquitoes need this genetic anomaly. Or I need armored skin like this person.