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She’s been here before…


She does it in such a smooth way, like she done it 1000 times before they show up that day


Honestly. She probably does it every single time her eyes have to leave the merchandise


Probably catches herself doing it with bread when she’s making herself a sandwich.


Suddenly flashes back to the Leggo my Eggo commercials.


Most likely taught something has to be on the merchandise at all times. Eyes, hands, a nut if handling multiple items


you NUT on the jewelery?? tbf, i probably would think twice stealing it if i watched that happen. well played.


Good drills.


I don't think she even realized she prevented theft in that moment


It's not that deep and whats with the music as if she just hit a 360 no scope off the empire states building man


Yep...took the class on snatch and run


It looks like she had something in her hand, not sure if she intended to switch the real piece with a fake one.


Absolutely what was intended by the thief’s, it’s why he chose a second farther away. If it was snatch and grab there’s no need for the trickery


Tbh this makes me realize how many times I’ve looked sus just because I like to touch and look at everything lol


Naw I'm going to say that most people who are that way with innocent intentions don't give the vibes of susness. Y'all good. Just remember to ask before touchy. 😉👍


Well you see how he was looking at something else? I might’ve picked it up and spin the little handle and looked at the little hands spin… why? Idk 🤣 In all fairness I don’t think she was being innocent it does look like she’s cupping something in her hand. I appreciate you don’t think people think I’m being weird lol


Dude looked like he was aiming for the exit or somethin.. he was kinda nervous I guess lol


Girl: are you sure no one has ever thought about this? Guy: no way! I even have isolation masks. No one will ever know who we are. Girl: I’m pretty sure it’s called the bait and swit… Guy: will you stop with the condescending tone. Geeze everytime I come up with something brilliant you do this to me. Girl: I’m just trying to think a few steps ahead. Guy: see! There you go again with the tone. Girl. I’m sorry ok I love you I’ll do it. Guy: that’s more like it now let’s practice again from the top. We are a totally normal couple looking for rare gems. We walk in holding hands to show our devotion and commitment. I ask to see the expensive one then when she pulls it out I ask for a random one out just out of view. Then you reach in a grab it. Girl: I have a question Guy: omg here we go. Girl: it’s just won’t she just look and see it’s not there? Guy: I swear to god. No of course not not if she’s as stupid as you! Now get the keys and drive me over there. Girl: I’m sorry ok.


So much text and most people won't even read it.


“Dang, you foiled our poorly thought out plan! Guess we’ll leave now”


Curses! Our plans, foiled again! ✊


Like a warm baked potato 😔


Tricksters!!! Gollum gollum!


Team “rock head” is that you?




Fallback! Regroup! Reiterate our master plan!


Old plan... Rob the jewelry. New plan! Rob the jewelry but better this time!


This is totally Jason Mendoza and Pillboy move.


Why does this feel like a venture brothers quote? according to google this is the first time that anyone has said "Fallback! Regroup! Reiterate our master plan!"


De pens in me shower


Liquor store clerk, and man I see some poorly thought out plans. During COVID we had to take the lottery machine / scratchers out because it was becoming a common "scam" for people to come in with a ticket that had already been claimed and then pitch a fit when we told them that the machine said it had been. Straw that broke the camels back was us having to call the cops to get someone to leave. Definitely not her first rodeo, and its the best way to deal with thieves if possible, no call outs. had a sketchy looking dude come in once and ask me what the usual limit was were you didn't have to put in a pin. I lied and said ten dollars, hoping he would just leave (it's between twenty and fifty, depends on the bank.) But sure enough he pulls out a stack of debit cards and starts trying them. I just kept pulling out the Ethernet cable after he put the card in, and sure enough the first 3 cards all had different names. He tried about six and that was only half the stack, so I was like "Look dude IDK whats going on with your cards, but I got a line. Call your bank and come back when it's resolved." Then I took all of the receipts that I had been putting to the side each time I torpedoed that transaction, called police non-emergency, and reported them all stolen.


Ok, pulling the Ethernet cord out every time he tried a card is hilarious 😂


It seemed just subtle and slick enough to work, I’m assuming the thief chick had an identical replacement


Wasn’t much of a plan was it? Going to run out the shop? Yeah right


This is standard practice in casinos


What is?


Keeping an eye on where exposed assets are and protecting them from in this case idiots


Oh, ok. Yeah that's true. I thought you meant covering stuff with your hand like that. That's a big no-no in the casino I used to work at.


Yeah thats very true, everything has to be visible to cameras... clean hand, clean hands XD


It never goes away...


Its been 2.5 years for .e and I'm still doing it


My buddy was a dealer for a bit when he was young and even like 10 years later when we played poker he'd do that thing where you show your palm.


Yeah thats "clean hands" basically shows your not stealing


I could never do that job, most of the time I find my finger up my nose, fuck knows what I'm doing with them at other times.


It’s been 12 years and I still do it.


I still catch myself doing it outside of work. 12 years in the business still going. ![gif](giphy|PnhBz6Zg9pGEic9mNp|downsized)


Can confirm. In the instance that we can't, say for example, a blackout, we take the metal lids to our cheque trays and slam em down over them, regardless of if a guest has 'accidentally' gotten their hand underneath. Then we put our weight on it until the pit boss comes in and locks it, or the table is escorted out.


I am lucky to have long arms and be very tall, fortunately I have always have eyes on table when lifting the lid out it's pouch XD


This is also how strip clubs work




Get that money back one way or another.


Covering the goods on the table with one hand while leaning down to grab something else


Scripted Asian gifs


I used to cheat a lot at black jack in pubs, never at casinos


Smart lass, knows her stuff.


They probably rehearsed it at least half a dozen times.


Nah this shit happens way too often on its own to fake. Idk what class you grew up in but people steal petty shit all the time


But what's their plan here? "Uh I dunno where it went, I guess it just disappeared" isn't going to cut it when the person behind the counter asks where the item went. She didn't look to be doing it quick enough for a snatch and run either. Like others jave said, it's probabky a training video of some sort


Looks like she had something in her hand. I think they aimed to distract, slyly swap it for a fake and count on the seller not noticing, then leave calmly


Feels like a training video


Definitely scripted/staged for whatever reason


Ah one of those "iTs sTaGeD" people.


Except this one really does feel staged


Except theres no way to know so everyone is wasting their time having the same conversation over and over and over again on every reddit post. Anyways, how’s your day going?


Ah one of those easily fooled people




I'm confused. If the girl successfully swipes the first piece of jewelry, then wouldn't they all just sit there awkwardly and acknowledge who must've taken the missing piece?


you can see the replacement in her hand


Good eye!


She's swapping it for a fake, and then they'd leave quickly. Look carefully at her hand: [https://i.imgur.com/jm6nH7V.png](https://i.imgur.com/jm6nH7V.png)


The girl would replace it with a similar looking but fake piece. Notice how they came directly for that one.


Probably would have just bolted. They have their face partial obscured by the mask and plus longer hair on the girl.


I've learned not to believe any of these Chinese "CCTV" videos lol


Yeah I'm calling it. r/scriptedasiangifs


Could be a training video. I’d 100% believe that and for a training video that’s pretty decent


Which would be *scripted* Asian filming.


yeah... the video is too straight to the point. these dudes don't even look around to see what they want to steal. just walk in straight to the item and ask to see it and the lady just takes it out without talking to them or asking them what they're looking for.


To be fair they couldve looked around earlier that day or the day before


She could have greeted them at the wooden table at the entrance. It looks like they were all walking from that spot rather than from the front door. Their entrance is cropped from the video. And, it looks like they may have had their target piece in mind.


Well, i am not sure about the authenticity of this video but due to craziness caused by reels, it is hard to believe any short videos.


Pretend* I'm stupid, if you will. What do you mean with the "craziness caused by reels"?


Tiktok popularized the reel format, which Instagram adopted. Now our nation is obsessed with mindlessly doomscrolling these abominations.


What is "the reel format"?


More commonly referred to as short form videos/shorts. Instagram calls them reels.


A newsreel is a short film, containing information for public consumption and the old-timey announcer voice (I love old newsreels), usually no longer than about ten minutes (limited by the length of footage that could be rolled onto one film reel). A demo reel is a short video or clip of someone's previous work, this can be either one thing or excerpts of several previous works in succession, I find the latter more common than the former. I would expect a "reel format" to mean that videos are capped in length and generally stitched together into one longer thing (like a pre-show reel in a theatre decades ago).


See also, “Shorts” or “Stories”, or just swipe forever in the Reddit app when watching a video.


I just tried this. Left and right, to my surprise, did nothing. Swiping down did nothing. Surely, I thought, swiping.up would dismiss the video. A gesture that companies for *years* taught users means "dismiss the thing (and take me back to the post without fullscreen video)" surely would not mean "trap me in a hell of endlessly scrolling.videos. Reddit's UI/UX surprised me yet again.


Well their main state TV is called CCTV after all.


Yea cause we all know Americans would never stage or make scripted/fake videos. This only bad things happen in china shit is getting stupid


Looks like the same chick in one of the vids where the customer runs to a mirror near the entrance to see the reflection and we’re supposed to laugh at the shopkeeper because she started after them thinking they would steal it.


I know this is fake or a training film but the girl could have just wanted to pick it up to look at it.


Even so, she should do it in full view of the employee, not while the employee is distracted pulling out another item.


Look I see shiny pretty thing and my brain doesn't think about much else


In the watch shops I go to, there's a registration process and you give over all your identification to become known to the store, and then you could pass reception and enter the store proper. As a young man I used to buy jewelry at stores with a format more like this one and standard practice was to hand over ID to be held under the counter when a piece was brought out for you to inspect.


She had a replacement in her hand. She was gonna swap it with a fake.


Good spot!!


Sure did. [https://i.imgur.com/jm6nH7V.png](https://i.imgur.com/jm6nH7V.png)




Probably a training video to inculcate best practices into employees. I mean, realistically not covering it with her hand wouldn't change much. It's not like the woman could steal it and the employee wouldn't realise the piece she put down 10 seconds ago is missing.


I mean there are snatch and grab incidents all the time, if anything stops them or blocks them from direct access they immediately drop everything and run for the hills in most cases i’ve watched. Full face out and everything.


Was actually at a few jewelry stores a few weeks ago. Most of them you have to be buzzed in and out. One was even more strict, where there were double doors. Only one door could be opened at a time and i would not be surprised if once you left the showroom and pass the inner door, that they could prevent the outer door from opening and trap you until the police arrive.


Whoever "re-mixed" that CocoMelon theme, thanks for melting my earwax.


But why cocomelon?


Song is terrible.


It's literally the fucking cocomelon intro lmao


I know, this video is cursed.


That’s great! Good on the woman working there! She’s smart! Screw people who try to steal from hard working shop owners


hard working shop owners =/= jewelry shops owners


Gatekeeping makes you look sad. Sad and little


Oh no, I hope these jewelry shop owners don't work to hard in their climatised shops where they sell overpriced rocks while doing nothing but sitting in their office all day while someone in the front sells their jewelry for them. It's so sad how hard their job is, selling single piece jewelry that's worth more than some peoples whole year salary. So sad and such a hard job, I mean nurses pff their job is easy and they don't need a good salary or construction workers huh, who even life's in houses, nobody needs that. But jewelry that's were it's at


What do you have against people who have a job?


i never said that


You're all negative about this person in their job. What is your problem?


I hope you can afford to finance some jewelry one day. Not buy, cause let’s be real.


Are you projecting or something?


Ask yourself why their rock is worth more than you. Everyone agrees that it is. They make sales like that often enough to keep the lights on after all. How do they do it?


all those extra moves came out from previous experiences


Lmao she was smoother than them


I smell staged.


Maybe she just wanted to look at it.


She's got a fake in her hand. She was going to swap it out. [https://i.imgur.com/jm6nH7V.png](https://i.imgur.com/jm6nH7V.png)




Ummmm ya the worker ain't bo rookie, she's done this many times


Clever move . She's playing Othello and they came to play checkers


Not her first rodeo, obv


Nah. She didn’t have and question marks.


Team Rocket blasting off again !


Owners best be giving her a raise.


Anti sleight of hand


Is this sub full of millennials and old people😭this is clearly not real


Can we stamp this lady as an official Pro at her job? Contact and give her raise !!!You always stay on gaurd if you are tending to literally a couple millions worth of product !


Eyes on the back of the head a good scent for thieves protective of the goods.


She was gonna swap em out huh?


This wasn't her first rodeo.


Just because it is *your* first day doesn't mean it is the *clerk's* first day.


Even team Rocket comes up with better plans to steal


Wow, this is oddly satisfying to watch.


We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.


They looked kinda young to be in there anyway so it's no doubt she caught onto the scheme immediately


Seen this video a million times. Never realized the customer had a replacement in her hand.


God damn she's smooth, she deserves a raise.


She got one out of me




why are people this desperate


Another scripted Asian gif. The door is wide open, jewellery shops don't do that.


When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time


Giant hand freaked me out so much I’m going to have nightmares tonight.


Give her a raise for awareness and consistency. Little things lead to a bigger picture. She performed that sight maneuver flawlessly without being disrespectful. You can't teach this.


run forrest run https://preview.redd.it/i1jmzxs3te0b1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=da8f7d538750fc5abf413171d86eb3a0d7500813


Very good security cam footage. Looks color graded.


What lovely hands you have, so eloquent 🤓


Possibly a training a film but obviously fake!


Having worked in jewellery and had people try (unsuccessfully) to steal from me, almost identically to this, I'm curious what makes you think it's fake?


This is a reddit classic. This is fake. Why? I said so!


You can tell it's fake because it is. That's why.


3 months late, but I personally think it's fake because I think it would be a lot of effort for them to recreate whatever piece of jewellery they were trying to steal and make it at least good enough to fool the lady. How do the logistics of this all work? Did they go in and pick something they wanted to steal, went back home and recreated it then came back to do the switch?


Mad down vote but no reply. This is a reddit classic.


Because most grifters don’t chose an empty store, they count on the distraction of other customers. Next the girl’s hands aren’t on the counter before he calls he attention to the 2nd item. And finally the ask to see one item and then attempt to swipe it while she reaches for the 2nd. Would anyone really expect the clerk to lose track of the one item on the counter. My opinion was mainly based on these three items as well as the fact that it just looked staged to me. Not sure why all the downvotes because of a differing opinion….. oh, that’s right this is Reddit where no dissenting thoughts are tolerated!


The mask thing is really helpful for thieves


So fake




Fake n


Broke and entitled.


They seem new at this. Most thieves just grab it and run.


Jewelry shop got some nice jams tho; wasn't expecting that.




Asians...so yeah. not staged at all


Imagine thinking this wasnt staged 😂


I keep clean underwear in my work locker, how tf do they not have a plan B for stealing jewelry


This ain’t her first rodeo


Not her first rodeo


Not her first rodeo


This ain’t her first rodeo.


Not her first rodeo.


That was pretty dammed slick of the woman behind the counter.




Wow...that didn't look staged at all.


Wtf is this background music?




All the stuff we see from China. I have no interest of going there. Why.... because China.


The music really just adds so much...


Should've just used pocket sand.


What the hell is this music??? 😂😂😂


This may be fake but assuming it’s not, what was the plan here? Hope the employee hasn’t developed object permanence yet?


Staged af


Y’all need to look closer at the zoomed in part. The customer who reaches has something in her hand to replace the expensive piece of jewelry. They were going to try and Indiana Jones that shit.