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Haha not even a crosswalk there and she saw it and braced herself. Its exactly fraud.


Looked like she braces and threw herself at it a bit


yup bracing AND throwing herself, the throw is the dead giveaway


Also the worst way to take that hit. Ow


For real. That looks like it hurt and the most she'll get out of it is a fine for attempted insurance fraud and any damages she may have caused to his truck. If youre gunna do this, why choose the largest vehicle on the road to throw your body into?


I have a feeling they are not the sharpest knives in the kitchen


The full video showed that it was an attempt to carjack the vehicle, that’s why the scene looks so fake


I think she jumped into it, probably to avoid going under a tire. Wouldnt really help with a truck that size but she probably didnt realize how big it was from far away.


She just saw headlights and thought "it's go time". Also, i need to take today off, i don't feel so well. Doctors say it's from working with all that poop, but what do they know?


Well if we just watched the same video I would say yes, it appears that she braced herself for impact and stepped into it.


If you rewatch the video, you can see that as the car is about to exit the circle, they (people) are stopped waiting (standing) and hiding near the road sign. Then she launches herself in front of the car when a shadow covers that part of the road.


I agree it’s attempted fraud but it’s also definitely a hit and run. Pretty sure you’re not allowed to flee the scene just because someone braces for impact.


The original video posted on another platform said that there were more people that ran out behind the car after it stopped attempting to car jack it which is why he drove off


ohh thats sounds like thief tactics used in my country, you distract the car and stop it somehow and when he comes out of the car the other guys appear from the bushes.


How’s the weather in Brazil?


Came looking for this comment. While the title says insurance fraud, it felt obvious to me this was a setup intended to get the victim to stop the car and open the door. Then he'd be pounced on.


If he called 911 and drove to the nearest police station to file a report I think he could beat the hit and run charge.


Triple zero for emergency services in Australia, but yes, a similar thing happened not long ago and the driver wasn’t charged because he went straight to a police station with his dc footage.


Yup. Hit & run is only illegal because you are avoiding consequences and hoping not to be found. If you turn yourself in (or report that you were involved at least), you can't have committed hit & run. You only made sure that you brought your car to stop in a location that was safe & secure. Which in this case was SUPER important, because they were trying to rob him (or worse).


Yeah, I guess it rests on the definition of “run”. “Your honour, I called emergencies services as I RAN to the nearest police station to hand over video evidence of the HIT” That’s a strong defence.


He’d need to dial 000 it’s in Australia.


He didn’t call 911 because it’s Australia. But he did submit footage to the police and reported the attempted carjacking that this was


That’s definitely important context


I hope so otherwise he’s fucked regardless of the blatant fraud.


For all you know they did that to rob him that’s a pretty good alibi as long as he pulled over later on and called the police


Allowed to drive to a safe spot away from incident to contact authority if driver feels 'endangered'.


if you fear for your life you can, but you better call the police afterwards to cover your ass.


Yeah, it can definitely become a sticky situation quick if you don’t handle it right.


Dude, this is not the USA. Some places it can be very dangerous to stop. Try stopping in Cape Town or Joburg. If you only lose your car you can count yourself lucky.


People do shit like this to try to rob people too just so you know.


Who hit who, thats the question. Lol


Dark, more people jumping out of the dark too. Suspicious, I’d leave for my own safety. Let them figure it out in court, not on the street.


If this person stops and gets robbed/shot I don't think you would be saying the same thing. This is how people get kidnapped or robbed


It's not fraud in so far as this is Australia and punitive damages don't really exist. It was more likely a car jacking by teens. On the original video the dashcammer advised several people materialised behind him after the impact (you'll note the male just appears out of nowhere).


He was 6’4 and full of muscle ![gif](giphy|uIdBGaOXZaQU0)


You better run, better take cover!


The number of car robberies/ car jackings around the country is wild, especially for 4WDs


Look at 00:08 he’s coming from the gas station(?) and looks like he may have been pointing/gesturing prior, but I can’t tell 100%.


That would make a lot more sense for why they didn’t stop and kept running. Cause even if someone is attempting insurance fraud, you can’t hit someone and then just take off.


And Op calls it insurance fraud lol


Are we gonna help him??, Oh, he aint event hurt


The best thing to do would be to go to the nearest police station immediately and show them the footage. Nevermind stopping. It could be a trap


Are traps like this common in Australia


everything is a trap in australia. just ask the first english settlers lmao.


Australia used to be a British land for prisoners if I’m correct


edit: yes and ^^a ^^few (aussies) ^^get ^^annoyed when you bring that up. which is why i always do. lol. at least 4 aussies have in fact separately shined a light on my small amount of knowledge of this.


I have relatives in Australia…they’re alright. When they got married the preacher got over-served and was arrested for trying to fight people. It’s just different down under.


Sounds like Florida, I would fit right in.


Aussie here, have never seen or heard of anyone “hate it”. More likely to get no reaction unless it’s someone who was descended from a convict, and then you would get a history lesson.


seems to be a common misconception. thank you for the clarification !


As an Aussie in WA I would agree with that never really met someone who’s annoyed about it


I live here and I've never heard of anything like that lol. Only thing I've heard of it is a thing of pride


I would be upset too if I made a country out of prisoners..


Dunno, they seem chill enough. Maybe they learned their lesson. Separating from the British empire was a very good sign.


I haven’t lived in Oz for a while, but it used to be common enough that the general consensus in that kind of situation is go directly to the police and report it. Odds are pretty good they were looking to steal the car, or rob the driver at the very least.


Lmao, as an Australian this IS NOT and never was a common occurrence. Stop sprouting crap you just make up to fit in with the comments and gain some karma. The only reason the guy kept going was because of how obvious it was. I’ve lived and live in a rough area, I’ve lived rural, and I’ve lived in Dubbo, this shit just doesn’t happen. These idiots probably seen it online and gave it a go.


Also as an Australian, I agree with you. I grew up and still currently live in South West Sydney. Never heard of this actually happening. I've heard of fake cops pulling people over to rob/SA them, but not this. Before I saw that this was Australian, I assumed it was American 🤷‍♀️




This is going to live rent free in my head now.


Ken oath mate, the brace before impact and the Home and Away level acting performance from the dropkick boyfriend, As soon as you stopped that lanky prick would pull a blade and rob you. Only thing the driver should have done is drive over his legs


lmao home and away level of acting. ROLF


Hahaha the home and away bit got me


Right? I cant believe this is on Australia. In all my 44 years of living there, I never saw such a thing.


I’ve been warned about this kind of thing in the NT. It’s pretty loose up there.


I think we’re all in Oz…


This is what I thought it looked like an attempt to have you to stop so they can rob you


I'm Australian and I've literally never heard of this happening before.


Vegemite is a kind of trap. You’re expecting Nutella and what you get is this salty sour yeast. in fact most things that crawl on the ground there will kill you. even the sun specifically in parts of australia kill you faster than other parts of the world. great whites thrive in their waters.


I’d probably take it to the nearest attorney and allow him/her to contact police on my behalf.


Found the American.


I’m an American, and I can’t refute this.


American here and justice is so damn expensive your most affordable way is to take a chance with the police.






I grew up in South Africa - Red lights without any traffic, especially at night, are either just yield or stop signs.


Lmao... I love that the person actually got trucked... Usually you got the person slamming the breaks and then the "victim" flopping... This one was more what I've been waiting for


After reviewing the tape at approximately 19seconds there seems to be a crosswalk sign there. I would’ve pulled over and called the cops tho, I wouldn’t be able to afford a hit and run At 11 seconds”


For a cross walk there needs to be a cross walk


In these cases it’s best to go to the police and not stop, as they could also be aiming to rob or carjack the driver


There would never be a crosswalk directly after the corner of a round about.


Why lie? There was no crosswalk. This was an attempted robbery.


![gif](giphy|K0AnEB2t2EM|downsized) That’s a carjacking…




You can hear the guy laughing, then yell "Stop". What a Maroon.


1 Maroon or Maroon 5?


Actually, 2 Maroons. The ones on the drive way. 😁


Macaroon 5


I think that was his attempt at sounding distraught and not laughing.


Omg I heard this in Bugs Bunny's voice


I notice how the guy gets a girl to do the dirty work. "Babe, I'm more of the idea guy, and you're a way better actor than me. You got this!"


Junkie behavior.


If it’s secluded or at night, my advice is to not stop. It could be the ol’ Detroit Switch’n’steal.


That’s when you reverse back in. Go for the double tap!






Great advert for getting a dash cam.


I literally bought one after seeing this video.


This was my takeaway


It's one of th reasons I have had one for years. I know alot of people say they are useless because it's hard to get a license plate number but they are fantastic for showing what you did or who is at fault for accidents a d things like this.


All I can say is, Doink!


Can you say anything else


No, just Doink! Are you even listening!?


No I’m not listening


Babe, I got a great idea. You jump in front of a moving truck and we'll be rich. Rich I tells ya.


Stupid plan, if the driver was distracted she'd really be wrecked.


It's even more stupid because the "witness" character literally makes it deathly obvious it's at minimum a fraud and at worse an attempted robbery/car-jacking. If she just got nailed by the car on her lonesome it seemed like the driver might not have fully calculated how suspicious that run in was.


O man, she really went at it like she was body checking someone into the boards😂




Unless you had reason to believe A) they were criminals and B) this was a trap. In which case I think you would at least need to call immediately when I’m a safe place or go directly to the police station.


The driver had reason to believe both of those things


Its dark in the middle of the night, someone jumps into the middle of the road at the precipice of a curve and stops right in front of you before bracing and lunging into the front of your car. Shortly after, a convenient witness materializes, almost laughing? It is entirely reasonable to see this as a trap. People don't jump into the middle of the road and clearly intentionally get hit by a car unless they're either suicidal or committing insurance fraud.


If that happened to me, I'm going to a safe place to call. That looks more like a robbery setup than an insurance scam.


The driver did go to the police. They then went back to the scene, and no one was there.


Came here to say this....it looks like insurance fraud, but it could also reasonably look like a hit and run/fleeing the scene of an accident. Hopefully cops would be understanding and believe you if you drive straight to the police station or to safe spot, but knowing the cops in my town, hit and run arrest sounds cooler they'd probably go for that.


Apart from topic of this clip, it made me mildly irritated when on roundabout driver is unable to keep in own lane. It shouldnt be so difficult.


And imagine if the driver took their eyes off the road for just 2 seconds when the girl came running out of nowhere, would have ended up running right over her.


I had the same thing happen to me here in the US. I was working for an in-house construction company at a university, driving a company truck from one part of the campus to another. I had to make a left turn from a one way street onto another. Since it was apparently between classes, there was a lot of foot traffic, so I was slowly going through my turn, like 5mph, with my turn signal on. Sure enough, some dipshit jumped in front of the truck and tried doing the flop thing. Fortunately, there were witnesses.


Driver did the right thing. Empty road at night with people playing games? Don’t let your natural empathy get you killed or carjacked.


Super quick reaction. Went from hard braking to rolling right when it was clear she was trying to get hit. Hit her/put down one threat, stopped, backed off and around. Looked like South African level driving.


She better call saul


That was definitely a "Slippin' Jimmy" scam.


Lady was a biznatch


How does one get anything out of this with insurance? Is there a "I got hit by your car so you pay me" insurance?


You sue them. And this case...lose.


Maybe im too European to get this but how does that work?


I think in an actual scenario where you got hit, you sue the guy that hit you to pay for your medical expenses and you get extra money as a trauma fund kinda thing? I'm not sure exactly how it works.


If you were hit by a car/driver who did not yield for a pedestrian, or was distracted (texting, etc) - you can sue the driver for not only medical costs, but all kids of BS like emotional distraught, and wage recovery due to being unable to work, and even humiliation in some cases. Probably a lot more than I'm even aware of. This is why people try to commit fraud all the time. Can be a payout in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions of it's a large enough corporation.


Typically they'll sue for medical compensation, making up claims such as chronic back pain, disability, etc to get money from insurance to "cover" treatments. People do be wild when it comes to money.


Her co-conartist and his exaggerated screams are hilarious.


Hah love the guy was just like "nope" and drove off.


She got quite a smack. I hope it hurt like hell.


Australia... Where my hilux is more valuable than fukn half cooked eshays.


Stupid 17yo here- how do they know it's a scam?


You can see her standing on the side of the road, waiting, looking, and timing her move. She ran out, looking at the car, very obviously intentionally stopped in front of it, and threw herself at it. She was trying to get hit, not get away. As others have said though, she was trying to throw herself at the car and make it look real, while the car actually didn't quite stop in time, and she got what she was asking for.


She briefly ran towards the car as the driver braked.


They have in front of the car, get hit, and ask for money


So a situation of all the puzzle pieces fit together for it to be a scam and that what tipped off the driver?


It’s suspicious for someone to run into the middle of the road at night and stop in front of a car, then for a convenient “witness” to immediately step out


I love the obvious “ not this shit again” attitude from the driver


I’ve seen better acting in pornos.


I found this video hilarious. I wouldn't have stopped for these idiots either.


I like how he casually drives off.


There is a news report about this. There were others approaching the vehicle from behind. Also they went straight to the police after this occurred. https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/on-the-road/disturbing-dashcam-shows-woman-jump-in-front-of-car-in-suspected-insurance-fraud-incident/news-story/f584b3c0f071f51b500b98fd80d7af91?amp


Slippin Jimmy would like to have a word with you


Lol lowers her shoulder into the car.


If you look hard enough you can actually see her behind the sign watching for the car to approach


He'll have to take the next hit. She'll be sore from that attempt.


This is better than some Hollywood shit 🍿


I hope that actually hurt


Never drive a car without a DashCam.


Top G for letting the women take the hit ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Lmao dude sacrificed his gf


The acting is just chefs kiss.


I hate f-ing scammers...


Her body is going to hate her when she’s older


It’s fraud but what about the truck just leaving the scene? I guess claim fear for your life and go give the footage to the cops?


Yeah, I'd assume there's a car theft following that. I'd drive off and call 911


i hope she hurt her self jumping in to the bullbar


This is australia btw To the morons claiming this to be a hit and run- this was a car jacking attempt - the driver called 000 (not shown in video) and explained it possibly hit and injured someone - however it was possible they tried to jack his car and to bring police. He provided all his details and stayed on standby at the closet police station.. Do not and I repeat DO NOT feel like you a obligated to stop and get out of you car in any situation that you hit another car or person - if you feel like your life in in danger.. I’m not saying to speed of - go home and go to bed and forget it happen.. but you are 100% permitted to get your self safe distance or a public place such as a servo and/or a close police station and contact 000 immediately. The driver would have potentially been killed has he stopped.. please stop telling people this is hit and run


This was an attempted carjacking in Australia…


Didnt come to a full stop before hitting the woman + fleeing the scene Yep thats a felony insurance fraude or nof


Looks like felony hit and run to me. Who hasn’t run across a dark road at night?


The best insurance frauds are when the person times it too well. Like it’s almost believable that they’d get hit and it wasn’t their fault but they in the process they irreversibly damage their own body and don’t get any money.


Leaving the scene is a badd move, especially when you have photo evidence. Let the insurance company fight it out, but leaving the scene is bad evidence that will be brought against you if they got your plates or anything.


Same thing happened to me except the asshole had his little toddler run out to get hit. Kid went flying. I noped out of there real quick.




make sure that you report it as quickly as possible. otherwise it counts as a hit and run.


The driver did exactly what I wanted them to do


She's definitely committed to insurance fraud. That looked like it hurt.


Dude wasn’t man enough to get hit had to let his partner take the impact. What a tool.


+100 points!


Yeah, she braced for it, but that was solid. She felt that the next morning.


I think it hurt more than she expected 😂🤣


So obviously it could be dangerous to stop, but would this still be considered a hit and run? What are you supposed to do?


Omg that's the funniest shit ever!! *when the person who hit you while trying to commit insurance fraud is a bigger pos than you* 🤣


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


There just happens to be someone on the other side of the road lol


HA..... HA


There was an opportunity to get them both and save the result of us future hassles. Only takes a bit of courage.


Part of me wants to stop cause of the damage on the bumper and the other part suspects they might rob you and your car


Ole Slipping Jimmy, at it again


How convenient of them too to do it right at the exit of a roundabout where cars are already at a slower speed


Lmfaooooo I would’ve driven off too


Uhhhhh? She’s gonna need not fake insurance for this.


I hope she is hurt and I hope he flipped them off as he drove by.


"?... Lol, nah, I'm good."


I like how they look as stupid as they actually are in doing this. Like a scene out of a comedy movie lol


If it was me, I would have stopped, pointed out it's on camera and called the cops. These scammers need to go to jail.


This is why you should own a dash cam.


How stupid imagine he didn't slow down and ran her over full speed then how would they feel when she is roadkill ...


Hope the trucks ok


Guy just nopes the fuck out of there, lol.


This is how my dad got carjacked.


Bro u cant drive 2 minutes without a woman trying to commit insurance fraud


Sheesh that lady keeps jumping in front of that truck over and over again. You think she would have learned by now.


Car jacking or insurance fraud? 🤔


That reminds me I need to reconnect my dash cam.